“shaping bright futures together”

Post on 31-Jan-2022






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Summer Term: 2nd July 2021

News from Mrs. Peacey Thank you to everyone who came in Non-school uniform to support the charity ‘Self Help Africa’. This was suggested by Hawthorn class and their School Council representatives, Maisie and Sienna took the idea to the whole School Council who approved the idea. We will be able to tell you how much we have raised next week.

All of our Year 5 pupils have completed their Bikeabilty Training this week, and they didn’t even get wet! This is a fantastic initiative to encourage children to develop road sense as they ride outside the school on the road around Ashton. We have put some pictures later in the newsletter.

We have had a slight change in bubble arrangements at the end of this week, the children in Willow and Oak class are now separate from each other at playtimes, which may reduce the numbers of children who need to isolate should there be a case in either of the classes. We understand how difficult it is for families if they are required to isolate and so we are doing everything we can to reduce the number of children affected. Acorn and Hawthorn Classes remain one bubble for the time being as Reception and Year 1 have their sleepover next week and so it would not be practical to change anything. We are not able to separate the children at Rounders or Netball club but as next week is the final week and they are outside playing a non-contact sport we hope this will not be an issue. We will continue to do everything we would normally do and remain hopeful that we will not need to close any bubbles however we are aware of cases in local schools.

“Shaping bright futures together”

COVID update: Should your child receive a positive test at a weekend or during the holidays

please ring or text 07709987018 and leave a message.

Photo Galleries: www.ashton.worcs.sch.uk/News/Galleries/

Links on the website: Acorn Class: www.ashton.worcs.sch.uk/Class-Acorn/

Hawthorn Class:: www.ashton.worcs.sch.uk/Hawthorn/

Willow Class: www.ashton.worcs.sch.uk/Class-Willow/

Oak Class: www.ashton.worcs.sch.uk/Class-Oak/







In Acorn Class we have been making plans to set off on a very special adventure with the Year 1 children next week.

In our maths we have been learning about sharing into equal groups as we worked out

how many tents we would need to sleep all the children in Reception and Year 1. Then

we worked on the menu for our adventure. We carried out a survey to find out

about what foods we would like to eat for our supper and breakfast and made bar charts

to show which food items we would choose. We used these charts to write a shopping list

of all the things we need to buy and then we each took a turn to order items from the

shop for our food delivery which will arrive next week.

We have thought carefully about where we would like to go for our adventure and we

decided that we would like to visit a magical kingdom with a castle. We then found out

some facts about castles and who lived in them, when and why. The children drew plans

and we have worked together to create a fine castle with crenelated towers, a moat (or “a

‘motorway’ all around it” as one of the children suggested) stained glass windows, flaming

torches, arrow slits and flags.

What excitement there was this morning when we discovered a tiny door in the wall of the castle and a sprinkling of fairy dust across the floor. We can’t open the door and have decided that, for this, we would need magic and perhaps a magical key and we thought that perhaps the fairy folk who use the door only come out at night. So this weekend we have set up a camera to monitor any fairy activity around the castle over the weekend and we have written lots of letters to the fairy folk to assure them of our friendship.

(To be continued ! ….)

For more photos of our Acorn adventures, please look at our class blog at www.ashton.worcs.sch.uk/Class-Acorn-Blog/

In English this week, we’ve been working collaboratively on a class story as

part of our preparation for creating stories independently. The children have

enjoyed writing about Egbert, a special friend of Mrs Emond, deciding how

he managed to sneak into our classroom and hide in various places,

including how he became a hero and saved the day!

More about their independent

stories next week.

In maths, both year groups have been finding out about division and sharing, and the importance of being able to make equal groups ... so any practice at home will help to consolidate learning. Next week, we’ll be moving on to fractions.

In topic, the children completed their dream house designs

and tackled the tricky business of cutting, folding

and gluing to transform their 2D designs into 3D models.

Next week, we’ll be finding out about houses and homes

through history.

In RE, we shared stories about the Prophet Muhammad PBUH

and reflected about their messages of kindness, truth and caring. We also found

out about the origins of the Call to Prayer.

And finally, the children have been continuing to learn the recorder. We have now

learned how to play B, A and G so there was a lovely (loud) rendition of “Hot Cross Buns”!








For more photos of our Hawthorn adventures, please look at our class blog at www.ashton.worcs.sch.uk/Class-Hawthorn-Blog/





K &



For more photos of our class activities, please look at our class blogs: https://www.ashton.worcs.sch.uk/News/Class-Willow-Blog/ https://www.ashton.worcs.sch.uk/News/Class-Oak-Blog/

This week in Willow Class, the children have been learning about the digestive

system. We looked at the various organs involved and their function when helping to

digest food. We drew diagrams on the playground and labelled them. Take a look at

the gallery of photos in our news blog on the website :


In our English lessons we read a story called ‘The River.’ We created a bank

of words to use when we write a River poem next week. We will use

personification to describe what the river is like and how it ‘behaves’.

In Oak Class, the Year 5 children have all taken part in bikeability training to help them become more aware of how to ride their bikes in a safe way. They have been out and about in the village and experiencing road traffic and other hazards which require them to think about their safety. All have returned from the sessions full of enthusiasm and excitement about the challenges and successes of each session.

For English this week, Oak Class have been looking at the nonsense poem

Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll. We have investigated the meaning of the

poem and the vocabulary used by the author. We deciphered the meanings

of the nonsense words to help make sense of the story. A further challenge

was to learn the poem or some of the verses to perform it and add in actions

too. We were very impressed by the speed by which the children

remembered the verses and how brilliantly they have been performing it

ready for the final viewings.

Calendar Dates



K &



Wednesday 14th July : KS2 Sports Day (Yr5 parents able to watch only)

Monday 19th July : Leavers Assembly in the afternoon

Tuesday 20th July: Fish & Chips available to whole school

Wednesday 21st July : TE Day (school closed to pupils)

We started our new, very short topic all about Japan this week, to tie in with the Olympic Games in Tokyo. We will be learning where it is, how it is similar and different to the UK, how we trade with Japan and where the Olympic events will be taking place. The children have already improved their knowledge about its location in the world and are eager to find out more.

In our Art and DT lessons, the children in both classes have made a pinch pot using clay. Willow class will decorate these next week using a

Japanese design. The class also made Japanese fans using different images to represent the Japanese culture. In Oak the children will be

learning about the Japanese Tea Ceremony next week and will be making their pinch pot into a tea cup to recreate this ancient ritual!

We also looked at the Great Wave at Kanagawa by

Hokusai and recreated our own version in pastels and


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