shannon lake west

Post on 30-May-2018






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  • 8/14/2019 Shannon Lake West


    Westside Official Community Plan 1 APPENDIX B-7

    Appendix B-7

    Shannon Lake WestConcept Development Plan

    Bylaw No.1050-10

  • 8/14/2019 Shannon Lake West


    Westside Official Community Plan 2 APPENDIX B-7




    The Shannon Lake West Concept Development Plan, August 2005 and its associated reports will betaken under advisement in reviewing land use and servicing applications.


    Future residential development will be in accordance with the Shannon Lake West ConceptDevelopment Plan, Land Use Concept, Figure 11, consisting of approximately 77 hectares (190)acres.

    Initial analysis of traffic, servicing and land capabilities indicates that approximately 700residential units will be supported within the plan area.

    Consideration is given to a variety of housing forms including single and two family, compactcluster housing and pockets of multiple-family residential. Residential forms will be determined

    based on engineering opportunities and constraints. Hillside development clusters will beincorporated into the hillside condition with less impact upon the natural environment thatconventional fee simple lots, yet at densities comparable and compatible with conventional feesimple lots.

    In order to provide for clarity and ease of use the zones, definitions and regulations contained inthe Zoning Bylaw of the Regional District will be utilized wherever possible. When adjacent tothe Westside Landfill, zoning applications shall assess compatibility of uses. DevelopmentPermit Areas for Protection of the Natural Environment and for the Form and Character andLandscaping of multiple family and intensive residential enclaves will apply.

  • 8/14/2019 Shannon Lake West


  • 8/14/2019 Shannon Lake West


  • 8/14/2019 Shannon Lake West


    Westside Official Community Plan 5 APPENDIX B-7

  • 8/14/2019 Shannon Lake West


    Westside Official Community Plan 6 APPENDIX B-7

  • 8/14/2019 Shannon Lake West


  • 8/14/2019 Shannon Lake West


    Westside Official Community Plan 8 APPENDIX B-7


    All services will be in accordance with the Regional District Subdivision and DevelopmentBylaw.

    Community Water

    Water will be supplied by the Lakeview Irrigation District (L.I.D.). Approval has been granted by Lakeview Irrigation District and the Province of B.C. to have both D.L. 2600 and D.L. 3793taken into the Lakeview Irrigation District boundaries. The 400 mm supply main on ShannonLake Road will be extended to D.L. 2600 to service the areas lower than the 555 contour. Theline will be looped through D.L. 2600 back down onto Shannon Lake Road and will be tied intoLakeview main on Shannon Lake Road which services the Shannon Lake subdivision.

    The upper areas of D.L. 2600 and D.L. 3793 will be serviced from an expansion of Shannon

    Woods Reservoir located at the 680 elevation. Joint discussions have taken place between theLakeview Irrigation District and Westbank Irrigation District to interconnect through thedevelopment of D.L. 2600 and D.L. 3793 to the Smith Creek area.

    Sanitary Sewer

    The plan area will discharge into the Shannon Lake Road Sanitary Sewer, leading to theWestbank Trunk and the Westbank Treatment Plant.

    A comprehensive review has been completed to determine the capacities of these two trunks.The review compiled the peak flow capacity based on a peaking factor of 4. The analysis did notinclude infiltration as the total collection area is unknown. Based on the analysis the Shannonlake trunk at upper reaches can service a population of 4100 people, of which no more than2,400 persons is anticipated within the plan area.

    Specific design and main capacities will be dealt with at time of subdivision.

    Groundwater Conditions and Storm Drainage

    Henderson Environmental Consulting Ltd. carried out a preliminary groundwater investigation inthe areas that were identified as watercourses on the Provincial TRIM and RDCO SHIMMapping. The two ravines in the plan area showed evidence of surface runoff in the areasindicated. Test pits 1, 2 and 3 in the area of the southwestern ravine revealed minor surfaceseepage; test pit 8 had no seepage. The balance of test pits 4, 5, 6 and 7 had no evidence of seepage.

  • 8/14/2019 Shannon Lake West


    Westside Official Community Plan 9 APPENDIX B-7

    A comprehensive hydrology study has commenced and will be completed prior to the first phaseof subdivision to determine downstream impacts as well as recommending methods for stormwater management.

    Shallow Utilities

    Service to the area is available throughElectrical - B.C. HydroTelephone - TelusCable TV - Shaw CableGas - Terasen Gas

    It is proposed that all servicing will be installed underground.

    All design and installation of the shallow utilities will be carried out to the standards and

    requirements of each utility company.

    Fire Protection

    Fire protection for all areas of the proposed development will be provided for through the proposed water system. Mains will be adequately sized in order to meet the flow requirements of the Lakeview Irrigation District and the Regional District. Positioning of fire hydrants will bedetermined in consultation with the fire department at the time of subdivision.

    Fire history and agricultural clearing have left much of the property in the low to moderate rangefor fire hazard. In areas suitable for development, where in the moderate to high hazard, wildfirehazard will be reduced through improved access, availability of water supply, removal of brush,reduced tree cover and other measures recommended in the Wildland/ Urban Interface FireHazard Assessment, August 2004 by Mosaic Forest Management Ltd. In accord with RegionalDistrict policy and fire department standards, wildfire hazard reduction measures and provisionfor forest fire response will be undertaken at time of subdivision.

  • 8/14/2019 Shannon Lake West


    Westside Official Community Plan 10 APPENDIX B-7

  • 8/14/2019 Shannon Lake West


    Westside Official Community Plan 11 APPENDIX B-7

    Transportation and Roads

    The major accesses to the site will be from two points on Shannon Lake Road, limited accessfrom the Shannon Woods Development and one access from the west connecting in the future to

    the Smith Creek area, as shown on the enclosed Proposed Road Network/Classification by Protech Consultants Ltd. .

    A network road will provide connection through the plan area to the agricultural lands andadjacent neighbourhoods. At time of subdivision, a 20-meter wide right of way will be dedicatedwith an additional 5-meter wide road reserve established for future widening to collector roadstandard.

    The plan recognizes the importance of pedestrian connections to and from the development area.Such areas connect adjacent neighbourhoods, parkland and Crown land. The plan provides

    pedestrian connectivity through open space trail opportunities and via constructed sidewalks as

    per the Road Network plan.Currently transit exists along Shannon Lake Road serving the existing area neighborhoods.Roads within the Shannon Lake West plan area will be designed to accommodate transit if andwhen deemed necessary.

  • 8/14/2019 Shannon Lake West


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