shakespeare - an introduction

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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William Shakespeare:

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WilliamShakespeareAN INTRODUCTION

William Shakespeare was an English poet and playwright, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's pre-eminent dramatist. He is often called England's national poet.Who was Shakespeare?

His surviving works consist of about:38 plays, 154 sonnets (14-line poems), two long narrative poems, and several other poems. His plays have been translated into every major living language and are performed more often than those of any other playwright.Shakespeares Works

Shakespeares plays only survived because they were published seven years after his death by two of his colleagues in a collection called a folio which is a term for large sheets of paper which are folded, then bound into a book.Eighteen of Shakespeares plays were previously published individually in smaller, pirated versions called Quartos, and the quarto texts can differ quite a bit from the Folio versions.The First Folio is the only reliable source for twenty of Shakespeares works, and contains 36 of the 38 known plays.The First Folio

Shakespeare was born and raised inStratford-upon-Avon, which is northwest of London.His father, John, was a prosperous glove-maker and eventually became mayor of the town.His mother, Mary Arden, was from a prominent local family, and had money and land of her own.Family life

We know almost nothing about Shakespeares childhood.He probably attended a local school and studied Latin and classic literature, including Ovids Metamorphosis.While his father was mayor, William probably also was able to see many traveling plays that passed through town, which his father would preview in order to grant approval for public performances.Shakespeares Childhood

At the age of 18, William marriedAnne Hathaway, (who was 26 at the time) with whom he had three children:Susanna and twins Hamnet and Judith.In 1596, Shakespeares only son, Hamnet, died at the age of 11.

Shakespeares Family

When Shakespeare was born, England was on the cusp of a theatrical revolution, and William would be at the forefront of it.Between 1585 and 1592, he began a successful career inLondonas an actor, writer, and part owner of aacting companycalled theLord Chamberlain's Men, later known as theKing's Men, This company spanned the reigns of Queen Elizabeth and King James.The troupe would perform before thousands of people every week, and occasionally be invited to perform before royalty at private functions.Shakespeare in London

TheGlobe Theatrewas permanent playhouse build by Shakespeares company in London. It was destroyed by fire on 29 June 1613.A second Globe Theatre was built on the same site by June 1614 and closed in 1642.A modern reconstruction of the Globe, named "Shakespeare's Globe", opened in 1997 approximately 750 feet from the site of the original theatre.

The Globe Theatre

Shakespeare produced most of his known work between 1589 and 1613. His early plays were mainly comediesandhistories, with the histories concerned with Englands kings and wars, and the comedies specializing in puns and bawdy humor. Both proved to be very popular.Some of these plays are:Twelfth NightA Comedy of ErrorsRomeo & JulietHenry VMuch Ado About NothingA Midsummer Nights Dream

Shakespeares Plays

Shakespeares tragedies (plays where the main characters all die) were composed in his later career, and are considered some of the finest works of the English language. Some of these include:Hamlet,King Lear,Othello, and MacbethThese plays are highly complex, violent, funny, haunting, and heartbreaking.

The Tragedies

It is not known exactly when Shakespeare wrote hissequence of 154 sonnets, but the poems language suggests that they originate from the early 1590s. It is believed that Shakespeare was sharing his sonnets with his close friends.It wasnt until 1609 thatthe sonnetsfirst appeared in print in an unauthorized edition by Thomas Thorpe.They are considered to be some of the most beautiful poems in the English language.Shakespeare Sonnets

Why Shakespeare?

Why has Shakespeares works continued to thrive?He eloquently wrote about the human experience, i.e.; what it feels like to fall in love, to hate, to be ambitious, or jealous.He told great stories that still have the power to entertain audiences.He created vivid characters who come alive on stage.He wrote startlingly beautiful prose and poetry.

Not only that, but recent studies show that reading and studying challenging authors like Shakespeare, are like rocket boosters to the brain, increasing self-esteem, and literally super-charging your brain power - MUCH more than reading modern-day books or magazines!Brain Rockets!

Contrary to popular belief, not everything Shakespeare wrote is a masterpiece! Ever hear of these plays?CymbelineTroilus & CressidaKing JohnPericles: Prince of TyreTimon of AthensTwo Gentlemen Of VeronaHenry VI, parts I, II, & III(Didnt think so theyre rarely performed today.)

Shakespeares Stinkers

Ill admit: These plays stinketh!

Shakespeare was a respected poet and playwright in his own day, but his reputation did not rise to its present heights until the 19th century. In the 20th century, his work was repeatedly adopted and rediscovered. His plays remain highly popular today and are constantly studied, performed and reinterpreted throughout the world.Shakespeare Today

Evidence indicates that William Shakespeare was born on April 23 and died on April 23. Boys and men played all the parts in Shakespeare's plays in Elizabethan times.Shakespeare was said to have enjoyed playing the part of the ghost in Hamlet.U.S. President Abraham Lincoln and inventor Thomas Edison enjoyed reading Shakespeare.Shakespeare had an extensive vocabulary. While most English speakers can boast of a 4,000-word vocabulary, Shakespeare's vocabulary spanned over 29,000 words!The motto of the Globe Theatre was totus mundus agit histrionem (all the world's a stage).

Shakespeare Trivia

All that glitters is not gold (The Merchant of Venice)All's well that ends well (title)Neither a borrower nor a lender be (Hamlet)Brave new world (The Tempest)Break the ice (The Taming of the Shrew)Dead as a doornail (2 Henry VI)Eaten me out of house and home (2 Henry IV)Forever and a day (As You Like It)For goodness' sake (Henry VIII)Full circle (King Lear)Good riddance (Troilus and Cressida)In a pickle (The Tempest)In my heart of hearts (Hamlet)In my mind's eye (Hamlet)Kill with kindness (Taming of the Shrew)Knock knock! Who's there? (Macbeth)Love is blind (Merchant of Venice)Naked truth (Love's Labours Lost)All That GlittersBesides being famous for his plays and poems, William Shakespeare also invented several new phrases and words which are still being used today!Which of these phrases are you familiar with?

1. Eyeball.A Midsummer Nights Dream, Act III, Scene ii.2. Puking.As You Like It, Act II, Scene vii.3. Obscene.Loves Labours Lost, Act I, Scene i.4. Cold-blooded.King John, Act III, Scene i.5. Hot-blooded.King Lear, Act II, Scene iv.6. Epileptic.King Lear, Act II, Scene ii.7. Addiction.Othello, Act II, Scene ii.8. Arch-villain.Timon Of Athens, Act V, Scene i.9. Assassination.Macbeth, Act I, Scene vii.10. Bedazzled.The Taming of the Shrew, Act IV, Scene v.

Invented Words11. Belongings.Measure For Measure, Act 1, Scene i.12. Dishearten.Henry V, Act IV, Scene i.13. Eventful.As You Like It, Act II, Scene Vii.14. Fashionable.Troilus And Cressida, Act III, Scene iii.15. Inaudible.Alls Well That Ends Well, Act V, Scene iii.16. Ladybird.Romeo And Juliet, Act 1, Scene iii.17. Manager.A Midsummer Nights Dream, Act V, Scene i.18. New-fangled.Loves Labours Lost, Act I, Scene i.19. Pageantry.Pericles, Act V, Scene ii.20. Scuffle.Antony and Cleopatra, Act I, Scene i.

According to The Oxford English Dictionary, Shakespeare is responsible for the first recorded use of hundreds of words which we still use today!Recent computer searches have cut that claim down some, but he can still be credited with several hundred words and phrases which can be attributed directly to Shakespeare!

Invented Words21. Swagger.Henry V, Act II, Scene iv.22. Uncomfortable.Romeo and Juliet, Act IV, Scene v.23. Bloodstained.Titus Andronicus, Act II, Scene iii.24. Laughable.The Merchant Of Venice, Act I, Scene i.25. Negotiate.Much Ado About Nothing, Act II, Scene i.26. Outbreak.Hamlet, Act II, Scene i.27. Rant.Hamlet, Act V, Scene i.28. Marketable.As You Like It, Act I, Scene ii.29. Savagery.King John, Act IV, Scene iii.30. Jaded.King Henry VI, Part II, Act IV, Scene i.31. Zany.Loves Labours Lost, Act V, Scene ii.32. Dawn.Henry V, Act IV prologue.33. Grovel.Henry IV, Part II, Act I, Scene iv.34. Moonbeam.A Midsummer Nights Dream, Act III, Scene i.35. Torture.King Henry VI, Part II, Act II, Scene i.36. Lonely.Coriolanus, Act Iv, Scene i.37. Gnarled.Measure For Measure, Act II, Scene ii.38. Mimic.A Midsummer Nights Dream, Act III, Scene ii.39. Pedant.The Taming Of The Shrew, Act III, Scene i.40. Unreal.Macbeth, Act III, Scene iv.

You juggler! you canker-blossom!A Midsummer Night's Dream(3.2.293)

My cousin's a fool, and thou art another.Much Ado About Nothing(3.4.10)Thou lump of foul deformity!Richard III(1.2.58)

I had rather chop this hand off at a blow,And with the other fling it at thy face.3 Henry VI(5.1.51-2)One of the fun things about Shakespeare was the stinging insults he created.They were lengthy, highly descriptive, and funny!Thou logger-headed, fat-kidneyed flea!Thou sodden-witted lord! thou hast no more brain than I have in mine elbows.Troilus and Cressida(2.1.41)

I do desire we may be better strangers.As You Like It(3.2.248)

Was Shakespeare, Shakespeare?

Over the last 100 years, a few people have questioned whether Shakespeare was really the author of the plays attributed to him. How could a glove-makers son from a small village be the author of so many immortal plays and poems? Alternate names put forward are:Francis BaconEdward DeVereChristopher MarloweWilliam StanleyIn 2011, Anonymous was the first movie to address The Authorship Question.

In recent years, there has been extensive studies that indicate that Shakespeare collaborated with other playwrights on some plays.In Elizabethan times, it was common for playwrights to collaborate on plays, sharing the duties and, using modern computer textual analysis, several plays indicate the presence of Shakespeares talents:The Spanish Tragedy by Thomas KydSir Thomas More (which has an entire scene written in Shakespeares penmanship)Edward IIIArden of FavershamOther period plays are currently being examined to see if Shakespeare may have had a hand in them.

Shakespeare & Co.

Shakespeares final play was The Tempest, which has become one of his most popular.Shakespeare became quite wealthy due to his success. He bought land and was awarded a coat-of-arms.He appears to have retired to Stratford around 1613, where he died three years later at the age of 52.William Shakespeare is buried in the Holy Trinity Church, Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire, England. The church stands on the banks of the River Avon.

Alls Well That Ends Well

Every year, hundreds of productions of Shakespeares plays are performed around the world.In addition, dozens of books are published about Shakespeare each year, as well as movies, operas, ballets, and other media.Ben Jonson, a rival and friend of Shakespeare, wrote of him:

He was not of an age, but for all time.Epilogue

The EndA Nutsy the Squirrel ProductionCopyright 2013 Oak Hills Media CenterAll Rights Reserved.

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