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I» published every SsTCaOAV MOBKIRC, ft the low price ofC- |>er annum, in advance. 10 copies for sii, or 20 copies

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IräW-YORK TMBUJVE.Dreudiui Trnsc-d* in Use Theatre.John Ran¬

dolph's StaVC* A Ȁro Artirst.Correspondence of The TVibt be

Cisci.n.VArr. s^th July-1***- jA most horrible and one of the mos: cc-M biooded

murders thnt ever took place in tin" eity was com¬

mitted last evening on a man by the natr.'tf of

Reeves, known as Jack Kec-ves. the Irish Lion.'Uc was an actor, and connected with the People's. Thea-rre. JIo was acting last night as Prompter. A Mrs.Cooke, conaeeted with the Theatre, went up to Reeves

and commenced teueing h:;n by turning over the leuvosof his book and talking. He gently reproved her and

told her to be off, that he did not wish to bother with her

now. She continued to provoke bun. und be gave her a

.light push nnd shoved her from him. She immediatelywent to her husband and made up some story, when ho

fought Reeves on the Stage while be was engaged in

prompting, anil immediately plunged a kiule into bis lett

breast. It entl red the heart of Reeves, who moved two

Steps and fell t» corpse! While the audience were

Humping and making n noise, clamorous for the j^-r-loriiiiinee to proceed, no? knowing the cause of delay,the -.bricks of the women were beard trom behind theseme at sight of the dreadful tragedy. In the mid-t ofall this Cooke raised an alarm ol tiro, arid in the generalexcitement and confusion, esenped Reeve, is repre-scntcd t» have been n very harmless und inoffensiveman. Cooke was formerly u resident ol St. Louis, anda clerk in u store there, lie married S danseuse by thename of Cnrnegan.Every thine is very dull and stagnant in thocitv

in the way of business. A number of merchantshave come to the city from the neighboring States within iney to purchase goods, but declare they will make nomoveini nl until tiie into of the Tiirilt is decided ami ifMcKay's bill is to become a law. express the.r determin¬ation to purchase very sparingly, in view of the generalderangement and commercial embarrassment which thepassage ol Mich a bill will bring upon the country. RialEstate i- Buffering s terrible depression.John Randolph's inoffensive mauamitod Slaves

nr.; to be driven from the Stute. Tlio peoplo ofMercer County, alter selling theland with theknowledgethat the Negroes were to be the occupants ol it. and tak¬

ing from them an exorbitant price lor it, have turnedout with arm- m their heads against an unarmed |» opleand driven them from the soil which by every right is

theirs. They then abandoned the intention of -ettlingdowaas.a Community, which hud been their original] jdesign, and attempted to locate in squad* in an adjoiningCounty, But in taia effort they, were loiled, being per¬secuted, maltreated und driven from the attempt as ifthey carried with them a pestilence. It is the intentionofJudge Leigh, who bus them m charge, to return withthem in Virginia but as the laws ot tili- Suite will not

admit oi manumlted Slaves remaining within it* oor- Ider» over a twelvemonth, arrangements uie to Im- madeto have them sent to Liberia. O my country Soil ofthe free !.refuge ol the |h rsecufi-d and oppressed,where nil men are ot right and ought to be tree andequal; what a sml commentary is this on thy boasted lib¬erty I Two of the ninnl>ei of tins company ot Negroesare over one hundred years of ago.

1 had n great treat Ihm evening in the view- ot

some portrait paintings and fancy pieces from thepencil ol ii Negro, who 1ms luul no instruction or

knowledge ol the rt He Ims been working ns n

common house painter, nnd employed Ins leisuretime in these work- of art, and they are really iH-autitu!,one tuuey piece was much struck with, atruit und veg.etablebaaket The Negro painter wasconvcyiug hometo bis family from market u large basket filled with everyvariety of \, getables mid fruit As he reached home theold Wicker basket parted nt one of the sides, and out tum¬bled thegoodproveuder. tggested thcidenofthepicture to the painter, whl Directly and beautifullydrawn. I saw these-work pany with a lady fromKashviUemwhose family thi « of the artistwas rearedand broughtup a Slave ° ;«. icsti I her former mis-

trc-s and patron saint to accept t the paintings, Inhumble testimony oi the kind I tment always receivedat lior bauds.the mistress loc keii at her and said that shedid not think she would lie doing riebt in accepting theseefforts of her husband, that they .night be disposed of tor

money, and 925 would .| greai service to her and herfamily. The Negro burst into rem« and said, "what do Icare for $25 I I would rather you should have the pnint-m^< tbnn that I should receive $300;" and she odder! thatIT Mr mistress did not take them, she would 1>C forced to

believe that she placed no value upon them. I turnedIr.'in this scene between the mistress and the Slave andssked myself, wherein do the kmdlv luclings of gratitudewhich flowfrom the heart nnd thro^> in the bosom of theNegro differ from those of the white race f

.MrtTtsr. or Laborers in Troy,.A meetingof the machinist*, millwrights, blacksmiths, laborersand others, employed by the Troy Yulcun Iron Works,

was. held nt the Work' on the lk>th ult to consider theeflbcts ofthe repeal of the Tariff of1812, Resolutionswere unanimously adopted expressing their convictionthat the owners of the Works had no alternative but to

close their business, and declaring that without refer¬ence to then former political principles, they solemnlypledged themselves, the one to the other, from Cits dayforward, to oppose tkeporty which advocates oi carriesinto effect a measure which deprives them of themeans of supporting themselves and families. This is

talking to some purpose.Idfr*" Germk'.m Flago, an extensive Fanner and

brother ofour Controller, a. C. Flagg, is the Wmccandidate lot tiie Legislature of Illinois from Madi¬son County We should prefer fighting under tho" Flagg " o! tho Mississippi Valley by large odds.

The COTTO* Caor..Bj letters and paragraphsla the newspapers ot Georgia and the Carolinas, we

learn that planters are greatly alarmed by the appear¬ance of the caterpillarin the growing cotton, A writerin the Charleston News says." They have shown them-selves on nearly all the island* of the sea coast. Comingsocaiiy in the season, and when the crop is unusuallybackward mid bushy, there is no room tor doubt (unlessAugust be a very dry and hot month) that their ravage*will be as extensive and ruinous to the grower, if not

more so. than in 1825. In that year the crop was more

forward and the appearance of the worm later."

LaPORTI CoUXTT, 1a..Wiit.vT..A wrTosponJcut writes that last year's crop of Wheat in Lsporte isestimated at 500.000 bushels, while that of the presentyear, though equal in quannty. is 10 per cent, inferior in

quality. On account of the rust. The price of Wheat in

the interior 1* -12 cts..at the Lake -is ct*. Other cropsin the County never looked better.

Thk Los? of thk Rowland Hu t...We learnfrom the Montreal Times of Saturday, that two more

bodies had been found in the forecastle of this Ul fatedsteamer. It will be strange if more are not found alter

farther examination.The Quebec Mercury gives the following particulars of

the collision i

There has undoubtedly been loss of lite, but to what

extent Is not yetknown. Some account* represent thattwo of the crew- alone perished others that several p«>«enger.--w ere victims, some crushed to death and others

drowned- The fact*connected with the sod ulc cannot

be made out for a few day-to come. The Lord Syden-haru. CaptainC L. Arm-tioug. arrived at Three River*

about five nunute* alter the collision took place. Waea

neanng the wharf", the persons on *hotv called to the

Captain not to come to. a.« there were i>er*ons in the water.

lie immediately laid his vessel alongside the upperwharf. lowered hi"* boat, and went in search of the per¬sons supposed to be immersed. Not findlec any near

the wharf, he rowed dow n toward the BlacJtRiver, untilbe fell in with the wreck, where he rendered every a<-

»istancu ui bis power and that of his men in saving thepassenger*. He finally brought down the Sydenham.and ran in between the One! ec and Rowland H.1L andreceived on board the travelers coming to Quebec.Cape Armstrong, with the laudable desire ot aiding hisuntortunatc rival, remained by her, altogether, aoout

three hours.It i« difficult in the absence of fuller information to

account tor this melancholy affair. It seems tou«. bow-ever, and the same opuüou'i* very generally entertained,that irreat mi.-m.-ui.igement or wänt of attention is attri¬butable to one or both of the cbJefomcer* of the boats in

question. We trust an ample inquiry into the circum¬stances will be made, and hope that some proper stepswill at ouce be taken to call to account and punish theguiltv party or parties, if any there should prove to be.It is high time that this system ot racing should be put anend to; aud that steamboat capudn* and owners should

^^e, madc^c^fct^l^c^smQAUwwpcms^^



CITY ITEM*.- Monsav. Aug. 3

Steamboat Accident..The steamboat Coluiu-bu« :nn: with ma s-cidcnt on Saturday morxuag or. her

passage, up, which, as *c are .rdcrrncd. detained ihr

passenger* &ome right or nine hour? She left New-York at 7 A ML and when opposiV; Fort Lee her boiler

gare out. rendering farther progress impossible without

repairs. The. pessengers, shout 240. were taken orT bythe M-juntjenoor at about i o'clock P. M. Some of them

umfortunat/;:y had to journey some sixteen miles after

landing at Sing Sing The addition to the Mountaineer's

pa**en«-cr* swelled her numbers to nearly 6CJ. who. of

i course, were inconveniently crowded. Tr.c sailure of

the Columbus'* boiler appears to have been a casualtyJ which could not be anticipated, as she had been laid up1 cmlv the day betöre and thoroughly examined

Signer PlERRO MArokcelli, whose hopelessaSSS" we nave already alluded to. died on Saturday at hisr, viidenco In Brevoo.-tplace. Mr. Maroncclli (say?f, ytnen Amtricain, leaves a widow and a daughter, whoin i <l) respect* merit the »yrnpaihie* <,'. the good and ofail \ 'ho know bow to appreciate real worth. The ur-

buni ry and accomplishments of the deceased had won

for h bn the esteem of numerous fr.end--, among whomare W ere happy to be included.

Lisng-Islam) Camp-Meeti.no..The annualLong Island Lump Meeting will commence on Mondny,August 10, at Farmingdalc. Extra trains of passengercars will leave the Brooklyn station lor the Camp grounddaily dur ingj the session of the meeting, at 7 und Isj o'¬

clock, A. iM. and ut 3 and 5 o'clock. P. M. Fnre in thesetrains, whl Ch ure to be composed '>f the tir-t class pa-senger cur?w will bo reduced to three shillings. ThcCommittee hare made arrangements for the stricl ob¬servance of good order on and in the vicinity of theground. -

Zxf' We perceive that lurce quantities of Lo¬custs have co.sgrcgated in St. John's-square. Tneirdaily concerts attract the attention of nil who pa«s that

neighborhood. They are not only stripping the trees ofthis Purk of liictr foliage, but WC tuidlhey are making s^dhavoc in other pu.ls of the City.Economy*..In the estnblished Telegraphic To

riff the prices cbargted are according to the number ofwords without regu.*il to the length thereof. Tii< Seien-tihe American says that a Yankee in his commumca-

tions to bis wife, economises in the following manner:

"Mr. Jacob Packmyblneooauwhitepantsandaccountbooks-inmysmalltrunk has married Miss Sendthetrunkbythe-nextbontdirecttoriieattjevsyork."City Prison Statistics^.From the Second He

port of the Prison Association, we gather the followingst«t stice. exhibiting the number of inmates in the CityPrison ouch year frosu 1636 to 184-1, inclusive:1836 Totalnumber.5100 Average per week... 941837 " .lillti ...1171838 " .5711 .¦ .loy1S.T.» *. .8102 ".156le-Ul '' .911H '..175 I1841 " .7348 -.141 !1842 " .7065 ".1531S43 " .7269 -.139

1844 " .8»KM ".154Much larger numbers of persons are. yearly commit¬

ted to the City Prison thuti shown by the foregoingtable as it is « well-known fact that many .-ore broughtin and committed temporarily, whose names are never

entered on tbtt books of the prison. In continuation ofthis statemen t it may be mentioned, that in a recent

message from- the Muyor to the Common Council, set-

dng forth the. operations of thc new Police, he states thenumber of ar*rc»t* lor a period of ihr- a months and a

hull to have 'been over 11,000, or more than 40,000 a year.

Fires l? july..We copy front the SundayHerald tho foUowing return.- ol tires during the mouthot July t

Date. />(.«- Ste. Hour.July I ?i P. M.129th-st Harlem, two story brk,

India rubberfac'y, sl'tly damag'd2il 6J T. M-1 12th-st two -tory brick bake¬

ry, trifling damage,t 2 P M alarm. 113 Pitt-st slightdamage,

it i <r\ V M. 182 Watcr-st three storybrick.6 i 2 iij 1' M 98 av, C. brick basement7 I 2 l'.'j A. M. 17uh-«:. near 6th<ev, two story

frame, destroyed.7 2 2 8 P. >L 44 Hester-st spirit gas explosion8 .' 1 1; A.M. 31 Chatham, two "story trame,

much damaged.1 3 2 10} A. M 20 Dcy st. Vstory fin. *l't dam'ge10 2 1 6 A. M. 13th st 4 story brick, piano

manufactory, destroyed.12 2 2 11 A. M. 475 4tb*t. match fac'y, deered.12 1 1 1H 1' M. Bedford and Downing. 2 story

.tore, slight damage.14 l 2 li» A. M. llki Llreene. wooden, si t dam.15 1 2 J A. M. alarm.15 2 2 11 A. M Gocrck-st.17 1 2 4; A. M. Pnnce and Broadway, seed

store destroved.18 2 2 Hi P. RSthdi Lewis, ship yd, sit dam-20 2 2 r-i P. M. alarm.20 2 2 l't P. M. 335 Grand-st 2 story frame, sp.

gas lamp.20 1 2 llj P. M.'aiiirm21 3 1 lOj P. M. 54 New st. ilrug store, sit dam.211 3 1 3j A. M. 58 Soulh st. eottOB, sit damage.25 I I 5) P. M. '.v Bethunc-st 3 story bnck.25 II 1 12 P. M. Broadway A Cedar, store.bs'mt.26 1 2 3 P. M h!«rra.'.'7 3 1 61 P M. 119 Walkcr-St rear, sa-h facto

ry, badly damaged.27 3 2 Q» P.M. 42 West-st brick store.29 1 I0J P M 25 ar. p. 2 story fraino.jo 2 2 10 1' M. Grand near Orchard, spirit gas

lnmp.DraTiis Dt ri.nu Jt lv..The following is tin- list

of deaths in this City from the 27th day ol .bine to the2Mb day ol July.Apoplexy. 47 Dropsy. Id Heart, dis. of.. 11At.sorss. 4j '. in head. 62 Hip disease... 2Asthma. 1 " inchest 2 Intemperance, u

Angina. 1 Dyspepsia..... n Jaundice. 2BUt»dinc. t> Epilepsy. 6 Lues Venera.. 1"fmstom'ch 2 Eurphysetua.. 1 Marasmus. 60.' fmlungs.. 3 Fever. 4 Malformation. 4

Burned. 3 " bilious_ o' Measles. 2Bronchitis_ S, " congestion 3 Olda^e. 7Cancer. 13 " puerperal. 7 Mortification.. 1Casualties- ID " remittent. 10 Ossihcalion 1Cholrrnliif'tui.lgfb .. scarlet.... 5 Palsy. 15

'. Morbus.. 15. .. typhus... 17 Premature b'lh s

Consumption 111 " typhoid... 7 Pleurisy. 1Convulsions...UX) " nervous.. 1 Poisou. 1Cioup... .... 8 (lout. 2,Rheumatism.. 1Colic. 3 lntlanunatiou.. 1 Scrofula. 5

Cyanosis. 3 " ot brain., 37 Spinal disease. 1

Coup de SolieL 21 " ofbowels 31 Sprue. 5Compression of " chest- 3 Stricture. 1bruin. 1 " kidneys.. 1 Teething. 9

Catarrh. l lungs_51 Tetanus. 2

Debility. 15' .. stomach. 15 licer*. 2Delirium train, 1 " liver_ 5 jUnknown.17Diarrhea. 31 .. bladder.. 1 VVhoopiagCgh 19Drowned. 17; " womb... I -

Dysentery_30 throat. I1 Total.1090

iTc*° The Courier and Enquirer which has tukeuit mto its sober head to bo somewhat tunny, of late,says, England wflj take our Com much of it in themanufactured shape of Beef and Pork.' So. cows andhogs are to be calU-d hereafter pork-machine-s, we sup¬pose.

iriKt Bitten by a Mad Doo.A mad dogwas killed this morninj m Laicht -t by the men em¬ployed by the Corporation, nor, however, mini it hadbitten a httle girl that was in the street

Rescued from Pko^ nsnu.a fine bov, al»out7 years old, fell ihm the dock nt the foot of Dovee-*tbut evening, but was rescued tt\^ni drowning by officerStOWeS of the Fourth Ward. A tcmali-. named EhraJohnson, fell into the dock st the foot of Canal-st anda rescued from the water by a getitlem.tn who fortunate'y witnessed the accident Another person,naniod James Douliti. yesrei d.sy t\ cut into the water stthe toot of Kichteenth-st. e. R. tor the purpose of bath¬ing, was sei 1ed^with the cramp, and would l^e b,-endrowntnl but for the timelv aid rendered bv officer Wb.ley. who went off in a boat and rescued Potilin from a

v atery grave. Several hour, e'.ari^Hl before he was tv-suscitated.ASSTXISG..Two men. named Heurv Whiring

and Wo. lohnsoa, were arrested last evemnc and de¬tained to aasa er :.t renr^seating ti cm-cl- tobe TcLcemem

Thekt or a HuR&K..-A Poiicemau of the 15thWard, thi- t.Jon^jig arrested Thomas B.-onn on a

charge of stealing a hor*e belonging to Mr. Ueo. Gills tt.

attemtt at Kesoi e..A man tiamwi Huch Con-ton was arrerted last evening anu he.d to answer, forattempting to nscue a pns..uier fnm thc custody ot 0£-

i cer t'omeen._

Mr HaIWOOD « ül. in a lew Jays, publishan Address to thc People of North Carolina, is which hewiU explain the causes of his resignation. It w21 be no

more than fair on the part of his political associates to

withhold their censure* tinti! they hear what he has to

say. _

rp" The Anniversary of ::;>' Sftste TiacUrs' At

ttxiatian, which was formed at a State Convection at

Syracuse last year, will be held in Utica on the 19th and

20th inst A large number of Teacher* and other litera¬

ry persons from all parts of the Sta» and from ether1 Ir.,^, ,^11 T^mbablc ha r-.Mtml QB XtA) OCCasija.


The «.tih-.Tren.ury Law.

A.'-ACT ¦- ,.r.s-s:;Tres* '¦Mm.and for the Coüeexion. Sofe-Korpi>w. Trojtxfer ataA

j rnttxrtement of the puöUc Recenue.Hl »'heran, by the fourth section of the »ct. entitled - A.3 Act

to establish tne Treasury Lirpar-rr.er.t.-- irp-v tO Sere-..b-rr «-Cond, seventeen br.ocred sr.c cigaty'-niae. it was pro-vided thai it suould be theduty of tae Treasurer to r»ceive


and keep the money, of the T, nited States, and to disbursethe «ame upon warrant' drawn bv the secretary of theTreasury, countersigned bv the Controller, and reetrrded bvthe Register, and not! otherwise and whereas it it f >unr.Uftes, .rj to make iarh-rprcv...,,-. t.. er iH.eti-7.-- i-arertne netter to carry inty efi-et .. - went of the .aid sectionin relation to the recr; ir.g ar.c. i.-bursing tne monev« oftoe L Mt«d States: Therefore.

Hett enacted t:e s^n^u aid Ihuie of Rrp-'ievct-vei »ft

^'aUs of Anterica. :n Contrrat aitemb^d. Thattne rooms prepared and provided m the new TreasuryBudding at the seat of CJoveraaent for the use of the Tread-urer of the United States, his assistants and cierks. and oc-

c.pied by them, and also the are-proof vault, and safeserected in -a.it rooms for the keeping of me pu.. m utry.

I m the jjotsessiun and under the immediate control of .aidT.--a-_rer, and such other apartments i« are provided tori:. act. a- places of ueposit of the public money, arele-te v c nstitand declared to be the Treasury tu* the

ait--. States. And all m mej t ai I b the -ume shall besubject to the draft of the Treasurer, u.awa ugT»-eat!v to

j appropriations made bv law.I i £ And be it further enaCid. That the Mint of the CalledStates, in tie- City of Philadelphia, in the suite of i'ecnsyi-van.a, and ii»e iifancr. Mint m tue City of New-Or.eans.'intlie State of Louis.aua. aud the vaults and safes .hereof, re-

spectively, shall he places of deposit and safekeeping ofUse public moneys at those points lespecuvcly: and theTreasurer of the said Mint and Eranch Mint. respective.v.for the lime being, "hah be Assistant Treasurers under tieprovisions of this act. and shali have the custody and care

of all public moneys deposited within the same, and shallperform ad tne duties requ.red to be performed by them,m reference to the receipt, safe-keeping, transfer, and dis-hursements of all -uch monev.. according to the provis¬ion* hereinafter contained.

i J. And be itfarther enacted, Tt.a' the rOOUl* which weredirected to be prepared nod provided within the Custom-Houses in the City of New-York, In the Stale of New-i ork. and iu the City of Boston, ui the State of Massacdiu-sett.-, for Lie use of Receiver. General of pub.ic moneys,under the provisions of'die act entitled " An Act to providefor the collection, safe-keeping, tran-fer and ii.bur-ementof the public revenue," approved Julv fourth, eighteenhundred and forty, shall be for the use of the AssistantTreasurer, hereinaller directed to be appointed at thoseplaces respectively ; as shall also be the fire-proof vamtsand safe- prepared and provided wi hin -a.u rooms for thekeeping ol the public moneys collected and deposited wuht.'ieui, respectively i aud tl.e As.-.-'unit Trea.-urer.-, fromtime to time appointed at those points, sha.l have the cu»-

liaiy uu i care of the said rooms, vaults and safes, respect¬ively, nnd of ali the public moneys deposited within thesame, and than perform ali the dudes require*] to 1 c per¬formed by them, m reference to the receipt, safe-keeping,transferand disbursement ot ah suca moneys, according tothe provisions of 'his act.

i A. And be it farther enacted, That the offices, with suit¬able and convenient rooms, which were directed to beerected, prepared, and provided for the use of ReceiversGeneral ol" public money, at the expense of the CaitedMales, at tne City of Charleston, in the Slate of SouthCarolina, and al the City of St. Louis, in the Stale of Mis-sour:, under the acl eutil'.od " An netto provide for the col-lection, satis-keeping, transfer and disbursement of the publicrevenue," approved July fourth, eighteen hundred andforty, shall be for the use'of the Assistant Treasurers here,inafter directed tobe appointed «' the places above named: jas shall lie also the fire-proofvaults anu safes, erected «itii- j111 the -aiil offices mid rixitn-. for the keeping of the public Imoney collected rum deposited a; those points, respectively, Iand al-o .unable apartments, with fire-proof vaults aiidsafes, for the keeping of tint public money collected and de¬posited at Detroit; shall be fitted up ::i the building belong¬ing to the Cuitcd States, in that Cry, for die use of the As¬sistant Treasurer hereafter directed there tu be appoiuted;and Hie said Assistant Treasurers, from time to time ap¬pointed at those places, shall have the custody and care ofthe smd otlices, vaults and safes, erected, prepare andprovided as aforesaid, anu of ail the public moneys depos¬ited within ihesuuie and shall perform a.l thedulies retimedto be performed by 'hen,, in reference to the receipt, -afe-keeping, transfer and disburserai .:: ¦r'a.' -uch moneys, ac¬

cording to the provisions hereinafter contained.>, 51 And be it farther enacted. Thai lite President shall

nominate, and, by and with the advice and consent of the

Senate, appoint four officers to l>e denominated AssistantTreasurers of the Cnlted States, .which sa.d officers .hailhold liieir respective "thee, for the term of four year., un¬

less -ooner removed therefrom^ one of w hich shall be lo¬cated at the city of New-York, tn the State of New-York i

one other of which shall be li-catcd at the city of Boston, inthe State of Massachusetts t one other of which shall be lo¬cated at the city of Ch rieston, in the S'u'e of South Caro¬lina i and one other at Sr. Loui«. in the State of Missouri.And all of which -aid officers shall give bonds to the Uni¬ted States, with sureties, according to the provisions here¬inafter contained, for the faithful discharge of the dut.et oftheir re-peclive offices.

i 6. And be it farther enacted. That the Treasurer of theUnilud Suites, the Treasurer of the Mint ol the UnitedStates, the Treasurers, and those acting a. such, of Ithe various branch mints, all Collectors of the Cu-loins,all Surveyors of die Customs acting also a- Collectors, ali iAssistant Treasurers, all Receivers of Pub.ic Money, at

the several Land Offices, al. Postmasters, and all publicofficers of what soever character,be, and lliey are hereby,required to keep safely, w;:hout*loau:iig, using, depositingin bunks, or exchanging for other funds than as allowed bythis act. all the Public Money collected by ihetn, or other-wise, at any lime placed In their possession and custodv,nil tile sauie. oni ¦re t. y the proper department or oth-cer of the Government, lo"be transferred or po.d out: andwhen such orders for transfer or payment lire receivedfaithfully and Promptly to make the same as directed, andto do ami perform oil'other duties at Steal agents of theGovernment which may tie imposed by tins of any oiher Jset* of Congress, or by any regulation'of the rreasury De-partmcut made in conformity to law . aud. also, to do andperform ail acis and outlet iequ;red by law. or by directionof any of the Executive departments of the Government,as agents for paying pensions, or for masting any other dis¬bursements which either of the heads of those departmentsmay be required by law to make, and which are of a char¬acter to be made by the depositaries hereby constituted, con¬sistently with the other official duties imposed upon them.

J 7. And be it farther enacted. That the Treasurer of theUnited States, 'the Treasurer of the Mint of the UnitedStates, the Treasurer of the Branch Mint at New-Orleaus,and ail the Assistant Treasurers bereinbefore directed tobeappointed.ehail respectively give bonds to the Cuited Slatesfaithfully to discharge the duties of their respective officesaccording to law, and for such amoun's as shall he directedby the Secretary of the Treasury, with sureties to the satis¬

faction of the rsolteilor of the Treasury i and shall, fromnine to tune, renew, strengthen and increase their officialbonds, a> the Secretary of the Treasury may direct i anylaw in reference to any" of the official bond, of auy of thesaid officers to the contrary notwithstanding.

i 8. And be it further enacteH, That It snaii bo the duty ofthe Secretary of the Treasury, at as early a day as possibleafter ifie passage of tins Act, to require from the several de-positories hereby constituted, anu whose official boads arenot hereinbefore provided for, Co execute Loud... new »ndsuitable in their lenns, 10meet the new and increased du-Lies imposed ujm.h them, respectively, by tin- Act. and w itfisureties and in sums such as shall seem reasonable and sate

lo the Solicitor of the Treasury: and from tune to lime torequire such bonds to be renewed and increased in amount,and strengthened by new sureties, to meet any increasingresponsibility which may grow ou; of acciiinulaLoas etmoney in the hands of the Jepos.tary, or out of auy otherdutv or responsibility arising under "this or any other lawof Congress.

i 9. .<>ut t« Ufarther enacted. Thai ail collectors and re¬

ceivers of public money, of every charucter and descrip¬tion, w ithin the DUtrictof Columbia, thai.. a» frequently as

they may be directed by the S-creiary of the Treasury", or

the Postmaster General, so lo do. pay over to ihe Treasur¬er of the Uullcd Stales, at the Treasury, all pub.ic inouey*collected by Ihem or in their hands : that all such collector*and receivers of public moneys within the cities of Phila¬delphia and New-Orleans shall, upon the same direction,pay over to the treasurers of the mints in their respectivecities, at the .aid mints, ail public moneys collected by them,or in their hands and that all such collectors and receiversof public monevs within tne e.t.es ofNew-York, Boston,Charleston, and Sr. Louis, snail, upon the same ui.-ect.on.

pay over to the a»s.slant rrea»urers in their respective cities,at iheir offices, respectively, all the put lie moneys collectedby ihem, or in their hands", ;u pe sately kept by the said re- I»pective depositaries untilOtherwise disposed of accordingto law i and it »hall be the duty of the .aid Secretary andPostmaster General respectiv ely to direct such payments bythe said collectors and receivers at all "he said places, at

least as otfeu as once in each week, and as much more fre¬quently, ui all cases, as they in their discretion may thinkproper.

i It'. And be it farther enacted. That .1 shall be lawful forthe Secretary of ihe Treasury :o Iran-fer the moav.. in thebauds of any depository hereby con»:::ureu to the Treasuryof the United Slates, to" be there safely kept, to the credit ofthe Treasurer of the United States, according lo the provis¬ions of this act and. also, to transfer money, m the handsot any one depositary constituted by tmt acr to any otherdepositary consututed by me same, al his discretion and as

the safety of the pul'lic moneys and me convenience of thepublic service thai, seem to bun to require; which authorityto transfer the moneys belonging to the Pott Office Depart-meut is also hereby conferred upon the Postmaster General,so far as it.- exercise by him may be const-rent with the pro¬visions of existing law's and every depositary const.tutedbv this act shall keep his account of tae monev paid io or

deposited with him. belonging to the Post Office Depart¬ment, separate aud distinct from the account kept by ban ofotner public moneys so p-^d or deposited. And for thepurpose ofpavtoents on the public account. .1 shall be law-tul tor the Treasii.-rr of the L mleu Slates to draw upon anyof the said de;HjsiLar:es, as he may thins rno.t conducive to

the public interests, or to the convenience of the publiccreditor., or both. And each depository so drawn uponthai) make return- to the Treasury and Post Office Depart-meats of all monev » received and paid by him. at suna rimes

and iu such form i. shall be direcied by ihe secretary ofthe Treasurv or tae Postmaster General.

J « Und be it -hcrier r-tacrnf. That the secretary of the

TreasTiry suail he and he .s hereby autiloriif-'d 13 gjise e.\-

animations to be made of lie books, accounts md, nioueyou hand, of the several depositaries consumted {by thisact; and for thai purpose to appoint special Agents, as oc-cxsiou may rvqui-e. w.lh suca compensation."no! Exceed- il".g -i.\ ... ..a-, r-er day and travthng expenses, as re OAJ..tu reasonable, to ^le rhxro anu declared ah tie Ume of

each appointment. The Agent, -elected lo make these ex- |aramaticns stia^ c-e instructed to ....-nine as weil theboo»>. accounts anu ^.Iir;l- of ti.e officer, as ihr x.'nev ouhand, and the manner ofits taring kept, to the end ffiat'eni-tormiry an., accuracy is the accour.1*. t- well as s.xt'etv u?ii.e public moneys, may be tecgred therrbv.f IX And be it fa-taer enacrd. Trial m ad'i tlou 1) the *T-

air.itia.-to,-. c ic. t-e ,a-t prece-i.i.g seciics. andus a tarther rnard over the Public Mone-.-s. tt thai; t>e theduty of each Nava. Officer and Surveyor, a* a check upviaihe Assisiai.: Treasurer, or me Collector cf the Customs,of their respeenve D^tricts: of each Register of a LaudOffice, a* a check upon the Recnver of Sis Land OrSce.and of the Director and Superiniendes! of each Mint andBranca Mint, wnen separate offices, as a check upon liteTreasurers, respective!;-. of the said Mints, or the personsacting as such, at the cose of each quarter of ihe year, andas much more frequent y as they stta- be i.recteh by hue

Secretary of the T:e--s-iry to dfl >¦.. to exunrne tae Sooxs.acct»uhts. return., and money 00 hind, ot Ihe AssistantTreasurers. Collector-, Receivers o: Lini Offices, Treisur-er» o: ihe Mm; and each Bra..ci Mint, and persons actinga. sack; and \> make a fill, accurate and faithful return tothe Treasurv Depsutment of their condition.

$ It. And be it farther enacted. That the said officers, re¬

spective.y. whose djtv It is made. : v this act. lo ra-ceive.keep, und distsarte the'pubdc moneys, as me fiscal agentsol Lots Govurameuh, rn.iv oe aRowod any necessary adii-iionai expense* lor c.erks. nre-proot cnests or rätLts, or

oilier necessary expenses of sate keeping, irsdiaferniuj andvLsbursmg said moneys . al. sues expense* ofevery char¬acter io be first expressly authorize.! bv the secretary ofthe Treasury, whose clirecr.ons upon all the above subjects.

I by way of regulation and o-herwj*e, so far as aaihonzed (by law. are io be auutly foüowed by all Um said otücars:



ahd uia: .be segregatecompensations ofthe wjc.e ::urr;>*rshall not exceed ,a:»<:3 taxmsand dollars, nur ^«'r "i»eompe-nsa r. any üre -.eri -o appointed *x-:e*e cue;3kÄ.«£d ao..ar- peraamuni

' 15. ^iu{ i» ii fartirr enacted. Thal the Secretarv of theTreasury may, sin.* discretion, transfer the balance* res

rru.r.a:.;. f 'he preset:: .iept-s.tar.e*. to asr otherof the present depositaries, as he may deem the safere et"the puuhe. money or the public cenven.ence sit requirePuiidrd. That nothing in this act shall be ro MOfÄTMd as

to authorize '> Secretary of the Treasury to transfer rhebalance- remsinine with any 01 the D--«eni deposttar.es.to the nepos.Ui.-;es constituted t>« [hi* a;;, before me firstday of January sent, .(iit.^-rtmof. That, for the purposeof payments on public account, out of balances remliningw;tb tc» present depositaries, it «aal! be Lawful for th»Treasurer of the l"nited i ues u draw upon any ofthesaid depositaries 2- he rciv ih.ni most conducive :.,

public interest, or 'o the convenience ot the public ere,!.;.0.-s, or both.

i IS. A'i he it fitrthertnaetttt, That all Marshais, DistrictAttorney", and others baring pubi c money to pee to theUnited S'ates. and s.i . i-tentees wishmgtomake paymentfor -/merit- .., be >»ued. may pav ail such moneys "to theTreasurer of the United S ates, to the Treasurer of eitherof -he Mints in Piu.aueiphia o- New-urleaus. to either ofthe other As-1-v..t Tr..-.irers; r to such other depositoryconstiruieu bv a.-i as snail be designated sy the Secre¬tary of -;.e T.-e.-.-urv in ....her par's of \ie L'a.ied States to

receive such payments, and give receipts or cerufkaiea ofdeposit therefor.

{ IT. And 4« u ra-tier enacted. That all o£cer« and otherpersons chanted by this or any other act with the safe-aeepinc. "ransfer and d.*->ttrserr.ent of the public rnonevs.other than those connected with the Post4Jff.ce Depart¬ment are hereby required tn keep on accurate entry ofeach sum received and each paymen: or transfer, "andthat if an-" or.c of tue said nicer*, or of those connectedwith the ro*c-OS5ce Department, -hall convert to hi* ownuse. in any wsv whatever.or shall use.hy way of investmentin any Kind of property or merchandise, or shall .oan. withor without interest.or snail deposit in say rtar.a. or shall ex¬

change for other fund* except as allowed by this net. anyportion of the public money- intrusted to him"for safe-keep¬ing.,disbursement transfer, or for nay o'her purpose, every>uca act shali he deemed and adjudged to he in embezzle,meat of so much of the said moneys as shall be thus taken,converted invested,used, loaned, deposited,or exchanged,which h-rehy declared to be a felony: and any failure topay over or to produce the public moneys intrusied to suchperson shall he held and tajen to be pnma-Ucie evidence

^¦of such embezzlement; and if any officer charged withthe disbursement of public ,-noneys shall accept or p-eriee,or transmit to the Treasury D-puVtment to be allowed tn

his favor, any receipt or voucher from a creditor of the1 nited Stute-, without baring paid to such creditor m-v :. .:. .. the said officer may have received for dis¬

bursement, or such other funds a* he may be authorized bythis act to take in exchange, the full amount specified n

such rec-tpt or voucher, ev^ry such act shall he deemed tobe a conversion by such officer to his own u*e of thein'ount specitied m sneli receipt or voucher: and any of¬ficer or agent ofthe United States, sad ail person.- aui tsingor participatiuit in such act, beingconvicted thereof, beforeany Court of the United Stales of competent jurisdiction,shall be sentenced w imprisonment tora'term of not lessthan six months nor more than ten years, and to a fineequal to ".<. amount of The mori-v-mbezz'.ed.

< pi. And iir .tfntKcr enacted. That until the rooms, offices,vaults and safes, directed by the first four sections of thisact :o be construct-d and prepared for the use of iheTien*.urerof the Dmted State*,the Tr-a-tirers of the Minis at

Philadelphia and New-Orleans, and the Assistant Treasu¬rer, a; New-York, Boston, Charleston. Detroit and St Loo-:-. can tie constructed and prepared fir use. it shall be thedu'y of theSecertary of the Treasury to procure suitabler.siins for oif.ces for those officers at their respective loca-tions, and to Contract for such use of > nulls and safes as maybe required for the safe-keeping ofthe public moneys in thecharge and custody of those officers, rcvp-ectively the ex-

pen-,-- in lie paid Sly lh»- Ctillisl State-..Iiirf ii Vmu, by the thirtieth-ection of the art entitled

" An aci lo regulate the collection of duties imposed by¬law on the tonnage of ships or vessels, and on foods, waresand merchandises imported into the United States," andapproved July thirty-one. seventeen hundred and eighty.nine, it was provided that all fees and due, collected byvirtue ofthat act should be received :a gold and .-.Ivor comoiilv i and whereas also, by tile fifth section of the act ap¬proved .May V !. ¦;¦" .¦.! .. An ,ict to am-:id tt.« net eu-

^Willed . An Art providing for the -ale ofthe lands ofthe L'ui-ten States in the territory Sortn-westof the Ohio, andabovedie mouth of the Kentucky river.' it was provided 'hat

payment for the said lands shall be made by ali purchasersin »pecie. or in evidences of the public debt: and whereasexperience ..«s proved that said provisions ought to be re-vived and enforced, acrordinc to the true and wise intentof the Constitution of theUnited S-a'e».Sec. 13. Andbek farther enacteel, That on the first day

of January, in the vear 1H47, and thereafter, all duties, tax-

sale- o:' public lands, dent.-, and sums of money accru¬

ing or becoming due to the united Stales, and also allsums due for postages, or otherwise, to the General PostOffice Department, shad be paid in gold and silver coin

1.e. And be tt fVfirr rnac.rd. That on the 1st day of IApril, 1847, and thereafter, et ery officer or scent enc»cedin making disbursements on account of 'he United States.or of theUeneral Post-uthce. shall make ail pavmen's in

gold and silver coin only: and any receiving or disbursingofficer or ngeut who shall neglect, evaile, or violate theprovisions of this and the |a*1 iirecedini; section of this act,shall, by the Secretary ofthc Treasury, oe immediate!-.* re¬

ported 'to the President oflhe United States, with thei"*ctHof such neglect, evasion, or violation; and also to i'ou-

gress, if in session and if noi session, at th-i cm-luencement of its session next after Dim violation takes

; Jl. And be itfarther enacted. That no exchange of fundsshall be made by any di-bursiui; officers or agent of theGovernment, of any kr-ide or denomination whatsoever, or

connected with any branch of the public service, other thanan exchange lor .und und silver; and every such disbursing

when 'he in-at - fori::- .'. .hnrsemetps ar- firntsl-ed lo htm in cold and silver, -hal. make his payment* ui themoney so furnished: or when those means are furnished to

lain tn drafts, shall cause those drafts to be presented at

then p.ace of payment, and properly paid according to »hela» anil »hall n.'aSe his payments iti the money receivedfor the drafts furnished, unless in such, case he can exchangethe means in Ins hands for gold and silver a: par. And itshall be. and is hereby, made the duty of the bead of theproper department immediately to suspend from dulyauv disbursing officer who shall violate the provisions of'this section, and forthwith to repor* the name of the officeror agent to the President, with the fact of the violation, andall the circumstances accompany.ng the same and withinthe know ledne of the said Secretary, to the end that sueüofficer or agent may be promptly removed from office, or

restored to his trust and the performmce of his du-.es, as

to the President may seem just and proper.Pravuitd, bow.ever. Tbat those disbursing officers having, at present,credits m the banks, shall, until the first day of Januaryuext, be allowed to check on tne same, allowing the publiccreditors to receive ti.etr pay from the banks either ui specieor bank notes.

; gg. And be d fa.thc rum-ted. That it shall he the duty ofthe Secretary of the Treasury to issue and pubiisii regula-tions lo enforce the speedy preset n of all Governmentdrafh, for payment at the place where pnyali--. and to pre-scr.be the time, accord.u_- to the different Ji-iaaces of thedep.,-nones in.ni Ihe Seat ofGovernment, within which allilrafts UJKin :h-*m. resp^c'lvely. s.;a.. :-e pie^^nled tor pay¬ment ; and, in default of such presentation, to direct anyother mode and pUce of uayineut which he may deem pro¬per; but, in ail such regulations ami d.recuons. it sha.. bethe duty of the Secrriary of Treasury to z'.ard. as fara* may be, against those draft* being used or thrown intocirculation a* a paper currency or medium of exchange.

; S3. And he it further enactid Tual tne Assistant Treasur¬er- directed by 'h'.s act to be appointed shall receive, re-

spect.vely. llie following »alar.e, per annum, to be paidquarter-yearly at the Treasury of the United Slates, to w-u

um As-.slam Treasurer at New.Vors shall be paid a ailary offour thousand dollar* per anana i the Assistant TreasureratBoston *hall be paid a salary of two thousand five bundleddollars per annum : the Assistant Treasurer at Chur!e*tonshall be paid a salary of two thousand five hundred dollars

per annum ; the Assistant Treasurer at St Louis «ball be paida salary of two thousand five hundred dollar* per annum; theTreasurer of the mint a: Philadelphia shall, in addition to .Vispresent salary, receive five hundred dollars annoallv, for theperformance'of !.>. dune- imposed by this act! the Ttea-surer of the branch mint at Jfew-Orleans »hall also re¬

ceive five hiiBUred dollars annually, for the additional du¬ne, created by tail act i and these salar.es respectively,shall be in full for the service* of '.he respective officers,nor »hall vidier of them be permuted to cnar/e or receive

any COnunission, pay or perquisite, for any offic.ai serviceof any character o'r description whatsoever i and themokiiic ofany -uch charce, or the receipt of any s.jch com¬pensation. 1* hereby declared to be a misdemeanor, forwhich the officer convicted thereof, before any Court of theUnited States, of competent jurisdiction, stiaii be subject to

punishment by tine or imprisonment, or botn, at tue dis¬cretion of the Court before which the oience shall be tr.ed.

} 24. And be it fartier enacted. That there sh»l, be, and is

heresy appropriated, to be paid out of any money m theTreasury not otherwise'appropriated, the »um oftwelvethousand dollar*, to be expended under the direc'ion of theSecretary of the Trensury tn such repairs or add.uons as

may be necessary to put m cood condition for use. with a*

tittle lelay as may De consistent with the public interest*.

theoSce*. rooms, vaaits and sales aer-m mentioned, andin me purchase of any necessary additional furniture andfixture*, in ihe purchase of necessary books and stationery,and in defraymc any other incidents! expense* necessaryUj carry thi* act into efieci

J 23. And be H farther exacted. That all act* or parts of senthat come la conflict with the provyions of this act be. andthe -am- are hereby repealed.[The Sill also provide* for a quanerlv pusiication of the

Statt oflhe Siis-Treasur.r* and tile Treasury, specie on

hand, drafts out, Ac Ac]Thine-, in Philnilelphin.

Correspondence of The Tribune.PHttjiDEtrsnA, Aug. 2, 1S46.

The patiic caused by M;Kay s iniqttitxus TariiFBill sell coanaaes, ami it* disastrocs ei'ecta have alreadybeiran to be fielt A number o: rr. inu:acrure-3 havecommenced reducing the wages of tue htuds, as theonly ultimatum ieit them in the emergency. Othershave been obLged to discharge tneir workmen, and one

of the hcaviestWeavers of Cotton good* m West Mora-mensini has stopped his lo^m*.A Hiu^e maardactory in Soathwark tbat was

altiut to Start has also s;cp>--d. Upon the wtls of everyfactorv at rairmount and other places, that one papermay be seen chalked on the walls in derision the ex¬

pressive sun Dallas and the Tariff of "42."The üit-rcst on the State debt fell due yestercay

and was promptly paid at the Periasyl-raaia Eini.Tl.e Cv'tttsi'rt" e o: tht -Se-itte bn~v bees nnable

to obtain the necessary Information from >L'. G.-ah-m,as to how the copy of the Oreszz Treaty published in theNorth Am* n-an"was oseineu. save now «urumened Mr.WaQace, one of the editor- ^: ts.-tt p*per. to ".Vaihisg-ton. V.'ii.c mfrrrrrs*Vm they c-ta-n from him remains

vet to be seen-The Dutch bark 3 Don-en. troin 3.-emez. ar-

-r-d yesterday with ISO of the 3Mst loot*ig .-¦ .»-.*

! have"-Ter seen. Among them is an old patriarch o:

94. w-io has come to lay ms tcne* by the ride of those ofo the -

¦s-.'dden Death..Jokv Flemivg. Esq. of 5y-riciise. died on Saturday morning list after an illnessof less than 34 hours. Mr. F. had seen recently electedDistrict Attorney tor Oaondaga Co, and waa formerlySurrogate, and i* i 3.ed m^y slatioris of honor andnasftiTrirsi

.Ne'-v-York a.xd Erie HAttRoAtj..Tne Com-misaioaers appchited to locate the route :"cr the New-York and Erie' Railroad in the Counties of Sullivan andBroorae, are to meet for that purpose as follow* InMonaceila on the 4th of August; at Harpersville, lüihofAugust aid in jKngtAsatta oa tha 12th at August,

r 4. i>4<>.

The \Vnrehou«in« Lnw.

.IS ACT to cstabiish a f nrekotuing Sagten, a\d to one-id-.- ..... : A A.: V provide. Keretuefrom /saBOtta,

audio duzig? and modify mitring ':..» jjnpoting ....¦.;.<

-1 Imports andfor ether purpose*.Be if enacted f>y Ac '.rnate ana ::*uje tj tttpt'tXMttMtntt »f

:.. i'-^.-d Skate* tf*.laui kit m <."i-->gixj- durmbUd. Tnai UMtwelfth lection ....'.he ic: er.t.ilr-i An Ac: to prov-.de Rev.ezxue froa Import», an.*. Co change aad ni«*-mfy existingia.«-. Imposing duties on imports, and for other purposes.

! approved the .in r:.rth say ot" August; one thottsand eighthundred and forty-two,is" hereby amended so as rrereaiterto read «i t'o.lo.vs; [j 1.' And be :r r'artier enacted. Tra:a and i_-"sr trie day ts.s act goes isto operation, tue da-es r. s... trap >rted"s .-is. wäre«, or merchandise sha.1 be

paid, in P-nz-ided. thai in ah cases offailure or neglecti to pay the duties w.this the per.oi allowed by law to the jImport« to a. i»e entry thereof, or whenever ihe cwne-.

.mporter or cons.gr.ee sha.. moke entry for war-ihous:agthe same rn writing, tn such form and supported by saci".

I proof as shall be presenb-si by the secretary of tie'Treis-ury, the said jrooc«, wares, or merchandise shall be taken

possitsion of by the Collector, and deposited ia the pub-I dc stores, or in other stores to be igr.'cd on by "he Collect-

- or chief revenue orhcer of the Vor and ihe importer. ;owner or consignee: ine said störe* to t>e secured in themanner primded for by the rr*t section oftheact of the twea-tieth day of April, one thousand eight hundred atal eighteen,entitled " An act providing tor the deposit of »laes aud dis-tilled spirits in public warehouses, and for other purpose*."*..".ere ... :... kepi .. uuc and reasonable care at the chargeand risk of the owner, importer, consignee, or agent, andsubject at a., rimes to their order upon "the payment of theproper duties and expeuse*. to be oscettaiaeu on due eutrvLhereof for warehous.ng, and to be secured by bond of asowner, importer or cons.gnee, w.th suietyof sureties, tothe satisfaction of the Collector, in double the amount of the-a.d duie-. and in *u.-t: torn at the Secretary ofthe Treasuryshall prescribe Provided. That no merchandise suall bewill-drawn from any warehouse tn which it may be deposit-ed, in a ,e-s quant.iy than .a an entire package, bale, cask,or box. unles. in bu"k; nor shall mercaandise so importedm bulk be delivered, except in the whole quantity of eachparcel, or in a quantity not less than one ton weight, unlessny «peci.il sutiie-.ry of uio Secretary of the Treasury. And mcase the owu-r, importer, consignee or agent ol any goodson.> th the dunes have not been paid, -hail give to me Collec'-ur sallsfactory security thai tne sa.d ..-ov^ls »naii t>e laudedout oftiie.-.ir.sdi.-iio'io: the United Stales, bathe manner nowrequired by existing laws relating to exportation* for thebenefit of drawback, the Collector and Naval Othcer, ifany. on an entry, to reexport the same, shall, upon pay-meat of the appropriate expenses, permit the said goods,under the inspection of the proper officers, to be shippedwithout the paytneul of any dunes thereon. And incase any goods', wares or merchandise, deposited as

aforesaid, saa.; remain in ptn.ic -tore beyond one year,without payment of the duties and charge* thereon, "thensaid goods, wares or merchandise sha;. be appraised bythe Appraisers of the L ulled States, if there be any at

such port, and if none, theu by two merchants to be de-signaled and sworn by ihe Collector for that purpose,and sold by the Collector a: public auction, on due publicnotice thereof being 6r*l riven, In the manner aud forthe lime to be prescribed by a general regulat.on of theTr-a-ury Department; and" at said public sale distinctprinted catalogue* descriptive ot" said goods, with theappraised value alfixed thereto, shall be distributedamong Ihe persons present al said sale anJ a reasonableopportunity shall be given before such sa.e. lo personsdesirous of purchasing, to Inspect the quality of suchgoods: and ihe proceed* of s.x;d sales, after deductingihe usual rate ol storage at the port in question, witfiall other charges and expense*, including duties, shallbe paid over to the owner. Importer, consignee or agent,and proper receipts taken for the same Vroxided. Thatthe overplus, if any liiere be, of the proceed* ol* such-a.es, after the payment of storage, charges, expensesand duties as aforesaid, remain,og unclaimed for die-pace of ten days aller such sales, shall be pap! by Iho0Hector into the Treasury of the IJhlted Suite* i* and

the said Collector «hali transmit to the Treasury Depart-meal with the -a;.! overplus, a copy of the inventory, ap-pi aisement and account of sales, specifying the marks." bum-hers, and descriptions ol the pacxage* sold, their cmitem*.and appraised value, the name of the vessel and master ot'w .uch. ".rid of the port or place whence they were imports

i. and the time » hen. and the came of the person or per--oils to whom-aid good-were consigned tn the manifest,and the ditties and charge* to which "the several consign-men'* were respectively subject; and the receipt orceriiti-cats of the i'-'llector sh ill exonerate the mustci or personhaving charge or commas t of any siup or vc**eJ. 'n which

rl hoous. wares or merchandise were imported, from alllim of tue ou ner or o" uers thereof, who shall uevertlte-

less, ou due proof of their mierest. he entitled to receivefrom the Treasury ihe amount of any overplus paid into the-ame under the provisions of this äct: Pro-.ided. Thar so

much of the } in of rhe general collection law ,.i" the ad ofMar, h. 1799, and | 13of the Act of tlie 30th of ,Ucu»r,

.i.'. provide revenue fr mi imports, « al to dmnge andu sdifye;.'-ting laws Imposingdunes on Import*, ami torother purrais«'s, as cotidiCt.- with the provision* of this Act.sliall be, und is hereby repealed, excepting ihat uothtiigcontained in thts AC shall be coustr.ieil to ealend the timenow prescribed by luw for selling unclaimed goods Vm-vidrd. a'.o. That all goods ofa perishable nature, and ailgunpowder, fire crackers and explosive substances, depOS-ited as aforesaid, slmtl be sold forthwith.

v 2. And he it t'url.ier cn.icr,rf, Tiiat any goods, w hen de¬posited m the public store* in the um: provided for inthe foregoing section, may be withdrawn therefrom andtransported to any other port of entry, under the restne-tions provided for. in the actof thesecond March, seven¬teen bundred und ninety-nine, in respect to the traasporta-

ot goods,.wares anil nterchandue from one collectiond.-met to another, to be exported with the benefit ofdraw,tack; and the owner of such goods so to be wi'hiirawnfir irtinporiaiioti, shall give hi* boadiwith sutricieni sure¬

ties, in double the amount of the duties chargeable on

laeui, for the deposit of such goods iu store iu tne port ofentry to which ihey shall be destined, such bonds shall no

canceled when the goo 1- -hail be ro-depoaited in shore mthe c . itctioti district to whi.-li they shall be transportedI'rnv dtd. That nothing contained in this section shall boconstrued to extend .!:.. time during which goods may bekept tn (lore, after their oiiginal importation and entry,beyond the term of »nu year.

<3. And be it farther enwied. That If any warehousedgoods shall be fraudulently concealed In or removed fromany public or private warehouse, the same »hall be forfeit¬ed to the United Slates; and all persons convicted of fraud-ulently concealing or removing such good*, or of aiding or

abetting such concealment or removal, shuil be liable 10the-anie penalties which are now imposed for the fraudu-lent introduction of goods tiro the ("nited States and ifsuiy importer or proprietor of any w arehoused goods, or

any person in hi* employ, shall by any contrivance fraud-ulent.y open the warehouse, or shal." gain access to thegoods, except in the presence of the proper officer of theCustoms, act.n^ in the execution of his duty, such importeror proprietor shall forfeit and pay for every such offenceone thousand dollar*. And any person convicted of alter-ing, defaciug, or obliterating any mark or marks whichhave been placed by any otlieer of the revenue on anypackageor package* of warehoused goods, shall forfeitand pay for every such offence nve hundred doiiar*.

\ 1. And be it farther enacted. That tae Collectors of thesevers. Ports ot tae failed State* shall make quarterly re- Iports to the Secretary of the Treasury, according to suchgeneral instructions as the said Secretary may give, of allgoods which remain in the warehouses of their respectivepotts, specifying the quantity and description of tr.e somewhich returns.ortaolesioruieU Itters*», ifi- Secretory ot' rn-»

Treasury " 'u- "rtliw.'.n cju-e :o tie published iu the prin¬cipal papers of the ciry ofWasbingtOB,

*i i. Ami be U farther enacted, Tuul the Secrerary of rhe

Treasury be. and he is hereby, authoriged to maae, fromtime to time, such regulations, not Inconsistent with thelaws of'he I'nited ShVe-, a- may tie nece«-ary ,.. .ve full ef¬fect to the provisions of this ac, and secure a pi-t account-

ability under the -ame. Aud It shall be tbo duty of the Sec-retary to report such regulations to each succeeding sea-

si'jn of Congress.

From the Washington Union of Saturday.OfflclaJ.

Lnibnnation has been received at the Departmentot State from the Consulate of the United Stales atBuenos Ayres, of the decease, at Patagones. in thxt province. of Michael Bacon and James (;"'iardner. citizensof the United State«. Mr. Gardner died on the 6th ofFebruary ia«t. and was from Newport; Rhode Island.

Treasury .Vote* outstanding 1st Amfutt. 1-1'j.TaataJtrar ticraiTaticxT. >

RxoiSTZa's Orrtcx, Aug. ist. 1S46, jAmount of the several l-sues outstanding, as [>er record*

of this orhce..'j-lbc.TU 3eDeduct canceled notes tr. the hands of me ac-

countinj officers. '-'1.100 00

Total.$4'7.r"i-l heit. I!. tilLL.LT, Register.

Gas. La Viica's FonxsiGBT..As Gem La Vegais destined to be a lion :n tiiis country as long as our war

continues with Mexico, it is no more than just to hold upail his acts to the admiration of the gaping public. Gen.La Vega is a ihrerwd man, a man of great foresight, forit n a remarkable fact that his personal baggage was in

Arista'* camp. Now. Vega evidently calculated thus" Is all probactliry the men under my eommsnd. aad un¬

der Arista t. wffl act just as they always have whenbrought against Americans, and run away. In that case

:g.e baggage A'±- army w.U fall .nto tne htvr.d« of tne

American-, and I al jng with it. By raking my traps, ifI become a prisoner o! war, my personal apparelwill be wim me. a great convenience in t^veUng. His

foresight commands our admiration. [N O. Tropic.More Troops..The «teamer Convoy frcm Alton,

j brought to our ciry last evening 620 men of the SecondI Re-.mcn: LTlLnoi*" Volunteeri. with the crSccr« of theRegiment. CoL BisselL G. \\"himsiue. Ad.- t; T. H. Hope,Sur-scon Captolno Galr, Reigh:, CotEre, Dodge, Hacke.-,Webb 'Aaeeler.The steamer Missouri 1« here with the remaining three

Companies of the 2d, and tour Compoms-s of the 1stIb'iitatnb. Tne steamer Champlam hits been engagedto unag do»"n the rema-nitig six Conipon.e* of the istRegiment, i^ider the cornrr.ar.d of Cfri Har-on. and arfl]prosably be here to-day. [J». O. Tropic, Jlth. J

MoRK Troops..The steamship Galvej-oncleared but evening tor Matagorda Bay ria Gaiveston,having on boird three companies ct lihunois \ olucteer*.She was to hjive saiitrd last eveain-:, hat is detained idl"1 :uiav m-rsimj fur tie pgrps^-. of Ising Gera Wooland suite, who are iescgied to San Antonio de Bexar.ARBXTAl of VoLCNTEZRi..The steamL-oat Ha--

mbai alii'ed yesterday aneruoon tirom .iJtori, LL withBrig. Gen. shields. L-eut. CoL '«Veatherord and MajorWal.en. *ni the t:-sainder ':" *i>- lit Re .-.men; II.motsVolunteer*, six companies, 370 rank and nie. CoL Har-dm commands tne 1st P-egimect. (N. 0. Pic. July tS.

Foci Mi-'rher..A letter to the editor of theL.cki_g *.'*..< y g..-t..-. ...ted L-jcce ectinry. Ky July2ist_ states tgist Dr. iL 3. F. Chiiiiers. of L'son. was

found dead on Sunday racrr.tig about one mile and a

ha-f pelow R.dd-.-L s Powder MilL where he had lamsome rime, having been shut from his hurse. Tae ballentered the neck, ranging downward, cntrmr the tipperpart of tile heart. K-.- was liymg oc his fi^ie w-.ri mAsri.in>-bs^s on hi* arm. and i_= switch m his band. Tnemurderer was nnlr-nwn.Tue L he Fip^; it M*rlwa.*öee..The iossos bv

this calamity or- ria* stated: Perkins ie. Houghmn,jö,LxXl. no ms-virance ; Perkins i Lu=comh. $4.1X0. nomsnzance Langwormy it Co. SZXWXi, $3^sX) injured ;F.ichmcnd 6l Locke. SJ.h.J'J. no insurance Mvgart diPahner, ai.'2ÜO. S3C0 insured; John Lapomt, tilvx no

insurance; Pe.-kitis A; Lnjcomb. from $1,000 to 11.200.no in*.. John T. Perkms. «L0CÖ, no ins^ J. OdeLL (300,so ms.. Joss W;"isms $300. so ins.: Charles Hepp, j(4C0, so ics-i Marsa Jiaicaey, tpjjQ, no ;-4. »



Sentisfst it thk North .The sentiment inrelation to the Tar.fi. here at '.h.- North, bj undergoing a

* rapid change la taror ot' Protection. Genera] JohnMcNeil of Ho-it.-n. who hol.'.* a fat .^r5r- under this FreeTrace Administration. aatoaüBed some ofour citizena a

few eveaiags ago, DJ declaring himself in favor of a Pro¬tective Tar.i. [Nashua Telegraph.Commencement a.t Axhtrst..It is to be on

the 13th in.".. The addreM before the Literary Socie¬ties on the prev-.ou* dar «ill be delivered by Kev. Ed

ward Beecaer of Boston; hi the evening, before theS-Ocierr of Inquire. Kv Uer. Pr. Bacon ct New-HavenWe understand that * «pleadid band rrotn New-Yorki.Dcdworth's I) is engaged tor the exercise*.

I>jc>CTtos SsB«,eo.~The steamer Hudson ha*jQscoatiuued her trips fi r the present; Ea ccaaecmeacei^t an injuncr.cn beiris served upon the boat by the Insu¬rance Compaay who were losers by lie sinking ot a

banal boat, with a cargo of fur*, the particulars ofwhichwe save the «her dar The Rochester has taken the

place Of theII. [Albany Atlas.

l~Jjf Ezra Gregory, portrait painter ot Chicago,who was accused by tin- lirook'.yn Advertiser of havingmarried and abandoned several wives, desires the Editoraf. the Chicago Journal to state, that so far as the com¬

ments ot rbe Advertiser relate to him. they are whollyiestmite of truth and without foundation. lie never

ivis arrested in New Jersey, and was never m Georgiain his at.- Farthermore, th.nt be h:is but eue wifis, whois trom .Vnn Arbor. Michigan, and to whom ho has beenmarried two years.^"17* The bctcutn» n> tire now at tlioir mountain

home In Mifibrd, some fifteen miles front Manchester,rn.sjyingthe pleasure* of rural Life, andthe cordial greet¬ing* of their many friends. The family now own thavlarje and beautiful farms, and are about to purchaseanother, which is valued at $10,000. They will not co out

to sing for several week*, wishiag for leisure and restfrom their European travels. [Manchester. (N. H > Am.

C if' Col. MclXTOSH, who wa* badly wounded intin- late burlc* n th- K: G~i- !.- n.-w with hi« brother In Savannah. He is Still very teeble. but domg well.

^.r"* Two vtis of R v John JcfTry were drownod in the Mononeahela, at Pittsburgh, on Thursday last

©cncral Notices.; ,-¦*. Mtrntosn Sprin«-. -D C. Smith's Pills

are for sa.e by E. J. flui.ng, at the S,-;,:i.v Tue patron*of these valuable P.Us will please observe G. Hen;. Smithwritten on the bottom of the Boa. Improved lud. v,-g.(Sugar-coated) Pill*. 2ö cent., per Bo\. Office 179 Green-wich-st (large brick block.! N. Y._ |yl7 lino*

CrT For Boston vir» Norwich and Worcester..The steamer Cltogmtrm, CapL Williams, » ill .. ave Southside of Pier No. 1 N'otih River every Monday, H>,iV,rf,i«and rV1d.11/. at P. M. connecting with the c:ir* at Alien.*'

at [my5tf] CALEB PRATT, Jr. Cond ict ir.

UP To Ladlet*._Mrs. GOVE cemtinues to giveadviceand direction with respect 10 UM application of WaterCure in all diseases of women and children, ai bar :e«t-

dence, iul pith-st ^_nijl 3m

CP" Practical I'hrenoloaNt» r»nd rubllslier».FOWLKRs h WELLS, 131 rfasaau-st Otbce hour* from

oei a. m m 1» p M lvt» in,"

ittiscellaneons.TRIBUNE JOB PRINTING OFriCE,

No. 7 SPiiuce-STaEeT.fT»r«e doon from S,wnu itftrt.)

rpHE facilities ofthis establishment for JOB PRINTINGJ an-, perhaps, unsurpassed by an) office ;-i the city. Thepaoonage-of the last year baa been inch to guaranty a

greet extension in onr resources. We therefore, with con¬

fidence, issue tu» follow ittg CardTu MERCHANTS.Merchants supplied with all kinds

of PRINTING at the cheapest rate, viz:Card*, Ulli* Lading,Circulars, Receipts,BOI Heads, Checks, ac.

To LlTKKAKY Ota rtKMEJ«.Ol igiaa,' Jdaniuci i/'tj pr.utedn iih accuracy.Pamphlet*,! Stereotype Work, and all »lud* of

Hook*. j LetterPress Mating.To Lbctvbkr* \-.n Menu iv»--lv»fraa*a»ri beautifully

primed.Lecmre Rill*. Small Bills for Disiri-Mammoth tuition, kc

Aad .... ery description of Putin and i»i lutnimtoi Jnh »foriexecuted vCith great ueatnes* and pimclu i..:y, at the othce.No. 7 Spruce-*!.The improvedTOWEIl PRESSES, for Books, Potm-

lkts, acAll work on th» above Presse, will l»- done at extraordi¬

nary low price,. J. A. FRAF.TAS.jft tf Tribune Job Printer.

TYPE AT REDUCED PRICESGEORGEBRUCE it CO. Typefounder*, at No. 13 i a*na>

Ati j-ir. Si~.l- York.

HAVE on lim -i C..--I stock of !i.-ir \\ known Print-Ittg Type., Ornaments, Börder*. Rales, Ac. of the best

metal and most accurate workmanship, which they w ill *ellatlow price* for cash, and at the following for appro« eilpaper at »i t mouths:Pica .).SScenuiNonpadclnt.1« cent*Small Pico..hi cent* Agate._.iSi < ent*

Long Primer.SBcanulPearJ.s-i .11

Bourgeois.WcenisjOmamental letier m propor-Brevi.-r.16 cents uoilMniou.5| cental

A.30. Pr.n mg Presses of all sizes ind descriptwns, Ink,Btoii/.e*. Cases, 'laiieys. Wood Types, Chases, Bras* Rule,Composing Sticks, oiid generally every Und of Primingmaterial, Ruttgles's new Printing Engine, price Sli>.which will give u*si Impresaloos ofcap folio En an hour;ford Press, price 8140, ..u which a pack can be printed lu

a minute ; a Sheet Card-Cutter, price a Paper Cutter,for primer* or book-binders, price S>a1.Orders promptly executed.ft?" The type oil which this paper i* printed Is from the

above foundry. jvV7 1m

WEAVING REEDS AND HARNESSESAt Baxter A Asiiton', Manciactory,

Pnterson, N'ew.Jers.-v.

PUBLIC ATTENTION Is a led to Messrs. BAXTERa ASHTON'S supply the above articles, m ail their

variou* forms, plain and fancy of every description. Theyha-e fitted up tueir machinery in superior *iyie for manu¬

facturing ID-ed* and Hames.es, or.d are enabled to furn-isii li.eir friends and the public on 11* goixl term*, d notbetter, thiir. any other establishment in the Union.N. B. All article* manufactured by ihem nr-t w«rr»uted

as represented. jy.H IwDlcSmW"llillii.u, inn N. am U 1 1 r 1 ni-t 11 Mix mi f'o. ;

No. H8 Weit--f. N'-v York, Ji.lv lOUt,'40.At a public sali:

puayi tne following scrip was sold for unpaid n**,-,*-

ment*.Nuuioers HOI to JI7j. I.T7 to 144, lid i.i |.*A, pjri to.-MS SI '335, 37,230 to3IS,330to334. lllö 1» AJU.^IO |. u4i'KA to 3SO, 3tiO tu 344, JtiS lu 3iyj, 370 tu J74. UT.S to 371» JSU to

384, 3K3 toXM.Jbb to lit, Un to H4,490 to 489, >si to soi,16S to IV>. to 2Ue, mi and ÜS, 658 to 68'J, 6'JD to 87ÜJrü Uj1»14. lll'i to UM, JM1 to i»V». Ti.e al k,accordingto conditions of saie, will not be is»ued until the expirationof twenty day*. Tne original owner* can claim tbe »lockwithin that time by paying five per cent to the purchaser*on tbe amount of ten per cent, paid bv him together withLustodment due. DAN'L. S.UART, Secretary.jy-1 iiaw2wTWO STEAM PROPELTeRS FOR SALE.

THK Iron Steam Propeller*. Fbena and Pilot, formerlyruiinniK on the Ciiamplain C inal and Lake Line. These

boau are 3u feet m length. Id feet wide, and 6 feel depth ofhold, and will carry on mat hue 60 ton*. Their inventory i*large and complete. They ore each of J> boree power, andwill be sold low. For farther .:..'';nnalioü or terms applyby letter ur otherwise toa30 tf_RUSSELL L COPLAND, H2 South-st

FOR SALE.The Stock and Fixture- öfä gi^^l Clysterand Dining Saloon, situated in one of the best thorough¬

fares in the city.rent low, and the purchase money a

aier>- 'nfie. compared with the real value of the concern,both for locaU-in and business. Satisfactory Informationcan be hart of the Aireut, C.S.Clark, 35 DnanassfrfroMilA. M. to 6 P. M. ft?" N. B. Call early a* tbe present pro-p.-.etor is ^oing mio 'h- Country, don'i lose a good ebsSK«,IhO»e » llü small capitals. C. S. C LARK. AgenL an.) Iw

i?OK .SALJfcT^Ä Lo.-.p. Oil aad Camphene St.,re, i.r.ga --siabiisiied and we., located -low for ca*h or approvedpaper or city property. Kxcelicnt chance for a »mall capt-taluu,Also a centre-board Schooler of 7 feet draft, will carry

80COrd* of pine wwl-s superior ve««ei. Also one of t>*>ions. 5 years o.d. well found. Terms liberal. Appiy to

Mechanic*' and MerchauU' Agency, Ai Ann-su aul Jt

HI OH IS It ID(iE over H*7|em River. New-YorkCity. July 37, \'A>...Da. Kf.t Li>cra Sic.In justice

to you. and for tne benetii of ad who »re or may b« «im.iar-iy aü.cied. I take zreat pleasure in informing you, that bytoe use of three bottle* of yuur L.nim-nt, my rueumalic

pains are rntirriy rrmoxtd. w-.tn which I hav« been altlic'.edlot nearly thirty year*. I a.,o odd, that I have »een it

med m cuts, bruise* and sores ofUM mix; CrigatAd char¬acter u;oa our men. It ha* not been known to failla one itsiance, but invariably Joe* more rood than i» ex¬

pected ofiL Respectfully yours, ARNOLD MASON.I tnu*l cheerfu.ly concur w.ih the above.

SAM'L ROBERTS, Contractor of the BridgeTu be aad, wholesale and ret*:!, at'» Jo0n-*t New-York

City Dr. Burre.l*. Chatam A Dover, Harlem Railroad Of¬fice. City Hall. Park; drug »'.ore comer Brie/trie andBowery; and other store* inroughoul the country gen¬erally. _j V30 1 v* .

TIJiT7?'fTisi-KIBEKgentlemen of Uu* City trutt he ha* Coiuunty on tiandand for sale highly trained aad quiet horses for the saddleor harness Any person purcaasmg horses of the subscri¬ber may depend upon hem/ honorably dealt with; he :«

nappy io add '...at tie can refer ll.em r. many fem.emeu oftbe aigcest respectaouity, as to character, capacity, A.c..

Any »'ei.:, es.., if.~g ..ur,e* of the subscriber, and*5u iiiay oe in any [>arr,cu.*r dissatubed with tr.eir pur¬chase, may re'.-m the same wuhin » reasonable p-.-r.i>d, andreceive the fill amount of purchase money back, a* he.would cot wish any geatlesixa u> retain an animal (pur¬chased of ritt: that nets sot perf"ctlv p.'-t*ed with.;-333m WM iL DlSBrtoW. il-d.-..- M -..-e^, ;B-.w>ry.

TO SILK f;iiOWEKS-Coc'>jnj War.ied._The; i\.e-.\ po**lble pr.re paid for cocoons, say from $3 to

ii tr> *p*T bushel. Consigtuaenu can be made to Meesr*.0 mon v Lawrence, No. ,» ?ie-*t or at the FL.amr« NaU Sianujn-»L New-Yorx.

RICHARDSON A VAN EPPS.Country papers wtU p.ease copy Cor the Leaetit of their

silk ifi -ser^._I_jy^O Da'.V

HANGING PAPER..A larze as.orjr.ect on liand ofwhite, green, blue and c.rrdnon brows. A-*o, any

.t'.t-.ty width Or thbrkne-*. nuuie to order within afewclav*' notice, at tbe lowest manufacturers' prices, byJyCSJm- GAUNT i» DKRR1CKSON. t.-X Sn'uth-«tYEH YORK RICE .YIILL..Head, Prime.BrokenJ. * Small and <}. md | Carolina Horn.ay Rice, feedand chaff, kept conatanily on r.snd and for *ale wholesaleand retail a: the New-York Rice Mil*, comer Souia aadJefferson sit. Empty Barrel* aad R*ce Tierces bought at

he MUL_

jyj Im*

i^l^TON WAR.YI AM» COLO BATHS, SV Lou.-- md Gen lernen, c.reer ot Last Broadway ana

Car.'.er.-.e-l pnee per bath 12j cent*, except oa

"jea^g^; °° "^c^ '^ i^Tojj^;linSrDÖW-SILADE DEPOT, No. 7 ^prace-ia.-\\ Ksiil"ned in :>40-Wao:e**.e'and ^-~=^"rof descriptions, kinds and sizes, 3u KÄrttaSaeman can be bough: a: any other pb»ce«. Tri^ei.g i. tnaa

uiacmrery pnee*. BARTOL. DK 5IALNY tCO.j«e ja JUmifactttreri sad Imponers.

Siinatirma, Sft. Ü)anLc5.* I*A RTNKK- V w ith a saaU Capita. - * «J

«."», IBCCI .:-s>-.. ...;.. .... ...agcd m a goodsad tafe x.;;'m.cue well e*UuSasbed woc.d be pretev.rec. Address U K. M. al this OttOS Cu 20th August, withre*. n»r-,» and ail particulars. »hKh wüi be suictiy coq3-

o .ts w til be received. iyS0 Meod*

A PRACTICAL I'RINTKH. o! ^maii capital and-"\. \ ... . .. bal-v. mi » favorable op-

i uxtpn ing hi* ume »am increosiag hu means

by imnied-.aie application tu either of my Ageacios in bval-Dam Parade.aa-a. New-Yorsor Boston..-^Ti V. B. PALMEK.

VVTAXTKIV.A partner of I.sine»« capacity, with a

".capita nge in a new enterprise » hieb¦ p.-.aiab.e. One accuaiaied

»..i:.p.)nijSiaBCM »v-u'.i be prvSrrred. Address at-itce U L. K. who refers tor integntv aad ability to

Lie EvLlor of Tae Tribune._ au!

\VANTED.A Protestant aurM to lake care of childrentt ana a., -.».ag. Eng.-.sa or American will be

t.-rred. Oae weii roommended vaad none others needtp] may raid a permaaem hocac, aad good wage*, bvapj .> ng ai Vi Canton-place, aud S*

\V ANTKO- A -nuauon by a retpeciab.e Young Wo-

,"an, -o »a- ing,iioaatg aad cooUng, a* general

pusework pj a private tomi.T . the best Ofcity rv:erenee

given. t'.ervso ,1, at No. 1A'Mor.rce-tt. rear."

auS it*\\'ANTED. V siltuuioa as wet nurse by^^\^g^rne^tt rican VVomaa, *5o can give the beet of refeicuce. a*

...a.acier aiiu capacity. App.y at 30 Fraualort-si.

_-vSO Iw

jÖoorbing and Rotels.MKS ANGELINA BROWN

BEGS leave tu inJörm bei friends, Ibr.sat boarder*, andUM PUb c gem ra..\. dial she ba* opened a largo and

...o... BOAKDiNO HOUS£, No. jo* Broadway..;¦ . or iranaienlboarder* bj Uteday.weeaor moüib,i. e »c.-ou.::i.s.:i e,i w ...a ».ufc4e rootus.'or beoroouu aad

parlor* ntraeharii Xbi* bonae conialn* moie ii-.au to tooau,;» »applied with cold and DO! » ater bathv and every outer

c< nveatieace Mnxakeilaauietaod comfortable bourn, Aato the govxl ijua.itie» oi her nable aim the general tuanage-mei her bouae, reference*, wben required, a~ atniud-aut and al uan.l 1_jylXf

BOAKDIN J- A T 27 COKTLAND-ST.i rt.w (JEN li f'.MKS can nov» be accommodated wtib

» a. boar.', and -«-parate aparunei.ia. A.to acconuoodauooato > [eoüeinan a::d Ut-» » ife. » u.i par.or and bedloom ad-

ing, and tne use ot a Piano. Kefereuces required.tyg im'

_ _

BOAK01 S(J.Permanent and transient..Mr*. Dunlap,t a .No. 5 Dej *t) I* prepared to accc/mmodaie fam-

Ute* and iädil alual* atto Mercer-tt-near Broadway, Grandand Canal tt » itb pieaaanl revm* and good, boaru on rta*.

souabie terms. .> Uu

BOARDIMG..A beautiful room tor a enilemaa ana*.»ire, wttb a Few outer* tor transient boarders, may c«

...i st Mrs, s» ,.s - ..! M.-tvo.i.between litvadway andSieatuiH-ai Landing*, Norm River. mylt? 9m

«Sr» I MON lltil SK, h.-.d. Masa-The tub-ist .... .. e aboveuauieu new and splendid

Hotel Just completed, at the ceutre of tue beaatitutnot lipnngttelu, Mass. sndwili open the sauio for

p'o-.io accommodation ou the SOU Instant The I'uionHouse is large, richly tinUtbed and farm-bed. and oder* uu-

equaled advantage* io all persons Lrmvoting uirougbSpringfield tor business or pleasure. Having recentlyWept tne .¦ l ai ed sute« Hotel at,d "Coagntss Aad si oar.aloga, the sub tu-er lespeclfully iaM-.es ins o.l friendsand patrons a d all oiheit to give him a call in his new

S. S. SKMANS.SrajMcnSLP, July Mih, lit-tsi._f j\Js« 3mMilKOAI» \V \\ I lOTKL, 305 l».-öad«ay, aC

hwi-j l>y J. P. Wiuoo..Travelers and Citizens eo-tertalned on modentie lenua The house ls new aad

cottuui dious. and the location very coavenient to u»e steea*boat* and a.ljoins the Railroa.l Depot. je2b Sm

MM ATS ! llATrsll-Paris Ml.km Hat* at W,> thoan mill hj nlhsir* al f|l. al*o ehigaul diese

Hat» hi S.- .'s'an.l #3*0, superior lu style an.l nuuui to

those In many places al id; ueal Hals at «J* Ot O MtaCMv» ill be pleased to see his friends at this esiablislunent.jy30 lm- iltlO. P. IL HIMUN. I Hi Canai-st.

-.ai--ii 'nfi'i I It V' i NT to pH etiawei s Tu' PianoTJjgjr i-. I'besubscribers bmvuutpurchased

Mr John rtertber u.axlualve .:;t« in

the 1 i..led Stales to his Patent llaip r"rainoiiuprove.me.ui in Piano s'oite, are now ntanufaciuring mm*very splendid Kosewood end Nlabogauany Piano rones,which are warranted superior in tone to any now m use,and to k.-ep in nine much longer. The Improvement coa-siats in tuosl bsjautintl Harp Frame, peculiarm construc¬tion, taking all rue si, am of the !tnngs from the cast,; alsoa general assortment oi the most aproved nioderu styles of

I mstrumenl*. BO'NcTIT, K'Kir.KS a, i u.*23 IS! Fulton-st Ka»i side oi Broadway,AM) l-OKTI-s at very low price*sons about puicnasing I'lnuos w ill andthen edvasuage locall at ICOhnTsnJl»Manuftsctory i'i Kullon-at, (west ot

l>'.Iw'ay.j a general asaortmenti fUahogauy and Kos,^wood I'.atio.. constantly on band, which wiUbesohl low tor

casli oi approved paper Dealers supplied on liberal lennsII. Ol.HN.N tv CU. [OS Kulion-tL

thoiii'mos , KJt»Ul791 TJhtl/88,mproved by J. K. Benjamin, 19 Beeanuui-st is

s-rsaiiy approved ol by Ihe Medical Facul¬ty and ail who use them, as the pressure can

be gi. m tted from one to bity pound* on the rupture wnh-out a back pad, which doe* so much injury to the spine,causl ivoakui i rid pain In the back and side*, and ofteopern,alien spinal disease. St* days trial giveu and if notperfectly satisfactory, money returuod. jefj tf lstp

Dlt. lU'l.i.'H TKCS8EH sal Abdö>*\uiiniil Stipporlers.Ultico No. I Nesey sL As-a ,i H aise.

Many person* have undertaken to vend tin-llatlonsofHull s eelebraiedTrussej.and thou

tauds are imposed upon m coastequeaaaa, Xbese mutations

cannot be relied upon, Uvoy arc nsade ay uuskulfui meciia--nica, an*I are t,.i better than the ordinary Trusses, auao uf


Vsi-.w and splendid arrangesnent, by means of whichiheSbowei oath Is united with the Bathing Tub, and

can be used In connection in any partof the bouse. The pub-lie aro respectfully invited to csul und eaauuuo it ai ihost ue ..t the tubtcriber, No, B7 Bowery, between Kouriband fifth sis ||y|3 lm-| CHARLKal IvJaNg. Pal.ilass,


Lead Pipe an Sheet Lead, and dealers in Pig and BarLead, nil and -v» Water-st, Now-Vork.Th is Otis Ll ltov,I) iMu r-vti rH_ _

Jelt iW

Plf K-IMM REfS UI'TOP HI HI.NEHM.-COL-TU.N Pockeb-Book aud Watch Safe it a perfect tocu-

rit) i. ai nsi the depredation* of pick pocket*, (luiiocou-stnicted mat it cannot he picke.1 or cut open. It is a light,neat article, and cau be put lu the brra*l or tklrl of a coatw ithout atlectmg ihu lit of the garmenL It i* alto a secu-

r.ry against accidents. To ihe traveling community Ibeywill be found invaluable. To ihn Merchant, Broker, or

person, n tu .ire obliged to carry a large amount ot moneywith them al public meeting* or p.aevt of amusement, ftwill be found a necessary requisite. For sale, w holesaleund retail, by JOHN J. Bill>VVN Sr. CO.

\Xt Ifuiion-*t, near .Nassau,A liberal discount to Tailors ami others. aul

It' A T« 11 Hs*, .1KW Kl.lt V, Silver War.-, Ac-Pur.. » cussers u.-e invited lo examine Ilm following articles,winch are otfered for sale at very low prices ..Uuplea,Lever, Lepine sad other Watcbes, by approved muaers, oi

Importations, in line g..el and sii.er coses of the uu-esl .> .es, a an lutied correct ümo-keepera, üold Cbaln*,se^.,, Key«, Hing», Pins, Bracelets, and every desenpuonoi new and fusluoualile Jewelry. Silver Spoons, Ladies,Knives, Kork», PlaUsd and Britannia Ware, Oold and Sil¬ver Pencil Cases, Oold Pens, Mantel Clocks, and a choice- .. lion of Kaucy Oooda. \\ an t.es. Jewelry, kc. .conedand repaired. LOCKWOOO i HCKIBNIcR,

gU/ Pearl-sL corner of Pullon-st.n2nf opposite United States Hotel

C-Ü3IFORTS OK 8U1>LUBK. No. 3-WsJtyuuj' Pot*,Oardeu Syrmgee, Knot Oaiberert, pyramid Porm*

tor ai r inging Sowers, ksllau Chain, Bird Cages, foot, leg,hip and suspension Hatht, Ballung Caps, Kieth Bruthe*,Sponge, Wiliow Wagom, Velocipedes, PropelJert, Ko-'ary Ci.urns, Toy VAaguos and Wheelbarrows, FlowerTraiit, Flower Stands, IjsU-dneuToois, Uog Muilos.CtisrcoalFurnaces,Summer Baker*, and Uedeclors, Oocari*. UaU,hai aud umbreiia Stand, Marble Holling Plus and Slabs forpaslry, and all the rest of them waiting 10 be appropriatedai SMITH, TUKKKV k CO.'S. so Afaidoo-laoe. Jy27_FANCY AN» NTAI'LK STATIONEKY, Blank

Book*, i.e. -FRANCIn 4t LOL'THEL would tnvtteI.-,.- a- <¦.-,.¦;. ,,t country inerchaiits, dealers and Uie publicgenera..y, to their eilähi.shiiient, where tr.ey wnl find alarge assortment ot Stationery aud Blank Books whichUiey will sell In quantities to suit purchasers at very lowpr..:>.«. Letter ami cap papers. Croiou luks, sealing wax,waters, quliis, steel pens, gold and silver pencils, goldpens, ivory tablets, pearl and ivory folders, fancy inSsisnds,*tc ic. together with everyarücielB Uta tilsrionssni uno.

kp.a.nlI.s s. LuLTKEL. Maoufacturlog ak^titntora,Jy-gJ 77 MsJ.len isiie, NeA Vork.

ICIMKIW SHADES'. VVTNDOWSHADESiitt J. c. WUODFUIU), g-i BroaiiA,,,, Invilea .« §t,.... of Merchant* buying l» sell again, Uj his (lock of

Window Snodes, bow on rutad, as tun assorUneai is lars*sad umplnte. the oxiality*oc*Uie shades urn me best andHie prices) will a« found among the lowest in Uie city.N. B .Aiso a lot of Out Cornices which will be sold

lower than ever befora ottered. Merchants buying to sellagain w::; t.n a.lowed a aberal discount. 2b6 Broadway,Lafsrge * Bui.dinga jy*B

CHANDKLIKItsj, Cacdeloori Lamp*, Oos Fixuires,: I -THOMAS CKA.NK BANKS wou.d inform too

public nod in,, former customers of Couüiouy k Never*.laues at the old tiond opoot.ie the Tabernacle.

Ihe lw*inea* formerly carried on by thern. Having receivedthe agency of the Justly celebrated manufacuirer*, H. W.it 0| er V. Co he offers the superior article* of their manu¬facture a: a great reduction from lao pnee of C. k N. TheP'.:...c »rn iri.iieii u, examine. jyl6 yU*aJ.MITir!» llO.*tia;0PATHIC Pharmacy, No. Ä»*j Broadway, adjoining Nlbstya^.John T. a. smith Lasa.». g.-«j,s..r-r;ien: oi Homiropartic Medicines, in tiacluiT»,trltural oos, dliutioos mvl giob oes; Sugar of Muk, PareA.c..Distilled W -ue.-, pelseU, veke Phystciacs'. Pock-et and Paxmly Cases ofModieiea.on tiatal aud prepared lo

order. HouVJrop^ii.ei r.uii>:i, a su-istitate for orliooryC run Lad a'i:.cs..c P.aster, and on excellent appIicelJOOtbr Corna. m!9 tf

CHERMANTATWAYKR^sTCÖ. corner of ßröäd.v5uiid Beaver els, New-York, Cotnam.ion Merchant* forthe sa.- of Americ in Pig, Bloom. Bar, Ho>/p, Scroll, Baad,aad a.. Irdnds of Iron, oder for sale.

g.>) Ujtu best Jersey CbarcOaJ BlOOtUSluo do do Northern blooms>i do Reri:..^i fur wire billet*

S. a. a. Co. ¦ tdvaace .a^roi.v anon alleoaasssaataasaiof P g Iron, Blooms oi manuau>mred Iron, ^Si^oZ

hem..r purchase in the Ne *--T<-r« ow»ot 0B

ii-'>«t reasonable terms, _._coorjoae lo manuiac-

BRITAN.MA 600D»-vv>. WM"1»".lure artsCles of Bnia-nia W ^J^.XiZ %

L Son', beat SheSeld BrtianafaMatal<>^_Sl3t_rlare oHeresl for t*> al the lowesi P'^Jo." ,^* ^fj*'tail, by BOAHDMAN k HAJtT. e Br.riing-»l.p. aul lw

1^,... ^. rt-_s~ltock*wty Carraige with three teats.¦ f sLhltsn tmZ secy bole asedand wu b, sold low. It

can ie^Mcsstyrf. Sob*., V.Trinity-placs.. Lorn-

t~s(SS «ALE-A Drug Store and hxturea la Brooklyn'Arisirw "

.- - H« sou, 1Ü5 Fulton-M. Brousiya,of u, \C-;-sii a. Keicaair.. lgl Fulion-tl, N. Y. J>-31 «£siCilOW'KR BATHS.For ta.c a: tlie low pr.ee of SO

Jjeeui* *n-i apwardj aiso a supply on hand of tpongisgboihs, utp uagu. fxjt rub*, and uuge boltung tubs. Dou-gla**'s ue* Paleat Irou Pumps, lead pipe, kc kc Kortaie

by_W^. \VP.3'r, ;tj3 Hudsotxt. [my30jmlSTEA-M POWER.S eara'Powcr to let, trom i to 30

Horse Power. Apply at ihe comer of 25m tt. and lüth-

v-oue._ J30 3m"

REMOVAL..HORACE U. DAY S India Rubber ea-

tahUahmetii has been removed from >o- 24 Jlaiden-

lane to Na 23 Cortlaad-st. two doors below the ^eeAernHoieL JJ4tf

top related