sf webperf meetup - happy 5th birthday yslow

Post on 13-May-2015






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Original Google Docs presentation: http://wh.yslow.org/sfwebperf-yslow


Happy 5th Birthday YSlow@marcelduran @stoyanstefanov



+183k users (formerly +210k)+3.3mi downloadsTop 25 2bi add-ons downloaded

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first 24 hours437

37so far


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$ npm install yslow -g

$ yslow --help Usage: yslow [options] [file ...]


-h, --help output usage information -V, --version output the version number -i, --info <info> specify the information to display/log

(basic|grade|stats|comps|all) [basic] -f, --format <format> specify the output results format

(json|xml|plain) [json] -r, --ruleset <ruleset> specify the YSlow performance ruleset to be used

(ydefault|yslow1|yblog) [ydefault] -b, --beacon <url> specify an URL to log the results -d, --dict include dictionary of results fields -v, --verbose output beacon response information


yslow file.har yslow -i grade -f xml -b http://server.com/beacon file1.har file2.har yslow -info all --format plain /tmp/*.har yslow -i basic --rulseset yslow1 -d < file.har curl example.com/file.har | yslow -i grade -b http://server.com/beacon -v

$ yslow file.har$ yslow file1.har file2.har file3.har$ yslow my-har-files/*.har$ yslow < file.har$ curl http://foo.com/file.har | yslow

-f, --format <format> (json|xml|plain)

$ yslow foo.com.har{ w: 98725, o: 89, u: 'foo.com', r: 9, i: 'ydefault', lt: 981 }

$ yslow --format plain foo.com.harsize: 96.4K (98725 bytes)overall score: B (89)url: http://www.foo.com/# of requests: 9ruleset: ydefaultpage load time: 981

$ yslow --format xml foo.com.har<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><results> <w>98725</w> <o>89</o> <u>http://www.foo.com/</u> <r>9</r> <i>ydefault</i> <lt>981</lt></results>

-i, --info <info> (basic|grade|stats|comps|all)

$ yslow foo.com.har{ w: 98725, o: 89, u: 'foo.com', r: 9, i: 'ydefault', lt: 981 }

$ yslow --info grade foo.com.har{ w: 98725, o: 89, u: 'foo.com', r: 9, i: 'ydefault', lt: 981, g: { ynumreq: { score: 92, components: [] }, ycdn: { score: 80, components: ['a.com', 'b.com'] }, ... yfavicon: { score: 100, components: [] } }}

$ yslow --info stats foo.com.har{ w: 98725, o: 89, u: 'foo.com', r: 9, i: 'ydefault', lt: 981, stats: { doc: { r: 1, w: 18419 }, css: { r: 2, w: 20951 }, image: { r: 3, w: 29553 }, js: { r: 2, w: 10852 }, cssimage: { r: 1, w: 18950 } }}

$ yslow --info comps foo.com.har{ w: 98725, o: 89, u: 'foo.com', r: 9, i: 'ydefault', lt: 981, comps: [ {type:'doc', url:'foo.com', size:1841, resp:41, gzip:613}, {type:'css', url:'bar.css', size:3062, resp:98, gzip:989}, ... {type:'js', url:'baz.js', size:2445, resp:86, gzip:834} ]}

$ yslow --info all foo.com.har{ w: 98725, o: 89, u: 'foo.com', r: 9, i: 'ydefault', lt: 981, g: { ynumreq: { score: 92, components: [] }, ... } stats: { doc: { r: 1, w: 18419 }, css: { r: 2, w: 20951 }, ... } comps: [ {type:'doc', url:'foo.com', size:1841, resp:41, gzip:613}, ... ]}

-d, --dict

$ yslow -i basic --dict foo.com.har{ w: 98725, o: 89, u: 'foo.com', r: 9, i: 'ydefault', lt: 981, dictionary: { w: 'size', o: 'overall score', u: 'url', r: 'total number of requests', i: 'id of the ruleset used', lt: 'page load time', grades: '100 >= A >= 90 > B >= 80 > C >= 70 > D >= 60 > E >= 50 > F >= 0 > N/A = -1' }}

-r, --ruleset <ruleset>(ydefault | yslow1 | yblog)

Minimize HTTP RequestsUse a Content Delivery NetworkAvoid empty src or hrefAdd an Expires or a Cache-Control HeaderGzip ComponentsPut StyleSheets at the TopPut Scripts at the BottomAvoid CSS ExpressionsMake JavaScript and CSS ExternalReduce DNS LookupsMinify JavaScript and CSSAvoid RedirectsRemove Duplicate ScriptsConfigure ETagsMake AJAX CacheableUse GET for AJAX RequestsReduce the Number of DOM ElementsNo 404sReduce Cookie SizeUse Cookie-Free Domains for ComponentsAvoid FiltersDo Not Scale Images in HTMLMake favicon.ico Small and Cacheable

ydefault(aka YSlow V2)

23 rules

Minimize HTTP RequestsUse a Content Delivery NetworkAdd an Expires or a Cache-Control HeaderGzip ComponentsPut StyleSheets at the TopPut Scripts at the BottomAvoid CSS ExpressionsMake JavaScript and CSS ExternalReduce DNS LookupsMinify JavaScript and CSSAvoid RedirectsRemove Duplicate ScriptsConfigure ETags

yslow1(aka YSlow V1/classic)

13 rules

Minimize HTTP RequestsAvoid empty src or hrefGzip ComponentsPut StyleSheets at the TopPut Scripts at the BottomAvoid CSS ExpressionsReduce DNS LookupsMinify JavaScript and CSSAvoid RedirectsRemove Duplicate ScriptsReduce the Number of DOM ElementsNo 404sAvoid FiltersDo Not Scale Images in HTMLMake favicon.ico Small and Cacheable

yblog(aka small site/blog)

15 rules

-b, --beacon <url>-v, --verbose

$ yslow --beacon http://server.com/ foo.com.har{ w: 98725, o: 89, u: 'foo.com', r: 9, i: 'ydefault', lt: 981 }

$ yslow -b http://server.com/ --verbose foo.com.har{ w: 98725, o: 89, u: 'foo.com', r: 9, i: 'ydefault', lt: 981, beacon: { status: 200, headers: { "content-type": 'text/html; charset=utf-8', "date": 'Thu, 02 Aug 2012 17:23:33 GMT', "content-length": '3', "connection": 'close' }, body: 'ok\n' }}


YSlow for PhantomJShttp://www.flickr.com/photos/pedroferrer/3615212504

before after

Case: Y! Continuous Deployment

before after

No Performance Test Suite

$ phantomjs yslow.js http://yslow.org

-f, --format <format>

( json | xml | plain | tap | junit )

$ phantomjs yslow.js -i basic --format tap http://yslow.org

TAP version 131..1ok 1 B (88) overall score

$ phantomjs yslow.js -i grade --format tap http://yslow.org

TAP version 131..24ok 1 B (88) overall scorenot ok 2 C (72) ynumreq: Make fewer HTTP requests --- message: This page has 7 external Javascript scripts ...ok 3 C (70) ycdn: Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN) --- message: There are 3 static components not on CDN. offenders: - "yslow.org: 1 component, 8.0K (8.0K GZip)" - "fonts.googleapis.com: 1 component, 1.0K (1.0K GZip)" - "widgets.twimg.com: 1 component, 0.8K" ...ok 4 A (100) yemptysrc: Avoid empty src or hrefnot ok 5 F (12) yexpires: Add Expires headers --- message: There are 5 static components without a far-future expiration date. offenders: - "http://yslow.org/stylesheets/styles-min.css"...

$ phantomjs yslow.js -i basic --format junit http://yslow.org

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><testsuites> <testsuite name="YSlow" tests="1" failures="1"> <testcase name="overall score" status="C (79)"> <failure/> </testcase> </testsuite></testsuites>

-t, --threshold <score>( [0-100] | [A-F] | {json} )

default: 80

-t B-t 75-t '{"overall": "C", "ycdn": "F"}'-t '{"ycdn": "F", "yexpires": 75}'

-u, --ua "<user agent>"

e.g: -u "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6)"

-vp, --viewport <WxH>

e.g: -vp 640x960

-ch, --headers <JSON>

e.g: -ch '{"Cookie": "foo=bar"}'

-c, --console <level>(0: none | 1: msg | 2: msg+line+source)

YSlow + CI = BFF

node.js server

local HAR file uploadcurl http://yslow.nodester.com/ -F 'har=@localfile.har'

remote HAR filecurl 'http://yslow.nodester.com/?har=http://server.com/foo.har'

HAR {json} stringcurl http://yslow.nodester.com/ -d 'har={"log":{"version":"1.1", ... }}'

+ +

curl "http://yslow.nodester.com/?har=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.webpagetest.org%2Fexport.php%3Ftest%3D120627_MC_5WD


is hiring;-)

YAWAHSYet Another We Are Hiring Slide

flexible hours

multiple office

locationsaka WFH


unpaid time off


be your own boss



// check if frame digging was disabled, if so, return the top docif (!YSLOW.util.Preference.getPref('extensions.yslow.', true)) { allDocs[node.URL] = { 'document': node, 'type': 'doc' }; return allDocs;}type = 'doc';if (node.nodeType === this.NODETYPE.DOCUMENT) { // Document node doc = node; docUrl = node.URL;} else if (node.nodeType === this.NODETYPE.ELEMENT && node.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'frame') { // Frame node doc = node.contentDocument; docUrl = node.src;} else if (node.nodeType === this.NODETYPE.ELEMENT && doc = node.contentDocument; docUrl = node.src;


V2 ninja

V3 blackbelt

be a speed star

Source Code





Thank You


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