sewa sagar english july - dec 2015

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  • 7/24/2019 Sewa Sagar English July - Dec 2015


    Email: New Delhi AJuly-September/ October-December 2015

  • 7/24/2019 Sewa Sagar English July - Dec 2015


    Sometimes a step taken as compulsion proves to be instrumental in a big change. This is what happened

    with Smt Chandrika Chauhan of Solapur, Maharashtra. Seeing the family in financial crisis she started

    stitching clothes of her neighbours in early 1990s. That step has now turned into a big movement for

    women empowerment in the city. Named as Udyog Vardhini, the initiative has ensured work for all

    types of womenliterate or illiterate, young or old, rural or urban, physically fit or challenged or from

    any age group. Udyog Vardhini is now instrumental in making 400 women entrepreneurs in the city

    and also making over 15,000 women truly self-reliant. These women are self-reliant and awakened to

    the extent that they also now help other women of the city to become equally self-reliant. The products

    made by them are now exported to the US and the UK. This issue of Sewa Sagarcarries a detailed

    report on the initiative of Smt Chauhan.

    Another inspiring story is from Jammu & Kashmir, which normally remains in the news for wrong

    reasons. Starting any sewa activity by a pure nationalist organisation like Sewa Bharati was a tough job

    because of the social, political and demographic complexities prevailing there. But the Sewa Bharati

    took up the challenge and proved to be instrumental in reshaping the mindset of the people even in the

    areas where ordinary people from rest of the country normally avoid visiting. It is also a good example

    of restoring social harmony. The barriers created in the mind of people there are now gradually reducing.

    Three special children studying at Keshav Seva Sadhna at Bicholim in Goa have recently won gold,

    sliver and bronze medals at the Special Olympics World Summer Games organised in Loss Angelis,

    America. When it comes to promote sports talent the government or the other agencies normally turn to

    ordinary children and nobody spends money and time on the special children. But Keshav Sewa Sadhna has

    done a good job by discovering and promoting the sports talent of the students whom the society normally

    thinks a burden. We have carried a report on it also.

    The wounds of earthquake are still fresh in Nepal. Apart from the loss of human lives, over 10 lakh

    students lost their school bags. In order to restore their studies it was direly needed to provide them school

    kits containing all necessary accessories. The Sewa Bharati workers dispatched 31000 kits without loss oftime and distributed in the most hit areas on August 4. More than 33000 kits are to be dispatched shortly.

    There is a brief report on it.

    On the passing away of Dr APJ Abdul Kalam, the whole nation, rather the entire world, paid tribute

    in thier own way. As tribute, we have carried one of his inspiring speeches delivered at Chitrakoot project

    of Deendayal Research Institute (DRI) in the presence of Nanaji Deshmukh some years back. Apart

    from it there are reports on the activities of Sarvangin Gram Vikas Sansthan and many other affiliated

    organisations of the Rashtriya Sewa Bharati. Your valuable suggestions guide us to move forward. Kindly

    dont hesitate to share your feelings.

    Gurusharan Parsad,Editor

    In this issue

    Publisher : Rashtriya Sewa Bharati

    Managing Editor:Gurusharan Prasad 09431104644


    Executive Editor:Uday Joglekar 09869070763


    Administrative Office: Rashtriya SewaBharati, Community Centre, III Floor,Tank Road, Karol Bagh, New Dehli-5Phone: 011-25814928, 25814693Web: rashtriyasewa.orgEmail:

    Printed:Aravali Printers & Publishers Pvt. Ltd., W 30, Okhala Phase -II, New Delhi-20

  • 7/24/2019 Sewa Sagar English July - Dec 2015


    Sewa Sagar July - December 2015 1

    Do we not realise that self-respect comes with self-reliance?

    Dr APJ Abdul Kalam

    Three students of Keshav Seva Sadhana earn laurels for India by

    wining three medals at Special Olympic World Summer Gamesorganised in Los-Angeles, America, from July 25 to August 3, 2015.

    Flying Wings Across the Globe

    Three children of Keshav Seva Sadhana, a schoolrun for special children at Bicholim in Goa,earned laurels by wining three medalsGold, Silver

    and Bronzeat the Special Olympic World Summer

    Games organised in Los Angeles, America, from

    July 25 to August 3, 2015. These three champions

    are Kushal Resham, Riya Gavde and Urmila UdayParab. Sportspersons from 175 other countries also

    had attended the event in the US.

    Kushal Resham among these is a very gentle

    and friendly boy. He works and plays with full

    concentration and determination. He started learning

    skating at the age of nine. He is now 14 year old.

    He is a fearless boy. He belongs to an economically

    deprived family. He got this victory due to his hard

    work and determination. He won gold medal in 1000

    meters roller skating, other gold medal in 200 metersRelay and Bronze medal in 300 metres. There were

    18 children from Goa, but only Kushal won two

    gold medals.

    Riya Ravinder Gavde belongs to a very simple

    family of Pali Vanvasi village of the region. She

    joined Hyderabad coaching camp at the age of eight

    and at 13 she won Bronze medal in 1000 meter

    roller skating and silver medals in 300 meter rink

    and relay also.

    The third girl student is Urmila Uday Parab.

    Very less talking Urmila won Bronze medal in

    300 meter roller skating in little age reaching Los-

    Angeles America.

    Despite belonging to ordinary families these

    students have done extraordinary work. In January

    2015, they reserved their seats for Olympic by

    winning gold, silver and bronze medals at National

    Championship held in Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh. They

    had also displayed their spirit in camps held in

    Haryana, Hyderabad, Chennai and Delhi and with

    restless hard work hoisted the tricolour in the US.

    Their instructor Shri Premanad Naik has also

    shown his ability by imparting them coaching for

    half an hour daily. Because of being special children,

    their parents feared they could get injury.

    Initially, their parents were not ready to let

    them join sports. But Shri Premanad convinced them

    by generating trust in children. Away from their

    parents, friends and teachers, in the other country

    with different atmosphere, culture, people and

    language where even a matured man gets nervous,these children have shown limitless bravery and

    courage. Entire Goa showered welcome to them on

    this victory.

    - Keshav Seva Sadhana, Om, Durganagar,

    Bori, Ponda 403 401 (Goa)

    Phone: 0832 2333150,


    Welcome on behalf of Keshav Seva Sadhana in Goa

  • 7/24/2019 Sewa Sagar English July - Dec 2015


    July - Decetember 2015 Sewa Sagar2

    Jammu & Kashmir is a state full of geographical,social and political complexities. Jammu is Hindumajority region, while Kashmir is Muslim majority,

    where this demography changed drastically afterthe exodus of Kashmiri Pandits in 1990. The Sewa

    Bharati work began in Jammu in 1988 in the form of

    helping the poorest of the poor. But the expansion of

    the work in Kashmir Valley was really a challenging

    task. Therefore, the work was started in the form of

    some Ekal Vidyalayas, which later proved to be an

    encouraging experiment.

    Sewa Bharti Jammu & Kashmir was registered as

    a voluntary organisation in 1988. It was observed that a

    large population of the society in the state was deprived

    because of lack of proper education, inaccessibility to

    proper health measures, living in remote areas or even

    owing to poor financial conditions. The organisation

    initially decided to focus on four areaseducation,

    health, social and self-reliance. Once the goals wereset, the work started with clear and focused vision,

    dedicated mission and commitment to undertake

    various activities for betterment of the deprived strata

    of the society. Since then it never looked back.


    A psychologist has said give me first five years of

    a child, and I will make him what you want him to be.

    Sewa Bharati Jammu & Kashmir

    The social, political and demographic complexities in Jammu & Kashmir makethe task of running anysewaactivity very challenging. It is not as easy as in otherstates. But the Sewa Bharati has set an example by taking all sections of the societytogether which can be a model for other conflict zones also. Sewa Bharati haseffectively reached the areas or localities of Kashmir Valley, which the most peoplenormally avoid to visit, and provided basic amenities of health and education. Theimpact of these activities being carried out with purely nationalist perspective isvisible everywhere. It is a wonderful experiment in the field ofsewa, which has beenappreciated by all. The barriers that had been created in the mind of the local people

    by some vested interests are now gradually vanishing.

    It is because the mind of a child is easily impregnable.

    Keeping it in view the Sewa Bharati started Bal Sanskar

    Kendras where the children are acquainted with the

    time tested and trustedsanskars (moral education) inaddition to attending to their academic needs. These

    Kendras are run in identified Sewa Bastis and other

    localities in and around Jammu. Annually, Bal Shivirs

    are also held of all these Kendras in which various

    competitions are held to discover the hidden talent of

    the children. The winners are suitably rewarded.

    Initially, in view of the socio-political situation

    prevailing in the Valley after 1990, the start of any

    If you can, help others; if you cannot do that, at least do not harm them.

    Dalai Lama

    Rooting out Mental Barriers

    Bal Shivir

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    Sewa Sagar July - December 2015 3

    Ekal Vidyalaya was looked with suspicion. But

    once these were started in some areas of Kashmir,

    people understood their value and as a result 270

    such Vidyalayas have been established so far with a

    standing demand for more.


    Education has always been inaccessible for

    children living in remote areas and having poor

    financial backgrounds. Recognising this problem and

    with the generous help from valued donors hostels

    were startedVelji Vishram Popat Disha Hostel for

    boys at Kadmal Katra, Shri Janak Madan Girls Hostel

    at Pouni Chak in Jammu and another hostel at Leh,

    which caters to the needs of children coming from far

    flung areas of Ladakh and studying in the said school.Presently, 42 boys study in different classes and

    come from various remote areas like Leh (Ladakh),

    Poonch, Doda, Kashmir. They are from economically

    deprived backgrounds or from the families who faced

    the brunt of earthquake, floods or terrorism. Likewise,

    24 inmate girls studying in classes up to 10th standard

    are from Jammu, Kashmir, Leh, Kargil, etc.

    Computer Training

    The present age is the age of computer. Butacquiring computer knowledge is beyond the reach of

    the children from economically deprived background.

    To mitigate their problem the Sewa Bharati runs

    five computer training centres (one each at Jammu,

    Srinagar, Katra, Ramban and Leh) where training in

    basics of computers is imparted. The training courses

    are equivalent in contents, shape and design to the

    courses taught in Government Polytechnics. The

    students who passed out of these centres are placed

    in private organisations. Regular counselling classes

    are also held on every Saturday for the children

    pursuing the courses to awaken the dormant leadership

    qualities in them and to keep them fully abreast with

    the latest developments across the globe. The childrenare also taken for excursions, on know thy country

    tours and thus exposed to the life prevalent outside

    the State. They are also encouraged to participate in

    social activities like plantation drives, blood donation

    camps, celebration of national and social festivals, etc.


    It was observed that availing satisfactory

    medical facilities were beyond the reach of the people

    living in remote areas and coming from economically

    or socially backward pockets. Accordingly, the Sewa

    Bharati started holding health camps, where doctors

    Let us sacrifice our today so that our children can have a better tomorrow.

    Dr APJ Abdul Kalam

    Students at Disha Boys Hostel Slum Basti Kendra

    Ekal Vidyalaya

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    July - Decetember 2015 Sewa Sagar4

    check patients and give them prescribed medicines

    free. Ambulance services are available for ferrying

    patients, their attendants from their destinations to

    hospitals in and around Jammu and even outside the

    State. These ambulances have been placed at Jammu,Srinagar, Katra and Rajouri.

    Blood donation camps are held regularly twice a

    year and youth are encouraged to donate blood. They

    are made to understand how blood donation is harmless

    for them and useful for the society. Sewa Bharati

    Jammu has the distinction of being No 2 after Red Cross

    in organising blood donation camps and donating blood.

    Volunteers from Sewa Bharati help patients, referred

    to Medical College Hospital by district hospitals, or

    coming from villages, in consulting the concerneddoctors and other connected activities.


    In the field of self-reliance, efforts are afoot

    to encourage women empowerment by imparting

    vocational training to women and to enable them to

    be self-dependent economically and thereby also add

    to the income of the family. Under this programme,

    called 'Athroot', women are trained in various skills

    like masala grinding and packing, Kashmiri embroiderylike Aari embroidery, Silken embroidery, boutique,

    soft toy making, painting on glass, etc in addition to

    normal stitching and cutting. The skilled women are

    encouraged to form self-help groups and work for

    themselves. At present such training centres are run at

    Jagati, the biggest township in Asia where Kashmiri

    migrants live and at Purkhoo and Muthi migrant camps.

    The produces from these SHGs are sold at various

    special exhibitions held in Delhi, Hyderabad, etc. like

    the one held in Hyderabad, Delhi and other places.

    Training in stitching and cutting is also imparted to

    women at RS Pura centre.

    In the social sector, Sewa Bharati endevours

    to awaken the society towards its responsibility to

    eradicate social evils like dowry demands, drug

    addiction and caste related problems and also about

    the issues like global warming. Lately, the programmes

    like Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, PM Jan Dhan Yojna,

    Insurance plans, etc have also been included. To

    acquaint the farmers with the latest developments in

    agriculture Sewa Bharati has established demonstration

    plots on its land at Sirla Bhaga and educates farmers

    about the utility of organic manure, certified seeds and

    proper irrigation.

    If you do good for people, you are doing it out of your nature.

    Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

    Health services through Mobile Medical Van

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    Sewa Sagar July - December 2015 5

    Natural Calamities

    Sewa Bharati has always been in the forefront

    during the testing times of unfortunate natural disasters.

    In 2005 earthquake, when Poonch and surrounding

    areas were badly rattled and devastated the Sewa

    Bharati workers were first to reach the affected areasand start rescue and relief operations followed by

    rehabilitation programme. Likewise, in 2010 when Leh

    and many areas in the region faced huge devastation

    due to cloudburst and floods, Sewa Bharati volunteers

    rose to the occasion and started rescue operations and

    distributed relief material to the affected brethren. It

    was followed by rehabilitation programmes, for the

    petty shopkeepers who had lost their sources of earnings

    due to floods, by providing them with monetary help

    to restart their livelihood.

    Once again in September 2014, when entire

    Jammu & Kashmir was ravaged by floods the

    volunteers of Sewa Bharati rose to the occasion and

    worked tirelessly in rescuing the marooned people inKashmir and areas of Jammu. Relief material in the

    shape of blankets, Phirans, Kangris, school bags, solar

    lights, etc. was distributed to the affected people and

    families. Doctors and workers from outside the State

    responded to the call and together with local workers

    camped for more than one month in Kashmir, held

    camps at various places and distributed free medicines

    to the patients. Even the National Disaster Management

    team sent its members for on the spot training. The

    work done by the karyakartas was appreciated so

    much that announcements regarding medical campswere made in Mosques. As a measure of rehabilitation

    mobile shops (Reharis) along with merchandise were

    distributed to the affected people to enable them to earn

    their livelihood again.

    The working of an organisation depends upon

    its resources, both human and financial. If the cadre

    is dedicated, committed, has vision and foresight

    and above all the desire to serve the suffering people

    the organisation is sure to achieve all its targets and

    surmount all difficulties that come in its way. Regardingfinancial resources many philanthropists, both within

    and outside the country, appreciate our way of working

    and associate themselves with human causes we pursue.

    - Sewa Bharati Jammu & Kashmir

    Vishnu Sewa Kunj,, Ved Mandir Complex,

    Amphalla, Jammu-180 001, Ph: 09419112841,


    Reading a book gives us the habit of solitary reflection and true enjoyment.

    Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan

    A medical camp during the floods

    Counselling to prisoners in Jail

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    July - Decetember 2015 Sewa Sagar6

    Iam delighted to be here in Deendayal researchInstitute (DRI) located in the beautiful surroundingsof Chitrakoot. DRI is a unique institution developing

    a village development model which is most suited for

    India and is also implementing. Your vast experience

    is very important for the nation.

    DRI understands that peoples power is morepotent, stable and enduring than political power. By

    becoming one with the oppressed and depressed, one

    gains the acumen of administration and governance.

    Social advancement and prosperity are possible only

    by injecting the sprit of self-reliance and excellence

    in the younger generation. Using this principle DRI

    has plans to develop one hundred clusters of villages

    having approximately five villages each around

    Chitrakoot, based on the experience of 80 villages

    in 16 clusters.

    Our National Mission? Challenges

    Our nation is going through a major challenge

    of uplifting of 260 million people who are below

    the poverty line. They need habitat, they need food,

    they need health care and they need education and

    employment finally resulting in a good life. Our GDP

    is growing at more than 7% per annum. Whereas, the

    economists suggest that to uplift the people below

    poverty line, our economy has to grow at the rate of

    10% per annum consistently, for over a decade.

    Integrated Action for Development

    To meet the needs of one billion people whose

    number will further increase, we have a mission of

    transforming India into a developed nation. We have

    identified five areas where India has core competencies

    for integrated action:

    Integrated Develomentof Villages is theKey to India's Development:Dr Kalam

    Excerpts from the speech delivered by former President of India Dr APJ Abdul Kalam at

    Udyamita Vidyapeeth of Deendayal Research Institute in Chitrakoot on October 6, 2005.

    1. Agriculture and food processing.

    2. Reliable and quality Electric power, surface

    transport and Infrastructure for all parts of the


    3. Education and Healthcare.

    4. Information and Communication Technology5. Strategic sectors.

    These five areas are closely inter-related and

    when effectively addressed, would lead to food,

    economic, energy and national security. Engines for

    Growth Emphasis should be on full utilisation of

    natural and human resources of the region to meet

    the demands of the modern society. We should also

    remember that about 50% of our population is of young

    people, with aspirations for a better life. Value addition

    to agriculture, manufacturing and service sectors of theeconomy, building on the regions core competencies

    and technologies, will lead to high income growth rate

    and employment potential. The engines for growth

    will be launching of the five national missions viz.

    water, energy, education and skills, infrastructure and

    employment generation, which will enable achievement

    of 10% GDP growth rate per annum, sustainable for a

    minimum period of ten years.

    Participation of Educational Institutions

    in Rural DevelopmentFor India to be a developed nation, it is essential

    that there is a massive scheme for development of

    the rural areas, as 70% of our population lives in

    villages. Hence, the Government has announced the

    introduction of a scheme called PURA i.e. Providing

    Urban Amenities in Rural Areas. PURA model

    envisages habitat design to improve the quality of life

    You have to dream before your dreams can come true.

    Dr APJ Abdul Kalam

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    Sewa Sagar July - December 2015 7

    in rural areas and also removes urban congestion. It

    is essentially total rural prosperity.

    Physical connectivity enables high mobility to

    villagers so that they can interact and use common

    infrastructure such as school, health centres and

    markets. The electronic connectivity with telephones

    and internet facilities bring them together and interact

    with anyone anywhere in the world knowledge

    connectivity will transform the rural area in education,

    healthcare, application of science for crop, water and

    forest and management, environment protection and

    cooperative product marketing. The combination of

    all these three connectivity provides the economic

    connectivity with small-scale industries, agro and

    food processing, warehouses, micro power plants,

    renewable energy farms and banks. The four

    connectivities will bring prosperity to the villagers

    and improve quality of life. For our country, around

    7000 PURA have been planned and Madhya Pradesh

    alone will have around 400 PURAs. I would like to

    talk to you on the two PURAs, apart from Chitrakoot


    Periyar PURA

    Last year I had visited Periyar Maniammai

    Collage of Technology for Women and inaugurated

    a PURA complex. I thought of sharing with you the

    developmental concept of a cluster of over 65 villages

    near Vallam, Thanjavur district of Tamil Nadu which

    involves a population of 3 lakh.

    This PURA complex has all the three

    connectivities-physical, electronic and knowledge-

    leading to economic connectivity. The centre of

    activity emanates from the women engineering

    collage that provides the electronic and knowledge

    connectivity. I understand that now five of the

    Periyar PURA has health care centres, primary to

    post graduate level education and vocational training

    centres. This has resulted in large-scale employment

    generation and creation of a number of entrepreneurs

    with the active support of 850 self-help groups. Two

    hundred acres of waste land has been developed intocultivable land with innovative water management

    schemes such as contour ponds and watersheds for

    storing and irrigating the fields. All the villagers

    are busy in cultivation planting Jatropha, herbal and

    medicinal plants, power generation using biomass,

    food processing and above all running market

    centres. This model has emanated independent of

    Dont limit a child to your own learning, for he was born in another time.

    Rabindranath Tagore

    I see Chitrakoot project is an

    integrated model for the development

    of rural India. It aims at creating asociety based on family bonding,

    pride in India culture, modern

    education wedded to Indian wisdom,

    easing of social tensions, economic

    empowerment of all especially the

    women folk, health for all, cleanliness,

    concern for environment, equitable

    distribution of wealth among allthe constituents of the society. This

    concept fully tallies with my view

    that developed India means not

    only economic development but

    also integrated development in art,

    literature, humanism, nobility in

    thinking and above all preservation

    of over 5000 years of our rich culturalheritage.

    Nanaji Deshmukh and Dr APJ Abdul Kalam in Chitrakoot

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    July - Decetember 2015 Sewa Sagar8

    any government initiative. The committed leadership

    has been provided by the Engineering College. This

    gives me the confidence that PURA is a realizableproposition and this movement can be multiplied by

    thousands of entrepreneurs, educational administrators

    and philanthropic institutions with the support of the

    government agencies.

    BAIF Model

    BAIF (Bharat Agro Industries foundation, Pune)

    has organised a tribal rehabilitation programme for

    sustainable livelihood. The tribal population in Vansda

    (Navsari district) and Dharampur (Valsad district)blocks of Gujarat were migrating to nearby cities with

    their families in search of wages as their land holdings

    were very small and the crop productivity was low.

    Migration deprived the children of educational and

    health facilities, while both men and women took to

    drinking alcohol. These families were motivated to

    stay back on their own lands and take up cultivation of

    fruits bearing trees as a measure of generating gainful

    employment. BAIF provided wages to the families

    in the formative stages for working on their own

    lands, as they had no other source of income. They

    were enabled to grow good quality grafted plants of

    mango and cashew and also provided with manure and

    fertilizers. In return, BAIF took a commitment from

    the families that they would work hard and abstain

    from alcohol and other addictions. Simultaneously,

    the men and women were organised into small

    Self-Help Groups to meet every week and discuss

    various actions to be initiated under this programme.

    Watershed development programme was introduced

    to harvest the rainwater near the fruit gardens (known

    as 'Wadi' in Gujarat) for providing support irrigation.

    As sophisticated drip irrigation system was not

    manageable due to lack of electricity and high cost,

    pitcher irrigation was promoted.As the fruit trees start yielding after 3-4

    years, other income generation activities such

    as establishment of fruit nursery, cultivation of

    vegetables and herbal medicines, sericulture,

    mushroom production, masonry and carpentry were

    promoted to generate additional income. Thus, they

    attained food security right from the first year while

    the trees started growing and bearing fruits from the

    third or fourth year, generating a surplus of Rs. 20,000-

    25,000 per family.It is the tribal women who were more interested

    in attending to the field activities and nurturing the

    orchards. Drudgery reduction and health care were

    also promoted and the women were able to utilise

    the time saved for productive work. Today, they have

    formulated their own cooperatives for processing and

    marketing of their cashew and mango products and

    for this advance facility centers have been established

    for each zone.

    This programme has benefited over 50,000

    tribal families in Gujarat, Maharastra, Karnataka

    and Rajasthan. As the orchard is able to give them

    substantial income, they have stopped migrating to

    the cities. These tribals who have established fruit

    orchards on their degraded lands have not only come

    out of poverty, but also protected the neighbouring

    forest area and demonstrated how poverty eradication

    can be linked with eco-system improvement. Today,

    this programme has emerged as a unique tribal

    development model in the country. BAIF is alsoengaged in livestock development for promoting

    animal husbandry on a massive scale covering over

    20,000 villages in nine states.

    Over the last 3-5 years, they have helped over

    7-8 lakh families to come out of poverty. Under this

    programme, BAIF provides breeding and advisory

    services to produce superior quality cattle. A family

    As long as I live, so long do I learn.

    Ramakrishna Paramahamsa

    Truly People's President:Dr APJ Abdul Kalam having

    lunch sitting on the floor with the local people during the

    Chitrakoot visit

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    Sewa Sagar July - December 2015 9

    maintaining 2-3 crossbred cows, earns Rs. 18,000-

    20,000 per year. This is the result of use of appropriate

    technologies and ambient management methods.

    DRI Model

    When I look at the activities of DRI, I find that

    this institute is aiming at a unique economic and social

    empowerment model for the development of rural

    areas. The institute is working towards the evolution

    of sustainable development based on indigenous and

    traditional technology, knowledge systems and local

    talents. The research work by the institute through field

    studies facilitates the development of replicable and

    tangible model for achieving self-reliance in villages.

    The programme aims at income generation through

    value addition, innovative agriculture practices,

    inculcating scientific temper among the villagers,improvement of health and hygiene, striving towards

    100% literacy. Apart from all these development

    activities the institute is facilitating a cohesive conflict

    free society. As a result of this, I understand that the

    80 villages around Chitrakoot are almost litigation

    free. The villagers have unanimously decided that

    no dispute will find its way to court. The differences

    will be sorted out amicably in the village itself. All

    these have been accomplished through DRIs Samaj

    Shilpi Dampati, a new concept of counselling andintervention promoted by DRI. I Congratulate DRI and

    people of 80 villages. When I hear this, I am reminded

    of my childhood experience in Rameshwaram which

    I would like to share with you.

    Dispute resolution through Human Touch

    During 1940s, every day after the evening

    namaz, my father used to come back and sit outside

    (thinnai) our home at Rameshwaram. Each day about

    10to 20 families or at times individuals would come

    to my father and tell their problems on land and house

    disputes, marriage conflicts and issues involving

    forsaking of elderly parents. They will get a solution

    from my father within two or three days. In a similar

    way, my mother used to meet may womenfolk on

    Fridays. They seek here advice. My elder brother

    himself was Panchayat Court President. The court

    had five good human beings from various walks of

    life and with one State Government representative. In

    those days, caste system was not visible at all. I used

    to see may disputes of human life being settled in our

    own rural environment. Only if the disputes are not

    settled at these two levels they used to resort to higher

    courts. After 1970s, all these systems with human

    touch vanished and most of these disputes are going

    to courts. I feel, since the Panchayat environment is

    emerging in rural areas, the judicial system at the

    Panchayat level also can take shape with the same

    type of human touch. Litigation free 80 villages in

    Chitrakoot is a good example to be followed by many

    districts. This will substantially reduce the load in

    our courts.

    I see Chitrakoot project is an integrated model

    for the development of rural India. It aims at creating a

    society based on family bonding, pride in India culture,

    modern education wedded to Indian wisdom, easing

    of social tensions, economic empowerment of all

    especially the women folk, health for all, cleanliness,

    concern for environment, equitable distribution of

    wealth among all the constituents of the society. This

    concept fully tallies with my view that developed

    India means not only economic development but also

    integrated development in art, literature, humanism,

    nobility in thinking and above all preservation of over

    five thousand years of our rich cultural heritage.

    The per capita income of Chitrakoot village has

    to further increase. This is possible only through the

    three connectivities which I have discussed earlier

    and the provision of large employment potential

    with good markets. Rashtrapati Bhavan will be in

    a position to help DRI in development of Herbal

    Gardens, Spiritual Gardens, Jatropha Plantation

    and conversion of products and also electronic and

    knowledge connectivity. I congratulate Shri. Nana

    Deshmukhji, founder of DRI, and the DeendayalResearch Institute for achieving self-reliant sustained

    development of eighty village and my best wishes for

    your next target of realizing the development of total

    five hundred villages much before 2009.

    May god bless you.

    Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

    When words are both true and kind. They can change the world.

    Gautam Buddha

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    July - Decetember 2015 Sewa Sagar10

    The circumstances are not always the same for a

    family. Happiness turns into troubles in seconds.But how one faces those challenges sometimes

    becomes an example for others to emulate. Some

    families collapse in such situations, while some

    sets example for others. Smt Chandrika Chauhan of

    Solapur in Maharashtra, had almost decided to migrate

    from Solapur with her family in 1993, as she did not

    have even meals to feed her family because all their

    resources of the family income had dried. Her husband

    Initiative, which turns into a Precedent

    Story of Solapur based Udyogvardhinis founder Smt ChandrikaChauhan who groomed over 400 women entrepreneurs and made

    more than 15,000 women self-reliant in and around the city.

    She has ensured work for every type of woman whether literate,

    illiterate, handicap, rural, urban or from any age group.

    An example worth emulating.

    was bedridden and there was none in the family to earn

    bread and butter. But suddenly she decided to face the

    challenge with bravery and determination.

    The only work she knew at that time was

    stitching. Next morning she oiled her old sewing

    machine and took up stitching work from neighbours.

    That activity has now turned into a big movement

    joined by thousands of women in Solapur city. Not

    only saving around 1,000 families from breakage

    Usha Saini

    We are what our thoughts have made us; so take care about what you think.

    Swami Vivekananda

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    Sewa Sagar July - December 2015 11

    through counselling and also rehabilitating even the

    unwed mothers, Smt Chauhan has also made many

    visually challenged girls self-reliant. The motivation

    by Chitrakoot Shilpi Nanaji Deshmukh helped her

    move forward. Nanaji in 1997 turned down her request

    to join the Samaj Shilpi Yojna of DRI and directed

    her to take up the women empowerment work in

    Solapur only. The name Udyogvardhini was also

    suggested by Nanaji. Since then she did not look back

    and moved forward setting new milestones in women


    Smt and Shri Chauhan originally belong

    to Ahmedabad. Though the family income was

    sufficient, with the increase in family size they

    thought of increasing their income. Since the day of

    their wedding they had decided come what may they

    will always and always follow good ways of earningmoney. At this juncture, they settled in Solapur and

    both tried their level best to get a decent job and enjoy

    the life, but as days passed it became difficult to get

    a job. Even time came when the family did not have

    meals to feed. But her determination helped the family

    overcome all challenges and also extend helping to

    other needy women.

    Affectionately called Bhabhi among the

    women of her group, she always avoided acting as aleader, rather joins all the activities whether kitchen,

    counselling, tailoring or other activities as a ground

    worker. During the Second Rashtriya Sewa Sangam

    held in Delhi this year I got the opportunity to meet

    and have detailed discussion on her activities. When

    asked how she started the work she said: Though

    I had started the work in 1996, I started expanding

    the work in different localities in 1997. Since, I

    have also worked as a Corporator in the Solapur

    Municipal Corporation for some time, I was aware

    of the problems of women. Later, I dedicated myself

    to the Udyogvardhini connecting women in distress

    Our prime purpose is to help others. And, if you cant help them, at least dont hurt them.

    Dalai Lama

    The women who can work

    independently are allowed to

    work with Udyogvardhini only

    for two years and then they

    are motivated to start their

    own work thus turning them

    into owner from worker.

    They are fully trained in all

    the activities like taking raw

    material, preparing items,

    marketing, billing, receiving

    orders, supplying material and

    even filing tax returns.

    Udyogvardhini has emerged as

    a hope for the women in distress.

    Its team is efficient enough to

    extend all possible help required

    by an individual. It boosted the

    confidence level of the average

    women to the extent that they

    now export their products to

    developed countries like the

    USA and UK.

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    July - Decetember 2015 Sewa Sagar12

    with any of the activity of Udyogvardhini.

    Today, Udyogvardhini mainly runs three kinds

    of activitiescatering, counselling and old age home.

    Smt Chauhan is firm not to start any industry on

    large-scale, rather develops individual entrepreneurs.

    Undoubtedly, women, both in rural and urban areas, donot get sufficient money for investment, because even

    the family members do not trust them for investment.

    That is why Smt Chauhan suggests minimum Rs 500

    and maximum Rs 10,000 investment by women for

    starting any activity. Majority of the women who are

    now doing good business had started their activities

    with that meager investment only.

    The activities started for self-reliance include

    Beauty Parlour, Bhaakri Making, Book Binding,

    Catering Service, Fire Wood Seller, House Maid

    Placement, Small Grocery Shop, Tailoring Shop,

    Vegetable Seller, Groundnut Chatni Making,

    Manufacturing Units, FMCG Products, Gift Items,

    Handicrafts, etc. Apart from it, the training is imparted

    for chalk making, cookery class, incense sticks

    making, hand paper making, hand work on dress

    materials, rangoli workshop, adult literacy programme,

    self-help group orientation,

    two-wheeler driving, etc.

    Majority of the

    women visiting us come

    with some or the other

    trouble. In that condition

    telling them to first get

    t ra ining and arrange

    money for investment is

    impractical. The hunger

    cannot be satisfied with speeches. First we discuss

    with them their real family condition. I personally

    talk to each and every individual at least for an hour

    to understand their conditionwhat she knows and

    what she can do. If she can contribute in catering, she

    is connected to that work at any of the three places.

    We everyday prepare meals for at least 2,000 people.

    Those who know tailoring work are told to prepare

    any such item. They are paid even for this evaluation

    work also, Smt Chauhan points out.

    The old age home has proved to be a boon for the

    destitute women in Solapur. The interesting experiment

    done by Udyogvardhini is for empowerment of

    visually challenged girls. The government provides

    them some help till the age of 18. But the girls, who do

    not have families, face more hardships at that age only.

    Such girls are accommodated in the old age home. This

    has been named as Mangal Drishti BhavanMangal

    is for old age people and Drishti for blind girls. All

    girls are first taught to carry out the house hold work

    including preparing meals, cleaning floors, cleaning

    utensils, etc. Their lodging and boarding is free and

    they normally earn about Rs 3,000 per month. Eight

    of such girls have now been married off. Even now

    they come from their houses for work.

    The women who can work independently are

    allowed to work with Udyogvardhini only for two

    years and then they are motivated to start their own

    work thus making them owner and not the worker.

    They are fully trained in all activities like taking raw

    material, preparing items, marketing, billing, taking

    orders, supplying material and even filing tax returns.

    Udyogvardhini enjoys taking up new challenges.

    Lok Mangal Group, which owns a chain of retail outlets

    and Malls in Solapur,

    organises mass weddings

    in the city every year. We

    provide them at least one

    lakh chapattis every day.

    Like vegetables, chapattis

    cannot be prepared in

    advance. But we have the

    manpower to provide the

    chapattis in the shortest

    Life should be great rather than long.

    B.R. Ambedkar

    Udyogvardhini never advertises

    its products. Its activities,

    devotion, sincerity and quality of

    products fetchs more publicity

    than any advertisement. Their

    customers are their advertisers.

    A Stall by Udyogvardhini during the Second Rashtriya

    Sewa Sangam in Delhi

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    Sewa Sagar July - December 2015 13

    duration. We have the record of preparing one lakh

    chapattis in 22 hours. We are doing it since 2009,

    Smt Chauhan says.

    Udyogvardhini has never advertised its products.Its activities, devotion, sincerity and quality of products

    has given it more publicity than any advertisement.

    Their customers are their advertisers. I have tried to

    learn this method publicity which is very interesting.

    The charming personality of Chandrikaji really

    inspires those come into her contact. Udyogvardhini

    has emerged as a hope for the women in distress. Its

    team is efficient enough to extend all possible help

    required by an individual. It boosted the confidence

    level of the average women to the extent that they now

    export their products to developed countries like the

    USA and UK.

    - Smt Chandrika Chauhan

    Udyogwardhini, 157, Dakshin Kasba,

    Sri Shubhray Maharaj Math, Dutt Chowk,

    Solapur 413 007 (Maharashtra)

    Ph. 9422069455,,

    Learn from the mistakes of others. You cant live long enough to make them all yourselves!


    Training camp for Udyogvardhini workers

    Rashtriya Sewa Bharati stutus

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    Andhra 19 Jharkhand 13

    Telangana 10 Jodhpur 17

    Assam South 11 Kanpur 11

    Arunachal 1 Uttar Karnataka 15

    Assam North 3 Dakshin Karnataka 93

    Manipur 2 Kashi 28

    Awadh 19 Kerala 115

    Bengal North 1 Konkan 19

    Bengal South 27 Madhya Bharat 15

    Uttar Bihar 7 Mahakoshal 9

    Dakshin Bihar 14 Malawa 6

    Brij 31 Meerut 39

    Chhattisgarh 26 P. Maharashtra 17

    Chittod 7 Punjab 11

    Delhi 13 Uttar Tamil Nadu 15

    Devgiri 6 Dakshin Tamil Nadu 19Goraksh 35 Utkal Poorv 18

    Gujarat 85 Utkal Paschim 7

    Himachal 2 Uttarakhand 49

    Haryana 12 Vidarbha 18

    Jammu & Kashmir 3 Total 887

    Jaipur 19

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    July - Decetember 2015 Sewa Sagar14

    Many voluntary orgnisations are working for all

    round uplift of the people in Jharkhand, but theiractivities are mostly confined to urban areas. Therefore,

    needy people in rural areas continue to suffer for basic

    needs. One major hindrance blocking the way of the

    urban organisations reaching the rural areas is naxal

    menace. In such a situation the Sarvangin Gram Vikas

    Sansthan started work in three districts of the state

    including Khunti, Gumla and Simdega. Khunti is

    the centre of its activities. The major activities being

    conducted by it are as follows:

    Swami Dayanand Netralaya:Today the facilities areavailable for 65 beds, but work is on to expand it to

    145 beds. The beneficiaries are economically deprived

    people in naxal affected areas. During the year 2014-15,

    a total of 14,938 out patients were treated and 2,460 eye

    operations were conducted. Eye check-up camps are

    conducted regularly at various places. Needy patients

    are brought to Netralaya from camps for operation.

    Schools:A total of 2340 students from 56 villages study

    here. Most of the students belong to poor families of

    remote Vanvasi areas.

    Keshav Madhav Bal Ashram:Destitute children from

    35 villages stay here. Nineteen of them were adopted

    by issueless couples last year. At present there are 133

    children in the Ashram.

    Distribution of warm clothes and sarees: During

    2014-15 the organisation distributed warm clothes and

    sarees to the needy families. 1500 warm clothes and

    Changing the Mindset

    2300 sarees were distributed in 45 villages of 3 districts.

    Gaushala: Milk provided by 14 cows is used in

    upbringing of children.

    Ambulance Service: Ambulance service is also

    provided. As per the requirements, the patients are

    ferried to Netralaya and sent back home after the

    operation. Ambulance services are also provided for

    last rites of the unclaimed dead bodies.

    Marriage of economically deprived girls:This year

    the organisation arranged marriage of 17 such girlsfrom 17 villages.

    Mahila Jagriti Kendra:For self-reliance of women,

    plans are made for training and awareness, so that

    they become self-reliant. In the current year, under

    the scheme, women from 38 villages were trained and

    encouraged to run self-help groups. At present with

    the support of 285 SHGs, 3450 families have been


    Free Meals: In current year, Netralaya served food

    to 99,600 persons under patient, orphanage and

    community programme.

    - Sarvangin Gram Vikash Sanstha

    SGVS Hospital & Research Centre Campus,

    Vill. Anigara, NH 76E] Khunti Chaibasa Road,

    Khunti 835210 (Jharkhand)

    Ph. 09431195784, Email:

    As soon as the fear approaches near, attack and destroy it.


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    Sewa Sagar July - December 2015 15

    School kits to quake hit

    students in Nepal

    Bondage and Liberation are of the mind alone.

    Ramakrishna Paramahamsa

    Sewa International and Rashtriya Sewa Bharati inassociation with the Hindu Swayamsevak SanghNepal distributed school kits to earthquake-affected

    students in Nepal on August 4. In the initial phase,

    which ran for two weeks, a total of 31,000 school

    kits were distributed in the worst affected districts.

    The first school chosen for the school kits was ShreeChandrodaya Higher Secondary School, Primary

    Wing at Vishaltaar, Dhading District. A total of 140

    students, belonging to 1st to 6th standards, received

    the kits. President of Sewa International, USA, Shri

    N Sreenath and Rashtriya Sewa Bharati president

    Shri Surya Prakash Tonk distributed the kits. The

    school kits include a spacious bag, notebooks,

    pencil box/geometry box with accessories, registers,

    drawing book, graph book and crayon box.

    It is to be noted that about 7000 schools wereadversely hit in the earthquake and about 10 lakhstudents lost their study/school materials. Therefore,the need of school kits was much more thananticipated so that education process could beginin the quake hit areas. It was thus decided to almostdouble the existing lot to a total of 65,000 schoolkits, of which 31,000 kits were sent on urgent basis.

    Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh volunteers worked

    in close contact with the Nepal Governments LDO/CDOs in order to select schools in the remote andleast accessible areas which were the most affectedand need most assistance. They received hundredsof applications from affected schools requestingSchool Kits drive to be conducted. Its Nepal teamworked overtime to painstakingly ensure that school

    kits reach to most needy kids in affected areas only.School kits assembling process at Bhairwah receivedunprecedented support from the local community,where students from nearby schools, including SaiGlobal School, came in the evening everyday tofinish the mammoth task of assembling 31,000 kits.Kudos to their sewa spirit!

    Rashtriya Sewa Bharati president Shri Surya Prakash Tonk, general secretary Shri Rishipal Dadval, Sewa

    International and Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh workers at the School Kit distribution function in Nepal

    Rashtriya Sewa Bharati president Shri Surya Prakash

    Tonk distributing School Kit to children in Nepal

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    July - Decetember 2015 Sewa Sagar16

    The doctors team of Sewa Bharati Karnataka

    served over 700 patients in earthquake affected

    areas of Nepal. The team also performed surgeriesof 60 patients. The services by Sewa Bharati doctors

    touched the Nepal Government so much that despite

    national mourning declared in the country, its Cabinet

    Minister Shri Tek Bahadur Gurung felicitated the

    doctors as token of appreciation.

    Sewa Bharathi Telangana celebrated the firstInternational Day of Yoga on June 21 in its 12

    affection homes, 5 schools, Abhyasika and Kishori

    Vikas centres in all the districts of Telangana. In

    total, 1970 children and elders participated in these


    Sewa Bharati doctors team serve

    700 quack victims in Nepal

    Yoga Day celebrationby Sewa Bharathi Telangana

    Mobile Science Lab by SewaBharati Secunderabad

    Cleaning drive bySewa Bharati Hyderabad

    Sewa Bharati Hyderabad conducted SwachchaHyderabad programme at Gandhi Hospital on May

    20, 2015. Hospital Superintendent Dr Diryavan, all the

    staff along with Sewa Bharati volunteers, participated

    in the campaign. A total of 105 volunteers participated

    in the drive.

    In order to develop scientific temperamentamong school students, Sewa Bharati Secunderabad

    launched a mobile Science Lab under the banner ofJignasa. Prant Pracharak RSS Sri Shyam Kumarinaugurated the lab and addressed the students of SriSaraswati Shisu Mandir at Kushaiguda. He called uponthe students to take benefit of the project on large scaleas it will help them looking at the things scientifically.

    In a day, when you dont come across any problem, you can be sure that you are travelling

    in a wrong path. Swami Vivekananda

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    Sewa Sagar July - December 2015 17

    Training camp by Sewa Bharati

    Uttar Tamil Nadu

    Sanghamithra Sewa Samithi

    distributes clothes

    Digitalisation of Sewa

    Bharathi Secunderabad record

    A programme was organised at Gandhi Hospital

    in Secunderabad to degitalise the Sewa Bharati

    activities. The programme was inaugurated by DrVenkateshwar Rao, Superindent of the Hospital. He

    appreciated the Sewa Bharati activities and stressed

    on the importance of new media and information


    Sanghamithra Sewa Samiti distributed clothes

    to Chenchu PTG Vanvasis under Kurnool district on

    June 25, 2015. The initiative by the Samiti was largely

    appreciated by the local people who are forced to

    languish even after 68 years of Independence. Many

    governments came and went but they are still deprived

    of even the basic amenities.

    Sewa Bharati Uttar Tamil Nadu organised

    annual 10-day training camp in Chennai on May 9.

    DAV School Principal Smt Geeta inaugurated the

    camp. Vargadhikari Smt Kalpana and president of

    Sewa Bharati Uttar Tamil Nadu Shri Duraishankar

    guided the trainees during the camp. A total of 94

    trainees attended the camp.

    Kishori Vikas project by Sewa

    Bharati HyderabadKishori Vikas Yojana is an effort to bring self-

    reliance, health, education and awareness among the

    young girls living in Sewa Bastis. Young volunteers

    between the age group of 12-18 years are selected

    and trained under this project to equip them with

    information as well as motivation to be a catalyst

    for change. As part of the project, Kishori Vikas

    activist Aswin visited LB Nagar slums of Hyderabad.

    They created a platform by working in open ground.

    The objective of the programme is to train the girls

    in vocational skills, informal schooling, literacy

    campaigns, health and hygiene, good food habits and

    diet, simple physical work including yoga, simple

    educative and moral stories, songs, folk arts, etc.

    True knowledge is not attained by thinking. It is what you are; it is what you become.

    Sri Aurobindo

    Free meals to hospital patients

    by Sewa Bharati Ernakulam

    Ernakulam unit of Sewa Bharati has startedserving mid-day meal to the needy patients at

    Government General Hospital, Kochi. Noted

    Physician Dr Sacchidananda Kammath inaugurated

    the initiative. Such free mid-day meal camps by Sewa

    Bharati units have been run since years at several

    places in Kerala. In Kasaragod, the Sewa Bharati is

    very actively involved in such a project for years.

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    July - Decetember 2015 Sewa Sagar18

    Sadhna Sangamam in Dakshin

    Tamil NaduSadanai Sangamam, a conclave of Sevavratis,

    was organised by Sewa Bharati Dakshin Tamil Nadu

    at Padmanabhapuram in Kanyakumari district onApril 17. A total of 5,150 sewa workers, including

    4,850 women and 300 men involved in various sewa

    activities, attended the Sangamam. Addressing the

    gathering, RSS Akhil Bharatiya Sewa Pramukh Shri

    Suhasrao Hiremath said, Through sewa we could

    see a rise in education, culture, economy, self-esteem

    and morality of socially backward people. Swami

    Vivekanandas thought of Nar Sewa, Narayana

    Sewa is practically visible in the country today.

    Kanyakumari district has 1,940 villages and a total of6,597 sewa projects are run in 1,550 villages of the

    district. Applauding the sewa activities, he appealed

    to the workers to reach every nook and corners of

    the district in coming days. Shri Vellimalai Swami

    Pujya Saidanyananda, Shri Balachandran from

    Moogambigai Medical College, Dakshin Kshetra

    Sewa Pramukh Shri Padmakumar, Rashtriya Sewa

    Bharati organising secretary Shri Sundar Lakshman

    and Sewa Bharati state president Shri Ramanathan

    were also present on the occasion.

    Workshop by Jalvardhini

    in rural areaWorkshops on rain water harvesting were

    organised in rural areas jointly by Rutag-IITB,

    CTARA and Jalvardhini Pratishthan Mumbai from

    June 4 to 5, 2015. Dr JB Joshi was the Chief Guest

    Eye check up camp by Sewa

    Bharati Delhi

    Awareness campaign by

    Maxvision Society in GurgaonMaxvision Social Welfare Society organised

    an environment awareness campaign at Basai ChockJhuggi Basti of Gurgaon. The campaign was attended

    by hundreds of local residents and was guided by Sri

    Ashok Yadav, project Director, ADC, Dr Brijesh,

    and others.

    Be as simple as you can; you will be astonished to see how uncomplicated and happy your

    life has become. Paramahansa Yogananda

    along with Dr AW Date and Dr AM Paranjape. Apart

    from 42 participants, about 35 Ph.D students also took

    part in the inaugural session. Dr Avinash Paranjape,

    Dr AW Date and Dr JB Joshi guided the participants

    during the workshop. The participants also visited

    rain water harvesting resource centre at Wangani and

    also took part in the construction of cement tanks. The

    initiative by Jalvardhini was appreciated by all and it

    was an enlightening experience for the participants.

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    Sewa Sagar July - December 2015 19

    Delhi unit of Sewa Bharati organised a free eye

    check-up camp for students in north Krishna Murari

    district. Eye check of more than 250 students was done

    at the camp. During the camp problems in the eyes

    of many students were detected. Those needed were

    provided with medicines while some were suggested

    to use spectacles. Many of the students were not aware

    of the problem in their eye sight.

    Ambulance service in Puri was inaugurated by

    Dr Prasanna Kumar Mohanti, director operations,

    Sam Hospital in the presence of Utkal Bipanna

    Sahayata Samiti president Shri Prakash Betala,

    secretary Shri Mansukhlal Sethia and coordinator of

    the Lord Jagannath Rath Yatra Dr Vijay Swai. On theoccasion of the Rath Yatra, to cater to the medical

    needs of the devotees, 4 ambulances, 4 clinics, first

    aid centres, drinking water facilities at 16 centres,

    security in addition to police force, cleaning the

    entire surroundings of the temple for all the 5 days

    of the Yatra was arranged. More than 2000 workers

    including doctors, paramedicals from Odisha and

    neighbouring states like Bengal, Chhattisgarh,

    Jharkhand participated in these service activities.

    Dhanvantari Sewa Yatra bySewa Bharati Purbanchal

    Dhanvantari Sewa Yatra is a unique annualprogramme of doctors from other parts of the countryvoluntarily visiting north-eastern states and offeringtheir services by conducting free medical camps wherethe medical facilities are lacking in these hilly areas. In

    Inspiring Selfless Sewa byKanthimathi

    Smt Kanthimathi serves food to destitute

    battling hunger, poverty and diseases. She serves

    veg biryani and butter milk on the dusty pavement

    opposite an oil store on East Masi Street Madurai

    (Tamil Nadu). Kanthimathi, the 64-year-old wife

    of an ailing tailor, who ran out of business a few

    years ago, goes on giving. It has become a daily

    routine for her for the last 12 years. She does nothave the means to feed the poor. It was 12 winters

    ago when she spotted social worker Siva Anbanandan

    serving food to beggars, street urchins, mentally

    and physically challenged individuals, the poor and

    the abandoned. Siva Anbanandan was looking for

    a cook. Kanthimathi volunteered instantly. Since

    then, she hasnt taken a days break. Even during

    I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and

    behold, service was joy. Rabindranath Tagore

    2005, 8 doctors from Banaras Hindu University (BHU)started this initiative as a week long programme ofmedical camps in these hilly terrains. Since then everyyear consistently this programme is carried out withlot of enthusiasm by the doctors belonging to NationalMedicos Organisation (NMO) and arranged by SewaBharati, Purbanchal.

    This year 38 doctors from NMO along with 55medical students and 29 local doctors and medicalstudents conducted free medical camps at 21 placesin Tripura, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Arunachal,Meghalaya, Assam where total beneficiaries were23986 including 10850 women 5399 children.

    Ambulance service by

    UBSS in Puri

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    July - Decetember 2015 Sewa Sagar20

    The Cleanest

    Village of AsiaYou cannot find a single cigarette butt,

    plastic bag lying around in Mawlynnong village of

    Meghalaya. Mawlynnong is a small village 90 kms

    from Shillong. It was awarded the tag of Cleanest

    Village in Asia in 2003 by Discover India

    Magazine. Pallavi Pasricha, a journalist, describes

    the village thus: I reach here and I am stumped. Not

    only is this village spotless clean but its one of the

    prettiest ones I have seen in the country. I am greetedwarmly and taken to the guest house, my home for

    the night. I walk on cobbled streets bordered with

    thatched Khasi huts and go past gardens that are

    full of colourful flowers. To keep the village clean

    there is a bamboo basket outside every house. After

    a 15-minute walk Im face-to-face with one of the

    most spectacular natural bridges thats made by

    twisting the roots of the gigantic trees. The roots

    make a pathway across a stream, making it easy for

    villagers to commute. Another interesting thing thevillagers have constructed here is the Sky View, an

    85 feet high viewing tower thats made of bamboo.

    When I reach on top I get stunning views of not just

    the village but Bangladesh on the other side. Its

    simply gorgeous. I realise that its the simplicity

    and warmth of the people that makes Mawlynnong

    so special getting there.

    illness she prepares the meal and ensures that it

    reaches the people on time. She recalls with sadness

    how on the day Siva Anbanandan died a year ago

    in 2013, she arranged for rice, Sambar and curd. I

    served the meal here before going to the cremation

    ground, she says. Among the nearby shopkeepers,

    somebody buys the vegetables, somebody donates

    rice and oil. And it keeps flowing to meet each days

    requirement. Kanthimathi believes there is Gods

    hand in arranging the items uninterrupted for so many

    years. Says Kanthimathi, even passers-by stop to see

    what is happening and spontaneously donate sweets

    and fruits; even plates, tumblers and sitting mats.

    Dont take rest after your first victory, because if you fail in second, more lips are waiting

    to say that your first victory was just luck. Dr APJ Abdul Kalam

    Workshop for NGOs by Sewa

    Bharati Telangana and Youth

    for Seva in HyderabadSewa Bharati Telangana and Youth for Seva

    organised a workshop for voluntary organizations at

    ECE Auditorium, opposite College of Engineering,

    Osmania University in Hyderabad on September 20.The representatives of the voluntary organizations were

    guided by senior professionals including Prof. K.V.

    Raju, Director, Development Management Institute

    (DMI), Patna, Sri GV Krishna Gopal, CEO, Access

    Livelihoods Consultants India Ltd., Sri Madhava Reddy

    Yadma, Secretary, Vandemataram Foundation, SwamyKounteya Dasa, Hare Rama Hare Krishna (Akshaya

    Patra Foundation - Iskon), Sri Prasad, Director, NTT

    Data, Sri Rammurthy Prabhala, Vice President,

    Capgemini, Sri P Venugopal Reddy, Chairman,

    Ekalavya Foundation, Sri Narasimha Rao, Senior VicePresident of Infosys and Sri Aekka Chandra Shekar,

    Senior Social Worker. A total of 120 representatives

    from 100 voluntary organizations from various districts

    of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh participated in the


    Health camp by Utkal

    Bipanna Sahayata Samiti

    Utkal Bipanna Sahayata Samiti in associationwith Baburao Paladhikar Prakratik Chikischa

    Kendra organised a three-day free health camp in

    Bhubeneswar from September 6 to 8. The camp was

    inaugurated by Rashtriya Sewa Bharati joint secretary

    Shri Gurusaran Prasad. Puri Arogya Bharati chief

    Shri Subhashree Das joined the event as chief guest.

    Patients of various diseases were treated at the camp.

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