severe arterial hypoxemia in liver ·...

Post on 09-Sep-2020






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Severe Arterial Hypoxemia in Liver Cirrhosis

Maarten K Ninaber MD, Jacobus B de Vaal MD, Oskar T Corsmit MD,Frans HM Cluitmans MD PhD, Joost G de Leeuw MD, and Frits Smit MD


The clinical symptoms in liver cirrhosis arise from por-tal hypertension. The classic signs and symptoms includeascites, bleeding from esophageal varices, and encepha-lopathy. Moreover, many patients with cirrhosis and portalhypertension develop peripheral vasodilatation and a hy-perdynamic circulation with the presence of arteriovenouscommunications, increased blood volume, and activationof vasodilating systems such as the nitric oxide system.1,2

The hyperdynamic syndrome comprises increased heartrate, cardiac output, and plasma volume, and reduced sys-temic vascular resistance and arterial blood pressure. Thesecompensatory reactions are mainly brought about by acti-vation of potent vasoconstricting systems such as the re-nin-angiotensin-aldosterone system and the sympatheticnervous system. This situation has led to the appearance ofnew clinical entities, such as the hepatopulmonary syn-drome,1 which is a pulmonary vascular disorder that com-plicates hepatic diseases, most frequently liver cirrhosis,and is responsible for morbidity and mortality in patientsawaiting liver transplantation, primarily due to the adverseeffects of hypoxemia.1,3 Knowledge about the relationshipbetween hepatopulmonary syndrome and liver cirrhosisdates back to 1884, when Fluckiger first described it, basedon observation of a woman with cyanosis, clubbing, andcirrhosis.4 However, any acute or chronic liver disease cancoexist with hypoxemia due to pulmonary vascular dila-tation. Therefore, portal hypertension is not required forthe syndrome to manifest.2

Hepatopulmonary syndrome consists of a triad of he-patic dysfunction, hypoxemia (PaO2

� 70 mm Hg), andextreme vasodilatation in the form of intrapulmonary vas-cular dilatations. It may be further characterized by anelevated alveolar-arterial oxygen difference (P(A-a)O2

), in-trapulmonary shunt (diagnosed via lung-perfusion scintig-raphy with technetium-99m macroaggregated albumin, orvia contrast-enhanced echocardiography), and the absenceof arterial carbon dioxide retention.5

A lung-perfusion scintigram can indicate the shunt frac-tion from the right-kidney scintigraphic count, correctedfor attenuation. The fraction is expressed as a percentageof the injected dose, with the right-to-left shunt expressedas 10 times that value, assuming the right kidney received10% of the cardiac output (kidney-dose method). The kid-ney-lung method calculates the right-kidney count as aproportion of the lung counts.6

Another modality to investigate thoracic shunt is con-trast-enhanced echocardiography. Saline is agitated to pro-duce microbubbles (� 15 �m in diameter) and the agitatedsaline is injected intravenously. Under normal circum-stances the microbubbles are trapped in the pulmonarymicrovasculature and then absorbed. In patients with in-tracardiac or intrapulmonary shunt the microbubbles ap-pear in the left-side cardiac chamber. Differentiation be-tween intracardiac and intrapulmonary shunt is based onthe timing of when the bubbles reach the left heart cham-ber. In intracardiac right-to-left shunt the bubbles appearin the left heart chamber within 3 heartbeats after theyappear in the right heart chamber. In intrapulmonary shuntthe bubbles appear in 4–6 heartbeats.7,8 The severity ofhepatopulmonary syndrome can be classified by the de-gree of P(A-a)O2

.Rodrıguez-Roisin et al described the degrees of severity

from mild (P(A-a)O2� 15 mm Hg, PaO2

� 80 mm Hg) tovery severe (P(A-a)O2

� 15 mm Hg, PaO2� 50 mm Hg).9

However, there is no relationship between the severity orpresence of hepatopulmonary syndrome and the severityof liver disease, on the basis of the Child-Turcotte-Pughclassification system or the Model for End-Stage LiverDisease scoring system.3 Because of differences in PaO2

and P(A-a)O2measurement techniques during the adminis-

Maarten K Ninaber MD was, and Jacobus B de Vaal MD and Oskar TCorsmit MD are affiliated with the Department of Intensive Care; FransH M Cluitmans MD PhD is affiliated with the Department of InternalMedicine; Joost G de Leeuw MD is affiliated with the Department ofCardiology; and Frits Smit MD is affiliated with the Department ofNuclear Medicine, Rijnland Hospital, Leiderdorp, The Netherlands.

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.

Correspondence: Maarten K Ninaber MD, Department of PulmonaryDiseases, Leiden University Medical Center, Albinusdreef 2, 2333 ZA,Leiden, The Netherlands. E-mail:


Teaching Case of the Month

tration of 100% oxygen, on the basis of our literaturereview, we believe no accurate comparison can be made ofPaO2

and characterization of hepatopulmonary syndromeseverity.3,7

Despite these disadvantages, the suggestion to considerprogressive hypoxemia in the presence of hepatopulmo-nary syndrome as an indication for liver transplantationhas been raised from a pulmonary perspective, for severalreasons, including substantial mortality (33–40%) duringthe fairly brief time span, insufficient response to oxygentherapy, and ineffective medical therapies to improve ox-ygenation.2,3,5,9

Case Summary

A 69-year-old woman with a medical history of alco-holic liver cirrhosis, complicated by grade II esophagealvarices and polycythemia, was referred to the emergencyroom with abdominal pain. The liver cirrhosis was estab-lished in 2005 via abdominal ultrasonography and scored8 with the Model for End-Stage Liver Disease.10 A largeintra-abdominal mass was also found, most likely origi-nating from the uterus. However, the patient had refusedfurther investigation of that mass.

In 2006 she had a PaO2of 49 mm Hg while breathing

room air. Polycythemia (hemoglobin 212 mg/dL, hema-tocrit 54%) was due to a high erythropoietin level (34.7 mU/mL; normal value corrected for hematocrit 5–17 mU/mL).With phlebotomy the hemoglobin level was corrected tonormal. The high erythropoietin level was thought to orig-inate from an erythropoietin-producing adenoma in theintra-abdominal mass. An abdominal computed tomogramshowed signs of a stomach perforation, liver cirrhosis, anda large uterus myomatosus. A median laparotomy revealeda uterus myomatosus of 30 cm in length and a ventralstomach perforation. The perforation was affixed and thelarge uterus was removed. Macroscopy and microscopyconfirmed a large uterus myomatosus and no signs of ad-enoma.

Postoperatively a PaO2of 51 mm Hg and an arterial

oxygen saturation of 82% was measured without com-plaints while the patient was breathing room air. She wasadmitted to the intensive care unit for further postoperativecare and investigation. During admission a decrease inarterial oxygen saturation, from 80% to 71%, was noted inthe upright posture, which improved on recumbency, dem-onstrating orthodeoxia. However, arterial hypoxemia (PaO2

50 mm Hg, arterial oxygen saturation 82%) persisted de-spite 100% oxygen via nonrebreather mask. Chest radio-graph and computed tomogram of the thorax did not ex-plain the hypoxemia. Calculated shunt fraction was 35%,and P(A-a)O2

while on 30 min of 100% oxygen via nonre-breather mask was 640 mm Hg. Dynamic technetium-99mmacroaggregated albumin perfusion scintigraphy showed

an enlarged venous return via the vena azygos, and a right-to-left shunt fraction of 30–35% uptake in both kidneysand brain (Fig. 1). We used the mean of measurementsobtained via the kidney-dose and kidney-lung methods.

Contrast-enhanced echocardiography showed air bub-bles in the left heart after 6 cardiac cycles, which con-firmed an intrapulmonary shunt (Fig. 2).

After removal of the uterus myomatosus, the erythro-poietin level remained high (hemoglobin 189 mg/dL, he-matocrit 0.49%, and erythropoietin 38.7 mU/mL; referenceerythropoietin value corrected for hematocrit 5–17 mU/mL).

Our patient was discharged from the intensive care unitwith a diagnosis of hepatopulmonary syndrome with sec-ondary polycythemia due to chronic arterial hypoxemia.Supplemental oxygen therapy had been started on admis-sion to the intensive care unit, but she refused furtheroxygen therapy because of lack of benefit and absence ofsymptoms. She had stopped alcohol abuse before admis-sion. After discharge, our patient returned to our emer-gency room several times with complaints caused by ab-dominal distention due to ascites. Ultrasound-guideddrainage was performed each time to improve her qual-ity of life. She was not evaluated for orthotopic livertransplantation because she was more than 65 years old.


Our patient’s diagnosis of hepatopulmonary syndromewith severe chronic hypoxemia was made with contrast-enhanced echocardiography and technetium-99m macro-aggregated albumin perfusion scintigraphy. Contrast-en-hanced echocardiography is the preferred screening testfor hepatopulmonary syndrome.11 Apart from establishinga shunt, contrast-enhanced echocardiography cannot quan-tify a shunt or differentiate between intrapulmonary vas-cular dilatation and direct arteriovenous communication,so, although contrast-enhanced echocardiography is highlysensitive for hepatopulmonary syndrome, it lacks specific-ity. Also, in patients with concomitant intrinsic lung dis-eases, the contribution of hepatopulmonary syndrome toarterial desaturation cannot be determined via contrast-enhanced echocardiography.12 To overcome the disadvan-tages of contrast-enhanced echocardiography, technetium-99m macroaggregated albumin lung-perfusion scintigraphyis used to diagnose hepatopulmonary syndrome.

The pathogenesis of hepatopulmonary syndrome remainsunknown. All patients with hepatopulmonary syndromehave intrapulmonary vascular dilatations, which can resultfrom failure of the diseased liver to clear circulating pul-monary vasodilating substances, the formation of a vaso-dilator by the liver, or possibly inhibition of a vasocon-strictive substance by the liver.2 Most likely, decreasedhepatic clearance of various vasodilatory substances (in-



cluding vasoactive intestinal peptide and other substancessynthesized by intestinal bacteria) results in widespreaddilatation.4

Our patient tolerated her severe hypoxemia well. Pos-sible mechanisms for her tolerance include the secondarypolycythemia, the hyperdynamic syndrome in hepatopul-monary syndrome (increased heart rate, cardiac output,and plasma volume, and reduced systemic vascular resis-tance and arterial blood pressure), and tissue adaptationover time.2,7 In addition, long-term exposure to normo-baric hypoxia decreases oxygen sensitivity of peripheralchemoreceptors, resulting in less frequent and lower-am-plitude afferent signals to the sensory cortex.13,14

The European Respiratory Society Task Force8 proposeda classification system that uses PaO2

to stage the severity

of hepatopulmonary syndrome (Table 1). Staging the se-verity of hepatopulmonary syndrome is important for pre-dicting survival and determining the timing and risks oforthotopic liver transplantation.15 However, as mentionedabove, there is no relationship between severity or pres-ence of hepatopulmonary syndrome and severity of liverdisease.3 An earlier literature review found that mortalitywas 30% within 3 months in patients with pre-transplan-tation PaO2

� 50 mm Hg.3 Because liver transplantationremains the only established effective therapy for hepa-topulmonary syndrome, based on the total resolution orsubstantial postoperative improvement in gas exchange in� 85% of reported patients,3 screening for hepatopulmo-nary syndrome is suggested in (asymptomatic) patientswith signs of or established liver cirrhosis.

Fig. 1. Scintigraphy shows the uptake of technetium-99m macroaggregated albumin in the brain, lungs, and kidneys.



Our patient had severe arterial hypoxemia without symp-toms due to hepatopulmonary syndrome in the presence ofliver cirrhosis. Possible mechanisms for her tolerance ofthe severe hypoxemia include the secondary polycythe-mia, the hyperdynamic syndrome, tissue adaptation over

time, and decreased oxygen sensitivity of peripheral che-moreceptors. Because severe hypoxemia is correlated tohigh mortality in pretransplantation patients, screening issuggested for hepatopulmonary syndrome.

Hepatopulmonary syndrome is characterized by a defectin oxygenation, induced by pulmonary vascular dilatation,most frequently complicating liver cirrhosis, and consistsof a triad of hepatic dysfunction, hypoxemia, and extremevasodilatation. Hallmark in the diagnosis is intrapulmo-nary shunt. Our patient had established liver cirrhosis, hy-poxemia (PaO2

51 mm Hg on room air), polycythemia dueto persistent high erythropoietin (34.7 mU/mL), and lackof oxygen therapy.

Diagnosis of hepatopulmonary syndrome was made viacontrast-enhanced echocardiography and technetium-99mmacroaggregated albumin scintigraphy. Our patient refusedoxygen therapy because of lack of benefit and the absenceof symptoms. She was not evaluated for orthotopic livertransplantation because of her refusal of an operation andbecause she was more than 65 years old.

Teaching Points

Severe arterial hypoxemia can occur without symtomsin patients with liver cirrhosis. Hypoxemic patients shouldbe screened for hepatopulmonary syndrome because of therisk of mortality in pre-transplantation patients.


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Fig. 2. Contrast-enhanced transthoracic echocardiography withagitated saline. A: Reference 4-chamber view of the heart. B: Right-side shows bubbles in agitated saline infused via the left brachialvein. C: Bubbles in agitated saline in the left heart after 6 cardiaccycles.

Table 1. European Respiratory Society Task Force ClassificationSystem for Hepatopulmonary Syndrome

Severity PaO2(mm Hg)

Mild 60–80Moderate 50–60Severe �50



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