session book of fribourg 2014

Post on 03-Apr-2016






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Session Book of Fribourg 2014


The creators

Dear participants,

Although the session has ended a while ago we as your Media Team would love to share our last present with you, our beloved delegates . It is our greatest pleasure to present you our personal project, which we hope

will remind you of the great times you have had during this session - whether this would be spending time with your chairpersons, hanging out in the bunkers or presenting a speech at the General Assembly. Although

we cannot look into your minds, we can only hope those memories are happy ones.

Lots of love,

Siebe, Jacqueline and Anna


A word from the president

The journey itself is home

None of us knows what our final destination in EYP will be. Nobody knows what the endgame is. Be that as it may, the journey towards that unknown finishing point be-comes our very purpose in EYP – each session is a step, and each step is another moment along a path we hope to never forget. Right now, I can remember the ‘bunker banter’, I still have a good memory of the farewell shenanigans, I can vividly picture teambuilding in my head and I keep going over each anecdote and story from the

session every day.

And leaves that our green turn to brown

But as the weeks go on, my mind will be preoccupied by other events and happenings. Slowly Fribourg 2014 will start to fade. What was a glorious week will become a thing of the past and each little memory will drift off into oblivion, lost forever. If we wake up

some day without our memories, can we say that we have lived at all?

But if your find her poor, Ithaca hasn’t deceived you

Without an endpoint, and without our memories, the journey ceases to have any rele-vance. But if we carefully gather our memories, look after them properly and treasure them closely, we can relive the wonderful journey over and over. So that if we find our destination poor, or never find it at all, we’ll already have become rich from our expe-


So enjoy this session book, and cherish it in years to come.

Niall Murphy


Committee on Constitutional Affairs

Sandro WengerGrace Kurian Fabian Araya

Florian BlaserJohanna Furrer Sacha Fadeev

Cédric FollonierCyrielle Kaltenrieder Robin Letti

Kateryna PrykhodkoNina Gwerder Heinrich von Waldersee

Martin Simacek


Dear AFCO,

The glimpses I got at your work and development made me remember why I had fallen in love with EYP in the first place. Although you were a bit shy at the beginning, you

quickly adapted to the EYP environment. I was pleasantly surprised when I briefly visited your room after team-building. While I had been in the press room, furiously

typing on my keyboard, you had become a real team and good friends. During committee work you made great

use of this friendship and surprised me with your creative ideas and relaxed working atmosphere. You always lis-tened to each other, and even if you strongly disagreed

with each other, you never once were disrespectful. I loved your way of making sure everyone was involved with what can best be described as the ‘circle of opin-

ions’. On top of everything else, you showed a lot general knowledge when you won the journalists’ quiz. I am really proud of you and I enjoyed having you as my committee.

I wish you all the best for your future!



Committee on Foreign Affairs

Zoé EichenbergerDavid Altner Tabea Nydegger

Clara GehnerMiriam Aitken Silvio Müller

Jan RuflinMélanie Carrel Vivienne Woodtly

Roman Mazur Fabian Hofmann


Dear AFET,

It has been a great adventure being your journalist this past week and taking part in your first experience with EYP. I have

not had as much time to get to know you as I would have liked to, that is something I regret, but I still feel my time with

you has been valuable. You might not have liked that I walked around, yes, even

stalked you, like a paparazzi at times, but trust me, you will be glad for all the pictures and the memories that have been preserved. And I know that when my Post-EYP-Depression (mostly known as PED) sets in, I am just a click away from

re-experiencing all our good memories. Your eager participation, your trust and cooperation, more-over your togetherness as a committee has been really in-

spirational. Seeing you go from complete strangers to volun-tarily perform Hakuna Matata together on stage was a real

pleasure. You are a fun lot; you have certainly made me feel welcome.

You should also know that if this session left you wanting more, the door to EYP is never closed. EYP is what you make

of it, and I know that you can all make it your home. Just reach out, challenge yourselves, and we might just meet


Sincerely yoursAndreas Selvig Ødegård


Committee on Development

Susanna SchmiedSilvian Galliker Eugénie Mégevand

Elena SiegristAngela von Ballmoos

Laura Juan-Torres

Luis Wyss

Iana CulicJulie Pasquale


Dear Iana, Angela, Susanna, Silvan, Luis, Julie, Laura, Eu-génie and Elena,

Just about 5 days ago you arrived in Fribourg, unsus-pecting of what was headed your way. All you had to go

on were weird videos and a lot of preparation. Nine com-plete strangers meeting for the first time. You learned

each others names during snowball fighting in 20˚Celcius and became a team while spearing marshmallows on spaghetti and being twisted into unimaginable knots.

By the end of teambuilding you had grown into a team and were eager to start discussing our, lets be honest,

not quite so easy, topic. In between, creating probably the most annoying committee sign ever and rocking off to

starships we managed to create a resolution.We hope that in between a lot of work you also man-

aged to really enjoy your time and take home many lovely memories.

Best wishes,Anna and Anna


Committee on Human Rights

Yell LeuteneggerGeorge Kurian Leonie Meier

Jo Ann Egger

Gilles Hauert

Milena Pesic

Isabel Stransky

Jakub Češka

Marisa Hunziker

Jeanne Morand


My dearest DROI,

I hope these 5 days we spent together leave you with a set of diverse friends, warm memories, and newly evoked skills. The first EYP session you attend is always a unique experience; games that might seem silly but always have a purpose behind them, intense discussions, long hours… I hope that this session was valuable for you. One that you will cherish for a long time. Be it overcoming your fear of opening up to a group of strangers or that of speaking in front of a crowd, be it the difficulty of communicating in a different language, be it sleeping in bunkers with 35 other

people, I hope Fribourg 2014 has contributed to every-one, a tiny bit to shaping up your future.

I urge you to stay active in our organisation and I hope we can meet again in a session soon.

Always remember that as we are the ones who set our own limits, the only person that can help us surpass them

is ourselves.Stay unique!

With Love,Evanthia Kasiora


Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs

Christian SiegenthalerDavid Eckert Rebecca Ruiz

Elis SaavedraPablo Schnell Julia Bruhin

Claudio AffolterSeverin Bachmann Naomi Aidlin

Tomáš FarníkLaura Inderbitzin Cédric Sidler


Dear Claudio, Severin, Tomáš, Pablo, Julia, Naomi, Da-vid, Rebecca, Elis, Laura, Christian and Cédric

I have had an amazing time being your journo for this session. For many of you, this was your first time par-ticipating in EYP, although from watching you in GA and committee work it would have been hard to tell.

It has been great to see how you all have bonded as a group and made new friendships, but also how you’ve

grown as people. You should all be very proud of yourself for working as hard as you did, and I hope that you feel that you’ve learned more about economy and

also about the other committee topics.

I’ve enjoyed every moment of discussion, quiz taking, blip blop playing (which I’m sorry to say, is not your

strong side) and team building that I’ve had with you guys, and I hope that you have as well. You have made

my first session as a journalist truly fantastic.

I know and hope that we will see each other again in future sessions.

If you ever need help or have any questions with EYP I hope you feel that you can contact me.

Truly yours, your journo Jacqueline


Committee on Employ-ment and Social Affairs

Anna KremláčkováAaron Daniel Adrian Lang

Lucius MillerSean Ruben Lisa Witzig

Tarik LazouniJeannine Hersche Patricia Moreira Azevedo

Michael von BallmoosMarc Aebi Sarah Rickenbacher

Ekaterina Gurevich


Dear,Starting a message like this is difficult but as soon as you are in the flow of words it gets easy and the ideas sprout pretty much

by themselves.This concept holds true for your work during the past intensive days. As soon as you had understood what was asked of you,

there was little to do stopping you; be it crossing a web, debat-ing Abies naughty behaviour or skimming a snake.

Even though you were constantly faced with new challenges, you held up and fulfilled what was asked of you with only nuts

as compensation.Speaking of nuts, I think that is exactly what we are. Taking time

of your life at home in order to discuss politics and sleep in a bunker takes a bit of craziness.

In this spirit I hope to see you around in Europe. keep rocking the 0.9. Thanks and... HELL YEAH!!

Dear delegatos,Nuts, Fred the Bunny, inappropriateness, and a ‘twerking’ To-bias. There are no more words needed to describe my recent adventure with you. During the last 5 days I was privileged to witness a group of individuals transforming into a solid team. You survived Abigail’s love troubles, Tobias’ tendency to take you out of your comfort zone, and a camera aimed at you to picture those awkward moments. Personally, I saw you grow

throughout the session: Tarik seemed innocent but turned out to be a bit inappropriate. Kate has a crazy obsession for nuts.

Aaron spends his free time walking on his hands. Sean gets all the ladies with his exotic roots, and Jeannine prefers partying over CW. Michael, Marc, Lisa, Lucius, Sarah, Patricia and Anna, words escape my mind when I try describing the asset you all were to our little committee. I do not know where our future paths will lead us, but I sincerely hope you take the chance

that EYP Switzerland offers you and maybe we will meet again somewhere in Europe.


Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food

Sabrina BossCarlo Lienhard Juliette Haldemann

Sarah SteblerKira Wetzel Christian Schulz

Mina BrigljevicJennifer Seiz Sarunja Kathirgamathamby

Valentina Parrotta Jakub Hamel


Dear talented and fabulous delegates from the Com-mittee of ENVI,

It seems like it was just yesterday that we all met in

the sports field of the St Croix high school of Fribourg. Since then, our days have been incredibly intense, full of learning, and fun. As a committee, we have thrown snowballs at each other, raced on each other’s backs,

engaged in “bunker banter”, and most importantly, grown closer as a group and also as friends.

During committee work you successfully deliberat-ed possible solutions for the sustainability of the EU’s

health system. It is admirable that you have managed to come up with such exceptionally pragmatic solutions to such a vast topic. Your chair Waltter swiftly guided you through the writing of the resolution. His efficient Finn-

ish standards certainly ensured that you respected time limits and it is thanks to him that you have learnt the

longest word in the Finnish dictionary.Each of you is unique in his or her own way. I have had the pleasure of getting to know all of you on a person-al basis and I am confident that you will all grow up to be extremely motivated and inspiring Europeans. I am

certain that Fribourg 2014 is a session in which you flour-ished both, individually and as members of ENVI. I hope you feel that through your involvement in EYP, you have started to pave the road of discovery, learning and cre-


Keep in touch! Your journo,



Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs I

Cédric CordeyLouis Bischof Anouk Rossier

Leonie LauxMichelle Blatter David Degen

Nina MontanelliDavid Knoblauch Loris Fivaz

Naila Camenzind Carmen Jeanguenat


Dear Anouk, Carmen, Cédric, David, David, Léonie, Loris, Louis, Michelle, Naila, Nina,

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened”Dr. Seus.

It is rare to find a group of people who bond as quickly as you all have. We have really enjoyed spending the last five days with you and seeing you become friends and growing as people. If we had to describe you in a word, it would be “lovely,” and the easy going character you all have has made

working with you a really enjoyable experience.When you get home, remember the fun moments we spent together, such as when we danced along to Just Dance, we played crazy games, or when you passed a tennis ball with your necks. These memories will stay with you forever, but we hope that you also remember that one week in Fribourg where you were brave enough to voice your opinion, to make yourselves heard, and crazy enough to want to make

a change.You are an example of hope, but only if you take what you learnt here further. The debating skills you practised, the ability to analyse facts, the humanity to listen, use all of this

in your day to day life.You have challenged yourselves and proved to world that you care, and consequently, wonderful things have hap-

pened. Keep making them happen.Thanks for a wonderful week,

Lots of love,Laure and Amy.


Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs II

Linda MathysKatia Leonelli Eugénie de Weck

Christina PallikudiyilJanka Möller Felix Faltings

Fabian WinkelmannLorena Rechsteiner Alexander Apostolov

Valentin Leutwyler Yuliia Yehorova Allegra Margelisch


LIBE II is one of the most capable committees I’ve ever had the honour of working with, and at the ripe, old age I’ve just arrived at, I have many committees to reflect on.

Always ready, always determined to get things done, always with a smile on their faces, they hardly even

needed me to be there. The potential, intelligence, fun, and friendliness of this group will stay with me after the session, and I hope their ambition, sensitivity, indepen-

dence, and passion is as inspirational to them as it is to me. I don’t need to wish them success in the future,

they’re going to crush it.


Dear Libe II,

It has been a crazy ride. This last week I have watched you turn from a group of strangers into a

solid team of friends. I hope you all benefit from this experience to the fullest. This has been your first

taste of EYP and I hope it has tickled your taste buds and that you are hungry for more. All I can say to you

is “go for it”. Dive your head first into whatever you do and I am certain you will succeed. Hopefully, I will

see some of you around Europe in the future.

Proudly yours,George


Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs III

Till HaechlerGaëlle Wavre Daniel Wiedler

Ronja RohrMatthias Masini Rachid Freudermann

Yves HayozAnna Bressan Antoine Schalk

Giovanni FaninJasper Rohner Anastasiya Bortnyk



From near and far away, you all made your way to Fribourg, hoping to experience something very special. But what was it? Maybe it could have been the chicken, perhaps the potatoes, or was it something even bigger? What you reached out for at this session, what you hoped you would gain, will certainly be discovered in the fond memories you take away from this session. Whether it was Italian fire, Ukrainian passion, Czech coolness or Swiss awesome-ness, EYP and the committee on LIBE III has turned you into something you could have never imagined before you boarded that train or plane to Fribourg. It is not just the aca-demic side that is shaped within EYP. Even though you had a hard time tackling the question of implementing quotas for immigrants in the EU, a topic which is frowned upon in Switzerland at the moment, you still reached your goal in establishing an honest and open relationship amongst each other. The fact that during the speed dating game at teambuilding, many of you loudly demanded to receive a few extra minutes of talking to each other warmed our hearts. You have shown effort and commitment and we are so proud that each of you has succeeded to find his or her own place in the committee. We hope that your jour-

ney in EYP will go in since this is just the beginning.

Manfredi Danielis & Manon Schürch


The Orga Team



And a special thanks to our editors

For their guidance and advice



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