session 9.12

Post on 24-Jan-2018






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Welcome to our Session!

Friday 15 September – 10.30-11-30 Room Paris B

September 17, 2017 Slide 2

Goals of the Session

1. Identification of concrete areas of

action/initatives of universities to promote

European integration and EU values (National +

EU Programme Good Practice Examples)

2. Identification of concrete needs and wishes to

go beyond the present level and reach out to

civil society (civil outreach/“third mission“ of



• Edith Genser, Jean Monnet Unit, EACEA

• Beate Körner, DAAD/National Agency for Higher

Education and Cooperation


• Alexandra Angress, Aschaffenburg University, Germany

September 17, 2017 Slide 3

Who are we? The session team

1.Setting the Scene

2.Brainstorming: Exchange of Experience &


• Role of HEIs in promoting EU integration/EU related


• Good Practice Examples

• Needs/Wishes/Ideas

3.Good Practice Examples: National and EU

Programme Initiatives

“Europa macht Schule” – Europe meets School (DAAD)

Erasmus+/Jean Monnet Programme

September 17, 2017 Slide 4


1.Setting the Scene –

Founding Rationale of the EU


The EU was founded to

• maintain peace among nations

• create European culture based on diversity

• provide political stability through economic cooperation

Art. 2 “The Union is founded on the values of

respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy,

equality, the rule of law and respect for human

rights, including the rights of persons belonging to

minorities. These values are common to the

Member States in a society in which pluralism,

non-discrimination, tolerance, justice, solidarity

and equality between men and women prevail“.

September 17, 2017 Slide 6

1.Setting the Scene – EU Treaties

Art. 3

1.“The Union‘s aim is to promote peace, its valuesand the well-being of its people. …

3…It shall combat social exclusion anddiscrimination, and shall promote social justicesand protection…

It shall promote economic, social and territorial cohesion, and solidarity among Member States

It shall respect its rich cultural and linguisticdiversity, and shall ensure that Europe‘s culturalheritage is safeguarded and enhanced“….

September 17, 2017 Slide 7

1.Setting the Scene – EU Treaties

• Unity of values (e.g. freedom, democracy,

human rights…) and rule of law,

fundamental rights

• Diversity of culture, languages, religions etc.

September 17, 2017 Slide 8

1.Setting the Scene – EU = Unity in


• New Political Leadership/Paradigms

• Terror Threats

• Refugee Crisis

• Economic Crisis

• Euroscepticism

• European values/Rule of Law

September 17, 2017 Slide 9

1.Setting the Scene: Europe under


1.Setting the Scene – Example

Pulse of Europe but no EU Civil




• HEIs’ Education Mandate for Society: Strong and responsible universities for an open, democratic, inclusive (European) society

• This “third mission” (“services”/”third stream”/”communities engagement””) of HEIs can comprise activities such as

– engagement with industry at local community level

– engagement with civil society e.g. supporting grass root level initiatives e.g. through students/youth commitment

– creation of EU added value/dimension with the help of international contacts and networks of HEIs

September 17, 2017 Slide 11

1.Setting the Scene:

HEIs’ (Third) Mission

HEI should more

actively engage in

dissemination the

European idea!!

HEI have an educational

role and responsibility to

play in society in fostering


tolerance and intercultural


1.Setting the Scene –

Results from a DAAD workshop

September 17, 2017 Slide 13

Is your university actively involved

in promoting the European idea

through projects?

September 17, 2017 Slide 14

In which fields is your university(most) actively involved?

1. University - (VET)/School Cooperation

2. Outreach to civil society through regional embeddedness of actions (“third mission“)

3. Active civic and societal engagement

1.What role can HEIs play to promote EU

integration/EU related values (“third mission”)?

2.Which Good Practice Examples would you

like to share here?

3.What are your needs, wishes, ideas for the


September 17, 2017 Slide 15

2.Exchange of Experience &


September 17, 2017 Slide 16

2.Exchange of Experience &

Expertise: Participants‘ Input at a

Glance – Role of HEI

HEIs should

• provide more online learning resources esp. language trainingand transferrable skills (contact: Susanne Feiertag, NUFFIC)

• involve different stakeholders in projects

• develop intercultural competences

• ensure teaching EU values in language classes and designatedsubject areas

• disseminate research based facts to wider public and politics toreduce fear-based rhethorics in public

• facilitate more inclusion and make first step easier forintegration e.g. of refugees

• provide good examples of why we do this (mission)

• engage more in societal outreach and engagement as third rolebesides education and research

• promote open sciences

• tell stories on EU and integration and success stories of EU (e.g. freedom of movement)

September 17, 2017 Slide 17

2.Participants‘ Input - Role of HEIs 1/2

HEIs should

• make Erasmus+ more inclusive

• stimulate open mindedness

• encourage + involve students

• leave their ivory tower e.g. by getting the right people on

board for these actions

• share knowlege and work together

• engage more in projects with the participation of civil

society and local associations

• focus on real life problems e.g. traffic issues, sustainabilty

• think not only of host country but also of EU

integration/values during orientation week for

Erasmus+/incoming students (e.g. when presenting France

as host country integrate a lesson on EU and integration and

success stories of EU e.g. freedom of movement)

• September 17, 2017 Slide 18

2.Participants‘ Input - Role of HEI 2/2

September 17, 2017 Slide 19

2.Participants‘ Input at a Glance –

Good Practice Examples

• European Voluntay Service (EVS)

• World@school new project, volunteers work of TWC students and other

students: TWC internships combined with community services by Flemish

students in Washington (contact: Magalie Soenen, Flemish Government,

Department Education and Training)

• Temporary EU campus in Amsterdam last year in the framework of EU

presidency of the Netherlands (main theme: sustainable future)

• Dialogue Pilots: subject at university of Oslo with study points, dialogue

method and cultural understanding, create a network of youths//young

adultus and include pupils from high schools

• Contact: Academic Dugnad at Unviersity of Oslo/all of Norway

( + Language Cafes where students and

refugees can meet; email: - Academic

dugnad for refugees and asylum seekers)

• Design Faculty helps promote a local newspaper of the homeless in the

city (University of Applied Sciences of Düsseldorf = UAS)

• Roemenre exchange with students and teachers/staff

and work in the fieldSeptember 17, 2017 Slide 20

2.Participants‘ Input – G.P. Examples 1/2

• Refugee projects from social sicences faculty to integrate refugees in the

city (Düsseldorf UAS)

• Internationalisation at home projects/cooperation with EU universities on

these subjects

• 46 nationalities on campus and give opportunties to each nationality to

present their language, culture and food (!) during the International Week

• Involvement of students & alumni

• Integration of internat./civic society related topics in Masters programme

e.g. global food issues, citizenship

• Refugee support by volunteers (students) on campus

• Projects with real integration of students (foreign and domestic) into local


• Plan Refugium: Integration of Refugees into University, Training and

Awareness (email: Universidad de Murcia)

• Usage of Erasmus + and in addition EVS at university (AGU Youth


September 17, 2017 Slide 21

2.Participants‘ Input – G.P. Examples 2/2

September 17, 2017 Slide 22

2.Participants‘ Input at a Glance -


HEI should

• be responsible at regional level and reach out more to civil society

• involve regional politicians/decision makers for support in this

• organise Storytelling of returned students in schools (erasmus/outgoing


• use/value refugees as person and source and not as problem

• provide English courses for free

• make this EU actions more visible to more people

• give more attention to local issues instead of EU or global issues (= that is

also European)

• register sessions and programmes for students and Phd programmes to

promote EU integration and values

• invite European companies and organisations to come to universities and

tell about what they do and then organise session/event aroudn this (EU

values/mission etc)

• Develop EU values catalogue/teaching material to hand out in classes and

also to exchange students

September 17, 2017 Slide 23

2.Participants‘ Input – Needs/Ideas 1/4

HEI should…

• organise bridging courses

• promote active civic and societal engagement in their HEI mission

• know more about curricula of their (Erasmus+) partners in the area of EU

related studies and cooperate in this field

• promote EU values in countries of Erasmus students‘ mobility and have

them talk in HEIs and colleges

• support EU integration and EU related values through leadership

• integrate EU values/EU in ongoing mobility preparatory

trainings/preparations and mix foreign and (former) outgoing students

• make EU/EU dimension a compulsory element for Erasmus+

outgoings/incoming students e.g. in their preparaton

• organise partner institutions exchange on that topic (e.g. integrate that in

teaching mobiity/curriculum development etc.)

• provide active inclusion of international students also into e.g. gay/lesbian

communities etc.

September 17, 2017 Slide 24

2.Participants‘ Input – Needs/Ideas 2/4

Respective Countries/Ministries should

• introduce European idea/topics of EU integraton in each school

• plan seed early: get mindset at early stage in primary school

• establish pre-course on EU before access to HEI

• ensure Lifelong learning internationalisation for all - i.e. in all educational

institutions from primary educaton to HEI (think of those who are left out)

e.g. National Initiative in the Netherlands (contact: Susanne Feiertag,

NUFFIC emai:

September 18, 2017 Slide 25

2.Participants‘ Input – Needs/Ideas 3/4

EU institutions should

• spend budget well on respective EU programmes

• integrate EU mission horizontally into programmes

• better address and explain themselves EU integration/added

value/values themselves to EU citizens and international

population/foreigners - have regional activities and link with

regional universities to engage on regional level and explain

better the EU – send EU staff out more to the field

• connect JM projects with more schools for cooperations

• provide more money for grass root projects

• make sure that EU citizen/values are counted as impact (!)

indicator in EU programme evaluation/review

September 17, 2017 Slide 26

2.Participants‘ Input – Needs/Ideas 4/4

September 17, 2017 Slide 27

3.Good Practice Examples:

„Europa macht Schule” –

“Europe meets School”

© Private/DAAD

September 17, 2017 Slide 28

The idea of the Programme

• February 2006: student conference „What keeps Europe together?”

• Invitation of European students (‚mini ambassadors‘) to local school


• presentation of their home country by creating a project which

reveals specific aspects of their culture in cooperation with pupils

and a supervising teacher

• concrete access to the topic „Europe“: bring the idea of inter-

European exchange to life and increase the knowledge of European


• Per year: 30 teams at HEI locations organize school projects with

over 150 schools and about 200 European students

From 2006 to 2017: 1,700 guest students in 1,600 school projects

reached around 40,000 pupils

September 17, 2017 Slide 29

The Benefits of the Programme

• Cross-sectoral cooperation: Living together in a Europe of

manifold cultures becomes obvious through direct personal


• Strengthening the European unity: Contribution to intra-

European dialogue, encouraging a sense of belonging and

togetherness in Europe

• Civil engagement by young Europeans: Student teams at

HEI locations realize EmS as volunteers

• Contribution to the success of Erasmus mobility by its

integrative aspects and to future mobility

September 17, 2017 Slide 30

Figures and Testimonials

Pupils‘ Evaluation

I know Europe better now. I would like to learn

more about Europe now.


(= I fully agree.)




3 20%

4 (= I do not agree

at all.)3%

1(= I fully agree.)




4 (= I do not

agree at all.)6%

„To go abroad myself.“

(A-Levels-student, Bielefeld, answering to the question:

What would you like to do in the next „Europa macht


September 17, 2017 Slide 31

Good Practise Examples

Europe in one day

• A trip through Europe in just one day

• 4 students from the Ukraine, Turkey,

Switzerland and France and the

pupils of a comprehensive school

• Discussions about European


• Traditional songs, arts and culture

The pupils went home with a

passport full of European stamps

September 17, 2017 Slide 32

Good Practise Examples

Europe at its limits? – its frontiers, its

development, its current challenges

• 2 students from Greece and Italy in

Berlin in a 10th grade class

• Topic: refugee crisis, flight and

migration in the Mediterranean

• Visit of a so-called welcome class

• Production of a documentary

the project not just resulted in

friendships, it also reduced frontiers

and stimulated a reflection process.

© Private/DAAD

© von Allwörden/DAAD

September 17, 2017 Slide 33

„Europa macht Schule“ –

Promotional video

More information: (soon available in English)

September 17, 2017 Slide 34

3.Good Practice Example:


Jean Monnet – What is it about?

• Focus on EU studies to promote

teaching and research on the European

integration process in various disciplines

September 17, 2017 Slide 35

Jean Monnet activities – examplesErasmus+ Project Results: Erasmus+ platform for dissemination

and exploitation of project results:

September 17, 2017 Slide 36

Jean Monnet Project - example

TaLMID provides well-tailored new approaches and methodologies for the integration of children of refugees in the educational system of the host countries

Duration 2016-2018 Grant € 59.916

Participants: young academics, researchers, stakeholders active in the field, experts from different fields, backgrounds and cultures (Armenia, Belgium, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Turkey) students, school teachers

September 17, 2017 Slide 37

Jean Monnet Project - example

Title: Teaching and Learning: Migration - Integration - Democracy (TaLMID)

Project Nr: 575533-EPP-1-2016-1-DE-EPPJMO-PROJECT

Country: GERMANY, Siegen



Aims: Stress importance of specific topics – migration, integration, democracy - in the fields of EU studies for the curricula of primary and secondary schools

Results: Production of innovative open education material and its implementation in primary and secondary schools; conferences, training seminars for teachers

September 17, 2017 Slide 38

Jean Monnet Project - example

Project Nr: 575533-EPP-1-2016-1-DE-EPPJMO-PROJECT

Country: GERMANY, Siegen


Aims: Stress importance of specific topics – migration, integration, democracy - in the fields of EU studies for the curricula of primary and secondary schools

Results: Production of innovative open education material and its implementation in primary and secondary schools; conferences, training seminars for teachers

September 17, 2017 Slide 39

Jean Monnet Module - example

Promoting the study and discussion of EU-multilingualism politics and bringing it closer to students of Humanities, the general public and professionals in various fields

Duration 2015–2018 Grant: € 30.000

Title: EU Multilingualism, Intercultural Dialogue and Language Education

Project Nr: 562068-EPP-1-2015-1-ES-EPPJMO-MODULE

Participants: students, linguists, translators,

researchers, civil society representatives,

September 17, 2017 Slide 40

Jean Monnet Module - example

Country: SPAIN, La Mancha



Aims: examination of the European and national language policies designed to promote multilingualism as a European added value, discussions and debates regarding the consequences of these policies

Results: teaching activities, different courses on European multilingualism and social inclusion, educational website, film, research papers and lectures

• Published in autumn 2017

• Application via eForm and 3 attachements: (Project Description, Budget and DoH)

• Participant Portal / Participant Identification Code (PIC)

• Deadline for applications: 22/02/2018 (tbc)

• Starting date of projects: 01/09/2018

• Funding - Jean Monnet Activities within Erasmus+:

September 17, 2017 Slide 41

Jean Monnet – Call for proposals 2018

• Erasmus+ Programme Guide and General Call for proposals:

• Jean Monnet Activities:

• Funding - Jean Monnet Activities within Erasmus+:

• Jean Monnet Directory:

• Jean Monnet selection results:

• Erasmus+ Project Results: Erasmus+ platform for dissemination and exploitation of project results:

• Jean Monnet Cluster 2016: Good practices in the context of 'A Union of shared values – The role of

Education & Civil Society'

• Jean Monnet Cluster 2017 - Network activities :

• Jean Monnet functional mailbox:

September 17, 2017 Slide 42

Jean Monnet infos

Thank you all for your attention &

contributions! Beate, Edith and Alexandra


September 17, 2017 Slide 43

Thank you & Contact

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