session 8.04

Post on 24-Jan-2018






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MOUs A TO Z: STEPS FOR A SUCCESSFUL GOVERNANCE OF INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTSChair: Tania Genel, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium Speakers:Alejandra Vilalta, Tecnologico de Monterrey, MexicoPaul Leys, Ghent University, Belgium

Welcome to session 08.04

Bahia, Friday 15 Sept, 9:00

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• This Power Point, including the polling data, will be available via EAIE a couple of days following the fair

October 10, 2017 Slide 2

Welcome! Your input is

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1. Yes2. No 3. Not sure

October 10, 2017 Slide 5

TEST: Do you think that yourinstitution’s current processes andprocedures for internationalagreements should be linked to yourinstitution’s internationalization targets?

Choice Votes Percentage

Yes 43 88%

No 3 6%

Notsure 3 6%

1. Institutional Context for International Agreements

Ø Snapshot per institutionØ Internationalization strategy & targetsØ Agreement’s role in internationalization strategyØ Existing procedures for international agreements

2. The International Agreement’s cycle

Ø Initial requestØ Selection and ApprovalØ Management of Active AgreementsØ Renewal

3. Closing remarks

4. Q&A

October 10, 2017 Slide 7

Session’s content

October 10, 2017 Slide 8

Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)



International students


8 + University hospital

16 000

22% from 129 countries

31 BA - 75 MA (50% English Taught) -30+ PhD

International students in English- taught programmes 75% in Masters - 50%in PhD

Rankings QS: 182

# International Agreements > 500

October 10, 2017 Slide 9

Tec de Monterrey - SnapshotSchools

Students and Faculty

International students


6 National Schools

89,641 (Including High School)10,117 lecturers13% International Students4,714 from 65 countries

3 HS - 56 BA - 31 Masters -12 PhD

Campus 26 Campus in México + 18 International Liaison Offices

Rankings QS: 199

# Intl Agreements 1836

• Students Mobility (since year 2000 more than 125,000 students in 51 countries and more than 74,000 international students from 70 countries)

• Virtual International Mobility • Academic Strategic Alliances (Consortiums, Joint

Research, Dual-Degree programs, i.e.)• Exchange of Faculty and Staff • Visiting Professors Program• International Presence (International Liaison Offices)• 56% of the class of 2016 had an International


October 10, 2017 Slide 10

Tec de MonterreyInternational strategy

October 10, 2017 Slide 11

UGent - SnapshotFaculties


International students


11 + University hospital

42 162

11% from 149 countries

57 BA - 150 MA - PhD

Mobile graduates 21,8%

Rankings ARWU: 69 – THE: 107 QS: 125

# Intl Agreements > 700

• Internal structure and communication • Choices in terms of intensity and form of

international cooperation– Regional platforms– Thematic networks– Institutional partnerships

• Internationalisation of education• Recruitment of international students and staff• International branding

October 10, 2017 Slide 12

UGent – International strategy

1. Memoranda of Understanding 2. Letters of Intent 3. Mobility-related agreements 4. Project-specific agreements -not linked to

mobility 5. Joint Academic Degrees 6. Research-specific 7. Other (not listed) 8. I don't know

October 10, 2017 Slide 13

1)What type of international agreements is yourIRO usually involved with? Mark all that apply

Choice Votes PercentageMemorandaofUnderstanding 52 93% LettersofIntent 23 41% Mobilityrelatedagreements 50 89% Projectspecificpartnershipagreementsnotlinkedtomobility 25 45% JointDegrees 33 59% Researchspecific 18 32% Othernotlisted 6 11% Idontknow 0 0%

1. Yes, for each type of agreement 2. Yes, for some types of agreements 3. No, we do it ad hoc4. I don't know

October 10, 2017 Slide 15

2) Does your institution have a standard/official procedure (s) to handle Memoranda of Understanding and other international cooperation agreements?

Mark only one option

Choice Votes Percentage

Yesforeachtypeofagreement 22 39%

Yesforsometypesofagreements 27 47%

Noweprocessthemadhoc 8 14%

Idontknow 0 0%

October 10, 2017 Slide 17

NEWAGREEMENTPROCESSTecnológicodeMonterrey PartnerUniversity

Academia InternationalPrograms(Campus)












Reviewthe“PartnerInformation”and information given by theinterestedcampus.









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Requestadditionalinformationonrankings,universitystrengthtoPartnerUniversity. Sendadditionalinformation





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AgreementssignedSendsignedagreementstoPartnerUniversityviapostanddigital. Signingprocessbegins.

AgreementssignedSendsignedagreementstocentraloffice.Scan&archiveagreement. Archiveagreement&


October 10, 2017 Slide 18

Tec de MonterreyEvaluation of partnerships

National and International Accreditations



International Rankings 2016 - 2017

#6-Latin America#199-World Ranking

#36-BRICS&Emerging Economies 2017#501-600-World Ranking

#1-Undergraduate Entrepreneurship PrograminLatinAmerica#23-Undergraduate Entrepreneurship Programintheworld

EGADE Business School

#1BusinessSchool inLatinAmerica

October 10, 2017 Slide 19

The Agreement’s Cycle

NewAgreement orRenewal Request

Selection - Approval

Management/Follow upofActiveAgreements

Expiration -Renewal

1. IRO 2. Other administrative central services3. Institutional Board 4. Academic entities: Faculties; Departments or

Professors 5. Campus level - Administration(when multicampus) 6. Campus level - Academic Entity: Faculties,

Departments or Professors (when multicampus)7. Other (not listed)

October 10, 2017 Slide 20

3) Which entity in your institution most commonly initiates/triggers requests for new international cooperation agreements? Mark all that apply

Choice Votes Percentage

IRO 33 55%

Otheradministrativecentralservices 7 12%

InstitutionalBoard 6 10%

AcademicentitiesFacultiesDepartmentsorProfessors 48 80%

CampuslevelAdministrationwhenmulticampus 2 3%

CampuslevelAcademicEntityFacultiesDepartmentsorProfessorswhenmulticampus 6 10%

Othernotlisted 1 2%

1. IRO 2. Other administrative central services3. Institutional Board 4. Academic entities: Faculties; Departments or

Professors 5. Campus level - Administration(when multicampus) 6. Campus level - Academic Entity: Faculties,

Departments or Professors (when multicampus)7. Other (not listed)

October 10, 2017 Slide 22

4) Which entity in your institution gives final approval for new international cooperation agreements?

Mark all that apply

Choice Votes Percentage

IRO 35 58%

Otheradministrativecentralservices 11 18%

InstitutionalBoard 33 55%

AcademicentitiesFacultiesDepartmentsorProfessors 14 23%

CampuslevelAdministrationwhenmulticampus 0 0%

CampuslevelAcademicEntityFacultiesDepartmentsorProfessorswhenmulticampus 0 0%

Othernotlisted 7 12%

1. IRO 2. Other administrative central services3. Institutional Board 4. Academic entities: Faculties; Departments or

Professors 5. Campus level - Administration(when multicampus) 6. Campus level - Academic Entity: Faculties,

Departments or Professors (when multicampus)7. Other (not listed)

October 10, 2017 Slide 24

5) Which entity in your institution is responsible for managing (follow up of objectives and output) active agreements?Mark all that apply

Choice Votes Percentage

IRO 52 91% Otheradministrativecentralservices 6 11% InstitutionalBoard 0 0% AcademicentitiesFacultiesDepartmentsorProfessors 20 35% CampuslevelAdministrationwhenmulticampus 1 2%

CampuslevelAcademicEntityFacultiesDepartmentsorProfessorswhenmulticampus 0 0% Othernotlisted 2 4%

1. Yes (qualitative) 2. Yes (quantitative) 3. Both, qualitative and quantitative4. None5. I don't know

October 10, 2017 Slide 26

6) Does your institution rely on qualitative or quantitative tools to manage existing agreements and their eventual renewal?

Mark only one option

Choice Votes Percentage

Yesqualitative 10 18%

Yesquantitative 5 9%

Both 25 45%

None 10 18%

Idontknow 6 11%

• How to manage +700 agreements?à eQuATIC tool

October 10, 2017 Slide 28

UGent – Evaluation of partnerships

available comparable easytoreaddata scores information

October 10, 2017 Slide 29

UGent – Evaluation of partnerships

October 10, 2017 Slide 30

UGent – Evaluation of partnerships

October 10, 2017 Slide 31

Concluding remarks

NewAgreement orRenewal Request

Selection - Approval

Management/Follow upofActiveAgreements

Expiration -Renewal

• Tania Genel,• Alejandra Vilalta,• Paul Leys,

October 10, 2017 Slide 32


Your feedback is appreciated!

Evaluate this session:• Open the EAIE Events

App• Go to ‘Schedule’ and

find this session• At the bottom of the

session description you’ll see ‘Resources’

• Click ‘Evaluate this session’ to answer a few questions

October 10, 2017 Slide 33

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