services in the urban area services include shops, offices, leisure, transport and welfare

Post on 27-Mar-2015






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Types of goods

• Convenience goods – Goods which we need everyday, such as food.

• Specialist goods – Goods which are more expensive and we need less often, such as clothes. Sometimes called comparison goods because people ‘shop around’ and compare before buying.

Complete the following table in your books.

Milk T.V. DVD’s Bread Coffee Jewellery Butter IPod Clothes Jam

Convenience goods Specialist goods

Going shopping

Shoppers have a choice of where to shop. They must decide where to go to buy the good they need.

But what are the options?

Types of shopping area:

• CBD – city centre

• Suburban shopping streets and Corner Shops

• Supermarkets

• Out of town shopping centres

What type of shopping place?

Out of town shopping centre

Suburban shopping streetCorner shop and




Suburban shopping street B

Corner shop C

Out of town shopping centre D

These often stretch along main roads where parking is available. They offer convenience and some specialist goods. 1

These offer high order specialist goods without the difficulties of city centre shopping such as traffic jams. 2

Has many shops selling specialist goods and services. Very accessible with good public transport and main roads. 3

Sell low order convenience goods such as groceries and newspapers. People will not travel far to buy them, most walk. 4

Mix the type of shopping area with the descriptions below

Thinking about shopping

• State in which photo A-D you are most likely to… REMEMBER TO SAY WHY

• Have driven there by car?

• A – because it is located out of town with few bus services, so it would be easier to go there by car.

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