serpolette’s tricycle - early...

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Serpolette’s Tricycle, July 2012

Featured in this issue

Sublime Semmering Mercedes, Part 2 3

Australian ‘Brooklands’ motorcycle 11

The Charles Mayman Story, Part 2 13

De Dion Bouton Voiturette 18

1910 Daimler Laundaulette 2 0

Rupert Jeffkins at the wheel of a Mercedes

racing car, believed to be Percy Cornwell’s

1909 150 h.p. Semmering, at the Richmond

races, 22 Nov. 1913. Photograph by Darge,

Australian Motorist, Dec. 1913



The Early Motor in Australasia

Number 3, July 2012

Serpolette’s Tricycle, July 2012 2

Of Queens, Kings and Adjectives

Language would be boring indeed without

the adjective.

Adjectives can provide us with colour with-

out controversy: ‘sublime’ in relation to the

Semmering Mercedes, or ‘deliceuse’ ap-

plied to Serpolette for example. But there

are other adjectives that take themselves

very seriously; and many of these arise

when discussing motoring history.

In our period of interest there are many

adjectives that could be applied to ‘motors’

or ‘motoring’: early, veteran, vintage, Vic-

torian, Edwardian, historic, brass-era,

primitive, antique… I’m sure there are

more. Some of these are obviously vague

(like my preferred ‘early’), while others

would, or at least should, refer to indisput-

able periods of history. Yet most have been

claimed by quite specific, but often local

and contradictory, definitions.

Let’s take the Queens and Kings (of the

United Kingdom). Victoria’s long reign

ended with her death in January 1901,

from which date her son Albert reigned as

Edward VII until he died in May 1910.

These two monarchs should provide us

with two unambiguous periods of motor-

ing: the Victorian era (let’s say pre-1901),

and the Edwardian era (1901 – 1910). But

not so. The Veteran Car Club of Great Brit-

ain, for example, defines an Edwardian ve-

hicle as one ‘built from January 1905 and

up-to and including December 1918’. Not

just confusing, but also a pity to lose what

would otherwise be an excellent adjective,

for the end of the ‘true Edwardian’ era (1910)

did mark a significant watershed in vehicle

design: cars and motor cycles of 1908 – 09

are usually easily distinguished from those

of 1912 – 13. Of course the VCC had good

reason to define ‘Edwardian’ as it did, hav-

ing previously used the word ‘veteran’ for

the period up to the end of 1904.

Here in Australia, ‘veteran’ is defined

(universally?) as pre-1919, while purists

struggle to maintain their claim for

‘vintage’ as 1919 – 1930. But the devil is in

the detail. I’m a member of two local clubs;

one ‘Veteran and Vintage’ club which ca-

ters for vehicles built before 1966, and the

other a ‘Veteran’ club, which, as of last

week, caters for ‘historic’ vehicles. And the

local definition of ‘historic’? Pre-1979.

Here at S.T., we’ll stick with ‘early’.

Leon Mitchell Adelaide, July 2012

From the editor ‘Mdlle. Serpolette is evidently making

the Australian tour more as an adver-

tiser of a certain brand of cycles and

cycle dress than a racer. She looks too

fragile for many, but her costumes are

charming, and every brute of a man

longs to put his arms around her deli-

cate Parisian waist after being victim-

ised by those graceful costumes and a

glance from those dark eyes.’

Touring with her motor tricycle in 1898,

Mlle Serpolette provided many Austra-

lians with their first experience of pow-

ered transport.

Serpolette’s Tricycle, July 2012 3

In Part 1 of our story, we left the Semmer-

ing Mercedes in the hands of Percy

Cornwell of Melbourne and had joined him

at the Richmond, Victoria, motor races in

November 1913, where not one but two

‘Mercedes racing cars’ were in action…

Much hype preceded the Richmond motor

races, the majority generated by the pro-

moters themselves: racing driver and par-

ticipant Rupert Jeffkins, his assistant Les

Millar and local businessman John Wren

acting under the banner of the ‘Australian

Motor Speedway Co.’. Perhaps by design,

Jeffkins’ presence on the streets of Mel-

bourne in a bright red ‘120-h.p.’ racing car

‘caused such attractions… that police au-

thorities have notified

him that he must not

drive the vehicle

among the ordinary

street traffic. Yes-

terday he had it

towed to the

track for prac-

tice pur-


Come race

day, Jef-

fkins, Millar

and Wren

must have

been well

pleased with

their efforts.

A record crowd

for the venue

(said to be

10,000 by one

source, 17,000 by

another) wit-

nessed a feast of

motor-cycle, cycle-

car and car racing

on the unbanked,

half-mile dirt track

and went away

happy, despite heavy

Sublime Semmering The 1909 17.3-litre Semmering Mercedes in Australia; Part 2

Ridiculous handicap?

In the last issue, we reported that Sydney millionaire Colin Smith drove the Semmering Mer-

cedes to FTD, but last place on formula, in the 1911 ACA Hill Climb. Musing over this, reader

Jim Scammell sent in this missive from the Advertiser (Adelaide) in December 1908:

“Archer” writes:- “Will those interested in the late motor cycle hill-climbing con-

test be good enough to answer the following questions? — A 5-horsepower Rex

motor cycle climbed the hill in 3 min. 49 sec., and yet gained only 270 points. The

winner (a 3-horsepower motor cycle) took 3 min. 52 sec., and gained 475 points,

the second position being taken by a 3-horsepower in 4 min. 12 sec., having 465

points for its score. What I would like to know is — To gain first place, and there-

fore at least 206 points more, what time would the Rex 5-horse power have had to

occupy, and would it be at all possible for a machine to get the necessary pace? If

not, it appears to me that the system of handicapping must be ridiculous.”

Rather than answer Archer’s question, let’s go back to the results of our hill climb, with calculator

in hand, to consider the performance required by the Semmering to win. Smith’s time for the

climb was 85.4 sec. If the total climb was 1410 yards (the sum of the sectors listed in the article),

his average speed was nearly 34 m.p.h. — impressive on a steep un-paved climb. To win, Smith

needed to make the climb in 19.6 sec.; an average speed of 147 m.p.h.! Ridiculous? Indeed.






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Serpolette’s Tricycle, July 2012 4

rain bringing the meeting to a slightly pre-

mature end.

The two ‘racing’ Mercedes (Cornwell’s grey

‘90 h.p.’ and Jeffkins’ red ‘120 h.p.’) fea-

tured in three events, providing plenty of

noise and drama, if not too much speed

because of the limitations of the tight

track. Of the two cars, the red car was obvi-

ously the better performer, because while

the grey car was likely a converted tourer, it

seems certain that the red car was in fact

the Semmering Mercedes, now four years

old, masquerading as Jeffkins ‘Indianapolis’

car (see page 5).

Following the Richmond races, Percy

Cornwell appears to have used the Sem-

mering in a new and unlikely role: as a road

car. In January 1914, Percy’s brother Fred

Cornwell entered his hydroplane Nautilus II

in the Unrestricted Power Boat Champion-

ship of Australasia for the E. C. Griffiths

Shield, to be run on Sydney Harbour. Nauti-

lus II travelled from Melbourne to Sydney

for the races by coastal steamer, followed a

few days later by Fred Cornwell and other

team members. Percy Cornwell, however,

seemed to prefer land transport, and the

local press reported that he was ‘driving his

75-h.p. Mercedes racing car overland to

witness the contest’. Given the 75 h.p. RAC

rating of the Semmering, we could reasonably

speculate that Percy was using the ‘old’

racing car as his touring car. What fun!

On arrival at Sydney Harbour, after a 550-

mile overland adventure in his 17.3-litre

car, Percy’s job was to tend to the engine of

Nautilus II. Our description comes from the

local Sydney paper: ‘Nautilus II is a 25ft x 5ft 6in multi-step

hydroplane, built by H. Maunvill, of

Princes Bridge, Melbourne. She is pow-

ered with a single set of six-cylinder 100-

h.p. engines [sic], driving a single propel-

ler through a reduction gear placed for-

ward of the engine. The hull is con-

structed of doubled-planked Tasmanian

“King Billy” pine, and has no fewer than

seven steps, or ridges, cut in the bottom…

Mr. Fred Cornwell was at the helm while

Mr. Percy Cornwell drove the engines.’

Just what was this engine that Percy

‘drove’? None other than the first engine

from the famous Napier L48 racing car,

known from 1908 as Samson. First commis-

sioned in June 1904, the car proved some-

what of a sensation. It set a world speed

record – 104.65 mph for the flying mile – in

Florida in early 1905 and participated in the

Gordon Bennett races in France in that

same year as part of the British team. The

original 6¼ x 5” (15.1-litre) motor was re-

tired from the car in early 1908, and found

its way to Australia to power the Cornwell’s

Originally captioned ‘The engines of Nautilus II.

Percy Cornwell and his band’, this photo shows

the six-cylinder 100-h.p. Napier in all its glory. A

single carburettor feeds the overhead inlet

valves via a triple-branched manifold. Six ex-

hausts exit through the side of the boat. Eight

drip-feed lubricators are in the left foreground.

Australian Motorist, March 1914

Serpolette’s Tricycle, July 2012 5


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Jeffkins’ masquerade…

There has been a great deal of conjecture

and confusion over the identity of the

two Mercedes ‘racing cars’ participating

at the Richmond races in November 1913.

Certainly the ‘grey car’ (illustrated in

Part 1 of the story in Serpolette’s Tricycle

No. 2) has previously been identified as

the Semmering Mercedes, but close scru-

tiny shows beyond doubt this is not so.

In his 2003 History of Australian Speed-

way, Jim Shepherd has a detailed account

of the hype leading up to the event, and

identifies both cars as, in reality, ‘stripped

Mercedes tourers’. This description may

fit the grey car, supplied by Percy

Cornwell the day before the event when

the Opel racer expired, but Jeffkins’ red

car seems more special than that. The

photographs (right) let us compare the

red car to the Semmering as seen when it

first arrived in Sydney, and other than the

coat of red paint, the addition of a cockpit

cowl, and the removal of the front wings,

the two cars appear identical, down to

the detail of chassis rivets. It would seem

that Percy Cornwell supplied both Mer-

cedes for the Richmond races, even

though Jeffkins claimed the red car as ‘his’.

Serpolette’s Tricycle, July 2012 6

hydroplane. Interesting that the horsepower

and capacity quoted for Nautilus II were

100 h.p. and 16.3 litres, both of which are

consistent with an increase of bore to 6½”.

Many will know that Victorian enthusiast

Bob Chamberlain recovered the L48 Napier

motor from Cornwell’s Potteries in Bruns-

wick around 1960, where it lay together

with the remains of Nautilus. He went on

to build a replica of Samson around the

original motor.

The combination of the Cornwell brothers,

the Melbourne-built boat and the Napier

motor proved good enough to win the 1914

championship, edging out the second

placed boat, the 90-h.p. Brasier-powered

Meteor II. An aside is that Meteor II had

been imported into Australia in 1910 by

none other that Anthony Hordern – brother

of Lebbeus, first owner of the Semmering –

who won the E. C. Griffiths Shield in 1911,

1912 and 1913 with the boat then called

Kangaroo. In 1910 the boat was called Bra-

zier-Despujols and won races off Monaco at

speeds up to 45 m.p.h., making it among

the fastest boats in the world. Interesting,

then, that on the death of their father, Leb-

beus purchased the fastest car in the world

while brother Anthony purchased arguably

the fastest boat.

Of course 1914 was an ominous year in his-

tory, and thoughts of frivolous activities

like racing cars and motor boats soon gave

way to thoughts of war. The thoughts of

Lieutenant Percy Cornwell culminated in

1916 with the delivery to the Australian

government of ‘two of the ugliest weapons

of war that Australia has yet turned out’ –

Australia’s first armoured cars. The two ve-

hicles were based on a 60 h.p. Mercedes

donated by Percy Cornwell and a 40 h.p.

Daimler. My investigation of these cars pro-

ceeded just far enough to determine with-

out doubt that, contrary to a number of

printed references, the Mercedes lurking

under the olive green armour in one of

these ‘steel clad insects’ was not the Sem-

mering, but one of Percy’s other Mercedes

cars. And far enough to recognise that

‘Gentle Annie’ and her companion deserve

an article on their own. Luckily we have a

reader who is expert in the area…

It’s not clear what the 1920s held for the

Semmering. It may be that Percy Cornwell

continued to use it for touring or racing,

but facts are hard to come by. For example,

Percy raced a ‘120-h.p. Mercedes racing

car’ at the Aspendale track in March 1924,

and while this was likely the Semmering, it

could also have been his returned 60 h.p.

armoured car, his ‘90 h.p.’ car that ap-

peared at Richmond in 1913 (were they

one-in-the-same?), or even a completely



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Serpolette’s Tricycle, July 2012 7

different car. Lyndon Duckett helps us out

in his 1947 letter with a simple statement:

‘In 1926 the car was sold to Mr. Ike Watson

and he never once drove the car. During his

ownership the Mercedes was completely


Duckett acquired the Semmering in January

1942, and spent more than a year bringing

it back to superb operating condition. Dur-

ing the rebuild he measured the motor at

175 x 180 mm and found the cylinder

blocks were stamped 10.7.09, confirming

beyond doubt that the car is a Semmering

Hill Climb model and not a Grand Prix rac-

ing car as is sometimes asserted. It cer-

tainly impressed everywhere it went, and

quite stole the show when it appeared at

the Rob Roy Hill Climb in Victoria in 1946

and 1947 (see page 10). Duckett used the

car at numerous events in and around Mel-

bourne until the mid-1950s: motor sport

meetings, veteran car runs and displays. Of

particular interest was an event held in July

1953 at the Fisherman’s Bend track in Mel-

bourne. Apparently sponsored by Mer-

cedes-Benz, a match race – 440 yards from

a standing start – was organised which pit-

ted Duckett in the 1909 Semmering against

the latest model 1953 Mercedes Benz. A

spectator at the event recalls both the thrill

of the race and the embarrassment of the

Mercedes-Benz staff when Duckett thun-

dered to the finish line to win in 18.64 sec-

onds, with a terminal speed estimated at

between 85 and 90 mph. In normal circum-

stances coverage on page three of the Syd-

ney Morning Herald would please the Mer-

cedes publicity people no end, but a head-

line ‘Latest Model Outpaced by 1908 Car’

and an article describing the cheers of

10,000 fans as the 44-year-old car crossed

the line 100 yards in front of the latest

model was not exactly to script.

Possibly the final Australian event for the

Semmering was the Argus Veteran Car Rally

in January 1955. Fittingly, the run left from

the South Melbourne Town Hall and in-

cluded a lap of the roads around Albert

Park Lake, the circuit currently used for the

Australian Grand Prix. Presumably on sub-

urban roads open to the public the Sem-

mering was far from ‘all out’. One reporter

mused, ‘they won’t exactly be whizzing

past’. I wonder if he knew one of the ‘old

chuffers’ was good for 109 mph?




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Serpolette’s Tricycle, July 2012 8

I’m not sure exactly when the Semmering

left Australia, but it is currently said to be

part of the Indianapolis Motor Speedway

Museum collection. Supported by Mercedes-

Benz, the car and other Mercedes racing

cars have been appearing at high-profile

motoring events across the USA. In its cur-

rent form it is styled as a Grand Prix racer,

fitted with spare tyres and a fuel tank be-

hind the driver and passenger; features not

required on the car in its original hill climb/

sprint form. But it has survived; it’s been

quite a journey from the ramshackle B.&.R.

garage on Circular Quay in 1910 to the 2011

concours d’elegance at Pebble Beach.

Take a tour of the car with Mike Kunz, man-

ager of the Mercedes-Benz Classic Center:

A New Zealand Footnote:

Thanks to reader David McKinney for point-

ing out that Percy Cornwell was in New

Zealand in April 1913, six months before

the Richmond races. He was travelling with

American aviator ‘Wizard’ Stone, perform-

ing dare-devil displays with a Bleriot mono-

plane and ‘a Mercedes racing car’. The

Semmering? Photos please!




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Serpolette’s Tricycle, July 2012 9

Young Jack Nelson took his camera and

‘Robbo’ provided words for the

November 1947 issue of Australian

Motor Sports:

‘...Most impressive of the lot — almost

the most impressive car of the day —

was Lyndon Duckett’s Semmering Mer-

cedes; it made most unprofessional and

agricultural noises as it stamped around

on the line waiting to get away, but once

it got going muttered up the hill in about

33 revolutions and just over 33 secs., a

time which was not bettered by very

many cars the whole day. Not bad for a

car which will have its fortieth birthday

next year. Its condition is something

which we have been hearing about for

some years and even though we were

more or less prepared for it, it really was

rather staggering, not only for its sheer

size and brutality, but the hours of pains-

taking work which must have gone into

the finishing of every detail.’

Rob Roy The Light Car Club’s Hill Climb, 1947

Serpolette’s Tricycle, July 2012 10

In February 1901, a number of Australian

country newspapers carried the following

article, supplied to them by the ‘Dunlop

Pneumatic Tyre Coy, Ltd.’, possibly from the

pen of their ‘motor man’ H. B. (Harry)


According to an American Motor Review –

“The Woods Motor Co.” have received an

order from Australia for $300,000 worth of

electric coupes, Landaus and Victorias for

delivery in Sydney and Melbourne. Rot!

Utter Rot! Fancy any reputable paper pub-

lishing the above! The idea of £60,000

worth of electric motors being booked to

Australian orders is absurd and ridiculous.

We opine that there is not even one elec-

tric motor car on order for Australia. In the

first instance the electric car has up to the

present proved a failure, compared to the

success attained by petrol motors. Further,

how would an electrical motorist get on in

Australia for recharging stations?

Given this reminder that we shouldn’t be-

lieve everything that we read, we could be

sceptical of the following two articles, pub-

lished in the Automobile (USA). The first

comes from the December 1899 issue:

From Australia come some particulars

about the largest automobile in the

world, which the owner, a wealthy

Queensland miner, has appropriately

named the “Goliath”. It is run by a petro-

leum motor of 75 horse-power. Its

weight is 14 tons and it has a carrying

capacity of about 50 tons, going at the

rate of 13 kilometres an hour when

loaded. The owner is the proprietor of a

gold mine that lies about 600 kilometres in

the interior, and the huge affair was de-

signed to carry freight to and from the

mine. Its cost was about 40,000 francs.

Did we really have a “Goliath” in Queensland

in 1899? Perhaps a French “Goliath” if we

take the price in francs as a clue. Or are we

being fed more ‘rot’? Less outrageous, but a

little questionable, is the second article, this

time from March 1901:

The Winton Motor Carriage Co. is the first

concern which has actually constructed mo-

tor vehicles for the service of King Edward

VII. The first of three of these carriages was

recently shipped from this country to Austra-

lia, where it is to be used in the governmen-

tal postal service. The order when first given,

called for the letters “V. R.” on the side, but

as in the meantime Queen Victoria died, the

letters were changed to “E. R.” Three of

these machines have been ordered, each of

them weighing 1,700 pounds. The motor is

of 9 horse-power. The capacity of the wag-

ons is from 800 to 1,000 pounds of mail. The

vehicles are beautifully finished, and are

really fine specimens of motor vehicle con-

struction. The Winton Company is to be con-

gratulated upon this triumph, and there are

good reasons to believe that this first order

will be followed by others.

Why questionable? The caption for the ac-

companying illustration was ‘Postal Wagon

for Australian Government’, an entity in exis-

tence only from Federation on January 1,

1901. Did the Winton vans really come to

Australia in 1901? If so, to which state?

Rot! Utter Rot! Don’t believe everything you read





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Serpolette’s Tricycle, July 2012 11

The ‘Brooklands’ An unlikely name for an Australian-motor cycle?





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Eric ‘Longy’ Tyler was a star on the Australian motor

cycle racing scene before the first war, so it was

hardly surprising that when he appeared at the Rich-

mond races in November 1913 (on the same card as

Jeffkins in the red-painted Semmering Mercedes rac-

ing car – see page 5) his 3½ h.p Brooklands-Green-

Precision machine was one of the fastest bikes on the

track. He had little trouble, on the tight track with its

heavy dirt surface, dispatching his long-time rival Jack

Booth (3½ h.p. Triumph) in a feature Scratch Race,

but a fall in a later heat was blamed for him just miss-

ing out on top spot in the finals of the other two


But rather than discuss the racing, let’s instead look

in more detail at Tyler’s machine.

In deciphering ‘3½ h.p Brooklands-Green-Precision’ it

might pay to start at the end. ‘Precision’ is the make

of engine, a popular proprietary brand manufactured

in Birmingham by F. E. Baker, Ltd., who, pre-war, con-

centrated on production of engines rather than build-

ing their own complete machines. Many of the

smaller UK manufacturers adopted Precision engines

when they became available for 1910, and in Austra-

lia Precision rivalled JAP for popularity with the local

trade. Most Precision engines were the 3½ h.p.

(499cc) air-cooled side valve, or its larger 4¼ h.p.

(597cc) sibling, the well-known ‘Big Four’.

Serpolette’s Tricycle, July 2012 12























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Working backwards, we come to ‘Green’.

British inventor Gustavus Green held many

patents for motor-related inventions, among

them a 1906 patent (GB190605981; see

drawings below) describing a method of

cooling an engine by surrounding the cylin-

der and head with a water jacket, onto

which are fixed radiators, one on either

side. For the 1912 TT Races, F. E. Baker pro-

duced prototypes of the Green-Precision

engine, comprising a Green top end fitted to

a Precision crankcase. This evolved into a

fully-fledged product, offered commercially

as part of the Precision range (far right).

But what are we to make of ‘Brooklands’?

At the time of the Richmond races, Tyler

was ‘a member of the famous firm of

Edmunds and Skilton’, ‘Motor Cycle Special-

ists’ in Bourke and Lonsdale Sts, Melbourne.

Through the small ads in the Argus, they de-

scribed themselves as ‘makers of the Brook-

lands’, and offered a range of Brooklands

machines, up to the ‘Big Four’ at £68.

While it is likely that a local manufacturer

was involved (perhaps Mr. George Cardigan

Cox) it seems that the Brooklands bikes, in-

cluding Tyler’s Brooklands-Green racer, were,

despite the very British name, assembled lo-

cally. Of course a spot of badge engineering

cannot be ruled out.

A detailed search of the British press has

failed to find mention of the ‘Brooklands’

name used on a motorcycle.

Is there a survivor out there?

Serpolette’s Tricycle, July 2012 13

A South Yarra recollection The Charles Mayman Story, Part 2




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Part 1 of the Charles Mayman Story appeared in

Sepolette’s Tricycle No. 1, and told the story of

Charley’s death on his racing motor cycle at the age

of 23. Despite his youth, he was at the time consid-

ered a ‘motor expert’.

Above the fire place in the living room of Jack Nelson’s

Romsey home hangs a framed 1904 photograph of a

proud young man and his new motor car. On the rear

of the photograph is pasted a death notice, dated 26

December of that same year, for that same young

man, Charles Mayman.

Jack, a 50-year member of the Veteran Car Club of

Australia (Victoria), has had more than a passing ac-

quaintance with this particular photograph, having

first seen it hanging on the wall of his grandmother’s

house in Margaret Street South Yarra more than 80

years ago. Charles Mayman was Jack’s uncle (his

mother’s brother) and the car was one he had con-

structed himself in the year of his death.

As a boy Jack had made a copper model of Uncle

Charley’s motor car based on the photograph, so

when the house was vacated after his grandmother’s

death in 1944, the framed photograph of Charley and

his car was given to him.

Serpolette’s Tricycle, July 2012 14

Charles Mayman was born in 1880 at which

time his parents Ephraim and Emma Phillis

Mayman were farming in the Timor – Bet

Bet region, just north of Maryborough in

central Victoria. The birth and infant death

of elder sister Lucy in 1879 left Charley as

the eldest of nine surviving Mayman chil-

dren: Lucy Phillis (b. 1882), William (b. 1883),

twins Ephraim Edward and Joseph (b. 1885),

Emma (b. 1888), Jessie (b.1891), James

Russell (b. 1895) and Vera Rose (b. 1899).

Some time in the mid 1890s, young Charley

Mayman joined Edward Beauchamp’s cycle

business in Melbourne as an apprentice;

around the same time the Mayman family

relocated to Bayswater, now in Melbourne’s

outer eastern suburbs, where Ephraim con-

tinued farming. In 1904 or 1905, perhaps

because of Charley’s death, the family

moved again, this time into a good-sized

home surrounded by garden at 37 Margaret

Street, South Yarra. Unlike the terrace

houses that make up most of Margaret

Street, the Mayman house was on a double

block and surrounded by garden. The rear

of the Mayman property was opposite the

end of Moffat Street and when Jack and his

family went to visit his grandmother, they

used this rear entrance. Over the years the

Mayman children left home to marry. Of

interest to us is that Jessie Mayman met

and married John Nelson, Jack Nelson’s fa-

ther. Although Ephraim Snr. died in 1913 at

the age of 67, Emma and the remaining

children lived on at the house at South

Yarra until her death in 1944. Young Jack

Nelson, born in 1923, visited his grand-

mother often at the Margaret Street house

where the photograph of his Uncle Charley

hung on the wall. As a boy visiting with his

family, Jack longed to explore ‘Charley’s

room’, but was prevented from doing so by

his grandmother; instead she would tell

stories about Charley, and about Charley’s

friends coming to visit her often after his

death. The ‘gang’ would gather for a cup of

tea and a chat, first at Bayswater and later

at Margaret Street. Among the regular visi-

tors were Arthur Sutton (son of inventor

Henry Sutton of Sutton’s Music Ware-

house), Syd. Day, Cecil de Fraga and some-

one Hobbs.

Although Charley’s room was ‘out of bounds’,

young Jack had free run of the large yard

surrounding the house. An expansive shed

ran part way across the back of the prop-

erty, its sliding doors, as well as a garden

gate, opening directly onto the end of Mof-

fat Street, which ran down to Punt Road.

Amongst the clutter of the shed were two

engineless motorcycles – bicycle-like but

clearly motor cycles in Jack’s memory – and






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Serpolette’s Tricycle, July 2012 15

these were often used in play. Jack and his

sister used to wheel the bicycles out

through the garden gate and ‘ride’ them up

and down Moffat Street; most often Jack

riding and his sister pushing. One bike was

still fitted with one hard old tyre that

would ‘bump’ at each revolution and the

other rolled on its tyre-less rims. Jack pre-

ferred this one: at least the ride was rela-

tively smooth.

Elsewhere in the shed Jack recalls lots of

old tyres, not new but not worn out,

branded ‘Rapson’ in large letters on the

side wall. These were probably 20” tyres

for Uncle Ephraim’s seven-seat Graham

Paige motor car, dating from the late

1920s, which was the backbone of the hire

car business he ran before the war. He was

later involved with a hire car firm on

Spencer Street (by the name of Blue Star or

Blue Wren?). Jack recalls that Ephraim

(who later preferred to be known by his

middle name Edward) worried a lot about

being put off the road, either because of

his age or the age of the car, but never-the-

less spent a lot of time proudly polishing

the Graham Paige.

Eventually Jack was allowed to explore

Charley’s room in the Margaret Street

house. Although it had the appearance of a

lived-in room left untouched, in fact the

Mayman family had almost certainly moved

into the house sometime after Charley died

in December 1904. Charley had been living

for some time at a boarding house at 22

Porter Street, Prahran; no doubt his be-

longings had been brought ‘home’ by his

family after his death.

Some of the items Jack recalls were re-

ceipts for Dunlop rims and tyres (presumed

to be for the car), wooden patterns

(including those presumed to be for the

crank case of the car), semi-machined cast-

ings of a carburettor branded Sutton, vari-

ous loose papers and photographs, and a

stack of framed photographs. Jack laughs

when recalling his initial exploration of the

room: he was fascinated by the ‘wooden

car parts’, only learning later that they

were patterns for the actual metal parts!

Time moves on, and it’s now almost 70

years since Charley’s room in South Yarra

was cleared out. What happened to the

contents? Mal Grant was loaned photo-

graphs and letters by a Mayman family

member in the early 1980s on which he

based his excellent Mayman article in the

James Flood Book of Motorcycling in Aus-

tralia 1899 –1980, but these were later re-

turned. Some mechanical parts (carburettor

and electrical components) were at one time

in the hands of the late Harold Paynting.

If anyone knows the current whereabouts

of Mayman memorabilia we’d love to hear

from you.

International success. The first

(see page 16) motor cycle race in

New Zealand (27 Dec. 1902) was

won by F. Smith (far right) riding a

machine made by Charles May-

man for his employer Edward

Beauchamp. Photo Auckland

Weekly News; here from Vintage

Motor Cycling, M. A. Bull, 1970

Serpolette’s Tricycle, July 2012 16

In ‘The first’! No. 2 we asked: Where and

when were the first motor races in Austra-

lia or New Zealand? For tricycles? For mo-

tor cycles? For cars?

This topic has caused a good deal of head

scratching, mostly because of the language

adopted in the newspapers of the day. You

know when you read the words ‘motor car’

describing what you know to be a two-

wheeled motor cycle that dangerous ambi-

guity is at hand! Not to mention ‘motor’

used to describe a vehicle of two, three or

four wheels. In fact I had a chuckle when I

recently came across the expression ‘the

engine of the motor’ in an early article.

Several instances were found where the

term ‘motor race’ was used as shorthand

for ‘motor-paced bicycle race’.

Another point of interest was the concern

about the legality of racing, even on private

property, at a time when speed limits were

strictly enforced. Some early ‘exhibitions’

or ‘displays’ may have been races, but the

organisers were not going to admit to it.

A contender for the first Australasian motor

race of all, at St. Kilda, Melbourne, over

two weekends in November 1898, was a

‘display’ of motor tricycles (called ‘motors’,

‘motor cycles’, or ‘motor tricycles’ in differ-

ent reports). Three motors were expected

but only two participated: one ridden by

Kelburne E. Edge, and the other by C. A. A.

Schwaebach, both of the ‘Swift’ agency

(the Austral Cycle Agency). One report calls

the event ‘the first exhibition of motors in

competition in Australia’, and if we need

more proof it was a ‘race’ we find ‘the met-

allicians offered fifty to one against Mr. C.

A. A. Schwaebach, but found no takers, and

the favourite ran in an easy winner and se-

cured his revenge for his defeat on the pre-

vious Saturday’. Bookies means racing!

For motor cycles in Australia, there were

races at Adelaide Oval at the two-day

League of Wheelmen Carnival held on Oc-

tober 11 and 18, 1902. Any earlier?

A contender for the first motor cycle race

in New Zealand was the five mile race held

at Lancaster Park, Christchurch, on 27 De-

cember 1902. No doubt 'Plugger Bill' Mar-

tin had the fastest bike in the race, but the

undoubted speed of his 6 h.p. Soncin en-

sured that he was on scratch for the handi-

cap race, conceding as much at 190 sec-

onds to lesser-powered machines. The win-

ner was F. Smith, riding one of Charley

Mayman's machines: a Beauchamp that

was one of a pair built for the Dunlop Rub-

ber Co. A photo of the competitors in this

event appears on page 15. Note Plugger

Bill’s monster at centre.

Car races? Maybe the ACV at Sandown Park

in March 1904 for Australia, but I’ll need to

hear from our NZ readers to complete the

table. Challenges to any of the entries are

most welcome!

‘The first’! The confusing saga of motor races

‘down under’

Australia New Zealand

Tricycles St. Kilda

12 November 1898 None known

Motor cycles Adelaide Oval

11 October 1902

Lancaster Park, Christchurch

27 December 1902

Motor cars Sandown Park, Melbourne

12 March 1904 ?

Serpolette’s Tricycle, July 2012 17

And on to ‘The first’! Number 3

When Mrs. J. Gordon acquired her brand

new Daimler motor car in 1910 (see page

20), she applied to join the Automobile

Club of South Australia. At the committee

meeting where her application was consid-

ered, seven gentlemen were added to the

list of members, but Mrs. Gordon, on ac-

count of her gender, was eligible only for

associate membership. In the early days,

motoring was an activity for men.

Let’s try to liberate women in the early

days of motoring. Who was the first female

motorist in Australia? In New Zealand?

Rules: any type of ‘motor’ is eligible (two,

three or four wheels), but to exclude ‘the

first’, Serpolette (who was aboard her mo-

tor tricycle in Perth in April 1898), let’s re-

strict our search to local residents only.

Replies to the editor:

‘The first’! No. 3:

Who was the first female motorist

in Australia? In New Zealand?





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Serpolette’s Tricycle, July 2012 18

Last Month’s Mystery Number 2

Not too long af-

ter the last issue

went out I was

reading over my


mostly counting

the small typos,

perhaps the

worst of which

gave the date for

our mystery

photo as March

1903 rather than

1904. But with

my ‘reader’ hat

on, the identity of the mystery car (which

had eluded me as editor) came to me in a

flash: surely it is a somewhat modified de

Dion Bouton voiturette, dating from around

1900-01. Usually seen with a four-seat vis-

à-vis body, the rear-facing front seat of our

car has been replaced with a louvered en-

gine cover – or at least it would cover the

engine were it not mounted, together with

the transmission, at the rear of the car! An-

other change is from the original steering

handle to a wheel, but the gear change

lever is still present, and is seen here

pushed down to engage the hand brake.

Luckily we have de Dion experts among the

readership, and they had no trouble con-

firming the identity of the car.

As I mentioned in the article, the period

press carried a fairly complete listing of at-

tendees at ACV Aspendale Park event in

February 1904. Among the listed entrants

was ‘Otto Schumaker [sic], De Dion 3½ h.p.’;

very likely our man and our car, and tempt-

ing us to place the line-up at Aspendale

Park in February rather than Sandown Park

in March.

We can return to this question in a later

issue; for the moment let’s look at Otto

Schumacher and his de Dion voiturette.

At the turn of the last century, the

Schumacher Cycle Agency had branches in

both Melbourne and Adelaide. Otto C.

Schumacher was residing in Melbourne,

and in November 1899 he was the inaugu-

ral Vice President of the newly-formed

Cycle Board of Trade, Victoria. We can infer

that he was a respected member of the cy-

cle trade, and his Melbourne and Adelaide

agencies had been selling the well-known

Columbia brand of bicycles from the USA

since the mid-1890s. Otto’s main business

interest was a Melbourne factory producing

machinery for milling grains.

The first link between Otto Schumacher

and a (the?) De Dion comes in a report in

the Mount Gambier newspaper the Border

Watch of 7 June 1902:

A MOTOR CAR.- Mr. T. H. Williams, of the

Mount Gambier Flour Mills, has pur-

chased in Melbourne, through the

Schumacher Cycle Agency, a De Dion mo-

tor, a French autocar, of up-to-date de-

sign. The vehicle, which is specifically

called a voiturette, is four-wheeled, and

will carry two or four persons, according

to the way in which it is seated. It is

driven by petrol or naphtha, the ignition

of which is accomplished by electricity

produced by a dry battery in the body of

the car. It is of 3½ horse-power, and may

be driven at a speed of up to 20 miles an

hour. It has a storage capacity for suffi-

cient petrol to drive it 200 miles. The car

was brought to Port MacDonnell by the

Casino yesterday, and last night Mr. Otto

C. Schumacher, of Melbourne, arrived

here to put it in perfect working order,

and so hand it over to Mr. Williams. He

and Mr. Williams will go to Port MacDon-

nell by coach this morning, and hope to

return by motor car before midday. Mr.

Williams may be congratulated on being

the first resident to adopt a motor oar,

and everyone will wish he may find it

convenient and serviceable.

Mysteries We know less than you…

Serpolette’s Tricycle, July 2012 19

Given that William’s ‘modern roller mill’

used at least one large Schumacher ma-

chine in 1899, it seems likely that

Schumacher and Williams had met before

the de Dion transaction, especially since

Mount Gambier is situated about 440 km

(275 miles) west of Melbourne.

A subsequent report suggests that the re-

covery of the de Dion from the coastal

steamer and the 28-km journey to Mount

Gambier was accomplished as planned, but

the wish of the reporter that Mr. Williams

‘... may find [the car] convenient and ser-

viceable’ seems to have been unfulfilled.

Only 10 weeks after the arrival of the car,

the following appeared in the Border Watch:

Port MacDonnell, August 21

Yesterday the s.s. Casino arrived, and dis-

charged about 20 tons of general cargo.

She shipped a quantity of chaff and other

produce. One noteworthy article which

went was the motor car Mr. T. H. Wil-

liams imported some time ago from Mel-

bourne. It has stood for some time in Mr.

W. H. Pascoe's store, awaiting shipment.

Poor performance? Or did Mr. Williams dis-

cover that the car was not exactly of an ‘up

to date design’? Shall we speculate that the

de Dion went back to Otto Schumacher in

Melbourne, and that our photo shows the

car 18 months later still in his possession?

Mystery Number 3 (above) comes to us by

way of an unused postcard, recently pur-

chased at an antique shop in South Austra-

lia by Peter Allen. Given the eucalypt (gum)

trees, sandy ground, corrugated-iron fence

and architectural style of the house in the

background, the photograph could well

have been taken in SA.

But what of the vehicle? Note the pneu-

matic tyres on the back, but ‘wagonette’

wheels on the front. And is it a radiator, or

a condenser? Perhaps someone can com-

ment on the uniforms?

Send suggestions for Number 3, or more

information on Mr. Schumacher’s de Dion

to the editor:

Serpolette’s Tricycle, July 2012 20

If we begin with the premise that the

chauffeur in our photograph is not a man

of unusually small stature, we quickly reach

the conclusion that we are looking at a very

large motor car indeed. Not surprisingly

Daimlers of this style and quality were the

preferred car of the British Royal Family,

and thus conveyed a certain status to other

owners, even those in distant corners of

the British Empire. The body for our Daimler

was ‘specially designed for Mrs. J. Gordon,

of North Adelaide’. It was described in the

motoring press as ‘one of the most hand-

some motor vehicles upon the South Aus-

tralian roads’ and of a standard ‘equal to

any of the old world manufacturers’. Both

Adelaide daily papers carried a full descrip-

tion of the car when it was completed in

December 1910:

Antipodean coachwork 1910 38-h.p. Daimler with fine landaulette body by Vivian Lewis, Ltd.




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Serpolette’s Tricycle, July 2012 21


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Serpolette’s Tricycle, July 2012 22

‘A new motor landaulette, made to

order, has just been completed by

Messrs. Vivian Lewis, at the Lewis

Motor House, and it is a triumph for

the builders. The elegant carriage,

which is fitted on a silent Knight

Daimler 38-45 h.p. imported chassis,

was completed on the premises in

Adelaide. It has a closed-in back, but

the hood can be thrown open in the

same way as that of a landau. The

canopy over the front portion of the

car is a fixture. The carriage, which

will hold seven passengers, has been

beautifully trimmed with rich blue

broad-cloth finished with broad silk

lace, seaming lace, and pasting lace,

while Axminster carpet is placed on

the floor and round the lower sides.

The body is painted blue [sic] and

picked out with red lines, and has

brass finishings. A feature of the car is

the high wire wheels (1020 x 120)

which are the largest ever turned out

by this firm. It is fitted with electric

lights, bells, and indicators, a speed-

ometer, mile recorders, a timepiece,

and a mirror, in order that the driver

might see the traffic in the rear. It is

undoubtedly the most elaborate car

ever built at the Lewis Motor House.’

Without doubt the 1020 mm (40 in) diameter

of the tyres (‘Dunlop grooved tyres on the

front and Gaulois non-skids on the back’)

gave the car much of its Edwardian charm.

However the ‘second coming’ of the Daimler,

as a much-toured veteran car in the hands of

motoring historian the late George Brooks,

came in an era when no tyres were available

to suit the original spidery rims. The four road

wheels were rebuilt with rims to suit smaller-

diameter, but available, tyres. A 1020 x 120

wheel and tyre occupy the spare position on

the driver’s running board.

The coachwork for the Daimler would have

been built on the upper level of the new

(1909) Lewis Motor House on Gawler Place

South, only a few hundred metres from the

Adelaide Town Hall. Behind the older build-

ings which fronted the street was a ‘modern’

factory housing workshops for the production

of Lewis motor cycles (on the ground floor)

and motor bodies (on the top floor) as de-

scribed in the Register of 7th March 1912:

‘Passing through the garage, where

numbers of cars were ready for instant

duty, we visited the workshops, and

taking the lift – which, by the way, is

powerful enough to elevate the heavi-

est car in South Australia – alighted on

the top floor, and viewed a number of

motor bodies in various stages of con-

struction. The timber used is the finest

selected second-growth ash, and every

particle of material from the first screw

to the last touch of varnish is the very

best that money can buy’.

The grandchildren of Vivian Lewis have fond

childhood memories of riding that same lift...


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Serpolette’s Tricycle, July 2012 23

Wanted C.A.V. switchbox; Edwardian type

with timber case. Will buy or have veteran

Brolt switchbox available for exchange only.

Also require a veteran dash light and horn

button / switch. Contact Bruce Shadbolt: , tel. +643

942-7870 (NZ)

Wanted Parts for my restoration project

1905 de Dion-Bouton Model AB 10 h.p.

twin cylinder Contact Philip Riedel

Sale 1908 Lanchester 20-28 h.p. front axle,

complete with stub axles and hubs. Itala

transmission, 4 speed + reverse, gate

change, 18¾” between chassis rails, brake

lever. Also pair Itala T head camshafts and

timing gears; set of 4 Itala con rods. Photos

and dimensions on request. Contact Leon

Mitchell (08) 8278 5120

Sale Rotax Model 314 brass oil sidelamps

as used on 12/16 Sunbeams and similar.

Matched complete pair in mint restored

condition. Sell or swap. Contact Alan


Wanted Early gearbox, offset drive (also

referred to as indirect drive) - suitable for

pre-1904 motor car. Wrigley, MAB, W&P or

Lacoste & Battmann would be suitable in

my proprietary built car - possibly a Jack-

son. Any help or leads to find one would be

very gratefully received. Refer Drawing be-

low. Contact Graeme Jarrett 0422 413 575

Sale New JAP half time pinions, suit vet-

eran and early vintage single cam motors

(770 and 1000 twins, 3 1/2 h.p. singles)

9/16-26 left hand thread. $110 each. Con-

tact David Radloff (08) 8264 0090

Events Australia and New Zealand

Hard parts Sale and wanted

National Veteran Rally, Australia

2012— Sept 12-19, Ipswich, Queensland

2013— Sept 15-20, Shepparton, Victoria

2014— Oct 19-24, Kalgoorlie-Boulder, W.A.

National 1 & 2 Cylinder Rally, Australia

2013— March 10-15, Canberra, A.C.T.

2014— T.B.A., South Australia

National Veteran Motorcycle Rally, Australia

2013— Sept. 29-Oct 4, Parkes, N.S.W.


2012— Oct 19-22, Arrowtown, N.Z.

1&2 Cylinder Centenary Weekend, contact

Alan Meredith

2013— June, Bundaburg, Queensland

11th Highwheeler Rally

Serpolette’s Tricycle, July 2012 24

In a name

When Mademoiselle Serpolette came to

Australia from France in 1898, she called

herself, well, Serpolette. ‘My friends call

me Serpolette’, she was reported as saying,

even though her first name was once re-

ported as Anthelmina. What is not obvious

these days, but would have been well un-

derstood in France in 1898, is that Ser-

polette was an assumed name, and a rather

amusing one at that. It comes from a char-

acter in Planquette’s hugely successful op-

eretta Les Cloches de Cornville (known in

English as The Chimes of Normandy). In the

operetta, the character Serpolette is a

beautiful young woman with a mysterious

past, ‘a foundling’ and ‘a good for nothing’.

What fun it must have been for a 16-year-

old girl in France in 1895 to adopt such a

name for her cycling persona!

By the way, don’t be scared of pronouncing

the ‘t’ at the end of her name: ‘ette’ gives a

good hard ‘t’ sound in French so Serpolette

is properly pronounced Ser-po-let. By con-

trast, the ‘t’ on the end of Serpollet (as in

motoring pioneer Léon Serpollet) is silent,

so Serpollet is pronounced Ser-po-lay.

Auction fever

No shortage of interesting veteran hard-

ware at RM Auctions’ sale of the Aalholm

Collection, 12 August 2012 in Denmark. It’s

not often that you find three early three-

wheelers at the same sale. Details from the

web site:

Contributions and advertisements

I hope you’re enjoying our look into the

early motor in Australia and New Zealand

through the eyes of Serpolette’s Tricycle.

We have a couple of contributions in the

production pipeline, and would welcome

more. Variety is great provided we keep the

Australasian and early motor themes run-

ning strong. If you’re tempted to put pen to

paper, please do! We’re also happy to take

your non-commercial advertisements (no

charge), but strictly veteran please.

Coming soon

In the next issue we’ll have a look at some

of the early American motorcycles to come

to Australia. No, not Indians and Harley-

Davidsons for the moment, but those that

came before. We’ll also take a look at a ve-

hicle that rivals the Semmering Mercedes

for rarity, but if the Semmering is ‘the sub-

lime’, this one is (with apologies) ‘the ri-

diculous’. We’ll also take a look at shipping

cars and tracing shipping records.

Leon Mitchell

Serpolette’s Tricycle is published

monthly. To subscribe or download

back issues visit our website

All materials are copyright, and

should not be reproduced without

express permission from the copy-

right holder. Views expressed by con-

tributors are not necessarily those of

the editor. Contributions relating to

the early motor in Australia and New

Zealand are welcomed and can be

submitted to the editor by email to

Serpolette’s Tricycle is intended as

entertainment. Although all care is

taken in the preparation of this edi-

tion, you should not rely on any con-

tent that may effect your physical,

mental or financial well-being.

End notes This and that...

top related