serena keogh unit 15

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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– Level 3 Cambridge Introductory Diploma in Media

Unit 15:

Print Based Advertising

St. Andrew’s Catholic School –Serena Keogh- Candidate Number- 1156

Unit 15

LO1-Contents Page: Slide 4:South West Four. Slide 5:Introduction to chosen Festival. Slide 6:Print Based Advertising. Slide 7-8:Mood boards. Slide 9: SW4 Audio-Visual. Slide 10-11: Aims and Objectives. Slide 12-13:South West four/Aims and Objectives. Slide 14-15:Campagin Message/aims. Slide 16-17: Representation of SW4. Slide 18-19: Target Audience. Slide 20-21:Print Based Advertisements. Slide 22-27:Legal and Ethical Issues. Slide 28:Method of Advertising. Slide 29: Audio Visual Slide 30-31-32: aims and objects of audio visual. slide 33-34: representation of audio visual. Slide 35: female gaze. Slide 36: John Berger. Slide 37: Campaign message. Slide 38: conclusion.

“SW4”-South West Four.

Introduction. I have decided to analyze the South West Four Festival for print based

and audio visual advertisement. This is because they have the types of artists and groups which I want to feature at my festival such as, Hot Since 82 ect. South West Four first started in August 2004, and has become more popular throughout the years, with more and more people attending. South West Four or SW4 logo is easy to recognize with a simple white 3D cube with SW4 written inside with black text, this is easy to recognize as when people tend to talk about the festival itself, as well as talking about it on social media such as Twitter they tend to use the shorten version SW4, as it is short, simple and easy to remember.

What is a Print Based Advertising? Print media advertising is a form of advertising that uses

physically printed media, such as magazines and newspapers, to reach consumers, business customers or intended target audience.

For example: 1. Leaflets.2. Posters.3. Newspapers.4. Billboards.5. Direct Mail.

Mood Board Ideas-Posters.

Mood Board Ideas-Advert.

Audio-visual advertisements.

Aims and Objectives. South West Four is a Festival which is based at Clapham Common, London. South West Four’s first festival started in August 2004, right up to 2016. What is the Aim of this flyer?This advertising campaign is for South West Four based in London. It was created to promote and attract people to the festival itself, the festival is based in London (Clapham Common) so an easy place to get to the festival is being held on the 29TH August 2015.

The idea of the poster is to create awareness of the upcoming festival, by having the large bold text across the header of the poster allows readers to know exactly which festival it is, as well as having all the fonts in different styles and all in white, makes the stand out against the dark background.

Aims and Objectives.

South West Four also promote their festival by releasing a Visual Advertisement video which would attract people, they also have their own twitter page where they are able to tweet about the festival itself, such as announcing when tickets are available, as well as tweeting out information that may be helpful to the people going.

Even though, Sw4 themselves don’t have a Facebook group, they have made an event on Facebook where people are click whether they are going or not, by doing this allows event organizers to see how popular the festival is going to be., therefore sales would increase.

South West Four(SW4)

South West Four is a Festival which is based at Clapham Common, London. South West Four’s first festival started in August 2004, right up to 2016.

Connotations of South West Four:South West Four is based in Clapham, the reason behind

it being called “South West Four” is because its named after the postcode in Clapham which is “SW4”.

Aims and Objectives. Each year when the event is coming up,

social media groups would advertise the count down to the event. South West Four will use print based media advertisements to raise awareness of the upcoming festival, in which they will include information such as dates, ticket costs, and add some information on who will be performing, via their social media pages such as Instagram they begin to count down to the event. They increase their sales as they are want to insure that their audience have a good experience, as well as this by announcing some artists at a time, keep the consumers to keep checking up on their news.

Campaign Message. The advertising campaign for South West

Four, whether that is via flyers, posters or on their social media accounts such as Twitter or Instagram, is aimed at young people who consider themselves to be out there, and who like to have fun. They use their social media accounts in a way to attract potential visitors, they do this as social media plays a huge part of young peoples lives as well as social media having such as mass audience and that everything can be shared via people.

Advertisements and Campaign message linked.

The advertising campaign for South West Four, whether that is via flyers, posters or on their social media accounts such as Twitter or Instagram, is aimed at young people who consider themselves to be out there, and who like to have fun. They use their social media accounts in a way to attract potential visitors, they do this as social media plays a huge part of young peoples lives as well as social media having such as mass audience and that everything can be shared via people.

The audio-visual and the poster and linked in the same way, as they are both trying to promote the festival to their target audience and are trying to persuade them to come, they are also linked by showing actual images of the festival to convey the festival to the target audience.

Representation of South West Four. Media representations are the ways in which the media portrays particular groups,

communities, experiences, ideas, or topics from a particular ideological or value perspective. Everyone is welcomed at South West Four, all individuals MUST be over the age of 18 and

provide some sort of identification when entering as well, as when buying alcoholic drinks. It states on their website that they operate with their ‘challenge 21’ policy by this at bars any person who appears to look younger than 21 may be asked to show some sort of ID, if they cannot provide a suitable form of ID the bar will refuse to sell them alcohol, they do this even though the drinking age limit is actually 18, they still want to see a form of ID.

They also provide full access to wheelchair users, although they do state that as SW4 itself it situated on grass maneuverbilty may be limited for some, all depending on the weather.

They also provide disabled toilets on site, which are located around the festival itself as well as toilets being available at the disabled persons viewing platform.

Fully equipped medics tents are located on site and are available throughout the whole event. SW4 doesn’t except any form of violence, and insure that police are plotted around the event

itself to insure there is no violence. Pick pockets operate at all large attendance events nowadays and specifically target mobile

phones. Please be street wise and keep your personal belongings somewhere safe. Only bring to SW4 what you really need to have a good time and in order not to make life easy for pick pockets keep all your belongings well hidden. Make sure all hand bags are closed at all times. Do not become a victim of crime.

Representation of South West Four. Stereotypically, the majority of people at South West Four are

likely to be young adults around ages 18-25, and would be mixture of females and males, although they may be more males than females as males may be more interested in the type of music being played there. Another reason why there may be more males than females, is because at festivals alcohol can be sold if you are old enough as well as people would be around people who may be on drugs or try to take drugs, therefore this may not appeal to some females therefore resulting in them not going.

As well as this a lot of people go to festivals for the social side of things, some people may go for the experience as they may have never been to a festival before and some people may go for the atmosphere.

This links to John Berger( 1972) theory in which he said “men act, women appear” this would link to people attending festivals as everyone enjoys dressing up therefore, typically you will get males who stare and females and objectify by how they are dressed as it appeal to them. This would also link to other theories such as the “male gaze” ( Laura Mulvey) and the “female gaze” ( Diana Saco) and this is because with the “female gaze” females tend to go to concerts or festivals to see their favourite male artists, and the reason behind this could be that they find them physically attractive.

Target Audience. The main target audience for South West Four is around 18 and Above, as they sell

alcohol there so this is why they age limit is 18 and over. The main target audience for SW4 is around 18-25 years old with most of the people

attending to be mixed , although there to be more males attending rather than females, even though throughout the years it has become slightly more popular with females going. (Hartley).The age group is quite young, as the particular music played and the artists performing are more popular in younger people.

Psychographics: When it comes to the psychographics they would be fun and outgoing people, as

SW4 is a fun festival therefore they would enjoy being in this environment around good music and socializing with friends.

Therefore the socio-economic needs means that they would fit into the category C1-E, as the majority of people would be students in University or people of not in a high up job. Therefore as the socio-economic needs are lower, compared to other festivals, their spending power would be slightly lower as they may not be able to afford a weekend ticket compared to a day ticket.

Target Audience. As for Katz people attending/interested by

SW4, as they would be attracted to the artists performing there as well as the entertainment, and social attraction at the festival, as this is where people are able to interact with friends and other people, and not worry about work/school life.

Therefore when it comes to Maslow the target audience that would attend SW4, would fit into the category ‘Explores’ this is where the they are driven to change caused by social media, and everything which changes within social media would cause them to change as well, making sure that they keep up with local trends and issues happening in the media industry is important to them.

They would also fit into the category survivors as they prefer to keep to a routine, in which they like the routine of the event coming around each year.

Higher management, bankers, lawyers doctors and other professionals.

A Middle management teachers, creative and media people eg- graphic designers ect.

C1 Office supervisors, junior managers, nurses specialist clerical staff- white collar.

C2 Skilled manual workers, plumbers, builders-blue collar.

D Semi-skilled and unskilled manual workers.

E Unemployed, students, pensioners and casual workers.

Print Based Advertisements.As well as having a poster and a leaflet,, they don’t have a lot of other ways of advertising the main ways in which they advertise their festival is a Facebook Page, and an Instagram Page.

This is a good way to promote SW4 festival, this is because social media has a mass audience compared to creating leaflets, which has a much smaller audience.SW4 also has a YouTube Channel which allows visitors, to come online and look at previous clips taken from the festivals itself, this allows people to look at the festival and see what it is like before buying tickets. Mainly, advertising on a form of social media is a good way as the target audience the festival is aimed at, use social media regularly, so therefore promoting SW4 on social media brings a mass audience onto their Facebook and Instagram pages.

Legal and Ethical Issues. Copyright: When creating any form of print based advertisement SW4 need to insure that they don’t

copyright any images or text. This means that when they go to put on the poster who will be performing their, they need to insure that they have permission from the artists themselves, and well as the creator who will have ownership over the name.

Intellectual Property: Intellectual property also adds in with copyright by this they need to insure that all work and

advertisements of the festival are kept safe so that none can use any of their information without permission.

Libel:When it comes to the content on the poster or leaflet, they need to insure that they are promoting any information about an artist or band which could be false resulting in ruining their reparation. Royalties: Anyone who owns a particular piece or work such as the logo, if anyone wants to use that

particular logo they have to receive royalties, by this the owner of the logo is able to get paid for the person wishing to use their logo. The amount of income that has to be given is decided by the owner of the logo. This is a good what for the owner of the logo to gain income or even the band or artist who the logo belongs to, as SW4 would need to advertise their logo with their act.

Source: entertainment Source:

Legal and Ethical Issues Continued. Other factors which come into legal and ethical are things

like violence and offensive language or behavior, this factor is really important as they don’t want to represent themselves in a bad way, as well as this some children use social media to using offence language on their would affect them as any child could gain access to the social media pages or leaflets and posters.

From my research I have found out that within all forms of advertising whether that is print based such as posters and leaflets, or via their social media accounts like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram they don’t use any form of inappropriate language.

ASA-Regulatory Body: Advertising Standards Authority.

ASA-The ASA authority is the advertising standards authority this is a self-regulatory organization of the advertising industry within the UK. The Advertising Standards Authority apply codes which are written by the committees of advertising practice. They act on against misleading, harmful or offensive advertisements.

Process of making a Complaint.

Here is evidence I have found on how you make a complaint via ASA. ASA, links in with my festival as readers and my intended target as if my poster or leaflet advertising my festival is misleading such as advertising the wrong date, or advertising the wrong price or advertising the wrong location. If this happens then readers are able to contact ASA and make an complaint regarding that they have been mislead.

Process of Making an Complaint.

OfCom-The Office Of Communications.

OfCom is the office of communications. Ofcom is the communications regulator in the UK. They regulate the TV, radio and video on demand sectors, fixed line telecoms, mobiles, postal services, plus the airwaves over which wireless devices operate.

They insure that people within the UK get the best from their communication services and are protected from anything such as scams and dishonest dealings.

Ofcom operates under a number of Acts of Parliament, including the Communications Act 2003, Ofcom must ac within these rules and the duties set by the parliament in legislation.

OfCom relates to my festival as when advertising festival video TV advert or video, Ofcom insure that everything within the audio-visual is correct and that nothing is misleading.

Method-Advertising Costs. Advertising Costs-

In this screenshot, it demonstrates the advertising costs for advertisement within a magazine, as you can see the advertising cost for a full page color advertisement in a magazine will cost £1,155.

Audio-Visual Advertisement.

Aims and Objectives.

The aims and objectives of the Audio-visual is to advertise the festival in another format, the aim of the audio visual is to demonstrate what the festival will be like, using an audio-visual to display the festival would persuade people to come to the festival more if they saw an video from the previous year then this would interest them more.

The aim of this audio-visual advertisement is to portray to the audience, how much fun it will be, as well as showing clips of acts performing.

Using an audio-visual to advertise the festival will also give the audience a better understanding of the atmosphere of the festival, it also demonstrates the different fashion styles that the festival has, and what people wear.

Views can see during the video people are having fun with their friends while smiling, as well as showing some clips of people drinking alcohol but in a safe way.

Target Audience of Audio-Visual. The main target audience of this audio-visual would people

in their teens around 18+ this is because of type of atmosphere the festival is about, as well as this some acts may you inappropriate language during their performances therefore this could not be suitable for younger viewers.

The festival itself and the audio-visual is may not appeal to some viewers, as though who suffer with epilepsy may not attend the festival, as most festivals use strobe lights/flashing lights which some people may be sensitive to.

This audio-visual will also apply to older people as there are certain clips which show people drinking alcohol, and therefore this would appeal to younger viewers.

Representation Of Audio Visual.



Representation of Audio-Visual Analyzed.

IMAGE 1-Image 1 demonstrates the typically female stereotype of what females are like at festivals, as well as what they wear. As you can see from the evidence I have taken from the 2015 SW4 audio-visual in this screenshot it demonstrates how one female is jumping, and dancing having fun as you can tell this by her body language as well as her facial expression. In this screenshot you can clearly see that the female has a flower crown on her head, this conveys how females tend to dress up at festivals where males tend to dress more casual. IMAGE 2-As well as Image 1, in image 2 you can see that is screenshot is similar to the first screenshot, by there are two girls walking smiling and having fun. You can also see that they are dressed up for the festival as girls tend to take pride in their appearance and like to dress up in clothes they may not wear every day. IMAGE 3- In this screenshot you can see that you can I have found evidence of people right at the front near the stage, you can see that by this image they are having fun and enjoying the music, this is demonstrated by their facial expressions of them smiling or singing, you can also see how they have their hands up in the air which symbolizes they are enjoying what they are seeing/listening to. In the image you can see one girl holding a can of alcohol, although this is being shown in the video and may not be appropriate for younger people, SW4 have insured that anyone at the festival drinking alcohol drinks it safety. IMAGE 4-Lastly, in image 4 you can see that there are two people together dancing having fun, you can also tell by this screenshot that SW4 is a very social event where people come together to enjoy the festival, this may also imply that people come together during festivals and make new friends.

‘Female Gaze’-Diana Saco/’Male Gaze’- Laura Mulvey (1975)

Diana Saco came up with the theory of the ‘female gaze’ this is where Diana came up with that females gaze at men, this could be down to their appearance.

The female object of the ‘gaze’ is transformed into a object of ‘desire’ and the the women desire the men, and like what they see.

Females may attend a festival or concert, so that they can see their favorite artists preform, they can also see artists or bands which may preform, topless which may interest some women.

Male Gaze- Male gaze is the tendency to see the world and women from a

male perspective. The ‘Male Gaze’ this is where men desire how women look, by this at festivals

women would dress in clothes such as shorts, strapless tops, glitter lots of make- up.

This would appeal to men as they would find women attractive, and that men would more than likely to come to a festival not only to see artists preform, but to socialize with their friends, and meet new people.

John Berger-”Men Act, Women Appear”-1972John Berger-(1972) John Berger theory is in which men and women are

culturally represented “men act women, women appear”. Men look at women, and women look at women being watched by other men.

This also links in to Laura Mulvey where she said that women are objects for men to look at and desire and in which they seek pleasure from them.

This relates to Q magazine, as images of women are featured in issues of Q magazine, women are there solely for the objectification of men and that men find that interesting and appeals to them, within media platforms.

Campaign Message Of Audio-Visual.

There is no real campaign message or slogan for the SW4 Audio-visual, although by them releasing audio-visuals each year for the festival this would a mass audience maybe compared to their print based advertisements, this is due to social media and videos online being more popular and easy to access rather than a poster or flyer.

As evident in the screenshot below you can clearly see that SW4 have uploaded a video to their YouTube Chanel called “SW4 2016 AFTER MOVIE” which has been watched by 5,096 people even though they only have 1,435 people subscribed to their YouTube Chanel.

Conclusion. In this LO I have research a festival of inspiration which I picked at

‘South West Four’. In this LO I began to analysis the festival such as looking at their main target audience, such as if there is more males then females going.

As well I looked into what type of music is played at the festival, and looked at the audio-visuals doing this helped me gain inspiration for my own festival. When it comes to the audio-visual I looked at how people and the festival were being represented as didn’t want to give my festival a bad name if there were things on there which could be offensive to some people.

I also analysed the aims and objectives of their posters, as well as their audio-visual and what they do to attract people to the festival trying to gain ideas for my own festival.

LO2-Contents Page: Slide 41- 43: Proposals for idea. Slide 44: mind map of ideas. Slide 45-56: mood board. Slide 47:Analysis of inspiration. Slide 48-49: hand-drawn drafts. Slide 50-51: Graphic Layouts. Slide 52: Font Ideas. Slide 53: logo design. Slide 54-56: Photoshoot Plan. Slide 57-58: Legal and Ethical. Slide 59:Production Plan. Side 60-61: other key dates. Slide 62: Production Schedule. Slide 63: Audio-visual advertisement. Slide 64-67: Budget Summery. Slide 68: Equipement. Slide 69: House style. Slide 70: Risk Analysis. Slide 71: Location Reece. Slide 72: Conclusion.

Proposals for Print-Based Advertisement.

Proposals for Print-Based Advertisement.

Proposals for Print-Based Advertisement.

Mind Map Of Ideas.

Generation Of Ideas for My Festival.

Colour Scheme:The colour scheme I have decided to go with is dark colours such as grey and black, as well as adding bright colours like pink and green and yellow in certain sections of my poster to draw the readers attention to that and having a mixture of dark colours as well as bright colourful creates a contrast between the two.

Target Audience:My main target audience is going to be both Males and Females ages 18 years to around 30+ years. The reason why I have started my target audience at 18 and above is due to the fact that alcohol will be available at the festival therefore I don’t want to have anyone younger than the legal drinking limit at my festival as elder people may think that we ae promoting the use of alcohol. When it comes to the psychographics they would be fun and outgoing people, as SW4 is a fun festival therefore they would enjoy being in this environment around good music and socializing with friends.Therefore the socio-economic needs means that they would fit into the category C1-E, as the majority of people would be students in University or people of not in a high up job. Therefore as the socio-economic needs are lower, compared to other festivals, their spending power would be slightly lower as they may not be able to afford a weekend ticket compared to a day ticket

Logo/Masthead names:• SW4.• Fever.• Sound.• KT2.I am deciding to keep the names of my festivals short, so that they are easy to remember. I have also taken inspiration from the festival South West Four, by using the idea of the postcode (SW4) or I have decided to relate it to music like “Sound” or call it after where it will be taken place.

Slogan:• Loose yourself in the music.• The Biggest Festival in Town. These are all catchy slogans as young people listen to music a lot and in some way loose their self and forget about everyday issues.

Mood Board-Poster.

Mood Board-Advert Inside a Magazine.

Analysis of Advert of Inspiration.Logo: The logo is very distinctive, easy to spot as well as being simple, therefore the audience are able to remember the logo easily. As well as keeping the festivals name inside the logo also demonstrates how they want their festival to get out their to the public.

Performing Artists: Here is a list of some of the performing artists who will be performing at SW4.The way each artists name is written in a different font, and possibly their own font for them, demonstrates how it is likely to draw readers in, and catch their eye.

Background Image: Using an actual image from the festival itself implies that they want you to feel the experience for yourself, by this they have included an image from the festival to show readers what the festival is like and the experience of it.

The use of including their link to their website, creates brand awareness, and enables the audience if they like to look of the festival but haven't heard of the name “SW4” to go directly to their website and explore the festival more.

Hand drawn Drafts for festival poster.

Here is my hand drawn draft for my poster I have decided to not include as much information on this poster, as I want it to draw the readers in and make them want to find out more.I will be including an image at the bottom of the poster, which has actually been taken from the festival itself. I took inspiration from this from SW4 poster, I think that including an image of the festival itself will make the readers more interested with festival.

Hand drawn Drafts for festival poster.

Here Is my festival poster which is going to be featured as an advert inside a magazine. On this poster it will include more content, such as dates, prices T&C as well as more featured artists which will be preforming at the festival.

Graphic Layout-Festival-Advert.







Website Link

LogoHere is my graphic

layout for my festival advert which will be

included in my music magazine called ‘Simply


Graphic Layout-Festival-Poster

Artist Artist Artist

Sound Music Festival.21st July-23rd 2017.-Hyde Park, London.

First Sunday Acts Announced

ArtistArtist Artist


Artist Artist Artist

Social Media Advertisement

Here is my graphic layout for my festival poster, as you can see this will include less information such as not as many artists names compared to my magazine advert.

DaFont- Font Ideas.Idea One:

Idea Two:

Idea Three:

I have decided to go with option two for my festival name and font.

Logo Design.

This is my logo of inspiration, I have taken inspiration from this logo as I like how they have used a simple 3D shape and made it more interesting and stands out to the readers eye.

Here is our my two logo designs, I decided to go with my second design I liked this one more as I was simple and would be remembered easy, as well as this it resembled my festival of inspiration more compared to my first logo idea.

1st Idea.

2nd Idea.

Photo-shoot Plan.

Photo-Shoot Plan.

Photo-Shoot Plan.

Legal and Ethical Constraints. There are many legal and ethical issues which have to be covered when producing a print-

based advertisement such as for my festival I would have to follow when carrying out my campaign such as Alcohol, Political Advertisement and anything which would come under Misleading Advertisement. When creating my campaign I need to ensure that I am not using any type of content which could be misleading to the auidence.For example it is important that all my content on my print-based advertisements are correct this is due to the audience possibly complaining about false advertisement. Therefore I have to ensure that all dates and artists who will be at the festival will actually be there and not to promote for a younger youth where it may be potentially dangerous if they go there therefore it would be better to encourage the public of an older age and not to persuade children that they want to go.

This therefore also links in the with legal and ethical constraint of “Alcohol” by this it is important not to promote the use of alcohol even if they intended target audience are old enough to drink alcohol, as alcohol plays a huge part in possibly dangerous situations, therefore we don’t want to create bad reputation the festival to other members of the public.

Therefore, when it comes to the reputation of the festival I need to make sure that they isn't anything being advertised which may offend other members of the public as well as making sure there are no stereotypes and that with the festival in mind I stick to the theme and not offend anyone or single people out.

Legal and Ethical.

After looking at the ASA it was important that I didn't’t add anything into my festival which could be misleading, offensive or sterotypical.I have followed these rules as there isn’t any offensive language or images on my final advertisements which could be offensive to people.

Furthermore there will be no defamation or libel because everything on my advertisement will be the truth, and the correct information will be displayed.

As to when it comes to copyright, as to now everything is my own work, and has been created by me so copyright isn’t an issue, although when it comes to using artists songs in my video advertisements I will have to be aware of any copyright issues and ask the artists themselves if I can use their music.

I am also adding clarification to which the images used in my final posters and audio-visual will not contain any offensive language or images which could offend some people.

Production Plan-For print-based advertisement.Week 1:Beginning with 24th April 2017Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by:

28th April. 27th April. 30th April. 29th April 1stMay 1st May N/A

Discuss and decide who will be preforming at the festival, and who will be the main headliners on what days.

Think about designing an annocement strategy to announce the first two main headliners acts.

Gather ideas and begin to product an advert which will be displayed in a magazine (simply sound).

Send the first copy of the magazine advert to the magazine publishers, at Bauer Media.

Adverts being printed in magazines.

Posters are then released containing the two headline acts.


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by:

7th May 11th May 15th May 18th May 19th May 21st May N/A

Start the design for the social media advertisements like Twitter,Instagram ect

Finalize and start to begin to announce some of the acts.

Start planning for audio-visual advertisement.

More posters are distributed with more acts of them.

Posters are being printed.

Posters will be scduled to be distributed in London.

Put posters up around London, near Hyde park

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday.Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by:

23rd may 24th may 25th may 26th may 28th may

Final copy of poster, and magazine insert are produced containing all acts.

Producing the finally copy of the poster, with all acts.

Final checks are made and sent to the printing team, as well the audio-visual is released.

Posters are printed, and sent to the distributer.

Final poster is made with all the acts, date and times they are playing


Other Key Dates. On the 15th June-17th June we will be creating the time schedule

which will be given to all acts, and any staff working behind the stage this is so that acts know what time the are preforming and how long for, and so that staff ensure everything runs to plan.

This time schedule will also be sent out to the acts so that they know what day they are preforming on.

Social media will start up and running on the 2nd June, and will be managed by an employee tweeting or putting up pictures letting visitors know how many days till the event, as well as putting up pictures getting people excited for the event.

Key Dates. I will advertise the key dates for my festival, I will do this by advertising

via social media like Twitter, I will promote that my festival will be coming out soon, doing this will get people in the mood, and will make them want to come to the festival. Advertising the festival 1 month before the festival is will give people the chance to decide whether they want to come, and will give them a chance to decide who to go with ect, and this will also give people who haven’t gone to come.

Date of annocement:1st May- Posters are also printed and ready to go out.

Posters are released towards the end of may 28th/29th this is as I don’t want people to forget about the event if I release the posters too in advanced.

Festival date : 21st July-23rd July 2017- I have chosen this date in particular this is because it is during the summer this is typically when people would have time off work, or school and the weather tends to be nice during this time of the year.

Production Schedule.Key Objectives Dates

Budget. 1st April 2017.

Planning and pitching to the client. 10th April 2017..

Client approval meetings. 16th April 2017.

Client budget meetings. 25th April 2017.

Planning and Production. 1st May 2017.

Post Production. 9th May 2017.

Client and focus group screening. 14th May 2017

Post Production refinement. 26th May 2017.

Final client approval. 1st June 2017.

Format and Schedule. 4th June 2017.

Launch Date. 15th June 2017.

Here is the production schedule, for my festival as you can see I have demonstrated the particular tasks needed to be done in order to create a festival and make it the best it can be. I have began the key objectives which first starts off the budget, this is where we will plan on how much we are going to spend on the production of the festival, this will be started on the 1st May 2017 around 3 months before the festival starts. The production schedules finishes off on the 15th July where we would have finalized the launch date ready to send out all content and information to the intended target audience.

Audio-visual advertisement. I have decided to use an Audio-visual as a way of advertising my festival

as well as physical advertisements like a my poster and advert in my magazine.

I liked the idea of the audio-visual, as it gives the audience and idea of what the festival is about and, therefore doing this will means that people are more likely to come, as if the atmosphere is good, and everyone looks like they are enjoying themselves this means that they are likely to come.

My audio-visual will be around 1 minute and 30 seconds long, I don’t want to have the video too long as I don’t want it to bore the people watching although, I want it to be as informative as possible.

I will be including small clips of some of the previous artists which have preformed at past festivals.

I will also post my audio-visual link on my social media pages like Twitter and Instagram ect, doing this will get my festivals name out there.

Budget Summery

I will be advertising my festival poster in 4 popular magazines these are :-Vibe-XXL-Q -Simply Sound.Full page- £5,005 x 4 = £20,020Social media Advertising: FREE( Twitter and Instagram)Advertising Poster: FREE I will be using my computers I already have, and the software Adobe Photoshop, It will also be free to promote the festival as I will be putting them up around local towns myself.

Budget Summery.

I will be advertising my festival in central London, and surrounding areas of London near to which the festival is being held, I will be putting up my posters in populated places like tube stations, on buses, as well as in the streets of London. I have also decided to put some posters up in areas just outside of London such as Leatherhead, Epsom and surrounding areas.

Therefore I will need around 1,500 copies of my posters to be printed out, the cost for this will be £140.

Apple Mac Air 11.6” £749.00 (£749.00 x 10=£7,490)Place of work: Office Space Epsom | KT18 Rent of Office : £195 per month. Years Rent: £195 x 12(months)x365= £854,100(for year)

TOTAL COST- £854,100 X £7,490=TOTAL- £861,590

Employees Cost Editor £23,260Graphic Designer £19,000Assistant Editor £21,056Production Editor £22,700Editorial Assistant £18,604Reporter £21,134HR £17,000Subscription service employees


Publisher £25,000TOTAL; £177,520

Budget Summery. As I am only advertising my festival in 4 main music magazines, then

promoting m festival on our social media pages, then having posters as a form of advertising. For the cost of advertising in the magazines for a full page it will cost £20,000.I have chosen 4 of the most popular magazines and in which have the highest monthly circulation figures.

Equipment CostApple Mac Air 11.6” £749.00 (£749.00 x 10-


Rent of Office : £195 per month.

Years Rent: £195 x 12(months)x365= £854,100(for year

Cameras(x3) £687

Equipment.Equipment Used:Nikon Camera D500.I didn't’require any sort of professional lighting as I used natural lighting, and as well had a source of light from the stage lights.

Iphone.Risk Assessment form.Umbrella (to protect the camera)Wellies.

House Style My house style for my festival I want to make sure that it looks professional and

that it people will remember it.Therefore I am going to use a mixture of colours such as light blue which is going to be my main colour scheme, I will also be using colours like black, and white to highlight the key points on my festival such as the dates, and artists name.

My background is going to be Ferris Wheel, I have chosen this as my main background image, because it symbolising the actives, and things people can do at the festival.

I have also picked this image for my background as it gives an the audience an idea of what my festival is going be about.

Risk Analysis.

Before taking my photos I have completed a location recce so that I know where the photo-shoot will be taking place, what type of images I will be taking photos of as well as the angles I want and the lighting. As well as using a location recce to determine the potential risks and how I will be able to overcome these risks.


In this LO I began to gather ideas for my festival which I had got from my festival of inspiration, I started off by creating a proposal for my festival this is where I looked into who I wanted to target my festival at, thinking about the theorist ‘Hartley’ as I was basing my festival on age, gender and self-image.

I also began to construct my plan for my festival poster and magazine advert I did this by drawing out hand drafts, once I had got the main idea of how I wanted my poster and advert to look I then created graphic layouts with these where I included images and colour so I knew exactly what worked and what didn't.

Once I had done this I then got the images I wanted to use for my poster and advert, and when doing this I began to fill out a risk analysis when it comes to taking my photos I also filled out a photography plan before hand this is so I knew what kind of lighting and what camera shots I wanted to use.

I also created a production plan, so I knew exactly how long it would take to produce the poster and advert- also include the key dates and location of the festival.

Produced a slide on the budget summery- clearly did this to show how much the production of my festival poster and advert would cost.

LO3-Contents Page: Slide 75-76: hand drawn drafts. Slide 77-78: graphic layouts Slide 79-80: mood board posters. Slide 81: Campaign Message. Slide 82-84: photoshoot plan. Slide 85: house style. Slide 86: test photography Slide 87: font styles. Slide 88: Draft Photoshop work. Slide 89-90: Final copy. Slide 91: proof reading and sub-editing. Slide 92: production plan Slide 93-96: Budget Summery. Slide 97: risk analysis. Slide 98: location reece. Slide 99:conclusion.

Hand drawn Drafts for festival poster.

Here is my hand drawn draft for my poster I have decided to not include as much information on this poster, as I want it to draw the readers in and make them want to find out more.I will be including an image at the bottom of the poster, which has actually been taken from the festival itself. I took inspiration from this from SW4 poster, I think that including an image of the festival itself will make the readers more interested with festival.

Hand drawn Drafts for festival poster.

Here Is my festival poster which is going to be featured as an advert inside a magazine. On this poster it will include more content, such as dates, prices T&C as well as more featured artists which will be preforming at the festival.

Graphic Layout-Festival-Advert.







Website Link

LogoHere is my graphic

layout for my festival advert which will be

included in my music magazine called ‘Simply


Graphic Layout-Festival-Poster

Artist Artist Artist

Sound Music Festival.21st July-23rd 2017.-Hyde Park, London.

First Sunday Acts Announced

ArtistArtist Artist


Artist Artist Artist

Social Media Advertisement

Here is my graphic layout for my festival poster, as you can see this will include less information such as not as many artists names compared to my magazine advert.

Mood Board Ideas-Posters.

Campaign Message. My Campaign message is going to be “Discover the Greatest

Music”. I have chosen this as my slogan as it allows people to maybe explore music they haven’t heard before, and it also leads them on a journey to exploring more and greater music.

I have also used the word “Greatest” to describe the music which will be played at the festival this also shows competion against other festivals, as well as this it shows how our festival is better than anyone else and showing this positivity will draw people in to coming to my festival rather than anyone else.

Photo-shoot Plan.

Photo-Shoot Plan.

Photo-Shoot Plan.

House Style My house style for my festival I want to make sure that it looks

professional and that it people will remember it.Therefore I am going to use a mixture of dark and bright colours I have decided instead of using block colours or a gradient for my background I will be using an actual image of mine which I have taken previously from a festival and this Is what I will use for it, doing this I feel will look better than just having regular colours as the background, as well having an image as the background I feel will draw people in to want to look at my festival and that they will remember it.

Test Photography.

Font Styles.Here are a number of different font styles I used both for my poster as well as my advert, I decided to have each act which is performing name in a different style, I did this so that it would make the names of the artists stand out and grab the attention of my intended target audience.I also did this so that names wouldn't’t get lost in the background of my poster and advert, as well as making sure my advert and poster looks appealing to the eye and makes my target audience interested in my festival.

Draft Photoshop work.

First Idea:1

Here was my first idea for my festival poster, this is very similar to my final version of it although I decided to change some of the fonts for certain artists as I felt they were all looking the same.

Final Copy Festival Poster.

Here is my final copy of my Festival Poster.I have included a number of the acts which will be performing at the festival I have include in the date of the festival the reason why Included this in both the poster and the advert is that if people are seemed to be interested in my festival they may want to plan ahead and make sure they don’t have any plans for that weekend, I have also included some information which will pull the reader in to finding out more about the festival such as hinting that there are more acts to be annoced.Lastly, I have included where you are able to get tickets via our websites and our social media sites. Where the audience can keep up to date with any information which is going to be released about the festival.

Final Copy- Festival Advert.

Here is my final copy of my Festival Advert, which will be put in 5 popular music magazines including my own music magazine “Simply Sound” .To make my advert different from my poster although make it still informative I have underneath including quotes from the artists songs, doing this will make the reader more interested in the festival as if the see their favorite artist as well as one of their favorite songs they are more likely to be attracted to the festival. I have also included more details in my advert such as when doors will be opening, who the festival is sponsored by as well as the main headline acts.

Proof-reading and Sub-editing.Proof reading, I will proof read the poster and my

magazine advert before they are released to the public, I will do this is ensure names of artists are spelt correctly as well any other grammar is correct.

Proof reading is also key as I will have to make sure the correct information is labeled on the poster and magazine advert such as dates of the festival, the location of the festival as well making sure we include our sponsorships.

As seen in the production plan the editor will also have proof read the magazine advert as well as the festival poster to ensure everything is correct.

Production Plan-For print-based advertisement.Week 1:Beginning with 24th April 2017Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday SundayComplete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by:

28th April. 27th April. 30th April. 29th April 1stMay 1st May N/ADiscuss and decide who will be preforming at the festival, and who will be the main headliners on what days.

Think about designing an annocement strategy to announce the first two main headliners acts.

Gather ideas and begin to product an advert which will be displayed in a magazine (simply sound).

Send the first copy of the magazine advert to the magazine publishers, at Bauer Media.

Adverts being printed in magazines.

Posters are then released containing the two headline acts.


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday SundayComplete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by:

7th May 11th May 15th May 18th May 19th May 21st May N/A

Start the design for the social media advertisements like Twitter,Instagram ect

Finalize and start to begin to announce some of the acts.

Continue to work on the magazine insert.

More posters are distributed with more acts of them.

Posters are being printed.

Posters are finally distributed with more acts on them.


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday.Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by:

23rd may 24th may 25th may 26th may 28th may

Final copy of poster, and magazine insert are produced containing all acts.

Producing the finally copy of the poster, with all acts.

Final checks are made and sent to the printing team, as well the audio-visual is released.

Posters are printed, and sent to the distributer.

Final poster is made with all the acts, date and times they are playing


Budget Summery

I will be advertising my festival poster in 4 popular magazines these are :-Vibe-XXL-Q -Simply Sound.Full page- £5,005 x 4 = £20,020Social media Advertising: FREE( Twitter and Instagram)Advertising Poster: FREE I will be using my computers I already have, and the software Adobe Photoshop, It will also be free to promote the festival as I will be putting them up around local towns myself.

Budget Summery.

I will be advertising my festival in central London, and surrounding areas of London near to which the festival is being held, I will be putting up my posters in populated places like tube stations, on buses, as well as in the streets of London. I have also decided to put some posters up in areas just outside of London such as Leatherhead, Epsom and surrounding areas.

Therefore I will need around 1,500 copies of my posters to be printed out, the cost for this will be £140.

Apple Mac Air 11.6” £749.00 (£749.00 x 10=£7,490)Place of work: Office Space Epsom | KT18 Rent of Office : £195 per month. Years Rent: £195 x 12(months)x365= £854,100(for year)

TOTAL COST- £854,100 X £7,490=TOTAL- £861,590

Employees Cost Editor £23,260Graphic Designer £19,000Assistant Editor £21,056Production Editor £22,700Editorial Assistant £18,604Reporter £21,134HR £17,000Subscription service employees


Publisher £25,000TOTAL; £177,520

Budget Summery. As I am only advertising my festival in 4 main music magazines, then

promoting m festival on our social media pages, then having posters as a form of advertising. For the cost of advertising in the magazines for a full page it will cost £20,000.I have chosen 4 of the most popular magazines and in which have the highest monthly circulation figures.

Equipment CostApple Mac Air 11.6” £749.00 (£749.00 x 10-


Rent of Office : £195 per month.

Years Rent: £195 x 12(months)x365= £854,100(for year

Cameras(x3) £687

Risk Analysis.

Before taking my photos I have completed a location recce so that I know where the photo-shoot will be taking place, what type of images I will be taking photos of as well as the angles I want and the lighting. As well as using a location recce to determine the potential risks and how I will be able to overcome these risks.

Conclusion. In this LO it was similar to the LO before, as I was still

generating ideas and changing ideas.Although in this LO the final copy for my poster and

magazine advert were created. I also made sure to proof read my magazine poster and advert so that there was no gramma errors and that there wasn’t anything on there that would offend people.

I also created a clear layout of my budget summery- income and outcome costs.

LO5-Content Page: Slide 102:layout of presentation. Slide 103-105: proposals. Slide 106-107: mood board. Slide 108-109: hand drawn drafts. Slide 110: campaign message. Slide 111-113: photoshoot plan Slide 114: location reece. Slide 115-118: legal and ethical. Slide 119-122 Budget Summery. Slide 123:Risk Anaylis. Slide 124:Production Plan. Slide 125:Offensive Material. Slide 126:Final Copy of Festival Poster. Slide 127-132: Survey monkey. Slide 133: prezi photos

Layout-Presenting My Pitch

It was important that I looked at the environment in which I was going to present my pitch in.Also I have photos of where the pitch will be, what I will be presenting it on and where I will be preparing it.Then I have a photo of a slide changer so that I do not have to also prepared, I also have a slide changer so that I can stand by the Apple Mac the whole time and present in a better manner.


Proposals for Print-Based Advertisement.

Proposals for Print-Based Advertisement.

Proposals for Print-Based Advertisement.

Mood Board Ideas-Posters.

Hand drawn Drafts for festival poster.

Here is my hand drawn draft for my poster I have decided to not include as much information on this poster, as I want it to draw the readers in and make them want to find out more.I will be including an image at the bottom of the poster, which has actually been taken from the festival itself. I took inspiration from this from SW4 poster, I think that including an image of the festival itself will make the readers more interested with festival.

Hand drawn Drafts for festival poster.

Here Is my festival poster which is going to be featured as an advert inside a magazine. On this poster it will include more content, such as dates, prices T&C as well as more featured artists which will be preforming at the festival.

Campaign Message. My Campaign message is going to be “Discover the Greatest

Music”. I have chosen this as my slogan as it allows people to maybe explore music they haven’t heard before, and it also leads them on a journey to exploring more and greater music.

I have also used the word “Greatest” to describe the music which will be played at the festival this also shows competion against other festivals, as well as this it shows how our festival is better than anyone else and showing this positivity will draw people in to coming to my festival rather than anyone else.

Photo-shoot Plan.

Photo-Shoot Plan.

Photo-Shoot Plan.

Before taking my photos I have completed a location recce so that I know where the photo-shoot will be taking place, what type of images I will be taking photos of as well as the angles I want and the lighting. As well as using a location recce to determine the potential risks and how I will be able to overcome these risks.

ASA-Regulatory Body: Advertising Standards Authority.

ASA-The ASA authority is the advertising standards authority this is a self-regulatory organization of the advertising industry within the UK. The Advertising Standards Authority apply codes which are written by the committees of advertising practice. They act on against misleading, harmful or offensive advertisements.

Process of making a Complaint.

Here is evidence I have found on how you make a complaint via ASA. ASA, links in with my festival as readers and my intended target as if my poster or leaflet advertising my festival is misleading such as advertising the wrong date, or advertising the wrong price or advertising the wrong location. If this happens then readers are able to contact ASA and make an complaint regarding that they have been mislead.

Process of Making an Complaint.

Legal and Ethical.

After looking at the ASA it was important that I didn't’t add anything into my festival which could be misleading, offensive or sterotypical.I have followed these rules as there isn’t any offensive language or images on my final advertisements which could be offensive to people.

Furthermore there will be no defamation or libel because everything on my advertisement will be the truth, and the correct information will be displayed.

As to when it comes to copyright, as to now everything is my own work, and has been created by me so copyright isn’t an issue, although when it comes to using artists songs in my video advertisements I will have to be aware of any copyright issues and ask the artists themselves if I can use their music.

I am also adding clarification to which the images used in my final posters and audio-visual will not contain any offensive language or images which could offend some people.

Budget Summery

I will be advertising my festival poster in 4 popular magazines these are :-Vibe-XXL-Q -Simply Sound.Full page- £5,005 x 4 = £20,020Social media Advertising: FREE( Twitter and Instagram)Advertising Poster: FREE I will be using my computers I already have, and the software Adobe Photoshop, It will also be free to promote the festival as I will be putting them up around local towns myself.

Budget Summery.

I will be advertising my festival in central London, and surrounding areas of London near to which the festival is being held, I will be putting up my posters in populated places like tube stations, on buses, as well as in the streets of London. I have also decided to put some posters up in areas just outside of London such as Leatherhead, Epsom and surrounding areas.

Therefore I will need around 1,500 copies of my posters to be printed out, the cost for this will be £140.

Apple Mac Air 11.6” £749.00 (£749.00 x 10=£7,490)Place of work: Office Space Epsom | KT18 Rent of Office : £195 per month. Years Rent: £195 x 12(months)x365= £854,100(for year)

TOTAL COST- £854,100 X £7,490=TOTAL- £861,590

Employees Cost Editor £23,260Graphic Designer £19,000Assistant Editor £21,056Production Editor £22,700Editorial Assistant £18,604Reporter £21,134HR £17,000Subscription service employees


Publisher £25,000TOTAL; £177,520

Budget Summery. As I am only advertising my festival in 4 main music magazines, then

promoting m festival on our social media pages, then having posters as a form of advertising. For the cost of advertising in the magazines for a full page it will cost £20,000.I have chosen 4 of the most popular magazines and in which have the highest monthly circulation figures.

Equipment CostApple Mac Air 11.6” £749.00 (£749.00 x 10-


Rent of Office : £195 per month.

Years Rent: £195 x 12(months)x365= £854,100(for year

Cameras(x3) £687

Risk Analysis.

Production Plan-For print-based advertisement.Week 1:Beginning with 24th April 2017Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday SundayComplete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete

by:Complete by: Complete by:

28th April. 27th April. 30th April. 29th April 1stMay 1st May N/ADiscuss and decide who will be preforming at the festival, and who will be the main headliners on what days.

Think about designing an annocement strategy to announce the first two main headliners acts.

Gather ideas and begin to product an advert which will be displayed in a magazine (simply sound).

Send the first copy of the magazine advert to the magazine publishers, at Bauer Media.

Adverts being printed in magazines.

Posters are then released containing the two headline acts.


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday SundayComplete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete

by:Complete by: Complete by:

7th May 11th May 15th May 18th May 19th May 21st May N/AStart the design for the social media advertisements like Twitter,Instagram ect

Finalize and start to begin to announce some of the acts.

Continue to work on the magazine insert.

More posters are distributed with more acts of them.

Posters are being printed.

Posters are finally distributed with more acts on them.


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday.Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by: Complete by:

23rd may 24th may 25th may 26th may 28th may

Final copy of poster, and magazine insert are produced containing all acts.

Producing the finally copy of the poster, with all acts.

Final checks are made and sent to the printing team, as well the audio-visual is released.

Posters are printed, and sent to the distributer.

Final poster is made with all the acts, date and times they are playing


Offensive Material.

When producing not only my advertisements but also producing my video advertisements I have to be aware of the content I am including.

Such as I cant include content in my video advertisement which may offend people, such as drug use ect.

In my advertisements both my video and posters, I cannot use any form of bad language or language which may upset my audience or anyone else for that matter, doing this will make my festival not look as professional and will give my festival a bad name.

Final Copy- Festival Advert.

Here is my final copy of my Festival Advert, which will be put in 5 popular music magazines including my own music magazine “Simply Sound” .To make my advert different from my poster although make it still informative I have underneath including quotes from the artists songs, doing this will make the reader more interested in the festival as if the see their favorite artist as well as one of their favorite songs they are more likely to be attracted to the festival. I have also included more details in my advert such as when doors will be opening, who the festival is sponsored by as well as the main headline acts.

Survey Monkey Questions- Q1

In this question I asked people, how well they thought my pitch went, I asked this so that I could see how well I actually did and if there is anything I would need to improve on etc.

Survey Monkey Questions- Q2

In this question I wanted to ask people if they found my advertisements to be visually appealing, this was important to ask them this as I wanted to make sure that my posters attracted as many people as possible so that lots of people come to my festival.

Survey Monkey Questions- Q3.

Here I asked when they thought I could have improved on, doing this gives me some sort of guidance so that I can follow up these improvements and ensure my festival is the successful.

Survey Monkey Questions-Q4

Here I asked people if presented my festival pitch in a professional way, doing this tells me that I am able to present my festival to a room of people in a good way, as well as this presenting it in a professional way also shows that my festival is professional and will soon be a success.

Survey Monkey Questions-Q5

I asked if there was anything which I could have improved on to make my advertisements more appealing to my intended target audience, I wanted to ask this question as I want to ensure I am targeting it for the right age group, and want as many people coming to my festival as possible.

Survey Monkey Questions-Q6

In this question I asked people to rate my advertisements out of 5, as if people I’m presenting my pitch to don’t find my advertisements visually attractive then its going to be hard for my intended target audience to find them appealing as well.

Festival Pitch-

Here are a few images of me presenting my pitch about my festival Simply Sound.

LO5-Contents Page:

Slide 136-141:Survey Monkey.Slide 142: Safe working practices.Slide 143-144: Feedback-Witness Statement.Slide 145-146: Photoshop improvements.Slide 147:Final Copy Graphic Layout.Slide 148: Conclusion.

Survey Monkey Feedback.In this question I asked people how they thought my pitch went, 50% of people said that they thought my pitch went ‘excellent’ and 20% thought it was ‘good’ and the other 20% thought it was ‘okay.This demonstrates how I presented my pitch well and there wasn’t really any room for improvement when it comes to how I presented it.

Survey Monkey Feedback.In this question I asked people if they found my advertisement to be visually appealing, 100% of people said yes they did this conveys how I produced an advert which audiences find attractive and appealing therefore this links in to how they maybe interested in my festival.

Survey Monkey Feedback.In this question I asked people what they would rate my advert out of 5 (with 5 being good).75% of people said that they would rate my advert a 3 out of 5, and 25% said that they would rate it a 5 out of 5. This demonstrates how I met my own target of producing a advert which people would like and be interested in.

Survey Monkey FeedbackIn this question I asked people if I presented my pitch in a professional way, 25% said yes I did, and 75% said I did but I could have improved, this could be due to that I needed to make more eye contact with the audience, and speak louder so that they could here, and looking and your audience is seemed a professional thing to do.

Survey Monkey Feedback.Here in this question I asked is there anything I could improve on when it comes to my advertisements.People said things like, they linked in well with my inspiration, and that they liked my background and that how I lowered the opacity, although they said I could have highlighted the web address more so it stands out. They also said things such as I could have had brighter colors, and more images to the background, so that the background would stand out.

Survey Monkey Feedback. Here in this question I asked what do you think overall I could have improved on when it comes to presenting my pitch, people said take off some artists names off the posters as people who walk pass my poster would look at it more if there wasn’t a lot of writing.They also said make eye contact with the audience, and add more color to the poster.

Safe working practices. To create my festival poster and magazine insert, I use Adobe Photoshop. When creating my festival poster and magazine insert I made sure that when I

choice my image, I held down shift the reason for doing this is so that when I went to resize I held shift so that my image didn’t pixilate and loose its image quality. I also made sure to edit my images well so that they are of a high quality.

When it came to the text on my festival poster, I used the ruler tool, doing this meant that all my text was in-line with each other, making it look neat and professional.

I also created a colour swatch section, this is where I saved my colours which I used doing this meant that I could come back later and use the same exact colour. Doing this meant that everything looked the same and not messy.

Festival Pitch- Feedback from Witness Statement.

Festival Pitch-Feedback from Witness Statement.

Here is my feedback from my Witness Statement, some of the positive things I got was that my proposals were detailed stating exactly what I wanted to produce in Unit 15, such as the title, content format and my target audience.My pitch was fluent and covered a lot of information on my advertisement, and my advertisements of inspiration.Some things I could have improved on was that my advert to go inside my magazine could have more detail about the festival itself, and well artists names, and as well my poster could have less artists as well as pass along audiences will find it much easier to read.

Suggested Improvements- Draft.

First Idea:1

Here was my first idea for my festival poster, this is very similar to my final version of it although I decided to change some of the fonts for certain artists as I felt they were all looking the same.

Suggested Improvements- Final copy.

Here is my final copy of my Festival Advert, which will be put in 5 popular music magazines including my own music magazine “Simply Sound” .To make my advert different from my poster although make it still informative I have underneath including quotes from the artists songs, doing this will make the reader more interested in the festival as if the see their favorite artist as well as one of their favorite songs they are more likely to be attracted to the festival. I have also included more details in my advert such as when doors will be opening, who the festival is sponsored by as well as the main headline acts.


In this learning outcome I have shown evidence of the feedback I got from my magazine pitch, I created a survey on Survey Monkey, to which people responded with some feedback. Some of the feedback I got was positive feedback as well as there being something's in which I could have improved on.

Some of the positive things which were said were things like that on my Poster and Advert they that like how I laid everything out, and that they thought it was very neat as well as this they also thought that laying it out the way I did that it was easy to read ect.

Some of the Improvements that I got where things like, make eye-contact when talking to the people I was pitching my festival to.

As well as they liked my poster and advert although they said that I could have added more vibrant colors to it which would make it stand out more when competition with other festivals.

I also got feedback from my publisher via the witness statement, some of the feedback I got was things like that I covered all the criteria's needed in order to produce/ create a good festival.

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