september 19, 2013 vol. 5, no. 37...

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Sunday, September 22 9:45 Sunday School 11:00 Morning Worship in the FLC 11:00 G-Force (Children’s Worship grades 1-6) 12:00 Group photo in front of the church 4:45 Adult Handbells 5:00 GROW 5:15 Ignite (Bible study for youth)

6:00 Evening Worship in the FLC Monday, September 23 2:30 Stella WMU Tuesday, September 24 11:30 JOY Club potluck lunch Wednesday, September 25 4:45 MISSION Wednesdays 4:45 Acteens 6:30 Prayer & Praise Service 6:30 See You At The Pole Pre-Rally @ Wood College Chapel 7:15 Adult Worship Choir Practice

CHURCH STAFF Travis Gray—Pastor

W. S. Stewart, Sr.—Pastor Emeritus Jason Carson—Music Minister/Assoc. Pastor

Kevin Barnette— Youth Director Anita Russell—Children’s Director Yvonne Hitt—Financial Secretary Marcelle Robertson—Custodian

Kathy Bailey—Librarian Sara Hitt—Church Clerk

Gwen Sisson—Church Secretary

VOLUNTEERS THIS WEEK Nursery — Laurie Turnipseed

Children’s Church – Carol Turner Sanctuary Flowers – Joyce Davis

September 19, 2013 Edition Vol. 5, No. 37 FirstBaptistEupora

First Baptist Church, P.O. Box 268 * 520 W Fox Avenue, Eupora, MS 39744 * Phone: 662.258.3491 * Fax: 662.258.2520 *

Don’t play games with your eternity




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When you come to church on Sunday morning, be excited

Time stands still for no

man, but our God stands

forever. What a joy it is to

know that we can be held in

the palm of His hand. It is

my prayer that you know for

sure that He holds you.

Don’t play games with your

eternity. Trust Jesus so that it

will be greater than you can


The work on the sanctuary

is continuing to move for-

ward. Thanks to all of you

who had some fun on Mon-

day afternoon. We are con-

sidering forming a profes-

sional piano moving service.

Some of us might better con-

sider sticking with some-

thing else.

My heart goes out to sev-

eral who have lost loved

ones recently. It is not easy

when that special person is

not physically present with

us. Death attempts to take

many things away from us,

but it can’t take away so

many special memories. It

also can’t separate us from

the love of Jesus for those

who have trusted in Jesus to

be their Savior.

I look forward to seeing

your smiling face in God’s

house on Sunday as we wor-

ship Him Together. Keep

singing of the mercies of the

Lord forever!

In Christ’s Love,

Bro. Travis

SUNDAY SCHOOL RECORD AdultFF.FFFFFFF..FFF..F...F. 161 Young AdultFF.FFFFFFF..FFFF. 5 College/Career FFF..FFFFFFF.F... 4 YouthF.FF.FF...FFF.......................... 25 ChildrenF.FF..F..FF...FFF..FF.F. 18 Preschool/Nursery..FFF........................... 15 Golden Living Center FFFFFF...F...F 16 TOTALFFF.FF.................................... 244

FINANCIAL Weekly Bud. Rec.F..FFFF.F...$10,563.00 Weekly Bud. NeedFFFFF..F.. $10,413.35 Budget Needs to DateFFF........$385,293.95 Gifts to DateFFFFFFFF.F $390,180.10 Over Budget...FFFFFFF.F.....$4,886.15

STATE MISSIONS OFFERING Current balanceFFFF..FFF.... $5,500.00 Gifts To DateFFF..FFF.F.F... $1,770.00 Short of GoalFFFF..FF.F.F... $4,905.00

BUILDING FUND Current balanceFFFFFF...... $187,345.52

Hey everybody! I hope you’ve had

a great week!

We had a wonderful worship ser-

vice Sunday in G-Force. We had

some new faces and we are so glad

to have them!

This Sunday, we will continue our

series called “Zooplosion” where we

are learning lessons from the ani-

mals in the Bible. We will be learn-

ing that God provided Jesus to lead

and guide us. If we follow Him, we

will have the best life. Our story will

be about Jesus as the Good Shep-

herd, we are the sheep (John 10:10)

“The thief’s purpose is to steal and

kill and destroy. My purpose is to

give them a rich and satisfying life.”

I hope you will come and join us.

Have a wonderful weekend and I

will see you at church.


Mrs. Anita

God provided Jesus to lead us; if we follow Him, we will have the best life

This past week we started the youth praise band back

up again. This year we are doing the praise band a little

different. For the most part the praise band has been

about who can sing the best and play instruments. This

year we are implementing more "worship" than just a

performance. There is a lot of confusion with what lead-

ing worship is and just performing to get a certain

sound is. When we met Sunday afternoon at 4 p.m., we

sat in a circle and sang old hymns and newer songs that

all revolve around the same meaning, Christ is Lord.

What it means to lead worship is to worship God with

the gifts that he has given you. There is nothing special

about leading worship! What we are trying to teach the

youth is that we are all capable of worship in some as-

pect. But, if we are going to do it in song then why not

be excited about it.

In a lot of churches today we aren't excited about

what we are singing about on Sunday mornings. We

come in and sit down and call ourselves being at a wor-

ship service but there is in no way any type of worship

going on. When we go to a football games we cheer and

stand up and yell for our team. We talk about TV shows

and movies proclaiming how good they are. But, when

we come to church we stand there with absolutely no

emotion on our face and mouth the words to songs.

Don't you see something wrong here? We are to be ex-

cited about what Christ has done in our lives! So, this is

what the worship team is all about this year. We want to

come together and have true worship of the One we call

upon as Lord. I invite all youth that have the ability to

worship God to come. YES, that means all of you that

have received Christ through salvation! I hope that it

impacts our church to the very core and gets people

excited about what Christ has done for us.

When you come to church on Sunday morning be

excited about what God has done for you. Be happy that

Christ has paid the price of our sin and is worthy of our

praise. Be joyful that God has allowed you to worship

Him that morning! Consider this quote from David

Platt, "When we delight in something, we declare our

delight. When we adore someone, we announce our

adoration. Isn't this, then, the essence of worship—

lifting up with our lips and our lives the one we love

above everything else?" Who or what do you love?


Kevin Barnette

“I have all for Him forsaken, and

all my idols torn from my heart and

now He keeps me by His power.”

What a great line from a classic

hymn, “The Lily of the Valley.” I

was thinking this morning about

how we tend to idolize things — the

most prevalent this time of year

seems to be football and all of its


I love football just as much as any-

one else. I monitor my Twitter feed

hourly — I even have an college

football list created to make my

Twitter searches quicker. I read

articles, message boards, and watch

YouTube clips of games and press

conferences. I am a fan. BUT, do

we let football come before our rela-

tionship with Christ? That’s where

idolization begins. Any time we let

ANYTHING come before our rela-

tionship with our Savior, we wor-

ship it. We begin to idolize it. We

must also be mindful that coming to

church on Sunday morning does not

constitute placing Christ first in our


Placing Christ first happens on a

personal level. We pray to Him

(and not just at mealtimes!). We

meditate on the Gospel. Our

thoughts are consumed with

Him. When we do that, He will

decrease our desires for worldly

idols and increase our desire for


So to reflect on the song lyric,

have we forsaken ALL for

Him? Have we allowed Him to tear

all of the idols from our hearts and

rely solely on His power? Powerful

words from a classic hymn.

Have a blessed week,

Bro. Jason

Placing Christ first happens on a personal level

Sept. 19 Etty Brown Sept. 19 Wil Bailey

Sept. 20 Michael Adkins Sept. 20 Angela Gray

Sept. 21 Catherine Middleton Sept. 21 Jack Harpole

Sept. 22 Kevin Hitt Sept. 22 Jason Johnson Sept. 22 Landon Garrard

Sept. 23 Michael Hitt Sept. 23 Eddie Alderman

Sept. 23 Suzanne Salley Shankles Sept. 24 Donny Mitchell

Sept. 24 Maggie Parsons Sept. 24 Craig McCluskey Sept. 25 Amy Stephens

Sept. 25 Hannah McDowell Sept. 25 Eliza Boatman

VISITORS FROM SEPT. 15, 2013 Bubba & Randee Jernigan, Eupora Jim & Diane Mitchell, Spring, Texas

Mary York, Eupora

* Visitors listed are those who filled out Visitor Cards during the church service.

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