september 15-17 tishrei 9-13, 5782 t this week at yicc yom

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Young Israel of Century City • 9317 W. Pico Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90035 • 310-273-6954 •

September 15-17, 2021 • Tishrei 9-13, 5782 T

This Week at YICC Yom Kippur

Gmar Chatima Tova

Important Halakhic Times, September 15-17

Alot HaShachar .................................. 5:20 – 05:24 AM Earliest Tallit & Tefillin ........................ 5:50 – 05:53 AM Sof Zman Kriat Shema ....................... 9:42 – 09:43 AM Sof Zman Tefilah ........................................... 10:45 AM Earliest time for Mincha .................... 01:21 – 01:19 PM Shkiah ............................................... 07:04 – 06:57 PM

Friday, September 17

Shacharit ......................................... 6:00/7:00/8:00 AM Candles .............................................. 5:40 – 06:39 AM Mincha ............................................................. 6:45 PM Shkiah .............................................................. 6:57 PM


Due to the serious increase in people being infected with Covid-19, the LA County Dept of Health

requires masks be worn in indoor public spaces regardless of one’s vaccination status.

Therefore, our Shul has resumed the requirement that

everyone inside the Shul building wear a mask CORRECTLY –

whereby the mask covers both one’s mouth and nose.

Thank you for complying.

Erev Yom Kippur, Wed., September 15

Selichot & Shacharit ............................... 5:45/6:45/7:50 am (In Mintz Beit Midrash) Mincha .................................................................... 2:00 pm Candle Lighting .................................. no later than 6:42 pm Kol Nidrei (@ All Minyanim) .................................... 6:40 pm Shkiah .................................................................... 7:00 pm

Yom Kippur Day, Thu., September 16 Shacharit (@ All Minyanim) ................................... 8:30 am Mincha (@ All Minyanim) ........................................ 5:00 pm Neilah (@ All Minyanim) ......................................... 6:15 pm Maariv and Yom Kippur Ends ................................. 7:43 pm



• Vaccination is mandatory for all adults and children in the Schlesinger Sanctuary and the Outdoor Minyan.

• Unvaccinated members and children are welcome in the Mintz Beit Midrash.

• Masks are optional in the YICC backyard Minyan.

It is a pleasure to welcome the following

members who joined YICC since last Yom Kippur. We hope they will enjoy a long

relationship with our Shul.

• Noam & Sarah Beltram Rose

• Dr. David & Rebecca Hakim

• Seth Hulewat & Rebecca (Herbst) Hulewat

• Jacob & Lisa Jahan

• Sheldon Kasdan

• Gail Katz

• Danny & Miriam Krombach

• Ariella Kupperman

• Helen Mars

• Dr. Glenn & Nathalie Marshak

• Eitan & Sophie Melamed

• Jesse & Eliza Orenshein

• Joshua Peikon

• Avi & Bethia Rabinovitch

• Sandi Reiss

• Jared & Atara Rutner

• Akiva & Dr. Avigayil Schreiber

• Dr. Steven R. Simon & Wendy Berland

• Dr. Philip & Adi Werthman

• Dani & Adina Wizenfeld

• Reuven & Nehama Zubres

Young Israel of Century City • 9317 W. Pico Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90035 • 310-273-6954 •

Wednesday, September 8

SOL TEICHMAN Z”L DAF YOMI SHIUR Sponsoring Daf Yomi learning for $225 per week is a wonderful way to commemorate a Yahrzeit, celebrate a Simcha, or simply support

Torah learning in our Shul. To sponsor a week of Daf Yomi please call or email the Shul office.

⬧ This week our Daf Yomi Shiur is sponsored by:

• David Herskovitz, George Herskovitz

& Judy Kandel - In memory of their father, Yitzchak Isaac ben Dovid Z”L

• Barry Novack & Dr. Anna Baum In memory of Barry’s sister, Batya bat Menachem Mendel Z”L

• Fred Roberts In memory of his grandmother, Ita bat Avraham, Z”L

• Adele Yellin, In memory of her husband, Yisroel Isser ben Harav Yitzchak Z”L

THANK YOU TO: Dr. Howard & Elizabeth Abramowitz for sponsoring the

“Lekach” on Erev Yom Kippur after the Shacharit Minyanim to commemorate Howard’s father, Mordechai ben Zev Z”L, upon his yahrzeit.

All our Baalei Tefillah, Baalei Kriah, Baalei Tekiah and our Gabbaim for the wonderful Tefilot over the Yamim Noraim at all our Minyanim.

Allan Sternberg for helping set up our Minyanim at Shul for the Yamim Noraim.

Tina Loboda for all of her work in helping the Shul prepare for the Yamim Noraim.

The hosts of our Satellite Minyanim: o Jonathan & Daphne Orenshein o Dr. Emi Gottlieb & Jennie Lewkowicz

and Shmuel Barak & Felice Gottlieb Rabbis Moshe Hier, Shlomo Seidenfeld and Y.

Boruch Sufrin for volunteering as rabbis at our Minyanim during the Yamim Noraim.

Steven Silver and Daniel Silverman, our Heads of Security, for their ceaseless, meticulous work on behalf of our daily, Shabbat and Yamim Noraim security.

MAZAL TOV TO: Lee & Jacqueline Rubinoff on the birth of a son.

Mazal Tov also to big sister, Rio Eden.

• Aryeh ben Yonah • Avraham Shimon ben Sarah Leah • Baruch ben Malka • Baruch Yisrael ben Tziporah • Bat Ami bat Beth • Bayla Bracha bat Malka Hinda • Chaim Benzion Yitzhak ben Fayga • Chaim Menachem ben Hena Raizl • Chaim Ozer ben Leah • Chaim Tzvi ben Necha Rivka • Chana bat Johanna • Chasya bat Tzirel • Chaya Necha bat Riva Leah • Chaya bat Sara Henya • Daniel Aharon ben Chana Leah • Daniel Yehuda ben Rivka

Shoshana • HaRav Dovid Eliezer ben Batya • Eliezer Shaul ben Rachel Adina • Eliezer ben Gittel • Gitta Rivka bat Chaya Risa • Gittel Raizel bat Faiga • Leah bat Mattel • Leah Rachel bat Miriam Rivkah • Michal bat Yaffa • Michal Aviva bat Yehudit • Miri Chana bat Chava • Moshe Mordechai ben Lili • Noach Yaakov ben Tzipporah • Ora bat Nechama • Orna bat Rachel • Rachel bat Julie Zohar

• Rachel Bat Sarah Shderah • Rachmiel ben Sarah • Refael David ben Ella • Reuven Betzalel HaCohen ben

Fayga • Rifkah bat Lottie • Sarah bat Chava Rachel • Sarah Golda bat Fradel • Sarah Leah bat Freyda Rut • Schmuel Zev ben Gitel • Shlomo Leib Gavriel ben

Chanah • Shmuel ben Rachel • Shmuel Yaakov ben Taivel • Shmuel Yeshaya ben Rachel • Simcha bat Leah • Sonja bat Luna Levana • Sorah Gitel bat Chava

Raitzl • Tzvi ben Masha • Yaakov Tzvi ben Liba • Yissachar Dov ben Frumet Gittel • Yitzchak ben Bella • Yitzchak ben Chana • Yitzhak ben Javaher • Yitzchak ben Neima • Yitzchak Isaac ben Dodieli • Yitzchok Shlomo ben Mirel

Devorah • Yonatan Baruch ben Devorah

Yehudit • Yosef ben Rachel • Yosef Meier ben Chasha


YAHRZEITS Sep 15-17, 2021 • Tishrei 5-11, 5782

Wednesday, September 15 • Dr. Howard Abramowitz’s father, Mordechai ben Zev Z”L Thursday, September 16 • Felisa Felsenthal’s mother, Nechama bat Veivel Z”L • Dr. Bonnie Siegal’s uncle, Zusie ben Aryeh Leib Z”L • Peter Steinlauf’s half-sister, Ruth bat Mordechai Z”L

Friday, September 17 • Alan Gamson’s mother, Devorah bat HaRav Dov Z”L • Fred Roberts’ grandmother, Ita bat Avraham Z”L

Please include the following names in your prayers,

and may each be granted a Refuah Shleimah


If your child has any signs of a cold, or is not feeling well, please DO NOT SEND THEM TO SHUL!

Please Note for Yom Kippur: • Youth Groups will start at 8:30 am with supervised play.

• We are very happy to announce that we are now accepting

children between the ages of 18 months – 3 years. A registration link is provided for our members; please check your emails!

ARBA MINIM PICK-UP Your Pre-Paid Arba Minim Orders Will Be Ready For Pick Up On

Sunday, Sep 19 Please note times:

From 9:30 to 11:00 AM ONLY

Drive-thru pick up from alley behind YICC at the last gate before Rexford.

Young Israel of Century City • 9317 W. Pico Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90035 • 310-273-6954 •

Pico-Robertson KEYLIM MIKVAH at Anshe Emet

1490 S. Robertson Blvd. Please always consult their website for most current info.

Question For the Week

From Our Semichat Chaver Program

taught by Rabbi Dr. Zev Wiener

For more about our Semichat Chaver Program, please see the flyer posted on our website,

YOM KIPPUR Q. The Talmud (Yoma 77b) teaches that one who is visiting

his teacher may walk through a body of water on Yom Kippur. Although bathing is prohibited on Yom Kippur, walking through a body of water for the purposes of this Mitzvah was not included in the prohibition. Even if the Yom Kippur prohibition of bathing is not violated, why is this activity (soaking one's garments while walking through the body of water) not still prohibited on account of the Biblical prohibition of laundering clothes on Shabbat and Yom Tov?

A. We have learned that simply soaking a garment in

water, even without any scrubbing or wringing, constitutes a Biblical prohibition of laundering on Shabbat and Yom Tov. However, many authorities maintain that this practice is only prohibited if the soaking actually cleanses and improves the garment in some way. If the soaking is done "Derech Lichluch" -- in a manner that further dirties the garment -- no violation is incurred. As such, the Poskim rule that walking through a body of water in one's clothes is considered dirtying as opposed to cleansing the clothes, and not included in the prohibition.

Note, however, that the Tosafist Rabbi Eliezer MiMitz (Yerayim) prohibits all soaking -- even if it dirties the garment. As such, he is forced to interpret the above leniency in a different fashion.

HALAKHIC CORNER - YOM KIPPUR Q: What is the proper format for Havdalah at the end of Yom Kippur? A: The Shulchan Aruch (O”C 624:4) rules that there is an obligation to make Havdalah with a candle after Yom Kippur. In contrast to Havdalah at the end of Shabbat, the flame must come from a fire that has been burning since the beginning of Yom Kippur. The Mishnah Berurah explains that on an ordinary Saturday night we create a new flame to light the Havdalah candle to commemorate Adam's discovery of fire which took place at the end of the first Shabbat in history. However, at the end of Yom Kippur we use an already existent flame to light the Havdalah candle to signify that the use of fire is prohibited on Yom Kippur unlike other holidays when we are permitted to use fire to cook with. The Shulchan Aruch records a dissenting opinion that one need not use a fire for Havdalah that was burning since the beginning of Yom Kippur and one can light a match and light the Havdalah candle from the match. The Shulchan Aruch also rules that we do not use Besamim for Havdalah after Yom Kippur even if Yom Kippur coincides with Shabbat. The Mishnah Berurah explains that we usually use Besamim during Havdalah to comfort our bodies with a pleasant smell after losing our Neshama Yiterah, the additional soul that we receive on Shabbat. However, since Yom Kippur is a fast day, we do not receive an additional soul and therefore no Besamim is needed.

LOOKING FOR SUKKOT & SIMCHAT TORAH KIDDUSH SPONSORS * First Day Sukkot * Shabbat Chol Ha’Moed * Simchat Torah We thank the following who have agreed so far to sponsor these Kiddushim:

• Drs. Michael Schneir & Rebecca Slomovic Schneier for Shabbat Chol HaMoed • Eddie & Hyman Herbst for Simchat Torah

If you would like to sponsor a Kiddush please contact our Shul Office – (310) 273-6954

Sponsoring Kiddushim is a wonderful way to commemorate a yahrzeit, or celebrate a simcha or any special occasion.


This group meets via Zoom every Monday, at 7:30 pm, to recite the entire Tehilim, praying for all those in need of a Refuah, for those wanting a child, for singles to find their soul mates, for the memory of a loved one, as well as for peace in Israel and the world. Anyone interested in joining our Tehilim group, by saying a few chapters, should please contact the Shul Office.

Young Israel of Century City • 9317 W. Pico Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90035 • 310-273-6954 •

Young Israel of Century City • 9317 W. Pico Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90035 • 310-273-6954 •


YOM KIPPUR September 15-16, 2021

By Rabbi Elazar Muskin

• Before Kol Nidrei begins, two Sifrei Torah are taken out from the Aron. The

Chazan circulates throughout the Shul saying Or Zaru’a LaTzadik followed by the

congregation repeating the sentence each time it is said. It should be recited seven


• After walking throughout the Shul, two people stand one on each side of

the Chazan holding a Sefer Torah during Kol Nidrei.

• On Yom Kippur day Yizkor is recited right after the Drasha as follows:

a) The two Sifrei Torah that were read from are held on each side of the


b) The Three E-l Maleh prayers are recited as follows: (Please refer to our

Yizkor Book)

• For the members of the Shul who have passed away

• For the 6 Million Kedoshim killed by the Nazis

• For those who have given their lives in defense of the State of Israel

c) Those blessed to have their parents are asked to leave the Shul quietly

after the three E-l Maleh prayers are recited and are asked to return

after Yizkor has concluded. (Refer to our Yizkor Book for a special Tefilah

to be said in honor of one’s living parents).

d) Av HaRachamim is recited after Yizkor.

e) Yizkor is recited during the first year of Avelut.

• The Avodah should be said out loud by the Chazan and congregation.

• The Aron is kept open during the entire recitation of the Avodah (Amitz Ko’ach).

• On Yom Kippur the Kohanim should have their hands washed when we reach p. 859

in the Birnbaum Machzor. When washing the Kohanim’s hands on Yom Kippur they

should be washed to the wrist just like we do on all other Yomim Tovim.

• The concluding Brakhot for Maftir Yonah should include the blessing of Al HaTorah,

that is said on Shabbat and Yom Tov morning (Unlike what is written in the

Birnbaum Machzor).

• We do not say Avinu Malkenu after Mincha on Yom Kippur. We say Avinu

Malkenu at the end of Neilah, sentence by sentence – first the Chazan says the

sentence and then the congregation follows.

• Two members stand on each side of the Chazan during Neilah. The Aron is opened

for Neilah as soon as the Chazan is ready to begin Chazarat HaShatz. It’s closed only

after the Chazan and congregation say Hashem Hu HaElokim seven times, right

before Kaddish Shalem.

Young Israel of Century City • 9317 W. Pico Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90035 • 310-273-6954 •

• At the end of Neilah the Chazan should skip Birkhat Kohanim because it is

after Shekiah. At the end of Neilah first the Chazan says Shema Yisrael…. and then

the congregation repeats it. The same is done for Baruch Shem Kevod… which

• the Chazan says three times and then the congregation says Hashem Hu HaElokim

seven times.

• After the Chazan completes Kaddish Shalem at the end of Neilah we blow a set of ten

notes just like we did during the repetition of the Amidah on Rosh Hashanah.

• We light the Havdalah candle from the light of the burning Yahrzheit candle that was

lit before Yom Kippur began.

• We recite Kiddush Levanah after Maariv at the conclusion of Yom Kippur.

• On the day after Yom Kippur, we do not recite La’Mena tze’ach after Ashrei. We do

not recite Tachanun until after Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan.


Please Note that Zones & Other Safety Violations Will Be Enforced!

Yom Kippur: Wednesday, September 15 from 5 PM Until Thursday, September 16 at 10 PM Sukkot: Monday, September 20 from 5 PM Until Wednesday, September 22 at 10 PM Shemini Atzeret Monday, September 27 from 5 PM & Simchat Torah: Until Wednesday, September 29 at 10 PM

We thank Councilman Paul Koretz and the OU West Coast Region office

for making these very appreciated arrangements for our community.


Young Israel of Century City • 9317 W. Pico Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90035 • 310-273-6954 •

Young Israel of Century City • 9317 W. Pico Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90035 • 310-273-6954 •

Young Israel of Century City • 9317 W. Pico Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90035 • 310-273-6954 •

Young Israel of Century City • 9317 W. Pico Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90035 • 310-273-6954 •

Young Israel of Century City • 9317 W. Pico Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90035 • 310-273-6954 •


FROM TUESDAY, AUG 31 - FRIDAY, OCT 1 (after Simchat Torah).

Please pay attention to and focus on the specific items they have listed and suggested in their flyer below.


Young Israel of Century City • 9317 W. Pico Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90035 • 310-273-6954 •

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