seo expert explains how to select keywords for seo projects

Post on 11-Nov-2014



Self Improvement



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Explains how to select keywords for search engine optimisation projects. Looks at Google keyword tool and explains the difference between exact match, phrase match and broad match terms.


SEO Expert Explains How to Select Keywords Using

Google Adwords Tool

brought to you

Google Specialist, Seo Copywriter

Conversion Optimizer for Hire

If there is one thing which you should focus on to achieve better results from your online business, then by all means, understand how to select & target the right key-words related to your speci�c industry.

Whether you are running PPC campaigns, or whether you are running search engine optimisation (SEO) projects, researching, selecting and targeting the right keywords will set you apart from the crowd by allowing you to bring the right type of online visitors to your website.

So let’s start learning how to select keywords using Google Adwords tool.


Type your industry keyword/s here

Very Important

Very Important

Estimates Only

Play Around with di�erent variation of keywords related to your online market

Keyword Match Types

When you target keywords, know that there’s a di�erence between singular or plural forms of the word. Example “service” “services”Learn More About Match Types Here:




When you check exact keyword research option, what will happen is that Google keyword tool will generate ideas according to the exact sequence of the keywords you typed in to the box. (Includes singulars - plurals or misspellings (You can use it to your advantage to �nd the right words)Example: [a�ordable seo services] will match [a�ordable seo services]Example: [Google seo specialist] can match [Google seo specials]

Means any phrase which includes your research keywords, and will also include additional words before and after your research keywords.

Example: “a�ordable seo services” OR “best a�ordable seo services” OR “a�ordable seo service for small business”

Broad option takes each of your keywords and just broadens it by adding more keywords to it (individual keywords or phrase to it). Example: <web design services> will match <web of links> <designing service> <services for web designers> <SEO services for your web site>

Note: if you are running Google Adwords campaigns, then be thoughtful about targeting broad terms only

Advanced Options and Filters

Note: Google Adwords tool is a free & powerful tool for you, there are many more options which you need to exploreLearn More About Understanding Keyword Tool Columns Here:

Locations & Languages

Only show ideas closely related to my search term


Depending on your online niche and where your target audience is located. This option will allow you to see di�erent set of data. Why is this important? It is very important because, if your audience is located in Australia, then their needs actually di�er. Meaning, perhaps prize is important to them etc. and if your target audience is in Japan, then perhaps customer service is more important to them etc.

In today’s world, more and more people are using di�erent sets of devices, such as tablets, smart phones, laptops and desktops. Working out which search terms are used in these devices will de�nitely help you.Example: if your potential customers are elderly citizens, then choosing desktop & laptops as device choice may be more suitable. And if your audience is are young people, then also choose all mobile devices.

You basically need to conduct searches with this option checked and also unchecked to see what Google considers as closely related search terms according to the ones you are researching. Remember your job is still working out the best keywords to target.

Now that we have conducted some research in to our industry speci�c keywords our visitors are more like to type in Google to �nd our products & services. You should download your �ndings (See option for Download on Google Adwords Screen) and keep it handy for the life of your search engine optimisation projects.

What happens now?By now you should have an idea of the type of keywords which you feel are the most logical ones to target. I won’t tell you to go for the one with lowest competition (don’t do that as your Google rankings are a long term objective) or highest competition. As that will depend on your own resources (time, e�ort and ability). So let’s continue;


Let us now use the search tool which Google makes available through its search option. So open an internet browser like Chrome and start exploring.

Let’s take “seo services” as our keyword example to start with for conducting related searches to �nd useful information.

How to Use Google Related Searches

Related Searches is Your Friend

It Gives More Insights than Google Adwords Tool

Now we have the related searches just a click away, what we do is research keywords, using both “related searches option” and also “the search box itself” what you should be looking for is overall insights Google is giving you through these two options. Ex-panding your keywords, longer and longer, which you will soon see many more key-words Google Adwords tool won’t reveal to you. Why is that important? It’s because people are searching these longer tailed keywords.



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How to Use Google Search Box


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Unknown to many search engine optimisation (SEO) specialists, you actually do not target keyphrase, but rather, you target individual keywords. Therefore, please take a look at these keywords “small business SEO packages for high Google ranking” and when you do, you actually shouldn’t see 1 long tailed keyphrase. But rather 7 indi-vidual keywords like this “small” “business” “SEO” “packages” “high” “Google” “ranking” because you can target each and every one of them and combine them in any order.

The modi�ers must be in logical order, meaning, let’s say that the target market was in SEO services. Then targeting keywords like “small ranking” wouldn’t be ideal. But we can instead look at this way;








small business seo packages for high Google ranking

Let’s See What Keyword Targeting Really Means

Looking at the sample keywords, here’s what you do, you combine all of them in logi-cal order according to your online niche like this:

small business SEO packages for high Google ranking

small business SEO packages

small business SEO

SEO for small business

SEO packages for high Google ranking

SEO packages for small business

SEO packages for Google ranking

Google SEO

SEO packages

SEO package

Google ranking

Google rankings

SEO Google


You See? You Never Target a Keyphrase, or evenworry much about competition when selectingyour keywords. As long as you have your chosenkeywords mentioned in the text of your web copyand if you attend to your o�site SEO properlyYou can rank an individual web page, for all ofthe keywords you choose to target. If you are worried about your web copy sounding vague due to many keywords being targeted, then, you can create coupleof webpages and link them together.

You See? You Never Target a Keyphrase, or even worry

much about competition when selecting your keywords. As long

as you have your chosen keywords mentioned in the text of your web

copy and if you attend to your o�site SEO properly. Then you can rank an indi-

vidual web page for all of the keywords combined. And if you are worried

about your web-copy sounding vague due to, too many keywords being targeted, then, you

can create couple of webpages for your keywords and link them together and still achieve high

Google rankings for all of your keywords.


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You Target Them All Combined

As you can see from the samples and examples above, targeting keywords for SEO projects requires bit of thought and bit of time. Spend your time wisely while researching keywords speci�c to your online industry, because you will save time in the long run when you follow this approach. Furthermore, your competition probably isn’t even aware of the potential of these longer keywords, or, they probably don’t know how to choose the right keywords to target.

And critically, when you do your keyword research along the lines as I have shown you, what you will begin to see is the intent of your visitors search queries, meaning, let’s say a small business owner who is searching for “seo packages for small business” is more likely to convert on your website (depending on your landing page conver-sion optimisation strategies) as opposed to someone searching for “SEO” as you begin to understand Google and people who search it, you will have an upper hand and see greater results from your online business.

I hope this information I made available has contributed to your SEO knowledge, and I hope you will be kind enough to pass it around and share it with those whom look up to you for giving them useful insights that they can use. As the saying goes “Give a man a �sh, you feed him for a day. Teach him how to �sh, you feed him for life”

Now That You Are Better Equipped

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