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Friday, November 25 ,490

CatskiDMouDtainNews Catered M Seoond £1MW ItatMv in H M

Poat Office at IfarcMeMU** N. Y^

CLABKB A. 3AKF<»D. Pabliaher


ROWIAN9 G. HUX, Editor

• Stthiariptiotw bjp auU $2 ycr year, nose «cccpted.{br leM A m one fear, strictly in etfrsnce.^ All «apscriiKi«M diacoatinnW »t cspiretion of febne f w which ordered.


In a half truth letter half ?

which is the

I took the screens off Sqnday-n novir the house is full of flies.

Wolf, chap who pi(dcs up your cbick instead of your check.

When they kiss and make up, iibe gets the kiss, he the make-up.

Even if you are on the right traidh:, you will be run over if you idt there.

Cirandfather often told me he Icnew when the flour was low by the splinters in the biscuits. -

There is a way out of the sugar shortage. Chap I know tapped a maple tree last Friday. By night he had a bucket of sap. Next day liis wife boiled it down on the idtchen stove and had a full pint of delidous maple syrup. Sap will n m these days when the ground freezes a bit at night and thaws daytimes. ,

Cat Holler, N. Y. Noveml)er 25, 1946

Bear Mountaineer: You should a "seen the hunters

liere the day the deer season opened. The road was lined on 1>oth sides with cars parked bumper to bumper while men stood shoulder to shoulder with guns in readiness. Them gims was Bomethin'. I saw ever3rthing from blunderbusses to Gatlin- guns to xtxdcet launchers. There was a few Hoosian and Jap guns too.

* ' • *

-The woods was full of men. There was a man behind every tree and some even brought their own trees. The score that first aaight was two goats, one bull calf, ,one horse, three ducks, one. man, a couple does and fawns and sev-eral bucks. My old grey mule had both ears neatly punched so he now can wear earrlhgs.

The One man shot really doesn't «ount for he wasn't really shot. Somethin' went wrong with his

^ i n , a p ^ ' of it flew back and ;liit< him in the eye. He says it want really serious as it was his glass eye that he was trying to find out if he could sight a buck With it. , » • *

About the only real excitement mas when a carload of hunters parked their car in old lady ISggins' flower bed. She want nj^ when they drove in but she -sore was up when they come back. • » • » •

She sat on the porch with her musket ready though 1 know for « fact the thing won't shoot. She liad let the air out of the tires and demanded a doUar a piece for Jier flower bulbs. > She loaned the men a tire ptimp and sat on the front porch makin' conversation even though it was some one sided.

. When the five finished pumpin' «p the tires they got in and tried to drive away but the wheels spun in the soft ground so they had- to get out and jack up the car and put some old planks under the wheels.

By the time they did ^et out on the highway Mrs. Higgms was there demandin' another five iron men for the holes the tires dug in her yard. TTiis time the men put up an argument but the old

; girl collected the five spote just •the same.

• * • / She was sati sfied with her day's

receipts as the flowers hsUht done much for a couple of years and she was goin' to dig 'em up any-way. She was in this momin'

quite disappointed that no one drove in her flower bed this week-end.

John Wood, his wife arid two daughters all got deer licerilses and there's a couple bucks hangin' ori the Wood's porch with the gals' license tags on 'em: These girls are doing* well considerin' that a month ago neither of 'em knew how toehold a gun.

John, he's been huntin' every day and says he aint got a thing yet. A feller in the. store the other day was guyin' him 'bout teachin' the girls to shoot in such a short time and they had got a deer suid he hadn't. He got real steamed up emd said he could

shoot as well as ever. • • » •

Later that d ^ a game warden went to John and asked Iiim 'bout the deer and a lot of other ques-tions^ John's answers was mostly noes. When the warden left he took his wife's license and his'own down to tiie town clerk's and tried to get his money back. Did not make out so well for he come home dannnin' the clerk and vowin' not to vote for him come next fall.

Young Jim Camp got pinched for havin' a loaded gun in his car. Old Jim was pretty mad abou^ it and is tellinr what he's going to do all up and down the valley. Folks is some iunused as they figger he had it coming'. It seems that a few years ago old Jim had bought a new car and about huntin' season young Jim got into it with a loaded gun and blowed a neat hole right through the back.

Delhi Women's Team Wins In IxKjal Bowling Match

There aint any news here, every-one is busy with Thanksgivin' plans. W e got a lot to be thank-ful for.

Yours truly, The Mayor

One of my new synthetic tires recently blew out. I went back to the chap who sold it to tell him it was no gpod. But he- con-vinced me it was my fault. Synthetic tires require more care than did the rubber ones.

He says if they are under inflated they do not flex or bend as easily as rubber tires, they are lazy," stiffer. This meikes. them

heat more. If under inflated they ^ t hot, this heats V the air inside and "boom" theV blow out. If inflated too hard Hhey are apt to go up to 40 pounds pressure, if driven fast. At this they vv"!!! blow if they hit an obstruction.

Test your tires cold. If you test them hot they may be low when cold. If the car is in a heated garage and is driven out into zero weather the tires will drop five pounds pressure. It is a study to keep them right; The best sug-gestion I can make is to test them "cold" at 25 pounds. Get a good gauge, often the filling station's gauges are not accurate. Synthetic tires are OK, anyway there is no other kind. If yours blow it is probably your fault. All I can suggest is that you study direc-tions put out by the manu-facturers.

Here, bowling fans, is the sur-prise of the week^Margaretville Firemen took the Mobilgas team for three games.

Sunday, Nov. 24, a ladies team from Delhi visit6d Margaretville. After two hours of bowling the visitors defeated a very good Msu:-garetville team, three straight games.

Team scores; Delhi 727 695 788 MargaretviUe 651 695 666

In the second game the Mar-garetville girls tied the game in the last framq, loosing in the play-off.

League standings:

Women's iLeague Won

Dugan & Taber..^ 20 Internationals 18 Pickup 16 Roxbury — 15 Bell - Myers 13 Koms 12 Dry Brook 11 Roxbuiy Faculty 10

Suburban Xteagae Won

Dry Brook 19 Kass Inn 18 Kelly Comers — 16 Andes — — 1 5 Denver 14 Margaretville _ _ _ ^ — 1 2 Roxbury _;____ 7 Roxbury Fire Dept 7

O i ^ n i z a t i o n l icague Won

Masons 22 Fleischmanns —_ 14 Bussys 13 Arkville Fire Dept.—— 15 Legion 12 Mobilgas 11 G. L. F.___ 10 Margaretville Fire Dept. 8

High, scores for week:' Women: J. Rosa, 183; M. Pfar-

ret, 179; B. Delameter, 178. .Men: F. Logwin, 222; G. Slade,

215; H. Garrison, 213.

Ski Club Expects 900 Foot Tow by Dec. 15

Lake Switzerland S M club of Fleischmanns hafe, ordered and expects in two weeks of a 900-foot tow to be built on the west side of Lake Switzerland. The land is ready. Over a year of prepara-tion has gone into the building. It is being financed by stock sold to various Fleischmanns business-men.

There are also novice and inter-mediate slopes separate from the tow slope. Several of the hotels will remain open. Plans are made for the construction of a ski hut at the bottom of the slope:

Gradually the Cats l^s are really getting into winter sports. The above plus* Belleayre and Uhoenicia will bring thousands to the mountains this winter.

Dunraven Ladies^Will Meet The Dunraven Ladies Aid will

meet at the home of Mrs. Orrin Marks Tuesday, Dec. 3.


mmm WAY



B A R & G R I L L Arkville, •N. Y. j

WEDNESDAY, DEC. 4 A l l L e g a l B e v e r a g e ^

D i n n e r s a n d S h o r t O r d e r s

Classified Ads - Cost Small - RMts Larg61

She IS a Big Girl Now

Andes, Nov. 26.—Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reynolds at a Delhi hospital Nov. 18 a daughter, weighing eight pounds ten ounces. She has been named Linda Marie. Mrs. Reynolds will be remembered as Ethel Bye, before her marriage. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Bye of Sidjney.

Got Good Bun. of Sap Andes, Nov. 26.—Israel- Winner

of Shavertown tapped some maple trees last week and secured good runs both Tuesday and Wednes-day.

The community-operated, Inde* pendently-owned telephone com-pany is typical of the American tvay. It is private enterprise de-voted to public service—service which reflects American inventive genius. As an Independent com-pany, 'we are proud of oar re* sponsibility to you. We pledge to meet it to your satisfaction*

Margaretville Telephone Exclmnge

In the Old days on the farm edl the hardwood ashes were saved during the winter. In the spring they were dumped into a "leach baurel" which drained into a cop-per kettle in the back yard.

* « H i

Fats were also saved during the winter. Some warm day in the spring the fats and the lye from the kettle were boiled and soon there was a quantity of soft soap. It somewhat resembled roily wa-ter except it was more mottled.

The family bought soap only for hand use. TCTie soft soap washed the dishes and the clothes. I do not recall the proportions of lye and fat, presume they differed according to what the spap maker desired to produce.

Housevwves of today have grease, they can buy lye. Soap-making directions fill house, farm and other periodicals. You, dear lady, can produce good washing soap, perfume it if you like. It is easier than hanghi' around the grocery store waiting for a supply truck to attrive.

Yours truly. The Mountaineer

Cmnplete T ^ t Drill for Bridge Shavertown, Nov. 27.—The drill-

ing for the Don Henry bridge that spans the reservoir above Shaver-tovm has been completed.



Two showings each night in the week; the first starting at 7 o'diodk, the second at 9 o'clock or very soon thereafter. Matinee (m Saturdays at 2:30,

Friday-Saturday Nov. 29-SO

^ J u n g l e Princess^* Dorothy Iiamour - Bay Milland


P l a i n s m a n ' ^ Gary CkKtper - Teaii Ai^iiur

Sunday Monday Dec. 1-2-8


'No Leave, No Love' V A N J O H N S O N


Wednesday-Thursday Dec. 4-5

"ThB Searching Wmd" Bobert Young - Ann Bichards


Her Adventuroiis Nighf Dennis O'Keefe - Helen Walker

Friday-Satonday Dee. 6-7

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Write or Phone fpr Personal Appointment fcHt iHearing Test and. I>^<^tration

Margaretville Furniture Store >

Phone 33 (Successor to N . I j. Lattiii)


LIVING ROOM SUITES Massive but not too large for the average size room.i The h ^ w o o d frames are carved, and the backs are button-Wl»d to "fit you.'» This suite will beautify your home ^ lie the envy of all your friends. Many styles ^ d fabrics to i^oose from. The perfect Christmas gift for the entire family.

Prices start at $164.50 for a 3-piece suite I

Lamps and Lamp Shades Floor Lamps

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New arrivals in attractive bases and beautiful shades.

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Lamp Tables In Mahogany, Maple^ Vliralnat'



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