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WWW.CFSJC.ORG • (574) 232-0041 • 205 W. JEFFERSON BLVD., SUITE 610 • SOUTH BEND, IN 46601

Senior Living Initiative

Senior Living Initiative REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP)January 2019

For more than 15 years, the Community Foundation of St. Joseph County’s Senior Living Initiative has supported high-quality programs and services that older adults need to be healthy, safe, independent, and engaged. Demographic shifts occurring with the aging of the Baby Boom generation provide additional motivation to intensify our focus on these needs that will continue to grow in the coming years.

By 2025, only six years away, the entire Baby Boom generation will be 60 and over, with the largest population growth occurring in those 85 and older.1 The U.S. Census Bureau projected that from 2010 to 2020, Indiana’s population of people 65 years or older will have increased rapidly from 13% (841,108) to 20% (1,370,000); however, a 2015 census review by the National Research Center, which conducts Community Assessment Surveys for Older Adults (CASOA) across the nation, found that adults over 60 years of age already make up 20% of the population in St. Joseph County.

While some older adults have the resources to live well, 30% of St. Joseph County’s older adults have income levels below 200% of poverty, which is less than $24,280 for a single person household or less than $32,920 for a 2-person household, using 2018 federal poverty guidelines. These income levels can make it difficult to afford basic needs, such as housing, food, and healthcare, and create obstacles in identifying and accessing available assistance.


Seeking effective, more comprehensive solutionsA number of overlapping and interconnected factors impact the ability of seniors to be healthy, safe, independent, and engaged. The Foundation seeks impactful ideas that demonstrate an understanding of the need, leverage upon existing services, and establish and/or form partnerships that will better serve our community’s seniors. The purpose of this request for proposals is to encourage a new level of vision, dialogue, and coordination across different sectors and providers to meet current and future needs. We are seeking proposals focused on solving complex unmet or emerging issues. We are interested in fostering solutions that address issues from a broad needs and solution perspective, not just the lens of one organization.

1 Administration for Community Living, Aging Integrated Database (2015). Profile of State OAA Programs: Indiana [Data file].

Senior Living Initiative REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP)January 2019

The Foundation has identified a number of priority areas as the focus of this opportunity. They are (in alphabetical order):

• CASE MANAGEMENT AND/OR CARE COORDINATION These services help guide older adults through often fragmented, confusing systems

of care and available services so they can make informed decisions that will lead to a healthier, more dignified independence.

• ECONOMIC STABILITY Low-income older adults can face foreclosure, bankruptcy, and the challenge of making

difficult choices among critical needs, such as food, medicine, and home utilities, when funds are low.

• HOUSING Increasing the availability of varied, affordable, good quality, accessible housing for older

people and/or building on existing best practice models that embed support services in housing

• IN-HOME CARE AND SERVICES Programs that support assistance for activities of daily living are key to allowing seniors

to remain in their homes. • FORMAL AND INFORMAL CAREGIVING A larger aging population also means increased need for caregiving. Informal caregiving

is provided by family members and volunteers who are in need of resources; more complex and medically-specialized caregiving depends on the availability of a long-term care workforce.

• SOCIAL ENGAGEMENT AND REDUCING ISOLATION Social isolation and loneliness adversely impact mental and physical health. Ideally,

seniors are able to continue to pursue their interests and maintain their social connections outside of their homes as they age.

• TRANSPORTATION Many of the priorities above are impacted by the availability of reliable, affordable, and

accessible transportation options.

Applicant organizations may also bring forward projects outside of these priority areas. All proposals include the opportunity to demonstrate the case for the need(s) being addressed.


Senior Living Initiative REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP)January 2019

• CLEAR DEMONSTRATION OF THE NEEDS Strong proposals will demonstrate a deep understanding of the needs and relevant gaps

in existing services, as well as preferences of seniors related to these needs. This could include how data and/or other information-gathering efforts have contributed to this understanding.

• INVOLVEMENT OF THE TARGET AUDIENCE A program presented for funding should indicate how seniors and/or other stakeholders

have been or will be meaningfully in involved its planning, implementation, and ongoing evaluation.

• CLEAR AND FEASIBLE OBJECTIVES AND PLANS • DEMONSTRATION OF CAPACITY TO IMPLEMENT Proposals should demonstrate the ability to implement the plans presented, qualified

and sufficient staff with the necessary competencies to reach targeted populations, and appropriate use of volunteers. Other evidence of capacity could include evidence of an applicant’s past successes or incorporation of best practices from the field, including use of evidence-based programs.

• COLLABORATION, COORDINATION & LEVERAGE Collaboration and/or coordination between nonprofit organizations, and with the public

and private sectors, can allow for enhanced and/or new responses to the wants and needs of seniors. When appropriate, plans should leverage existing, aligned community resources and assets.

• INCREASED IMPACT AND/OR REACH Strong proposals will include new, different and/or additional ways to reach out to

seniors who are underserved, overlooked, and isolated.


Additional financial support, in-kind contributions, or participation in partnership or coordination are means of indicating community support from the public and private sector. Stronger proposals will present a realistic, specific plan for obtaining support from other sources to ensure sustainability of funded initiatives.


Senior Living Initiative REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP)January 2019

AVAILABLE FUNDINGUp to $1.5 million distributed over three to five years. Multi-year requests encouraged and may include an endowment-matching component, if desired.

ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS AND PARTNERSNon-profit 501(c)(3) organizations, including aging and human service agencies, faith-based and other community-based organizations, and units of local government are eligible to apply. These potential applicants are encouraged to consider partnerships with other nonprofit organizations and/or the public and private sectors, to enhance responses to the needs and aspirations of seniors.

APPLICATION PROCESS AND STRUCTUREThe application process of this RFP includes both an initial Letter of Inquiry (LOI) and if invited, a full proposal, both submitted via the Community Foundation’s online grant system. While the Foundation is encouraging collaborative projects when appropriate, the application process will require a lead applicant to be the main point of contact for the online application.

The LOI will outline project partners and their roles, project description, target audience, and preliminary grant request and budget estimates. If an applicant is invited to submit a full proposal, that proposal will need to include a more detailed project narrative, timeline, evaluation plan, and sustainability plan, staff qualifications, job descriptions for new staff (if applicable), and related uploads including a full project budget.

USE OF GRANT FUNDSFor the purposes of this opportunity, seniors are defined generally as age 65 and older. Grant funds may be used for project staff salaries, which may include direct services, consultant fees, data collection and analysis, meetings, supplies, project-related travel, professional development, other direct project expenses, and a limited amount of equipment deemed essential to the project.

DEADLINES AND KEY DATESThe Community Foundation encourages all organizations considering a proposal to consult with Program staff during their proposal development process and prior to submitting a LOI.

LOI Deadline: 5:00 p.m. EST on March 15, 2019. The results of the LOI review will be emailed by April 1, 2019. Successful LOI applicants will then be invited to submit a full proposal, with a deadline of May 1, 2019. Awards will be announced by the end of June 2019.


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Senior Living Initiative REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP)January 2019

PROJECT EVALUATIONGrantees will be expected to submit, at minimum, an annual narrative and financial reports to the Foundation, and participate in in-person site-visit meetings.

STAFF CONTACTSThe Community Foundation encourages all organizations considering a proposal to consult with Program staff during their proposal development process and prior to submitting a LOI. Suggested Program contacts are Angela Workman ( or Emily Slatt ( Both Angela and Emily can be reached by phone at (574) 232-0041.

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WWW.CFSJC.ORG • (574) 232-0041 • 205 W. JEFFERSON BLVD., SUITE 610 • SOUTH BEND, IN 46601

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