self-sacrifice in the qur'an's moral teachings

Post on 30-May-2018






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  • 8/14/2019 Self-Sacrifice in the Qur'an's Moral Teachings



    in the Qur'an's

    Moral Teachings

    Would that there had been more people with a vestige

    of good among the generations of those who came

    before you, who forbade corruption in the land,

    other than the few among them whom We saved.

    Those who did wrong gladly pursued the life of luurythat they were given and were evildoers.

    !Surah "ud# $$%&

    "()* +"+

  • 8/14/2019 Self-Sacrifice in the Qur'an's Moral Teachings


    First published in Turkish in February 2004

    Millat Book Centre 2006

    Distributed by

    Millat Centre

    Translated by: Ron Evans

    Edited by: ay !illou"hby

    ugust, %

    #ll translations $ro% the &ur'an are $ro% (The )oble &ur'an:

    a )e* Renderin" o$ its Meanin" in En"lish(

    by +a,, #bdalha-- and #isha Be*ley. published by Book*ork.)or*i/h. 1 3420 CE3555 #+

    #bbreviation used:

    (saas-sall-Allahu 'alyahi wa sallam): May #llah bless hi% and "rant hi% pea/e $ollo*in" a re$eren/e to

    7rophet Muha%%ad8

    (as-'alayhi's-salam): 7ea/e be upon hi% $ollo*in" a re$eren/e to the prophets8

    (ra-radhi Allahu anhu / anha):May #llah be pleased *ith hi% her $ollo*in" a re$eren/e to the

    Co%panions o$ the 7rophet 9saas8

    !ebsite: http: ***harunyahya/o%

    ;4. Mount 1ailash

    )e* Delhi = 33006? ;ndia87h : >2@2A40. >2A4>>5. >2?A545

    Fa: >26>?6A. >2?@34A

    e%ail: s"a"anndevsnlnetin

  • 8/14/2019 Self-Sacrifice in the Qur'an's Moral Teachings


    o n t e n t s


    hapter $

    The ;%portan/e o$

  • 8/14/2019 Self-Sacrifice in the Qur'an's Moral Teachings


    To the (eader

    # spe/ial /hapter is assi"ned to the /ollapse o$ the theory o$ evolution be/ause this theory /onstitutes the

    basis o$ all anti=spiritual philosophies

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    re%ovin" the doubts in peoples hearts. as also veri$ied $ro% previous eperien/e ;t is i%possible $or books

    devised to e%phasiGe the authors literary po*er rather than the noble "oal o$ savin" people $ro% loss o$ $aith.

    to have su/h a "reat e$$e/t Those *ho doubt this /an readily see that the sole ai% o$ +arun Hahyas books is to

    over/o%e disbelie$ and to disse%inate the &urans %oral values The su//ess and i%pa/t o$ this servi/e are

    %ani$ested in the readers /onvi/tion

    ne point should be kept in %ind: The %ain reason $or the /ontinuin" /ruelty. /on$li/t. and other ordeals

    endured by the vast %a,ority o$ people is the ideolo"i/al prevalen/e o$ disbelie$ This /an be ended only *ith

    the ideolo"i/al de$eat o$ disbelie$ and by /onveyin" the *onders o$ /reation and &urani/ %orality so that

    people /an live by it Considerin" the state o$ the *orld today. leadin" into a do*n*ard spiral o$ violen/e.

    /orruption and /on$li/t. /learly this servi/e %ust be provided speedily and e$$e/tively. or it %ay be too late

    ;n this e$$ort. the books o$ +arun Hahya assu%e a leadin" role By the *ill o$ #llah. these books *ill be a

    %eans throu"h *hi/h people in the t*enty=$irst /entury *ill attain the pea/e. ,usti/e. and happiness pro%ised in

    the &uran

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    The &uran reveals a very i%portant truth: 4+ou will not attain true goodness until you give of what

    you love.5

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    So llah gave them the reward of this world and the best reward of the "ereafter. llah loves

    good-doers. !Surah l '/mran# $1;&

    /f anyone desires the reward of this world, We will give him some of it. /f anyone desires the

    reward of the "ereafter, We will give him some of it. We will recompense the than9ful. !Surah l '/mran#


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    T"> /M?2(T*> 2@ S>=@-S(/@/>

    2nly #llah kno*s the depth o$ a persons belie$. love. and atta/h%ent to +i%: 4"e 9nows what they

    9eep secret and what they ma9e public. "e 9nows what their hearts contain5arth in si days, when "is Throne was on the water, in order to test

    which of you has the best actions. !Surah "ud# A&

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    "e created death and life to test which of you is the best in action. "e is the lmighty, the >ver-

    @orgiving. !Surat al-Mul9# &

    Liven this. the sensible /ourse to $ollo* is that o$ true sin/erity and readiness to sa/ri$i/e. $or the "reatest

    virtue is to /o%e in $irst in the ra/e to do "ood deeds:

    Then We made 2ur chosen servants inherit the Boo9.But some of them wrong themselves, some are

    ambivalent, and some outdo each other in good by Allahs permission. That is the great favor. !Surah @atir#


    "ad llah willed, "e would have made you a single community. But "e wanted to test you

    regarding what has come to you.So compete with each other in doing good.>very one of you will return to

    llah, and "e will inform you regarding the things about which you differed. !Surat al-MaCida# 1;&

    Those *ho seek to do "ood in order to *in #llahs $avor a/t *ith "reat ea"erness. deter%ination. andsel$=sa/ri$i/e Their sin/ere belie$ "ives the% %any $ine %oral -ualities: trustin" in their sub%ission to #llah as

    *ell as re%ain /oura"eous. patient. %er/i$ul. help$ul. tolerant. subtle in %ind. and thank$ul in all /ir/u%stan/es

    They are not /au"ht up in any passion $or this *orld and the desires o$ their lo*er sel$. $or their "oal is to *in

    #llahs approval and %er/y and to attain 7aradise ;n other *ords. they are so atta/hed to #llah by a deep bond

    o$ love. respe/t. and $ear that they *ill "ive up everythin" *ithout a se/ond thou"ht $or the sake o$ that love

    ;n the $ollo*in" ea%ple. the "reat ;sla%i/ s/holar ;%a% al=LhaGGali 30?@=33338 sho*s us that hu%an

    li$e has no value that /an /o%pare *ith *innin" #llahs $avor and %er/y and attainin" 7aradise. and that those

    *ho /hoose to *in +is approval *ill be dee%ed *orthy o$ re*ard:

    Lets assume that someone has a very valuable and exquisite jewel. I he sells it or a low !ri"e when he

    "ould have sold it or a hi#h !ri"e$ would not this behavior be a loss to that individual and a #rievous error% At

    the same time$ would not this behavior indi"ate a dei"ien"y o labor$ a wea&ness o vision$ and a shorta#e o


    hus$ in "om!arison with millions and even the whole world and its "ontents$ the !raise and thin#s o this

    world that a servant will re"eive rom other !eo!le$ i not "ontented with the mer"y$ reward$ !raise$ and merit

    that he will re"eive rom the Lord o the worlds$ are as next to nothin#. hereore$ is it not a "lear error to lose

    these valuable oerin#s rom Allah the Almi#hty in return or these worthless thin#s o this world%

    I these worthless worldly thin#s are absolutely ne"essary to you$ turn a#ain toward the ereater and

    you will see that the world will ollow ater you. ee& only the a!!roval o the Lord$ the almi#hty *resen"e$

    Lord o the two worlds.he *ro!het (saas) states+ ,here is no doubt that Allah #ives the thin#s o this world in return or labor

    belon#in# to the ereater$ but not the ereater in return or labor belon#in# to this world. (al-uyuti)

    hus those !eo!le who #enuinely labor solely or is a!!roval and or the ereater will have #ained

    both this world and the ereater. In the same way that they lose the ereater i they turn toward this world$

    they may also not a"quire the thin#s o this world$ either. ven i they do$ those thin#s will not remain in their

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    hands orever. hey will eventually be"ome disa!!ointed both in this world and in the ereater. (Imam al-

    ha00ali$ 1inhaj al-'Abideen$ !!. 234-35)

    Believers See9 to ?lease llah

    7eople *ho do not live a//ordin" to the &urans %oral tea/hin"s see their lo*er sel$ as a part o$

    the%selves that %ust be /ared $or and prote/ted They do all they /an to $oster it. ,usti$y it. and brin" its desires

    to $ruition They arran"e their li$e. ideals. $riendships. and vie*points a//ordin" to its de%ands. be/ause they

    see it as a $or/e that they %ust obey and *hose every desire they %ust $ul$ill i$ they are ever "oin" to be happy

    But these ideas are based on *ron" belie$s. $or #llah reveals that the lo*er sel$ *ill al*ays lead a person

    into evil. unless +e *ills other*ise: 4/ do not say my DlowerE self was free from blame. The DlowerE self

    indeed commands to evil acts5 8 For this reason. only by renoun/in" it /an people be happy

    and /ontent ;nstead o$ a//eptin" its de%ands and bo*in" do*n to it. people %ust assert /ontrol over it and

    dire/t it as #llah *ills

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    +et you see those with sic9ness in their hearts rushing to them, saying# We fear that the wheel of

    fate may turn against us. But it may well be that llah will bring about victory or some other

    contingency. Then they will deeply regret their secret thoughts. !Surat al-MaCida#

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    4We feed you only out of desire for the @ace of llah. We do not want any repayment from you or any

    than9s.5 !Surat al-/nsan# 8&

    Situations That May (eGuire


    #llah /reated this li$e to test hu%an bein"s *ith "ood and evil For this reason. people %ay en/ounter

    sudden unepe/ted and disorientatin" events in *hi/h only belie$ /an enable the% to %aintain a "ood %oral

    /hara/ter and adhere to the &urans %oral tea/hin"s Their $ear and respe/t o$ #llah. as *ell as their deep

    belie$. allo* the% to rea/t in the %ost appropriate *ay *hen /on$ronted *ith unepe/ted and entirely ne*

    events Basi/ally. people /an de%onstrate sel$=sa/ri$i/ial behavior under /ertain /ir/u%stan/es even *ithout

    su/h belie$ For ea%ple. i$ they think that they /an "ain respe/t in the eyes o$ others or that so%e advanta"e

    *ill a//rue $ro% it. they *ill en"a"e in sel$=sa/ri$i/ial behavior But they /annot display su/h a %oral /hara/ter

    i$ so%e adversity happens to the% suddenly and *ithout *arnin"

    ;n su/h unepe/ted situations. believers are happy and %ore than *illin" to sa/ri$i/e the%selves *ithout

    a se/ond thou"ht ;n the days o$ our 7rophet saas8. he and his Co%panions *ere shinin" ea%ples o$ the sel$=sa/ri$i/ial %oral /hara/ter that /o%es $ro% sin/ere belie$ !ithout re"ard $or their lives or their possessions.

    they *ere deter%ined to die in order to *in #llahs approval *hen so%e people. %ostly deniers. sho*ed "reat

    en%ity to*ard believers !hen re-uired. they *ere prepared to leave behind their ho%es. $a%ilies. *ork.

    possessions. respe/t. and all the other *orldly blessin"s to ensure the believers /o%$ort. /ontent%ent. se/urity.

    and overall *ell=bein" 7uttin" our 7rophets saas8 se/urity above their o*n lives. they be/a%e ea%ples to all

    people. re"ardless o$ ti%e or lo/ation. o$ superior %oral /hara/ter The &uran tells us o$ the believers

    $aith$ulness to*ard our 7rophet saas8 and their sel$=sa/ri$i/ial %oral /hara/ter:

    The ?rophet is closer to the believers than their own selves. !Surat al-hHab# %&

    ;sla%i/ s/holars have passed do*n %any su/h ea%ples o$ the early Musli%s deter%ination. /oura"e.

    patien/e. and sel$=sa/ri$i/ial a/tions done solely to *in #llahs approval and %er/y and attain 7aradise Nivin"

    in a non=;sla%i/ so/iety. the Co%panions risked everythin" and believed in Muha%%ad saas8 as +is 7rophet.

    despite the unbelievers oppression and threats #t that ti%e. the po*er$ul and respe/ted %e%bers o$ the

    Makkan /o%%unity applied "reat pressure to %ake the believers re/ant and return to their an/estral idolatry

    Many sin/ere believers *ere deter%ined to resist in order to *in #llahs approval

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    reward of this world and the best reward of the "ereafter. llah loves good-doers. !Surah l '/mran#


    #nother verse tells us that the Co%panions kne* that all o$ these thin"s dre* the% /lose to #llah and

    *ere i%portant opportunities to attain 7aradise: 4*or will they give away any amount, whether large or

    small, nor will they cross any valley without it being written down for them so that llah can recompense

    them for the best of what they did5arth adornment for it so that We could test them to see whose actions

    are the best5

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    ll of that is merely the en7oyment of the life of this world. The best homecoming is in llahCs presence.

    !Surah l '/mran# $1&

    Ea/h thin" listed here *as /reated as a blessin" $or hu%anity +o*ever. it is up to individual hu%an

    bein"s to realiGe that these blessin"s are $ro% #llah and that they are obli"ed to thank +i% and use the% in

    *ays desi"ned to *in +is $avor Ea/h blessin" should dra* people /loser to #llah and lead the% to "ive +i%

    "reater thanks and better appre/iate +is "reatness. intelli"en/e. artistry. in$inite %er/y. and "enerosity

    ;ndividuals should al*ays be a*are that +e /an re%ove all o$ these thin"s *henever +e *ills and that. apart

    $ro% +i%. there is no po*er that /an help the%

    Those believers *ho are a*are o$ this understand that. apart $ro% #llah. they have no other $riends. or

    helpers. and that only #llah prote/ts and /ares $or the%. "ives the% their blessin"s and daily bread. %akes their

    *ork easier. and bolsters their heart *ith a sense o$ /ontent%ent and se/urity They are atta/hed to #llah *ith

    su/h a deep love and unshakable trust that their "reatest $ear is that o$ $ailin" to *in +is approval. pleasure.

    love. and $riendship There$ore. they avoid any a/tion that %i"ht /ause this by doin" their best to please +i%

    and /on$or% to the &urans %oral tea/hin"s;n a//ord *ith this sin/erity. they use every blessin" they have to *in #llahs $avor. $riendship. and

    in$inite %er/y $ /ourse. all o$ the thin"s listed above are blessin"s $or believersK ho*ever. they are never %ore

    i%portant than *innin" +is approval Believers are never "reedy $or su/h pro$its. $or they *ould "ive up any

    one o$ the% i%%ediately in order to *in +is approval

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    2 you who believe. 3o not let your wealth or children divert you from the remembrance of llah.

    Whoever does that is lost. !Surat al-MunafiGun# 8&

    There %ay be ti%es *hen people have to sa/ri$i/e not only their %aterial possessions. but also their li$e

    ;t should not be thou"ht that this is restri/ted to /ertain situations 7eople en,oy %any di$$erent blessin"s in this

    earthly li$e Believers kno* that all o$ these blessin"s /o%e $ro% #llahs %er/y in the $or% o$ a test. and so

    al*ays think about ho* they /an best use the %eans at their disposal to *in #llahs $avor

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    Wealth and children are the embellishment of the life of this world. But in your =ordCs sight, right

    actions that are lasting bring a better reward and are a better basis for hope. !Surat al-Lahf# 1%&

    Being ?atient and ?erforming Self-Sacrificial 3eeds

    The &uran tells us that people *ill en/ounter hardships and aniety as *ell as blessin"s: 4We will test

    you with a certain amount of fear and hunger, as well as loss of wealth and life and fruits. But give good

    news to the steadfast58

    ;ndeed. hardship brin"s out a persons true /hara/ter: /oura"eous or /o*ardlyK "enerous or %eanK

    hu%ane. a*are. and /o%passionate. or thou"htless and sel$ish ;n the sa%e *ay. the e/ellent /hara/ter o$ those

    believers *ho have dedi/ated their li$e to #llah and striven to *in +is $avor is also revealed under harsh/onditions )o %atter *hat di$$i/ulty or hardship they %ay en/ounter. they *ill re%ain stead$ast in the

    ea"erness and deter%ination that their belie$ has i%parted to the% Even in the hardest /ir/u%stan/es they *ill

    try to do their best and help others They kno* that #llah /reates su/h /ir/u%stan/es to test people. to see

    *hether they *ill en"a"e in the sa%e a%ount o$ sel$=sa/ri$i/e as they *ould i$ they *ere in a /o%$ortable

    situation For ea%ple. they /annot ,ust be "enerous *hen they are *ell=o$$. but %ust be the sa%e *hen they

    $ind the%selves in redu/ed /ir/u%stan/es They kno* that bein" distra/ted *ith their o*n proble%s and not

    /onsiderin" other peoples di$$i/ult straits are in/o%patible *ith the &urans %orality. $or #llah is pleased

    *hen they help those in need

    The &uran tells us that the believers o$ Makkah. *ho abandoned all o$ their possessions and %oved to

    Madinah to es/ape perse/ution. *ere *el/o%ed by the believers o$ Madina The latter took /are o$ the $or%er

    and "ladly shared everythin" *ith the%. even i$ they su$$ered as a result The &uran tells us about the Madinan

    believers the Ansar 9

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    prepared :ardens for them with rivers flowing under them, remaining in them timelessly, forever and

    ever. That is the great victory. !Surat at-Tawba# $&

    #li ra8 said that per$or%in" a/ts o$ sel$=sa/ri$i/e *as a "reat blessin":

    I do not &now whi"h o these two thin#s is the #reater in terms o #ratitude+ the irst is my 1uslim

    brothers a!!lyin# to me with a !ure intent with the idea o relievin# my need. he se"ond is Allahs ma&in#

    #ood his need throu#h my hands. I swear that meetin# the need o my 1uslim brother is more deli#htul than

    havin# all the worlds #old and silver by my side. (1uhammad 6usu 7andahlawi$ ayat as-ahabe 8Lie o the

    9om!anions:$ vol. 2+ ente0 ;esriyat$ !. 4

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    =et there be a community among you who call to the good, en7oin the right, and forbid the wrong.

    They are the ones who have success. !Surah l '/mran# $1&

    Moreover. believers *ant others to eperien/e the blessin"s and /ontent%ent that livin" su/h a %oral li$e

    brin"s The &uran says that leadin" a "ood li$e is possible only i$ people turn to #llah and live the kind o$

    %oral li$e that pleases +i%: 42nly in the remembrance of llah can the heart find peace5

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    D*uh said#E 4My people, / do not as9 you for any wealth for it. My wage is the responsibility of

    llah alone. / will not chase away those who believe. They are surely going to meet their =ord. "owever, /

    consider you to be an ignorant Dof true beliefE people.5 !Surah "ud# 8&

    The &uran tells us that the nu%ber o$ people *ho $ollo* the prophets advi/e is "enerally very s%all:

    4Those are the signs of the Boo9. nd what has been sent down to you from your =ord is the Truth. But

    most people do not believe5

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    /f anyone desires the reward of this world, We will give him some of it. /f anyone desires the

    reward of the "ereafter, We will give him some of it. We will recompense the than9ful. !Surah l '/mran#


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    3o people find it so surprising that We should reveal to a man among them# 4Warn humanity and

    give good news to those who believe that they are on a sure footing with their =ordF5 The unbelievers

    say# This is downright magic.!Surah +unus# &

    They say# 4+ou, to whom the (eminder has been sent down, are clearly cra#y.5 !Surat al-"i7r# %&

    @urthermore they say# 4 muddled 7umble of dreamsK5 4"e has invented itK5 4"e is a poetK5 and

    4=et him bring us a sign li9e those sent to previous peoples.5 !Surat al-nbiyaC#

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    Clearly. the unbelievers seek to "et the believers arrested. killed. or eiled But instead o$ doin" so

    openly. they set traps to stop the spread o$ the &urans %orality The &uran tells us o$ these traps in %any

    verses ne ea%ple is the /ase o$ 7rophet Nut as8 and his $a%ily. *ho% the unbelievin" inhabitants o$ the

    land *anted to epel $or tryin" to live a pure and upri"ht li$e a%on" the% 7rophet Nut as8 /alled upon the

    people to live a %oral li$e and to abandon their sha%eless i%%orality. but:

    The only response of his people was to say# 43rive the family of =ut out of your cityK They are

    people who 9eep themselves pureK5 !Surat an-*aml#

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    Say# 4all on your partner deities, try all of your wiles against me, and grant me no reprieve. My

    ?rotector is llah, Who sent down the Boo9. "e ta9es care of the righteous.5 !Surat al-'raf# $8

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    /f llah helps you, no one can defeat you. /f "e forsa9es you, who can help you after thatF So the

    believers should put their trust in llah. !Surah l '/mran# $%&

    2 ?rophetK llah is enough for you and for the believers who follow you. !Surat al-nfal# %1&

    But if they turn away, say# 4llah is enough for me. There is no deity but "im. / have put my trust

    in "im. "e is the =ord of the Mighty Throne.5 !Surat at-Tawba# $8&

    Even in the $a/e o$ hardship. sin/ere believers /ontinue to spread the %essa"e *ith "reat enthusias%.

    be/ause they *ant to outdo ea/h other in "oodness and be in the $ore$ront o$ those *ho *in #llahs pleasure

    They kno* that the sel$=sa/ri$i/e en,oined in the &uran is not li%ited to /ertain situations only. and realiGe that

    they %ust live every %o%ent undaunted by hardship and deter%ined to pra/ti/e this %orality This %oral

    /hara/ter is praised in the &uran. and #llah pro%ises the% the $ollo*in" re*ard:

    Many a prophet has been fought when there were many thousands with him. They did not give upin the face of what assailed them in the way of llah, nor did they wea9en or yield. llah loves the

    steadfast. ll they said was# 42ur =ord, forgive our wrong actions and any ecesses that we went to in

    what we did. Ma9e our feet firm and help us against these unbelieving people.5 So, llah gave them the

    reward of this world and the best reward of the "ereafter. llah loves good-doers. !Surah l '/mran#


    *ot ll cts Might "ave the Same Nalue in the Sight of llah

    Earlier in this book. *e re$erred to the $a/t that eperien/in" hardship and di$$i/ulties is an i%portant test

    $or distin"uishin" sin/ere believers $ro% hypo/rites The &uran reveals in %any verses that even those *ho

    live a%on" believers and display a si%ilar %oral /hara/ter %ay a/t -uite di$$erently *hen /on$ronted *ith

    hardship Many people /an put up *ith so%e hardship in an other*ise /o%$ortable environ%ent. but they %ay

    not sho* this %oral -uality *hen hardship o//urs ;n any /ase. only those people *ho have stron" belie$ /an

    really trust in #llah. re%ain /o%%itted to +i%. and stru""le to over/o%e their di$$i/ulties

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    The &uran tells us that the sel$=sa/ri$i/e o$ those believers *ho are eperien/in" di$$i/ulties is not the

    sa%e as the e$$orts %ade by those *ho are in the %idst o$ se/ure prosperity 7eople in need and those dealin"

    *ith their o*n proble%s. and yet *ho still "ive "enerously o$ *hat they have. have $ar %ore value in +is si"ht:

    nd how is it with you that you do not give in the way of llah, when the inheritance of the heavens

    and >arth belongs to llahF Those of you who gave and fought before the victory are not the same as

    those who gave and fought afterwards. They are higher in ran9. But to each of them llah has promised

    the best. llah is aware of what you do. !Surat al-"adid# $&

    ;n another verse. #llah reveals the real reason *hy people *ith *eak belie$ are relu/tant to en"a"e in

    sel$=sa/ri$i/e in di$$i/ult ti%es: 4/f it had been a case of easy gains and a short 7ourney, they would have

    followed you. But the distance was too great for themI5ver-@orgiving, Most Merciful5

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    intention: 4We 9now those of you who have gone ahead and those who are still to come5

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    T"> )((>*T /M?2(T*> 2@ M)S=/MSC B>/*:


    Fro% the be"innin" o$ this book. *e have stressed the i%portan/e o$ sel$=sa/ri$i/e as a de$inin" $eature o$

    the believers sin/erity as *ell as the %any opportunities that arise to pra/ti/e it There$ore. *hen su/h

    opportunities arise they should use the% to dra* /loser to #llah and help the% *in +is approval !hen *e look

    at the *orld today. espe/ially the Musli% *orld. *e /an /learly see the i%portan/e o$ pra/ti/in" the &urans


    !e see al%ost every day on television and in the ne*spapers all o$ the /haos. oppression. tyranny. and

    in,usti/e that results $ro% re,e/tin" this %orality

    !ar and internal /haos /ontinue to pla"ue people all over the *orld ;n 7alestine. Che/hnya. and East


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    >ast Tur9estan !Sin9iangOPin7iang&

    The Musli%s o$ East Turkestan have lived under Chinese /ontrol $or 2?0 years. and are still oppressed by

    Bei,in" #$ter Mao seiGed /ontrol o$ China. these Musli%s re$used to be assi%ilated Thus. plans *ere dra*n up

    to sub,u"ate the% Either as the result o$ bein" %urdered by the 7eoples Niberation #r%y or by a re"i%e=

    en"ineered $a%ine. 2@ %illion people *ere killed bet*een 3545=?2. >? %illion people *ere killed bet*een

    35?2=?A. 6A %illion people died bet*een 35?@=60. and 3>> %illion people *ere %urdered bet*een 3563=6?

    Those *ho survived *ere sub,e/ted to terrible torture and oppression Their oppression *as no di$$erent $ro%

    *hat the

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    Che/hen soil %er/ilessly killed every inno/ent person they /a%e a/ross. *hether old or youn". and be"an to

    bo%b /ivilian tar"ets +ospitals *ere parti/ularly tar"eted $or /he%i/al bo%bard%ent. inter o Islam and the !rin# o 9ome9Llobal 7ublishin": 20048

    The "ardships >ndured by hildren

    ne o$ the believers responsibilities is to alleviate the su$$erin" o$ /hildren Many /hildren live under

    brid"es. ri$le throu"h "arba"e /ans. and risk their lives $or very little %oney They have no ho%es and

    insu$$i/ient nourish%ent. and %any o$ the% die The nu%ber o$ /hildren *ho are sub,e/t to ill=treat%ent and

    violen/e. *ho are ne"le/ted. eploited. and seually abused. /ontinues to rise

    . 306 %illion /hildren died Most o$ these deaths /ould have been prevented #//ordin" to a

    200? );CEF report. 25.3?@ die ea/h day be$ore their $i$th birthday

    = The /hild %ortality rate is lar"ely due to %alnutrition ;n developin" /ountries. 3A4 %illion /hildren

    a"ed 0=? are %alnourished and under*ei"ht

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    = ;ron insu$$i/ien/y in /hildren under the a"e o$ 2 "radually %akes it hard $or the% to /o%%uni/ate and

    /auses %ental retardation

    = nly A3 o$ /hildren have a//ess to /lean drinkin" *ater ADespite the $a/t that 2 %illion /hildren a

    year %ost o$ the% under ? years o$ a"e8 die $ro% illnesses /aused by /onta%inated drinkin" *ater. the *orld

    re%ains unable to ensure /lean *ater and "ood health /onditions

    = More than 20 %illion babies one in $ive8 are born under*ei"ht under 2? kilos8 This is the %a,or reason *hy

    every year 4 %illion babies die be$ore they are a %onth old Bein" born under*ei"ht in/reases by ?0 the risks o$

    /ontra/tin" diabetes. /an/er. and heart disease in the $uture

    = ;n the developin" /ountries. >0 %illion babies do not rea/h their $irst birthday More than 500.000

    /hildren under the a"e o$ ? die $ro% %easles Every year. %ore than 200.000 ne*=born babies die o$ tetanus

    Every year. >A0.000 die o$ *hoopin" /ou"h and ?0.000 %ore die o$ tuber/ulosis #ll o$ these illnesses /an be

    prevented by va//ination

    = Every year. 200.000 ne*=born babies die o$ preventable illnesses in their $irst %onth o$ li$e

    = ? %illion babies die due to insu$$i/ient health /are durin" pre"nan/y and labor

    = Every year. 2 %illion babies under the a"e o$ ? die $ro% a la/k o$ pro$essional /are $or respiratory tra/kin$e/tions

    = Every year. 400.000 babies die $ro% pneu%onia and %enin"itis

    = Due to the dis/ontinuation o$ /a%pai"ns to stop the +;P#;D< epide%i/. every year 2?0.000 /hildren

    and youn" people /ontra/t this $atal virus

    = #;D %illion /hildren bet*een the a"es o$ ? and 34 *ork. and bet*een ?0 and

    60 %illion bet*een the a"es o$ ? and 33 *ork in dan"erous /onditions

    = ;n Thailand. /hildren bet*een the a"es o$ A and 3? are $or/ed to *ork in $a/tories $or 32=34 hours a day 0

    hildren and War

    = ;n the last 30 years. 2 %illion /hildren have died in *ar %illion ) 20028

    = nable to read the *arnin"s posted in *ar=torn areas. the nu%ber o$ /hildren killed or /rippled by

    steppin" on %ines in/reases every day ;n 50 /ountries. /hildren have to /ontend *ith 60 %illion land %ines

    pla/ed by *arrin" ar%ies and rebels Every year 30.000 /hildren are a$$e/ted ) report 20028

    = Children /ontinue to die due to the la/k o$ $ood and health servi/es a$ter $i"htin"

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    = ;n so%e areas. /hildren be/o%e soldiers in order to survive: >00.000 /hildren bet*een the a"es o$ A and

    34 are a/tively en"a"ed in *ar and ar%ed /on$li/ts

    = More than >00.000 /hildren throu"hout the *orld. %ost under the a"e o$ 30. have been abdu/ted and

    $or/ed into %ilitary servi/e Many "irls in this situation have been sub,e/t to seual assault ) report 20028

    The ?roblems of (efugees

    !ar=indu/ed poverty has $or/ed %any people $ro% their lands #lthou"h the *hole *orld kno*s *hat

    these people su$$ered durin" the *ar. %any /ountries do not a//ept re$u"ees These people *alk $or days and

    *eeks in the /old in sear/h o$ a se/ure pla/e to live and are o$ten $or/ed to "o $ro% one /ountry to another

    Today. there are approi%ately 23 %illion re$u"ees in the *orld # $e* ea%ples *ill be enou"h to eplain

    their need $or help

    00.000 1osovans *ere driven $ro% their ho%es and $or/ed to *alk

    $or days. perished

    ;n )ove%ber 3555. no /ountry a//epted those Che/hens $leein" on $oot $ro% Russian atta/ks Many*o%en. /hildren. and elderly people died be$ore rea/hin" the borders o$ Turkey. *hi/h did a//ept the%

    $ the *orlds 5 %illion 7alestinians. 4 %illion live in 7alestine and ? %illion live beyond its borders.

    %ostly in re$u"ee /a%ps More than hal$ o$ those *ho live inside 7alestine have been displa/ed and $or/ed to

    live in re$u"ee /a%ps ;n other *ords. nearly A? o$ the 7alestinian people have been $or/ed out o$ their ho%es

    by ar%ed violen/e and /ontinue to live under etre%ely harsh /onditions in these /a%ps

    #s 7alestinians *ere epelled $ro% their ho%es. ?>3 villa"es *ere totally eva/uated and 50 o$ the%

    *ere /o%pletely destroyed by the o//upyin" state The 7alestinians $or/ed $ro% their ho%es /ould not live in

    pea/e in the pla/es they %i"rated to The re$u"ees *ho settled in the as=yet uno//upied !est Bank and LaGa

    *ere sub,e/ted to $re-uent a""ression and slau"hter. a$ter the une 356A *ar. by air and land atta/ks The *orst

    in/ident /a%e about as the result o$ the atta/k a"ainst the re$u"ee /a%p at enin. *here approi%ately 3.000

    people died Besides this. %any re$u"ee /a%ps in LaGa *ere vi/iously atta/ked *ith "reat loss o$ li$e2AFor a

    detailed dis/ussion. see +arun Hahya.*alestine 9;sla%i/ Book 8


    The very short list o$ anti=Musli% a/tivitites should be enou"h to sti%ulate to a/tion anyone *ith a

    /ons/ien/e ;n $a/t. ho*ever. so%e people re%ain un%oved. thinkin" that these pra/ti/es do not i%%ediately

    a$$e/t the%. $or they are interested only in pursuin" the desires o$ their lo*er sel$ Even i$ these thin"s happened

    /loser to the% and they be/a%e %ore sensitive. they *ould still be %ore /on/erned *ith their o*n interests For

    ea%ple. i$ they learned that /ivil *ar had broken out in a /ountry *here they do business. their %ain /on/ern*ould be $or their potential pro$its as opposed to the people %urdered. the /hildren killed by /ruelty. or the $ear

    and aniety su$$ered by its /itiGens

    These people do not /are about *hat happens as lon" as it does not a$$e/t the% But i$ they /ould /han"e

    pla/es *ith one o$ the vi/ti%s $or only a %inute. their heart *ould %elt ;$ they had to $i"ht to survive. alon"

    *ith seein" inno/ent people bein" %urdered and $or/ed to endure hun"er and unbearable poverty. they *ould

    not be so /allous and sel$ish

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    +o*ever. believers kno* that the basi/ reason $or these troubles is that people do not pra/ti/e the

    &urans %oral pre/epts There$ore. they /onsider it a %atter o$ /ons/ien/e to spread this %orality a%on"

    others. $or bein" relu/tant. apatheti/. or un*illin" to do so only prolon"s the peoples pain and aniety

    ;n reality. the *idespread nature o$ these proble%s is a si"n that hu%anity is livin" in the End Ti%es. the

    period that. as revealed in the hadiths o$ our 7rophet saas8. *ill /o%e be$ore the Day o$ ud"%ent Durin" this

    ti%e. the &urans %oral tea/hin"s *ill not be pra/ti/ed and %any people *ill live in error be/ause they have

    not heard o$ the i%portan/e o$ the &urans %orality #t su/h a ti%e. every Musli% is even %ore obli"ed to live

    a li$e o$ sel$=sa/ri$i/e as re"ards his or her possessions and li$e ;n these hadiths. our 7rophet saas8 tells us that

    stri$e *ill in/rease. Musli%s *ill be oppressed and slau"htered. inno/ent people *ill be %urdered. and poverty

    and hun"er *ill "ro* *orse For ea%ple:

    In the nd imes$ troubles rom their sultans will ali"t my "ommunity$ so mu"h so that all !la"es will be

    !roblemati" or 1uslims. (Al-1uttaqi al-indi$ Al-?urhan i @Alamat al-1ahdi A&hir a0-aman$ !. B2)

    he our will "ome when violen"e$ bloodshed$ and anar"hy be"ome "ommon. (1unta&hab 7an0 al-


    At a time when the world will be in harj 8utter "onusion and disorder:$ itna 8strie: will a!!ear$ !eo!lewill be atta"&ed. (Al-1uttaqi al-indi$ Al-?urhan i @Alamat al-1ahdi A&hir a0-aman$ !. D2)

    here will be wides!read slau#hter$ and #reat strie will be seen. (Ibn ajar al-aythami$ Al-Eawl al-

    1u&htasar i @Alamat al-1ahdi al-1unta0ar$ !. B

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    The &uran states that #llah %akes believers responsible $or supportin" those in need:

    What reason could you have for not fighting in the way of llah 6 for those men, women and

    children who are oppressed and eclaim# 42ur =ord, ta9e us out of this city whose inhabitants are

    wrongdoersK :ive us a protector from +ouK :ive us a helper from +ouK5F !Surat an-*isaC# A

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    o$ s%all *orldly "ain ;n the +erea$ter. #llah *ill hold ea/h person a//ountable $or kno*in" *hat to do but

    leavin" the task to others be/ause it see%ed di$$i/ult

    ;n su/h a situation. a believer %ust $ind and ,oin *ith other believers to establish the &urans %orality

    throu"hout the *orld and stru""le a"ainst oppression and disorder: 4I spur on the believersI5

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    T"> >P)S> 2@ ?>(S2*= ?(2B=>MS

    Re"ardless o$ their o*n di$$i/ulties and hardships. sin/ere believers /hoose to please #llah rather than

    pla/ate their lo*er sel$ +o*ever. another se"%ent o$ hu%anity does ,ust the opposite ;n %o%ents o$ trial.these people. *ho assert the i%portan/e o$ supportin" believers. $re-uently sayin" that they have no other ai%

    in li$e. $or"et their *ords and even retreat *hen they see potential hardship /o%in" their *ay

    ne o$ the %a,or reasons $or this attitude is that they d*ell on their personal proble%s: $indin" a "ood

    ,ob. startin" a $a%ily. and investin" $or the $uture. a%on" others They /onsider satis$yin" these /on/erns to be

    %ore i%portant than strivin" to please #llah even thou"h the &uran states:

    2 you who believe. 3o not let your wealth or children divert you from the remembrance of llah.

    Whoever does that is lost. !Surat al-MunafiGun# 8&

    D... whoE are not distracted by trade or commerce from the remembrance of llah, the performance

    of prayer, and the giving of the almsJ fearing a day when all hearts and eyes will be in turmoil. !Surat an-

    *ur# 0A&

    These possessions and /hildren are blessin"s $ro% #llah $ /ourse. people %ay try to $ind a "ood ,ob.

    start a $a%ily. and en"a"e in pro$itable business +o*ever. these thin"s %ust never be/o%e the %ain "oals in

    li$e or divert the% $ro% the i%portan/e o$ praisin" #llah. *orkin" to*ard the +erea$ter. and *innin" +is

    approval n the /ontrary. all o$ these should help the% attain these "oals ther*ise. as the above verse says.

    these thin"s %ay have evil /onse-uen/esand /ause a persons do*n$all in this *orld and the +erea$ter

    By pursuin" their o*n interests and avoidin" sel$=sa/ri$i/e. they /annot "rasp the idea o$ #llahs po*er.+is %er/y and $orbearan/e to*ard believers. or +is prote/tin" and helpin" the% ;"norin" the $a/t that #llah

    sends their di$$i/ulties to test the%. these people think that they have absolute po*er and stren"th

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    But they did not *ant to sa/ri$i/e. and so "ave various e/uses. hopin" that our 7rophet saas8 *ould allo*

    the% to stay behind:

    There are only grounds Dof complaintE against those who as9 you for permission to stay when they

    are rich. They were pleased to be among those who were left behind. llah has sealed up their hearts, so

    they do not 9now. !Surat at-Tawba# 80&

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    /on/erns and personal proble%s. they ne"le/t their responsibility and. later on. *ill realiGe that they have

    o//upied the%selves *ith vain /on/erns and then be over*hel%ed by sorro*:

    =eave them to eat and en7oy themselves. =et false hope divert them. They will soon 9now. !Surat al-

    "i7r# 0&

    The kind o$ %orality that *ill brin" salvation in this *orld and the +erea$ter re-uires people to sa/ri$i/e

    their personal interests and possessions. as *ell as to live the kind o$ %oral li$e pleasin" to #llah in ti%es o$

    hardship. si/kness. and di$$i/ulty But those *ho kno* this and. nevertheless. yield to the su""estions o$ their

    lo*er sel$ and pursue their o*n interests and *ell=bein" *ill be /alled to a//ount

    $ /ourse it is irrational to ,eopardiGe ones eternal li$e by not bein" stead$ast in the $a/e o$ a %inor

    hardship and by bein" un*illin" to sa/ri$i/e 7eople *ho $ully realiGe this truth and kno* that #llah al*ays

    supports those *ho are $aith$ul to the &urans %oral pre/epts %ust *illin"ly sa/ri$i/e their interests and

    shoulder their responsibilities

    Further%ore. people %ust never $or"et that livin" a//ordin" to the &urans %orality *ins the% +is love:

    Many prophets have been fought when there were many thousands with him. They did not give up

    in the face of what assailed them in the way of llah, nor did they wea9en or yield. llah loves the

    steadfast. !Surah l '/mran# $1%&

    2ther >cuses for voiding


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    /onsider the &urans %oral tea/hin"s as their %easure in all thin"s The &uran des/ribes a sin/ere attitude as

    one that seeks $irst to *in #llahs $avor For this reason. believers /an re/o"niGe those *ho hide behind e/uses

    to avoid a/ts o$ sel$=sa/ri$i/e. $or their e/uses reveal their insin/erity and *eak belie$

    ;nstead o$ en"a"in" in a /ontest o$ "oodness. su/h people only super$i/ially adopt the &urans %oral

    tea/hin"s be/ause. as they o$ten /lai%. they do not have the stren#th.They /an use this e/use in every aspe/t

    o$ their daily lives. all the *hile /lai%in" that they are sin/ere and that their hearts are pure To /onvin/e others.

    they do not even hesitate to s*ear in #llahs na%e: 4They will swear by llah# '"ad we been able to, we

    would have gone out with you.C They are destroying their own selves. llah 9nows that they are lying5

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    #llah /an /han"e the te%perature or enable people to endure the heat Those *ho hide behind insin/ere

    e/uses kno* this Moreover. the $a/t that other Musli%s *ho $a/e the sa%e /ir/u%stan/es *illin"ly assu%e

    their responsibility also sho*s the insin/erity o$ these people

    ust as they re$used to enter the stru""le. they en/oura"ed others to $ollo* their ea%ple be/ause i t was

    too hot to i#ht. thers. as the &uran says. re$erred to servi/e and sel$=sa/ri$i/e as I$itnahJ The verse "oes on

    to reveal their insin/erity:

    mong them are there some who say# ':ive me permission to stay. 3o not put me to fitnah DtrialE.C

    )nGuestionably, into fitnah they have fallen. "ell hems in the unbelievers. !Surat at-Tawba# 18&

    #nother e/use used to /onvin/e those around the% is that they are o//upied *ith the a$$airs o$ this

    *orld #"ain. so%e o$ the people *ho% our 7rophet saas8 /alled to support the Musli%s sou"ht to avoid that


    nd a group of them said# 42 people of +athrib. +our position is untenable, so return.5 Some ofthem as9ed the ?rophet to ecuse them, saying# 42ur houses are eposed,5 when they were not eposed.

    They merely wanted to run away. !Surat al-hHab# $0&

    These people thou"ht that they *ould su$$er hardship. dan"er. and di$$i/ulty i$ they did *hat the 7rophet

    saas8 told. and so they tried to %ake e/uses by sayin" that they *ere needed at ho%e. *here they had

    i%portant responsibilities #llah tells us that they *ere lyin". $or they *ere $ully a*are that +e *as pleased

    *ith the 7rophets /all and supports the believers The verse "oes on to say that their overall "oal *as to avoid

    responsibility and sel$=sa/ri$i/e

    They use these kinds o$ e/uses $or everythin" i%a"inable Believers *ho kno* that people are su$$erin"

    %ust do *hat they /an to help. $or this is part o$ the &urans %orality But insin/ere people try to $ind a *ay to

    avoid this responsibility by /lai%in" that they do not have the ability to help. it is the *ron" ti%e. another

    responsibility is %ore i%portant. they are si/k. or they are havin" $inan/ial proble%s ;n $a/t. they /annot $ind a

    *ay to help be/ause they have no desire to do so This is the real purpose behind their e/uses

    ;n the %eanti%e. *hile they try to es/ape responsibility. the su$$erers o$ oppression are still oppressed

    and /ontinue to be /rushed %er/ilessly under harsh /onditions But those individuals *ho do not heed their

    /ons/ien/es /annot understand the severity o$ the situation ;nstead o$ $eelin" un/o%$ortable. they re"ard it as

    %ore i%portant to involve the%selves *ith their o*n *orldly /on/erns They also de/eive the%selves into

    thinkin" that their vie* is that o$ the %a,ority But they %ust not $or"et that everyone *ill be held a//ountable

    in the +erea$ter #llah *arns believers not to be in$luen/ed by su/h people: 4So be steadfast. llahCs promiseis true. 3o not let those who have no certainty ma9e you impatient and sha9e your firmness5

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    +e /an re%ove every di$$i/ulty and hardship that %ay arise. and so all people *ho pla/e their trust in

    #llah /an over/o%e every di$$i/ulty *ith +is help But i$ they try to es/ape their responsibilities. they *ill

    eperien/e pan"s o$ su$$erin" sent by #llah that only +e /an relieve Liven this $a/t. every person %ust

    /onsider these thin"s /are$ully and then put sin/erity and the desire to *in +is $avor above everythin" else

    The (eal (easons for voiding


    #s *e sa* earlier. those *ho think that bein" sel$=sa/ri$i/ial is a loss /o%e up *ith %any e/uses to

    eonerate the%selves They kno* that their e/uses are /o%pletely insin/ere. and yet their overall "oal is only

    to /onvin/e others and prote/t their reputation in other peoples eyes Moreover. the believers kno* this as *ell.

    be/ause they use the &uran as their "uide

    nbelievers kno* that they *ould *in #llahs $avor by bein" responsible and sel$=sa/ri$i/ial. but they

    /hoose to do other*ise be/ause their hearts are $illed *ith doubt and inde/ision:

    WhatK re they in doubt about the meeting with their =ordF WhatK 3oes "e not encompass allthingsF !Surat al-@ussilat#

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    per%anent and endurin" li$e is the +erea$ter But those *ith *eak belie$ lay %ore i%portan/e on this *orld. $or

    they /annot over/o%e their passion $or its baubles They $eel so%e /loseness to reli"ious %orality and to

    believers. but /onsider this *orld. their relatives. *ork. business. possessions. and respe/t to be %ore i%portant

    than attainin" #llahs approval They %ay not openly epress this. but their *ay o$ li$e and obsession *ith this

    *orld sho* the truth:

    Say# 4/f your fathers or sons, brothers or wives, tribe, or any wealth you have acGuired or any

    business you fear may slump, or any house that pleases you are dearer to you than llah and "is

    messenger and striving in "is way, then wait until "e brings about "is command. llah does not guide

    people who are deviators.5 !Surat at-Tawba# 1&

    Those rabs who remained behind will say to you# 42ur wealth and families 9ept us occupied, so

    as9 forgiveness for us.5 They say with their tongues what is not in their hearts. Say# 4Who can control

    llah for you in any way, whether "e wants harm for you or wants benefit for youF5 llah is aware of

    what you do. !Surat al-@ath# $$&

    These individuals also put their o*n interests above *innin" #llahs $avor. $or the $unda%ental

    insin/erity o$ their belie$ /auses the% to believe that pursuin" their o*n *orldly interests is the %ost i%portant

    thin" in li$e !hen they have to deal *ith a situation. they politely $ei"n interest and utter a $e* sto/k phrases

    ;n reality. ho*ever. they intend to do nothin" about it

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    They will not fight against you all together as a group, ecept in fortified towns or behind high

    walls. Their hostility towards each other is intense. They are full of bravado in each otherCs company.

    +ou consider them united, but their hearts are scattered wide, because they are people who do not use

    their intellect. !Surat al-"ashr# $1&

    Their $ear lets the% sa/ri$i/e $or and support believers only i$ their %aterial needs are assured and i$ they

    are sure that no one *ill har% the% #llah reveals several truths to these people. as $ollo*s:

    Say# 4@light will not benefit you if you try to run away from death or being 9illed. Then you will

    only en7oy a short respite.5 Say# 4Who is going to shield you from llah if "e desires evil for you or

    desires mercy for youF5 They will find no one to protect or help them besides llah. llah 9nows the

    obstructers among you and those who say to their brothers, 4ome to us,5 and who only come to fight a

    very little and are begrudging toward you. Then when fear comes, you see them loo9ing at you, their eyes

    rolling li9e people scared to death. But when fear departs, they flay you with sharp tongues, grasping for

    wealth. Such people have no belief, and llah will ma9e their actions come to nothing. That is easy forllah. !Surat al-hHab# $%-$8&

    #llah says that these people are be"rud"in" and sel$ish to*ard believers. that they *ill not put the%selves

    out. and that *hen they are a$raid they look as i$ they are s/ared to death Further%ore. +e says that they have

    no belie$

    na*are o$ #llahs in$inite po*er. their $ear /auses the% to deny their resour/es to solve other peoples

    proble%s !hile they %i"ht o$$er so%e support. they do not have the /oura"e to sa/ri$i/e their interests For

    ea%ple. the people o$ %any /ountries /ould be brou"ht up to *ork to"ether and to sa/ri$i/e $or ea/h other in

    order to help solve proble%s ;n the sa%e *ay. people a/t un,ustly. oppress others. and /reate environ%ents o$

    /haos and terror be/ause they have no $ear or respe/t o$ #llah ;$ they *ere told about the proo$s o$ +is

    eisten/e. the truths o$ belie$. the eisten/e o$ the +erea$ter and the Day o$ ud"%ent. %any *ould start

    $ollo*in" their /ons/ien/e. a develop%ent that *ould ensure pea/e and /ontent%ent in so/iety $ /ourse.

    radio. television. and the press play a %a,or role in "ettin" this %essa"e a/ross to the %asses

    Cons/ien/e de%ands that su/h people should not think only about their o*n advanta"e. but also o$ the

    needs o$ so/iety !here peoples lives are hard. so%e people *ho /ould help and are a*are o$ the proble%s

    re$use to help. $or they pla/e *innin" #llahs approval se/ond and are a$raid o$ bein" in/onvenien/ed and

    su$$erin" $inan/ial loss

    They *ithhold their resour/es be/ause they do not *ant to be put in a di$$i/ult situation or $a/e their

    disbelievin" /o%panions /riti/is%

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    The hypocrites thin9 that they deceive llah, but "e is deceiving them. When they get up to pray,

    they get up laHily, showing off to people and only remembering llah a very little. They vacillate between

    the two 6 not 7oining these or 7oining those. /f llah misguides someone, you will not find any way for him

    to go. !Surat an-*isaC# $1-$10&

    These people also avoid servi/e. sel$=sa/ri$i/e. and responsibility be/ause they live in aniety about the

    possibility o$ be/o%in" poor. losin" possessions. spendin" %oney. and $allin" into desperate poverty: 4Satan

    promises you poverty and commands you to avarice. llah promises you forgiveness from "im and

    abundance. llah is ll->ncompassing, ll-Lnowing5

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    "elp each other to goodness and heedfulness. 3o not help each other in wrongdoing and enmity.

    @ear Dand respectE llah. llah is severe in retribution. !Surat al-MaCida# &

    Believers *ho $ollo* virtue and their /ons/ien/e strive to eplain the &urans %oral tea/hin"s to others

    and end the in,usti/e that do%inates the *orldK those *ho are /au"ht up in their o*n proble%s re%ain on the

    sidelines #lthou"h they kno* that their help and support *ould please #llah. either their love o$ this *orld or

    their /on/ern to please others prevents the% $ro% supportin" those *ho have de/ided to sa/ri$i/e *hat they

    have in +is /ause

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    mong you are people who hang bac9 and, if you encounter a setbac9, say# 4llah has blessed me

    in that / was not there with them.5 !Surat an-*isaC# A&

    /f good happens to you, it galls them. /f a mishap occurs to you, they say# 4We made our

    preparations in advance5 and turn away re7oicing. !Surat at-Tawba#

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    *ithdra* it *henever +e *ills #llah says that those *ho set traps *ill never *in: I When the unbelievers

    were planning to imprison, 9ill, or epel you# they were planning, and llah was planning. "owever,

    llah is the Best ?lanner508

    ;ndeed. this ea%ple provides a "ood lesson $or those *ho take the &uran as their "uide Those *ho

    believe and live a//ordin" to it never think that shirkin" their responsibility *ill "ive anyone an advanta"e. $or

    the &uran states that those *ho think only o$ their o*n "ain and thus avoid any sa/ri$i/e and opportunity to

    *in #llahs approval *ill $ind their Ire*ardJ to be etre%ely li%ited and short=lived:

    @light will not benefit you if you try to run away from death or being 9illed. Then you will only

    en7oy a short respite. !Surat al-hHab# $%&

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    B>=/>N>(S 2N>(2M> T">/( 3/@@/)=T/>S

    T"(2):" M)T)= S)??2(T *3

    S>=@ S(/@/>

    Ti%es o$ di$$i/ulty. *hi/h are "enerally -uite rare. are a/tually very valuable %o%ents /reated by #llah

    $or believers to sho* the stren"th o$ their love. $aith$ulness. and sub%ission to +i% Moreover. at the sa%e ti%e

    they /an earn "reater re*ards $or the li$e o$ the +erea$ter They %ay not %ake a spe/ial e$$ort to en/ounter

    di$$i/ulty and hardship. but *hen they do they realiGe the reason *hy they o//ur

    The prophets sent throu"hout history eperien/ed eile. oppression. dan"er. and so%eti%es even death.

    but they endured it all *ith the ea"er ,oy o$ belie$ For ea%ple. 7rophet Husu$ as8 *as $alsely a//used and

    spent years in prison. leadin" %e%bers o$ 7rophet ;brahi%s as8 people tried to burn hi% alive. 7rophet Musa

    as8 *as threatened and oppressed by 7haraoh. and 7rophet Nuts as8 people tried to eile hi% But ea/h o$

    these blessed individuals re%ained $aith$ul. trusted in #llah. and sub%itted to +i% in the $a/e o$ thesedi$$i/ulties

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    s for those who ma9e llah their friend, and "is messenger and those who believe, it is the party

    of llah who are victorious. !Surat al-MaCida#

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    #bove all. our 7rophet saas8 sa/ri$i/ed "reatly in re"ard to his personal desires by "ivin" up *hat he

    *anted $or the bene$it o$ his /o%%unity. both in this *orld and +erea$ter +e /ontinually "ave o$ hi%sel$ in

    order to edu/ate those *ho *ere ne* to the &urans %orality

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    will never cease to come upon some act of treachery on their part, ecept for a few of them. +et pardon

    them and overloo9. llah loves good-doers. !Surat al-MaCida# $0&

    ;t is reported that #isha ra8 said. ,e was very ae"tionate and &ind in dealin# with the !eo!le. ;%a%

    LhaGGalisIhya @Clum ad-Gin. The Book o$ Reli"ious Nearnin"s 9)e* Delhi: ;sla%i/ Book hoever needed anythin# rom the *ro!het would have his need met by him or be sent away with

    !leasant words. is smilin# a"e and !ro!er moral values enri"hed those !eo!le.(6usu 7andahlawi$ ayat

    al-ahaba (Lie o the 9om!anions)$ vol. D$ ente0 ;esriyat$ !. 2K)#nother report %entions his %oral superiority:

    Ibrahim al-aimi narrates on the authority o his ather$ who said+ ,>e were sittin# with udhaia. A

    man said+ I I had been alive in the time o the 1essen#er o Allah (saas)$ I would have ou#ht by his side and

    striven hard or his "auses. udhaia said+ 6ou mi#ht have done thatJ I was with the 1essen#er o Allah

    (saas) on the ni#ht o the ?attle o Ab0ib. >e were #ri!!ed by a violent wind and severe "old. he 1essen#er o

    Allah (saas) said+ he man who 8#oes re"onnoiterin# and: brin#s me news o the enemy shall be ran&ed with

    me on the Gay o Fud#ment by Allah (the lorious and xalted). hen he said+ et u! udhaia$ 8and: brin#

    me the news o the enemy. *resentin# mysel beore him$ I #ave him inormation about the enemy. >hen I had

    done so$ I be#an to eel "old$ so the 1essen#er o Allah (saas) wra!!ed me in an extra blan&et with whi"h he

    used to "over himsel while !rayin#. o I "ontinued to slee! until it was mornin#. (ahih 1uslim$ boo& DH$ no.


    To"ether *ith his %at/hless %oral /hara/ter. our 7rophet saas8 devoted his li$e and his possessions to

    #llah: Say# 4My prayer and my rites, my living and my dying, are for llah alone, the =ord of all the


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    "reatly *orried the%

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    #llah revealed to 7rophet Muha%%ad saas8 that the Musli%s should %ove to Madinah !orried that the

    Makkan and Madinan Musli%s *ould $or% a very stron" union. the Makkan unbelievers tried to prevent the

    Musli%s $ro% leavin" They arrested and tortured so%e and inter/epted others

    ntil a /o%%and /a%e $ro% #llah. our 7rophet saas8. to"ether *ith #bu Bakr ra8 and #li ra8.

    re%ained in Makkah na*are that #llah *as prote/tin" the 7rophet saas8. #bu ahl. #bu Nahab. and other

    unbelievin" leaders de/ided to or"aniGe %ore verbal and physi/al assaults a"ainst hi% ;n this instan/e. they

    /hose a stron" %an $ro% ea/h tribe and de/ided to set yet another trap in order to kill hi%

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    we epect to happen to you is for llah to punish you either directly from "imself or through our hands.

    So wait. We are waiting with you58 They "ave up their *orldly possessions *ithout a se/ond thou"ht to

    inau"urate ;sla%s pea/e. /ontent%ent. and $urther spread a%on" their people ne hadith re/ords #sad ibn

    Quraras *ords about the Co%panions deter%ined loyalty:

    ,=$ *ro!het o Allah. J >hoever Allah wishes to be on the true !ath and whoever see&s #ood in all

    aairs$ all o these thin#s will be easy or them. >e res!onded to you with all we have$ believed in what you

    brou#ht$ and a!!roved the &nowled#e o Allah installed in our hearts. >e swear alle#ian"e to you in this

    re#ard. >e swear alle#ian"e to our Lord and yours. he hand o Allah is above our hands. =ur blood is beore

    your blood. =ur hands are under your hands. Trom whatever we !rote"t our own selves$ our "hildren$ and our

    women$ so do we !rote"t you rom them. I we ulill these !romises$ we do this or Allah and we than& im orit. = *ro!het o Allah$ I s!ea& these words in all sin"erity. el! "omes only rom Allah.2@

    #t the ti%e o$ the battle o$ Badr. durin" the se/ond year o$ the 7rophets saas8 residen/e in Madinah. the

    tiny Musli% /o%%unity *as unprepared $or *ar +o*ever. the Co%panions /oura"e and *illin"ness to

    sa/ri$i/e *hat they valued did not lessen By de/larin" that they ,will not hold ba"& rom any a"t o servi"e or

    sel-sa"rii"e$25#bu Bakr ra8 and %ar ra8 epressed their dedi/ation to the 7rophet saas8 #ll o$ the other

    Co%panions *ere ,ust as ea"er and deter%ined For ea%ple. Mi-dad ibn al=#s*ad. a /avalry%an *ho% the

    7rophet saas8 praised as bein" *orth a thousand soldiers. never /o%pro%ised his belie$ in #llah despite all o$

    the torture unleashed a"ainst hi% ;n $a/t. he said:

    = *ro!het o Allah. ell us what Allah "ommands us 8to do:$ and we will obey you. >e do not say$ as the

    Fews said to *ro!het 1usa+ ,6ou #o with your Lord and i#ht the enemyO J >e will wait here. All o us are

    ready to i#ht on your ri#ht$ on your let$ beore you$ and behind you.>0

    ;n all thin"s. the Co%panions kne* that 4The ?rophet is closer to the believers than their own selves5

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    7rophets saas8 side. Talha $ainted $ro% a loss o$ blood !hen he /a%e to hi%sel$. he /ared only about the

    7rophet saas8:

    =ur beloved *ro!het (saas) told Abu ?a&r to run at on"e to hel! alha. Abu ?a&r s!rin&led holy water

    over alhas a"e to brin# him around. As soon as alha awo&e he as&ed+ ,=$ Abu ?a&r. ow is the *ro!het%

    8Abu ?a&r re!lied+: ,he *ro!het is well. It was he who sent me. 8alha said+: ,Ininite than&s to Allah. I he

    is alive$ all suerin#s are as nothin#.

    #s *e /an see. the Co%panions /o%peted in sin/erity and $aith$ulness a%on" the%selves $or the honor o$

    shieldin" the 7rophet saas8 #s a result. #llah %ade the% a sour/e o$ inspiration $or all Musli%s Their sin/ere

    stru""le. sin/ere ,oy o$ belie$. love $or #llah. and dedi/ation to the 7rophet saas8 led to ;sla%s rapid spread

    throu"hout the *orld by #llahs per%ission8 and to %ass /onversions

    !hen *e look at their lives. *e see that all o$ the%. ,ust like Talha. $irst thou"ht o$ the 7rophet saas8.

    other Musli%s. and the spread o$ ;sla% re"ardless o$ their o*n personal /ir/u%stan/es Even in the ar%s o$

    death. their $irst -uestions *ere about his se/urity. the /ondition o$ the Musli%s. and *hether or not the battle

    had been *on Lood ne*s *ith re"ard to these thin"s /heered the%

    ne o$ the $inest ea%ples o$ this %oral /hara/ter *as $ound in an=)uS%an ibn Mu-arrin al=MuGani. *ho,oined the 7rophet saas8 in the de$eat o$ Makkah and the Battle o$ +unayn This /o%%ander died durin" an

    epedition that %ar ra8 ordered a"ainst ;ran But even as he lay dyin". his %ain /on/ern re%ained the Musli%

    /o%%unitys se/urity and su//ess Tellin" others not to *orry about hi%. he ur"ed the soldiers to /ontinue


    ;u@man ibn 1uqarrin mounted his horse and toured the troo!s. e sto!!ed beside every standard and

    en"oura#ed them to battle. e then said+ ,I anyone is martyred$ even mysel$ let nobody #ather around him.

    Let nobody han# ba"& rom the atta"&. A ier"e battle too& !la"e. ;u@man$ "ommander o the army o Islam$

    ell. ,*la"e a #arment over me$ atta"& the oe without waitin#$ and do not let my state alarm you or "ause you

    to relax.

    >hen ;u@man was wounded and ell$ I went to his side. Nememberin# his words that nobody should lose

    time with anyone else$ even or him$ I did not lin#er. he *ersian army was deeated. he battle was over. I

    went to ;u@man. e was about to die. e as&ed me+ ,>hat did the 1uslims do% 8I re!lied+: ,Allah #ave us

    vi"tory. 8e said+: ,AlhamdulillahO ;u@man ibn 1uqarrin then breathed his last and ex!ired.

    ther ea%ples o$ "reat sel$=sa/ri$i/e /an be seen in those Co%panions. re"ardless o$ a"e. *hose love $or

    #llah. enthusias% $or +is reli"ion. and $aith$ulness to the 7rophet saas8 %ade the% desire to $ollo* hi% into

    battle #bu 6!e /an see that these blessed people spent their *hole lives

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    strivin" to *in #llahs approval and. despite their a"e. they *ere so inspired by ;sla% that they $ound enou"h

    physi/al stren"th to $i"ht

    ;n addition to the /hildren and old %en. another "roup o$ Co%panions stands out be/ause o$ their

    $aith$ulness. /oura"e. and sel$=sa/ri$i/e: pious *o%en ne o$ the%. %% S%ara )asiba bint 1aab distributed

    *ater to the *arriors and banda"ed their *ounds Earlier. at #-aba. she had parti/ipated in the oath=takin"

    /ere%ony that Ithey *ould prote/t #llahs 7rophet saas8 like they prote/ted the%selves. their *o%en. and their

    /hildrenJ e were six in number and had (with us) only one "amel whi"h we rode turn by turn. =ur

    eet were injured. 1y eet were so badly injured that my nails "ame o. >e$ thereore$ banda#ed our eet with

    ra#s$ so this ex!edition was "alled Ghat-ur-Niqa@ (i.e. the ex!edition o ra#s.)U43

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    MusSab ibn %ayr. *ho /arried the Musli% standard and had stayed by our 7rophets saas8 side at

    hud. is an i%portant role %odel o$ deter%ined sel$=sa/ri$i/e #$ter he lost his ri"ht ar%. he raised the standard

    in his le$t ar% !hen he lost that ar%. he %ade his body a shield to de$end the 7rophet saas8 +e eventually

    *as killed by a spear

    &atada ibn )uS%an is also kno*n $or his devotion and sel$=sa/ri$i/e to*ard our 7rophet saas8:

    he *ro!het had been #iven a bow. =n the Gay o Chud$ he #ave that bow to me. I remained by the

    *ro!hets side$ shootin# arrows with it$ until it no lon#er served any !ur!ose. hen$ or the whole day$ I made

    mysel a shield a#ainst any arrows that mi#ht stri&e him. An arrow ired at him would ind me beore hittin# its

    tar#et. ventually$ an arrow "ame and one o my eyeballs !rotrudedJ

    =n the Gay o Chud$ I !rote"ted the *ro!hets a"e with my a"e$ and Abu Gujana ima&$ an Ansari$

    !rote"ted his ba"& with his own ba"&. hat day$ many arrows stru"& Abu Gujanas ba"&.

    ;bn ;sha- narrates an ea%ple o$ the sel$=sa/ri$i/ial enthusias% that Musli%s displayed. /o%%itted to

    *innin" #llahs approval:

    I was !resent at the ?attle o Chud. 1y brother was also there. >e both let the battle wounded. >hen

    the *ro!hets herald de"lared+ ,veryone will ollow the enemy$ I said to my brother+ ,Lets not miss i#htin#to#ether with the *ro!het. I swear to Allah$ we had no animal to ride and were both severely wounded. >e set

    out to#ether with the *ro!het. ?ut I was less heavily wounded than my brother. >hen he ell exhausted$ I

    "arried him a little on my ba"&$ and he wal&ed a little. his went on until the 1uslims rea"hed their destination.

    The &uran announ/es the "ood ne*s o$ 7aradise to all sin/ere Musli%s *ho. like the Co%panions.

    voluntarily sa/ri$i/e their o*n interests and possessions to *in #llahs approval:

    Their =ord responds to them# 4/ will not let the deeds of any doer among you go to waste, male or

    female 6 you are both the same in that respect. Those who migrated and were driven from their homes,

    and who suffered harm in My way and fought and were 9illed, / will erase their bad actions and admit

    them into :ardens with rivers flowing under them, as a reward from llah. The best of all rewards is

    with llah.5 !Surah l '/mran# $8

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    arth belongs to "imF Those of you who gave and fought before the

    victory are not the same as those who gave and fought afterwards. They are higher in ran9. But to each

    of them llah has promised the best. llah is aware of what you do5ach person faces a particular direction, so race each other to the good. Wherever you are, llah

    will bring you all together. Truly, llah has power over all things. !Surat al-BaGara# $1;&

    #t a ti%e *hen the unbelievers $or/ed the Musli%s to endure the /onstant threat o$ starvation. thirst. /old.

    si/kness. oppression. and torture. they donated their vineyards and "ardens. *ells. houses and $ood. and %aterial

    possessions Talha ibn baydullah. %entioned above. *as a pri%e ea%ple o$ this attitude #t a ti%e *hen

    Musli%s *ere in "reatest need. he bou"ht a *ell and o$$ered it to the%:

    o that the 1uslims would not suer thirst durin# the battle o Ghil Earada$ alha bou#ht a well and

    donated it to the aithul. At that time$ buyin# and donatin# a well was an a"t o enormous #enerosity. ?y

    himsel$ he ed the "ombatants durin# the ?attle o Csra. is daily in"ome was a thousand !ie"es o #old. e

    wat"hed over the or!haned$ met the needs o the !oor$ and hel!ed the hel!less. e #ave money to the needy. All

    o the needs o the ?anu aym 8tribe: were met with his hel!. alha ound husbands or their widows and !aid

    the debts o the indebted.

    #bu Talha. *ho /a%e $ro% one o$ Madinahs ri/hest $a%ilies. "ave all he had to *in #llahs approval

    and sho*ed the sa%e $ine %oral -ualities:1ali& related to me that Ishaq ibn Abdullah ibn Abi alha heard Anas ibn 1ali& say+ ,Abu alha had

    the #reatest amount o !ro!erty in !alm-trees amon# the Ansar in 1adinah. is dearest !ie"e o !ro!erty was

    ?ayruha$ whi"h was in ront o the mosque. he 1essen#er o Allah$ may Allah bless him and #rant him !ea"e$

    used to #o into it and drin& rom the !leasant water that was in it.

    Anas "ontinued+ ,>hen the verse '6ou will not obtain ri#htness o a"tion until you ex!end o what you

    love$ (urat al-?aqara+ l

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    !ea"e$ and said+ '= 1essen#er o Allah. Allah$ the ?lessed$ the xalted$ has said+ ,6ou will not obtain

    ri#htness o a"tion until you ex!end o what you love. he !ro!erty whi"h I love the best is ?ayruha. It is

    sadaqa 8alms: or Allah. I ho!e or its #ood and or it to be stored u! with Allah. *la"e it wherever you wish$ =

    1essen#er o Allah.

    #nother Co%panion noted $or his "enerous spirit *as

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    Who is BediuHHaman Said *ursiF

    in the villa"e o$ )urs Bitlis provin/e8 and died in 3

    Mar/h in/ident. but *as later released

    #$ter this in/ident. he returned to eastern #natolia re"ion o$ Turkey !hen !orld !ar ; broke out. he

    and his students $ou"ht in a territorial %ilitia that he had $ounded +e served as a volunteer re"i%ental

    /o%%ander and *as /aptured in Russia #$ter three years in a

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    %onths in prison and /o%pulsory residen/ein 1asta%onuK $i$teen o$ his students *ere senten/ed to si %onths


    ;n 354>. *hile he *as in 1asta%onu under surveillan/e. he *as a"ain arrested on a *arrant $ro% the state

    prose/utor in ;sparta #lthou"h he *as very ill. he *as taken to #nkara and $ro% there to ;sparta by train !hen

    the /ourt /ases re"ardin" the Nisales *ere /o%bined *ith those in DeniGli. atte%pts on his li$e. three o//urred in E%irda" But durin" these years. his students /opied the

    Nisales$both by hand and by %a/hine. and so the %essa"e o$ the &uran *as /o%%uni/ated to a *ide audien/e

    ;n 3544. *hen the de/ision by the DeniGli Cri%inal Court *as /on$ir%ed by the 0 years either in prison or in

    eile #nd yet so%eho* durin" all o$ these trials he %ana"ed to /o%plete the 6.000 pa"e Nisale-i ;ur


    Throu"hout his lon" li$e. he never on/e lost his $aith or deter%ination +is /oura"e and patient trust in

    #llah. as *ell as his intelli"en/e. per/eption. insi"ht. %er/y. /o%passion. and sin/erity. %ake hi% an i%portant

    ea%ple $or all Musli%s +e sa* sel$=sa/ri$i/e as an absolutely ne/essary part o$ spreadin" the &urans %oral

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    tea/hin"s and epe/ted his students to be ,ust as deter%ined in $ul$illin" this responsibility: ,6es$ my brothersO

    An ininite resistan"e$ levelheadedness$ and an ininite sel-sa"rii"e need to be borne at this time o su"h

    terriyin# trends and events that will ro"& the worldJ

    +is students pra/ti/ed the hi"h %oral -ualities that they learned $ro% hi% and *ere deter%ined to spread

    the tea/hin"s o$ the &uran and theNisalesthrou"h their o*n sel$=sa/ri$i/al a/ts and sin/erity

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    Anyone who reads the Nisale-i ;ur will orm the im!ression that it has been written just or him/her$ and

    will rele"t eelin# a #reat enthusiasm and a stron# need. u"h wor&s are emer#in# 8rom these writin#s: that

    Eurani" truths that will sui"e and res!ond to the requirements o all !eo!le o this and uture "enturies with

    re#ard to aith$ Islam$ the mind$ the soul$ the heart$ and the intelle"t are bein# bestowed J

    ne o$ his students relates henever this

    se"ret a!!ears in the east$ my ellow "iti0ens will !erorm #reat servi"es or reli#ion.

    ;n on ahitler The Nast !itnesses8. his students speak o$ their %asters *illin" and deter%ined sel$=

    sa/ri$i/e to /o%%uni/ate the &urans %oral tea/hin"s:

    >henever there arose an issue re#ardin# the Euran and the Nisales$ the 1aster would assume the vi#or

    o a youth o 25.>hen we rea"hed ?arla$ he i#nored ati#ue and illness. >e never saw the 1aster uno""u!ied.63

    >e never saw the 1aster uno""u!ied durin# all o the lon# years that we were with him. e would either

    read or ma&e "orre"tions$ or have others read and listen.62

    1y brother$ I "on#ratulate you. han&s to the 1aster we have be"ome writers. =ut o ear we had been

    unable to write wor&s or to instru"t anyone J ?ut his !urity$ ae"tion$ "om!assion$ humility$ "oura#e$ and

    heroism over"ame all thin#s.

    Said *ursi Spread the Message under the Most 3ifficult onditions

    ;n spite o$ all these obsta/les.

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    and s!iritual enli#htenment. is daily a"tivity o !rote"tin# several !eo!les belie and turnin# monsters into

    an#eli" human bein#s was$ or him$ a ha!!iness not to be ex"han#ed or worlds.

    !e see $ro% this that it *as a su$$i/ient re*ard $or his troubles i$ only one person /a%e to love belie$

    Throu"h hi%. %any people e%bra/ed the &urans %oral tea/hin"s:

    e was thrown rom one !rison into another. han&s to him$ jails and !risons turned into a 1adrasa-i

    6usuiya 8"hool o 6usu:. aid ;ursi illuminated jails$ illuminated hearts. In the a"e o this monument to

    aith$ many ra#in# murderers and deviants were sotened$ as i they were re-"reated. All be"ame #entle and

    #ood-tem!ered believers and #ood "iti0ens J >hi"h o your s"hools or edu"ation systems has done or "ould do

    su"h thin#s% hey exiled him rom one !la"e to another. very !la"e o exile be"ame his homeland. >herever

    he went$ wherever he was exiled$ he was surrounded by !ure$ "lean believers. hi"& !rison walls "ould not

    se!arate him rom his brothers/sisters in reli#ion. hese material obsta"les between the #reat tea"her and his

    students be"ame beauteous thin#s$ than&s to his reli#ion$ love$ and belie. hese restri"tions and limitations

    im!osed by brute or"e and dead matter "aused #reat waves in the o"eans o the souls world. hese waves

    be#an rom villa#e rooms and enolded all !la"es$ as ar as the university #ates. he "hildren o the "ountry$

    whose holy thin#s had been tram!led on or years$ the ruined #enerations$ those thirstin# or belie$ ran to his!ath and his li#ht. he 1asters treatises were !assed rom hand to hand$ ton#ue to ton#ue$ !rovin"e to

    !rovin"e. veryone$ youn# or old$ i#norant or learned$ rom ei#ht to ei#hty$ #ot somethin# out o them and was

    illuminated by their li#ht.

    "e Spread "is Message while in ?rison and >ile

    atte%pts *ere %ade

    to poison hi% +e *as i%prisoned *ith %urderers and dan"erous /ri%inals. $orbidden to speak *ith his

    students. and kept apart $ro% all o$ his brothers in /ause But even under su/h di$$i/ult /onditions. he al*ays

    thou"ht $irst o$ other peoples happiness and *ell=bein" both in this *orld and the +erea$ter +e /onstantly

    /alled other people to belie$ and tried to "et the% to e%bra/e the &urans %oral tea/hin"s

    >ile in Burdur, /sparta, and Barla

    ;n 352?.

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    >s9isehir ?rison

    ;n Eskisehir prison. ile in Lastamonu

    For the $irst %onth o$ his /o%pulsory residen/e in 1asta%onu. ile in >mirdag

    #$ter 1asta%onu.

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    *ere sent to #$yon prison $or the duration o$ their trials #s had happened be$ore. they *ere %istreated #t this

    ti%e. even thou"h he *as A0 years old and ill. he *as le$t by hi%sel$ in a dor%itory bi" enou"h $or 60 people

    ;n spite o$ the i/e on the broken *indo*s on /old *inter ni"hts. he *as not %oved to other -uarters To %ake

    %atters even *orse. he *as poisoned several ti%es n the pretet o$ prote/tin" hi% $ro% /onta"ious diseases.

    the prison do/tor in,e/ted hi% *ith a very stron" poison that /aused hi% to develop a dan"erous $ever Despite

    his /ondition. he *as le$t alone in the dor%itory and $orbidden to speak to anyone +is students in prison *ere

    not even allo*ed to visit hi% +o*ever. they *ere able to turn the prison into a madrasa reli"ious s/hool8

    *here they tau"ht the other in%ates about the &uran and the Nisale-i ;ur hile stru##lin# in

    this situation with both a ever rom the "old and a dreadul de#ree o distress and an#er$ throu#h Givine #ra"e

    a truth unolded in my heart. It uttered the ollowin# warnin# to my s!irit+ ,6ou "alled !rison the 1edrese-i

    6usuiyaVthe "hool o *ro!het 6usu. And while in Geni0li$ thin#s li&e relie a thousand times #reater than

    your distress$ s!iritual !roit$ and the other !risoners beneitin# rom the Nisale-i ;ur$ and its "onquests on a

    lar#er s"ale$ all made you oer endless than&s instead o "om!lainin#. hey made ea"h hour o your

    im!risonment and hardshi! li&e ten hours o worshi!$ and made those !assin# hours eternal. Allah willin#$

    those stru"& by "alamity in this third '"hool o 6usu are beneitin# rom the Nisale-i ;ur and indin#

    "onsolation 8in it: will heat this "old$ severe distress o yours and transorm it into joy.

    hen$ as thou#h I had "ommitted some heinous "rime$ they nailed u! my windows. he smo&e rom the

    stove was a #reat dis"omort to me$ and I insisted that they leave one window o!en. ;ow they have nailed that

    u! too. Also$ althou#h a""ordin# to !rison !ra"ti"e$ solitary "oninement usually lasts around a ortni#ht I was

    in total isolation or three and a hal months$ and they did not allow any o my riends to have any "onta"t with

    me. Also$ three months a#o a orty-!a#e indi"tment was written a#ainst me. hey showed it to me. ?ut I do not

    &now the new letters$ and I was ill$ and my own writin# is very !oor$ so I !leaded with them to let two o my

    students "ome$ who &now my lan#ua#e and "ould read the indi"tment and write out my obje"tions to it. ?ut they

    did not !ermit it. hey said+ ,he deen"e lawyer should "ome and read it. hen they did not !ermit him 8to

    do so: either. =nly$ they told one o my brothers to write it out in the old letters and #ive it to me. ?ut it would

    ta&e six or seven days to write out those orty !a#es. o ma&e the hours wor& o readin# me the indi"tmentstret"h over six or seven days$ just so that no one should have "onta"t with me$ is a!!allin# re!ression and

    de!rives me o my ri#ht o deen"e entirely. A multi!le murderer "ondemned to be han#ed does not re"eive su"h



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    in"e we have submitted to destiny$ we &now that these troubles are the most aus!i"ious o matters and a

    s!iritual blessin#$ the se"ret indi"atin# the a"quisition o merit. enerally$ the end o transitory worldly

    troubles "omes with well-bein# and #oodness. in"e we have su"h an elevated de#ree o belie and have

    dedi"ated our lie to su"h a reality$ it is bri#hter than the sun$ as beautiul as *aradise$ and as "harmin# as

    eternal ha!!iness. = "ourse we are en#a#ed in a s!iritual stru##le$ ta&in# !ride in and #ivin# than&s or these

    woes$ and so must not "om!lain.

    Go they thin& I am so sel-im!ortant and thin&in# o savin# mysel% I have sa"rii"ed the world and the

    ereater or the sa&e o savin# the "on#re#ations belie. In my K or so years o lie I have &nown nothin# o

    worldly !leasure. 1y entire lie has been s!ent on battleields$ in !rison "am!s$ or in the jails and "ourt rooms

    o my "ountry. here is no suerin# or torment to whi"h I have not been subje"ted. I have been treated li&e a

    monster by military "ourts$ and exiled rom !la"e to !la"e li&e a va#abond. I have been "ondemned to months

    o solitary "oninement in the "ountrys !risons. I have been !oisoned many times$ subje"ted to all orms o

    insult J 1y nature "annot bear humiliation and insult. Islami" "oura#e and reason orbid me rom bein# in

    this state. >hen a"ed with su"h an in"ident$ I will not belittle mysel no matter with whom I may be dealin#$ be

    it even the "ruellest$ most barbari" enemy "ommander. I will stri&e him in the a"e with his "ruelty andbarbarity. e may throw me in a dun#eon or even lead me to the exe"utioners blo"&. It is o no im!ortan"e.

    Indeed$ that is what ha!!ened. I have seen all o these thin#s. I the heart$ the "ons"ien"e$ o that barbari"

    "ommander had been able to resist su"h "ruelty a ew minutes more$ aid would today have been han#ed and

    joined the assembly o the inno"ent. All my lie has !assed with su"h trouble and dii"ulty$ disaster and

    "atastro!he. I have sa"rii"ed my sel$ my world$ on the !ath o belie$ ha!!iness$ and soundness o the so"iety.

    o let it be. I do not even "urse them$ be"ause than&s to this$ the Nisale-i ;ur has at least rea"hed a ew

    hundred thousand !eo!le$ or a ew million. I do not &now the number$ but that is what they say. he Ayon

    !rose"utor said ive hundred thousand. 1aybe it has been a means o savin# more !eo!les belie. ?y dyin# I

    would have saved only mysel$ but by remainin# alive and bearin# dii"ulty and troubles I have hel!ed to save

    so mu"h belie. A thousand than&s to Allah.

    +is students told about the di$$i/ulties he had eperien/ed in those days and his resolve to be sel$=

    sa/ri$i/ial *hile endurin" the%:

    >inter. verywhere was ro0en. Ayon was "ut o and the railway was "losed. ;o ood or uel had

    rea"hed the "ity or D5-2 days. ;o water lowed. he blessed 1asters windows were bro&en$ loorboards

    were s!a"ed out$ and it was im!ossible to #et warm. hat day I saw that the 1aster had "urled u! under a

    double blan&et in ront o a #as jar with some "oal in it and a tea &ettle.

    ven i we met with the 1aster most times$ it was im!ossible or us to &now him as most o the other

    students &now him. >e sometimes be"ame aware o him bein# &e!t in bitter "old$ stoveless rooms$ #iven deadly

    !oisons. I saw the 1aster suerin#Vwho &nows ater what torment and suerin#% A stran#e day and a stran#ewinter.A>

    =n the other hand$ the a#ed and si"& ?ediu00aman was re#arded as worthy o all &inds o ruthless

    treatment. hey would not even let him a!!roa"h the window to ta&e some air. in"e the !risons water was on

    the bottom loor$ they #enerally let the 1aster without water. he 1aster was !atient in the a"e o all this

    treatment and did not even "urse them.

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    I sometimes entered the !rison and visited the 1aster. At one visit$ his tem!erature had risen to orty

    de#rees 8"enti#rade:. ven under those "onditions he was busy with writin# and re"tii"ation o texts. is

    dis"i!les were at his side. hey too had suered mu"h si"&ness.

    he esteemed 1aster had #enuinely suered mu"h. e saw Allahs #ra"e in suerin#. e was de!rived

    o everythin#. he washin# room was ity meters away$ with no roo and no ele"tri"ity. Gurin# winter$

    sometimes there was no wood in the house. In ?arla$ everythin# was la"&in# in winter. e would have just a

    sin#le e## by him and they made his bread lo"ally. ?ut the 1aster was nonetheless !ere"tly "ontent.

    I used to #ive ?ediu00aman his ood. ,6ou must not allow any boo&s$ !ens$ !a!er$ or visitors in his

    room$ they said. ,All ri#ht$ I said. e would divide the bread I had brou#ht him into !erha!s seventy !ie"es$

    ta&in# some or himsel and sayin#+ ,Ibrahim$ my brother$ ta&e this to my students. I was sometimes quite

    ama0ed by this.

    The Students lso >ndured

    Nike ith these atta"&s$ the Givine destiny reveals this to us+ ,Go

    not sto!O >or&O Tor the ;ur students$ s!ea&in# in the "ourts in the servi"e o the Euran and belie is li&e

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    tal&in# to a riend. ?ein# ta&en to and rom the !oli"e station is no dierent than #oin# to and rom the mar&et

    J ?ein# "ruelly senten"ed by a !erson to !unishment is a !roo that Allah will a"quit him in truth. All su"h

    "ruelty and torture are medals o honor or students o the ;ur. ow ha!!y are those brothers o ours$ the

    students o the ;ur$ who have enjoyed those blessin#s or thirty years.

    ;n one pla/e.

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    #s *e have said $ro% the be"innin". sel$=sa/ri$i/e is a responsibility $or every believer This

    understandin" re-uires that believers spend all o$ their %aterial and spiritual assets to *in #llahs approval andthat they use their intelli"en/e. /ons/ien/e. and *ill to deal *ith *hatever situation /o%es their *ay

    Throu"hout their li$e. they *ill /ontend $or "oodness. be leaders in the &urans %orality and piety. be

    undaunted by any adversity. and /all people to "oodness and ur"e the% to avoid evil

    #llah has %ade the believers responsible not only $or re$inin" their o*n %oral /hara/ter. but also $or

    other people as *ell To $ul$ill this responsibility in the best possible *ay. all believers *ho $ear and respe/t

    #llah %ust *ork hard to develop a sin/ere. sel$=sa/ri$i/ial %oral /hara/ter To this end. they %ust support ea/h

    other and /ooperate a%on" the%selves in the $a/e o$ every kind o$ hardship: 4llah loves those who fight in

    "is way in ran9s li9e well-built walls5arth combinedI5

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    nd that 3ay "ell is produced, that 3ay humanity will rememberJ but how will the remembrance

    help himF "e will say# 42hK /f only / had prepared in advance for this life of mineK5 !Surat al-@a7r# 0-


    But as for those who are given their boo9 in the left hand, they will say# 4/f only / had not been

    given my Boo9 and had not 9nown about my (ec9oningK /f only death had really been the endK My

    wealth has been of no use to me. My power has vanished.5 !Surat al-"aGGa#

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    T"> 3>>?T/2* 2@ >N2=)T/2*

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