self assessment tfw

Post on 04-Jul-2015






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By:Andrea Mallon

What Does it Mean to be Technologically Literate?

According to Moore technology literacy has three levels:

Identify technologies relevant to a task

Understand how to use the technology and how to navigate its interface

Understanding the inner work or structure of the technology

So, Do I Qualify?

This is how I felt when first introduced to the different

technologies….I fell flat

I slowly began to accept the new….

….and work with what I learnedI slowly picked myself up

My first blog post…. It took me a while to figure it out


….I Came to learn how to work with it

I slowly learned….Technology and I can work as a team

Instead of : working for me as a tool

as a simple form of communication in text

as a single system

Ecology – is marked by strong interrelationships and dependencies among its different parts…. -Nardi and O’Day

….I am one of those parts and….

….It matters how we work together

Are these new technologies a reflection of who I am?

They are not a reflection of me, nor am I a reflection of the tools

Instead, we work together when the need arises

We form together and understand that it takes a working relationship to be successful

I have learned many new technologies, and understand that they must have affordances for me to continue using them

I also understand that interrelationships are important

I can identify a technology relevant to a task

I understand how to use the technology and navigate its interface (most of the time)

So, am I technologically literate?

I am definitely on the right path

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