selection of a research problem

Post on 26-Dec-2014






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Selection of Research Problem




Dr.Shazia Zamir


SELECTION OF A RESEARCH PROBLEM- Definition of a Problem- Selection of the Problem- Evaluation of the Problem• Refinement of the Research Problem

Identify the Research Problem

Review the Literature

Specify a Research Purpose

Collect Data

Analyze and Interpret


Report and Evaluate Research

Identification of Research Problem

Specify a problem

Justify a problem

Why a need to study the problem?

The Process of Research: Identify the Research Problem

Research Problem

Research Topic

Research Topic to Research Problem Idea

brainstorming Literature review Identify the variables

for study Formulate research

problems and questions/hypotheses

Sources of the Problems Previous researches/dissertations/studies/etcBooks/reportsResource persons/professors/Brainstorming Newspapers/TV/radios/mediasSeminars, workshops/conferencesRelations organizations/research centers/research institutesEncyclopediaOwn critical observationsDiscussions with fellows, colleagues, friends, etcDinning tables----------------------------

Definition of Research Problem

A research problem is the situation that causes the researcher to feel apprehensive, confused and hard.Operationalization is then used to give some indication of the exact definitions of the variables, and the type of scientific measurement used.Operationalization is the process of strictly defining variables into measurable factors. The process defines ambiguous concepts and allows them to be measured, empirically and quantitatively.For example, intelligence may be measured with IQ and human responses could be measured with a questionnaire from ‘1- strongly disagree’, to ‘5 - strongly agree’.

Selection of Research Problem

First step in research process is the choice of a suitable problem Enlist the specific questions like WHO,WHAT, WHERE, WHEN and WHY of the problem.A problem well defined is half solvedThe formulation of the problem is often more essential than its solution.The actual reasons (possible causes) for the discrepancy between what is (current situation) and what is desired (e.g. lack of motivation among students)

Selection of Research ProblemCriteria/Factors of selecting the problems Academic background of the researcherResearcher's experiences, aptitudes, ability , values , behavior etcResearcher's training and orientationResearcher's purpose and objectives Originality and Utility of the research Direction of the organization where the researcher works Availability of data and information – primary and secondary sources Access to the study area Resource availability – money, manpower

Selection of Research ProblemTime factor Supervisor’s time, qualification, experiences, interest, etcNature of the problems – need oriented, problem solving, etcControversial topicNor too narrow/vagueCooperation of the stakeholdersAvoidance of the troubles -----------------------------

Evaluation of The Research Problem

Is the problem of current interest?  Will the research results have

social, educational or scientific value?

 Will it be possible to apply the results in practice?

 Does the research contribute to the science of education?

 Will the research opt new problems and lead to further research?

  Is there enough scope left within the area of research (field of


 Will it be possible for another researcher to repeat the research?

Evaluation of The Research Problem

 Will it have any value? and are you motivated to undertake the research?

 Do you have the necessary knowledge and skills to do the research?  Are

you qualified to undertake the research?

 Do you have the necessary funds for the research?

  Do you have access to the administrative, statistic and computer

facilities the research necessitates?

Will it be practically possible to undertake the research?

 Is the research free of any ethical problems and limitations?


Evaluation of the Research Problem

In short• Is the problem researchable?• Is the problem new?• Is the problem significant?• Is the solution to this problem helpful for the development of

further knowledge?• Is the problem feasible for researcher?• Research competencies• Interest and enthusiasm• Financial consideration• Time requirements• Administrative considerations

Refinement of Research Problem• Refine problem under three methods of research; Historical,

Descriptive and Experimental• Historical• Role of education policies in development of literacy• Refined: An analysis of the role of education policies in the

development of literacy in Pakistan.• -------------------• Descriptive• A study on the impact of self financing scheme on the development of

education• Refined: A survey study on the impact of self financing scheme on

the education of MBA students of National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad.

• ------------------------------

Refinement of Research Problem• Experimental• Comparison of the integrated curriculum and traditional

curriculum of primary level• Refined: A comparative study of the effectiveness of the

integrated curriculum and traditional curriculum of class III.• ------------------------------

Class/Library Activity1) Your Research Problem• What is your area of interest?• Where could you look for help in deciding upon a specific

research problem?• What criteria will you apply when deciding upon a specific

research problem? • How could you narrow down your research problem from

research topic? 2) Library Activity

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