segmentation and removal of interphase cells from chromosome

Post on 19-Jul-2015






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Segmentation and Removal of Interphase Cells from Chromosome Images using Bit-slicing technique Dr Mona Abdelabset Sadek Ali

Scientific Research Group in Egypt

SRGE members

Agenda Introduction about Chromosomes.Proposed Approach.Experimental Results. DatasetResultsDiscussion and Conclusion

Introduction about Chromosomes In 1956; it was found that a normal human cell contains 46 chromosomes. Chromosomes are exist in every cell except the red blood cellThis finding paves the way for establishing clinical cytogenetic science to study the relation between chromosomal abnormalities and disease occurrence.As a result, it is crucial to develop a computerized and automated chromosomes analysis to detect the abnormalities in the chromosomes cells for disease diagnoses.

Introduction about Chromosomes What is a Karyotyping?◦ Karyotyping is a process in which

chromosomes in a dividing cell are identified and displayed in a standard format, that helps geneticist to diagnose genetic factors behind various genetic diseases.

It is very challenging to do manual karyotyping as it is very expensive and time consuming in addition of requiring an well trained persons.

Proposed ApproachMotivation : A big challenge in the segmentation of the Interphase cells is that they have the same grey level with the chromosomes and parts of background. This limitation affects negatively on the accuracy of chromosomes classification. Traditional segmentation methods failed in segmenting and removing Interphase cells such as (thresholding, Conventional thresholding and intensity-based methods that removed the chromosomes with similar intensity levels.)

Proposed Approach

Proposed Approach

Bit-slicing Technique

Experimental Results Dataset : Data set consists of 54 metaphases were taken form rat bone marrow

Experimental Results Pre-processing

Experimental Results


Experimental ResultsArithmetic Image operation

Experimental Results Filtering binary image by region

Experimental Results

Conclusion and Discussion Before processing these images they have been classified into two groups: a groupof too much noise (includes 34 images) and a group of low noise( includes 20images). In addition to noise in the first group, the chromosome part of the image is veryblurred with low resolution as a result we escape this group from our approachtesting. According to second group of images, by applying the proposed approach, we haveproduced two results. What’s more last step (i.e. filtering binary image by region) of the proposedapproach has been conducted to improve the results of applying image arithmetictechnique.

Conclusion and Discussion This removal or segmentation of the interphase cell is very crucial for the segmentation and classification of the chromosome.

Our future work is to computerize the karyotype process that is including the segmentation each one of the chromosomes and classify them.

Scientific Research Group in Egypt

Thank you so much for your attention

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