seek the lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near. isaiah 55:6

Post on 19-Jan-2016






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Seek the Lord whileHe may be found;call on Him while

He is near. Isaiah 55:6

Rocky Mountain DistrictAnnual Conference

What Happens Whenthe Church is as One?

Acts 4:32-37

What Happens Whenthe Church is as One?

Acts 4:32-37

All the believers were together,and had everything in common.

Acts 2:44

What Happens When the Church is as One?

There is genuine caring for each other’s needs

What Happens When the Church is as One?

There is genuine caring for each other’s needs.

Does not clutch its possessions – vs. 32

What Happens When the Church is as One?

There is genuine caring for each other’s needs.

Does not clutch its possessions – vs. 32

Actively looks to meet others' needs – vs. 32

What Happens When the Church is as One?

There is genuine caring for each other’s needs.

Does not clutch its possessions – vs. 32

Actively looks to meet others' needs – vs. 32

Can trust others to make the final decision – vs. 34-35

This passage is not teaching:

“Christian” communism “Christian” communalism “Christian” socialism

Examples: Pilgrims Shakers

Acts 4:32

“…they had all things in common.” KJV

Refers to attitude, not legal possession

Acts 5:3-4

This passage is not teaching:

“Christian” communism “Christian” communalism “Christian” socialism

This passage is teaching:

Look what happens when the church is as one!

What Happens When the Church is as One?

There is genuine caring for each other’s needs.

What propels, or causes, such unity? Vs. 33

What Happens When the Church is as One?

There is genuine caring for each other’s needs.

What propels, or causes, such unity? Vs. 33

It comes out of a unity of faith in the risen Christ.

What Happens When the Church is as One?

There is genuine caring for each other’s needs.

Why? A unity of faith in the risen Christ

Example: Barnabas vs. 36-37


What Happens When the Church is as One?

There is genuine caring for each other’s needs.

Why? A unity of faith in the risen Christ

Example: Barnabas vs. 36-37 Son of Encouragement, Consolation Comfort, Exhortation

Holy Spirit: Paraklete (Comforter)

What Happens When the Church is as One?

There is genuine caring for each other’s needs.

Does not clutch its possessions – vs. 32

Actively looks to meet others' needs – vs. 32

Can trust others to make the final decision – vs. 34-35

This passage is not teaching:

“Christian” communism “Christian” communalism “Christian” socialism

This passage is teaching:

Look what happens when the church is as one!

What Happens When the Church is as One?

There is genuine caring for each other’s needs.

What propels, or causes, such unity? Vs. 33

It comes out of a unity of faith in the risen Christ.

What Happens When the Church is as One?

There is genuine caring for each other’s needs.

A unity of faith in the risen Christ causes such oneness.

Example: Barnabas vs. 36-37

How does this apply to to me today?

• “Clutching”

How does this apply to me today?

• “Clutching”


How does this apply to me today?

• “Clutching”


Be wise in the way you give.

How does this apply to me today?

• “Clutching”


Be wise in the way you give.

Don’t allow wrong teaching to bring guilt.

How does this apply to me today?

• “Clutching”


Be wise in the way you give.

Don’t allow wrong teaching to bring guilt.

This is all about GRACE!

Seek the Lord whileHe may be found;call on Him while

He is near. Isaiah 55:6

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