seek for truth reality novelty lesson 73 what are they?

Post on 19-Jan-2016






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Seek for truth reality novelty

Lesson 73

What are they?

He is an athlete!

Kinds of Jobs

secretary worker lawyerteacher doctor athleteengineer leader driver policeman farmer banker newspaper reporter computer programmer

Unit 19 Jobs

Why do some companies like to employ women workers?

Dialogue Z:What jobs do women do in Britain?J:___________________________.Z:Are there any jobs which women don’t do?J:___________________________.Z: It seems that it’s more difficult for women to get to the top of a company.J:___________________________.Z: That’s not fair.I’m sure there’s nothing that a woman can’t do.J:___________________________.Z: Really?Which ones?J:___________________________.Z: I can believe that.

Men or women

are better at making TV sets/jewellery

are better doctors/nurses/scientists/soldiers

are more interested in sports/music/politics

are better at cooking /painting /singing /dancing

I think/believe...I don’t think/believe...I suppose/guess...It seems that...In my opinion...I’m sure... I’m afraid...

How to express opinions:

TV sets /jewellerysports /music /politicsdoctors /nurses /scientists /soldierscooking /painting /singing /dancing

2. Who should do more housework, husband or wife? Why?

3. If you are the head of a school,a hospital, or a police station ,who will you prefer to employ, men or women?

1. Should students attend classes on Saturday and Sunday?


Discussion1. A six-year-old boy killed a girl of the same age in America. What do you think of this? Is it just an accident?2. Have you seen the movie Titanic? Have you heard the song “My heart will go on”? How do you like the movie and the song?3. What do you think of the idea of beauty competitions?

You and your partner want to choose a birthday present for your friend. You are discussing what to buy.

Make up a dialogue

Language study

seem It seems that…

It seems as if…

He seems to be…

It is more difficult for … to ...

It seems that it will rain this afternoon.

It seems as if it’s going to rain.

He seems to be friendly to us.

It’s more difficult for women to get to the top of a company.

Put the following into English:

1. 好像约翰将在这次比赛中获胜。2. 看来男人对运动更感兴趣。3. 在我看来女性更擅长干细活4. 我猜想医院里的男医生多于女医生。5. 我们有可能在这个月完成这项工作。


( fine work)。

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