section overview ii proposal preparation electronic research administration (era) systems proposal...

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Section Overview II Proposal Preparation Electronic Research Administration (ERA) Systems Proposal Budgeting Allowable Costs Cost Share Proposal Deadline and Authorization Conflict of Interest Research Misconduct Review Boards Export Controls Export Agencies and Regulations


Lisa Jukkala

Manager, Government Contracts/Training

Research & Sponsored Programs


Proposal Preparation

Inform Research & Sponsored Programs

Review solicitation

Limited submission

Guidelines can be found on web

Proposal Preparation (continued)

Internal Forms:

Transmittal Sheet Pay attention to special approvals that may be required

Budget Spreadsheet

Cost Share/Matching Support Form – if needed

Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form – if needed

Electronic Research Administration (ERA) Systems

Multiple Agency System:

Allows organizations to electronically find and apply for competitive grant opportunities from all Federal grant-making agencies

Located at: Agency Specific Systems:

e Center: U.S. Department of Energy, located at

NSPIRES: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, located at

ERA Commons: National Institutes of Health, located at

FastLane: National Science Foundation, located at

Proposal Budgeting

Determine anticipated start date and budget by year or applicable time period.

Direct cost categories may include: Personnel

GRA stipend rates found on web Fringe Benefits

Current fringe benefit rates found on web Equipment/Fabricated Equipment Travel Consultants Materials/Supplies

Proposal Budgeting (continued)

Internal/External Services Subcontracts Publication Costs Tuition/Fees

GRA tuition/fee rates found on web Other Direct Costs

Facilities and Administrative (F&A) Costs Determined by project function and location Current F&A rates found on Web

Allowable Costs

OMB Circular A-21, Cost Principles for Educational Institutions

Principles for determining costs applicable to research and development, training, and other sponsored work under grants, contracts and other agreements with educational institutions

Summary found on web

Cost Share Portion of project costs not paid by the sponsor Types of cost share:

Mandatory: % or amount required by solicitation Voluntary:

not required by solicitation value not disclosed to sponsor

Sources of cost share: University funds

Faculty academic year time GACS (guidelines found on web)

External funds Cost share expenditures must occur in the approved period

of performance

Proposal Deadline and Authorization

It is strongly recommended that all internal paperwork and complete proposal be submitted to Research & Sponsored Programs at least 48 hours prior to the proposal mailing or electronic submission deadline.

Board of Control policy requires that all proposals submitted from the University be authorized by a designated University official. Research & Sponsored Programs is the unit responsible for review and submission of all proposals on behalf of Michigan Tech. Principal investigators do not have authority to submit proposals.


Joanne Polzien


Research Compliance


August 23, 2007

Presentation Overview Conflict of Interest

Faculty Handbook: 3.1.1 Conflict of Interest/Effort Faculty Handbook: Appendix B. Conflict of Interest Procedures Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form

Research Misconduct Faculty Handbook: 3.3.5 Scientific Misconduct Faculty Handbook: Appendix F. Scientific Misconduct


Review Boards

Export Controls

Conflict of Interest

Conflict of Interest Coordinator

Dr. David Hand, Civil & Environmental Engineering

487-2777 or

MTU’s Transmittal form has a disclosure section that you need to complete.

Conflict of Interest

Conflicts of interest at Michigan Tech are divided into five categories of increasing seriousness:

Category I: Exempt Activities - almost all outside professional activities can pose conflicts of interest, if an honoraria or royalties are received, or conflicts of commitment. But participation in certain traditional professional activities expected of all members of the MTU academic community does not have to be reported or disclosed.

Conflict of Interest

Category II: Professional activities and academic service that pose very little conflict of interest in traditional financial terms, but because they require a commitment of time beyond that normally allowed for consulting relationships can create conflicts of commitment.

Category III: External professional relationships with minimal financial interests, such as consulting relationships or royalty sharing arrangements, outside research contracts and grants, adoption of self-authored textbooks and other learning aids.

Conflict of Interest

Category IV: Outside business activities, including entrepreneurial activities such as ownership of outside companies, that are connected to one’s professional activities within the University and that involve more complex financial relationships.

Category V: Other outside professional activities that create unacceptable conflicts of interest.

Conflict of Interest

Conflict of Interest/Effort Policy can be found at:

Conflict of Interest Procedures can be found at:

Research Misconduct

Significant departure from commonly accepted practices in the scientific community in proposing, performing or reviewing research, or reporting research, such as fabrication, plagiarism, falsification, deception, misrepresentation, or arbitrary selection of data;

Plagiarism or other appropriation of the work of another individual and presenting it as if it were one’s own or without credit to the originator as is required by commonly accepted practices in the scientific community;

Research Misconduct

Material failure to comply with funding agency (federal, state, or private, etc) requirements that are uniquely related to the conduct of the research; and

Retaliation against a person who, acting in good faith, has reported or provided information about suspected or alleged misconduct.

Research Misconduct

Any questions, concerns, or interpretations should be directed to Joanne Polzien in the Research Compliance Office.

A detailed definition for Scientific Misconduct can be found at:

Scientific Misconduct Procedures can be found at:

Review Boards

IRBInstitutional Review Board - Human Subjects Committee

Dr. Willie Melton, Chair, Dept. of Social Sciences

IACUCInstitutional Animal Care and Use Committee

Dr. Ann MacLean, Chair, School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science

IBCInstitutional Biosafety Committee (Recombinant DNA)

Dr. Shekhar Joshi, Chair, School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science

Review Boards

Information and forms for these committees may be found at:

All Applications for research to use human subjects, animals, and R-DNA need to be submitted to the Research Compliance Office for dissemination to the appropriate board/committee for review and approval.

Review Boards

Human Subject Research

All human research conducted at, by, or under the auspices of Michigan Tech, whether funded or not and whether conducted by administrators, faculty, staff, or students, must be reviewed and approved before the research begins.

Exempt - "exempt" does not mean exempt from review - “Exempt" is a determination that the research in question does not meet the requirements of oversight.

Review Boards

Questions to consider:

Is your study a systematic investigation designed to develop or contribute to the body of generalizable knowledge? If yes, then your study is defined as research.

Will you obtain data through investigation or interaction with one or more living individuals, or will you obtain any identifiable private information about a living individual? If yes, then you are using human subjects.

Review Boards

If you answered yes to both questions, then your study is defined as research with human subjects and must be approved by the IRB before you begin recruitment of research participants or data collection.

Please note that survey research, all pilot studies, and oral history research do meet this definition and must be approved by the IRB before you send out questionnaires, interview subjects, or otherwise have contact with potential subjects.


Jay Meldrum


Keweenaw Research Center


15 CFR 730.3

Export Agencies & Regulations

Export Administration Regulations (EAR) Department of Commerce, Bureau of Industry

and Security (BIS) Commercial or dual-use items


International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) Department of State, Office of Defense Trade

Control (ODTC) Military items classified on the Munitions List

Export Agencies & Regulations

Department of the Treasury Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC)

Department of Justice Department of Energy Nuclear Regulatory Commission Department of Homeland Security

Boarder and Transportation Security U.S. Customs

15 CFR 730.5; 22 CFR 120.17

Export Defined

Sending or taking a defense article out of the United States in any manner, except by mere travel outside of the United States by a person whose personal knowledge includes technical data.

Disclosing (including oral or visual disclosure) or transferring technical data to a foreign person, whether in the United States or abroad (so-called “deemed export”).

Export of Items

Important questions:

What is my item? Where is it going? Who will receive it? What will be the end use? What else do I know about my end user?

Export of Items

General Prohibitions must be checked.

There are 10 General Prohibitions.

No exports to certain persons, countries, end use, and end users.

General Prohibitions

Denied Persons (Dept. of Commerce) Parties previously denied export privileges.

Unverified List (Dept. of Commerce) Foreign parties to transactions, where post-shipment

verifications or pre-licensed checks could not be conducted.

Entity List (Dept. of Commerce) Foreign parties for which there are concerns of possible

proliferation activities. Debarred List (Dept. of State)

Persons convicted of violating or conspiring to violate the Arms Export Control Act

General Prohibitions

OFAC Lists (Dept. of Treasury) Countries against which United States has

declared embargo or sanctions. Countries accused by United States of

sponsoring terrorism. OFAC Lists Primarily Address:

Cuba, North Korea, Libya, Iraq, Iran, Burma (Myanmar), Sudan, Liberia, The Balkans, and Zimbabwe

Diamond Trade, Narcotics, Terrorism, and Weapons of Mass Destruction

Is a License Required?

Assuming no General Prohibitions apply: If it is not on the EAR or ITAR list of restricted items, no license is

required. If item is on the list and exception applies, no license required. Even if item is on the list and no exception applies, regulations

may not require license for export to country of destination.

Contact Joanne Polzien, 487-2902 for assistance.

Applying for License

Technical data describing export item must be provided.

Purchase order required for export license under ITAR.

If all goes well, license may be obtained in 45-60 days.

22 CFR 120.16

Foreign Person

Any natural person who is not a lawful permanent resident or who is not a protected individual.

Lawful Permanent Resident “Green card” = permanent resident.

Student visa = not permanent resident.

22 CFR 120.16

Foreign Person

Any foreign corporation, business association, partnership, trust, society or any other entity or group that is not incorporated or organized to do business in the United States, as well as international organizations, foreign governments and any agency or subdivision of foreign governments (e.g., diplomatic missions).

15 CFR 734.3(b)(3) & 734.7-734.9; 22 CFR 120.10 & 120.11

University Exceptions for Deemed Exports

No license required under EAR or ITAR for the deemed export of technology that: is already published or will be published; arises during or results from fundamental

research; is educational; or is included in patent applications and

communicated to foreign persons under certain conditions.

15 CFR 734.7; 22 CFR 120.11

“Published” and “Public Domain” Exceptions

Information is published when generally accessible to the interested public in any form, and including: Published in any media (Internet, bookstores,

newsstands, etc.). Available in public or university libraries. Published in patent or patent application. Released at an “open” conference.

15 CFR 734.8; 22 CFR 120.11

“Fundamental Research” Exception

Basic and applied research in science and engineering, where resulting information is ordinarily published and shared broadly within the scientific community.

Not proprietary research or industrial R&D, the results of which ordinarily are restricted for proprietary reasons or specific national security reasons.

15 CFR 734.8; 22 CFR 120.11

“Fundamental Research” Exception

Not fundamental research if: University or its researchers accept other

restrictions on publication of scientific and technical information resulting from the project or activity.

Research is funded by the U.S. Government and specific access and dissemination controls protecting information resulting from the research are applicable.

15 CFR 734.8; 22 CFR 120.11

“Fundamental Research” Exception

Transfer of background proprietary information is not part of the fundamental research and is subject to export regulation.

Still considered fundamental research if sponsor requires prepublication review for removal of background proprietary information or to avoid compromising patent rights.

MTU Policy

MTU will accept research funding when advance sponsor notification or limited-time (generally < 60 days) sponsor review prior to publication is required for review of intellectual property.

15 CFR 734.8; 22 CFR 120.11

“Fundamental Research” Exception

Foreign nationals can work on research projects and write theses, just as United States students can, provided the research qualifies as “fundamental research.”

15 CFR 734.9; 22 CFR 120.10

“Educational” Exception

No license required for information released by instruction in catalog courses and associated teaching laboratories of academic institutions.

If you teach it in an open-enrollment class with no registration restrictions, there is no export license required!

MTU Policy

All sponsored projects received by MTU with national security restrictions on publication of results and/or participation by foreign nationals will be administered through Jay Meldrum at KRC.

MTU Policy

In all cases, MTU will not accept projects unless both the Principal Investigator (PI) and unit administrator(s) concur with this decision, and agree to comply, and enforce compliance, with all contract terms and conditions.

MTU Policy

MTU will not under any circumstance accept research funding supporting development of graduate student theses/dissertations when publication is prohibited or requires prior sponsor approval.

MTU Policy

MTU may consider accepting national security publication restrictions when these are immaterial to the conduct of the project or the thesis/dissertation of a student working on the project (such as testing

or service projects)

MTU Policy

MTU may consider accepting restrictions on participation by foreign nationals when these are immaterial to the conduct of the project; this determination is to rely heavily on the recommendations of the PI and unit administrator (s).

Example 1 – Contract Language GENERAL PROVISIONS OF GRANTS FOR


5. Citizenship of Students. Students who receive financial support other than compensation under the UTC Program, including those under consideration for such honorary programs as the UTC Student of the Year Award, must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents of the United States. Should circumstances exist that warrant the support of a foreign national student, prior written approval must be obtained from RITA. The request must contain complete justification for the proposed support of that student.

Example 2 – Contract Language


PI: Alex Mayer, Geological/Mining Engineering & Sciences

Fellows are expected to be supported on any GK-12 award for a minimum of one year and a maximum of two years. Fellows must be citizens, nationals or permanent residents of the United States. Foreign students who hold student visas are not eligible.

Example 3 Department of Defense ITAR(§ 120.11(a)(8) PI: Zhi (Gerry) Tian Under the definition of this exclusion, information is

in the public domain if it is published and generally accessible or available to the public through fundamental research at accredited U.S. institutions of higher learning where the resulting information is ordinarily published and shared broadly in the scientific community (§ 120.11(a)(8)).

However, this definition also provides that University research is not fundamental research if “the research is funded by the U.S. Government and specific access and dissemination controls protecting information resulting from the research are applicable.”

Example 4 DOD

PI: Nick Subotic (MTRI)

Example 5 Army Research Labs PI: Craig Friedrich – Mechanical Engineering –

Engineering Mechanics 52.004-4408 FOREIGN NATIONALS

PERFORMING UNDER CONTRACT (AUG 2004) In accordance with Title 8 U.S.C. 1324a, local

Foreign Disclosure Officers (FDOs) may approve access by foreign nationals working on unclassified public domain contracts for the duration of the

contract, provided the foreign nationals have appropriate work authorization documentation.


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