section b ahead of the game reading more text b exercises words & expressions contents questions...

Post on 26-Dec-2015






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Section B

Ahead of the Game

Reading More

Text B


Words & Expressions



Questions Preview

Preview the following questions before reading the text.

1. In what way is the writer humorous?

2. What can we learn from the text?

3. What do you think of the ticket to a successful relationship?

4. What is the meaning of “ahead of the game”?

5. What is the meaning of ‘‘from above”?

Questions Preview

Words & Expressions

Text B

Reading More

A friend of mine was suffering from a lack of self-confidence after the end of a particularly difficult relationship. He was a bit concerned about returning to the dating world, worried that he had “lost his touch” with women.

Para. 1

Ahead of the Game

Text B


Unfortunately, soon after ending his previous relationship, he began to lose his hair, and he saw this as a sign from above that he was supposed to be alone for the rest of his life. “Who is going to want to date a man without hair?” he said to me. He was convinced that good hair was the ticket to a successful relationship. “What will she run her fingers through now?” he asked sadly. “The skin on top of my head?”

Para. 2

Text B


When he finally started asking women out again, he only took them to locations where a cap was acceptable—playing in the park, walking the dog, or any kind of sporting event where he could successfully hide his thinning top. This worked out fine for a while, but there are only so many sporting events to go to, and only so many sunny days to walk the dog.

Para. 3

Text B


One of the many great aspects of my friend’s character is that he really loves going out for a nice dinner. Back in college, we enjoyed many nights at the most expensive restaurants in town, spending too much money on bottles of wine and delicious food. Unfortunately, none of these restaurants allow caps to be worn. Hearing this, my friend was once again disappointed. Then, one day, he received a note in the mail saying that he had won a free dinner for two at a lovely new restaurant located in the business center of town.

Para. 4

Text B


“Congratulations!” the letter read. “ You and a guest have been chosen to sample and enjoy our wonderful cooking and atmosphere. Please find the enclosed gift certificate for fifty dollars!” My friend was delighted! Jumping up and down with happiness, he thought out loud about what to wear, what to order, when to go, and... who to take. He couldn’t wear a hat into this new restaurant, and wondered if there was a woman out there who wouldn’t be disappointed by his bare head.

Para. 5

Text B


After worrying for a few minutes, my friend shouted out, “I’m going!” Jumping up from his seat, he took on that all-too-familiar glow on his face as he quickly glanced through his address book for a possible date. At last, he landed on Sarah, the woman whom he had been interested in, from a distance, for months. He sat down in his favorite chair, dialed her number confidently, and asked her to join him—she accepted without even hesitating.

Para. 6

Text B


A few nights later, dressed to the nines and without a cap in sight, he and Sarah shared a perfect evening and have been wonderfully in love ever since. That was the best fifty dollars I’ve spent in a very long time!

Para. 7&8

Text B


Meaning: This title is a pun ( 双关语 ), because it has two meanings. we can read this title in two ways: (1) Ahead of the game, showing that this is a story related to one’s (bare) head; (2) Ahead of the game, meaning “being the winner in the game”. The writer tries to be humorous by using this title.

1 Ahead of the Game

Meaning of the Sentences

Meaning: One of my friends had an extremely difficult time with his ex-girlfriend and when they finally broke up, he lost all his confidence.

2 A friend of mine was suffering from a lack of self-confidence after the end of a particularly difficult relationship.

Meaning of the Sentences

Meaning: He was a bit worried if he could successfully date another woman, because he was afraid he did not know how to deal with women.

3 He was a bit concerned about returning to the dating world, worried that he had “lost his touch” with women.

Meaning of the Sentences

Meaning: Sadly, not long after he broke up with his ex- girlfriend, he began to lose his hair, and he thought that it was a hint given by God telling him that he would never be able to find another girlfriend.

4 Unfortunately, soon after ending his previous relationship, he began to lose his hair, and he saw this as a sign from above that he was supposed to be alone for the rest of his life.

Meaning of the Sentences

Meaning: He firmly believed that to set up a good relationship with a lady, one must have good hair.

5 He was convinced that good hair was the ticket to a successful relationship.

Meaning of the Sentences

Meaning: “What will she move her fingers through when she strokes my head, now that I don’t have hair on my head?”

6 What will she run her fingers through now?

Meaning of the Sentences

Meaning: When in the end he began to go out with women again, he only took them to places where he was allowed to wear a cap...

7 When he finally started asking women out again, he only took them to locations where a cap was acceptable...

Meaning of the Sentences

Meaning: ... or going to watch any kind of sporting event as long as he can wear a cap to cover his head on which the hair is getting thinner and thinner.

8 ... or any kind of sporting event where he could successfully hide his thinning top.

Meaning of the Sentences

Meaning: In this way, things went on quite smoothly for some time, but it cannot last long because there are a limited number of sporting events that one can go to, and there are also a limited number of sunny days when one can take the dog out for a walk.

9 This worked out fine for a while, but there are only so many sporting events to go to, and only so many sunny days to walk the dog.

Meaning of the Sentences

Meaning: In the past, when we were in college, we spent many nights enjoying ourselves at the most expensive restaurants in town, spending a lot of money drinking a lot of wine and eating tasty food.

10 Back in college, we enjoyed many nights at the most expensive restaurants in town, spending too much money on bottles of wine and delicious food.

Meaning of the Sentences

Meaning: When he heard that one was not allowed to wear a hat at those expensive restaurants, my friend became hopeless again.

11 Hearing this, my friend was once again disappointed.

Meaning of the Sentences

Meaning: The letter said, “We are happy to tell you that you have won a dinner for two.”

12 “Congratulations!” the letter read.

Meaning of the Sentences

Meaning: We have chosen you and a guest of yours to taste our delicious food while enjoying the special character of our environment.

13 You and a guest have been chosen to sample and enjoy our wonderful cooking and atmosphere.

Meaning of the Sentences

Meaning: Along with the letter, there is also a gift certificate in the envelope and it is worth 50 dollars.

14 Please find the enclosed gift certificate for fifty dollars!

Meaning of the Sentences

Meaning: ... he talked to himself about what he should wear for the special dinner...

15 ... he thought out loud about what to wear...

Meaning of the Sentences

Meaning: He... did not know if there would be any woman who would not care at all when she saw his hairless head.

16 He... wondered if there was a woman out there who wouldn’t be disappointed by his bare head.

Meaning of the Sentences

Meaning: He jumped up from his seat and then quickly went through his address book to look for a woman who would possibly date him. While he was doing so, the look of pleasure he used to have came back to his face.

17 Jumping up from his seat, he took on that all-too-familiar glow on his face as he quickly glanced through his address book for a possible date.

Meaning of the Sentences

Meaning: In the end, he fixed his attention on Sarah, the lady whom he had been interested in for several months, but dared not get close to her.

18 At last, he landed on Sarah, the woman whom he had been interested in, from a distance, for months.

Meaning of the Sentences

Meaning: He sat down in the chair he liked most, and began to call her with confidence. On the phone, he asked her to go out to dine with him—and she agreed immediately.

19 He sat down in his favorite chair, dialed her number confidently, and asked her to join him—she accepted without even hesitating.

Meaning of the Sentences

Meaning: A few nights later, wearing his best clothes but no hat, my friend spent a wonderful evening with Sarah. From then on, they have been in love with each other.

20 A few nights later, dressed to the nines and without a cap in sight, he and Sarah shared a perfect evening and have been wonderfully in love ever since.

Meaning of the Sentences

Meaning: That fifty dollars was worth more than any amount of money I have spent in a long time.

21 That was the best fifty dollars I've spent in a very long time!

Meaning of the Sentences

New Words

Words & Expressions










hesitate sight


Words & Expressions

ahead of

suffer from

be concerned about

work out

take on

in/within sight

ever since

ahead adj. & adv. 【 1 】 in front; forward 在前面(的) e.g. Look out! There’s danger ahead. 小心!前方有危险。

【 2 】 in or into the future 未来;今后 e.g. If you cast your mind ahead 10 years, information services will play the leading role. 放眼未来的 10 年, 信息服务将占主导地位。


New Words



2. 据报道,未来的世界将比我们现在生活的世界更拥挤、污


It was reported that the world in the years ahead would be more crowded, more polluted and less stable ecologically than the world we live in now.

1. 在演讲比赛中,他的分数稍稍领先。

In the speech contest, he was slightly ahead on points.

New Words


ahead of

【 1 】 in advance of 在 ······ 之前 e.g. They finished their work ahead of time as we did ours.

他们跟我们一样,也提前完工了。 【 2 】 in or into a more successful position than 胜过;优于 e.g. The girl got well ahead of the rest of the class in

painting. 小女孩画的画比班上其他同学的都好。




ahead of

2. 游戏节目结束的时候,我以领先 300 分的成绩获胜。

I was ahead of the game by 300 points when the game show was over.

1. 如果我们合作,我们就有可能提前完成这项工程。

If we work together, we should be able to complete the project ahead of schedule.



v. 【 1 】 experience or have to deal with something painful or unpleasant 遭受;承受 e.g. The party suffered a heavy defeat in the general election.

那个党派在大选中惨败。 【 2 】 experience pain, difficulty, or loss 遭受痛苦;受损害 e.g. Being away from home for half a year, he suffered from

homesickness. 离家半载,他饱受思乡之苦。


New Words



2. 事故后她的大脑受到了损伤,无法开口说话了。

After the accident she suffered brain damage and couldn’t speak.

1. 再这样下去,我们将面临资源匮乏和环境污染的问题。

If we go on like this, we shall suffer from lack of resources and pollution in the future.

New Words



suffer from ( 尤指长期或习惯性地)患有(疾病等);为 ······ 所苦


e.g. Mostly males suffer from that disease; women seldom get it. 通常男性易患此疾病,而女性则很少。


Deaf people suffer from the problem of being unable to hear sounds.


adj. 【 1 】 happening or existing before the one mentioned 在先的;以前的

e.g. The previous century produced many great artists. 上世纪产生了许多伟大的艺术家。 【 2 】 before a particular time or event 在 ······ 之前

e.g. The writer has published two novels previous to this. 在此之前,这位作家已经出版了两本小说。


New Words



2. 上星期,这个可怜的家伙把右腿给弄断了。而在这之前,他


The poor guy broke his right leg last week. Previous to that, he had broken his left leg in a car accident.

1. 律师引用了以前的一个案例作为辩护的依据。

The lawyer cited a previous case to support his argument.

New Words


convince v. 使确信;使信服

e.g. They’re convinced that the picture is genuine. 他们相信这幅画是真品。


The police were convinced that the girl had been murdered.

New Words


disappoint v. 使失望

e.g. Not to disappoint your clients is the key to the success of your business. 不让你的客户失望是你生意成功的关键。


My daughter was very disappointed when she saw I did not bring back the doll she wanted.

New Words


adj. 【 1 】 fix or set in a certain place; situate 坐落于 e.g. A new factory is to be located in this area. 一家新工厂将建在这个地区。 【 2 】 find the position of 找出;查明 ······ 的位置

e.g. X-rays are used to locate breaks in bones. X 光被用来确定骨折的位置。


New Words



2. 这些新增的观测站能帮助我们确定许多小震级地震的发生地点。

These additional stations help us to locate many small earthquakes.

1. 上海位于中国东部。

Shanghai is located in eastern China.

New Words


atmosphere n. 气氛; 环境

e.g. The restaurant has a very sweet atmosphere and is the perfect place for a romantic dinner. 这家餐馆环境温馨,是享用浪漫晚餐的理想场所。


According to the passage, culture shock results from the sudden change of the social atmosphere and customs.

New Words


vt. cause (someone) great satisfaction or joy 使高兴;使欣喜 e.g. I am delighted to be invited to your wedding party. 我很高兴受邀参加您的婚礼。n. a great pleasure or joy; something or someone that gives great

pleasure 高兴;使人高兴的东西(或人) e.g. Reading is the delight of my son: he would rather read than

watch TV. 看书是我儿子的爱好:他情愿看书,不愿看电视。


New Words



2. 演出精彩极了;我当时高兴得忍俊不禁。

It was a very wonderful show; I could hardly keep from laughing with delight.

1. 听到妻子的建议,他又惊讶又欣喜。

He was surprised and delighted with his wife’s suggestion.

New Words


n. 【 1 】 (singular) a distant point or place 远处; 远方 e.g. Perhaps distance learning can fit our needs. 远程教育也许能满足我们的需要。 【 2 】 the amount of space or time between two points or events ( 空间或时间上的)距离;间隔 e.g. It’s within walking distance. 步行能到那儿。


New Words



2. 你所在的城市距桂林有多远?

What’s the distance from your city to Guilin?

1. 从这儿你能清晰地看到远处的那座岛屿。

From here you can see quite clearly the island in the distance.

New Words


adj. most loved or liked 最受喜欢的 e.g. Red is my favorite color. 红色是我最喜欢的颜色。n. something or someone that is loved above all others 最受喜爱

的东西(人) e.g. This suit is my husband’s favorite. 这套西装是我丈夫最喜欢的。


New Words



2. 她所有的书我都喜欢,但这本是我最喜欢的。

I like all her books but this one is my favorite.

1. 与人交谈是我最喜欢做的事情之一。

Talking with people is one of my favorite activities.

New Words


hesitate v. 踌躇;犹豫不决

e.g. If I were you, I wouldn’t hesitate to buy that jacket. 如果我是你的话,我会毫不犹豫地买下那件夹克衫。


In case you need something, please don’t hesitate to ask me.

New Words


n. 【 1 】 presence in one’s view, the range of what can be seen 视野

e.g. It was raining and no boats were in sight. 天空下着雨,看不见一艘船。 【 2 】 the seeing of something (观)看;(瞥)见 e.g. He always faints at the sight of blood. 他一看到血就会昏过去。


New Words



2. 一看到那座房子,麦琪就哭了起来。

Maggie burst into tears at the sight of the house.

1. 他信奉“ 眼不见心不烦”的处世方式。

He has acted on the principle of “out of sight, out of mind”.

New Words



in/within sight 看得见


e.g. The train is still in sight. 还能看得见那列火车。


The little boy hoped to see a bird, but there was none in sight.


be concerned about 担心; 操心


e.g. Is it a waste of time to be concerned about other people’s troubles? 关心他人的烦恼是不是在浪费时间呢?


His mother has been concerned about him all the time, but he seems not to care at all.


work out 产生结果;结果是

她每天学 3 个新词,以此来增加词汇量,效果相当不错。

e.g. Things did not work out as they had expected. 事情并不像他们想象的那样。


She tried to increase her vocabulary by learning three new words every day and this worked out very well.

take on

【 1 】 begin to have (a quality or appearance) 露出;呈现 e.g. With the spring flowers, the city with a long history is now taking on another look. 春花怒放,古城呈现一派新貌。 【 2 】 accept (work or responsibility, etc.) 接受(工作); 承担 (责任) e.g. Single-parent children often take on some of the housework. 单亲家庭的孩子经常做些家务活。




take on

2. 我开始后悔接受这项工作了:它实在太难了。

I’m beginning to regret that I took on that job: it’s too difficult.

1. 1904 年移居巴黎后,毕加索的画色调更趋于暖色,作品更趋于


After he moved to Paris in 1904, Picasso’s paintings took on a warmer, more optimistic mood.



ever since 从此以后


e.g. He left last year and has been away ever since. 他去年走的,此后就一直不曾回来。


Things have changed better ever since we began to use the new name.

Part I

Part II


1. I have been busy recently, ______________ this week.2. A key task is to get pupils to see for themselves the ____________

between success and hard work.3. On the __________ night, she had promised not to say a word, but

the next day, the whole town knew the secret.4. Mary is ___________ that love rather than money is the key to happiness.

locate convince delight relationship enclose confident delicious bare previous particularly





Fill in the blanks with the words given below, changing the form if necessary. Fill in each blank with one word only.

Part I Using the Right Word

5. I thought the whole meal was good and the soup was particularly ______________.6. The first Mcdonald’s restaurant is _________ in Downey, Southern California.7. I was __________when I knew my best friend had won the race.8. In contrast to your belief that we will fail, I am __________ that we will succeed.





Part I Using the Right Word

locate convince delight relationship enclose confident delicious bare previous particularly

1. The doctor did not tell the family that Tom would be likely to suffer _______ heart disease for fear of frightening them.

2. People all over the world should be concerned ________ drug and pollution ( 污染 ) problems.

3. When the girl asked them if she could ask her boyfriend ______, her parents gave her a negative answer.

4. After losing touch ________ his younger sister for twenty years, Brown was amazed to find that they were both living in the same state.





Part II Working with Expressions

Fill in each of the blanks in the following sentences with a suitable preposition or adverb.

5. We are confident that our city will take ______ a new look in

the 21st century.

6. All the people landed _______ her and her face turned red.

7. The words on the sign are so large that we can see them _____

a distance.

8. When the clouds moved in, the moon was no longer ______






Part II Working with Expressions

Para 1



译 文译 文译 文译 文

Para 2


译 文译 文译 文译 文

Para 3


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Para 4


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Para 5

“祝贺您!”信上说:“您和您的朋友被选中前来体验和享受我们的出色厨艺和美妙氛围。随信附上一张价值 50 美元的抵餐券!”我的朋友高兴极了!他兴奋地跳了起来,还自言自语说着要穿什么衣服、点什么菜、什么时候去,还有……带谁一起去。他可不能戴着帽子进那家餐馆,也不知道哪里能找到一位不会对他的光头失望的女士。

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Para 6


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Para 7-8


这 50 美元是我长久以来花得最值的钱!

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