secret war ii

Post on 06-Apr-2018






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  • 8/2/2019 Secret War II


    I dreamed and everything in the dream seemed to constantly spin, it seemed like I was

    walking through a whirlwind and I felt as queasy as all hell as my feet clumsily carried

    me as I stumbled through the rough barren terrain.

    For what seemed like hours this went on and on and I could hear voices, seemingly

    hundreds of them from surrounding me it was as if the spinning vortex was made from

    these voices.Voices that seemed to whisper in a chaotic incoherent cacophony.

    But sometimes, sometimes I would hear coherent parts, words which I could understand

    words said in harsh accusatory tones.

    "Coward!" the voice of my father would hiss.

    "Heretic!" my mother would wail.

    "liar!" came Olithre's.

    "Useless!" snarled Glaitis.

    At every word I'd stop in my advance to try pinpoint it's source inside the whirlwind but

    no matter how hard I concentrated it still alluded me.

    This must have happened dozens of times just those four accusations breaking through

    the wall of incoherency.

    Then one broke through, one which wasn't repeated before one which I instantly knew

    it's source.


    I spun and found that she stood with me, right inside the whirlwind.

    "Elandria?" I said taking a step toward her.

    She was wearing the dress she wore when we went to the Twilight bar so long ago now,

    she was beautiful almost obscenely so even with her tears black with mascara running

    down her face.

    "Elandria!" I cried and ran to her, my heart lunging in my chest but as I came close her

    brown eyes suddenly snapped straight into mine with such intensity that it made me

    stop in my tracks and she asked me

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    "Why did I die Attelus?"

    I stood staring at her, my mouth agape, "I-I."

    "Why did I have to die Attelus Kaltos?" She said her bottom lip quivering, "what did I do

    to deserve a bullet in the back? I don't understand it."

    Tears suddenly welled into my vision, what was I to do? Tell her the truth? That Glaitis

    had ordered her dead because she had found some shred of her humanity?

    I couldn't do that I just couldn't bring myself to give her such a heinous truth call me a

    coward call me whatever I don't care I reached out and took her in my arms.

    But I couldn't think anything could manage was; "I-I don't know El."

    "No," she said into my shoulder, "no you know."

    Violently she tore from my embrace, "no you know exactly why I died!"

    "I don't El, please!"

    "It's because of you!" she yelled, "you killed me!"

    My heart sank, "no El I didn't kill you it w-!"

    "Shut up!!" she shrieked, "stop making excuses! You know you killed me! You did this to

    me! You killed me! YOU KILLED ME!!"

    Before I could reply I was suddenly hurled clear off my feet and into the air from the

    share force of her scream and was quickly hungrily engulfed by the hurricane which

    began to spin me faster and faster over and over again.

    I closed my eyes and screamed but my scream was completely eclipsed by the roar of

    the tornado as my body began to be torn apart.

    All of a sudden the hurricane was gone, my feet now inexplicably on solid ground, I had

    stopped. To describe such a sensation, the feeling of being spun through the air at such

    a speed then to suddenly stop was horrific in the extreme. I fell to my knees gasping for

    air, my vision was a blur my guts churned with sickness and I felt as if all my limbs had

    been dislocated.

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    It took what must have been a few minutes for my vision to clear but it felt like hours and

    slowly wobbly I finally managed to climb onto my feet.

    I instantly recognised where I was, it was the interrogation room where I had talked to

    the man known as No One of Consequence it was identical down to the very last detail

    this also Included the chair with it's back facing me but anything that sat in it was

    completely engulfed in darkness.

    My heart thudded in my ears as a fear far stronger than I had ever felt before almost

    over whelmed me. I could not help but believe it was Elandria sitting in that chair

    engulfed in darkness I couldn't face her again, she was right it was all my fault if only I

    could've done everything different if only I could have saved her if only I'd known.

    I turned away from the chair and looked to the one way mirror, I saw myself looking

    back at me everything was unsettling who knew what could be peering at me on theother side of that glass? But despite myself I began to approach it seeing the look of

    extreme apprehension on my thin face.and I reached out to place the palm of my hand

    onto the glass.

    As I did suddenly the darkness engulfing half the room seemed to flicker into light in the

    mirror, it lasted less than a millisecond but I was able catch a glimpse of what was in the


    What I saw made my fear transform into panic, painful panic that sent jolts of pain

    though my very soul, panic which made me spin and run to where I remembered to doorto be.

    The door was there but to my heart retching disbelief there was no mechanism to open

    it, then I glanced over my shoulder and saw with dawning horror that the darkness

    began to slowly spread itself bit by bit to engulf the entire room it moved haltingly as if in

    some sort of sickeningly unnatural stop motion.

    I turned back to the door, the terror caused tears to well into my vision and I screamed

    smashing my fists against it begging for someone, anyone to open the door for me.

    Despite the pain echoing through them over and over again I bashed and screamed but

    no matter what I did no matter how hard I tried the door always stayed shut.

    I never looked over my shoulder but I could feel it advancing on me and with it the fear

    and anxiety increased simultaneously.

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    Finally I stopped as I knew it was about to fall on me and I reached for my last shred of

    courage then turned to face the darkness as it took me into it's horrific embrace.

    I stood completely still not ever daring to move. My ragged, anxious breathing the only

    identifiable sound in the room.

    Then I felt the hand, the slimy hand slide slowly almost tenderly down my cheek.

    I clenched my teeth and tried to move, to raise my own hand to push it's away, to kick

    out at it but it was as if my hands and feet where made from stone, I could only cry out

    in disgust and fear then the light flickered on.

    I was face to face with a corpse a corpse that had been rotting for along, long time it's

    eyes where missing it's flesh a horrific green with half of it's face hanging it's off.

    I screamed but my scream was cut short as it's fingers cold rotten fingers wrapped

    around my throat like a vice.

    The lights then began to flicker on and off again now violently as though done by a

    belligerent child then the corpse's mouth slowly opened and opened and opened until it

    was gaping open so far that no human could ever manage and I could clearly hear the

    sick slow popping of its bones.

    In all honesty my fear was almost forgotten as I watched the sheer ridiculousness of it

    was almost jaw dropping then it's open mouth suddenly snapped forward engulfing myvision in darkness.

    With a scream I awoke, sitting bolt upright in my bed.

    I glanced around to see that I was in a room a small room that was a complete mess

    with clothing and books all sorts of junk strewn about with varnished wooden wall and

    through the window the sun light poured through the cream coloured curtains.

    Shocked I jumped out of bed I knew this place I knew this room.

    I approached the window manoeuvring through the mess with finesse and with a violent

    motion jerked open the curtains, the view I was greeted by was stunning revealing the

    huge beautiful lake of Varander and the hilly city itself, this was with out a doubt this

    was my city, my house, my room.

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    "Attelus?" called a voice at the which I immediately identified as my mother's, "Attelus

    I'm coming in!"

    The door opened and she stepped in a concerned look on her pleasant face.

    "Attelus are you okay I heard-"

    She was interrupted by me embracing her hugging her like I never hugged anyone


    In all honesty I knew at the back of my mind it was a dream but sometime times I truly,

    truly missed my mum, I still don't know whether she was alive or not when the chaos

    invasion had engulfed Elbyra I was walking home from Varanderian Scholam while my

    mother well I had no idea where she was at the time, she was never home all that often

    anyway but after that horrible day I never got to see her ever again but realistically shemust be dead.

    "Mum!" I cried hugging her all the harder.

    "A-Attelus! Let go I can't breath!"

    I immediately did as told, "sorry mum I didn't mean to..."

    "It's alright son," she said with a smile, "you just need to know your own strength after

    all that training with your father but is everything okay? I heard a scream."

    "Just a nightmare mum," I assured her shaking my head, "just a nightmare."

    I turned to look out the window again, out to the view of Varander the last time I had

    seen the city it was rubble, destroyed almost beyond recognition to see it in it's former

    glory was soothing to say the least.

    "Well it sounded like a pretty horrific nightmare son," she paused, "Attelus are you okay

    I've never seen you be so intent on the view before."

    I smiled and waved her away, "I'm fine mum, don't worry so much."

    "Okay," she said hesitantly, "oh and I'd like to say, why did you replace me?"

    My brow furrowed in bemusement and I turned back to her, "what?"

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    "Don't "what" me son," she said with slow deliberateness, "why did you replace me with

    that Glaitis bitch?"

    I gaped unsure what to say, completely caught off guard by this outburst.

    "Is it because she's better than me, is that it?" my mother demanded, "is she a better

    mother than me?


    "Well you need to remember Attelus! I gave birth to you! I was the one who raised you,

    looked after you even after your father left us to go kill people!"

    "Raised me?" I laughed with such contempt it even surprised myself, "raised me? Who

    the hell are you kidding! No you where to frigging busy getting high to look after me! Tobusy escaping with the damn Obscura!"

    "You have no idea what I was going through!" she screamed back, "you don't

    understand I needed it I was in pain because they were always attacking me!"

    I sneered, "what is the frigging daemons again is that it mum? So what next? Will the

    Emperor himself ride down on a great gold chariot to take you as his bride now? Is that


    "DON'T YOU DARE!" she roared with such fury it almost caught me off guard, "don't,you, DARE! take, His, name in VANE!"

    "The Emperor was real Mum I have no qualms with that and he was a great man," I said

    shaking my head, "but I can't believe him to be a god! How can he have let all this pain

    and suffering happen? All the injustice? All the death!"

    "Oh he will but you will not be see His glory! You will not be worthy!"

    "The hell am I not worthy!" I snarled, "just because I don't follow blindly the teachings of

    the Ministorum? But otherwise I'm not an evil person! I follow the laws, I've never killed

    anyone! I want to be a historian mum! I will contribute to Imperial society far more than

    you ever have! So unlike you I am actually worthy! But it will never happen!"

    "How do you know!" she roared, "how do you know!"

    "Because I live in the real world mum!"

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    She shook her head, "how old are you? You are sixteen! You haven't even lived half as

    long as I have! You haven't seen nearly enough yet to claim that you live "in the real


    "Well dad is older than you and holds this same belief!" I said.

    "Don't get me started on your father," she growled.

    I shrugged turned and went to collect my towel, "alright whatever," I sighed, "now I'm

    going for a shower."

    "Stop right there Attelus Xanthis Kaltos," she said with such force I did, "you still didn't

    answer my question, why did you replace me?"

    "Not this again mum," I groaned.

    "Yes this again son!" she snarled, "now tell me!"

    I sighed, "it's because mum, it's because you're dead."

    Her eyes widened, "what?"

    "You're dead mum I don't know how or when you died but I know that you're dead, I

    needed help after the war I was a street urchin so I turned to Glaitis," I sighed, "I nevermeant to replace you mum in all honesty it was really an alliance of convenience..."

    I trailed off in my sentence and said instead, "but there is no such thing as coincidence."

    "I'm dead?" My mother said, "why?"

    "I'm sorry mum," I sighed sadly, "but that is the way the universe works, but I have to

    say before I go, I love you and I miss you I really, really do I wish oh how I wish

    everything could be different that the war never happened, that dad never left us."

    "I love you too son," she said and tears began to well in her eyes.

    Again I hugged her, "I love you more mum, and don't worry Glaitis could never replace

    you, never. Now I've really got to go."

    "Where are you going son?"

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    "I'm going to wake up now mum this is just a dream."

    "Oh," she said, "goodbye then my son."

    "Goodbye. My Mum."

    My eyes slowly opened, my vision blurry as I immediately fought to keep my eyes open,

    this was followed quickly by the dull throbbing ache of my face which confirmed that I

    was back in reality.

    With a groan I rolled over and lost the fight, my eyes seemingly just slamming shut and

    then came the sudden rush as deep sleep took over.

    But something even stronger a sudden horrific sickness hit me. Making my eyes snap

    back open and causing me to throw myself bodily from the bed and sprint through the

    door into the bathroom beyond. I stumbled over to the toilet and vomited into the bowl,

    three times in total. Mewling pathetically in between each.

    After a few minutes more of moaning I finally managed to slowly get up from my knees,

    I approached the sink and ran the tap.

    My face hurt like hell but by far worse was the sickening agony in my groin.

    Splashing water over my face and looked at myself in the mirror, many had said during

    my life that I was quite handsome and I guess it was true but in all honesty I never

    actually thought on it, I was just me really. But now I was as ugly as all frig.

    I scooped up more water and rinsed my beaten face again, actively avoiding my

    reflection now and savoring the sting as the water went into the many cuts on my face

    which allowed me to briefly forget the pain in my groin.

    The adrenaline had carried me on in the fight with the Thing, it had allowed me to carry

    on but now it was gone and here I was dealing with the damned consequences.

    I shut off the water flow and walked out the door, feeling the fatigue weigh heavily on my


    Immediately my eyes snapped wide awake and my hand shot straight to my sword as I

    saw a completely conscious Karmen Kons standing in the door way.

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    We stood for a few seconds staring at each other, her attractive face in an expression of

    extreme confusion.

    I internally cursed my utter idiocy, realising I had forgotten to close her cell.

    Kons tilted her head slightly, "Attelus?

    Her word broke me from my frozen state and without hesitation I moved, making the

    distance between us in a millisecond with my sword suddenly held at her throat.

    Karmen Kons I assume, I said.

    She looked to me sidelong with wide eyes I could tell her face was one not used toexpressing surprise.

    How-how are you? You? Why are you?

    I furrowed my brow in bemusement, ignoring the pain as I did. Then it hit me, she must

    have seen the unconscious Thing that looked like me in its cell, and now here I was.

    Damn that would confuse anyone.

    I...uhhh, uhmm, I muttered unsure what to say or do but I could tell she would break

    from her confusion soon so if I was to do anything now would be the time to do it.

    My first instinct was to just slit her throat, she was a psyker so like all her kind, infinitely

    dangerous I was extremely lucky to have this window of opportunity at all, but

    something made me hold back.

    I am Attelus Kaltos, I said hesitantly searching to find what to say next, I uhhh.

    Well if you are, indeed, Attelus Kaltos, she said, her confused stare suddenly turning

    into a terrifying glare and I knew that the window was now well and truly closed, would

    you tell me how the hell you are in two places at once?

    Kons then looked contemptuously down to my sword, and lower that before I make you

    lower it.

    Slowly, I did as told.

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    Oh and by the way its nice to finally meet you face to face Attelus Kaltos, she said

    lightly, even if you are a bit worse for wear.

    My jaw twitched, well Im sure that you have delved enough into my mind to know

    almost all there is to know about me.

    She sniggered slightly, now I could tell this woman was confident and used to be

    completely in control and now, she was in certainly in control. She seemed to ooze

    sensuality from her every pore, despite being malnourished and messy.

    Well, yes, she said, but it is always nice to finally having a...face to the mind you

    could say.

    She suddenly reached out to place her hand on my cheek, the move so out of the blue it

    made me flinch away in fright.

    No need to be afraid, she said moving her hand to compensate, I see that you really

    took a beating didnt you? Who did this to you?

    Why dont you just read my mind to find out? I asked sullenly.

    Kons shrugged, oh I would but am incapable of doing so.


    She pouted her lips and an expression of mock bemusement. yeah it would seem that

    someone or...Something has placed an extremely powerful psychic block on your mind,

    an extremely powerful one indeed.

    I frowned taking note of her use of something in conjunction with someone.

    I was finding it very hard to keep hating her, it wasnt because of her being a psyker. I

    had no time for such idiotic discrimination it was what she had done; so liberally and

    unethically delved into the minds of people on a daily basis for a paranoid tyrant this

    didnt fit well with me at all.

    But I couldnt keep it up there was something about her I couldnt quite put a finger on.

    Perhaps it was her confidence or her being very attractive or perhaps even using a mind

    trick but in all honesty I didnt care.

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    Kons smiled pleasantly retrieving her hand, come Attelus go sit on and the bed, and I

    will help you with your wounds and you can explain to me everything that has


    With that she turned to walk toward the living area but my words made her stop in her


    If you saw what you thought was me in that cell you must have seen Taryst in his too?

    Karmen Kons kept her back to me, yes I did.



    Well dont you care?

    No, not particularly, she said simply and finally looking over her shoulder at me, he

    was my employer and he paid me well but, I never cared that much for him that much, I

    could see that his paranoia would be the end of him sooner or later and am I right to

    assume that it was?

    Oh you have no idea, I said darkly.

    Well then tell me while I help you.

    I smiled, I have a better idea.

    Oh? And could you please elaborate for me Attelus?

    I felt my face flush at her flirtatious tone but doubted it was noticeable from under the

    intense bruising.

    An exchange of knowledge. I will tell you what I know only if you tell me what you do.

    You apparently hold no true liking for Taryst and now hes dead I cant see why you

    wouldnt want divulge his secrets and then...

    And then...? she asked, obviously intrigued.

    I propose an alliance, you and I, together.

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    She grinned, why you really do have a gift for redundancy, dont you Attelus.

    I am actually the head of the department of redundancy department if you really must


    She sniggered again shaking her head, sure, sure Ill tell you what I know if you tell me

    but I cant guarantee that there will be an alliance.

    Oh once you hear what I have to say you will be very interested in this alliance. That I

    guarantee, I replied.

    Karmen Kons smiled, an amused smile, really? Im sure you have your reasons for

    such confidence.

    Shake on it? I said my face darkening.

    Sure, and we did.

    Karmen then turned away and walked into the bathroom while I went and sat on the

    side of the bed.

    She came back out holding a medical kit, dropped to her knees and began to take out

    its contents.

    I uhh, I uhh, I managed.

    You uhh what? she asked.

    I had a dream and you were in it, I blurted out.

    She looked up at me briefly, then shrugged and went back to sort out the box.

    Its not surprising Attelus, I have been in your mind more than once it would only make

    sense that my intrusions would resonate in your dreams.

    If you uhh have been in my mind so often what did you find? I asked.

    Kons sighed and began to lightly dab my face with a wet cotton bud which made me

    clench my teeth slightly at the pain. You are maybe the most conflicted character I

    have ever uhh met Attelus, you have been through a hell of allot kid. Glaitis has been

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    trying to indoctrinate you for years now but you have still clung to your humanity despite

    it all.

    She shrugged sadly, but sooner or later Attelus if you are going to stay in your line of

    work you have to realise that you cant have it both ways.

    Why the hell not? I asked, why cant I be human and be an assassin as well? My

    friend Castella is still human and she has been one for years.

    Kons smiled, youre a smart kid Attelus but you still cant see what is right before your


    And what is that?

    She sighed attaching her eyes to mine, that Glaitis is grooming you, making you intoher successor, cant you see that?

    What? my eyes widened, why would Glaitis want me to be her successor? I dont

    understand, Im not charismatic, Im not a leader and Castella Lethe is actually lined up

    to take over if anything ever happens to Glaitis.

    Karmen Kons shrugged again, a slight almost defeated motion, alright keep convincing

    yourself of that now will you tell me what you know?

    I did, telling her everything right from the Twilight bar incident, a brief abridged version,studying her face intently for any interesting reactions along the way but much to my

    frustration I got nothing, even when I told of Tarysts death being at the hands of the

    Thing and its taking of the Rogue Traders appearance afterwards.

    The only thing I got an expression to was when I hesitantly told of Elandrias death.

    Im sorry Attelus, she said sadly once I was done, Elandria didnt deserve the fate she

    was given and just when you had finally admitted to her how you felt, Glaitis is a real

    callous bitch.

    I could only manage a nod in agreement.

    And you really believe that Glaitis has really aligned herself with the Eldar?

    Yes I believe it to be, I hesitated I had neglected to tell exactly what the Eldar had said

    in my dream it seemed to eerily fit with what Karmen said just earlier.

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    Well it would explain allot, she looked at me, and you want this alliance so you can

    get revenge on Glaitis for having Elandria killed?

    I nodded.

    Her expression turned as hard as stone, well once I tell you what I know that will be the

    lowest on your list of priorities Attelus, Edracian is here that means we have truly run

    out of time.

    What? Why?

    I had no idea that Feuilt was both his and Glaitis spy how he had avoided my detection

    is quite beyond me, said Karmen, but its far to late now for regrets, you see Taryst

    was working for Edracian.


    Yes, up until seven months ago Edracian and Taryst have been allies. We received

    information from Edracian that an Inquisitors Interrogator was investigating evidence of

    their alliance, she sighed, with the combined information from both Edracian and

    insiders of the local Arbites and Magistratum we were able to ambush the Interrogator

    and his escort soon after they made planet fall on Omnartus.

    And let me guess, that Interrogator was this Brutis Bones, right?

    Yes youre correct, but you see Attelus our initial orders were to kill everyone but Brutis

    Bones and many of his lackeys managed to escape our ambush but we managed to

    take one of them alive.

    The dead girl in the cell right?

    You are correct again, we interrogated her for along time but finally we managed to get

    information, but it was information that I wasnt sure we wanted to know.

    Such as?

    Well it turned out she wasnt a direct colleague to Brutis Bones, her name was Amanda

    Heartsa interrogator to another Inquisitor named Torathe, that Brutis Bones and her

    were to collaborate on this investigation.

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    She paused seemingly unsure on how to continue, she said that Brutis Bones had

    stumbled over evidence that Inquisitor Edracian directly or indirectly was actually

    responsible in no less than twelve separate orders of exterminatus all over the Imperium

    in the last century and also a list of his colleagues and Taryst was on that list, they had

    came to Omnartus in hope of getting Taryst to tell of where Edracian was.

    Exerminatus? I echoed, exasperated, it has happened that many times in this century

    alone? And Edracians been involved in them all?

    Yeah its hard to believe isn't it? Well needless to say Taryst was shocked at this news

    as well. He had no idea what to do at first. But in the end decided that he would put all

    his resources into hunting down Brutis Bones, to get this information for himself and to

    erase any information which connected him to Edracian. As well as kill anyone who

    knew, that is when he hired you and Glaitis for aide.

    She frowned, and now I see hiring Glaitis that was his biggest mistake.

    Oh by the Emperor and now he is on Omnartus, I said just realising the implications,

    and he made me take the picture of the Interrogators dead body. Why?

    I dont know why he made you do that Attelus but it cant be good. But now you see our

    alliance must be toward hunting down Edracian rather than getting revenge on Glaitis,

    As we will need her help to track him down.


    I found it hard to breath, all this at once was hard to take in and then I remembered No

    One of Consequences words back in the Twilight bar and I shivered in fear.

    I frowned, why then Taryst not just collaborate with Brutis Bones if he was so afraid?

    Karmen Kons shrugged, I dont exactly know but my theory is that he didnt believe that

    the Interrogator would co-operate after being ambushed and almost killed by our forces,

    or he feared retribution from Edracian if he directly collaborated with Bones, but I dont

    truly know either way but both seem logical to me. By the way is your face feeling any


    I nodded now my cut was covered with a bandage and it throbbed and hurt of a lot less,

    then it hit me.

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    Wait! I exclaimed suddenly, we have one of Brutis Bones allies captured from the

    Twilight Bar incident.

    Yes, you told me that, said Karmen sardonically.

    If we want to track down Edracian we should find Brutis Bones first and he might be

    willing to help us to him.


    The situation has changed since we last interrogated that man Karmen, now we know

    that Edracian is on Omnartus. So perhaps if we tell him that, then he might be willing to


    Karmen Kons face suddenly lit up, and we could gain his trust first by freeing him fromcapture.

    I smiled, which was a hell of allot easier now, its like the old saying: the enemy of my

    enemy is my friend if Brutis Bones could just hear us out, and freeing this man may just

    announce our desperation in the situation.

    Desperate times, call for desperate measures, said Karmen.

    I nodded, getting to my feet, but before we do anything more we need to get out of

    here, do you know how to deactivate the shield up stairs?

    Yes I do, but before we do anything... Karmen Kons trailed off as she walked over to

    the kitchen and began to tear open the compartments, Ive really got to get something

    to eat.

    In silence we sat at the small table in the kitchen Karmen Kons across from me with a

    huge pile of processed food in front of her that she tore into with animalistic fury.

    I could only watch in shock as she continually shoveled a massive amount of food into

    her mouth and ripped apart bits of bread ravenously with her teeth.

    Half way through her feast I felt my guts growl angrily and making me realise how

    hungry I was.

    Uhh can I have some to? I said, reaching over.

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    Her attention snapped straight to me, a feral feline snarl escaping her lips. That

    immediately made me snatch back my hand in fright.

    Okay! Okay! Thats...yours...then.

    She didnt reply only eating with even more intensity than before.

    Can I ask uhm a question?

    Sure, she said no longer feral but the word was slurred by an overly full mouth,


    I was uhh wondering, I said hesitantly there were a hell of allot of questions at the tip

    of my tongue, how did you implant the mind blocks? How did you come under Tarysts

    employee? How did you receive the necessary training for your powers? But one whichI didnt care much for was asked instead.

    Why is Tarysts password Garraksons name?

    Karmen Kons swallowed abruptly and answered simply, well Taryst and Garrakson

    used to be close awhile back.

    I raised an eyebrow, what?

    Karnen Kons sniggered her snigger again, lets just say that Taryst and Garraksonwere a little closer than a normal employer and employee relationship.

    What? So like friends then?

    She smiled with food caked teeth, closer than that Attelus.

    Oh, I said, as I realised what she meant , then my eyes widened and said another

    Ohhh, as it truly hit home, but Garrakson-?

    Garrakson the manliest man this side of the segmentum Obscurus? she interrupted,

    hard to believe right? Doesnt make it any less true though.

    I blinked, but he teased me all the time because-

    Because of your obvious attraction to Elandria? she said, but how does that make

    him straight?

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    At the mention of Elandria, I frowned and averted my attention to the floor, I missed her

    more than I could ever admit.

    Karmen looked away with narrowed eyes, apparently missing my sudden sadness.

    Well that was until they fell out, she sighed, Garrakson really didnt approve of Taryst

    keeping so many secrets and the new regime of the organization, so after a heated

    confrontation they kinda called it quits.

    She looked back to me her eyes locking into mine, you have to realise Attelus, she

    said somberly, there is a real reason why Taryst had earned the respect of

    those in his employ, before he descended into the single minded paranoia which lead to

    his death he was a great man.

    I shook away my sad state, and how long did you work with them, I mean him?

    A year, only a year, she answered shaking her head, but as you know I have been in

    almost every mind that worked for Taryst and have seen it all. When they find out hes


    If Glaitis has it her way, theyll never know, that Thing out there fooled everyone.

    And in turn medicae Feuilt fooled It as well.

    I sighed wearily, shaking my head into the palm of my hand, perhaps...But what I dont

    understand is why Edracian had me take the pict and not Feuilt...Although I could

    hazard a guess.

    Karmen Kons pouted and shrugged, thats a good question Attelus but there is one

    much bigger question we need to ask.

    And that is?

    If the mimic-thing had its eyes, as you figured out earlier, replaced with Barhursts why

    didnt it have them in turn replaced with Tarysts?

    I stiffened in my chair, all of a sudden awake again, yeah! Thats the only reason why

    we caught onto It! Surely if Feuilt and the mimic where cooperating, one being the

    leader of the organization and the other the head of the organizations medical

    department surely they couldve easily arranged a way to do it.

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    Exactly and we have a way to find out.

    The Thing? is it awake now?

    Maybe, she said lightly, If It isn't maybe we should make it be awake, It has allot to

    answer for Attelus.Im surprised Attelus you didnt kill it already, it certainly deserves it.

    I swallowed, Karmen, Ive already learnt the hard way to control my anger, and...

    I clenched my teeth, furrowed my brow and sucked air through my teeth as the rage

    suddenly welled back to the surface, killing It now wouldnt help me, I need to know

    what It knows, that information will help me make sure the true perpetrator pay for

    Elandrias death.

    Karmen Kons chewed her lip, but Glaitis... she started but trailed off and looked away.


    Nothing, nothing.

    Glaitis what? I insisted, annoyed at the psykers dismissive tone.

    Dont worry Attelus its nothing, she said lightly and got up from her chair, alright if you

    excuse me Im going to have a shower.

    What now? Arent we to talk to the mimic?

    Yes we will, but if you havent noticed I stink, she said as she began to walk away, I

    really, really stink so I need a shower, dont worry I wont be long.

    I nodded, making a mental note to ask her about this dissmissiveness later, okay, fair


    Instantly Karmen Kons stopped and turned back to me her face as serious as stone,

    you called her El didnt you?

    I looked away, not sure what to make of her sudden change and at her mention of

    Elandria again, y-yeah.

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    You know if it was anyone else calling her El, she wouldve hated it, said Karmen with

    a sad smile, but when you said Attelus she really didnt mind it at all.

    Sudden tears sprang into my eyes, tears that I truly tried to hide.

    Im sorry but please, please she carried on, Attelus while Im in the shower try to

    think, think about what you really want, think about what really is the best for you and

    think about what Elandria would really want.

    With that she walked back into the bathroom, the door sliding closed behind her, leaving

    me alone with nothing but my thoughts.

    With Karmen Kons no longer there to converse with, my tiredness just seemed to

    suddenly return.

    I shook my head, trying to fight it but it was so, so hard.

    Finally after a few minutes I gave in, collapsing back onto the bed and let it over take


    And again I dreamed, I dreamed back to when I was living in the ruins of Varander.

    It was almost identical to my earlier dream, the one when I walked and walked through

    the destruction and devastation but this time I walked with someone, side by side with awoman.

    An attractive woman with large, watery blue eyes with her long deep black hair pulled

    back into a pony tail and wearing the black with white trim flak armour distinct to the

    Velrosian PDF.

    She seemed so familiar but I found it impossible to recall who she was.

    We were also talking, conversing about something intently but of what exactly I had no

    idea as I couldnt hear the words exchanged but feel my jaw moving.

    Like the dream earlier I couldnt control myself, we walked and walked and talked and

    talked with me every few seconds glancing away to scrutinise over the scenery.

    It was strange as every time I looked back to her, her black hair would briefly change to


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    This went on for along time, until suddenly the black-blond woman stopped in her

    tracks, and raised her hand against my chest forcing me to stop too.

    She turned to me her hair now staying blond, blond like Karmen Kons.

    My name Attelus Xanthis Kaltos, my real name is Estella Erith, she said clearly,

    please remember all we went through together, please remember the oath you swore

    to me so long ago.

    Then I awoke.

    My eyes snapped open as revelations began to poor through my thoughts and

    immediately I lunged off the bed, slid to the side of the bathroom door, my sword

    suddenly drawn and Karmen Kons stepped out to find the blade held and inch from herthroat.

    Youve come a hell of a long way since only being able to tell the names of things,

    Estella Erith, I said.

    She smiled and shook her head, I was wondering if you would ever recognise me

    Attelus Xanthis Kaltos.

    I didnt reply for awhile as a myriad amount of different emotions swept through me,

    anger, relief, confusion, panic and I had no idea which one to express.

    I-I cant believe youre still alive Estella, I croaked, I cant believe your here of all the

    billions of places in this cosmos, I-I cant believe...

    I trailed off, I cant believe I ever forgot about you.

    Karmen Kons let out a sudden derivative snort, you still believe that you suppressed

    the memories of your time living in those ruins that seems to be the only thing I got right

    it seems.


    It looks to me that the Eldar dredged up those memories during the time she mind

    raped you Attelus, accursed Xeno, she shook her head, what if I told you I was the

    one who made those memories go away, what If I was the one who did that, then what

    would you do?

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    I-I dont know Estella, I managed, what do you mean?

    Do you remember Attelus Kaltos what you said to me in the moon light the night of our

    escape from Varander? What you told to Estella Erith I mean.

    I found suddenly I did it was all suddenly there, all flooding back , I-I remember, I said

    that I could never go back to my old life after what I saw and went through, that I wanted

    to be an assassin like my father.

    Yes, yes you did, she said sadly, and so I tried to stop you from going down that path

    Attelus, I tried to stop you from making that mistake...

    So you suppressed my memories of it...! I finished with widening eyes feeling the

    horror suddenly spread, I..I, you did that to me?

    Yes I did Attelus, I did it, I did it when just before we parted ways, do you remember

    that now?

    Again I did, the last time I saw Estella was when we first arrived in the PDF base camp

    south of the battle lines, she said that she was to meet general Tathe and be back soon

    but she never came back. But I never tried to find her and that was because I couldnt

    remember her, because she had made me forget her.

    I abruptly dropped my sword, finding that I really needed to sit down and gather mythoughts.

    I obviously succeeded in doing that, but not in suppressing your wanting to be an

    assassin, she shook her head, I shouldnt be surprised, at that time I was no way near

    as skilled as now, my psychic power was only just beginning to show itself.

    I was hyperventilating now, placing my face into the palms of my hands.

    She came over to me and pulled my hands away, her large blue eyes wild, so cant you

    see Attelus! Now you are going through the exact same struggle I helped you through

    six years ago! That struggle for your humanity, your sanity! Just imagine my surprise

    when I first saw you arrive with Glaitis and her assassins so many months ago!

    She shook her head, I see now that He sent you here to me! The God-Emperor of

    Mankind sent you to Omnartus so I could help you again! To save you from insanity. To

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    save you from Glaitis.

    Then she suddenly grabbed me and pulled me into a passionate kiss.

    I let out a surprised, muffled, mmf!, pain erupted through my lips and after a few

    seconds I managed to pushed her off me, disgusted with myself as I realised despite

    the pain Id really liked it.

    Whats the matter Attelus? she asked sensually, dont you remember how you fell in

    love with Estella on that starry night?

    Now with the return of these memories I knew she was right, that Elandria was never

    the first woman I had fallen for, no Estella Erith was and at the time I was just too young

    and ignorant to realise it.

    I looked to the floor, y-yes, yes I do.

    So why do you pull away? she demanded.

    My attention snapped back to her, because youre not her, because youre no longer

    Estella. I see that kind and compassionate woman is gone now replaced by a monster

    called Karmen Kons!

    She stared at me blankly, I dont understand.

    Estella! You delved into my mind and you erased my memories! You tried to

    manipulate me into doing what you wanted me to do! The audacity, the sheer arrogance

    is breath taking! Do you realise how sick that is? And under Tarysts employ, everyday

    you delved into peoples minds and then! Then! Then you frigging go and erase Vexs

    memory of our deal As some sickening foreshadowing for Taryst!

    I shook my head, the exasperation was so over whelming I found it hard to breath.

    I was only doing what I was ordered to do, Karmen said.

    I clenched my teeth and clenched my fists, anger quickly overtaking the exasperation,

    does that make it okay! Does saying that give you a clear conscience? I was just

    following orders! Is that the excuse everyone uses now? You and that Thing out there

    say the exact same thing. It makes me sick.

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    I shook my head again, my eyes watering, what happened to you Estella? What the

    hell happened to you to change you from the kind compassionate beautiful women I fell

    for and into! Into!

    She glared at me, into what Attelus?, how can you claim youre here to save me from insanity when you are no

    longer sane yourself?

    I am sane Attelus! she yelled I know because the God-Emperor of Mankind sent-

    Oh save it! I snarled, with the amount of times youve looked into my mind you must

    know that I dont believe in that crap! Now I know why I was so quick to trust you I

    mustve recognised and-

    It hit me in mid sentence, ...and why Glaitis kept you alive even though she had the

    perfect opportunity to kill you.

    Karmens brow furrowed in bemusement, what?

    Its because she knew this would happen! I exclaimed, or at least the Eldar told her it

    would! She knew that me seeing what you become would-would!

    I sniffed, no I wont let it, I wont let you turn me against you. Despite what you have

    become I owe it to the woman you used to be, I owe it to Estella.

    My eyes attached to hers, my shoulders rising and falling while breathing heavily

    through my nose, Im sorry Estella, I-I didnt mean to get so angry with you, I

    understand you where only doing what you needed to do, to survive.

    I sat down on the bed, l-lets go and talk to that Thing out there.

    You said years ago Attelus, Karmen said, that you were living to survive instead of

    surviving to live, didnt you?


    Maybe... she shook her head, maybe youre right maybe I was living to survive,

    maybe its about time to survive to live.

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    I smiled and placed my hand on her arm, its been along time Estella, even though I

    couldnt remember you, I still somehow think I missed you.

    She reached over cupped her hand on my bruised, battered face, you have no idea

    how much I missed you.

    Then she began to pull me in for another kiss but again I very hesitantly pulled away.

    Whats wrong? she asked.

    Estella...Karmen, whatever I should call you, I said and sighed, Ive been through a

    hell of a allot, all these revelations one after another, finding out Tarysts fate, the mimic

    masquerading as him, Feuilt being Edracians spy and him succeeding in manipulating

    me so well, as well as everyone else, El-Elandrias death, getting the utter crap bet out

    of me, but most of all finding out you...being, being you. Just so frigging much has comeoutta the blue.

    Karmen Kons smiled.

    I looked up at her, into the face which was now so familiar I should have recognised her

    even with my memories suppressed.

    My attention fell to the floor, I needed her and so needed to be on her good side and if I

    could help her to maybe return her to the person I once knew.

    I sucked in air through clenched teeth and suddenly got off the bed.

    Enough frigging about, I said. Lets go, lets go and talk to the thing, weve wasted

    enough time talking.

    She shrugged and looked away, Yeah, I guess.

    Lets do this then.

    Karmen and I walked into the corridor, Karmen carrying the medical kit with her.

    We came to the Things cell where we found it still in my form and still laying


    Drawing my sword, I turned to Karmen and said, you ready?

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    She nodded and I punched the door access button, raising my sword in a defensive

    stance as it slowly slid open.

    Suddenly its eyes snapped open and it lunged, a blur of speed as It came at me.

    But I was ready, weaving under its flying fist I smashed my knee hard into its side. It let

    out a gasp of pain and collapsed onto its knees and suddenly found the edge of my

    sword laid against its throat.

    Really? I said grinning down at It. You thought wed fall for that?

    It just glared accusingly at me.

    I looked to Karmen who was still standing with a look of shock on her attractive face.

    You alright? I asked.

    I uh yeah, she said shaking herself out of it. That was just...

    I raised an eyebrow, just what?

    Nothing, she said and knelt down next to the mimic, opening her kit as she did.

    Attelus told me he smashed a bottle over your head, i dont know how your illusion

    works but show me it so I can withdraw the shards of glass.

    It looked at her with distinct contempt, then glared back up at me.

    So your not going to kill me now? It asked.

    I shrugged, depends on how cooperative you are, I know that you have a huge role to

    play in this game for mamzel Glaitis, so much so you reallyneed to keep on living to do

    so. So I suggest you do as she says.

    And answer our questions, said Karmen.

    Of which we have a myriad amount of, I added.

    It sighed and with a flash of light It showed us its injuries, half of my face was utterly

    covered in dried blood and countless slivers of glass jutted out of its entire skull.

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    It wasnt a pretty sight, making me wince away and suck in air through clenched teeth.

    I should have known you two would join forces, It growled, as Karmen began to pluck

    out bits of bottle with a small pair of tweezers.

    Well you know what they say, desperate times, said Karmen.

    The Thing let out a derivative snort, so very like you Karmen always spouting out


    Just then Karmen chose to pull out a particularly large piece of bottle.

    First question mutant, I said, pressing my blade slightly closer against its neck. Or

    xenos, or whatever the hell you are, tell me why you keep on insisting on keeping my


    It looked up at me with utter contempt, I thought that was obvious, its psychological, it

    was meant to unnerve you and anyway I like your appearance, youre very pretty.

    My brow furrowed, what?

    It frowned, then winced as Karmen tugged out another piece of glass, ow! Im going to

    blunt with you Attelus Kaltos, with your hair like that, you kind of look like a girl.

    Karmen let out a derivative snort of her own, kind of? More like completely.

    W-what? No I dont.

    Yes you do Attelus, sorry, It said and inhaled sharply as Karmen withdrew more bottle.

    I really do suggest you get a hair cut, in fact Im surprised mamzel Glaitis has let you

    have long hair for so long.

    It snorted again but this time it sounded almost like laughter, some pragmatist your

    meant to be, in a fight long hair is nothing but disadvantageous, you should know that.

    In fact do you want me to show you what you would look like with short hair?

    No, I said through clenched teeth, eager to change the subject. So do you know how

    we caught onto your charade?

    It shrugged, no but I can guess, you found out through the retinal scan records?

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    Which leads us to another question, said Karmen. Why didnt you have Tarysts eyes


    It sighed, do you have any idea the pain I had to go through when I got Barhursts


    Karmen shrugged, actually, I do.

    The Things attention snapped to her, Its eyes wide with surprise, but it was gone as

    quickly as it came and I couldnt hide the surprise of my own.

    So you know the agony? The horrific agony, I had to go through, I couldnt go through

    that again, no, never.

    It shrugged, anyway I had the same access as if I had Tarysts eyes, I didnt see thepoint.

    Well the point would be not to be found, I said.

    Yes it was, It said bluntly. But we agreed it would be more trouble than it was worth, I

    had to keep up appearances as Taryst, to avoid suspicion.

    And let me guess, I said. we means you and Feuilt?

    Now that got a real expression of surprise from It. Y-yes, so you know medicae Feuiltwas also Glaitis spy?

    I looked darkly sidelong at Karmen and growled, that amongst a myriad of other


    It stared at me curiously, about to ask for me to elaborate but seemed to decide better

    of it and turned away.

    And that leads conveniently to another question, said Karmen as she took out the last

    bit of glass and began to dab the creatures face with a cotton bud. When Feuilt came

    up here to give me the drug to keep me comatose, did he act suspicious or anything,

    what did you do?

    It sighed again, I had learnt along time ago not to trust anyone in this line of business,

    and that went double for Feuilt.

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    Why? I asked.

    Because until we worked on this together I had never heard of him before, so every

    time he came up here I would watch him to make sure he didnt try anything off.

    Karmen turned to me, that does make sense Attelus as I understand it Feuilt has been

    under Tarysts employ for at least six years.

    A deep undercover operative, I said, also finding it interesting that it was around the

    time Glaitis took me as her apprentice and wondering how long hed been under

    Edracians employ. But that didnt stop you from consulting him on the next eye


    It shook Its head, no I guess it didnt and he hadnt performed the operation for

    Barhursts eye transplant on me.

    Who did? asked Karmen.

    A local renegade medicae hired by Glaitis, by the name of Dureth.

    I nodded, that would explain Feuilt being unable to take the picts, this Thing was always

    watching him like a hawk.

    So you trusted this Dureth more than Feuilt? I said.

    To perform the mission it was necessary, but not with Feuilt.

    You know everything dont you? asked Karmen. Why we hunt for Brutis Bones?

    Of course I do, it said, sounding hurt.

    So then you know the significance of Inquisitor Edracian being here, right? I said.

    Its face immediately turned pale, w-what?

    I shook my head, deciding it was a good time to change the subject while it was off


    What are you? and how the hell does your transformations work.

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    It frowned and glared angrily at me, but the slight increase in pressure of my sword

    made It go away.

    I am-I am a Xeno, an alien, or at least that is what mamzel Glaitis told me I really do

    not know for sure I was taken in by the mamzel when I was very young so I remember

    nothing of my life before it. You were correct in your earlier assumption Attelus I am not

    a shape shifter, what you see is a projection but I can change my height and build to fit

    the appearance, It growled. I was mamzel Glaitis first and best apprentice.

    It put an emphasis of best in a mocking way, which I ignored. So it was an alien which

    made me uneasy, so Glaitis hasnt just allied with the Eldar but also actively using

    Xenos in her agendas.

    Who in our organization know of you? I asked.

    It grimaced, as far as I know only the mamzel, obviously, Hayden Tresch, medicae

    Feuilt and now, you.

    I smiled at the icy tone used in the you. Now Edracian knew of him too and Emperor

    only knew who the hell else. They could easily use this knowledge against us and my

    teeth involuntarily clenched as the familiar cold feel of fear spread through my chest,

    this wasnt good, this wasnt good at all.

    Then I noticed It was studying me intensely, searching for answers in my face.

    I only glared back.

    Theres one more question I have for you, I said.

    What? It growled.

    Why the hell, did you have to kill Elandria?

    It rolled its eyes, I have already told you-

    Yeah! Orders I know! I snarled the anger suddenly coming back. But why did she

    give you the order!? Why!?

    It stared up at me wide eyed, with an expression that couldve been sympathy or

    contempt or anything, even though it was my own face I couldnt tell. Perhaps I was too

    angry to tell, perhaps I just didnt care. All that I truly knew was that I needed to know.

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    The Xenos turned to the floor.

    No, It said simply.

    W-what? What the hell do you mean by no? I roared.

    Karmen looked to me, Attelus...

    Shut up Estella! I snarled. Karmen! Whoever the hell you are!

    It shook its head, no means no Attelus, sorry.

    Frig you! I pressed my sword a little more making it inhale sharply and drawing blood.

    Tell me! Tell me now!

    I cannot tell you Attelus, because you will not like what I say, and because of that you

    might kill me.

    Well I willkill you if you dont, I said.

    The Xenos shook its head, are you sure you want to hear it?

    Yes! Of course I frigging want to know! Tell me! Tell me now!

    The Thing sighed, alright if you insist Attelus. It frowned deeply. Honestly I dont really

    know why, exactly.

    My face turned as hard as stone at that.

    But I have my suspicions! It said quickly. Only half an hour before you, Olinthre and

    Feuilt came up I received a communique from the mamzel via my encrypted vox link.

    She told me that you would be coming up soon and that she would send Elandria up to

    guard me.

    The Xenos sighed again, and that I kill Tarysts bodyguards so they wouldnt get in the


    I nodded, Elandria said that she found the guards dead, and at that time I felt she was

    telling the truth.

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    The mamzel also said that she had ordered Elandria to kill you, It said. She ordered

    me to monitor your fight and...

    The Xenos trailed off.

    And to what? I demanded.

    I did not know what it meant at the time, It said on hesitantly. The mamzel said to

    monitor your fight with Elandria and these were her exact words; to kill who ever loses


    My attention snapped to Karmen Kons, who looked back at me with wide eyes then I

    looked back to the Thing.


    She meant Elandria, Attelus, It interrupted. She had the perfect opportunity to kill you

    but she didnt. Instead she burst into tears, she defied her orders, she had lost her

    nerve, she was the one to truly lose it.

    The Xenos looked to the floor, I am sorry Attelus, It said with actual, genuine sorrow.

    I wasnt sure what to say, I only gaped dumbly.

    What else did she order you to do? asked Karmen softly.

    It turned to her, I also know that the mamzel meant for me to kill Elandria not Attelus

    because next she ordered me to withdraw the reason why Attelus was here from him,

    by any means necessary, the Xenos looked back to me, glaring angrily. At first I tried

    to masquerade as Olinthre to do it, but I should have known it would not work, killing

    Elandria caused Attelus to go into a paranoid state. So I attempted to do it forcefully.

    It shook its head, and obviously that didnt work either, so here I am with a sword to my

    throat and telling you two everything I know.

    So it seemed that even though Glaitis knew I was coming up to Tarysts quarters, she

    didnt actually know why, interesting. Perhaps it was because Edracian was involved

    and perhaps the Eldars farsight was somehow being blocked by the Inquisitor? That

    would explain why no one seemed to know of Edracians presence on Omnartus.

    You mean to kill her dont you? The Xenos said bluntly. You mean to kill Glaitis.

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    The anger immediately boiled back. Im sick of it, I snarled. Im sick and tired of Glaitis

    and her games! Her constant tests and manipulations.

    I shook my head. Killing Elandria was the breaking point, I can only see one way of

    ending this hell, Glaitis must die.

    But not before we take care of Edracian, cut in Karmen. Your revenge can wait

    Attelus, we have bigger fish to fry.

    The Xenos shrugged, go ahead Attelus, It said. I will not try to stop you, but others will

    and if you do succeed, you will make many very powerful enemies.

    Like who? I growled. That sycophant, Darrance?

    Yes, him, It confirmed. You know how he worships the very ground the mamzel steps

    upon and he is a very, very dangerous enemy to have. But the mamzel still keeps in

    contact with her assassin sect from time to time, and they have one overriding rule, one

    rule that if anyone ever breaks it the consequences are beyond your worst nightmare.

    Whats that? asked Karmen.

    No assassin, apprentice or not, under any circumstance are to ever kill their master,


    I grinned and shook my head, oh if you had even a glimpse into my nightmares,

    Xenos, I said. And thank you for the warning, Ill just have to make sure they never find

    out then.

    But they will one way or another Attelus, they will.

    Well see about that, I said.

    In silence Karmen Kons covered the Xenos face with a large bandage.

    So, It said as in a flash of light my face was back to normal. What are you to do now,


    I looked sidelong to Karmen.

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    I am not sure it would be wise to tell It our plans Attelus, her voice suddenly echoed

    through my mind making me blink in surprise, I would not trust this Xenos as far as I

    could throw it.

    I nodded, and smiled now she sounded like the Estella, I once knew...and loved.

    The Thing blinked, looked at each of us in turn then shrugged, okay, you two can keep

    your secrets then, see if I care, It said.

    I turned back to It, get up, I commanded gruffly.

    It smiled and slowly did as told. You really are placing allot of trust into Karmen Kons It

    said. Why is that I wonder?

    My reply, a contemptuous shake of the head.

    Of course I did not expect you to answer that, said the Xenos. Just wondering aloud,

    that is all.

    Hmm, right, I growled with a nod, then the thought hit me. One more question Xenos,

    did Glaitis, ever tell you why she wanted to keep Es-Karmen Kons alive?

    No she did not, It answered. Im also interested why you called Karmen Kons Estella


    My eyes widened, unsure how the hell to reply to that.

    Yes, yes, said Karmen suddenly. You can be as interested as you want, and I would

    be to, but you are not getting answers, sorry.

    Its smiled my evil smile and shrugged again, just thinking out loud once again.

    Karmen grimaced and turned to me, maybe it is about time for us to head topside.

    Perhaps it is, I agreed.

    But first let me see what is happening out there, said Karmen. Ill be gone for awhile

    Attelus, keep an eye on the Xenos.

    Without waiting for a response Karmen suddenly sat down against one of the cells and

    her eyes turned blank.

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    Immediately the room temperature dropped dramatically, ice began to form on the white

    tiled floors and walls, moisture beading on the reinforced glass of the cells.

    Uncomfortably reminding me of the incident in the Twilight bar.

    I shivered in the cold, my breath coming out as condensation but still held my sword

    against the Xenos throat, realising to my dismay there was ice on the blade and

    goosebumps on my shaking hands.

    The Thing smiled at me mockingly.

    I met its gaze hesitantly, so I uhh dont actually look like a girl, do I?

    It grinned, well you wouldnt as much if you got your hair cut.

    I could only shake my head.

    The Xenos shrugged, you can deny it all you want but the evidence is literally staring

    you in the face and even the psyker agreed, sorry.

    My brow furrowed, teeth chattering uncontrollably in the cold. But the Thing seemed

    completely unaffected by it, he just stood smiling at me. Perhaps it was hiding Its unrest

    behind the illusion?

    I am interested, Attelus...

    Shut up.

    It only paused slightly why is it that you trust her so much?

    I dont, I said bluntly. I trust her, as much as I trust you, but I am a pragmatist and as I

    see it, I need her.

    I put more emphasis on the I am than intended which it obviously noticed as It raised

    an amused eyebrow.

    A highly unbelieving, Uh huh, was its only reply.

    I opened my mouth to demand what the hell It meant by that, but was interrupted when

    suddenly Karmens body gasped and spasmed as she came back into reality, the ice on

    the walls and floor was gone as quickly as it came. Immediately she leaped to her feet.

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    You! she snarled at the Xenos. You need to change into Taryst, now!

    Both the Xenos and I exchanged confused glances.

    W- It tried.

    No questions! Transform into Taryst now or so help me, I will rip out your throat here

    and now!

    Whats going on? I asked.

    She glared at me, we have company, up stairs waiting behind the warp shield,Garrakson, Torris and ten of Tarysts mercenaries, it seems that Feuilt has told.

    My eyes widened with fear, told? Told, what?

    He did not tell them everything, just what happened with you, he and Olinthre, she

    sighed. It seems that they intercepted him in the building carrying...

    She trailed off.

    Carrying...Elandria, I finished hesitantly.

    Indeed, they have been up there for awhile so we need to go up and allay their fears,

    she back glared to the Xenos. Now.

    It shrugged and sighed, if you insist. In a sudden flash of light It instantly grew half a

    metre and shimmered back into the form of Taryst.

    It was strange looking up into the face of a dead man, especially one whose corpse was

    rotting inside a stark white cell barely a few metres away.

    So, said the Taryst-thing in a pitch perfect imitation of the rogue traders voice, smiling

    Tarysts perfect pearly white smile down at us. Lets do this then, shall we?

    We ushered Taryst into the grim gun metal grey elevator, my sword pressed against

    Its back.

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    Do they know where Feuilt is? I asked.

    She frowned and shook her head, no, he must be long gone by now.

    I glanced up at the Thing, wondering what it was making of all this, but found Its face

    utterly unreadable.

    Here is what we are going to do, stated Karmen as she keyed the elevator activation.

    First we are going to hide Olinthres body in the elevator, then I will deactivate the


    What then? I asked, beginning to nervously tap the tip of my shoe on the steel floor,

    making a loud, clang! Clang! Echo through the small space.

    We will let the master of disguise take it from there, It will talk with them as Taryst.


    Attelus! She interrupted, It wants to keep this masquerade up more than anyone, so It

    will have to negotiate and do it well, wont you?

    Tarysts jaw jutted slightly at that, yeah, sure.

    I grimaced and shook my head, how will we explain about Olinthre?

    Karmen shrugged, the Xenos can cover that.

    My jaw clenched and I shook my head, no, no Karmen this plan wont work.

    Karmen Kons and the Taryst-thing looked at me, confused.

    Why? She growled.

    You may have been in his mind but I actually have talked directly to Jeurat Garrakson,

    I growled back, not liking her tone, you said that he found Feuilt carrying Elandria,

    right? And that the good medicae told them what happened.

    I shook my head, he never liked Elandria, but he will want to know why Taryst killed

    her, thats a question we cant answer well enough to allay his suspicions, Karmen. I

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    suggest that the Thing pretend to be Olinthre instead, I smiled as a plan began to form

    in my thoughts. No, heres what we will do.

    We left the elevator, immediately the xenos walked over to Olinthres body and quickly

    slipped on the majors carapace armour. Then we dragged the heavy corpse ruffly into

    the lift with the awaiting Karmen Kons.

    This had better frigging work, said the psyker.

    My jaw clenched with impatience, just...Just switch off the shield once you reach the

    bottom of the elevator and make sure you tell us just before you do, I growled.

    You do know what is at stake...

    I do Karmen, if they find out that Taryst and Olinthre are dead and this thing has taken

    Tarysts place, I sighed and shook my head. It will cause a rift in this organization we

    cannot afford and then if they find out that Glaitis is behind it all...

    I trailed off, I know whats at stake here, Karmen, I do.

    Her eyes watered with intensity, you have to swear to me, just as you did long ago, that

    you will not let your quest for vengeance rule you.

    I nodded looking away, unable to hold her gaze any longer, I-I swear, Edracian must bestopped.

    Look at me when you say it, Attelus! She snarled.

    I hesitantly complied, I swear, Estella, Edracian must be stopped, no matter the cost.

    She nodded, you have better keep your promise, Attelus because if you dont...

    Karmen Kons just smiled and abruptly punched the elevator activation, the doors slowly

    slid shut, leaving the mimic and I alone in Tarysts crimson covered quarters.

    I am interested...

    Shut it! I snapped as I retrieved my autopistol. Just shut it and change into Olinthre,

    we have a job to do.

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    It smiled Tarysts smile, as you wish, apprentice, and in a flash of light It now had

    Olinthres grin.

    As you wish.

    I shook my head, hating myself for the deception I was about to commit and that the

    poor dead Olinthre was going to be part of it.

    I stormed across the room and vented my anger, savagely kicked over the nearest


    Help me with this will you! I snarled over my shoulder as I slashed deeply into the

    closest couch with my sword.

    It nodded and tipped another table.

    I laid into the couch, slashing and slashing until it was a ruin and moved onto the next,

    repeating the process with angry abandon, while the mimic raised the last one and

    turned it onto its side.

    It felt good, cutting into that couch and I lost myself to it, doing it until my arms ached

    and I was breathless first I imagined it was the mimic disguised as Glaitis, then it was

    Edracian, then Glaitis herself.

    Attelus! The Olinthre-thing shouted suddenly, which immediate made me stop in mid

    slash and glare up at It. I think that is enough.

    I clenched my teeth, and with a snarl I kicked into the mass of destroyed couch, sending

    bits of wood skating across the crimson carpet and fluff fluttering into the air.

    Attelus, control yourself! It yelled

    It held my gaze for a few seconds before appraising my destruction with a glance. Well

    you have certainly followed the old axiom; the best way to lie, is to tel the truth, to the

    letter, have you not?

    I was about to snarl back a retort, when Karmens voice suddenly said through my

    head; I have reached Tarysts quarters, Attelus, and have stored Olinthres body in one

    of the cells. I am ready to deactivate the shield when you and the Xenos are ready.

    I spent a few seconds glaring witheringly at the Olinthre-thing before replying.

    Were ready, Karmen, youre free to shut the shield off.

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    Acknowledged and be prepared Attelus, Garrakson and his men will be very hostile,

    they will likely shoot you, unless you and the Xenos are very cooperative.

    Thanks Karmen, I said, fighting back the angry urge to point out that I had already

    figured that out myself. You can shut off the shield.

    Alright, shield deactivation in, 3...2...1.

    The loud droning noise enveloped the room, making the mimic and me turn to see the

    shield shimmering, shaking and writhing as it died.

    Immediately, the soldiers burst through the red curtains, las guns raised and covering

    every corner.


    Both the mimic and I slowly complied. I knew they would be aggressive but not this


    The soldiers in full carapace formed a semi circle around us.

    Check them! yelled one and quickly another slung his las gun, approached us and

    patted us down for weapons, he took my sword, removed my pistol from its shoulder

    holster and even slipped the hidden knife compartments from up the sleeves of myjacket.

    He moved onto the mimic and I couldnt but help fear, what if the soldier felt something


    But in a moment the soldier was finished, turned to the others and announced the all


    No its not, said Garrakson as he and Torris approached. Remove Attelus right shoe.

    Briefly the soldier glanced at Garrakson.

    Hes gotta boot knife, idiot, said the ex-guardsman, rolling his violet eyes.

    My own eyes widened and I looked briefly to Olinthre, finding that they both had violet


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    Why had I never noticed that before?

    The soldier walked around me and clumsily pulled off my shoe then chucked it to

    Garrakson, who caught it neatly.

    Well well well, said Garrakson, tossing aside my shoe. Guess who we ran into in the


    I had to really clench my teeth shut to keep myself from blurting out, Feuilt.

    Garrakson raised his eyebrows mockingly, oh you dont know? I was pretty sure that

    you would.

    I-! started the Olinthre thing.

    Shut up major! snarled Garrakson. You may outrank me, but under the

    circumstances, I really dont care!

    Torris who still stood beside the uncharacteristically angry Garrakson, looked over the

    room his expression turned shocked as he saw the destroyed furniture and destruction.

    What the hell happened here? The ex-arbitrator asked.

    I happened, I growled, letting some of my anger come to the surface.

    Torris attention snapped to me and his eyes widened with sympathy.

    H-have you two been in here for all this time? asked Torris.

    Both the Olinthre-thing and I answered with glares.

    How! demanded Garrakson as he began to pace back and forth like a caged lion.

    I would answer, sergeant, said the Olinthre-thing, pointedly emphasizing the

    sergeant. But I think its about time you calm down, before you burst a blood vessel.

    Frig you! roared Garrakson. Just answer my frigging question.

    The Xenos sighed, glancing at me briefly before answering with the lie which I had

    made sure It knew and understood.

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    After...After Taryst shot Elandria, I ran in here after him, It said. I found the place

    empty, Taryst was gone, logically through that door. The Olinthre thing nodded over his

    shoulder to indicate it.

    So what did you do? Asked Torris.

    I was angry, sighed the Xeno. really, really angry, I bet on the door and took much of

    my rage out on it, then Attelus walked in and if I thought I was angry, well he, he did all

    that. It nodded over its shoulder to indicate the destroyed couches and kicked over


    It was soon after I entered that Taryst for some reason, activated the shield, I said.

    So you two have been stuck in here for the past four hours? growled Garrakson.


    Well if thats the case, why didnt you contact us? Asked Garrakson.

    We tried, answered the Olinthre-thing. But Taryst had our vox links blocked


    That wasnt actually a lie, the mimic had used a comm link scrambler, It had informed

    me of this during our ascent.

    On that thought why didnt Taryst try to contact us himself? said Torris.

    I barely held back a smile and shrugged, Dont know, weve just been here the whole


    Garrakson, let out a slight growl, alright then, Attelus, how then did you get your face

    so beaten up? I doubt that Vex hit you that hard, did you beat your face against the


    Elandria did it to me during our fight, I answered with forced neutrality.

    Garrakson smiled and shook his head contemptuously, right. I seriously doubt-.

    She did this to me Jeurat, I interrupted. In case you forgot Ive spent the last month in

    a coma, I wasnt at my peek performance, she outclassed me in every way.

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    Right, then, said Garrakson. So if you have been stuck here for all this time, why

    didnt you answer us? We mustve beat our fists on the shield a thousand times or more

    while we waited.

    We never heard them, stated the Xenos simply. The shield must have buffeted the


    Garrakson clenched his teeth and let out a frustrated snarl.

    You have better have told me the truth, he growled. Or...

    Or else what? snarled the Olinthre-thing suddenly. Resorting to empty threats isnt

    going to get you anywhere, sergeant, we. Were. Here. Now Jeurat, now we have

    answered your questions, will you let us go?

    Suddenly Karmens words filtered through my thoughts, okay Attelus I am coming up, I

    have the seal.

    Oh no, oh frig no, said Garrakson. We have allot more questions we need answered.

    Such as why Taryst turned on the shield just when Attelus entered, stated Torris. Or

    why he shot... he trailed off and gave me a guilty look.

    We are just as in the dark as you are, the xenos said.

    Yeah, right, said Garrakson, utterly unconvinced. So...Where is it?

    I raised an eyebrow and exchanged a confused glance with the Olinthre-thing.

    W-wheres what? I asked.

    Garrakson grinned and shook his head, trust you to forget about it Attelus, where is the

    retinal scan sheet that you had Vex print out? The very thing that started all this?

    I couldnt hide the fear on my face, oh crap. I had completely forgot about that, Estella

    had said Feuilt had told them everything and that would logically include that print out! I

    was well and truly an idiot and I felt the urge to smash my head repeatedly against a


    Garrakson smirked in triumph at me, then looked to one of the mercenaries, check their

    pockets, he commanded.

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    Yes sir, said the soldier who then moved to me.

    I was completely oblivious to it as my mind whirled, how was I going to get out of this?

    Once Garrakson finds the print out he will find out about Barhurst being on the record,

    he will figure out that the date didnt coincide and will figure out that was what inspired

    Olinthres rebellion and from there...I didnt quite know, but it couldnt be good.

    The mercenary finished with me and moved onto the mimic. I turned to watch my heart

    in my throat and low in behold he immediately pulled a folded sheet of paper.

    My heart sank as I watched the mercenary walk back to Garrakson.

    Found this sir, he said as he handed Garrakson the paper.

    Without a word of thanks, Garrakson snatched the print out of the Soldiers grasp and

    began to speed read over it.

    Despite everything, I frowned, my apprehension almost overtaken by anger, I found

    myself really not caring for this new side of Jeurat Garrakson.

    But in all honesty I shouldnt blame him, if he cared for Taryst as much as Estella said

    he did, I could understand it. I probably had acted in a similar way after Elandrias


    With that thought my gaze fell to the floor, poor Garrakson, how will he react when he

    finds out that Taryst is actually dead?

    Then the elevator doors opened, and immediately the mercenaries had their rifles

    raised to cover Karmen Kons as she stepped into the open, she was wearing a very

    revealing low cut tunic, which made my already wide grin somehow even wider.

    Hello, she said flirtatiously. What do we have here?

    Who are you? growled Garrakson.

    Oh! How rude of me, she said with a smile. I am, your new, boss.

    There was a pause, a long pause before Garrakson finally growled, what?

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    Karmen raised her hand and said, alright, I am not reaching for weapon so hold your

    fire, okay?

    Whatever, growled Garrakson, I wasnt looking at him but could imagine his grim,

    scarred face somehow even grimmer than usual.

    Karmen Kons pouted and shrugged, okay, I will take that as a yes, then, she said then

    slowly raised her hands, holding up the Tarysts family write of trade.

    How did you get that! shouted Torris.

    She shrugged again, ohh, I was given it.

    You have better explain yourself, now, said Garrakson.

    Sure, just give me a second, with that her eyes briefly turned milky blank and I

    remembered, I remembered entering into a room with bare shiny steel walls, in the

    middle was a big black seat. I sat down and clamps suddenly closed around my wrists

    and ankles.

    Then Karmen Kons walked into the room, hello, Attelus long time no see, she said.

    Good to see you...

    She looked to me and smiled, you dont remember me, do you?

    Then I found I was back in Tarysts condo, on my knees with my hands on my head.

    Youre-! started Garrakson.

    Yes I am, she interrupted, her earlier lightheartedness now completely gone. Now you

    know who I am, now you understand why I have this.

    Where is he? demanded Garrakson.

    Where do you think he is? countered Karmen, Taryst wishes to be left alone, he fears

    that people within his organization want him dead, she said that with an accusatory

    glare at me and the Mimic. So he is staying in his quarters and has sent me to take

    charge in his stead.

    I want to talk to him, growled Garrakson.

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    Sorry, no, said Karmen shaking her head. He ordered-

    I dont, give a damn what he ordered! roared Garrakson with so much feeling it made

    everyone flinch in fright and forced me to turn back to Garrakson.

    I was taken aback, never had I ever seen the stoic soldier so choked up before.

    I need to talk to him! How do I know he is okay! Or even still alive! How can I believe


    I frowned and looked away.

    Torris next to Garrakson shook his head and placed his hand on the ex-guardsmans


    Jeurat, calm down, he said softly. Calm down, or you will need to leave.

    Screw you Marcel! snarled Garrakson, tearing his shoulder from Torris grasp. Frig

    you! Frig you all!

    With that he threw the printout to the floor, turned and stormed through the curtains.

    Torris turned to the Storm Troopers, you two follow him, make sure hes okay.

    Yes sir! chorused the soldiers as they moved to follow after Garrakson.

    Karmen said Thank y-

    Shut up! shouted Torris. Hes right, we have no idea if you are telling the truth, how

    do we know you didnt just kill Taryst and steal the writ?

    Karmen Kons shrugged, you dont, but you are a trained Arbitrator, so should know if I

    am lying or not. I didnt kill Taryst.

    Yeah, and youre a frigging psyker, so how do I know you arent manipulating what I

    am seeing or even what Im believing? said Torris.

    Karmen threw back her head and laughed loudly. Yes, I imagine you dont, or even if


    She raised the writ, or even if this is real.

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    Give it to me, said Torris.

    Karmen shrugged then tossed it over my head and straight into the ex-arbitrators


    You have seen it before, said Karmen. So you can tell its the real thing.

    Torris briefly looked over it, yep, looks all in order. He said.

    Well? Said Karmen. Do you trust me now?

    Torris frowned and shook his head, oh no, oh hell no, I wouldnt trust you as far as I

    can throw you, but I imagine that you could just erase our memories of all this, before

    we can even blink.

    Karmen Kons face turned as hard as stone, a very familiar expression, what makes

    you think that?

    Oh I dont know, said Torris as he stroked his thick chin with his finger and thumb.

    You erased our memories of you implanting the psychic blocks, and after what you did

    to Vex, he shrugged. It seems to be a pretty good assumption. So...

    So...? growled Karmen.

    So, well cooperate, said Torris lightly.

    Karmens hard expression disappeared in a heart beat, what? Really? She said

    bemused and the Xenos and I exchanged surprised glances.

    Yep, really, because if you could do all that, whats stopping you from erasing all of my

    memories? said Torris.

    Again Karmens expression darkened, well, I was hoping not to have to resort to such

    idle threats.

    Idle? Idle? echoed Torris mockingly. Id hardly call that an idle threat. I really cant

    think of a much worser fate than losing all my memories, losing who I am and what I

    am, you could have just said that in the first place, but no, you just had to skirt around it.

    Typical woman.

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    Around the soldiers shuffled nervously at Torris perceived impudence.

    Karmen only smiled, I can assure you Marcel Torris I am anything but typical.

    And also incredibly humble as well I see, said Torris. Alright! So youre in charge,

    then so what do we do with these two?

    I would have smiled at Torris unintentional rhyming but was to busy looking over my

    shoulder at Karmen.

    This was it, this was the perfect time for her to betray me if she wanted to. Estella Erith I

    knew wouldnt even consider it, but this wasnt Estella this was Karmen Kons, who was

    more than a little bit unhinged and who I knew very little of. I couldnt help but wonder

    what exactly had happened to Estella over the past six years that had changed her so

    much, how had she left the Velrosian Planetary Defense Force, how she had receivedher training.

    I had placed allot of trust in her and now was the time to see if she would pull through.

    She met my gaze and smiled.

    They are to live, she said simply and much to my relief.

    Now it was Torris turn to be caught on the back foot, what? Really?

    Yes, really, said Karmen. They can still prove to be useful and Olinthre has been inour organization for many years, up until now he has been loyal and dependable,

    because of that Taryst believes he deserves a second chance.

    Torris scratched his head and met the Olinthre-things gaze, that sounds...fair enough,

    its good to hear that Taryst is taking that into account.

    You seem upset, Torris, said Karmen, tilting her head slightly in feigned interest. Are

    you upset by that?

    No! cried Torris quickly. No! I glad if anyone deserves such consideration its the

    major! Just surprised thats all. What about Attelus? Whys he off the hook?

    Karmen shrugged, Taryst feels that killing Glaitis prized Apprentice without her

    permission would not be wise, we all know the trouble she went to too revive him after

    the Twilight Bar incident, we still need her as an ally.

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    Torris grimaced and glared witheringly at me, I guess that makes sense, although

    Attelus getting off without any sort of consequence just doesnt sit well.

    Well, well just tell Glaitis of what hes done after this is all said and done, said

    Karmen. She can deal out a fitting punishment for the boy.

    I couldnt help clench my jaw at Karmen calling me boy.

    Torris expression softened suddenly, alright, I hope it isnt too harsh for you Attelus,

    and as long as Taryst stays in his quarters hell be safe, but...


    But Id like to know and, Attelus here especially, do you know why Taryst chose to kill


    Honestly...I do not know, said Karmen. Maybe he wanted to avenge the deaths of his

    bodyguards, he never told me, nor was I here when he did it, I was still down stairs.

    Torris jaw jutted slightly and his attention fell back to me and the mimic, okay

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