secret life of bees preview

Post on 19-Aug-2015






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  1. 1. Your Task while Viewing
    Sue Monk Kidds novel The Secret Life of Bees takes place in America in the year 1964.
    The main character, Lily, is a white teenage girl with a black nanny named Rosaline.
    From the facts you are going to see about the 50s and 60s, what problems do you think may occur within the novel?
    Your answer should be at least two paragraphs long stating specific or general situations that Lily and Rosaline may face. You can make up a situation based on the facts within this slide show.
  2. 2. America in the 1950s and 60s
  3. 3. Nuclear Scare
    During the 50s and 60s Americans feared a nuclear war between the U.S. and the USSR
    American culture began to wrap around this fear.
    Bomb shelters popped up in the backyards of many American families.
  4. 4. Nuclear Scare
    Even schools had special drills and procedures to follow in case of an attack.
  5. 5. The Civil Rights Movement
    The Civil Rights movement was a series of protests and demonstrations towards equality before the law for African Americans. This mostly occurs during the 1950s and 60s.
  6. 6. Segregation
    Separate but equal was the basic point of segregation during this time. It was the thought that African Americans could be separate from the white society and still be equal.
  7. 7. Segregation
    This means that blacks and whites would not sit in the same schools, restaurants and other public places. Instead there were separate restaurants and schools built for each race, and each public area was supposed to be created and treated equally.
  8. 8. The Civil Rights Movement
    The inequality and mistreatment of blacks, inevitably led to protest.
  9. 9. The Civil Rights Movement
    Here are some examples of protests that occurred during this time.
  10. 10. Civil Rights Movement
    Ministers outside an F.W. Woolworth store in New York City, April 14, 1960, protest the store's lunch counter segregation at the chain's southern branches.
  11. 11. Civil Rights Movement
    A white youth matched strides with a negro student picketing the F. W. Woolworth store in Greensboro, North Carolina, during a lunch counter sit-down demonstration.
  12. 12. The Civil Rights Movement
    1963, Martin Luther King Jr. is arrested and jailed during anti-segregation protests in Birmingham; he writes his seminal "Letter from Birmingham Jail," arguing that individuals have the moral duty to disobey unjust laws.
  13. 13. The Civil Rights Movement
    Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) Field Secretary Cordell Reagon teaches a workshop on nonviolent tactics, Danville, Viginia, 1962.
  14. 14. The Civil Rights Movement
    Ronald Martin, Robert Patterson, and Mark Martin stage a sit-down strike after being refused service at an F.W. Woolworth luncheon counter, Greensboro, North Carolina, 1960.
  15. 15. The Civil Rights Movement
    Civil Rights protesters lying in street.
  16. 16. The Civil Rights Movement
    In 1964 President Lyndon B Johnson signed The Civil Rights Act of 1964. This banned the separation or refusal of people in public places due to race.
  17. 17. The Civil Rights Movement
    This bill also included the right for African Americans to vote. However, many states would try and make it difficult for blacks to vote, either through violence, fear, or ridiculous tests and requirements.
  18. 18. The Civil Rights Movement
    A year later, the Voting Rights Act of 1965 prohibited discriminatory voting practices that made it harder or sometimes impossible for African Americans to vote.
  19. 19. Your Task
    Sue Monk Kidds novel The Secret Life of Bees takes place in America in the year 1964.
    The main character, Lily, is a white teenage girl with a black nanny named Rosaline.
    From the facts you just learned about the 60s, what problems do you think may occur within the novel?
    Your answer should be at least two paragraphs long stating specific or general situations that Lily and Rosaline may face. You can make up a situation based on the facts within this slide show.

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