secondbite r&d strategic plan_2015

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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Research and Development

Strategic Plan


Prepared by: Dr Geoff Smith, Research Manager


Contents Contents ........................................................................................................................................................................ 2

Foreword ....................................................................................................................................................................... 4

1.0 Executive Summary ....................................................................................................................................... 5

The Problem ............................................................................................................................................................ 5

Towards a solution .................................................................................................................................................. 5

SecondBite will be different ................................................................................................................................... 5

Strategic Goals ......................................................................................................................................................... 6

Tactical Objectives .................................................................................................................................................. 6

Outcomes ................................................................................................................................................................. 7

2.0 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................... 8

2.1 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................................ 8

3.0 Developing the Strategy ................................................................................................................................ 9

3.1 Previous activities ...................................................................................................................................... 9

3.2 Nutrition Education Programs ................................................................................................................ 9

3.2.1 Fresh NED................................................................................................................................................. 9

3.2.2 FoodMate ................................................................................................................................................... 9

3.3 National Presence .................................................................................................................................... 10

4.1 The Will Paterson Research Fund ........................................................................................................ 11

4.2 Proposed R&D Organisation Chart ..................................................................................................... 11

4.3 Summary roles and key responsibilities ....................................................................................................... 12

5.0 Research Governance .................................................................................................................................. 13

5.1 Human Participants ................................................................................................................................. 13

6.0 Research Model ............................................................................................................................................ 14

6.1 Community-Based Participatory Research .......................................................................................... 14

6.2 Social Marketing ....................................................................................................................................... 14

6.3 Benefits of the model ............................................................................................................................. 15

6.3.1 For SecondBite .................................................................................................................................... 15

6.3.2 For Academics ..................................................................................................................................... 15

6.3.3 For the Community ............................................................................................................................ 15

6.4 Research Methods ................................................................................................................................... 16

6.5 Research and Development Objectives ............................................................................................... 16

6.5.1 Evaluate the impact and outcomes of all SecondBite work ......................................................... 17

6.5.2 Expand the delivery of our Nutrition Education Programs ........................................................ 17

6.5.3 Understand the impact of food insecurity on varied population segments............................... 17

6.5.4 Investigate Current and future causes and extent of vulnerability .............................................. 17


6.5.5 Discover food insecurity – protective factors ................................................................................ 18

6.5.6 Understand and influence public awareness and knowledge of food insecurity ...................... 18

6.5.7 Understand the impact of food waste and its reduction .............................................................. 18

6.6 Outcomes .................................................................................................................................................. 18

6.6.1 Social marketing response ................................................................................................................. 18

6.6.2 Advocacy and policy Change ............................................................................................................ 18

7.0 Dissemination Plan ...................................................................................................................................... 20

8.0 Research and Development Work Plan – Year 1 ................................................................................... 21

8.1 Notes ......................................................................................................................................................... 21



Research and Development has been identified as an area of expansion for SecondBite and is a key

component in the aims and objectives as SecondBite enters its second decade. The purpose of this

document is to provide direction for building research capabilities and highlighting activities that will be

essential in providing SecondBite with flexible innovative options to increase reach and impact in the

fight against food insecurity in Australia

Previously, SecondBite has participated in research activity initially concerned with supporting core

business through surveying recipient agencies, monitoring of nutritional content of food supplied. In

parallel SecondBite R&D Developed Nutrition Education Programs aimed at supporting recipient

agencies to utilise rescued food, improve food safety and build healthy meal policies (Fresh NED). The

second education program FoodMate is designed to support food insecure clients of community agencies

to develop nutrition, cooking, and budgeting skills to help them develop food independence. These areas

of research and the methodologies employed have been dependent upon the interests and expertise of

staff, and operational need, driven by an overarching research agenda. SecondBite’s previous success and

established relationships in the research sector present a unique opportunity to pursue and grow research

activity in a number of strategically chosen areas, identified with regard to prevailing trends and

opportunities, existing local capability and availability of external expertise and funding sources, as well as

operational needs. The SecondBite Research and Development Strategy was developed between

September and November 2015 and has involved consultation throughout the organisation.

The SecondBite research and Development Strategic Plan was presented to and supported by the

SecondBite Board at their Melbourne meeting on 26th October 2015, and has received technical

commentary and support from the SecondBite Food Security Advisory Committee .

This strategic plan provides clear direction for SecondBite Research and Development to move forward

with purpose into the second decade of SecondBite’s work.

Dr Geoff Smith (Research Manager)


1.0 Executive Summary

The Problem

Food insecurity exists "whenever the availability of nutritionally adequate and safe foods or the ability to

acquire acceptable food in socially acceptable ways is limited or uncertain.”

The problem of food insecurity in Australia is significant and chronic. The 2012 National Health survey

reported approximately four per cent of people lived in a household that, in the previous twelve months,

had run out of food and could not buy more. This translates to approximately nine hundred thousand

households in Australia being food insecure, with marginalised groups, such as those experiencing

homelessness, asylum seekers and Indigenous Australians at even greater risk. SecondBite is committed to

leading and influencing positive change in Australia and currently tackles the food insecurity problem by

supplying rescued healthy nutritious food to agencies that provide food relief to those in need in their

localities, and nutrition education programs to those experiencing food insecurity.

Towards a solution

There are two generally accepted ways of addressing food insecurity, alleviation and prevention.

SecondBite is a strong player in the business of alleviation of the immediate effects through the provision

of food to those in need. SecondBite does this well, limited generally only by financial constraints as there

is an ever present (and increasing) need. Alleviation of the immediate experience of food insecurity,

although important and necessary, does not address issues which may lead to reduction of the extent or

severity or even ‘prevention’ of the problem in the first place.

Current research and discussion on Australian food insecurity approaches the problem at a macro level

attempting to take account of as many of the contributory factors as possible. This often results in very

broad alliances detailing very complex social welfare problems with their sheer scale making inroads for

specific and focussed activity difficult and expensive.

SecondBite will be different

SecondBite will add value to its own activities and the broader research debate by extending our role in

Breaking the Cycle of Food Insecurity by implementing a strategic plan for research, demonstrating

commitment to leading and supporting high quality social and behavioural research which strengthens

our objective of being a leader and influencer of positive change in Australia. We will focus on solutions

and strategies for improvement rather than on extent of problems.

In order to fulfil our mission to improve the lives of vulnerable people SecondBite’s research strategy will

take a markedly different approach. Using our strengths and assets we will focus our research effort on

developing specific targeted interventions to be tested in the real world to bring about lasting change. We

will look to develop and implement these solutions in partnership with the people experiencing food

insecurity and with the agencies and community food programs engaged in supporting and assisting them.

This approach will result in:

1. A reduction in reliance on emergency food relief


2. Empowerment of vulnerable Australians and their families to access healthy nutritious and

culturally appropriate food, enabling them to fulfil their full potential

The Strategic Plan document provides comprehensive details of:

Strategy development

Research Goals and Outcomes

Tactical Objectives

Necessary organisational change

Our research capacity and capability is a unique point of difference between SecondBite and other food

rescue organisations, and is a key component in our contribution to effective social change. This strategic

plan will create a SecondBite Research Program which is:

1. Nationally recognised

2. Sustainably funded

3. Founded on strong governance

Strategic Goals

This research program has the following goals:

Provision of reliable data to provide new knowledge about food insecurity at the local level

Improve public awareness of the extent and impact of food insecurity and food waste

Translate data into preventative interventions and solutions improving the nutrition of vulnerable

community members

Consolidate an evidence base to support behaviour and policy change

Tactical Objectives

Goals will be reached by using the tactical research objectives:

Evaluate the impact and outcomes of all SecondBite work

Expand the delivery of our nutrition education programs

Understand the impact of food insecurity on varied population segments

Investigate current and future causes and extent of vulnerability

Discover and redeploy food insecurity – protective factors

Understand and influence public awareness and knowledge of food Insecurity

Understand the impact of food waste and its reduction



The outcomes which SecondBite R&D will deliver are as follows:

Innovation and best-practice responses

Influence public awareness of food insecurity and the need for change

Translate data and knowledge into strategies to impact local food insecurity and change lives

Inform and provide evidence to advocate for recommended changes to social policy

Develop “A SecondBite Point Of View” - provide SecondBite with a clear message and

consistent position on food insecurity issues

Position SecondBite as an opinion leader and a trusted resource for food insecurity information


2.0 Introduction

The effects of insufficient nutrition and diet on physical and mental wellbeing range from poor general

health, heart disease, diabetes, to stress and anxiety and depression and isolation. These in turn

compound the problem and further reduce peoples’ ability to change their lives. People become trapped

in this cycle of food insecurity as a result of a combination of issues: ‘the inability of individuals,

households and communities to acquire food that is healthy, sustainable, affordable, appropriate and accessible’.

Our aim is for people to be able to access affordable nutritious healthy food in a sustainable manner, as

opposed to through food relief in times of crisis or emergency. Food insecurity is no longer a problem

confined to those at the extremes of society or who find themselves in poverty. Food insecurity is

increasingly climbing the income scale and the numbers of people accessing food relief are growing.

Where providing meals simply cannot address the key determinants of food insecurity such as poverty

and disadvantage, it is a vital short term solution that makes an enormous difference to people daily.

Contact with the people using and staffing Community Food Programs on a daily basis uniquely positions

SecondBite right at the ‘coal face.’ This position gives SecondBite R&D the bias for action and the ability

to identify manageable research gaps. SecondBite R&D will partner with appropriate stakeholder to fill

these gaps with solutions that impact individuals. By implementing and evaluating change strategies at

grass roots level through our agencies we can build a more comprehensive picture of what is needed,

what is being done and what is successful. By collating data and creating this type of evidence base, we

can begin to influence public awareness of food insecurity by creating a consistent point of view for

SecondBite and provide a voice for vulnerable Australians, and the diverse agencies that support them.

Driving public debate is a powerful to influence those responsible for making large scale sustainable

changes through policy and legislation.

2.1 Purpose

This document details the development and context, of the strategic plan itself and the goals for research

at SecondBite 2015-2018. Discussion below will cover consolidation of past work to inform the strategy,

and then describe our strategic goals, and how they will be reached by achieving our tactical objectives

followed by the research approaches and partnership model which R&D will use. Matters of research

governance and resourcing will also be discussed, culminating in the 12 month work plan to be adopted.

The dissemination plan is also discussed.


3.0 Developing the Strategy

3.1 Previous activities

R&D has contributed to measuring and tracking our processes and impact on community food programs

and people in need, with a strong focus on operational issues, leading to the SecondBite research Report

Series: A Fresh Approach. SecondBite have also funded a research scholarship in food insecurity and

poverty with Deakin University with the PhD due to be awarded in early 2016, with outcomes being

made available to SecondBite. SecondBite has also importantly developed two excellent nutrition

education programs to upskill CFPs and support vulnerable people to find solutions to food insecurity.

Through delivery and continuous evaluation of these, SecondBite has developed lasting and strong

relationships with the agencies and CFPs involved.

Developing the SecondBite R&D Strategic Plan consolidated these past achievements and incorporated

consideration of these in future directions firstly by using information and data from previous research

reports (where appropriate and relevant) to maximise value from previous work. However, changes in

direction and refocussing effort into new areas may provide greater value. Secondly we will strengthen

involvement of all SecondBite departments in the research process to foster development of an

organisational culture of innovation, pursuit of knowledge to support food relief operations and bring

about effective social change.

3.2 Nutrition Education Programs

The nutrition education programs (Fresh NED and FoodMate by SecondBite) were rolled out more

widely over the 2014-2015 Financial year demonstrating success in helping people to Break the Cycle of

food insecurity and to change their lives in terms of healthier diet. Working with local agencies in this

manner clearly shows that a difference can be made to lives using our expertise and local connections.

SecondBite R&D strategy aims to extend this nutrition education success and build on the relationships

and connections to support further research activity.

3.2.1 Fresh NED

Fresh NED (Nutrition EDucation) is a nutrition training program developed for staff and volunteers

from Community Food Programs designed to improve the food security of people throughout

Australia. A Community Food Program is any program that provides free or subsidised food to people

experiencing disadvantage. Topics covered by Fresh NED include: Food Security, Healthy Eating, Food

Safety, and How to Develop Nutrition Policy for CFPs.

3.2.2 FoodMate

FoodMATE by SecondBite is a nutrition education program which develops the food independence of

individuals who are at risk of, or who are experiencing food insecurity. FoodMate is an 8-week program

which provides weekly hampers of fresh nutritious food, information on budgeting, food safety, food

storage, healthy eating, local food access and shopping tips and provides vital links to local community

support. Upon completion of this nutrition program, delivered as an integrated case management


model, FoodMate participants will have the skills required to source, prepare and enjoy fresh food

independently for years to come.

3.3 National Presence

To date, SecondBite R&D activities have been carried out in Victoria, New South Wales and to a smaller

extent in Tasmania. As SecondBite grows into the other states and territories R&D will identify available

funding and research opportunities to extend activities. However, a National Research presence need not

be dependent on the operational base. Through partnership with appropriate research teams based in

Universities we can engage appropriate expertise irrespective of location around Australia (or indeed

overseas). Increasing the diversity of our research partners raises SecondBite’s visibility and public

awareness of our activities and importantly the issues SecondBite aims to address.


4.0 Resourcing

4.1 The Will Paterson Research Fund

R&D and Fundraising will operationalise the Will Paterson Research Fund. Named in memory of Will,

the son of Rowly and Judy Paterson, the fund will solicit large donations from high net worth individuals

lead by family, friends and contacts of the Patersons. Fundraising will target a sustainable annual income.

The fund is designed to provide R&D with sufficient capacity, and seed funding to allow SecondBite

R&D to pilot projects and establish research partnerships which in turn build a track record sufficient to

competitively pursue external research funding.

4.2 Proposed R&D Organisation Chart

Projected staffing levels are contingent on the achievement of sufficient levels of funding via the Will

Paterson Research Fund (and other fundraising activities). Proposed outline roles and responsibilities for

Research and Development staff (existing and proposed) are given in section 4.3.

Research Manager

Nutrition Programs Manager

Research Officer

From Jul 2016

Nutrition Program

Coordinator (VIC)

Nutrition Program

Coordinator (VIC)

Nutrition Program

Coordinator (NSW)

Research Assistant From Jul



4.3 Summary roles and key responsibilities

Role Summary Research Manager

Lead all aspects of program and team management. Project development, implementation, evaluation and dissemination, including collaborating with a multi-disciplinary research team, leading grant and ethics applications, directing data collection and analysis and preparation of managerial reports and manuscripts as appropriate

Research Officer

Undertake all aspects of research and project management writing grants and protocols, writing ethics applications, collecting and managing data, conducting analyses, preparing manuscripts and presenting findings.

Research Assistant

Conduct a variety of research tasks within a broader team and engage in relevant administration work and support other staff as required

Nutrition Program Manager

Development, implementation delivery and evaluation of SecondBite’s capacity building Nutrition programs for community agencies and clients in all states. Strategic development, budgetary planning, fundraising, staff management and public relations required for the sustainable delivery of these two programs

Nutrition Program Coordinator

Support planning, coordination and facilitation of Nutrition programs in assigned locations. Delivery of Nutrition programs, review of training resources, and where appropriate develop new resources, contribute to program evaluation reports

Nutrition Program Coordinator

Support planning, coordination and facilitation of Nutrition programs in assigned locations. Delivery of Nutrition programs, review of training resources, and where appropriate develop new resources, contribute to program evaluation reports

Nutrition Program Coordinator (NSW)

Primarily working on the City of Sydney FoodMate project. Support planning, coordination and facilitation of Nutrition programs in assigned locations. Delivery of Nutrition programs, review of training resources, and where appropriate develop new resources, contribute to program evaluation reports


5.0 Research Governance

Research Governance is the broad range of regulations, principles and standards of good practice that

exist to achieve, and continuously improve, research quality. This applies to anyone connected to

research, whether as the Chief Investigator, Food relief Professional, Researchers, employers or support

staff. R&D will ensure that the governance of SecondBite research makes sure that all activities are

aligned with R&D objectives and will maintain the principles, requirements and standards of research,


Protection of rights and reputations of research staff and participants

Clear definition of the responsibilities for individuals and groups

The safety and quality of research

Privacy and confidentiality

Financial responsibility

Compliance with relevant legislation

Accurate risk management and monitoring

Promotion of good research culture and practice.

A flexible Research Governance Framework to meet the needs of different types of research

Continuous improvement of the framework

Responsible communication of the outcomes of research

5.1 Human Participants

Research involving human participants can raise complex ethical, legal, social and political concerns.

Specifically research involving vulnerable persons who may include children, persons with developmental

or cognitive disabilities, persons who are institutionalized, the homeless or those without legal status,

raises unique issues in any research context. Submission of research project applications for research

ethics review ensures these concerns are considered and standards and guidelines are met. The broadest

aim is to protect human participants. The second aim is to ensure that research is conducted in a way that

serves interests of individuals, groups and/or society as a whole. The final aim is to examine research

activities and projects for their ethical soundness, examining issues such as the management of risk,

protection of confidentiality and the process of informed consent.


6.0 Research Model

R&D will operate using a combination of Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) and Social

Marketing to drive a multi-disciplinary approach. Taken together these approaches provide a collaborative

ethos at all stages of research work, bounded by sound theoretical and methodological thinking. This

results in valuable outcomes for every stakeholder in terms of helping people in their lives, and generating

publishable data to advance the research field. We will do this by building on strong collaborative

relationships existing through our nutrition education programs. We will grow these relationships by

jointly developing research work with personnel providing food relief, and people experiencing food

insecurity. We will combine this with expertise from academic researchers from our previous

collaborations and new (to SecondBite) partnerships. This will allow a structured research approach

ensuring all stakeholders in the food sector are included (as appropriate), underpinned by academic rigor

allowing maintenance of publishable standards.

6.1 Community-Based Participatory Research

CBPR develops co-learning and capacity building among all collaborating groups. SecondBite will act as

the catalyst-bringing together food relief recipients, community food programs and welfare agencies, and

academic expertise and government to work together on research projects with the collective benefits


Improving research design facilitation of participant recruitment and retention to research


Provides empowerment for and equal control by people who often have had little say in research

performed upon them or about them

High quality research with reliable results and high validity of outcomes

Solutions to complex public health questions through connecting partners with diverse expertise

The potential to translate research findings to guide the development of further interventions and

policy change

Wider dissemination and application of outcomes will enhance the relevance and use of data

Increasing trust and bridging cultural and sector gaps between partners

Providing resources for the communities involved

Benefiting the community and researchers alike through the knowledge gained and actions taken

Generating better value for research investment

6.2 Social Marketing

Social Marketing focusses on developing and integrating marketing concepts with public health

approaches to change behaviour for the benefit of individuals and communities. SecondBite R&D will

integrate research, best practice, theory, end user and partnership insight, to inform the delivery of social

change interventions that are cost-effective, efficient, equitable and sustainable.


1. The social marketing approach ensures that each research project

2. Clearly understands the target audience and attempts to view things from their perspective

3. Has a clear definition of what actions are required of the target audience

4. That the benefits of change outweigh the costs or barriers to doing it

This approach has clear benefits in bringing about a theoretically based structure to the CBPR framework.

6.3 Benefits of the model

The partners will gain benefits both as individual organisations and perhaps more importantly as a

collective engaging in the community-based participatory research. The individual organisation benefits


6.3.1 For SecondBite

Practical insight to support improvement of services and capacity building both internally and with CFPs, to work to prevent as well as alleviate local food insecurity

Disseminating research evidence will make SecondBite an expert resource for food insecurity knowledge.

This will support us in applying for further funding for research but importantly also in funding

applications for operations, by demonstrating more clearly the impact of SecondBite beyond food rescue

and into the area of positive behaviour and life changes leading to greater impact on food insecurity.

This model will allow SecondBite to leverage seed money into greater value in terms of access to

otherwise very expensive HR and expertise and further funding opportunities. This is a much more cost

effective model than ‘buying’ commercial research work with the added benefit of ensuring academic

rigour, and independent outcomes focussed research. This partnership model will also lead to improved

chances of accessing competitive research money and make a greater R&D contribution to SecondBite’s

strategic goal of sustainable diverse funding.

6.3.2 For Academics

University research teams will benefit through being able to access CFPs through a partnership with a

trusted organisation. This greatly facilitates applied research - a major priority of the tertiary sector

currently. SecondBite will also work with research partners to develop a mutually beneficial dissemination

strategy which will include managerial reports, academic papers and conference presentations, and a

heightened joint and individual media presence.

6.3.3 For the Community

CFPs and clients will benefit from potential improvements in service delivery in terms of the range of

support available in addition to food relief activities. CFPs and their clients currently are disparate and do

not have a collective voice. Research outcomes can provide such a voice and support unity and

development of powerful advocacy and policy change recommendations.


6.4 Research Methods

SecondBite R&D will use methodology from both basic and applied research as appropriate. Basic

research is concerned with foundation principles and testing theories, however basic research does also

lead to practical applications, given time and development. Applied research gathers and analyses data

directly for real world application and problem solving. Combining these methodologies into the

community based participatory research approach will provide SecondBite with a suite of effective

research methods (or tools) regularly employed in the public health and behavioural science areas,


Translational research such as interventional studies

Observational research, evaluation and audit

Desktop research

Case studies

Comparative effectiveness research

All of these research methods can be applied across any field of research to identify best-practice for

alleviation and prevention of food insecurity, informing education and nutrition program delivery, raising

public awareness and influence policy and behaviour change. R&D will undertake a research process that

will initially benchmark data, and then develop interventions for field testing (see Figure 1). Data collected

from field testing can be used to disseminate potential solutions, and also give a collective voice to

recipients and agencies.

Figure 1: The SecondBite research process

6.5 Research and Development Objectives

The specific themes of our research address research questions formulated to achieve our tactical


Benchmarking/data collection

Gather primary data

Define problems

Suggest solutions

Create Interventions

Interpret data

Develop change solutions

Field Testing

Test and Evaluate interventions

Reporting and continuous improvement

Innovation and best


Raise public awareness

Change lives

SecondBite Point of View

Lead Opinion


6.5.1 Evaluate the impact and outcomes of all SecondBite work

R&D will continue to support operations to identify opportunities to work towards refining activities.

This will include supporting work towards logistical improvements, and continued and extended

measurement of our impact on both the Community Food Programs we service, and the recipients of

their food relief.

6.5.2 Expand the delivery of our Nutrition Education Programs

FoodMate and Fresh NED equip vulnerable Victorians with the knowledge, skills and resources they

need to reach food independence. Demand for these programs in regional Victoria is particularly high.

We also plan to consolidate the strong results of delivering Fresh NED to agencies in NSW by building

on these partnerships to roll out FoodMate in NSW. We have also dates for FoodMATE programs

confirmed for Tasmania. R&D will continue to identify opportunities to extend the Nutrition Education

Programs in all states and particularly to begin building partnerships to plan delivery in Queensland.

A major research area for R&D is to examine methods to support more extensive and rigorous data

collection by the agencies who partner on FoodMate to allow us measure program impact more

effectively. Data collection to measure:

Reach beyond the immediate participants (e.g. family members, friends, community)

Long term impact of FoodMate – do people continue to use learnings in the long term?

Can we collect reliable data on psycho-social outcomes (as well as food habits) to support the

current anecdotal evidence

Methods to collect this type of data need to be minimally intrusive for the participants, minimise effort

for the agencies/staff and provide maximum information for SecondBite internal needs and allow us to

communicate meaningfully on the issues externally. This project will require external specialist expertise

and will be a key partnership opportunity.

6.5.3 Understand the impact of food insecurity on varied population segments

SecondBite research will not assume that all low-income people are food insecure and that all higher

income Australians are food secure. The impact of food insecurity will also be different in different

population groups, as the influence of the various drivers of food insecurity will be different for different

population segments.

6.5.4 Investigate Current and future causes and extent of vulnerability

We will also explore how to collect data on the attitudes and knowledge of people experiencing food

insecurity. This will provide valuable insight to inform different ‘needs’ and differential contributing

factors to individual food insecurity. Coping strategies to deal with the experience of food insecurity are

also crucial. Gathering information on these will also be useful to inform R&D to develop targeted mixes

of actions and strategies to support people to change their lives. By deriving these from their peers and

not imposing them from outside, it is anticipated that the impact of interventions of this nature will be



6.5.5 Discover food insecurity – protective factors

R&D will collect data to understand best-practice examples of low income Australians who do not

experience food insecurity. By modelling ‘protective factors’ against food insecurity, we can develop

strategies aimed at ‘at risk’ groups so that they do not progress into food insecurity.

6.5.6 Understand and influence public awareness and knowledge of food insecurity

SecondBite will collect baseline data on public awareness and understanding of issues related to local food

insecurity in Australia. Understanding how the problem is conceptualised in the community can inform

the content and style of messaging aimed at influencing public debate. Ensuring that the public have a

shared understanding of the issues surrounding food insecurity will be more likely to lead to public debate

and shared concern. This is different from ‘raising awareness’ as we will communicate not only the

problem, but also potential solutions (from our research) and will identify specific ‘calls to action.’ Simply

raising awareness without giving people an option to act can be ineffectual in leading to change.

6.5.7 Understand the impact of food waste and its reduction

R&D plans to examine sources and causes of food waste in the parts of the food system that we touch

and how changes in the sources or amounts of food waste will necessarily impact on household and

individual food insecurity, and potentially on food rescue organisations.

6.6 Outcomes

Taken together, the data collected above will support SecondBite R&D to deliver a set of six specific

outcomes. These outcomes are grouped under social marketing strategy and advocacy/policy change


6.6.1 Social marketing response

The initial three outcomes taken together form the basis of a social marketing response:

Innovation and best-practice responses

Raise public awareness of food insecurity and the need for change

Translate data and knowledge into strategies to impact local food insecurity and change lives

This response will reframe the generally held belief that food insecurity only impacts Australians who are

marginalised in some way, and deliver the message that food insecurity is rising up the income ladder.

This will support raising public awareness of the problem, but also deriving and testing real world

solutions. Articulating the problem accurately and clearly, based on data, and recommending successful

solutions (based on evidence) is central to delivering the second group of outcomes grouped under the

advocacy and policy change heading.

6.6.2 Advocacy and policy Change

The second group of outcomes will support SecondBite to become a thought leader in the area of

fighting food insecurity:


Inform and provide evidence to advocate for recommended changes to social policy

Develop “A SecondBite Point Of View” - provide SecondBite with a clear message and

consistent position on food insecurity

Position SecondBite as an opinion leader and a trusted resource for food insecurity information


7.0 Dissemination Plan

R&D will work with all SecondBite staff and the SecondBite Board as well as our research partners to

establish the most effective dissemination approaches to maximise the utility of research findings and

position SecondBite at the forefront of food insecurity discussions. Dissemination tactics will be selected

from the most output-appropriate mix of the following:

1. Media releases by SecondBite and research partners on key findings

2. Submissions of key findings to

3. ‘Research Bite’ e-vignettes on projects and outcomes for SecondBite website

4. Extension of the SecondBite ‘Fresh Approach’ reports series

5. Conference submissions –to industry and academic meetings

6. Journal submissions - public health and other relevant discipline journals to public awareness


7. Recommendations to get the debate on food poverty into the public arena more broadly –

knowledge of the type of varied messaging that may achieve maximum impact across different

population segments

8. Inform impactful SecondBite communication strategy

9. Developing policy reports and position papers

This plan will ensure that SecondBite increases the exposure of key messages across in broad selection of

highly visible formats. This dissemination strategy will allow SecondBite to tailor messaging targeted at

different audiences for maximum impact. Together these communications will contribute to informing

public policy recommendations about food poverty from grass roots consumer attitudes and perceptions.

This will define a “SecondBite Point Of View” and provide SecondBite with a clear message and

consistent position on food insecurity, and position SecondBite as an opinion leader and a trusted

resource for food insecurity information.


8.0 Research and Development Work Plan – Year 1

8.1 Notes

Please note:

1. This work plan covers the 12 month period from October 2015- October 2016 (and is subject to revision). The time frames in some cases include dates

earlier than this period, this allows the new work to be described in context of ongoing R&D work

2. The Nutrition Education Programs are carried out and (funded) in Financial years, this year’s programs will end in June and next years will begin in July



Time Frame (Indicative only)

Who is responsible?

Who else will be involved?

Outcome Measure

Risks and Mitigations

Achieve sustainable R&D funding

Launch and Implementation of the Will Paterson Research Fund (For research specific funding from high net worth contacts of the Paterson family) Sub tasks: Liaise with Paterson family to finalise collateral Develop ‘ask’ strategy (who/when) Launch event

Jun 15 – Dec 16 To be discussed

GS/Fundraising Marketing (TC), Rowly and Judy Paterson

Min $100,000 raised per year

None to development of Fund. Lack of donations

Continue to engage and inform SecondBite staff on research activity

Run a managers’ session on the finalised R&D strategy

On completion and CEO sign off of strategy On-going

GS All SecondBite staff

Staff informed and support R&D activity if required Staff raise research questions pertinent to their roles


Expanded delivery of our Nutrition Education Programs*

Review and update content of Fresh NED and FoodMate programs, incorporating design changes. Print run to supply programs until July 16

July – Dec 2015 CY Pro-bono graphic designers/ print firm

Collated materials delivered to SecondBite

Using pro-bono designers can cause delays. We are using a group of designers in case any cease work

Roll out programs as per delivery strategy (including repeat programs with the same agency partners): FoodMate (VIC) = 18 Fresh Ned (VIC) = 1 FoodMate (NSW) = 6 Fresh Ned (NSW) = 3 FoodMate (Tas) = 2

Jan 16-July 16 CY Case worker agencies

Programs completed Delays in set up and delivery time through agency circumstances. We maintain regular close contact to ensure changes to schedule are flagged as early as possible

Complete Evaluation Reports for each program, develop aggregate data report

Jan 16 - Jul 16 GS/CY Reports delivered, new data set developed

Completion date subject to time delays as above

Provision of reliable data to provide new knowledge about food insecurity at the local level

Scoping work with CFPs on utility and methods for collecting regular data on recipients Sub tasks: Identify preferred data for collection Review similar work/standard data in other sectors/countries

Jan 16 - Jul 16 GS Operations, CFPs, potential research partner

Development of pilot project to create a data collection process

Resistance from CFPs Resourcing

Pilot collection of longitudinal well- being and nutritional data

Jan 16 - Jul 16 GS CY/Nutrition team

3 CFPs provide useable data Resistance from CFPs Resourcing

Translate data into preventative interventions and solutions improving the nutrition of vulnerable

Benchmarking Food Insecurity Knowledge and Attitudes amongst the Australian and UK Public (Project with QUT) Sub tasks: Develop and deploy national survey with representative sample Data analyses

Mar 16 – Aug 16

GS Prof R Russell-Bennett (QUT School of Business)

Report on differential protective factors which prevent some people from experiencing food insecurity yet they meet the risk factors Strategies to transfer this



community members

Reporting knowledge to at risk groups developed

SecondBite Agencies Survey Sub tasks: Review previous surveys Consult managers/staff for input Review new survey Test and implement Collate and analyse data Reporting

Jun 15 – Dec 15 GS All staff/students

Data collected on-line from 60% of agencies

Agencies do not respond – will offer telephone or postal options

Improve public awareness of the extent and impact of food insecurity and food waste

Identify opportunities to disseminate activities of R&D specifically and SecondBite in general

On-going GS All SecondBite staff

Increased visibility of SecondBite

Scope project on Understanding social media engagement using electronic Word-of-Mouth to increase SecondBite reach

Jan 16- Feb 16 GS Potential research partner

Pilot project for review None to scoping

Research Governance

Develop necessary internal process to support a research program Sub tasks (including): Align with a Human Research Ethics Committee FSAC Standardise documentation across all R&D activities

On-going GS SecondBite

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