
Post on 04-Sep-2015






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  • Fomento a los procesos de estudio de una segunda lengua (ingls) antes PNIEB


    SCHOOL TERM 2014-2015

    GRADE: Third grade UNIT: 5B

    SOCIAL PRACTICE: Interpret and express everyday life instructions.

    LEARNING ENVIRONMENT: Familiar and Community

    SPECIFIC COMPETENCY: Understand and give instructions to plan a field trip





    Adjusts volume, intonation and tone to emphasize or clarify instructions.

    Offers explanations to clarify instructions.

    Rephrase instructions to confirm understanding.

    Writes instructions.

    Appraises the pertinence of following instructions or not.

    Listen to and explore instructions to plan a field trip.

    Identify place and medium.

    Distinguish volume tone, rhythm, speed and intonation. Interpret general sense, main ideas, and some details.

    Infer meaning from explicit information.

    Identify sentence structure.

    Establish sequence of enunciation.

    Identify general information regarding the planning of a field trip.

    Offer instructions for the planning of a field trip.

    Write instructions.

    Determine speech register.

    Rephrase ideas.

    Use words and expressions to link ideas together.

    Use strategies to influence, strengthen or negotiate meaning.

    Use strategies to restore a failed conversation.

    Offer instructions with the support of non-verbal language.

    Give further explanations to clarify instructions.

    Rephrase instructions to confirm understanding.

    Judge the relevance of instructions

    Topic, purpose and intended audience.

    Contextual clues.

    Repertoire of words necessary for this social practice of the language.

    Acoustic features.

    Verbs: modals.

    Verb tenses: future.

    Verb forms: imperative.

    Consistency in the use of a variant.

    Syntactic differences between British and American variants: future tense verb forms (e.g. We shall leave; We will leave).

    Foster group interaction.

    Strengthen interpersonal bonds.

    Become aware of mutual responsibility with the group.


    Stage 1 Select the field trip. Stage 2 Set dates, time and activities. Stage 3 Write instructions for activities. Stage 4 Check that instructions are understood when said and heard. Stage 5 Organize the instructions to put together an activity schedule. Stage 6 Practice the enunciation of the schedule. Stage 7 Present the schedule.

    SEP. Programa Nacional de Ingls en Educacin Bsica. Segunda Lengua: Ingls. Programas de estudio 2010. Ciclo 4. Fase de expansin. Mxico, 2011

  • Fomento a los procesos de estudio de una segunda lengua (ingls) antes PNIEB



    Stage 1

    Ask Ss to bring photographs, articles, travel magazines, newspaper cutouts and trip advertisements to different places. In order for the search to be more productive, elicit from them the types of places one can choose to go on a field trip, e. g., historical places, archeological sites, big cities, small towns, camping trips, etc.

    Ask Ss to reconstruct a field trip they have made with the school. Extract all the relevant information about: means of transportation, types of food, types of accommodation, different sites, historical cities, archaeological sites, etc.

    Have Ss group by the type of place they chose. Once they have formed the groups have them select or decide on their field trip.

    Stage 2

    Present Ss with different options for field trips. Ask Ss to describe them and then to rank them according to their interests.

    Bring leaflets to class about field trips to different places within the city. Ask Ss to go through the leaflets in order to identify important information about the field trip, such as: facilities, contact people, hours of operation, amount of time required for the visit, amount of people allowed in, transportation, admission fees, etc.

    Back in their teams, have Ss decide the activities they would like to plan for their field trip and identify the vocabulary needed to carry out the task. Have a quick session with the whole group to check the vocabulary selection and to make it extensive to everybody, regardless of the kind of trip they have chosen. In addition, ask Ss to set dates, times and activities.

    Stage 3

    Having identified the activities for the day/days the field trip will take; ask Ss to attempt writing their instructions for the trip. They can use their leaflets or any other information they have access to.

    Remind them to use all the new vocabulary just learnt. Have Ss attempt their own written paragraphs in their notebooks to facilitate correction and editing. Have Ss prepare a brief presentation where there is general and explicit information.

    Expose Ss to models of instructions where imperatives and modal verbs (must, cant, should) are used. Guide them in order to discover when it is better to use either of them, depending on the regulations or suggestions considered.

    Stage 4

    In their same groups, have Ss rehearse the reading of their schedule in a role-play between a tour guide and tourists. Ask them to include greeting and farewell expressions. Review questions to ask for clarification to be used by the tourists.

    Monitor to verify acoustic features, the use of modal auxiliaries and the imperative.

    Ask Ss to include sentences using future forms (will) to promote their field trips, for example: You will be in contact with nature. You will have a unique experience.

    Monitor to check that instructions are relevant and that ideas are linked together.

    Stage 5 Have Ss get organized in order to put a good set of instructions for the scheduled activities Equip them with cohesive devices to express sequence of

    ideas, like: To begin with, next, then, after that, finally. Make it a point of using imperatives both in affirmative and negative forms. Ss may need quite a good deal of modeling to avoid mistakes as far as possible.

    Stage 6

    Have Ss enunciate their activity schedule first within their team. Monitor their practice quite a lot to get the most accurate, most correct version to be presented to the rest of the group. Enrich or complement Ss work with supplementary ideas.

    Equip Ss with a rubric ahead of time so that they stand pretty good chances of revising their production against these guidelines.

    Once their oral production is quite accurate, have Ss write these activities and instructions on pieces of paper to be exhibited with some kind of pictorial support to make it more attractive. Once again, monitor and correct as necessary.

    Stage 7

    Arrange a date to have the schedules presented first to other teams within the same group and then to other groups of the school community. Take turns for all teams to participate perhaps in alphabetical order or raffling their turns.

    Invite the listeners to take notes in order to ask questions at the end of the different presentations. This is an opportunity for the presenters to extend, clarify of confirm information, as may be needed.

    If time allows, have an assessment instrument to help Ss concentrate on the expected learning outcomes and to develop critical thinking and awareness. Ss may find it difficult to begin with, so try the easiest, more straightforward documents to assess one another. Ideally, Ss could make up the descriptors of a checklist to be used by themselves.

    Arrange a very last session to ask Ss meta-cognitive questions to make them reflect upon their learning processes individually and in groups and highlight their main acquisitions, in terms of language and concepts.

  • Fomento a los procesos de estudio de una segunda lengua (ingls) antes PNIEB


    Publishing house Teachers Book Activity Book Readers

    All Ready! 3 Macmillan

    pp. 140-152 pp. 142-155 Reader pp. 124-134

    Brilliant! Teens 3 Santillana

    pp. 88- 203 pp. 180-195 Introduction pp. 29-142

    Crossover 3 University of Dayton

    pp. 202-221 pp. 99-108 Informative pp. 53-66

    Teens Club 3 Castillo

    pp.141-157 pp. 166-181 Informative pp. 28-38

    Yes, we can! 3 Richmond

    pp. T94T103 pp. 94-103 Nonfiction pp. 49-60

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    Field trips:

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