secondary literacy pack finham park multi academy trust€¦ · welcome! welcome to the first...

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July 2020

Edition 1

Finham Park Multi Academy Trust

Secondary Literacy Pack

Six Badges of Summer

Recommended Reading

Improve your


Creative Writing



Welcome to the first edition of the Finham Park MAT Secondary

Literacy Pack.

Teachers from Finham Park, Lyng Hall, Finham Park 2, and Whitley

Academy have shared some fun Literacy based activities which you

can complete over the Summer break. These are not compulsory at

all and are instead designed to give you something to try if you wish.

Many of these ideas have come from teachers who have enjoyed

completing them themselves and they think you will enjoy them


So whether you are looking for a new book to read, want to learn

something new, improve your writing technique, or let your imagi-

nation run wild with some creative writing—we hope we have

something for everyone.

We would love to know how you have enjoyed completing these activities. Please do send any photos or work for sharing to : or on Twitter: @FinhamMAT

Remember to include: Your name, age and school

By sending, you are confirming you are happy for your work to be shared by us in future publications, social media, websites and news articles


Creative Writing Writing is good for you in so

many ways:

Let’s you express your feelings

Your imagination can be released

You can share your writing with


It can broaden your vocabulary

The more you write, the better

writer you become

Why not:

Keep a diary

Write a letter

Produce an information leaflet

about your favourite hobby or interest

Create a fact file for your favourite

music artist or group

Create characters

Write a story

Write a poem

Write new lyrics for a song

Competition Time!

Competition Time! A) Using the image above as a prompt, create a piece of

descriptive writing in 250 words

B) Using the image above as a prompt, write a short story in 500 words

C) Using the title ‘Freedom’, create a piece of writing in any style that expresses your feelings

Send your entries to:

Include your name, age and school








Pick Up A Book










All Out Attack by John Hickman

This exciting coming of age story follows a boy from a tower block as he joins a premier

league football academy. When Jackson's granddad is taken to hospital, Jackson's foot-

ball suffers. When he loses his temper on the pitch, he puts his position on United's

team at risk. Join Jackson as he struggles with the trials of football and family. QUICK


Toad Attack by Patrick Lawrence

After a toad lands on his head as he leaves his house one morning, Leo is determined to

find out where it has come from and why. Together with his friend Rosa, he needs to

come up with some answers before the angry residents of Upper Dab take matters into

their own hands and the toads become toast! A brilliantly quirky comedy caper with a

diverse and inclusive cast of characters. QUICK READ

The Ghost Tower by Gillian Cross

The night Dot and Ryan take a sneaky Halloween visit to a condemned tower, they dis-

cover more than they bargained for when they catch a glimpse of an endangered spe-

cies of bat. It's clear that the bat colony and the tower need to be saved, but Dot and

Ryan were never meant to be there and it's not going to be easy to get the grown-ups on

side ... Can they find a way to stop the demolition and save the bats before it's too late?


Still Water by Chris Priestley

Evacuated from London at the outbreak of war, Rosie is taken in by kind Mrs Taylor and

her daughter Mary. But all is not as it seems. Mary resents and bullies Rosie, and Mrs

Taylor is hiding a dark secret. When Rosie comes across a strange girl swimming in a

local pond, she hopes they will become friends. But instead her appearance leads to a

horrifying revelation that will have terrifying consequences... QUICK READ

Year 6 into 7

To Your Reading Journey


The House with Chicken Legs by Sophie Anderson

Marinka dreams of a normal life, but her house has chicken legs and moves on without

warning. For Marinka's grandmother is Baba Yaga, who guides spirits between this world

and the next. Marinka longs to change her destiny and sets out to break free from her

grandmother's footsteps, but her house has other ideas...

Things a Bright Girl can do by Sally Nicholls

Through rallies and marches, in polite drawing rooms and freezing prison cells and the

poverty-stricken slums of the East End, three courageous young women join the fight for

the vote. Evelyn is seventeen, and though she is rich and clever, she may never be al-

lowed to follow her older brother to university. Enraged that she is expected to marry her

childhood sweetheart rather than be educated, she joins the Suffragettes, and vows to pay

the ultimate price for women's freedom. May is fifteen, and already sworn to the cause,

though she and her fellow Suffragists refuse violence. When she meets Nell, a girl who's

grown up in hardship, she sees a kindred spirit. Together and in love, the two girls start to

dream of a world where all kinds of women have their place. But the fight for freedom will

challenge Evelyn, May and Nell more than they ever could believe. As war looms, just how

much are they willing to sacrifice?

The Secret of the Night Train by Sylvia Bishop

One small girl - one BIG adventure. When Max is sent to Istanbul to stay with her boring

Great Aunt-Elodie, little does she expect to be plunged into a thrilling night-time adventure

across Europe. And when the mysterious Heartbreak Diamond goes missing, Max must

find her feet in a whirling world of would-be diamond smugglers, thieves and undercover

detectives. Will she discover the real diamond thief before they reach their destination? Or

does the answer lie closer to home... .

Mr Penguin and the Fortress of Secrets by Alex T. Smith

Follow Mr Penguin and Colin as they crash-land on a snowy mountain. Will they be able

to solve the mystery of the missing pets? What are the strange noises coming from the

abandoned fortress? And will Mr Penguin conquer his fear of flying? QUICK READ

The Lost Diary of Sami Star by Karen McCombie

Being at home is hard for Hannah. With Mum, Dad and Vix always fighting they've got no

time for her or her worries, she might as well be invisible. But when she finds an aban-

doned diary in the park containing snippets and photographs of the colourful life of the

mysterious Sami Star, Hannah hopes she's found the real friend she always needed.

Little does Hannah know Sami needs her too... A heart-warming story of finding friend-

ship in the most unlikely of places. QUICK READ


The Land of Neverendings by Kate Saunders

Emily watched, in a trance of astonishment, as the bear opened the picnic basket, took

out a tartan rug and spread it on Holly's bed. And then the penguin spoke. Actually

spoke. 'What's going on? This isn't Pointed End!' The bear said, 'It looks like a human

bedroom. We must've come through the wrong door.' 'But there aren't any doors to the

hard world in Deep Smockeroon! And we don't have a human bedroom any more.

We're in a box in the attic.' What if there exists a world powered by imagination? A

world of silliness, where humans and their toys live on long after they've left the Hard

World . . . and what if the door between that world and this one was broken? Welcome

to the Land of Neverendings.

Clownfish by Alan Durant

Dak's dad has been dead for seven days when suddenly he reappears. He's the same

in almost every way, with one startling exception: Dad has turned into a clownfish, and

now lives in a tank at their local aquarium. Dak is delighted by the news - he has Dad

back, even if he isn't quite as he was before. Deciding to keep Dad's transformation a

secret, Dak visits him at the aquarium as often as he can, and ends up spending so

much time there that they offer him a job. This is how he comes to meet Violet, the

owner's prickly but kindhearted niece; when the aquarium is threatened with closure,

the pair must work together to save it. For Dak, the stakes couldn't be higher ... after all,

if the aquarium shuts down, what will happen to the fish?

Girl 38 by Ewa Jozefkowicz

Past and present are woven into this novel set in contemporary times and WWII Po-

land. Based on a real life story about friendship and endurance in the darkest situation.

Kat is a 12-year-old girl who loves working on her super-heroine comic, Girl 38 - the girl

she longs to be like. But she's not brave, or fearless. At school, Gem is no longer her

'best friend'. And at home Kat is lonely while her parents are busy working long hours.

She's even a bit afraid of her elderly neighbour, Ania. But when Ania has an accident

Kat surprises herself by rushing to the rescue - just like Girl 38. Their unlikely friendship

blossoms, and with it Kat's determination, as Ania reveals the haunting story behind the

portrait of a girl she's left unfinished. Inspired by Ania - her daring leap to freedom and

her search for her lost friend, Mila, who was taken away by soldiers to a 'walled village'

at the outbreak of WWII - Kat unravels the mystery of the girl in the painting and finds a

happy ending for Girl 38.

The Way Past Winter by Kiran Millwood Hargreave

Mila and her sisters live with their brother Oskar in a small forest cabin in the snow.

One night, a fur-clad stranger arrives seeking shelter for himself and his men. But by

the next morning, they've gone - taking Oskar with them. Fearful for his safety, Mila and

her sisters set out to bring Oskar back - even it means going north, crossing frozen wild

-lands to find a way past an eternal winter.

The Train to Impossible Places by P.G. Bell

When Suzy hears a strange noise in the middle of the night, she creeps downstairs to

find a train roaring through her house. But this is no ordinary train. This is the magical

delivery express for the Union of Impossible Places. Whisked on board by a troll-boy,

Suzy's world is turned upside down when she's asked to deliver a cursed package to a

fearsome sorceress. And quite suddenly, Suzy realizes the fate of the Impossible

Places is in her hands...


Little Badman by Humza Arshad

You've probably heard of me, right? Little Badman. No? Oh. Well. . . Doesn't matter.

You will do one day. I'm gonna be big. I'm Humza Khan, the greatest eleven-year-old

rapper Eggington has ever known; soon everyone will know my name. Only problem is

school has got really weird, man. All my teachers are disappearing and our aunties are

taking over. It wasn't too bad at the start, they keep feeding us delicious snacks. Like,

all the time. But now these aunties are trying to mess with my music, so me and my

best friends Umer and Wendy are going to hunt for the truth. Cos something big and

bad is going on and we won't let anything mess with my music... or you know, the


Secrets of a Sun King by Emma Carroll

London, 1922. A discovery from ancient Egypt . . . A cursed package . . . The untold

story of a young pharaoh . . . When Lilian Kaye finds a parcel on her grandad's door-

step, she is shocked to see who sent it: a famous Egyptologist, found dead that very

morning, according to every newspaper in England! The mysterious package holds the

key to a story . . . about a king whose tomb archaeologists are desperately hunting for.

Lil and her friends must embark on an incredible journey - to return the package to its

resting place, to protect those they love, and to break the deadly pharaoh's curse . . .

Asha & the Spirit Bird by Jasbindar Bilan

Asha lives in the foothills of the Himalayas. Money is tight and she misses her papa

who works in the city. When he suddenly stops sending his wages, a ruthless money-

lender ransacks their home andher mother talks of leaving. From her den in the mango

tree, Asha makes a pact with her best friend, Jeevan, to find her father and make

things right. But the journey is dangerous: they must cross the world's highest moun-

tains and face hunger, tiredness - even snow leopards. And yet, Asha has the un-

shakeable sense that the spirit bird of her grandmother - her nanijee - will be watching

over her.

The Midnight Hour by Benjamin Read

Emily's parents have vanished into the secret world of the Midnight Hour - a Victorian

London frozen in time - home to magic and monsters. Emily must find them in the city

of the Night Folk, armed only with a packed lunch, a stowaway hedgehog and her infa-

mously big mouth. With bloodthirsty creatures on her tail, Emily has to discover the

truth to rescue her parents. What family secret connects her to the Midnight Hour? And

can she save both worlds before she runs out of sandwiches?

Halo Moon by Sharon Cohen

In Ethiopia, Ageze has unearthed an ancient device that can make predictions. It tells

him: there is a date, there is a place, there is a moment when it will happen. A disaster

that will change everything. Halo Moon loves stars, and the night sky is full of them in

her remote Yorkshire village. It's a place where nothing interesting ever happens, let

alone a catastrophe. So when a stranger appears at the end of a near-impossible jour-

ney and tells her lives are at risk, she can barely believe it. But if she doesn't help

Ageze, everything and everyone she knows might disappear for ever ... As Halo says:

there's a hundred ways to start this story, a hundred ways to tell it. Each one is impos-

sible. Each one, unbelievable. But it did all happen and I promise it's all true.


Key stage 3 and 4 - Exciting new books

All Out Attack by John Hickman QUICK READ

This exciting coming of age story follows a boy from a tower block as he joins a premier

league football academy. When Jackson's granddad is taken to hospital, Jackson's

football suffers. When he loses his temper on the pitch, he puts his position on United's

team at risk. Join Jackson as he struggles with the trials of football and family.

The Last Days of Archie Maxwell by Annabel Pitcher QUICK READ

Dads leave home all the time. It's not that unusual, really. Leon's dad walked out. So

did Mo's. But Archie's? Well, that's a different story - a story that Archie must keep se-

cret at all cost. Archie knows he should accept Dad for who he is, so he hides his tur-

moil until he can stand it no longer. With nowhere else to turn, he finds himself at the

railway track. The track has been calling to him, promising escape, release. The only

Little Badman and the Invasion of the Killer Auntie’s by Humza Arshad

Humza Khan is the greatest eleven-year-old rapper Eggington has ever known: he is

Little Badman and he is destined to be rich and famous.

But when Humza's music teacher is taken ill his dreams are put on hold. His Auntie has

stepped in as substitute, and nobody seems to care about the unorthodox teaching be-

cause of the endless sweet treats. As other teachers start to disappear, with more

Aunties appearing in their place, Humza knows something isn't right.

With the help of his elderly Uncle and friends Umer and Wendy, Humza discovers that

the suspicious Aunties might not be as friendly as they seem. Now he must find a way

The Secret of the Night Train by Sylvia Bishop

One small girl - one BIG adventure. When Max is sent to Istanbul to stay with her bor-

ing Great Aunt-Elodie, little does she expect to be plunged into a thrilling night-time ad-

venture across Europe. And when the mysterious Heartbreak Diamond goes missing,

Max must find her feet in a whirling world of would-be diamond smugglers, thieves and

undercover detectives. Will she discover the real diamond thief before they reach their

destination? Or does the answer lie closer to home... .

Tilly and the Bookwanderers by Anna James

Eleven year-old Tilly has lived above her grandparents' bookshop ever since her moth-

er disappeared shortly after she was born. Like the rest of her family, Tilly loves nothing

more than to escape into the pages of her favourite stories.

One day Tilly realises that classic children's characters are appearing in the shop

through the magic of `book wandering' - crossing over from the page into real life.

With the help of Anne of Green Gables and Alice in Wonderland. Tilly is determined to

solve the mystery of what happened to her mother all those years ago, so she bravely

steps into the unknown, unsure of what adventure lies ahead and what dangers she

may face.


The Middler by Kirsty Applebaum

“I was special. I was a hero. I lost the best friend I ever had.”

Eleven-year-old Maggie lives in Fennis Wick, enclosed and protected from the outside

world by a boundary, beyond which the Quiet War rages and the dirty, dangerous wan-

derers roam.

Her brother Jed is an eldest, revered and special. A hero. Her younger brother is Trig –

everyone loves Trig. But Maggie’s just a middler; invisible and left behind. Then, one

hot September day, she meets Una, a hungry wanderer girl in need of help, and every-

thing Maggie has ever known gets turned on its head.

High Rise Mystery by Sharna Jackson

The detective duo everyone is dying to meet!

Summer in London is hot, the hottest on record, and there's been a murder in THE TRI:

the high-rise home to resident know-it-alls, Nik and Norva. Who better to solve the

case? Armed with curiosity, home-turf knowledge and unlimited time - until the end of

the summer holidays anyway.

Anna at War by Helen Peters

As life for German Jews becomes increasingly perilous, Anna’s parents put her on one

of the last trains leaving for England. But the war follows her to Kent, and soon Anna

finds herself caught up in web of betrayal and secrecy. How can she prove whose side

she’s on when she can’t tell anyone the truth? But actions speak louder than words,

and Anna has a dangerous plan…

The Boy Who Hit Play by Chloe Daykin

'It's time,' I say. 'For ... It. Me. You. Us. The bench. The zoo. The question. Why?' The

only thing that Elvis Crampton Lucas knows about where he's from is that he was found

on the bench at a zoo. And that his now father took him home in a Stetson hat, and

named him after the first three vinyl he picked off his shelf. But now, on his twelfth

'discovery day', it's time for Elvis to find out who left him at the zoo, and why? On an

epic adventure that takes Elvis to an island off the coast of Norway, he will finally dis-

cover the truth about his past...

Can You See Me? by Libby Scott & Rebecca Westcott

Tally isn't ashamed of being autistic -- even if it complicates life sometimes, it's part of

who she is. But this is her first year at Kingswood Academy, and her best friend, Layla,

is the only one who knows. And while a lot of other people are uncomfortable around

Tally, Layla has never been one of them . . . until now.

Something is different about sixth grade, and Tally now feels like she has to act

"normal." But as Tally hides her true self, she starts to wonder what "normal" means

after all and whether fitting in is really what matters most.


Asha & the Sprit Bird by Jasbinder Bilan

Asha lives on the family farm with her mother in rural India.

Her father is away working in the city, and when the money he sends stops suddenly, a wick-

ed aunt arrives. She’s determined to seize the property – and the treasure rumoured to be

hidden on the land. Guided by a majestic bird which Asha believes to be the spirit of her

grandmother, she and her best friend Jeevan embark on a journey to the city, across the

Himalayas, to find her father and save her home …

The Book of Dust by Philip Pullman

Malcolm Polstead is the kind of boy who notices everything but is not much noticed

himself. And so perhaps it was inevitable that he would become a spy...

Malcolm's father runs an inn called the Trout, on the banks of the river Thames, and all

of Oxford passes through its doors. Malcolm and his dæmon, Asta, routinely overhear

news and gossip, and the occasional scandal, but during a winter of unceasing rain,

Malcolm catches wind of something new: intrigue.

He finds a secret message inquiring about a dangerous substance called Dust--and the

spy it was intended for finds him.

When she asks Malcolm to keep his eyes open, Malcolm sees suspicious characters

everywhere; Lord Asriel, clearly on the run; enforcement agents from the Magisterium;

an Egyptian named Coram with warnings just for Malcolm; and a beautiful woman with

an evil monkey for a dæmon. All are asking about the same thing: a girl--just a baby--

named Lyra.

The Adventures of John Blake by Philip Pullman (Graphic Novel)

Trapped in the mists of time by a terrible research experiment gone wrong, John Blake

and his mysterious ship are doomed to sail between the centuries, searching for a way

home. In the ocean of the modern day, John rescues a shipwrecked young girl his own

age, Serena, and promises to help.

But returning Serena to her own time means traveling to the one place where the ship

is in most danger of destruction. The all-powerful Dahlberg Corporation has an ambi-

tious leader with plans far greater and more terrible than anyone has realized, and he is

hot on their trail. For only John, Serena, and the crew know Dahlberg's true intentions,

and only they have the power to stop him from bending the world to his will.

The Outcast by Taran Matharu

Enter an immersive world where the chosen few have the ability to summon demons...

Arcturus is just an orphaned stable boy when he discovers he has the ability to summon

demons from another world. He is sent to Vocans Academy where the lost arts of summon-

ing, spell craft and demonology are taught to the noble children of the Empire. As the first

commoner gifted with this ability, his discovery challenges the nobility and the powers that

be and Arcturus soon makes enemies. With no one but his demon Sacharissa by his side,

Arcturus must prove himself as a worthy Summoner...

The Way past Winter by Kiran Millwood Hargreave

Mila and her sisters live with their brother Oskar in a small forest cabin in the snow.

One night, a fur-clad stranger arrives seeking shelter for himself and his men. But by

the next morning, they've gone - taking Oskar with them. Fearful for his safety, Mila and

her sisters set out to bring Oskar back - even it means going north, crossing frozen wild

-lands to find a way past an eternal winter.


Chinglish by Sue Cheung

It is difficult trying to talk in our family cos:

a) Grandparents don’t speak English at all

b) Mum hardly speaks any English

c) Me, Bonny and Simon hardly speak Chinese

d) Dad speaks Chinese and good English – but doesn’t like talking

In other words, we all have to cobble together tiny bits of English and Chinese into a rubbish

new language I call 'Chinglish'. It is very awkward.

Jo Kwan is a teenager growing up in 1980s Coventry with her annoying little sister, too-cool

older brother, a series of very unlucky pets and utterly bonkers parents. But unlike the other

kids at her new school or her posh cousins, Jo lives above her parents' Chinese takeaway.

And things can be tough – whether it's unruly customers or the snotty popular girls who bully

Jo for being different. Even when she does find a BFF who actually likes Jo for herself, she

still has to contend with her erratic dad's behaviour. All Jo dreams of is breaking free and

forging a career as an artist. YEAR 9+

The Survival Game by Nicky Singer

A teenager making her way home to Scotland in a world remade by climate change. In a

world full of checkpoints and controls, can love and hope defy the borders? A searing, timely

story, as arresting as it is beautiful. Imagine a world ... Where there are too many people on

a too-hot earth and your only chance of salvation is to journey north. Where you must prove

yourself worthy of existence at every turn, at every checkpoint. Where your instincts become

your most powerful weapon - even more than the gun in your pocket. Where you find out

what it takes to survive. An extraordinary story about survival and what it costs, about the

power of small kindnesses to change everything.

The Burning by Laura Bates

A rumour is like a fire. You might think you’ve extinguished it but one creeping, red tendril,

one single wisp of smoke is enough to let it leap back into life again. Especially if someone is

watching, waiting to fan the flames ...

New school.


New town.


New surname.


Social media profiles?


There’s nothing to trace Anna back to her old life. Nothing to link her to the ‘incident’.

At least that’s what she thinks … until the whispers start up again. As time begins to run out

on her secrets, Anna finds herself irresistibly drawn to the tale of Maggie, a local girl accused

of witchcraft centuries earlier. A girl whose story has terrifying parallels to Anna’s own…


The Gifted, the Talented and Me by William Sutcliffe

Fifteen-year-old Sam isn't special. He's not a famous vlogger, he's never gone viral,

and he doesn't want to be the Next Big Thing. What he likes most is chatting to his

friends and having a bit of a kick about.

None of which was a problem until Dad got rich and Mum made the whole family move

to London. Now Sam is being made to go to the North London Academy for the Gifted

and Talented, where every student is too busy planning Hollywood domination or start-

ing alt-metal psychedelica crossover bands or making clothes out of bathmats to give


Saint Death by Marcus Sedgewick

Arturo lives in a shanty town on the border between Mexico and America and is just about

surviving. When his old friend Faustino turns up he is sucked into the brutal world of the

narco-gangs that run everything. Can Saint Death save him or will he just watch him fall fur-

ther and further into the abyss. An unrelenting but incredibly gripping portrayal of the corrup-

tion and brutality of life in Mexico which feels even more relevant in a post-Trump world.


The deviants by C. J. Skuse

5 childhood friends who have drifted apart after the death of Max’s sister come back together

to seek revenge on the bullies harassing Corey. However as havoc is wreaked deep dark

secrets are going to come into the light and the results will be devastating. This starts off as

your usual teen problems novel but morphs into a well-written and thrilling tragedy with a

truly shocking ending. YEAR 9+

Sunflowers in February by Phyllida Shrimpton

Lily has died in a car accident. The trouble is, Lily's really not at all sure she wants to 'move

on' . . . Lily wakes up one crisp Sunday morning on the side of the road. She has no idea

how she got there. It is all very peaceful. And very beautiful. It is only when the police car,

and then the ambulance, arrive and she sees her own body that she realises that she is in

fact . . . dead. But what is she supposed do now? Lily has no option but to follow her body

and she sees her family - her parents and her twin brother - start falling apart. And then her

twin brother Ben gives her a once in a deathtime opportunity - to use his own body for a

while. But will Lily give Ben his body back? She is beginning to have a rather good time.


Run, Riot by Nikesh Shukla

A powerful novel about young people standing up for themselves and their community, from

the editor/author of The Good Immigrant.

When teenagers Hari and Jamal film an unarmed youth from their estate being beaten by

police, they find themselves hunted by the very people who should be protecting them. But

as they go on the run with Hari's twin sister, Taran, and Jamal's girlfriend, Anna, the four

friends discover that the truth behind the shooting goes so much deeper, with terrible person-

al consequences for them all. YEAR 9+

Dear Martin by Nic Stone

Justyce McAllister is top of his class and set for the Ivy League - but none of that matters to

the police officer who just put him in handcuffs. And despite leaving his rough neighbourhood

behind, he can't escape the scorn of his former peers or the ridicule of his new classmates.

Justyce looks to the teachings of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. for answers. But do they hold up

anymore? He starts a journal to Dr. King to find out.

Then comes the day Justyce goes driving with his best friend, Manny, windows rolled down,

music turned up - way up, sparking the fury of a white off-duty police officer beside them.

Words fly. Shots are fired. Justyce and Manny are caught in the crosshairs. In the media fall-

out, it's Justyce who is under attack YEAR 9+.


Rules for Vanishing by Kate Alice Marshall

Once a year, the path appears in the forest and Lucy Gallows beckons. Who is brave enough

to find her--and who won't make it out of the woods?

It's been exactly one year since Sara's sister, Becca, disappeared, and high school life has

far from settled back to normal. With her sister gone, Sara doesn't know whether her former

friends no longer like her...or are scared of her, and the days of eating alone at lunch have

started to blend together. When a mysterious text message invites Sara and her estranged

friends to "play the game" and find local ghost legend Lucy Gallows, Sara is sure this is the

only way to find Becca--before she's lost forever. And even though she's hardly spoken with

them for a year, Sara finds herself deep in the darkness of the forest, her friends--and their

cameras--following her down the path. Together, they will have to draw on all of their

strengths to survive. The road is rarely forgiving, and no one will be the same on the other

side. YEAR 9+

Floored by Various Authors

When they got in the lift, they were strangers (though didn't that guy used to be on TV?):

Sasha, who is desperately trying to deliver a parcel; Hugo, who knows he's the best-looking

guy in the lift and is eyeing up Velvet, who knows what that look means when you hear her

name and it doesn't match the way she looks, or the way she talks; Dawson, who was on TV,

but isn't as good-looking as he was a few years ago and is desperately hoping no one recog-

nizes him; Kaitlyn, who's losing her sight but won't admit it, and who used to have a poster of

Dawson on her bedroom wall, and Joe, who shouldn't be here at all, but who wants to be

here the most.

And one more person, who will bring them together again on the same day every

year. YEAR 9+

Salt to the Sea by Ruta Sepetys

Four young people, each haunted by their own dark secret, narrate their unforgettable

stories. When the German ship the Wilhelm Gustloff was sunk in port in early 1945 it had

over 9000 civilian refugees, including children, on board. Nearly all were drowned. Ruta

Sepetys, acclaimed author of Between Shades of Grey, brilliantly imagines their story.


Please note:

Year 9+ is a guideline only

Books may contain content and/or vocabulary for the older more confident reader.


The stars at Oktober bend by Glenda Millard

Alice and Manny are both damaged and need to find a way to heal the psychological

wounds that plague them. As their friendship develops they find that learning to trust

is an important step to their new futures. This is OT because there is the depiction of

Alice’s brutal rape as a child and Manny’s experiences witnessing the killing of his

family and becoming a child soldier. YEAR 9+

Mother tongue by Julie Mayhew

Based on real life school massacre in Beslan in 2004. Dayra has raised her little sis-

ter Nika since her mother’s depression made her withdraw completely. When Nika is

killed in the terrorist attack she struggles to make sense of her life and to find herself

and a future. This is a moving and powerful portrayal of what it is to be the survivor

of a terrible atrocity and deal with overwhelming grief. YEAR 9+

Beck by Mal Peet

Beck is an orphan marked out by his mixed parentage (his father was an African

sailor). He is shipped from Liverpool to Canada to be taught to work on the farms.

What follows is a harrowing journey with abuse, racism, crime and suffering until he

meets Grace, who is also mixed race. But her mum was a Native American and her

father English and like him she needs to find her place in a changing world.


Ink by Alice Broadway

Leora lives in a society where every significant action and moment in your life is

tattooed on your skin for everyone to see. But when her father dies and his skin is

removed to make a book of his life she uncovers some difficult truths about herself

which change the way she sees their traditions. YEAR 9+

Release by Patrick Ness

It's Saturday, it's summer and, although he doesn't know it yet, everything in Adam

Thorn's life is going to fall apart. But maybe, just maybe, he'll find freedom from the

release. Time is running out though, because way across town, a ghost has risen

from the lake...This uplifting coming-of-age novel will remind you what it's like to fall

in love. YEAR 9+

KS4 Stretch & Challenge 2020/21


Saint Death by Marcus Sedgewick

Arturo lives in a shanty town on the border between Mexico and America and is just

about surviving. When his old friend Faustino turns up he is sucked into the brutal

The deviants by C. J. Skuse

5 childhood friends who have drifted apart after the death of Max’s sister come back

together to seek revenge on the bullies harassing Corey. However as havoc is

wreaked deep dark secrets are going to come into the light and the results will be

devastating. This starts off as your usual teen problems novel but morphs into a well

-written and thrilling tragedy with a truly shocking ending. YEAR 9+

The hate u give by Angie Thomas

Sixteen-year-old Starr lives in two worlds: the poor neighbourhood where she was

born and raised and her posh high school in the suburbs. The uneasy balance be-

tween them is shattered when Starr is the only witness to the fatal shooting of her

unarmed best friend, Khalil, by a police officer. Now what Starr says could destroy

her community. It could also get her killed. YEAR 9+

Close your eyes by Nicci Cloke

This is the story of a school shooting told from multiple viewpoints which asks who is

truly responsible for the tragedy. It doesn't provide any easy answers to the difficult

questions asked making this a really thought-provoking and compelling read.


Bone gap by Laura Ruby

Bone Gap is a small town where people disappear sometimes, like Finn and Sean's

mother who escaped to Oregon to start a new life. But when Roza goes missing

Finn is sure she was taken, but no-one believes him. As the stories of Roza, Finn

and the other residents of Bone Gap are revealed the truth about what happened

may also come to light. YEAR 9+

Kid got shot by Simon Mason

2nd Garvie Smith mystery (following Running Girl). A boy from Marsh Academy has

been shot, with no clear motive and no clues. Garvie knows he's the only one who

has any idea where to look for the answers. Starting with his best friend's girlfriend.

Great central character which updates the teenage sleuth idea for a modern audi-

ence. YEAR 9+


It is important that you use the correct words when you talk about your book - and other books that

you will read in your English lessons. The words below are a list of the language terms that you need

to know and use in English. Find their definition and see if you can identify them in the book you have

enjoyed reading.



Definition Example from your book











Design a new book cover, including the blurb, for the book that you have read. The blurb is the short

piece of writing on the back cover which gives an overview of the story without giving the end away.

Look at some of the books that you have to help you.


Write a review of the book that you have read. Look online to find reviews of books that you have al-

ready read - these may give you some ideas - and then use the sentence starters below to help. You

don’t have to use these if you don’t want to, write your review on a piece of paper. Use the best

vocabulary that you can to make your review interesting for the reader.

The book is called___________________________________ by _________________________________.

The novel is about_______________________________________________________________________






The best bits about the novel are ___________________________________________________________






The novel would have been better if ________________________________________________________






I recommend this novel to ________________________________________________________________





My overall opinion is _____________________________________________________________________




Choose any part of the novel that you have read and write an extra chapter. You could write a chap-

ter for the beginning, middle or end of you novel. Continue on a piece of paper if you need to or you

could type your chapter.































Improve your sentences

Complete the following sentences

about the image. The first one has

been done for you:

Before the lockdown, the Lincoln

Memorial would have been teeming

with people.

Although it was a nice day,

After he had finished his coffee,

If they took a few steps forwards,

Then, have a go at writing your own

sentences that start with a subordi-

nating clause…..

Turn these details into com-

plete sentences. The first one

has been done for you.

Full of tourists

The Lincoln Memorial would usu-

ally have been full of tourists at

this time of day.

Sounds echoed

Cast shadows

The consequences of the


Then, have a go at writing

your own sentences about

the details in the image….

Complete the sentences.

The eagle cast her eye over the snowy mountains


The eagle cast her eye over the snowy mountains


The eagle cast her eye over the snowy mountains,


Try developing your own simple sentences in three dif-

ferent ways, using because, but, and so. What do you

notice about each sentence?

Add embedded clauses into the following sentences. The first has been done for you as an exam-


The eagle, one of the greatest hunters on the planet, is a majestic animal.

The eagle’s talons are sharp.

The mountains undulated dramatically.

The snow covered the mountain tops.

Try developing your own simple sentences by using embedded clauses….


. Combine each of the two fragments to create complete sentences.

The bridge spanned the water and melted into the distance.

Stretched its wings rose up from the water

Ripples spread the dark water

The thick haze the sunlight filtered

Then, have a go at combining two details in a compound sentence

(Clue – You’ll always need to use a connective!)

There are four types of sentences – declarative (statement), imperative

(command), interrogative (question) and exclamatory (exclamation).

Using the following words, create the four different sentence types. The

first has been done as an example.

Spread – The bird spread its wings. (S) Spread your wings. (C) Is it spread-

ing its wings? (Q) It’s spreading its wings! (E)




Try this for yourself – choose a verb and transform it in four different



Punctuation Matters

The Terrible Three Variations Their, They’re and There & Too, Two and To.


Read this passage and decide whether or not the appropriate they’re, their or there and to, two and too is used.

Their once was a man with a donkey for a friend. Although their was only the too of them living in there small peaceful seaside cottage, they were contented.

Throughout they’re lives together there were many happy times. Their was the time they visited Disneyland in Paris and they met all the characters they’re; Mickey Mouse, Pluto, Donald duck and even Goofy was their two. If there was ever to much work for the man to deal with his donkey would help ease the workload. Too many times a local neighbour would try to steal the donkey from the man but their was no way he’d let her go, she meant two much too him.


Below is an extract taken from More About The Boy by Roald Dahl.

Add in all the missing punctuation. The first paragraph is done for you!


Why do we need punctuation? What is its function?

(there might be more than one reason)










She was undoubtedly the absolute primary influence on my own life. She had a crys-

tal-clear intellect and a deep interest in almost everything under the sun, from horti-

culture to cooking to wine to literature to paintings to furniture to birds and dogs and

other animals - in other words, in all the lovely things in the world.

her hair when she let it down as she did every morning so that she could brush it as-

siduously reached three quarters of the way down her back and it was always careful-

ly plaited and coiled in a bun on the top of her head

my mother was widely read she read the great Norwegian writers in their own lan-

guage ibsen hamsun undsett and the rest of them and in english she read the writers

of her time galsworthy arnold bennett kipling etc when we were young she told us

stories about norwegian trolls and all the other mythical norwegian creatures that

lived in the dark pine forests for she was a great teller of tales her memory was prodi-

gious and nothing that ever happened to her in her life was forgotten

embarrassing moments funny moments desperate moments were all recounted in

every detail and we would listen enthralled


English Language Summer ‘Revise-athon’

Dedicate 15-30 minutes every week – select one of the tasks to complete.

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3

‘Libraries are a waste

of time – we should

just use the internet’

Write a short speech

arguing your view-



teach us more

about history than

the books do’ Write

a speech to your

class to argue your

point of view.

‘School uniforms

block our identity

and freedom to ex-

press ourselves’

Write a blog ex-

pressing your view-


Read three newspa-

per articles and high-

light the persuasive

devices used.

Listen to a speech

online and pick out

three persuasive


Read three articles

from a newspaper

and summarise

what you read.

Watch an episode

from a television se-

ries and make a note

of what makes the be-

ginning, middle and

end interesting.

Read a book and

summarise what

you have read.

Write a positive de-

scription of a place

you have been.



Week 4 Week 5 Week 6

‘The voting age is

too high – we should

lower it as young

people are the voice

of the next genera-

tion’ Write a letter to

the local council ar-

guing your view-


‘Science is the only

worthwhile subject

– all others are

simply entertain-

ment’ Write a letter

to your head teach-

er arguing your


‘Vegetarianism is the

only way we can

prevent extinction in

the future’ Write a

speech arguing your


Read an extract from

an autobiography

and make a list of

four things you learn.

Read three maga-

zine articles and

summarise what

you read.

Read two articles on

the same topic and

make a list of the

similarities and


Write the opening

fifty words to a story

about survival.

Read a book and

pick out three de-

scriptive tech-


Write a review of a

film / book / televi-

sion show you have

read / watched.


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