seat reservation setup and configuration it v.1.1.0

Post on 22-Jan-2018






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Seat Reservation

Version: 1.1.0





1. Setup P.3 2. General Setting: P.4

3. Create the event page: P.5

4. Set an Event: P.7

4.1) Location P.7 4.2) Event P.7

4.2)1. Note: Event duplication P.7 4.2)2. Note: Adding reservations P.8 4.2)3. Note: Removing reservations P.9

4.3) Ticket Configuration P.10

5. Frontend P.11

6. Listing of reservations and print P.14



The installation of the module is very simple:

1. Go to your Magento Admin Panel and disable cache

2. Unzip the package on your computer

3. Log in to the Magento website via ftp

4. Upload the folder "app" and "skin” in the root of your Magento site.

Check if module work:

1. Go to your Magento Admin Panel

2. Go to System → Configuration → Seat Reservation

If the module doesn’t work refresh the cache

If you use a different from default theme - be sure to rename

app/design/frontend/default/default folders to your store's values.


General settings The Selling Ticket with Seat extension can be easily configured in the way you need at the System → Configuration → Magenkit → Seat reservation backend page.

Plan settings: Set the number of columns and rows that will compose the grid of the usable seats in the different

locations. Es: 60 rows e 60 cols=3600 seats which can be used to create locations. Reservation settings:

• Expire Time: Set the number of minutes that the user can use to make the reservation. Once the set time has expired, the cart will be emptied and the user will have a new order.

• Maximum seats per event: Set the number of bookable places in each session. This will discourage abuses like spam-reservation.

Event settings Set the page where the events will be included. It is advised to leave it blank, the re-addressing to the event page will be explained later.


How to Create the page in where events will be visible: Go to Cms → Pages Here you can create a page that will contain the event list. It is important to enter the “Page information” fields.

In content you can enter a text.

In design→ page layout you can enter the layout of the page.


It is very important that the following code is added in "Layout Update XML":

<reference name="content">

<block type="seatreservation/events" name="seatrseservation_events_list"

template="Magenkit/seatreservation/events.phtml" id="mk_seatreservation_events_list" />


At last, you can enter metadata from the "Meta data" menu


How to set an Event:

1) Location Configuration:

First of all, set up the location (cinema or theater) by going to: Seat Reservation → Location: Here you can

select the seats that will compose the room and divide them by type. There are 8 typologies by color

indicating the types of tickets that you can


2) Event Configuration

After setting up the cinema / theater where the event will be, you must set the event that will be spent in

that location by going to Seat Reservation→ events. Compile panel requests by setting in which location

(which I have already created in the previous step) will hold the event.

Note: Event Duplication

It is now possible to duplicate an existing, active or inactive event. System performs a snapshot of event

data, but will use a fresh version of room layout in order to inherit eventual new layout modifications and

updates. Tickets (intended as products) and their association to seatreservation system is also replicated to

the duplicated event.

Duplicated event also inherits date/time values which have to be modified manually, and is also put in an

inactive state (not visible on the frontend side).


Note: Adding reservations from back end

Administrator can add reserved seats by clicking on them. Reserving a seat requires a registered customer

so there are two ways to proceed:

scenario 1) surname and email fields are autosuggest fields, with a minimum of 3 characters autosuggest is

fired and results are displayed on the rightmost column, if the user is found within the list, Administrator

can click on it and proceed to reservation.*

scenario 2) user is not registered so it will be created via form on the fly, all 4 fields are mandatory,

customer account is created (including confirmation email with temporary password) and seats are

reserved. NB: seats reserved through backend are not part of a magento order, since there is no payment



Note: Removing reservations

Administrator can remove reservation from seats by clicking on them. System will give a complete report of

seats reserved by the same customer for the given event, if reservations were made from frontend, those

are grouped in orders**.

Administrator can check one or more or all and proceed to remove reservations from seats which will be

again available also on the frontend side.

**order will be put on “holded status” so that Administrator will be able to handle it for future autonomous

processing (refund etc).


3) Ticket (Product) Configuration To configure tickets for sale must proceed in this way: Catalogo → manage product: qui creo i prodotti che sarebbero i tipi di biglietto per l’evento.

3.1) Create a new “seatreservation ticket” Product

In the configuration tab of the product enter the details of the product as it usually does, but paying attention to some settings.

3.2) General Tab

• Select “Not Visibile Individually” in the Visibility field Note: Do not forget to set SKU and Status for the product 3.3) Inventory tab

• Select “No” in the “Manage Stock” field From the "seatreservation ticket option" menu, link the product up to the chosen event and assign it to the corresponding ticket type. Please note that reservations that have not been paid by paypal can be handled through: Sales→Orders


Frontend Here's how you see the event created on the event page (Frontend)

And how the user views the choice of places from the frontend.



1. It is possible to cancel reservations and to empty the cart immediately. The timer indicates the time

that the user can spends to finish the reservation. (see page 4, “Reservation Settings”)

2. If the user selects a number of places higher than the configured numeber in backend, it will not be possible to place the order. This will discourage abuses like spam-reservation. (see page 4, “Reservation Settings”)


3. NB: The system is set up so that the first user who places the seats in the cart, he blocks those places. In this way you cannot have incorrect or split orders.

Example: User A is buying places. If user B is also buying them at the same time but places them in the shopping cart just after user A, he will not be able to buy those places. He will see an alert explaining that the seats have already been booked and he will be sent back to the seats selection page. In addition, seats purchased by user A will be marked as unavailable.


Listing of reservations and print

From the event list page Administrator can access to grid-style reservations table.

You can view the status of the bookings from the last column of the event list. If an "error" status is

displayed, you can find out the type of error by clicking on it, then you will land on the event setting page,

from which it will be possible to resolve the mistake.


It displays a list of reserved seats and the associated customer. If the reservation was done via backend,

there is no direct link to the order. The view is now printable.

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