sealing the deal with large enterprise

Post on 26-May-2015






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Striking the right partnership with Google, MTV, or American Express can help your product gain traction fast. This class will help you identify potential partners, tailor your product strategy, and make the pitch that will land your first, big deal. Sharing real-world experience will be Caroline McCarthy (@caro), who is a Google+ Business Marketing Manager at Google, and Cheryl Yeoh (@cherylyeoh), who is a Co-Founder & CEO of Reclip.It. Caroline and Cheryl are are traveling to Tanzania this February as global ambassadors for Ladies Trekking Week, an annual trip to the summit of Mt. Kilimanjaro organized by a group of European women with a dual aim of personal empowerment and social good. If you enjoyed this presentation, we ask that you kindly donate $10 to our cause that will go toward improving literacy for children in Tanzania. Please donate here - Thank you!


Sealing the Deal with Large Enterprise:The Big Company Caroline McCarthy @caro

Tips for StartupsCheryl Yeoh @cherylyeoh

The 5 Keys to SuccessStart small

Be prepared

Show your creativity

Read the fine print

Speak the language

Start smallBe strategic - don’t go big and fast all at once. Your future partner has to trust you first.

Be preparedMake sure that your accounting is in order and that their payment timeline fits your budget.

Show your creativityDemonstrate in your proposal that you’ll be true to the brand but will still innovate.

Read the fine printIf you’ve been sent information about how to do business with the client, read it. No, seriously.

Speak the languageIf you’re working with sales or marketing, know their jargon even if it makes you cry a little inside.

Sealing the Deal with Large Enterprise: Tips for Entrepreneurs & StartupsCheryl Yeoh@cherylyeoh

A Little Background...

Case Studies from...

The 6-Step Process1.Research -> Reaching Out

FACT 1:“People Want to Do

Business With People They Like”

FACT 2:“Don’t Give Up. There are multiple channels & doors”

The 6-Step Process1.Research -> Reaching Out

2.Initial Informational Meetings

3.Show Progress -> Send Updates

4.Pitch Meeting

FACT 3:Large Corporations Want to Work With Startups that Can Provide:

1) Value-added services/product/tech they can’t build in near term2) Increased speed & time to market in a vertical

The 6-Step Process1.Research -> Reaching Out

2.Initial Informational Meetings

3.Show Progress -> Send Updates

4.Pitch Meeting

6.Launch Pilot Study -> Track Results

5.Integration, Timeline & Negotiations

FACT 4:“A Partnership No Matter How Small is

Akin to An Investment”

What Not To Say:1) Don’t offer to do something the company thinks it can do itself2) Don’t say how “easy” it is to integrate

What To Say: 1) How you’ve already proven yourself in marketplace against competitors2) What makes you unique (technology, traction, etc)3) Level of effort for integration - pilot study / proof of concept

* Long term stability of company (funding, etc) * Depends on priorities within organization - timing is key

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