sdarm bible study qtrs. 1 & 2 1958

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  • 8/8/2019 SDARM Bible Study Qtrs. 1 & 2 1958


    Sabbath School LessonQUARTERLY

    Senior Division, First and Second Quarters, 1958

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    Those who have been studying with us through the first portion of theBook of Isaiah h a ~ e gained a clearer picture of God's love and care for Hispeople and the. awful result of rejecting the message sent by God throughHis chosen instrumentalities. The social and moral conditions of the timeswere graphically depicted. The material prosperity had brought spiritualdecline to Israel and Judah and the prophet warned that such conditionscould not long endure. Jehovah would withdraw himself from His professedpeople who followed the ways of evil.Much appreciation has been expressed for this systematic study of theBook of Isaiah. The verse by verse method of study is very necessary forus as a church that we might reach the unity of faith. Otherwise manypassages of the Scriptures in which we may have different opinions arepassed by without discussion."The fact that there is no controversy or agitation among God's people,should not be regarded as conclusive evidence that they are holding fastto sound doctrine. There is a reason to fear that they may not be clearlydiscriminating between truth and error. When no new questions are started

    by investigation of thc Scriptures, when no difference of opinion ariseswhich will set men to searching the Bible for themselves, to make surethat they have the t ruth, there will be many now, as in ancient times, whowill hold to tradition, and wurship they know not what."--Gospel Workers,p.298.

    May God help eaeh student as we continue in the study of the Book ofIsaiah, that we may search the Scriptures with an intense longing to knowthe perfect will of God for us, and determination to carry it out in ourlives. .


    Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly, "The Book of Isaiah," for January to June, 1958, is pub..l,ished by the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement General Conference and printed bythe Reformation Herald Publishing Association (a corporation of the Seventh Day AdventistReform Movement) at Sacramento, California, United States of Ameriea. Mailing Addr .P. 0. Dex 5234 Oak Park, Sacramento 17, California. ess.


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    .. - .- - -...-.. . . . . ._. 1.1 __ 1.1 . _ ~ . 1.1 _ . . . - . . . . .............-Lesson No.1 - Sabbath, January 4, 1958


    1. With what startling announcement did the prophet begin his description of the doom of Jerusalem and of the world? Isaiah 24:1.

    NOTE: The present chapter is a direct continuation of chapter 23, inwhich the downfall of Tyre was foretold. Tyre proudly vaunted herselfagainst the Lord of heaven, setting herself up as greater than God. Thedestruction of Tyre was a demonstration to all of how the Lord humblesthe pride and haughtiness of men. The prophet uses the name "King ofTyrus" to symbolize the work of Satan. Symbolic Tyre has its counterpart inthe symbolic woman of Revelation 17 who is represented as reigning overthe kings of the earth. In considering the history of the ancient nations wefind that Israel was corrupted by her unlawul connection with the heathennations. The Lord presented before the prophet the inevitable judgmentswhich must fall upo.'1 all the nations, commencing with the Holy Landitself.2. What prophecy of the ~ e Testament covers the same events asdescribed in this chapter? Matthew 24:1-3.

    NOTE: "The ruin of Jerusalem was a symbol of the final ruin that shalloverwhelm the world. The prophecies that received a partial fulfilment inthe overthrow of Jerusalem have a more direct application to the lastdays. . . ."-Mount of Blessing, p. 175.3. What special study should be given in our missionary labors to thisprophecy of our Lord in Matthew 24 in connection with that of

    Isaiah 24?ANSWER: "The twenty-fourth chapter of Matthew is presented to meagain and again as something that is to be be'the attention of all. We aretoday living in the time when the predictions of this chapter are fulfilling.Let our ministers and teachers explain these prophecies to those whomthey instruct. Let them lea"t out of their discourses matters of minorconsequence, and present the truths that will decide the destiny of souls."-Gospel Workers, p. 148.4. What was the result of the universal selfishness, covetousness, andcorruption among the Jews? What similar state of affairs is threaten

    ing the world today? Isaiah 24:2; James 5:1-5.-3-

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    NOTE: We 'are witnessing today the fulfillment of this prophecy in thegreat struggle b e t w ~ e n capital and labor in every country of the world.The terrible scenes which some countries have already passed through isa preview of what will come upon the whole world when mercy no longerholds back the forces of evil. ':Trade unions will be one of the agenciesthat will bring upon the earth such a time of trouble as has not been sincethe world began." General Conference Bulletin, 1903". . .We are now standing on the threshold of great and solemn events.A crisis is before us, such as the world has never witnessed. . . ."-Mountof Blessing, p, 175.5. What prophecy had its primary fulfillment in the judgments permit-

    ted by' the Lord to come upon Israel? Isaiah 24:3,4,12.NOTE: History records that this prophesy was very literally fulfilled inthe destruction in Jerusalem, first by the Babylonian captivity, and laterby the Romans undt'lr Titus in the year 70 A.D. It is so presented, however, that it gives a graphic picture of this earth at the time of Christ'ssecond coming. In t h ~ p a ~ t it affected only the land of Israel, but its finalfulfillment is to involve the whole world.6. What witness did the prophet Jeremiah give to the primary fulfill

    ment of Isaiah's prophecy? Lamentations 2: 13.7. Why did God allow such terrible calamities to come to His chosen

    people and to the holy land? Isaiah 24:5.NOTE: When men reject the law cf God, they defile both themselvesand the land in which they Hve. The sin of Israel was of far greater mag-nitude than that of other nations because they, in a spe:::ial sense, had beenbrought into covenant relatio"ship with God. Inste:ld of l:e:ng an example to the other natiO:1S and exercising an influence for good, theybecame leaders in iniquity.8. What are we to' understand by the term "everlasting covenant"?Jeremiah 31: 3134. .

    NOTE: ".. .'1 will establish Ill) ' covenant between me and thee, and thyseed after thee in their generations for an everlasting c:JVenant, to be aGod unto thee, and to thy se(:d after thee.'"Though this covenant W,lS made with Adam and renewed to Abraham, it could not be ratified .w til the death -of Christ. I t had existed bythe promise of God since th3 first intimation of redemption had beengiven; it had been accepted by faith; yet when ratified by Christ, it iscalled a new covenant. The 1.lw of God was the basis of this covenant,which was simply an arrangeInent for bringing men again into harmony

    with the divine will, placing them where they could obey God's law."-Patriarchs and Prophets, pp. 370,371.-4-

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    9. What particular sin led to the Assyrian and Babylonian captivity ofthe chosen nation? Jeremiah 17: 27.10. Why did God finally reject His chosen people? What prediction

    was made over 2,000 years before it was tragically fulfilled in thefinal destuction of Jerusalem? Matthew 21: 42,43; Deuteronomy 28:4952.

    Lesson No. 2 - Sabbath, January 11, 1958.GOD'S JUDGMENTS UPON THE EARTH AND ITSINHABITANTS -Continued

    Questions1. On what charge will the whole world be forced to plead guilty?

    Isaiah 24: 5.2. How does the prophet paniel verify this charge in its specialapplication to presentday Christendom? Daniel 7: 25.NOTE: I t was the transgress:on of the law of God that brought thedownfall of the Jewish nation, and led them to reject the Messiah. Modern~ h r i s t e n d o m is b r : J u g h ~ bef::rc the bar of God's justice on the same charge,1mt its guilt is greater in proportion to the i n c r e ~ s e d light t h ~ t h ~ beenshining. I t must I ~ the fmswer not ani, to the charge cf transgressing thelaw, but of willfully "?hanging times and laws" as predicted by Daniel.3. What is the final result of the world's rebellion against the law ofGod? What description is given of the remnant who escape thedestructive fires of the last days? Isaiah 24: 6.NOTE: ". . .A train of cars was .sh:Jwn me, going with the speed oflightening. The angel bade me look carefully. I fixed my eyes upon thetrain. It seemed tha t the whole world was on board, that there 90uld not beone left. Said the angel, ' T h ~ y are binding in bundles ready to burn' . . .

    "I asked the angel if there were none left. He bade me look in anopposite direction, and I saw a little company traveling a narrow pathway. All seemed to be firmly united, bound together by the t ruth, inbundles or companies. . . :'-Early Writings, pp. 88, 89.4. What lamentation will be the lot of the pleasureseeking reveler whohas rejected the gospel invitation? Isaiah 24:79, 11.5. With what symbolism does the prophet depict the downfall of modern

    apostate. Christendom? Isaiah 24: 10,12; Revelation'16: 1719.NOTE: The word "confusion" is synonymous with the word "Babel". It-5-

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    was first introduced when the tongues of men were confused at the historical tower of Babel (Genesis 11:9). Later the great city built byNebuchadnezzar carried this very name. I t was thought that this greatcity, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, would remain forever but J,eremiah foretold its imminent downfall. (Jeremiah 51: 8-10).

    In the New Testament, the word Babylon is used symbolically to represent the great apostate .system of the papacy. Just as it was believedthat ancient Babylon was to remain forever, so it will be thought of thisgreat symbolic city, modern Babylon, "for she shall say in her heart, I sita queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow." (Revelation 18: 7).6. In the midst of indescribable scenes of destruction, what glimpse isgiven of the faithful remnant? Isaiah 24: 13; Isaiah 17: 6.

    NOTE: Both the vine and thf' olive tree are used in the Scriptures torepresent the true church of (;od. The shaking of the .olive tree representsthe testing, trying process through which the people of God must pass.At the time of the harvest the branches of the olive trees are shaken tothe limit, but although it would seem that all the fruit must be shakenoff, yet a few b e ~ r i e s still remalll.Soit will be at the close of this world'shistory, there will still be a Llithful remnant who will endure the testsand trials of the last days and will gain the victor's crown.7. When the time comes for the faithful remnant to be delivered, whatsong will be heard? Isaiah 24: 14,15; Revelation 15: 3.

    NOTE: ".. .It was awfully solemn. At the end .of every sentence thesaints shouted, 'Glory! Hallelujah!' Their countenances were lighted upwith the glory of God, and thoy shone with glory as did the face of Moseswhen he came down form Si.nai. The wicked could not look upon themfor the glory. And when the never-ending bllJssing was pronounced onthose who had honored God in keeping His Sabbath holy, there was amighty shout of victory over the heast and over his image."-Early Writings, p. 286.8. After being shown the scenes of the victory of God's people, what viewis given of the fate of the false shepherds? Isaiah 24: 16; Jeremiah25: 3436.

    NOTE: '''. . .The people turned upon their ministers with bitter hate andreproached them, saying, Til'] have not warned us. You told us that allthe world was to be converted and, cried, Peace, peace, to quiet everyfear that was aroused. You have not told us of this hour; and those whowarned us of it you declared to be fanatics and evil men, who would ruinus.' But I saw that the millistcrs did not escape the wrath of God. Theirsuffering was tenfold greater than that of their people."-Early Writings,p.282.-6-

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    9. What terrors and calamities wiII come in rapid succession upon thewicked? Isaiah 24: 17,18.NOTE: The word "T)it" has !"eference to this earth where for 6,000 yearsSatan has established his kingdom of darkness, tempting and deceivingthe millions who have yielded their allegiance to him.10. What great changes will take place in the contour of this earth'ssurface? Isaiah 24: 19,20.11. What punishment is in store for Satan and his hosts as well as

    the inhabitants of the world who have rejected the gospel of Christ?Isaiah 24: 21,22; Revelation 20: 13.

    NOTE: Here is described the end of the controversy between Christ andSatan. The binding of Satan for a thousand years refers to the restrictionthat will be placed upon his activity, when he with his angels will beconfined, to a desolate earth. There is no qnestion of Satan's guilt; however, he waits until the close of the thousand years for the pronouncementof his judgment. Both the "pit" and "prison" have reference to this earthin which there will be two classes of prisoners. All have been found guilty,but the final punishment is deferred. While the wicked inhabitants of theworld will be resting in their graves, Satan and his evil angels will bealive upon the earth. There will be no communication between the livingand the dead.12. What description does the prophet give of the glorious triumph ofthe saints after the thousand years? In what part of the universewill the everlasting kingdom of Christ be establishea? Isaiah 24: 23;Revelation 21: 1-4.

    Lesson No. 3 - Sabbath, January 18, 1958.THE TRIUMPHANT SONG OF THE REDEEMED

    QU:lstions1. After their deliverance, what expression of recognition bursts forthfrom the lips of the saints? Isaiah 25: 1.

    NOTE: With the opening of this chapter, we are brought to the hOllIwhen the saints are delivered by the voice of God. Not only the wicked,but the whole universe is witness to God's recognition of His faithful people as they are honored and m.-alted. They now behold the total defeatand destruction of the enemies who have oppressed them. The eternalpurpose of God for the salvativn of mankind has been faithfully carriedout.


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    2. What symbolism is again introduced to portray the utter defeat ofthe great confederacy of apostate Christendom? Isaiah 25:.2,3,5.NOTE: The city here brougilt to our attention is none other than thegreat mystic Babylon of Revelation 16: 19 and 17: 5. representing theconfederacy of the three evil powers: "the dragon, the beast, and the falseprophet." Anciently the great city of Babylon, the head-quarters of theChaldean empire, was the terror of all other nations and the oppressor ofthe people of God. The great confederacy of Christendom, symbolizedas Babylon, will reach the penk of power and exaltation foretold in theprophecy as it leads the w!1ole human race into rebellion against God.Isaiah sees this city as "an heap," as brought low, denoting its completedefea t and overthrow.3. What tender care does the heavenly Father have for His faithful

    children in every time of distress or trouble? Isaiah 25: 4, Psalm91: 1-9.4. How is the final destruction of the wicked after the milleniumsymbolized? Of what will the wicked be fully conscious when the

    record books are opened? Isaiah 25: 6,7.NOTE: There are two feasts brought to view at the close of this earth;shistory. The first is the feast of the ravenous birds which find their preyin the bodies of the wicked who have been destroyed during the battleof Armageddon and at the sp.cond coming of Christ. This feast is continuedafter the thousand years. The second is the banquet of the Lord, whenthe redeemed shall meet at the "marriage supper of the Lamb." (Matthew 22: 2-14; Revelation 17: 7-9).

    "As soon as the books of record are opened, and the eye of Jesus looksupon the wicked, they are conscious of every sin which they have evercommitted. They see just where their feet diverged from the path of purityand holiness, just how far pride and re!:Jellion have carried them in theviolation of the law of God. The seductive temptations which they encouraged by indulgence in sin, the blessings perverted, the messengers ofGod despised, the warnings rejected, the waves of mercy beaten back bythe stubborn, unrepentant heart, - all appear as i f written in letters of fire."-Great Controversy, p. 666.5. To what event is the attention of -the reader now called? Isaiah 25: 8;I Corinthians 15: 54, 55.

    NOTE: It is evident from the description given that we are brought backagain in point of time to the first resurrection at Christ's second coming.Its complete fulfillment cana:,t be realized, however, until "death andhell" are swallowed up in the lake of fire, when the new Jerusalem descends from heaven and the wicked are destroyed forever. Certainly atthat time "He will wipe away all tears from their eyes. . . ." (Revelation


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    21: 4). The victory over death comes with the resurrection of the righteousat Christ's second coming.6. With what joyous shout of triumph will the righteous acknowledgeHim for whom they have waited so patiently? Isaiah 25: 9.NOTE: "Soon there appears ill the east a small black cloud, about halfthe size of a man's hand. I t is the cloud which surrounds the Saviour, andwhich seems in the distance to be shrouded in darkness. The people ofGod know this to be the sign of the Son of man. In solemn silence theygaze upon it as it draws nearer the earth, becoming lighter and moreglorious, until it is a great white cloud, its base a glory like consumingfire, and above it the rainbow of the covenant. Jesus rides forth as a mightyconqueror. . . ."-Great Controversy, p. 640."...Those who would have destroyed Christ and His faithful people,now witness the glory which rests upon them. In the midst of their terrorthey hear voices of the saints in joyful strains exclaiming, 'Lo, this is ourGod; we have waited for Him, and He will save us.' "-Great Controversy,p.644.7. In this grand anthem of praise, what name is used to symbolize allthe enemies of God's people? Isaiah 25: 10.NOTE: Although the Moabites were related to Israel, being descendedfrom Lot, they were a wicked nation and proved to be a permanent enemyof Israel. They are used as a fitting symbol of all the enemies of God'speople who have persecuted tl.em during the time of test and trouble.8. What further symbolism is employed to show the desperate effortsof the wicked to escape from the presence of Christ's glory at Hiscoming? Isaiah 25: 11.9. What will be the end of the human pride and exaltation of thismodern civilization? Isaiah 25: 12.NOTE: When God makes a settlement with the wicked, then will be castdown every stronghold of the hosts of darkness and destruction of everyfortress of evil. The wicked 'viII become as dust under the feet of thesaints and will be remembered no more.

    Lesson, No.4 - Sabbath, January 25, 1958.CONFIDENCE AND TRUST IN THE PROMISES OF GOD

    Questions1. What wlll be the stronghold of God's people in the day of His

    wrath? Isaiah 26: 1; Psalm 46: 13.-9-

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    NOTE: "Amidst the deepening shadows of earth's last great cnS1S, God'slight will shine brightest, and the song of hope and trust will be heardin clearest and loftiest strains." -Education, p, 166."In that day" is none other than the day appointed by God to put an endto a rebellious world. The "strong city" could not refer to literal Jerusa-lem in Isaiah's day or even in later periods. This city has been overthrownmany times and for hundreds of years has been lying in ruin never to berebuilt. There is no city in the world today which could resist an attack ofthe enemy using modern methods of warfare. The only city in which wecan be sure of refuge and peaceful rest is in the New Jerusalem now inheaven. During the time of trouble when nothing can protect the wickedfrom the wrath of God, He will be as it were an impregnable city to Hisfaithful children.2. Who will have right to enter the gates of the New Jerusalembuilt by God for His people? Isaiah 26: 2.3. What assurance is given to each faithful child of God during thetime of trouble? Isaiah 26: 3.NOTE: "The 'time of trouble such as never was,' is soon to open uponus; and we shall need an experience which we do not now possess, andwhich many are too indolent to obtain. It is often the case that trouble isgreater in anticipation than in reality; but this is not true of the crisisbefore us. The most vivid presentation cannot reach the magnitude of theordeal. In that time of trial, every soul must stand for himself beforeGod. . . ."-Great Controversy, p. 622.4. When every human support is removed, upon what immovableRock may the righteous rest? Isaiah 26: 4.5. At this time what will be the fate of the great confederacy of modernBabylon? How will the t&bles be reversed upon the wicked who haveoppressed the people of God for so long? Isaiah 26: 5, 6.

    NOTE: It was an ancient custom that when monuments were erected inhonor of a conqueror, he was represented with his feet upon the neck ofthe vanquished. The meek and lowly are here. represented as placingtheir feet upon this symbolic city which will be brought to the dust.6. How will the Lord deal with those who choose to serve Him?

    Isaiah 26: 7.NOTE: Instead of "make smooth the path of the righteous," the newlydiscovered Dead Sea Scroll lQls reads "make secure the path of righteous-ness."

    7. What blessing is pronounced upon those who keep God's law?Psalm 1: 1, 2.-10-

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    8. In the final day of reckoning, how clearly will God distinguish between the godly and the ungodly? Psalm 1: 6.9. What is the earnest desire and determination of God's people?

    Isaiah 26: 8.NOTE: "With earnest longing, God's people await the tokens of theircoming King. As the watchmen are accosted, 'What of the night?' theanswer is given unfalteringly, 'The morning cometh, and also the night.'Light is gleaming upon the clouds above the mountain-tops. Soon therewill be a revealing of His glory. The sun of Righteousness is about toshine forth. The morning and the night are both at hand,-the openingof endless day to the righteous, the settling down of eternal night to thewicked."-Great Controversy, p. 632.

    Lesson No.5 - Sabbath, February 1, 1958.THE LITTLE TIME OF TROUBLE

    Questions1. With what soul yearning are the true remnant people awaiting the

    latter rain and the intervention of God for the finishing of His work?Isaiah 26: 9 (first part).

    NOTE: Many fail to appreciate the importance of the Old Testamentprophets believing they have little significance for the Christian worldtoday. It is impossible to have a full knowledge of the present truth i fwe take only the New Testament. The New Testament is actually a supplement to the Old and is built upon the writings of the prophets. In thischapter the prophet Isaiah was given a view of the closing events of thisearth 's history over 700 years before the birth of Christ.2. What "judgments" can we soon expect to come upon the inhabitantsof the world before the close of probation? Isaiah 26: 9 (last part).NOTE: ".. .'The commencement of that time of trouble,' here mentioned,does not refer to the time when the plagues shall begin to be poured out,but to a short period just before they are poured out, while Christ is inthe sanctuary. At that time, while the work of salvation is closing, troublewill be coming on the earth, and the nations will be angry, yet held incheck so as not to prevent the work of the third angel. At that time thelatter rain,' or refreshing from the presence of the Lord, will come, togive power to the loud voice of the third angel, and prepare the saints tostand in the period when the seven last plagues shall be poured out."-Early Writings, pp. 85, 86.


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    3. What long awaited manifestation of God's power wiII come simultaneously with these "judgments"?ANSWER: "I saw that God has children who do not see and keep the Sabbath. They have not rejected the light upon it. And at the commencementof the time of trouble, we were filled with the Holy Ghost as we wentforth and proclaimed the Sabbath more fully. This enraged the churchesand nominal Adventists, as they could not refute the Sabbath truth. 'Andat this time God's chosen all saw clearly that we had the truth, and theycame out and endured the persecution with us. I saw the sword, famine,pestilence, and great confusion in the land. The wicked thought that wehad brought the judgments upon them, and they rose up and took counsel to rid the earth of us, thinking then the evil would be stayed."-EarlyWritings, pp. 33, 34.NOTE: There are two points which should be specially noted in the abovestatement. First, the question arises as to whether this description couldbe applied to some time in the past, or whether its fulfillment can be expected in our day. Some in the past have not been able to distinguishbetween "the wrath of the nations" and "the wrath of God," and havethus applied "the little time of trouble" in the passage to certain eventsalready past. We must be careful, however, not to take any statementout of its proper setting. I t has not yet been fulfilled, for if it had, thenthe "latter rain" must have already been poured out and the judgmentsof God fallen upon the inhabitants of the world.

    Secondly, reference is made in t h passage to "nominal Adventists" who,united with the churches, will oppose the Sabbath. Some in their zealhave applied this directly to Seventh-day Adventists, but this conclusioncannot be justified when we examine the statement more closely. At thetime the book Early Writings was written, the name "nominal Adventists"applied to the large body of "Adventists," distinguishing them from thelittle group who were keeping the Sabbath. These "nominal Adventists"believed in the doctrine of Christ's soon coming, but were the bitterestopponents of the Sabbath truth. The "nominal Adventists':' at the closeof the church's history must also refer to those denominations which preachthe second coming of Christ, and yet oppose the law of God and particularly the Sabbath. Seventh-day Adventists could not be classed in thi,Scategory until they officially ccny the Sabbath and oppose it. Let us avoidusing arguments which will lJot bear the test of investigation.4. What work must be done for every one who will receive the "latterrain"? Acts 3: 1921.

    NOTE: "The work of the investigative judgment and the blotting out ofsins is to be accomplished before the second advent of the Lord. Since thedead are to be judged out of the things written in the books, it is im.possible that the sins of men should be blotted out until after the


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    judgment at which their cases are to be investigated. But the apostlePeter distinctly states that the sins of believers will be blotted out 'whenthe times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord; and Heshall send Jesus Christ,' When the investigative judgment closes, Christwill come, and His reward will be with Him to give to every man as hiswork shall be,"-Great Controversy, p. 485.

    The blotting out of sin does not refer to the forgiveness of sin at thetime of confession. I t refers to the closing work in the anti-typical day ofatonement, when the sins of the living which have come into review dur-ing the investigative judgment are blotted out forever. Now they areentitled to receive the promised blessing of the latter rain, and they takepart in giving the Loud Cry.S. For what class of people will the door of mercy be closed forever

    at the commencement of the "little time of trouble"?ANSWER: "0 that the people might know the time of their visitation?There are many who have l l O ~ yet heard the testing truth for this time.There are many with whom the Spirit of God is striving. The time ofGod's destructive judgments i the time of mercy for those who have hadno opportunity to learn what is truth. Tenderly will the Lord look uponthem. His heart of mercy is touched; His hand is still stretched out tosave, while the door is closed to those who would not enter,"-Testimonies,vol. .9, p. 97.NOTE: We are living in the great anti-typical day of atonement. Onlythose who in their attitude before God are filling the position of thosewho are confessing and repenting of their sins will be marked as worthyoE the Lord's protection. Those thus designated will receive the "refreshing" or the latter rain. The destiny of all who have professed belief in theThird Angel's Message but have not been sanctified by the truth is thensealed forever. For them the door of mercy is shut. There is, however,an open door for those who have never before had a "working knowledgeof the truth."

    The final warning to be given is, "Come out of her, my people," Godhas faithful children in all the churches of Christendom which comprisemodem Babylon, and these will be called out before the seven lastplagues. It is for this final call that the latter rain will be given.6. Why will it be impossible for the unrepentent sinner to enter heaven?

    Isaiah 26: 10.NOTE: ".. .On the other hand, all who break God's commandments aresustaining Satan's claim that the law is unjust, and cannot be obeyed.Thus they second the deceptions of the great adversary, and castdishonor upon God. They are the children of the wicked one, who wasthe first rebel against God's law. To admit them into heaven would


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    again bring in the elements of discord and rebellion, and imperil thewell-being of the universe. No man willfully disregards one principleof the law who shall enter the kingdom of heaven." -Desire of Ages,p.309.7. What favor was extended to Judah when they accepted the chastening of God? In the time of God's "judgments" upon the world, whatconviction will c o m ~ to many who have previously opposed the

    t ruth? Isaiah 26: 1116.NOTE: The prophet in re\'iewing the history of Judah sees a turningfrom the paths of evil as the result of the humiliation and punishmentinflicted upon the nation. The wicked, however, could not see the handof God displayed in His dealings with His people. The prophecy isnot limited to this local scene but carries us down through the centuriesto the very time which we believe is soon to overtake us. When thejudgments of God will be visited upon the wicked during this "littletime of trouble," some will turn from the paths of evil and take theirstand with the remnant people of God. Others will be compelled toacknowledge their guilt and the justice of God, but it will be too late forthem to make any change in their lives.8. To what does the prophet compare the t rying experience through

    which the saints must pass during the time of Jacob's trouble?Isaiah 26: 17, 18; Jeremiah 4: 31; John 16: 20,21.

    NOTE: This comparison used by both the prophets Isaiah and Jeremiahexpresses the deep conflict and bitter anguish of God's people in theirhour of trial. The faithful remnant will pass through an ordeal morepainful than any 'o ( the past generations have been called upon to endure,but this will be followed by an eternity of joy.9. What testimony does the prophet Isaiah give concerning theresurrection of the righteous? Isaiah 26: 19.

    NOTE: "The Life-giver will call up His purchased possession in thefirst resurrection, and until that triumphant hour, when the last trumpshall sound and the vast army shall come forth to eternal victory, everysleeping saint will be kept in safety and will be guarded as a preciousjewel, who is known to God by name. By the power of the Saviour thatdwelt in t h e ~ while living and because they were partakers of thedivine nature, they are brought forth from the dead."-Letter 65a, 1894.10. When the last soul has been gathered in, and the hour of probation .hils closed, what message will come to the faithful from theheavenly sanctu8ry? Isaiah 26: 20-NOTE; ". . .The storm of God's wrath is gathering, and those only willstand who are sanctified through the truth in the love of God. They shall


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    be hid with Christ in God till the desolation shall be overpast. . . ."-Testimonies to Ministers, p. 182.

    "In the time of trial before us, God's pledge of security will be placedupon those who have kept the word of His patience. Christ will say toHis faithful ones, 'Come My people, enter thou into thy chambers,and shut thy doors about thee; hide thyself as it were for a littlemoment, until the indignation be overpast. . . . ' ' ' -Testimonies, vol. 6,p. 404.". . . What are the chambers in which they are to hide?-They arethe protection of Christ and holy angels. The people of God are not atthis time all in one place. They are in different companies, and in allparts of the earth; and they will be tried singly, not in groups. Everyone must stand the test for himself."-Review and Herald, November 19,

    1908.11. When "Michael shall stand up" from His intercession in the heavenlysanctuary, what will take place? Isaiah 26: 21.Note: "The righteous and the wicked will still be living upon theearth in their mortal state,-men will be planting and building, eatingand drinking, all unconscious that the final, irrevocable decision hasbeen pronounced in the sanctuary above. . . ."-Great Controversy, p. 491.Lesson No. 6 - Sabbath, February 8, 1958.GOD'S CARE FOR THE REMNANT AND THE PROMISE


    1. What did God promise to do to the tyrannic power which haddevastated the land of Isael and Judah? Isaiah 27: 1.

    NOTE: The "leviathan," the "fiery serpent," the "crooked serpent," andthe "dragon of the sea" am to be considered a personification of theforces of evil in continual warfare with God's people. In the days of Isaiahthey were a representation of the nations which were in conflict withIsrael and Judah and would in time receive their due punishment. Themost prominent of these were Syria, Egypt, and Assyria.2. With what figure of speech does the Lord represent His chosenpeople? Despite their continual failure and disobedience, what care

    did the heavenly }'ather have for the rebellious nation Isaiah 27:2,3.NOTE: Many question the wisdom and justice of God in tolerating


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    erring Israel. Others in their blindness would use the history of Israel'sapostasy to justify the present state of the church in its unity with theworld and its departure from God. We must understand God's reasonfor His long patience with Israel. I t was not because of their goodnessor their worthiness, but because it was through this nation the promisedMessiah was to corne to save the world. I t was Satan's purpose to leadIsrael astray and thus defeat the plan of God. We thank God that thevictory of Calvary has been won. The guilt of the church today cannot bemeasured with that of Israel as we are no longer standing in the shadowof the cross, but in the full, blazing light shining from the heavenlysanctuary."In order to cover his corrupt life, and make his sins appear harmless,this man will bring up instances recorded in the Bible where good men

    have fallen under temptation. Paul met with just such men in his day, andthe church has been cursed with them in all ages. . . ."-Testimonies, vol. 5,p. 141."In the balances of the sanctuary the Seventh-day Adventist church isto be weighed. She will be judged by the privileges and advantagesthat Christ, at infinite cost, has bestowed on her, if the blessings conferredhave not qualified her to do the work intrusted to her, on her will bepronounced the sentence, 'Found wanting: By the light bestowed, theopportunities given, will she be judged:'-Testimonies, vol. 8, p. 147.3. Why does the Lord many times permit troubles and trials to comeupon the church? Isaiah 27: 4.NOTE: "Briers and thorns" represent sinners among the professed peopleof God. The Lord does not hate the sinner, but he hates the sin whichcontaminates the church and brings a reproach upon His name. Somesins are open; some are in secret. The church cannot be held responsiblefor secret sins, but she is responsible for those which are open i f she does'not deal with them."Achan's sin brought disaster upon the whole nation. For one man'ssin, the displeasure of God will rest upon His church till the transgression

    is searched out and put away. The influence most to be feared by thechurch is not that of open opposers, infidels, and blasphemers, butof inconsistent professors of Christ. These are the ones that keep backthe blessing of the God of Israel, and bring weakness upon His people:'-Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 497.4. What assurance of God's blessing is given to those who forsakesin? Isaiah 27: 5, 6.3. What convincing argument does the Lord bring to Israel in order toshow His love and mercy towards them? Isaiah 27: 7,8.


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    6. "What is God's purpose in cbastening His people? Isaiab 27: 9; Heb-rews 12: 11.NOTE: Although Judah had been faithfully warned of coming judgmentsand had seen the calamity which had befallen the ten tribes, still shedid not learn the lesson. Jud

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    NOTE Warning after warning had been given to the rebellious nation,but after continual disregard of the heavenly warnings, the Lord leftthem to be corrected by severe oppression and suffering at the hands ofthe Assyrians.3. At this dark hour in the history of Israel, through whom was the

    true worship to be preserved? Isaiah 28: 5, 6.NOTE: The "residue" has particular reference to the tribes of Judahand Benjamin who were preserving the true worship of God at Jerusalem.The Assyrian conqueror was not satisfied, however, with the overthrowingof the northern tribes, hut sought to destroy Judah and take possessionof Jerusalem. The Assyrian hordes reached the very gates of the city,but the Lord turned them back.4. Through what means did Satan succeed in cOlTUpting the leader-ship of Judah? Isaiah 28: 7,8.

    NOTE: That which Satan ('ould not accomplish by force of arms, hesought to achieve by tempting the leaders of Judah to indulge inintemperance. Instead of taking heed to the messages against drunkennessbrought by the prophet Micah to Ephriam they fell into this very sin;thus their judgment was perverted and they could not but err in theirwork of leadership.Is not this the same temptation which spiritual Israel has to meet~ o d a y ? The intemperance of today may not be the imbibing of alcoholicliquors only, as this word implies, but much more. . Temperance meanscomplete abstinence from that which is harmful, and moderation in theuse of that which is good. Why is it that the work of true health reformhas been so long hindered among the professed. people of God?"The gospel of health has ahle advocates, but their work has been

    made very hard because so many ministers, presidents of conferences, andothers in positions of influence, have failed to give the question of healthreform its proper attention. They have not recognized it in its relationto the work of the message as the right arm of the body. While very littlerespect has been shown to this department by many of the people, andby some of the ministers, the Lord has shown His regard for it by givingit abundant prosperity. . . ."-Testimonies, vol. 6, p. 327.5. When the old leaders became corrupted and incapable of correct

    judgment, what change was necessary? Isaiah 28: 9-13.NOTE: Here we have a striking example of the way the Lord reformedHis church. He passed by those who had proved to bf;l unfaithful to theirtrust, and chose humble, teachable men for the accomplishment of His'eternal purpose. In the same way today God will use those who place theirtrust in Him rather than in the wisdom of the world.


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    6. With what words of reproach did the prophet confront the leadersof Judah? What was the fate that awaited them and their evilworks? Isaiah 28: 14,15,18; 10: 1,2.7. Faced with dangers from without and human failure from within,what was the only hope of Judah? Isaiah 28: 16,17.

    NOTE: The "line" and the "plummet" are used in the building processfor measuring and determining whether the walls, windows, and doors aretruly vertical and in line with the foundation. This is a symbol of trueeducation-the building of a character that will stand the test of stormand trial. When character building is left out of the education given bythe church, the whole structure will be faulty, will collapse, and cometo ruin.8. When every other means had faRed to save the leadership of Judahfrom deception, what emergency measures were taken? Isaiah 28:1922.

    NOTE: The policy adopted by the leadership of Judah had broughtthem to national ruin, and their lives were in jeopardy. The devices inwhich they had trusted would not save them and now they had to sufferthe conquences of their disobedience. They had so long abused the mercyof God that it was necessary for Him to inflict pain and suffering uponthem. Sometimes because divine justice seems delayed, men will presumethat punishment will never come. God will "by no means clear theguilty," and those who have been taking advantage of His mercy mustknow that judgment is sure to come. I t seems to them a "strange work,a strange act."

    This term "strange work'" or "strange act" is also used in connectionwith the closing work of God for His church, and the means used by Himfot the finishing of His work."When God shall work his s t r a n g ~ work on the earth, when holy handsbear the ark no longer, woe will be upon the people. Oh, that thou

    hadst known, even thou, in this day, the things that belong unto thypeace! Oh,. that our people may, as did Nineveh, repent with all theirmight and believe with all their heart, that God may tum away his fierceanger from them!"-Testimonies, 'vol. 5, pp. 77, 78.9. What important lesson was drawn from the ordinary round of farmlife to convince the people that they should submit to the correctionGod had allowed to C 0 1 n ~ upon them? Isaiah 28: 23-29.NOTE: The prophet sets forth a lesson from ~ ordinary agriculturalprocesses well-known to the people of Judah. From the plowing, sowing,and threshing, there were important lessons to be drawn. In the harvestingof the com and wheat before the precious grain could be gathered, it


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    had to pas-s- through very s-evere treatment. The horses- and oxen wouldtread it down, the cart wheels would run over it, and the men with thethreshing instruments would beat the sheaves unmercifully. Althoughin this process some of the wheat and corn would be bruised, yet it wasnot destroyed. The people of God may be subjected to many trials andafflictions, but these are to be looked upon as the process by which Godcleanses His church.


    Questions1. What .judgments would soon be brought upon Jerusalem? Isaiah29: 14.

    NOTE: The name "Ariel" is a symbolic one and represents the City of,David, Jerusalem. This was probably used as a code name to protect thepeople of Jemsalem. It was well known to the inhabitants of Jemsalembut not to their enemies. The prophet may have used it for securityreasons.2. At the time of the seige of Jerusalem by Sennacherib's army, in whatunexpected way did God intervene to save Jerusalem? Isaiah 21): 5.NOTE: After the overthmw of Samaria and Damascus, the Assyrian forcesunder the generalship of Sennacherib came against Jemsalem and besiegedit. There was no hope for Jerusalem apart from divine intervention. Therecord reads that "the multitude of thy strangers shall be like small dust."The angel of the Lord destroyed in one night this great army of over145,000 men. Surely it could be said, "i t shall be at an instance suddenly."3. What was to be the fate of the nations which would come againstJerusalem? Why did the Lord thus intervene in favor of Jerusalem?Isaiah 29: 68; Ezekiel 36: 22.NOTE: The miraculous deliverance of Jemsalem from her enemies shouldhave brought the leaders and the people to repentance, confession ofwrong-doing, and a more earnest devotion to God. However, instead ofrealizing their true condition, they felt that because God had deliveredthem, they could not be as bad as Isaiah had represented them. TheLord had wonderfully demonstrated what He could do for His peoplei f only they would put their full tmst in Him instead of making allianceswith the heathen nations around them. While the inhabitants of Jemsalemcontinued in transgression, .the threat of doom was still over them.


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    It is probable that the "thunder, earthquakes, great noise, storm andtempest and flame of devouring fire" refer to supernatural manifestationsat the time of the destruction of Sennacherib's army.4. In what words does the prophet call the people to consider th e true

    significance of their departure from God? Isaiah 29: 912.NOTE: So engrossed were the people in their own interests and in personalgain that the message of the prophet was to them as a book that wassealed.5. What deep deception had fallen upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem?

    How is the rejection of the leadership depicted? Isaiah 29: 13,14.6. What is the greatest danger to the flock of God tod'ay? Isaiah 29: 15.

    NOTE: ". . .The great searcher of hearts knoweth every sin committed insecret, by the workers of iniquity. These persons come to feel securein their deceptions, and because of His longsuffering, say that the Lordseeth not, and then act as though He had forsaken the earth. But Hewill detect their hypocrisy, and will open before others those sins w,hichthey were so careful to hide.

    "No superiority of rank, dignity, or worldly wisdom, no position insacred office, will preserve men from sacrificing principle, when leftto their own deceitful hearts. . . ." Testimonies vol. 5, pp. 211, 212.7. What object lesson was given as a warning to the leaders of Jerusalem? Isaiah 29: 16; Jeremiah 18: 6.8. Through the darkness of the present, what bright hope did the

    prophet hold out for the future? Isaiah 29: 1721.NOTE: Beyond the discouraging outlook of Israel's failure, the prophetlooked foward to the time of restoration after the captivity. The remnantof Israel would return to the holy land and be re-established as a nationand would prosper and increase. The prediction found in these verses gobeyond this to the time when Christ, "the Holy One of Israel," wouldwalk upon this earth and perform many miracles. I t reaches still beyondto the time when the glorious gospel message will go to every nation,kindred, and people, and the knowledge of God will fill the whole earth.9. What power is there in the gospel message? Isaiah 29: 2224.

    NOTE: It would be impossibk to calculate all the benefits that the HolyScriptures and the gospel of Christ have brought to the world. In figurethe prophet sees the lost sheep of Israel returning, not merely from Assyria and Babylon, but from every country of the world where the messageof Christ has reached. Those ,that erred in spirit" will be reached by thelight of present truth.


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    Lesson No.9 - Sabbath, March 1, 1858.WARNINGS TO ISRAEL BECAUSE OF REBELLION

    Questions1. Instead of turning to God and putting their trust in Him, what

    further step ilil rebellion was taken by the Jews? Isaiah 30: 1,2.2. What would be the dissappointment of Judah if they trusted in thisalliance? Isaiah 30: 3-7.NOTE: The history of Israel has been written for our admonition that wemight not follow their example, and pursue a course which would separate us from God. I t is a natural human inclination to look to "the arm ofof flesh" for strength. As their trust in God began to wane, the Jewishleaders adopted the policy of the heathen nations and put their trust inthe power of an organized army. I f only they had understood the significance of the words of the prophet, "their strength is to sit still," nopower or nation rising against them could have succeeded. In runningbefore the Lord, they were defeated and disappointed in their expectation.3. What instruction was finally given to the prophet? Isaiah 30: 8-11.NOTE: There is nothing more grievous in the sight of God than the sinof rebellion. "For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft... ." I Samuel 15:23.I f the spirit of rebellion is not overcome when it first appears, it is almost impossible to be cured. When the leaders who have been given thesacred trust of guiding the flock of God despise the instruction of the prophet, go contrary to the light given, and seek the favor of the wicked world,they are definitely identified as ringleaders in rebellion. In order to gainthe confidence of the wealthy and influential listener they are obliged totone down the truth and forebear the giving of the straight testimony. Thusis fulfilled the unspoken wish of the people, "Prophesy not unto us rightthings, speak unto us smooth things, prophesy deceits." (Isaiah 30: 10).4. What was soon to happen to the structure of false security built upby these rebellious leaders who were giving a "peace and safety"message to quiet the fears of the people? Isaiah 30: 12-14.5. Instead of putting their trust in the "Holy One of Israel," in whatdid they trust? How futile did their alliance with Egypt prove tobe? Isaiah 30: 15-17.6. What comforting assurance is given to those in Jerusalem whoresponded to the message brought by the prophets of God? Whatpromise of true guidance and instruction did God give them? Isaiah30: 18-21.


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    7. What work of reform was carried through by Hezekiah? As a result,what blessings both spiritual and temporal were bestowed? Isaiah30: 22.25; II Chronicles 31: 1.NOTE: Throughout the history of the chosen race God demonstrated Hisspecial care and protection for those who remained loyal to Him. Whileon the one hand He dealt faithfully with the treacherous leaders whowere responsible for the apostasy, He was always full of tender compassion for those who maintained their allegiance to Him.8. What vision of future glory has particular reference to those wholive in this last generation? Isaiah 30:26.9.. What terrible calamity will come upon the nations at the secondcoming of Christ? Isaiah 30: 27,28.10. What description does the prophet give of the events connectedwith the coming of Christ? At what time will "the voice of God beheard"? Isaiah 30: 29, 30; Revelation 16; 17.NOTE: ". . .In the midst of the angry heavens is one clear space of indescribable glory, whence comes the voice of God like the sound of manywaters, saying, 'It is done: "-Great Controversy, p. 636.11. What would be the joy oE Israel when Assyria was finally defeated?Isaiah 30: 31.33; II Chronicles 32: 22,23.

    Lesson No. 10 - Sabbath, March 8, 1958.TURNING TO EGYPT FOR HELP

    Questions1. What appeal did the Hebrew politicians make to Egypt? How didthe prophet rebuked the leaders for taking this step? Isaiah 31: 1,2.NOTE: We are familiar with the history of Israel's oppression by Egyptfor hundreds of years. This nation was not only the enemy of the chosenpeople, but had openly defied God. Now in their blindness the Jewishleaders stretch out their hand to make peace with their age-long enemy.Despite their wonderful deliverance from the Assyrian army. Israel againfailed to trust in God and were still afraid that this mighty nation wouldrise up against them. As Egypt was also fearful of Assyria, the way wasopen for this alliance.2. What lesson is there for God's people today in the turning of Israel

    to Egypt Eor hell;) and favor? James 4: 4.-23-

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    NOTE: "The cIiurch has turned back from following Christ her Leader,and is steadily retreating toward Egypt. Yet few are alarmed or astonishedat their want of spiritual power. . . ."- Testimonies, vol. 5, p. 217.

    The term "Egypt" symbolizes the wicked world, from which God's peo-ple are separated by the Advent message. By courting the favor andfriendship of the world, the church thus makes itself the enemy of God.3. With what reasonable argument did the prophet Iasiah seek toprove the foolishness of trusting ill the material resources of Egypt?

    Isaiah 31: 3.4. What assurance did the prophet give that the Lord Himself would

    protect Jerusalem? Isaiah 31: 4,5.5. What appeal did the prophet make to the peOple of Judah? Isaiah

    31: 6.NOTE: "Neither wicked men nor devils can hinder the work of God, orshut out his presence from His people, i f they will, with subdued, contritehearts, confess and put away their sins and in faith claim His promises.Every temptation, every opposing influence, whether open or secret, maybe successfully resisted, 'not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit,saith the Lord of hosts.' "-Great Controversy, p. 529.6. Looking forward to the great day of God's wrath, what did theprophets say all would then do? Isaiah 31: 7; Zephaniah 1: 18.

    NOTE: When probation has closed forever, many will realize that theirsilver, their gold, and their idols of whatever kind they may be, have nopower to protect them; therefore, they will cast them down in the streetas worthless. The prophet Isaiah urged them to -get rid of their idols andreturn to God while there was still opportunity, that by repentance andconfession they might secure the favor of God.7. What assurance did God give Judah of protection from the Assyrianhordes if thy would return to Him? Isaiah 31: 8, 9.8. After rejecting the warning of Isaiah, how far did king Ahaz goin his apostasy? II Chronicles 28: 19,22-25.9. To whom did the prophets Isaiah, Micah, and their associates look

    with hope?ANSWER: "But in Judah there dwelt some who maintained their allegianceto Jehovah, steadfastly refusing to be led into idolatry. It was to .these thatIsaiah and Micah and their associates looked in hope as they surveyedthe ruin wrought during the last years of Ahaz. Their sanctuary wasclosed, but the faithful ones were assured: 'God is with us.' 'Sanctify theLord of hosts Himself; and let Him be your fear, and le t Him be your


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    dread. And He shall be for a sanctuary,''' Prophets and Kings, p. 330.10. In contrast to the evil course of Ahaz, what great efforts for refonnation were made by his son Hezekiah? II Chronicles 29: 1-10.NOTE: "In sharp contrast with the reckless role of Ahaz was the reformation wrought during the prosperous reign of his son. Hezekiah cameto the throne determined to do all in his power to save Judah from thefate that was overtaking the northern kingdom. The messages of the prophets offered no encouragement to half-way measures. Only by mostdecided reformation could the threatened judgments be averted," -Prophetsand Kings, p. 331.

    "The reign of Hezekiah was characterized by a series of remarkableprovidences, which revealed to the surrounding nations that the God ofIsrael was with His people. . . ," Prophets and Kings, p. 339.

    Lesson No.11 -Sabbath, March 15, 1958.MESSIAH'S KINGDOM AND THE COMING JUDGMENT

    Questions1. What prophetic picture was given of the Messianic Age? Isaiah

    32.: 1.NOTE: "John did not fully understand the nature of the Messiah's kingdom. He looked for Israel to be delivered from her national foes; but thecoming of a King in righteousness, and the establishment of Israel .as aholy nation, was the great object of his hope. . . ,"-Desire of Ages, p. 103.2. What would the Messiah be to those who accepted Him? Isaiah32: 2.3. What evidences of the transforming power of the gospel would be

    seen in the lives of those who accepted Christ as the Messiah?Isaiah 32: 3, 4.NOTE: "All who became the subjects of Christ's kingdom, he said, wouldgive evidence of faith and repentance. Kindness, honesty, and fidelitywould be seen in their lives. . . ,"-Desi-re of Ages, p. 107.4. What true standards of judging character will be practiced by thefollowers of Christ? Isaiah 32: 5-8.5. What message was delivered by the prophet to the favored andpampered women of Jerusalem? Isaiah 32: 9-11.


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    NOTE: The prophet was given special instruction for the women of Jeru-salem, as the standards of morality and integrity of a nation are no higherthan that of its womanhood. In the third chapter of Isaiah, the prophetwas shown that one of the principle causes for the defeat of Israel's armieswas in the practices of their women in following the heathen customs andfashions. Again he addresses the women of Israel, realizing what an in-fluence they can exert for good if they will arise to their responsibilityin their families and in the nation. Their influence is continually workingeither for victory or for defeat.6. What would be the results of rejecting the messages of repentance

    and reformation? Isaiah 32: 12.14; 3: 25.NOTE: This prediction was literally fulfilled in the final destruction ofJerusalem.7. Although Israel failed as a nation, what blessing was still in store for

    the spiritual Israel of God in the Christian dispensation? Isaiah 32:15.NOTE: "The Jewish leaders thought themselves too wise to need instruc-tion, too righteous to need salvation, too highly honored to need the honorthat comes from Christ. The Saviour turned from them to entrust to othersthe privileges they had abused and the work they had slighted. God's glorymust be revealed, His word established. Christ's kingdom must be set upin the world. The salvation of God must be made known in the cities ofthe wilderness; and the disciples were called to do the work that theJewish leaders had failed to do." Acts of the Apostles, p. 16."The Spirit came upon the waiting, praying disciples with a fulness thatreached every heart. The infinite One revealed Himself in power to Hischurch. It was as if for ages this influence had been held in restraint, andnow Heaven rejoiced in being able to pour out upon the church the richesof the Spirit's grace. And under the influence of the Spirit, words of peni-tence and confession mingled with songs of praise for sins forgiven. Wordsof thanksgiving and prophesy were heard. All Heaven bent low to beholdand to adore the wisdom of matchless, incomprehensible love. Lost in won-der, the apostles exclaimed, 'Herein is Love.' They grasped the impartedgift. And what followed? The sword of the Spirit, newly edged with powerand bathed in the lightnings of heaven, cut its way through unbelief.Thousands were converted in a day."-lbid., p. 38.8. What transformation would be wrought by God's Spirit in placesbefore spiritually barren? What characteristics will be seen in thelives of the believers? Isaiah 32: 16,17; Acts 4: 3236.9. What wonderful promise could have been fulfilled to the Jews if

    they had accepted Christ as the Messiah, and is fulfilled spirituallyto both Jew and Gentile who accept the gospel of Christ? Isaiah32: 18.


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    NOTE: Many who lived contemporaneously with Isaiah the prophetthought that this prophecy was being fulfilled in the great reformation byHezekiah and that it was the beginning of the Messianic Age. They failedto understand the full significance of the prediction that both houses ofIsrael would fall. (Isaiah 8: 14). We can still look forward with joyfulanticipation to the time when this prophecy will be literally fulfilled inthe second coming of Christ. Let us take heed to the warning given bythe apostle Paul to the Hebrews, "Let us therefore fear, lest, a promisebeing left us of entering into his rest, any of you should seem to comeshort of it." Hebrews 4: 1.10. What desolation will be the certain lot of the wicked? What promiseis made to those who faithfully discharge their duty in preaching

    the gospel? Isaiah 32: 19,20; Psalm 126.

    Lesson No. 12 - Sabbath, March 22, 1958.GOD'S PEOPLE PROTECTED DURING THE TIME OFTROUBLE

    Questions1. What woe is pronounced upon the nation of Assyria? Isaiah 33: 1.

    NOTE: In this verse the plOphet is no doubt making reference to thejudgment and the humihation inflicted upon the armies of Assyria whenthey came to take Jerusalem. Through the treaty made with Judah, Assyria had pledged to support her, but instead of this, she now treacherouslyattacks her. Judah's only defense was the intervention of God.2. What was the result of the spectacular annihilation of the Assyrianhosts? Isaiah 33: 25.3. What lesson did Hezehiah learn from the shameful failure on the

    part of his father? II Chronicles 29: 9, 10.4. In what course only could Judah find strength and stability? Isaiah

    33: 6.5. How did the prophet describe in poetic language the harsh andtreacherous actions of Assyria towards Judah? Isaiah 33: 79.NOTE: The Lord, although angry with the wicked course of Ahaz, couldnot tolerate this ungodly power of Assyria to utterly destroy the nation ofJudah. They were completely intolerant, having no regard for the rightsof any man. Many efforts were made by the Jews to find some acceptableground of settlement, but the Assyrian king would accept nothing short


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    of unconditional surrender. Only a miracle could save the Jews from de-struction and Hezekiah was confident that the Lord would hear his prayer.He believed the prophet and was prepared to risk all rather than compromise with the enemy.6. In God's judgment upon Assyria, how did He teach men everywherethe futility of human wisdom and strength? Isaiah 33: 10-13.NOTE: The judgments of God upon Assyria should serve as a warningto those who will rise up to persecute the people of God in the last days.I f we trust in the power of God, we can expect the same out workings ofProvidence in our behalf as in the national crisis of Judah. One angel wasenough to settle the problem. After this humiliation, Assyria lost not onlyits prestige but also its power over the nations.7. What terror will overwhelm the hypocrites among the professedpeople of God when they find themselves without any shelter, any"refuge of lies"? Who alone will be sheltered in the day of God's

    wrath? Isaiah 33: 1315.NOTE: H The people turned upon their ministers with bitter hate andreproached them saying, 'You have not warned us. You told us that all theworld would be converted, and cried, Peace, peace, to quiet every fearthat was aroused. You have not told us of this hour; and those whowarned us of it you declared to be fanatics and evil men, who wouldruin us.' But I saw that the ministers did not escape the wrath of God.Their suffering was tenfold greater than that of the people."-EarlyWritings, p. 282.8. What protection be provided for the faithful remnant during the'

    time of trouble? What will be the privilege of those who have endured the trials and tribulations? Isaiah 33: 16,17.

    NOTE: "The people of God will not be free from suffering; but whilepersecuted and distressed, while they endure privation, and suffer forwant of food, they will not be left to perish. That God who cared forElijah, will not pass by onc of His self-sacrificing children. He whonumbers the hairs of their head, will care for them; and in time offamine they shall be satisfied. While the wicked are dying from hungerand pestilence, angels will shield the righteous, and supply their wants. . . ."-Great Controversy, p. 629.9. What will be the surprise of the saints as they look for some

    whom they have higWy regarded as leaders and teachers? Isaiah33: 18.NOTE: "No superiority of rank, dignity, or worldly wisdom, no positionin sacred office, will preserve men from sacrificing principle, when leftto their own deceitful hearts. Those who have been regarded as worthy


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    and righteous, prove to be ringleaders in apostasy, and examples 'inindifference and in the abuse of God's mercies. Their wicked course hewill tolerate no longer, and in his wrath he deals with them withoutmercy."-Testimonies, vol. 5, p. 212.10. Instead of looking now at their recent oppressors, what wonderfulscene is presented before the enraptured vision of the saints? Isaiah33: 1921,23.11. When every other source of protection is taken from the people ofGod, in whom only can they put their trust? Isaiah 33: 22.12. What will be the perfect state of those who finally gain the victory?Isaiah 33: 24.NOTE: "Pain can not exist in the atmosphere of heaven. In the home ofthe redeemed, there will be no tears, no funeral trains, no badges ofmourning . . . ."-Testimonies, vol. 9, p. 286.

    "We are homeward bound. He who loved us so much as to die for us,hath builded for us a city. The New Jerusalem is our place of rest. Therewill be no sadness in the city of God. No wail of sorrow, no dirge ofcrushed hopes and bmied affections, will evermore be heard. Soon thegarments of heaviness will be changed for the wedding garment. Soon weshall witness the coronation of am King. Those whose lives have beenhidden with Christ, those wh,) on this earth have fought the good fight offaith, will shine forth with the Redeemer's glory in the kingdom of God."-Ibid., p. 287.

    Lesson No. 13 - Sabbath, March 29, 1958.THE DESTRUCTION OF THIS WICKED WORLD

    Questions1. What special announcement of threatened doom and destruction isaddressed to all the nations of the ear th? Isaiah 34: 1,2.NOTE: This proclamation made by the prophet Isaiah was not intendedfor Judah alone, but describes the sad and terrible fate of the wicked bothin his day and throughvut all time. It has special application, however,to the nations of the present day as it is only because of God's mercyand long-suffering that the world has not been destroyed ere this. He iswaiting today that those who have accepted Christ as their personalSaviour might be brought to the unity of faith and the necessary perfection of character.


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    ". . .God keeps a reckoning with the nations. Through every centuryof this world's history, evilworkers have been treasuring up wrath againstthe day of wrath; and when the time fully comes that iniquity shall havereached the stated boundary of God's mercy, his forbearance will cease.When the accumulated f i g u r e ~ in heaven's record books shall mark thesum of transgression complete, wrath will come, unmixed with mercy,and then it will be seen what a tremendous thing it is to have worn outthe divine patience. . . ."-Testimonies, vol. 5, p. 524.2. What solemn warning is especially addressed to kings, rulers, gover.nors, and others in authority? What is requested of those who holllpositions of responsibility? Psalm 2: 1012; Joshua 1: 8.NOTE: vVe are obliged to give the warning message of a soon comingjudgment to all men, both high and low, rich and poor. The Lord isruler over all the earth and He holds in His hand the destiny of thenations. Men may not recognize God's supremacy but every day andevery moment of their lives they are enjoying the blessings which comefrom Him. They belong to Him both by creation and redemption. The self-existent One is the owner of this world and of everything that is in it.It is the binding duty :Jf every creature to give God the honor and respectdue to Him. Whether they worship Him or not, the obligation still restsupon them to pay rent for the space they occupy in this world. Beingservants of the great King of the universe, they are obliged by virtueof their position to study the ordinances and directions given by Godconcerning individuals, families, communities, and the nations whichthey represent. Ignorance will not be taken as an excuse for those whohave had the opportunity of knowing and studying the Holy Scriptures.3. When the angel of mercy folds her wings, what terrible slaughterwill come upon the nations which have rejected the authority of God?

    Isaiah 34: 3; Jeremiah 25: 33.4. What great change will take place in the atmospheric heavens at thecoming of Christ? Isaiah 34: 4.5. What judgments will come upon the nations which have filled the

    cup of iniqui ty? Isaiah 34: 5,6.NOTE: The nafi'ons of Idumca and Bozrah here mentioned typified thosenations which had been the most bitter persecutors of the Jews. Theyare used in this chapter to symbolize the wicked nations of the presenttime which will suffer the judgments of God and will finally be destroyedduring the seven last plagues.6. What description is given of this seemingly delayed hour of retri

    bution? Isaiah 34: 710.NOTE: ". . .Fire comes down from God out of heaven. The earth isbroken up. The weapons concealed in its depths are drawn forth. De-


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    vouring flames burst from every yawning chasm. The very rocks are onfire. The day has come t h a ~ shall bum as an oven. The elements meltwith fervent heat, the earth also, and the works that are therein areburned up. The earth's surface seems one molten mass,-a vast, seethinglake of fire. It. is the time of the judgment and perdition of the ungodlymen,-'the day of the Lord's vengeance, and the year of recompenses forthe controversy of Zion.' "-Great Controversy, pp. 672, 673.7. What description is given of the earth when the inhabitants have all

    been slain? Isaiah 34: 11-15.NOTE: From the language of the prophet it would seem that part ofthe description could have applied to his own time. After the destructionof Jerusalem, Babylon, Nineveh, Samaria, and Damascus, these onceflourishing cities presented the appearance of a wilderness, fulfillingthe description given in verse 13. The whole picture, however, is veryobviously a description of the last days and the destruction of the wicked,the breaking up of the surface of the earth, and its desolation. There isno clear evidence to prove that there will be any birds or animals of anykind alive upon the earth during the millenium. It is to be a deserted "pi t,"a place where Satan and his angels will be the lone inhabitants.8. How far does the invitation of the gospel extend? What appeal does

    Isaiah make in this calI? Isaiah 34: 16.NOTE: The gospel invitation is to reach every soul of "every nation,kindred, tongue and people." A tremendous responsibility rests uponthose who have. been enlightened with the present truth. They must beconfident in themselves that what the Lord has said will surely come topass. In presenting this solemn message which was to decide the destinyof the nations, the prophet felt the burden to make this appeal to all,"Seek ye out the book of the Lord, and read."9. What care does God have for all mankind, even in their wickedstate? Isaiah 34: 17; Acts 17: 26; Jeremiah 18: 710.NOTE: When we contemplate the measureless energy daily expended tokeep this world in space and to sustain mankind, we cannot but marveland give praise to God. He decides the boundary of men's habitationupon this terrestial globe and makes provisions for every creature fromthe giant leviathan of the deep to the tiniest Jnsect that floats in thesunbeam.10. How did the Psalmist dscribe the care of God for His creatures?Psalm 104: 14,2529; 50: 10-12.


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    LeS"S"on No. 14 - Sabbath, April 5, 1958.THE NEW EARTH

    Questions1. What was God's original intention in the creation of thiS" world?Psalm 8: 39; 37: n.

    NOTE: ". . .The garden of Eden was a representation of what God desiredthe whole earth to become, and it was His purpose that, as the humanfamily increased in numbers, they should establish other homes and schoolslike the one He had given. Thus in course of time the whole ear th mightbe occupied with homes and schools where the words and the works ofGod should be studied, and where the students should be thus fittedmore and more fully to reflect, throughout endless ages, the light of theknowledge of His glory." -Education, p. 22.2. What was man's state when he came forth from the hand of the

    Creator? Eccl. 7: 29.NOTE: "Created to be 'the image and glory of God,' Adam and Eve hadreceived endowments not unworthy of their high destiny. Graceful andsymmetrical in form, regular and beautiful in feature, their countenancesglowing with the tint of health and the light of joy and hope, they borein outward resemblance the likeness of their maker. Nor was this likenessmanifest in the physical nature only. Every faculty of mind and soulreflected the Creator's glory. End0wed with high mental and spiritualgifts, Adam and Eye were made but ' li tt le lower than the angels: thatthey might not only discem the wonders of the visible universe, butcomprehend moral responsibilities and obligations."-Ibid., p. 20.3. What was the principle upon which the government of the universewas founded? Psalm 119: 142.

    NOTE: "The law of love being the foundation of the government ofGod, the happiness of all intelligent beings depends upon their perfectaccord with its great principles of righteousness. God desired from allhis creatures the service of love, - service that springs from an appreciationof his character. He takes no pleasure in a forced obedience; and to allhe grants freedom of will, that they may render him voluntary service."-Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 34.4. After the fall of mankind, for what did the plan of salvation provide?

    Micah 4: 8.NOTE: At man's creation, he was given life, character, and a dominion,but all these were lost by transgression of the immutable law of God. Theobject of the plan of salvation is to restore that which has been lost. Notonly does it promise everlasting life and a righteous character, but also there


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    will be restored the lost dominion in its original beauty and perfection.The moral law is a transcript of God's character, Satan's original conten-tion being that it could not be kept without some amendment being made.I f it were possible to change the law of God, there would have been noneed for Christ to have suffered and died on the cross. Those churcheswhich claim that the law of God has been abolished or changed virtuallymake God a liar, and unite themselves in the original rebellion of Satan.

    Only as we accept by faith the atoning sacrifice of Christ and by Hispower bring our lives harmony with His law will it be possible forus to inherit a place in the new earth.5. What picture does the prophet give of the earth in its restored state?Isaiah 35: 1,2.6. What message of encouragement is brought to those who in thisworld are poor, afflicted, persecuted and despised? Isaiah 35: 3' 4.7. What physical and spiritual regeneration is promised to thos"e whosuffer infirmity? Isaiah 35: 5,6.8. What fertility and beauty will characterize lands now dry and ster-ile? Isaiah 35: 7.9. What will the highway be called that leads to the metropolis of the

    new earth? Isaiah 35: 8.NOTE: I t was God's purpose to establish His chosen nation as a holy,happy people in the land of Palestine, and to gradually destroy all nationswhich refused to accept the principles of Christ's kingdom. The Jewsas a nation failed to appreciate the wonderful privileges which weretheirs and because of disbelief and apostasy they lost their opportunity.That which could have been theirs will in the new earth be the inheritanceof those who have accepted the gospel invitation. The "way of holiness"is a beautiful expression denoting the course taken by those who live infull harmony with the revealed will of God. This "way of holiness" isidentical with the "narrow way that leadeth to life" spoken of by ourLord."There is only one path that leads from darkness upward to light untilit touches the throne of God, the path of faith. This path is not dark

    and uncertain; it is not the way of finite minds, not "a path made by humanhands, in which toll is exacted from every traveler. Entrance to it cannotbe gained by works of penance."The way that God has provided is so complete, so perfect, that mancannot, by any works that he can do, add to its perfection. It is broadenough to receive the most hardened sinner, i f he truly repents, and yet

    so narrow that in it sin can find no place. This is the path cast up forthe ransomed of the Lord to walk in." -Gospel Workers, p. 160.-33-

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    10. Would there be any danger to the travelers on the highway to Zion?Isaiah 35: 9.

    NOTE: Anciently the travelers on the road to Jerusalem were manytimes subject to the attacks of lions and other ravenous beasts, besidesthe danger from robbers who often lurked in lonely places. In the newearth there will be no wild animals or ravenous beasts. The text does notmean that there will be no lions in the new earth, but merely that theywill not be of the same nature as we know them today. This is confirmedin the description given in Isaiah 65: 25. The Bible does not give anyindication that there will be any resurrection of animals from thissinful earth. After the introduction of sin, Eden was taken to heaven. and every kind of animal life that had been created was taken with it.11. What will be the heritage of the redeemed? Isaiah 35: 10; 65: 18,19.

    Lesson No. 15 - Sabbath, April 12, 1958.INVASION OF JUDAH BY ASSYRIA

    Questions1. In the midst of Hezekiah 's noble effort to bring reformation in Judah,

    how did Satan attempt to utterly destroy the people of God? Isaiah36: 1.NOTE: "The prince of evil contests every inch of ground over which God'speople advance in their journey toward the heavenly city. In all the history of the church, no reformation has been carried forward without-:ncountering serious obstacIps. . . ." -Great Controversy, p. 39ft2. Who was sent as the special envoy of the king of Assyria to demandsubmission and tribute? Isaiah 36: 2.

    NOTE: Sennacherib became king of Assyria upon the murder of hisfather Sargon. In the fourteenth year of Hezekiah he came up againstJudah, and captured the defensed cities-forty-six in all-was his boast.From Lachish, a fortress in Judah, the king sent the chief of his officers,Rabshaketh, with a great army to Jemsalem to demand submission andtribute. From II Kings 18: 17 we learn that two other officers accompanied Rabshaketh and these three envoys met a similar number appointedby Hezekiah." -Isaiah, the Gospel Prophet, Andreason, vol. 1, p. 75.3. What blasphemous and insulting speech was given by Rabshakeh

    to the three representatives of Hezekiah in the full hear ing of thepeople within the city? Isaiah 36: 310.-34-

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    NOTE: From the time Hezekiah came to the throne of Judah and began tooverthrow the idolatrous worship introduced by his father, the Assyrianslooked upon him with suspicion, fearing that this would lead the Israelites to cast off the yoke of Assyria. When Hezekiah refused to pay tributeto Sennacherib, he sent his aTinies against Judah. The only condition ofpeace that the Assyrian king would accept was unconditional surrender.4. What request was made to Rabshakeh and his fellow envoys byEliakilll, Shebna, and Joah? Ho\\> did Rabshakeh seek to under

    mine the influence of Hezekiah in the eyes of the people of Jerusalem? Isaiah 36: 11-17.5. What words of defiance did Rabshakeh speak against God Himself?What attitude did the Hebrew envoys take to the insulting speech ofthis wicked man? Isaiah 36: 1822.6. When Hezekiah received the report of the threat of annihilation, to

    whom did he appeal? What reassuring message was given by theprophet to be delivered to king Hezekiah? Isaiah 37: 17.

    NOTE: Never before had Jerusalem been confronted with such an ominous threat. Humanly speaking, all hope was lost. Hezekiah was deeplvconscious of the idolatry and corruption which had become so widespreadin Judah and Jerusalem, and he made great effort to remove these evils.In his appeal to Isaiah he made his claim for the intervention of Godbecause God Himself had been challenged and blasphemed and not because of the people's virtne. Hezekiah has left for each leader among God'speople an example worthy of imitation. He had complete confidence inGod and in the message from the prophet.

    In the reply to Hezekiah, Isaiah stated that "he shall hear a rumour"and return to his own land. Undoubtedly this refers to the report thatreached Rabshakeh that Tirkaka, king of Egypt and Ethiopia, had sentan army to help Judah. This new eventuality made it imperative for Sennacherib to renew his efforts to secure immediate submission of Hezekiah.7. On Rabshakeh's return to his own land what further message did hesend to Hezekiah in an endeavor to int imidate him? Isaiah 37: 13.8. What was the burden of Hezekiah's prayer? What message of courage and prediction did Isaiah then send to the king? Isaiah 37: 1425.9. How did God meet the bold and blasphemous challenge of Assyria?

    What sign was given to Hezekiah as an asurance that God would dowhat He had promised? Isaiah 37: 26-30.

    NOTE: In his words, the prophet speaks 'as though God Himself wereaddressing Assyria. He refers to His dealing with the nations, and howHe uses one nation to punish another and thus had permitted Assyria, as


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    an agent of God, "to lay waste defensed cities." I t was certainly true thatthe inhabitants of the surrounding countries had not been able toresist the onslaught of this mighty power. Assyria, however, instead ofgiving God the glory, had boasted of its great power and had rebelledagainst God, thus repeating the sin of ancient Egypt. The Lord thereforesaid I will "put my hook in thy nose, and my bridle in thy lips."Assyria would be turned back from whence she had come. To assureHezekiah that God's word would be fulfilled He gave Hezekiah a sign.

    The first year they would ea t "such as groweth of itself;" the second year"that which springeth of the same;" the third year they would return tonormal conditions, sowing and reaping as usual.10. What favor was extcnded to Jerusalem and Judah because of thefaithful remnant? What judgment of God brought the mighty na .tion of Assyria to ruin? Isaiah 37: 31-38.

    Lllsson No. 16 - Sabbath, April 19. 1958.HEZEKIAH'S LIFE EXTENDED IN ANSWER TOPRAYER

    Questions1. After the great victory over the hosts of Assyria, what distressingexperience came to Hezekiah? What message then came to him from

    Isaiah? Isaiah 38: 1.NOTE: "Since the day, of David there had reigned no king who hadwrought so mightily for u'pbuilding of the kingdom of God in a time ofapostasy and discouragement as had Hezekiah. The dying ruler had servedhis God faithfully, and had strengthened the confidence cf the people inJehovah as their Supreme Ruler, . . ."He whose 'compassions fail not: heard the prayer of His servant. . . ."

    -Prophets and Kings, pp. 340 341.2. Was Hezekiah reconciled to th'is solomn verdict? On what grounds

    did he plead for an extension of his life? Isaiah 38: 2,3.3. What gracious answer was given to the prayers and tears of theking? What sign did the Lord give that he would be healed? Isaiah38: 48.NOTE: "Like Moses in the land of Midian, like Gideon in the presenceof the heavenly messenger, like Elisha just before the ascension of hismaster, Hezekiah pleaded for some sign that the message was from heaven. . . ." -Prophets and Kings, p. 342.


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    UOnly by the direct interposftfon of God could the shadow on the sun-dial be made to turn back ten degrees; and this was to be the sign toHezekiah that the Lord had heard his prayer. Accordingl}", 'the prophetcried unto the Lord: and He brought the shadow ten degrees backward,by which it had gone down in the dial of Ahaz.'" -Ibid., p. 342.4. After his miraculous healing, what song of gratitude and praiseto God was expressed in writing by the king? Isaiah 38: 9-22.NOTE: "Restored to his wonted strength, the king of Judah acknowledgedin words of song the mercies of Jehovah, and vowed to spend his re!llaining days in willing service to the King of kings. His grateful recognitionof God's compassionate dealing with him is an inspiration to all who desireto spend their years to the glory of their maker." -Ibid., p. 342.5. After the miraculous healing of Hezekiah, what test revealed a weak

    point in his character? What wonderful opportunity was missed bythe king's neglect? Isaiah 39: 1,2.NOTE: "The visit of these messengers from the ruler of a far-away landgave Hezekiah an opportunity to extol the living God. How easy it wouldhave been for him to tell them of God, the upholder of all created things,through whose favor his own life had been spared when all other hopehad fled I What momentous transformations might have taken place hadthese seekers after truth from the plains of Chaldea been led to acknowledge the supreme sovereignty of the living God!" Ibid., p. 344.6. What danger confronts those who have been blessed by success intheir work for the Lord? Matthew 23: 12.

    NOTE: "But pride and vanity took possession of Hezekiah's heart, andin self-exaltation he laid open to the covetous eyes the treasures with whichGod had enriched His people. The king 'showed them the house of hisprecious things, the silver, and the gold, and the spices, and the preciousointment, and all the house of his armor, and all that was found in histreasures: there was nothing in his house, nor in all his dominion, thatHezekiah showed them not: He did not stop to consider that these menwere representatives of a powerful nation that had not the fear nor thelove of God in their hearts, and that it was imprudent to make them hisconfidants concerning the temporal riches of the nation:' -Ibid., pp. 344346.7. What sin contributed largely to the Jewish nation's downfall and has

    brought the spiritual declension in the Laodicean church? John 5: 44.NOTE: "In the midst of prosperity lurks danger. Throughout the ages,riches and honor have ever been -attended with peril to humility andspirituality. It is not the empty cup that we have difficulty in carrying;it is the cup full to the brim that must be carefully balanced. Affliction and


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    adversity may cause sorrow; but it is prosperity that is most dangerousto spiritual life. Unless the human subject is in constant submission to thewill of God, unless he is sanctified by the truth, prosperity will surel}arouse the natural inclination to presumption." -Ibid. pp. 59, 60.8. Upon hearing of the Chaldean ambassador's visit, what stem ques

    tion did Isaiah ask the king? What did he predict would be theresult of this serious indiscretion? Isaiah 39: 3-7.9. What lesson should we learn from the sad mistake of king Hezekiah?

    Isaiah 43: 10,11; Hebrews 10: 25,26.NOTE: There are two ways by which we may fulfill our commission inbringing to others a knowledge of the hope that is within us. The firstis by making the opportunity ourselves in a definite plan for visiting andBible studies; the other is by taking advantage of every opportunity grantedto us for witnessing for God and this message. The people we meet inevery day contacts, in the street, in business, in the bus, the train, or the~ t r e e t c a r may be ready to hear the word of life if we are ready to sow theseed. Sometimes "ambassadors" - unexpected visitors - may come to ourhome, and we, rather than offend them, fail to attend

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