
Post on 14-Jan-2017






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Opening shot – black screen, non-diegetic sound fades in as the black screen fade out into the next shot, voice over states:‘we are getting a… we are getting word that err’

Shot 2 – exterior shot, daytime, old news report with graphics, voiceover from new reporters overlapping each other saying:

News reporter 1 : ‘If you are just joining us two young men apparently dressed in long black trench coats opened fire err… about an hour and a half ago at a high school just outside of Denver in Littleton, Colorado’

News reporter 2: ‘columbine elementary is locked down!’

Quickly jumps into a static

Shot 3: vhs static, non-diegetic sound of static occurs, quickly jumps to a black screen with writing.

Shot 4: vhs black screen the quickly goes back to static, jumps to screenshot.

Shot 5: short length screen shot once again jumping back into static.

Shot 6: static, jumps to another screenshot.

Shot 7: newspaper screenshot which jumps back to static.

Shot 8: static which jumps to another screenshot.

Shot 9: newspaper screenshot which jumps back to static.

Shot 10: static which jumps into next shot.

Shot 11: exterior shot, daytime, Eric is being filmed by Dylan and stating his hatred for school until someone throws something at him, he states:

Dylan: school today man

Eric: wish it could all end

Dylan: yeah yeah

Eric: wish it could all go up in flames

(Sound of bottle hitting Eric’s head)

Shot then jumps to static

Shot 12 : static with non-diegetic sound of static, jumps to next shot.

Shot 13: exterior shot, daytime, hand held footage of Eric and Dylan messing around, diegetic sound of inaudible dialogue from Eric and Dylan laughing, jumps to static.

Shot 14: static with non-diegetic sound of static, jumps to next shot.

Shot 15: exterior shot, daytime, montage shot of outside of school with non-diegetic sound of the music on in the background, fade into next shot.

Shot 16: exterior shot, daytime, outside school grounds overlooking the school in attempt to be a point of view shot, non-diegetic sound of music in background, fades to next shot.

Shot 17: exterior low angle shot, daytime, shot of Eric’s footsteps as he walks towards the school, non-diegetic sound of music and diegetic sound of footsteps. Jumps to next shot displaying ‘match on action’

Shot 18: exterior shot, daytime, and shot of Eric’s footsteps as he walks towards the school, non-diegetic sound of music and diegetic sound of footsteps. Jumps to next shot displaying ‘match on action’.

Shot 19: exterior shot, daytime, and shot of Eric from shoulder upwards displaying school sign walking towards the school, non-diegetic sound of music and diegetic sound of footsteps.

Shot 20: exterior shot, daytime, shot face onto Eric walking to the camera as he is walking into the school entrance, non-diegetic sound of music and then music cuts to a gunshot sending the shot to end quickly into a black screen

Shot 21: title sequence.

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