
Post on 12-Feb-2017






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The Third Man?Script

Adapted from the story

Back story Its been one year since James Smith dropped out of university. It had only taken him a two weeks to get caught up in the wrong crowed. following his so called ‘friends’ around he began to find himself forgetting the moral values he had been taught by his parents growing up. It wasn't long until he was influenced into smoking cannabis, getting high, getting wasted on cheap alcohol and failing all his classes. His mind began to play tricks on him. Everyone around him seemed to be against him, it was as though everyone wanted him gone. So he dropped out of university, lost all contacts with his friends and family as he went on the run. But on the run from what?

Scene 1• [It began with a letter. A threat. ‘Dear Mr Smith, Expect a delivery soon. It will

contain the name of your next target... The person must be eliminated’. What did this mean? That he had to kill someone? Like a target or a hit, something that an assassin would have to do. But James was only a crack head, not an assassin... he couldn’t hurt a fly]

Scene 2Time passed – [James drinks alcohol in the kitchen and then washes down some pills. He takes a nap and then wakes up and does some exercise. We then see James running up and down the stairs before getting dressed.]

This will be in the form of a montage

Scene 3• [The pizza, the pizza arrived, although he hadn’t ordered any. The delivery

man seemed strange. James felt sure he had seen him before. ‘Maybe it’s an old face from my university’ he thought]

Delivery man: Pizza DeliveryJames: I didn't order any pizzaDelivery man: Its come for your addressJames: Its not mine I didn't order this.

[Delivery man hands the box to James and walks off. James re-enters the flat]

Scene 4[Opening it his heart began to beat. Thousands and thousands of pounds. He couldn’t tell how much. But wait... there was a note. ‘Kill James Smith’ it read. It began to make sense. This was the delivery the letter had told James to expect, containing the name of his next hit. But wait... it no longer made sense. This instructed James to kill James smith... meaning himself.]Time passed again. He locks the doors, closed the window curtains and then sleeps

Scene 5James has a night mare of the delivery man

[He wakes up and has a shower. The delivery man appears. Everywhere James turns he is there. In his dreams, in the shower, in the pub... everywhere.]

Scene 6James has a night mare of the delivery man

[He wakes up and has a shower. The delivery man appears. Everywhere James turns he is there. In his dreams, in the shower, in the pub... everywhere.]

James heads out to the pub and orders a drink. The delivery man appears again as a waiter. James runs off when he see’s him.

On his way home he walks through the park. He notices he is being followed by the man.

Scene 7[Back at home James drinks alcohol and takes drugs, the delivery man appears in his home next to him]

James: What do you want? Get out! Leave me alone!

James continues to rant (improvisation), the delivery man stays silent.

Scene 8[At the church – James decides to pray. The delivery man appears as a priests and scares him. He disappears.]

James: where are you? I know your here? Show yourself!

Delivery man appears behind the pulpit ringing a bell and laughing.

James: No Please! Just leave me alone.

Delivery man disappears again, James looks around for him.

James: I know your still here!

Delivery man appears on the piano, playing music.

James: Noo! Why won’t you leave? I can’t take it any more!

Delivery man disappears again

James: Fine!... Ill do it, I'll do what you want me to do!

James puts the gun to his head, just as he is about to pull the trigger, the delivery man appears.

Delivery man: Do it!

James points the gun at the delivery man and he shoots him. They are both dead on the ground. The delivery man disappears.


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