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Exchange Server 2010 Tips and TricksEXL313

Scott SchnollPrincipal Technical WriterMicrosoft Corporation


AnnouncementsThe BasicsPlanning and Deployment ToolsScripts and TroubleshootersThe Power of PowerShellWhat’s News?


Exchange Virtualization Guidance Changes

Now Supported with Exchange 2010 SP1Combining DAGs with hypervisor-based clustering or migrationVirtualizing Unified Messaging Role

Requires minimum of 4 virtual processors and 16 GB memoryCan handle 40 concurrent calls with VP preview and 65 concurrent calls without

UM must be only Exchange guest VM on physical host (may change by TechEd)Consider network requirements (low latency, high bandwidth)

Role is susceptible to poor voice quality if undersized

Exchange Virtualization Guidance Changes

Attend this session for more details and Q&A:

EXL376-INT - Hewlett-Packard & Microsoft Q&A on Exchange Virtualization (May 17 @ 1:30pm in B303)


Exchange Server 2010 Is…

RTM’d October 8, 2009GA since November 9, 2009

Downloadable from Microsoft Download Center

Hosting ~ 70 million mailboxes in the cloud!

Exchange Server 2010 SP1 Is…

Signed off for RTM at 11:08 AM PST on August 23, 2010RTW at 9:00 AM PST on August 25, 2010Available for download at

Build no. 14.01.0218.015Supporting more languages than ever before

Unified Messaging languages: 25Client languages: 55Server languages: 15

Exchange Server 2010 SP1 Is…

Available in three Server EditionsStandard Edition (retail and volume)

MPC: 0264-385

Enterprise Edition (volume only)Includes all Exchange 2010 Standard features, plus support for up to 100 databases per serverMPC: 0264-2871

Hybrid Edition (volume only)This is a Standard Edition SKU designed to be a “gateway” for upgrading from previous versions of Exchange to Exchange OnlineMPC: 0264-2942 (offered for free)

Exchange 2010 Hybrid Edition

Can be used only for connecting on-premises environment with Office 365

If you move a mailbox to it, or leverage any features outside the scope of a hybrid deployment, you must purchase regular license and CALs

Multiple Hybrid Edition servers can be deployed, if neededCannot be licensed during Office 365 Beta

Customers should use Exchange 2010 SP1 trial bits during BetaAt commercial release of Office 365, request a key from Office 365 support

Not available for trial customers

Exchange Server 2010 SP1 Hosting Mode

For licensed hosters only!Installed using /hosting switch

No GUI Setup for Hosting Mode

Requires new forest in Windows 2008 FFLSupported in a virtualized environmentIncludes cmdlets for creating and configuring Tenant Organization

Uses Service Plans to enable/disable specific features for Tenant OrganizationsUses Mailbox Plans during user provisioning to automatically populate user properties and assign default permissions

Exchange Server 2010 SP1 Hosting ModeFeatures not available in Hosting Mode

Co-existence with Exchange 2003 or Exchange 2007Exchange Management ConsolePublic FoldersUnified Messaging or Edge Transport rolesFederationCross-premise message tracking or calendar sharingIRMSupport for Outlook 2003Active Directory: Split Permissions; Multi-domain forestsSetup switches related to above features


Exchange Server 2010 Updates

Latest SP1 updateUpdate Rollup 3 for Exchange Server 2010 SP1 (

Released April 6, 2011 (MSKB 2529939)

Latest RTM updateUpdate Rollup 5 for Exchange Server 2010 (14.0.726.0)

Released December 13, 2010 (MSKB 2407113)

See TechNet Wiki for more info -


Exchange Server Pre-Deployment Analyzer

Focuses on overall topology readinessPerforms analysis of Exchange 2003/2007Supported on

Windows 7Windows Vista SP2Windows Server 2008 SP2Windows Server 2008 R2Windows Server 2003 SP2

Exchange Server Deployment Assistant Only

Upgrade from Exchange 2003Upgrade from Exchange 2007Upgrade from Exchange 2003/2007New Exchange 2010 Org

Cloud OnlyMicrosoft Office 365 for Enterprises -

Hybrid Environment (On Premises + Cloud)Exchange 2003 and 2007 now; Exchange 2010 coming soon!

Mailbox Server Requirements Calculator

Latest Version – v14.4User profileHigh availability architectureServer's CPU platformStorage architectureBackup architectureNetwork architecture


Exchange Remote Connectivity Analyzer

https://www.TestExchangeConnectivity.comUsed to verify a variety of client protocol connectivity from outside the organization

Exchange ActiveSyncExchange Web ServicesAutodiscover (ActiveSync and Outlook)Outlook AnywhereInbound and Outbound SMTP

Mailbox Assistants Troubleshooter (SP1)

Mailbox Assistants perform event-based and time-based functions (e.g., free/busy, resource booking, conversations, calendar repair, etc.)Test-AssistantHealth can be used to verify the health of the Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Assistants services, to recover from health issues, and to report on the diagnosis or recovery actionIncludes ResolveProblems parameter which can

Start the service if it is not runningRestart the service if it is hung or deadlocked for more than 15 minutes

Database Log Growth Troubleshooter (SP1)

Troubleshoot-DatabaseSpace.ps1 detects excessive log growth issues and takes actionBy default

Runs every 15 minutes to determine available free spaceIf free space < 25%, tools runs an algorithm to determine if excessive log growth is cause

If it is cause, the tool quarantines or throttles mailboxes causing excessive growth, as appropriate

Defaults defined in StoreTSConstants.ps1

Database Log Growth Troubleshooter (SP1)

Tracks a variety of metrics, such as log generation rate and available disk space for database and log file disksDetermines top 25 users that accessed mailbox database during the last one-hour periodQuarantines mailboxes for 6 hours (users have no access to email)If it cannot drop the generation rate, it logs an event, removes the database from provisioning

Database Latency Troubleshooter (SP1)

Troubleshoot-DatabaseLatency.ps1 used by SCOM, but can be used outside of SCOM as a schedule task

Defaults defined in StoreTSConstants.ps1Checks for database latencies above value of LatencyThreshold (default is 70 ms)Checks disk’s transfer rate against read rate and read latency performance countersChecks to see if any user is using more than one thread for duration of TimeInServerThreshold (default is 10 min)

Database Latency Troubleshooter (SP1)

Disk’s transfers-per-second rate < DiskReadRateThresholdDisk’s seconds-per-transfer rate > DiskReadLatencyThreshold

If both conditions are true, it indicates that disk has high latency under low load, which often means the disk is going bad and needs replacing

User using more than one thread for duration of TimeInServerThreshold

Mailbox quarantined for 6 hours

Content Index Troubleshooter

Troubleshoot-CI.ps1 detects problems with content index catalogs-Action Detect is default setting

Use -Action DetectAndResolve or -Action Resolve to optionally attempt to fix different issues


Troubleshoot-CI.ps1 -database DB1 -Symptom Corruption -Action Resolve

Easily Move the Transport Databases

No need to modify EdgeTransport.exe.config file to change location of transport databasesMove-TransportDatabase.ps1 moves the queue database, the IP filter database and the temporary storage locationsSame parameters as config file


Easily Move the Transport Databases

Move-TransportDatabase.ps1 performs the following tasksIf moving to another drive, it validates free disk spaceCreates the specified paths, if they don’t already existPermissions the paths

Full control for NetworkService, LocalSystem and BuiltinAdministrators

Stops the Transport serviceBacks up the original config fileMoves the databases and associated filesStarts the Transport service


Using Exchange Management Tools

Exchange Management ShellGet-CommandGet-ExCommandFindparams (e.g., findparams *mailbox*)Wildcards (e.g., get-excommand *mailbox*)Pipelining (e.g., get-pssnapin *exchange* | add-pssnapinGet-tip (random tip of the day)

Exchange Management ConsoleUse Ctrl+C to copy scripts that are run by Wizards

Speaking of scripts…

In the Exchange Management Shell you can quickly navigate to the Scripts folder, no matter where your Exchange binaries are installed

cd $exscripts

What Edition am I running?

Quick, easy way to tell Edition of each Exchange Server

Get-ExchangeServer | ft Name, EditionGet-ExchangeServer <Server> | fl Edition

What Version am I running?

Get version information for all Exchange servers

Get-ExchangeServer | ft Name, *Version*

Get version information for specific Exchange server

Get-ExchangeServer <Server> | ft Name, *Version*

Handy and Powerful One-Liners

List servers by AD site and Server RoleGet-ExchangeServer | Sort Site,ServerRole,Name | ft -GroupBy Site -Property Name,ServerRole,AdminDisplayVersion –Auto

Create a shortcut for a cmdletNew-Alias -Name "get-opr" -Value "Get-OutlookProtectionRule"

Check service startup settingGet-WMIObject win32_service -filter "name = 'msExchangeRepl'"

Handy and Powerful One-Liners

List non-empty transport queues"$(date)"; Get-TransportServer | Get-Queue -filter {MessageCount -gt 0} | ft –Auto

View Remote Receive Connector IP RangesGet-ReceiveConnector “<Server>\<Connector>" | select remoteipranges | % {$_.remoteipranges} | % {$_.Lowerbound.tostring()}

Removing a Bulk Message

Delete one bulk message that’s clogging the systemGet-Queue | Get-Message | where{$_.MessageSubject -eq "Subject"} | Remove-MessageOptionally include the WithNDR parameter to specify whether a non-delivery report (NDR) is returned to the sender

Block Mode or File Mode (SP1)

Determine if continuous replication is operating in block mode or file mode

Get-Counter -ComputerName <DAGMemberName> -Counter "\MSExchange Replication(*)\Continuous replication - block mode Active“

Timestamp CounterSamples--------- --------------5/11/2011 1:50:14 PM \\ex1\\msexchange replication(db9)\continuous replication - block mode active : 1 \\ex1\\msexchange replication(db8)\continuous replication - block mode active : 1 \\ex1\\msexchange replication(db6)\continuous replication - block mode active : 1 \\ex1\\msexchange replication(db5)\continuous replication - block mode active : 1 \\ex1\\msexchange replication(db3)\continuous replication - block mode active : 1 \\ex1\\msexchange replication(db2)\continuous replication - block mode active : 1 \\ex1\\msexchange replication(db7)\continuous replication - block mode active : 0 \\ex1\\msexchange replication(db4)\continuous replication - block mode active : 0 \\ex1\\msexchange replication(db1)\continuous replication - block mode active : 0

Transport Dumpster Statistics

get-date;Get-MailboxServer | for each {get-databasecopystatus -MailboxServer $_.identity -DumpsterStatistics | ? {$_.SummaryCopyStatus -ne 'Mounted'}} | foreach {$_.DumpsterStatistics}

Server : E14EX2OldestItem : 4/21/2011 4:24:36 PMQueueSize : 1200NumberOfItems : 28

Getting All Logon Statistics from Outlook

Use Get-LogonStatistics to retrieve data such as logon time, last access time, client version, and adapter speedGet-LogonStatistics -Server <ServerName>

By default, Outlook 2010 and Outlook 2007 SP3 don’t transmit IP address, MAC address, username or machine name because it is considered PII

Check “Enable troubleshooting logging” checkbox or add registry entry to Outlook client to get this info


DWORD, Value: 0x00000028


Enable Kerberos Auth for MAPI Clients

We recommend enabling Kerberos authentication for MAPI clientsWe’ve made it easier to do this in Exchange 2010 SP1Why?

Exchange 2010 leverages a load-balanced namespace (RPC Client Access array) for MAPI access to mailbox dataBy default, Outlook and other MAPI clients that are configured to use Negotiate ultimately end up using NTLM authenticationAs the number of MAPI connections increases, there is potential for a bottleneck in handling of NTLM authentication

Enabling Kerberos Auth for MAPI Clients

Solution leverages an alternate service account (ASA) credential mechanismThe Microsoft Exchange Service Host service that runs on CAS has been extended to use a shared credential for Kerberos authentication

Monitors the local machine and when credentials are added or removed, the Kerberos authentication package on the local system and the network service context is updated and all client access services can use it for Kerberos authentication

See for complete details on how to implement (uses rollalternateserviceaccountpassword.ps1)

SSL Offloading for Exchange Web Services

Using SSL Offloading requires you to disable SSL on CASIn Exchange 2010 RTM, enabling or disabling SSL for EWS virtual directory required you to use IIS Manager and to modify the web.config fileIn Exchange 2010 SP1, you only use IIS Manager

If you modify the web.config file, you’ll likely see WebHost Error 3 in the event log

See for details

Jetstress Field Guide Updated

April 2011 - for version of Jetstress Added Exchange Server 2003 instructions Added more troubleshooting information Added guidance for running Jetstress on a production Exchange Server Included guidance for testing Raid Arrays Included information and guidance on Background Database Maintenance General corrections and clarity improvements

Exchange Management Console and IE9

After installing Internet Explorer 9 on a system running the Exchange Management Tools, the console may fail to close

You must close all dialog boxes before you can close Exchange Management Console

Workaround: Use Task Manager to terminate mmc.exeThis is an IE bug, not an Exchange or MMC bugMay only repro when console is focused on Org Config | MailboxMay not manifest in other MMC apps

Exchange Team Blog Updates

Moved to a new home on TechNet

Old namespace still works and should map to moved articlesClick the + symbol next to Library to get

DownloadsScriptsVideosExchange Documentation Library

Exchange Team Blog for Windows Phone 7

Get the Exchange Team Blog on your Windows Phone 7Search for EHLO in Zune Marketplace Apps

Related Content

EXL302 | Archiving and Discovery in Microsoft Exchange 2010 SP1 and Exchange Online

EXL306 | Best Practices for Virtualization of Microsoft Exchange 2010

EXL307 | Load Balancing with Microsoft Exchange Server 2010

EXL312 | Designing Microsoft Exchange 2010 Mailbox High Availability for Failure Domains

EXL401 | Exchange Server 2010 High Availability Management and Operations

EXL327 | Real-World Site Resilience Design in Microsoft Exchange Server 2010

Track Resources

Exchange Team Blog –

Exchange TechCenter –

Lync TechCenter –

Lync Team Blog –


Sessions On-Demand & Community Microsoft Certification & Training Resources

Resources for IT Professionals Resources for Developers


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