“scorecard” incentive remuneration system for microfinance

Post on 28-Nov-2014






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Ms. Vivian Lim of First Valley Bank shares their bank experience on using the EAGLE Scorecard to optimize the bank's microfinance operations during the 2012 RBAP-MABS National Roundtable Conference on June 7.


Session  2:  “SCORECARD”

Incentive Remuneration System for Microfinance

Vivian Lim 1st Valley Bank, Inc.


2012 RBAP-MABS National Roundtable Conference June 7-8, 2012

Hyatt Hotel Manila  

1st Valley Bank, Inc.

Why Scorecard?

• To reward our Account Specialists for outstanding performance • To meet the Bank’s set target(s)

1st Valley Bank, Inc.


•  Introduced in 2003 •  Dubbed as Account Specialist’s “Report

Card” (like a student’s report card in school & MABS Eagle Scorecard for RBs..)

•  A tool for performance management

1st Valley Bank, Inc.


•  an individual progress report card for account

specialists handling microfinance loans §  serves as a tool in giving incentives to account


1st Valley Bank, Inc.


•  Loan Portfolio • Number of clients • Number of Disbursement • Portfolio-At-Risk •  Target

1st Valley Bank, Inc.

•  Defined indicators and parameters •  Set weights and scores for each indicator •  Pilot-tested the “scorecard” and modified

some parameters •  “Sold” the scheme to the staff •  Monitored the scheme’s performance and

made adjustments

How did we do it?

1st Valley Bank, Inc.


•  Regular documentation and monitoring of AS monthly performance

•  Organized system in weeding out

“unproductive” AS from the “performers” •  Healthy competition among employees and

team effort is encouraged •  Use of scorecards in other loan products

1st Valley Bank, Inc.

Selected Microfinance Indicators Indicators

December 2002 (Start of Scorecard-2003)

December 2011

Net Change 2002 to 2011

No. of Branches 6 25 317%

No. of Account Specialists

11 40 264%

No of Supervisors 1 4 300%

Total Micro Loans P 5.7M P55.6M 875%

No. of Clients 849 5,063 496%

Total loan disbursed 3,331 9,770 193%

Total disbursements P 31.4M P220.6M 602%

Average accounts/AS

77 126 64%

Average loan/AS P 0.5M P1.4M 180%

1st Valley Bank, Inc.

This is how it looks like (front)

1st Valley Bank, Inc.

This is how it looks like (back)

Indicators Weight,  %Weighted  Value

A.    NUMBER  OF  CLIENTS 20% 1.0050  to  70 1 0.2071  to90 2 0.4091  to  110 3 0.60111  to  120 4 0.80above  120 5 1.00

B.  LOAN  PORTFOLIO 40% 2.00up  to  600,000 0 0.00

600,001  to  800,000 1 0.40800,001  to  1,300,000 2 0.801,300,001  to  1,700,000 3 1.201,700,001  to  2,000,00 4 1.60Above  2  mi l l ion 5 2.00

C.  PORTFOLIO-­‐AT-­‐RISK  (%) 30% 1.500.00  to  1.00 5 1.501.01  to  2.00 4 1.202.01  to  3.00 3 0.903.01  to  4.00 2 0.604.01  to  5.00 1 0.30above  5% 0 0.00

D.  NUMBER  OF  DISBURSED  LOAN 10% 0.500  to  4 0 0.005  to  10 1 0.1011  to  15 2 0.2016  to  20 3 0.30

21  to  25 4 0.40

Above  25 5 0.50

TOTAL 25 100% 5.00


up  to  50,000 0.25

150,001  to  300,000 0.75above  300,000 1.00

50,001  to  150,000 0.50

Microfinance  UnitScoring    System-­‐  Monthly


1st Valley Bank, Inc.


Performance Performance Performance Performance Performance PerformanceData Data Data   Data Data

A.  Number  of  Clients 121 1 124 1 125 1 118 0.8

B.  Loan  Portfolio 2,074,022.12 2 2,069,487.22 2 2,284,030.30 2 2,258,923.58 2

C.  Portfolio-­‐at-­‐Risk  (  %  ) 0.00% 1.50 0.00% 1.50 0.00% 1.50 1.69% 1.20

D.  Number  of  Disbursement 33 0.5 42 0.5 42 0.5 26 0.5

Target  on  Loans 2,175,658.53 2,210,344.17 2,279,715.45 2,314,401.08 2,349,086.72 2,383,772.36

(101,636.41)                 0 (140,856.95)                 0 4,314.85                             .25 (55,477.50)                     0

5.00 5.00 5.25 4.50 0.00 0.00

Average  Score,  Quarter 5.08 Average  Score,  Quarter 1.50



Score Score Score Score Score Score

TOTAL  SCORE,    Monthly

BONUS  POINTS  (  Exceeding  target  )

1st Valley Bank, Inc.

Success stories of 1st Valley

•  Effective tool because indicators are objectively measured

•  Used the scorecard not only for micro but also for other loan products

•  Designed another scorecard to measure branch performance based on 2012 Target

•  Allows additional compensation for deserving employees

•  Encourages team work, a spirit of collaboration and social cohesion among employees in a branch

1st Valley Bank, Inc.


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