scms news jan 2015

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Today, business is changing fast. So is the system ofmanagement. What can be the Greatest Transformation taking place in the business world? Undoubtedly, it is the digital revolution that is fundamentally changing the business world. It has been estimated that the impact of digitisation is going to be even greater than that of the Internet.


Vol : 10No : 10January 2015

A Monthly Newsletter of SCMS Group of Educational Institutions, Cochin

Co-ordinating Editor - Mr. Sanal Potty Editorial Advisory Council: Dr. D. Radhakrishnan Nair, Prof. R. Sahadevan

Edited and published by Prof. B. Unnikrishnan for and on behalf of SCMS Group of Educational Institutions, Prathap Nagar,Muttom, Cochin - 683 106 and printed at Maptho Printings, Cochin - 683 104. Email:

SCMS School o f Archi tecture

Dr. G.P.C. NayarFounder & Chairman

SCMS Group of Educational Institutions

Today, business is changing fast. So is the system of management.

What can be the Greatest Transformation taking place in the business world? Undoubtedly, it is the digital revolution that is fundamentally changing the business world. It has been estimated that the impact of digitisation is going to be even greater than that of the Internet.

Digitisation does not mean simply automating an existing process. It means companies have to pursue innovation strategies to develop a comprehensive digital strategy and reinvent their entire business processes and operating models. That includes IT-driven innovation, developing automated decision making, developing cross-channel connectivity to enable uninterrupted engagement with all stakeholders, reducing the number of documents and the like.

The process of digitisation can create a host of business opportunities. The consequences can be far-reaching, changing the way products of all kinds can be produced, reproduced, marketed and distributed to a large clientele across the world. Take for example the way the entertainment industry and the media industry have been transmuted beyond all our imagination. The business world is heading towards a time where the digital capabilities will increasingly determine which companies will create or lose values.

The phenomenon of digitisation is spreading fast not only in the business world but also in the life of the common man. As such, business managers have to get equipped in terms of skills, competencies, and courage to lead their organisations toward the Great Transformation. They will have to innovate the practice of management appropriate for a digital world. Leadership capabilities are essential to pioneer the digital investment and to

How we will do business in future?

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convert it into an advantage that can lead to greater organisational, human, and economic prosperity.

Exponential technological advances, greater consumer power, and increased competition are posing a threat to every industry. Business has already realised that they must use digital channels to engage with their stakeholders in order to maintain relevance and drive the conversation.

As a result of the proliferation of digital channels, platforms and devices a new generation that is born

'plugged in' has come into existence. This Gen Y is already making their mark in accelerating the emergence of a new digital world. No one can ignore their influence. Their expectations are being shaped by the technologies they surround themselves with. They are capable of easily adapting their lifestyles to every new technological invention. This Gen Y constitutes a new category of consumers and employees who are networked digitally and globally. They are also very social in nature.

Consequently, they are playing the role of catalysts of change in the society. Each day their influence is growing in the consumer as well as the corporate world. It means business must learn to engage with them effectively, or will have to face the risk of being shut out of the game. A new kind of public means new ways of doing business.

By the end of this decade, an entire generation will have to grow up in a primary digital world. Their familiarity with technology, reliance on mobile communications, and desire to remain in touch with large networks of contacts will determine how we will do business and how we will manage business in future.

Wish you a happy 2015!

Dr. G.P.C. Nayar

Digital Advertising is the Future - PANORAMA 2014

Mr.K.S.Chakravarthy, National Creative Director, FCB Ulka and Mr.Varghese Chandy, Chief General Manager-Marketing – Ad Sales, Malayala Manorama, jointly lighting the lamp to inaugurate the conference. Others in the picture are: Dr.V.Raman Nair, Group Director and Dr. Filomina P.George, Director, SCMS Cochin School of Business.

SCMS Marketing Colloquium organised a full day conference focusing on the theme 'Digital Advertising is the Future' in a series of PANORAMA 2014, on December 12. Mr.K.S.Chakravarthy, National Creative Director, FCB Ulka and Mr.Varghese Chandy, Chief General Manager-Marketing – Ad Sales, Malayala Manorama, together inaugurated the conference.

Digital advertising could not be just repeating the traditional advertising because it had to be interactive and inviting the consumers to engage in a conversation, explained Mr.Chakravarthy. It should be more inclusive and transparent, not simply shouting at the customer. Social media is an important component of digital advertising. To make use of it to our advantage we should use it intelligently, he cautioned.

Placement news

Verizon conducted interview for 2015 batch BTech short-listed students on November 4 and final result is awaited.

The off-campus recruitment drive for 2013 and 2014 batch was conducted by Athena Healthcare on November 11, Speridian Technologies on November 14, Saranga Geosoftware on November 21, and Global Logic Tech on November22. The final results are awaited.

Isam K. Kabbani Group, Saudi Arabia conducted on-campus recruitment drive for 2015 batch Btech Civil Engineering students on November 28 and selected three students.

UST Global conducted off-campus recruitment drive for 2015 batch BTech and MCA students on December 9 and selected five students.

MRF conducted off-campus pooled recruitment drive for 2015

batch BTech Electrical, Mechanical students on December 11 and

short-listed students for next round of interview.

IBM India conducted off-campus pooled recruitment drive for 2015 batch BTech, MTech and MCA candidates during December 11-13 and selected five students.

SAP Labs Scholar Programme online test was conducted for 2015 batch BTech students on December 17 and result is awaited.

IBS Software Services conducted on-campus pooled recruitment drive for 2015 batch BTech students on December 18 and selected two students.

The Bridge programme for Infosys placed students of 2015 batch will be conducted during December 29 to 31 by Ms. Begi Margaret from Infosys Limited.

An artist's vision of the new building of SCMS School of Architecture under construction at the Vidya Nagar Campus, Karukutty.

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SSTMNews from

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The online advertising market in India is projected to reach Rs 3,575 crore by March 2015, a growth of 30 per cent over last year, said Mr.Varghese Chandy. But, many don't know how to spend and where to spend the money effectively, he pointed out. Speaking on the changing habits of news consumption he said that most of the news stories are, today, breaking on facebook. Currently everybody is getting digital, as a result of which the conversation at home is coming down and the whole communication breaks down when the wi-fi is down, said he. However, the future of digital will be when the digital becomes human, he pleaded.

The print media is not going to lose its edge as a result of the growth of the digital media, argued Mr.Anil Fernandes, Advertising Head, India Today Group, speaking in the second session. In my opinion the future of digital advertising is now, because the technology is moving faster changing things and the growth of India in another three-four years down the line will be tremendous, said he.

Mr.Abraham Alapatt, Marketing Head, Thomas Cook, spoke on how the coming generation would lose sight of books and libraries. Internet is a moving library, where we can consume information, buy things and look for jobs. According to him almost 70 per cent of the travelers search the internet before talking to his staff on their requirements. Earlier, the bigger you were, it was more likely that you get more business. But, in contrast, thanks to the growth of the digital medium, today, even if your business is small business will come to you if you are smarter, he added.

In the afternoon session, Mr.Avinash Krishnan, MD, Qanda Communications gave more emphasis to data analytics and the

Faculty Orientation Programme for innovation and entrepreneurship

A workshop organised by KITCO on how to start an innovation and entrepreneurship development centre boot camp in a college was conducted at SCMS campus as a full day Faculty Orientation Programme, on December 5. Mr.Ranjit Dominic, GM, KITCO inaugurated the workshop which was presided over by Prof. P.C. Pillai, Sr. Group Director, SCMS. Dr. V. Raman Nair, Group Director, offered felicitations. Dr. Chandrasekharan Nair, Consultant, KITCO and Mr. Sajith Kumar, Sr. Project Manager, KITCO, also spoke. Faculty members from various colleges were the participants in the workshop.

The participants were given guidelines on setting up technology business incubators in their own institutions whereby they would be in a position to identify young entrepreneurs and help them to start

their own enterprises.

Prof.P.C.Pillai, Senior Group Director, SCMS delivering the presidential address at the Faculty Orientation Programme for innovation and entrepreneurship.

SSTM has volunteered for assessment and accreditation by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), an autonomous body under UGC, for the purpose of upholding the quality of higher education in India. A peer team comprising eminent academic experts under the chairmanship of Prof.R.K.Kale visited the institution during the period from December 10 to 13 to acquaint themselves with the strengths and weaknesses of the institution with reference to quality assurance.

NAAC Accreditation team's visit

The NAAC peer team handing over the assessment report to Dr. Radha P. Thevannoor, Group Director and Dr. Indu Nair, Group Director.

A green audit of our Prathap Nagar campus was conducted by a team led by Dr.Sunny George, Director, Centre for Sustainable Water

importance of data in advertising. He stressed that the future is digital and explained how data analytics is gaining significance in the digital market. If you don't have the strategy to utilise the technology and the right people to execute it, technology would turn out to be useless, he concluded.

The last speaker of the day, Mr.Gilson Manuel, CEO, Strokes Advertising, started by saying that “marketing is all about the width of your brain and not the size of your wallet.” He emphasised on the concept of shop smart and search engine optimisation. He also focused on the impact of social media on deciding strategy for new emerging markets and target audiences.

Dr.V.Raman Nair, Group Director welcomed the gathering and Dr.Filomina P.George, Director, SCMS COCHIN School of Business proposed the vote of thanks.

Prof.R.T.R.Varma, HoD-Marketing, Ms.Bindu K.Nambiar, Assistant Professor-Marketing and Mr.Sudheer Sudhakaran, Associate Professor-Marketing also spoke.

Green audit conducted at SCMS Prathap Nagar campus

Technology and Management at our SSET. The study was aimed at improving the efficiency in the use of scarce resources like water and power and in the management of all waste materials.

The initiatives and the best practices followed in the areas of energy conservation, rain water harvesting, e-waste management, tree plantation, sewage treatment, recycling of paper waste, etc. were examined and evaluated in the study. The students of MTech Environmental Engineering at SSET participated in the audit.


Two books published

Paper presented in Toronto

Conference attended

Paper published

Mr. Oommen K. Sam, Senior Consultant, M.A. Consul-tants, Doha, Qatar, addressed

the students on the topic 'A few tips to succeed at the beginning of your career,' on December 10.

Mr. Pradeep Kumar Nair, State Head (WBO) Kerala, HDFC Bank, spoke to the students on 'Challenges in the present day environment,' on December 19.

Two books in Malayalam authored by Dr. C.K. Rajan, Professor and Chair for Climate & Environmental Changes & Risk Reduction, titled (1) Mazha (Rain) and (2) Nammute Kaalaavastha (Our Climate) were published by the State Institute of Languages, Government of Kerala. The book Mazha was released by Dr. P.V. Joseph, former Director, India Meteorological Department, at a function in Kochi and the book Nammute Kaalaavastha was released by Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, former President of India at a function held in Thiruvananthapuram.

'Linking Civic Sentiment to Actuality' – A Meta Aspect based Sentiment Analysis of Indian Elections, a paper co-authored by Dr. Indu Nair, Group Director, and Dr. Chandana Unnithan, Deakin University, Australia was presented as a poster in the Social Media and Society 2014 conference organized by the Social Media Lab at Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada during September 27-28.

Dr.C.Sengottuvelu, Professor and Head-Consultancy attended the International Conference on Innovative Researches in Commerce at AVS College of Arts and Science, Salem, on September 19.

He also attended the National conference on Strategies, Innovations and Paradigm Shifts in Logistics and Supply Chain Management at SDM IMD, Mysore, on September 26.

Dr. C. Sengottuvelu, Professor and Head-Consultancy published a paper titled 'Measuring Knowledge Management Index of Aircraft Design Centre' in International Journal of Research & Business Innovation (ISSN:2321-5615) Vol.2 No.2, September 2014.

He also published a paper titled 'A study on green manufacturing strategies and practices' in the proceedings of the National Conference on LSCM ISBN 978-93-83302-04-8 September 26, 2014.

An article written by Dr. Jayasri Indiran, Professor, titled 'A study Job Motivation among working women with special reference to those who stay away from home' has been published in PARIPEX – Indian Journal of Research Vol-3 (9) September 2014 issue.

Mr. Pradeep Kumar Nair


National conference

Prof. P.C. Pillai, Sr.Group Director inaugurating the National Conference.

Paper publication

Paper presentations

A two-day National Conference on 'Communication and Microelectronics' was held at the campus on December 18 and 19.

Prof. P.C. Pillai, Senior Group Director inaugurated the conference. Dr. Suresh Nair, Chief Technical Officer, Nest Group, delivered the keynote address. Mr. Sibi Raj Pillai, IIT Mumbai, Mr. B. Ramani, Executive Director, CDAC, Thiruvananthapuram, Prof. M. Madhavan, Director, SSET and Prof. R. Sahadevan, HoD-ECE spoke.

Mr. Manoj Kumar B., Assistant Professor-Automobile Engineering, published a paper titled 'The Influence of Reverse Logistics on Reclaiming - A Case of Recycling Used Truck Tires' in the Elsevier Scopus indexed International journal, International Review of Mechanical Engineering Vol., 8, September 2014, brought out by Praise Worthy Prize, London, U K.

Dr. Vinod P., Associate Professor-CSE presented a paper titled ‘Towards the Detection of Undetectable Metamorphic Malware’ in the 7th ACM International Conference on Security of Information and Networks hosted by School of Computing Science, Glasgow University, UK, during September 8 to 12.

He also chaired a session in Network and defence track, in which the delegates presented papers related to the domain of system and web application security.

Dr. Vinod P. also presented a paper titled, ‘Linux Malware Detection using Non-Parametric Statistical Methods,’ in the International Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems and Social Computing held during September 24- 27.

Dr. Vinod P. again presented a paper titled, ‘Android Malware Analysis using Ensemble Features’ in the 4th International Conference on Security, Privacy and Applied Cryptography Engineering, hosted by the Defence Institute of Advanced Technology, Pune, held during October 18 to 22. The proceedings were published by Springer as an LNCS 8804 volume.

He also presented another paper titled, ‘Linux Malware Detection using extended-Symmetric Uncertainty,’ in the above conference and the proceedings got published by Springer as an LNCS 8804 volume.

Mr. Mahesh Rengaraj, Associate Professor-Mechanical, presented a paper titled ‘Analysis of work factors influencing High Frequency Low Security Work injuries among welders for Safety Interventions’ in the International Conference on Energy, Environment, Materials and Safety (ICEEMS’14) held at School of Engineering, CUSAT, Kochi during December 10 - 12.

Mr. Oommen K. Sam

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