sciencebuddhism - cause and effect - interconnectedness - space and time a dialogue between on

Post on 21-Dec-2015






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Science Buddhism

- Cause and Effect- Interconnectedness- Space and time

A Dialogue between


Classical view: The universe is Deterministic

Universe: mathematically predictable movement of particles and waves

God gives the initial push and the universe evolves deterministically.


Classical universe:

+ God’s initial push

So matter composed particles with well defined trajectory: position and velocity. Their motions are mediated by energy in the form of waves

Is this still true in the subatomic world ?

(x1, v1)(x2, v2)

(x3, v3)

Classical picture

Wave-particle duality


Uncertainty principle: The more accurately we know the position

of an object,

The truth: Superposition of paths

…Quantum Reality

the more uncertain thevelocityposition

Which “path” does it take?


Superposition of A and B if we don’t observe



Either A or if we observe


B but not both

Schrodinger’s cat

Alive or dead?

Quantum theory: The Universe is non-deterministic

Is there a more profound “inherent cause” ?

It’s not seen in real world due to quantum decoherence (too many quantum objects each interfere in there own way)

Superposition of life and death if we don’t observe

Either alive or dead but not both if we observe

Inherent Law of Cause and Effect

God rolls the dice?

Consciousness may help create reality

Three Thousand Realms in a Single Moment of Mind

In the realm of Buddhism:

Transcends space and time: Simultaneity

Penetrate all previous and project to all future life existences

The universe is like an ocean. Lives are water waves momentarily emerge and annihilate from this big ocean

- Josei Toda

Not necessarily a dilemma …

Question: wave or particle ? Classical theory

Ans : wave-particle duality (Quantum Theory)


Interconnectedness (classically): Butterfly effect

After rippling through causal space time

Quantum reality is non-local / (transcends space-time)


Interconnectedness: Quantum Entanglement

Pre condition : Spin_A + Spin_B = 0


not bounded by causality (speed of light)

=A =if

or if

Quantum Entanglement : Besides up/down, similar correspondence of causally unconnected events appear if we measure left/right or other spin directions


Oneness of Self and the Environment

Compassionate Universe

Quantum Cosmology

Baby universe

Mature universeExtincting


Universe Multiverse

Each universe has its own physical constants and geometry

Quantum foam of space and time -Time undefined


Big bang

“Time line” of our universe

Let’s say our universe is here

What Buddhism said ?

It label the law of universe as

nam myoho renge kyo

which includes the following laws

- inherent law of cause and effect

- oneness of self and environment

- eternity of Life

= Devotion to the Mystic Law of the Lotus Sutra (cause and effect)

If Quantum Theory is the ultimate foundation where scientific law can reach,

this opens ways for various religious interpretations. Conversely, religious teachings need to be compatible with

known laws of sciencenon-deterministic universe(for most existing philosophical schools of interpretation)

Our consciousness and belief can affect the reality instantly

* Three thousand realms in a single moment of life

Quantized time and space(in current leading theories)

* Eternity of Lives

non-locality(already varied experimentally)

Every entities in this universe are profoundly linked

* oneness of self and environment


Quest of wisdom of nature and spirit is a forever undertaking.

Not yet !

There is no beginnings and ends !

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