science 10ap: nutrient cycles in...

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Science 10AP: Nutrient Cycles in Ecosystems

2.2E Nutrient Cycles in EcosystemsName:


(Refer to p. 68 – 91 of BC Science 10)

Nutrient Cycling in the Biosphere

Make some notes differentiating nutrients, stores and nutrient cycles.



Metric measurement units used in the diagrams of nutrient cycles:

· gigatonne: _______________________________

· megatonne: ______________________________

**Complete Act. 2-2A Understanding Nutrient Cycles

The Effect of Human Activities on Nutrient Cycles

Make some notes the effect of human activities on nutrient cycles.



What was Biosphere II?



Energy Flow and Chemical Cycling through Ecosystems

(not in text book)

Energy flow occurs linearly, in one direction, through ecosystems. Energy enters from ______________ and exits as heat loss.

Most of the energy acquired by a given level of the food chain is used for respiration at that level and escapes in to the surrounding environment as ______________________________________. This energy is therefore unavailable to the next level of the food chain.

Label the diagram below to differentiate between chemicals cycling through a system and energy flowing.

The Carbon, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus Cycles

Which five elements limit life in ecosystems? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Which of the five chemical elements are cycled between living organisms and the atmosphere?



How does phosphorus enter the environment?


Health of the ecosystem depends on a ______________________ of these five nutrients.


· Every living thing contains ______________.

· Only _________% of the Earth’s crust is carbon.

How carbon is stored

Short term:

· ___________________________________________

· ____________________________________________

· ____________________________________________

· ____________________________________________

· ____________________________________________

Long term:

· ___________________________________________

· ____________________________________________

· ____________________________________________

· ____________________________________________

Define the following:

· sedimentation:


· carbonate: __________________________________________________________


Refer to THE CARBON CYCLE on p. 8 of your Data Booklet to answer the following.

1. The greatest carbon stores on earth: ___________________________________________________________________

2. The store that contains the least amount of carbon: ___________________________________________________________________

3. The greatest carbon exchange (in gigatonnes) and what is responsible : ___________________________________________________________________

4. The smallest carbon exchange (in gigatonnes) and what is responsible : ___________________________________________________________________

5. What process only releases carbon into the cycle? ___________________________________________________________________

How carbon is cycled through the ecosystem




The balanced chemical equation for photosynthesis is:

· Also occurs in some micro-organisms, such as _____________________________.

· Makes usable energy for __________________________.

· By eating plants, ___________________ obtain energy and take _______________ into their cells.

Cellular Respiration


The balanced chemical reaction for cellular respiration is:

Create a diagram that illustrates the link between these two reactions.


The importance of decomposition in the carbon cycle: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Other ways carbon is cycled through ecosystems

· The following also play an important part in the carbon cycle, by releasing CO2 into the atmosphere:

· the oceans:__________________________________________________


· volcanic activity:_____________________________________________

· decomposing trees: ___________________________________________


· forest fires: _________________________________________________


· Human activities have affected the natural carbon cycle in the following ways:

· Burning fossil fuels:


· Land clearing/logging:


The Nitrogen Cycle

Which macromolecules is nitrogen an important component of? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

I. Proteins are made up of ________________ acids.

II. DNA is the abbreviation for _____________________________________

DNA is made up of many nucleotides.

View the Nitrogen cycle animation. It is very good.

How nitrogen is stored (textbook)


How nitrogen is cycled through ecosystems

· ______% of the Earth’s atmosphere is nitrogen gas.

· Most organisms cannot use it in this form, so much of the nitrogen cycle involves ______ processes to make nitrogen available to plants, and then in turn to animals.

1. ________________________________________

2. ________________________________________

3. ________________________________________

1. Nitrogen Fixation: ________________________________________________


Can occur in 3 ways:

1. In the atmosphere: _____________________________________



· Compounds formed by _______ and _______ can enter soil through _______________________.

· Only small amounts

2. In the soil: ____________________________________________


· Bacteria grow in root nodules and legumes.

· Symbiosis -> mutualism: plants get ____________, bacterial get _____________.

3. In water bodies: _______________________________________


2. Nitrification: ___________________________________________________________


· There are 2 stages involving nitrifying bacteria:

1. __________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________

3. Uptake: _______________________________________________________

· These nitrogen compounds compose plant ______________.

· Herbivores and omnivores then eat plants, and use nitrogen for _________& ________________ _______________.

How nitrogen is returned to the atmosphere

Denitrification: ______________________________________________


· denitrifying bacteria converted _____________ (______) back to ___________________ (____).

· Should be a _________________ between the amount of fixed nitrogen and nitrogen returned to the atmosphere.

· N2 is also returned to the atmosphere as ammonia (NH3) through _________________________________________________________



How nitrogen is removed from ecosystems

· Excess nitrogen dissolves in ___________, enters the _______________________, and washes into _________and ____________.

· The nitrogen compounds eventually become trapped in ____________________________________, and will not be released again until the rock is ________________________.


· Due to human activities, the amount of nitrogen in the ecosystem has __________________ in the last 50 years.

1. _______________________________________ and _________________________________ releases nitrogen oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2).

· Burning also releases nitrogen compounds that increase _____ ______________________ in the form of nitric acid (HNO3).

2. ________________________ often use large amounts of nitrogen-containing ______________________.

· Excess nitrogen is washed away, or leached, into the waterways.

· leaching: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

· This promotes huge growth in aquatic algae = eutrophication: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Refer to THE NITROGEN CYCLE on p. 11 of your Data Booklet.

1. What two processes take nitrogen from the atmosphere and where do they occur? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Locate the two stages of nitrification. Name organism(s) and ions involved in the process.


3. What is involved in uptake? List the ion(s) involved. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Locate denitrification on the data table. Name organism(s) and ions involved in the process.


5. Locate and name another natural process that adds nitrogen to the cycle. ____________________________________________________________________

6. Locate and name two human activities that add nitrogen to the cycle. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

The Phosphorus Cycle

Phosphorus is essential for _______________________ in plants and animals

Phosphorus is a part of the molecule that carries _________ in living cells.

· ______: adensosine triphosphate

· a special nucleotide that acts as the ‘energy currency of the cell’. Study this diagram to see what we mean by that:

Here you can see how energy is released from the ATP molecule when it is hydrolyzed to ADP and phosphate:

How is phosphorous used in plants? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

How is phosphorous used in animals? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

How phosphorus is stored

· Phosphorus is not stored in the ________________________.

· it is trapped in _______________________ (PO43–, HPO42–, H2PO4–) found in __________ (Earth’s Crust) and __________________________ in the ocean.

Refer to THE PHOSPHORUS CYCLE on p. 9 of your Data Booklet.

1. List the five phosphorus sinks, in order, from largest to smallest? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

How phosphorus is cycled through ecosystems

Weathering: _____________________________________________________


Differentiate chemical weathering and physical weathering:


· Weathering doesn’t occur until there is geological uplift.

· Geological uplift: __________________________________


Refer to THE PHOSPHORUS CYCLE on p. 9 of your Data Booklet.

1. List the eight processes, in order, from largest to smallest involved in the flow of phosphorus in the phosphorus cycle? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Human activities can either add excess phosphorus to the ecosystem or reduce the phosphorus supplies in the ecosystem.

· Add excess phosphorus:

· Mined for commercial fertilizers and detergents


· Reduce phosphorus supplies:

· Slash-and-burn practices



· Any significant changes to any of these nutrients (____, _____, ____, _____, and _____) can greatly impact the health and biodiversity in an ecosystem

1. Carbon: contributing to _______________________

· _______________ carbon in the atmosphere, slight temperature changes and changes in water level can all affect ecosystem biodiversity

· If one part of the ecosystem is affected/removed, it affects the rest of the food chain/food web.

2. Nitrogen: can seriously affect __________ biodiversity

· Some plants better adapted to ______________ nitrogen levels than others and therefore out complete the less tolerant species.

3. Phosphorus: can affect _______ _________

· _________________ phosphorus have reduced algae production in some lakes, which is an important food source for _________________.

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