schools and youth z-card

Post on 30-May-2018






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8/14/2019 Schools and Youth Z-card 1/2

Helping is easy h your riends, amily, school or club,

u could have lots o un raising money orcmillan. Why not take part in one o ouranised events, such as The Big Sports Day,World’s Biggest Coee Morning or acmillan walk? You could even organise

ur own activities, such as a non-uniorm day.oose an event at

So, what is cancer?Your body is made up o millions o tiny building blocks called cells. For your body tounction normally, old cells must be replacedwith new ones. I this process goes wrong,abnormal, cancerous cells are produced thatdivide and grow quickly. These cells can thencrowd out healthy cells and spread.

 And who are we?Macmillan Cancer Support is here to imthe lives o anyone aected by cancer –people who have cancer, their carers, aand riends. We provide emotional, praand medical help as well as helping peowith money worries. Because there are tmillion people living with cancer in the Uour work is needed more than ever. Thawhy we need people like you to support

Did  you k no w ...1in 3 of  us w ill get  cancer  at  some point  in our  liv es

 young peo

 will  fnd ou the y ha ve 

cancer  tod

 Age 16

Lives County Durham

Hobbies Church, shopping, the gymand going to concerts and es tivals

Macmillan support My mum was supportedby a Macmillan nurse called Jo Thomas.

My story When I was 11, I ound out my mumhad cancer. I helped her around the houseand helped to undraise or the MacmillanPeru Hiking Challenge, which my mum tookpart in. My riends helped to undraise as well.My mum and I have raised £15,000 so ar!I’d advise anyone who knows someone withcancer to talk about it, because it’s not just

the patient who’s aected.

 Age 14

Lives Northamptonshire

Hobbies Rugby and cricket

Macmillan support A Macmillan teenand young adult nurse was there or mduring my treatment.

My story I was diagnosed with leukaein December 2008 and stayed in LeiceRoyal Infrmary or six months, receivinchemotherapy. I’ve fnished now andI’m fne. I had a lot o support on the wand rom my amily, riends and my lorugby club, the Northampton Saints. Tschool were also very supportive. I’m n

back at school ull time and I’m treatedas i I’ve never been away.

Share we help people share theirexperiences o cancer with each other.

Understand we help peopleunderstand what the uture may hold.

Professionals we train our healthand social care proessionals so they are experts in supporting people.

Push we push the governmentto improve cancer care.

Online we provide lots o inormationand support or young people.

Relaxing we build cancer centreswhere people receive treatment ina relaxing environment.

Telephone we now have one number

you can call i you need support or justwant to ask a specialist a question –0808 808 00 00.

 There are o ve

200 di f feren  t ypes o f canc

 e t  m e 

 mily  ma t 

Ker-ching!I you do raise money or Macmillan,this is how it can help:

51p could pay to produce onecopy o The cancer guide.

£22 could und a Macmillanamily support worker or one hour.

£184 could und a Macmillan

nurse or one day.


A round 

f children  with 

ancer sur vi ve


8/14/2019 Schools and Youth Z-card 2/2

on’t smokeoking not only causes bad breath, wrinkles,ow teeth and smelly hair, it’s also an expensivebit and one which can lead to a number oesses. Around 90% o lung cancer casesdue to smoking.

The BSports DEaten too much ood and watchetoo much TV oveholidays? Want ft and healthy? dust o your traiwash that smellykit and encouragschool or youth

incorporate a uchallenge as pasports day. Everyraised will help pliving with canceundraising ideamore inormatiomacmillan.orgschools

Be careful in the sunToo much time in the sun will not only damageyour skin, it can also lead to skin cancer.Protect yoursel rom the sun’s UV rays by:

• stayingintheshadeduring11am–3pm  when the sun’s rays are strongest

• usingpropersuncream,atleastfactor15• wearingprotectiveclothing,awidebrimmed

hat and sunglasses

• reapplyingsuncreamafterswimming

ExerciseOne hour o exercise a day can help reduceyour risk o getting cancer later in lie. Andremember, this doesn’t just mean playingsport. It can also mean walking, workingin the garden or hoovering.

u’ll need

a ting apples, 1 ki wi, 1 banana, 6 green 

apes, 2  tablespoons o f na tural  yoghur t

Peel, core and chop  the  frui t

Pop  the  frui t in to a blender and 

whizz i t all toge ther

S top toadd t wospoon fulso fna tural 

yoghur t and blend again

Pour in to a glass and enjo y.

or more delicious and nu tri tious recipe ideas, 

si t /schools

educe the risk e don’t know why some people getncer, but we do know there are ways toduce the risk of developing it in later life.

at a balanced dietnutritious diet can reduce the risk

developing many cancers – so it’swith the burger and chips and

with the ruit and veg! Try to eat portions a day.

Sunbeds can do mor e damage 

to y our skin than natural sunlight.F A CT 

Mac m i l lan

smoo thie M a r v

 e l l o u s

Call Macmillan free on

0808 808 00 0This is our number or everyone aectcancer. You can ring it 9am–8pm, Moto Friday, i you have a question about

cancer, need inormation or just want talk. Every call made to it is confdentiaso it won’t show up on your phone bill



Be body awareYour body changes a lot as youbecome an adult, so make sureyou know what to expect. Thatway you’ll be able to spot anythingunusual. I you’re worried aboutanything, speak to your parents ordoctor about it as soon as possible.It’s very unlikely to be cancer, butit’s important to get it checked out.

F AC T E xercising reg

ularl y 

 will impro ve bone, 

muscle s treng th 

and  fe xibili t y.

Find out more about r educing y our r isk of  getting cancer at macmillan.or  / schools

What now?Now that you know loads aboutcancer, why not fnd out even . Thereinormation or both young peopleteachers, including downloadable clips and lesson ideas.

Quick quizst what you know about cancer withacmillan Cancer Support’s quick quiz.

My score: /8

How many types of cancer are there? a) less than 10 b) 50 c) over 200

True or false? – anyone can get cancer.a) true b) alse

Making sure you do 1 hour of whatevery day can help to reduce yourrisk of getting cancer?a) eating sweets b) exercise c) watching TV 

Which of these does NOT reduce your risk of getting skin cancer when it is sunny?a) wearing suncream b) wearing a sunhatc) sunbathing

5 True or false? – using a sunbedis less harmful to your skin thanlying in the sun.a) true b) alse

6 Roughly what percentage of children with cancer survive the illness?a)35% b)55% c)75%

7 True or false? – cancer cells divide andgrow more quickly than normal cells.a) true b) alse

8 What is the main cause of lung andthroat cancer?a) smoking b) alcohol c) atty oods

To fnd out answers and tocomplete the ull online quiz

© Macmillan Cancer Support, registered charity in England and Wales(261017),Scotland(SC039907)andtheIsleofMan(604).MAC6705_0509

F AC T 114,000 people 

in  the UK  die each 

 year  from smoking-

rela ted illnesses, 

including cancer.

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