school shootings keynote this slide show is a compilation of slides and notes used by tom mcintyre...

Post on 28-Mar-2015






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School Shootings KeynoteSchool Shootings Keynote• This slide show is a compilation of slides and notes used by This slide show is a compilation of slides and notes used by

Tom McIntyre when presenting at a conference in Wisconsin Tom McIntyre when presenting at a conference in Wisconsin in March March 2007.

• The material may be a bit out of synchronization due to the The material may be a bit out of synchronization due to the combining of notes and slides.combining of notes and slides.

• Dr. Mac is available to present sessions on school-wide and Dr. Mac is available to present sessions on school-wide and classroom practices that help to prevent violence within and classroom practices that help to prevent violence within and against schools.against schools.

• Color code:Color code:• A A redred punctuation mark on a slide indicates that the slide punctuation mark on a slide indicates that the slide

material has stopped developing. Click to expose the next material has stopped developing. Click to expose the next component of the slide.component of the slide.

• A A greengreen punctuation mark indicates the end of a slide. Click punctuation mark indicates the end of a slide. Click to view the next slideto view the next slide..

Speaker NotesSpeaker NotesGood day. As opposed to a bad one, like April 20, 1999.

That late afternoon through night is indelibly etched in otherwise heavily perforated memory.

I was taking a break from some office work brought home, I set my still-steaming microwaved chicken pot pie & my too warm to be called iced tea on the toy-laden coffee table & picked up the TV remote.

I always start my viewing with CNN to see if anything important is happening anywhere... You know:- Which celebrity is going into rehab or apologizing for saying something insensitive;

- Which muscle-bound athlete is denying the use of steroids;- What’s happening to poor Britney

-...Am I STILL on Mr. Blackwell’s worst dressed list…).

I quickly realize that a major news story, this one of epic proportions, will be occupying our television screens for several days, maybe weeks.

I didn’t know then that the event would emotionally haunt us for years to come.

Speaker NotesSpeaker NotesThat afternoon’s happenings held particular interest for me as an educator.

Now, as a parent, it holds an even tighter grasp on certain parts of my psyche:

“It” being: Kids killing kids in a school in Littleton, Colorado.

I sat aghast through the late afternoon, & into the evening ...& late night

watching the non-stop coverage of the astonishing event, & trying to make sense of what had happened.

Dumbstruck, I watched the- repeated showings of the same appalling video clips, -the content-empty interviews,- the superficial analysis,

& - the uniformed speculation.

It was numbingly redundant... yet sadly & enormously gripping.

Speaker NotesSpeaker NotesIn a harrowing short period of time,

- 2 high-school seniors, -setting propane tank bombs,

& - wielding guns & knives as they walked their school’s hallways with impunity,

set out on their horrific mission to kill hundreds… HUNDREDS of their peers.

When all was nearing the end, 12 youth & 1 teacher lie lifeless.

Self-inflicted gunshot wounds then ended 2 more young lives:Those of the terribly misguided boys whose names…

Klebold & Harris, have become- for many, synonymous with evil;- admired icons of validated rage for many other disconnected youth;- and calls for action on the part of some of us.

Columbine High SchoolColumbine High School

Speaker NotesSpeaker NotesThe “Columbine Massacre”, as it would come to be known, was & still remains,

the greatest loss of life in America’s long & tragic history of kids killing kids in a placewhere idyllically cognitive & physical challenges are the foci.

It happened in a harborage where personal safety is presumed, & the welfare of kids is our life’s mission…

A safe port where the schoolhouse doors are supposed to serve as a breakwater from society’s stormy seas that rage beyond.

Each new copy-cat episode evokes those same painful- images-memories,- & feelings.

Each brings again to the forefront multitudinous questions... for children & the educational professionals who serve them:

- Who would do such a thing?

- What could drive someone to engage in such a heinous act? - How can I be sure that this horror won't happen to me? - Is anyone really safe anywhere?

Newspaper Caption:Newspaper Caption: “Weston High “Weston High School students visit the scene of the School students visit the scene of the shooting Friday in Cazenovia, Wis.”shooting Friday in Cazenovia, Wis.”

Speaker NotesSpeaker Notes

Recently, the unthinkable happened close to YOUR home:Two days after his Wednesday anger management class,

a kid carrying 2 loaded firearms entered his school.

I read in large part, the words of a blog reporter, Kathy K.:On Friday, September 29, 2006, 15-year-old Erik Hainstock drove to Weston Schools in

Cazenovia, Wisconsin armed with a shotgun and a .22-caliber revolver that he allegedly took from his home.

Mr. Dave Thompson, a custodian, observed Hainstock entering the building... and then holding the shotgun to the face of a teacher who questioned what he was doing.

Hainstock allegedly replied ‘I’m going to kill someone’. At that point, Mr. Thompson yanked the shotgun out of the boy’s hands. Hainstock broke free.

Thompson noticed that Hainstock was going for something in his pocket and told the teacher to run, yelling that he thought the youth had another gun. The teacher ran for the office to call the “code blue” to lock down the school. Thompson ran out the door to call 911. It was then that Principal John Klang confronted Hainstock.

That action resulted in the untimely death of, by all accounts, a dedicated & valued mentor &


Comments regarding Mr. John KlangComments regarding Mr. John Klang from a from a USA TodayUSA Today and Wisconsin State Journal articles and Wisconsin State Journal articles

• ""He was really niceHe was really nice," ," she said, choking back tears.she said, choking back tears. " "If we If we had a problem he'd listen to us. He never raised his voice or had a problem he'd listen to us. He never raised his voice or anything to any of the studentsanything to any of the students.“.“

• Resident Laurie Rhea, 42, said Klang spent last weekend at Resident Laurie Rhea, 42, said Klang spent last weekend at a gas station washing cars for a homecoming fundraiser.a gas station washing cars for a homecoming fundraiser. ""It's horrible. All the kids just loved himIt's horrible. All the kids just loved him," ," she said.she said.

• "I always thought he got along with Mr. Klang. If Eric had "I always thought he got along with Mr. Klang. If Eric had trouble they would talk, and things would get better.“trouble they would talk, and things would get better.“

(Eric Schneider, classmate of Eric Hainstock)(Eric Schneider, classmate of Eric Hainstock)

• .. The proposedThe proposed Klang Memorial Klang Memorial

Speaker NotesSpeaker Notes

(continuing from the blog) Mr. Klang rushed to disarm him. In the ensuing struggle Klang was shot three times. Despite being mortally wounded he managed to continue the strugge & eventually disarmed Hainstock, kicking the gun out of reach. Another teacher watching through his classroom door window, and according to some accounts several students, rushed into the hallway and wrestled Hainstock to the ground. They restrained him until taken into custody by law enforcement authorities who arrived on the scene within minutes.

(end of blog report)

Another more massive plan by 3 boys in Green Bay was foiled only days before its abhorrent implementation, when a fellow student, Matt Atkinson, informed the assistant principal. The school has since set up a scholarship fund in his name, hoping to bring

- attention-admiration,- & emulation to those who prevent school shootings.


Speaker NotesSpeaker Notes

In the former incident, you folks have experienced, directly or indirectly, the violation of all we hold to be sacred…

A tragedy has befallen a colleague, -one of our own,- by a student he was dedicated to serving.

These events inevitably bring forth a swirled multitude of emotions that ebb & flow depending on

- the day,- the settings,- & the situations in which we find ourselves.


These situations are often analyzed from a 3 circle perspective:


Other EducatorsOther Educators


Know someone inKnow someone in the school communitythe school community

School communitySchool community


Levels of ConnectionLevels of Connection

Speaker NotesSpeaker Notes Witness to the event

.. Someone who spends the day in the school.. Knowing someone in the school

.. I would add a 4th concentric circle… (Click)- containing Wisconsin school professionals.- Members of the larger educational clan.

.. I supposed I’m in the 5th ring…. (Click) ... Educator.- Far removed in geography from the event,

but close in spirit & mission.

Far removed from the actual situations, but holding a stew pot of feelings, some always intense like compassion & concern (for all kids…even the shooters)

Some that I try to subdue like- anger- rage,- …revenge.

Sprinkled in is a bit of sadness, fear, disgust, anxiety, & other feelings that are hard for me to identify.

Speaker NotesSpeaker NotesWe all need a productive outlet for feelings such as these.

I was so moved by the events in Littleton, CO, that I immersed myself in research & writing regarding the impact of incidents such as these on children & school-based professionals.

The result was a web page pertaining to school shootings.

I posted it on my web site, hoping that the 1400 teachers a day who visit it could glean something useful & be able to address issues in their schools.

There is stays to this day... Poorly presented visually (I’m using circa 1996 software & circa late 1986 understanding of web site design),

but I hope the content is helpful to my fellow educators.

As one teacher from Greece wrote to me: “There is some wonderful information on your site Dr. Mac, but WHEW, you’ve got the UGLIEST site on the internet!”

Any offers of free help in web site design are gratefully accepted. A 6th ring in our model would be the general public…Sometimes supportive of us;

Other times not.

But in these tragic situations, they too view the recurring heroic actions of educators in these situations to be notable.

Speaker NotesSpeaker NotesPAUSE

I accepted the offer to visit with you today because of my persistent professional pre-occupation with events such as the ones mentioned & my continuing self-imposed assignment to serve my colleagues as I am able.

The title…. Emerging From The Fog Bank: Resetting our Course with a Newfound Clarity of Purpose, came to me while I was first thinking of what to say here today.

Please allow me to digress a bit.

While I think that the similarities to schools will be vaguely evident, when I’m done regaling you with a salty sea yarn, I’ll make a point of connecting the dots & relating it all back to our session’s focus.

I recollected a mission ordered to undertake while serving our country in the Coast Guard. - Semper Paratus!

It means “Always readyl.”- Sage words for educators too.

More recently, I’ve been chanting the Marine Corps motto: “Semper Fidelis”…”Always faithful”. My wife makes me say it before I go out the door. Hoo Rah.

Anyway, I was the coxswain, the captain so to speak, of a 30 foot twin-diesel engine utility boat based in New London CT.

Speaker NotesSpeaker NotesOur usual daily duty was Port Security; Patrolling by the Navy Submarine facility there.

Periodically, we’d escort one of the nuclear attack subs as it negotiated the channel on its way to or from its patrol.

Other times we embarked on search & rescue endeavors in stormy seas.

More often, we’d find ourselves- Towing a becalmed sailboat back to harbor- Seeking out the source of pollution- or Conducting courtesy safety checks

... Although... the main highlight of a warm summer day was cruising past the local beaches & using our binoculars to search for scantily-clad sun bathers.

& you thought Coasties cruising off of your beach on Lake Michigan were on safety patrol!


*Winter brought a wholly different kind of waterborne duty.

Racine, WI: Racine, WI: 36 foot Coast Guard 36 foot Coast Guard Motor Life BoatMotor Life Boat

Speaker NotesSpeaker Notes- This isn’t the boat of which I spoke. Mine was 6 feet shorter! It does, however, give

a good idea of what it’s like to be on an open boat in the flow ice.

One particular late afternoon on a frigid January day, we were directed to take some large batteries out to the lighthouse station that protruded proudly from an enormous rock outcropping in the Long Island Sound.

There, electricians were struggling to bring the darkened beacon back to brilliance.

The urgency of the mission was evident...a dense fog shrouded the area.

It was nearing dusk by the time we were bundled up (No immersion suits or heated boat cabins in the old days), warmed up the twin diesels, threw off the lines stiffened with ice, & headed our trusty craft southward to push against the incoming brackish tide.

Cruising the 2½ miles to the mouth of the river & the entrance to the Sound was a visual, mental, & physical struggle.

In the vast, dark, grey blanket that enveloped us, the usual sights were indistinct or absent; sounds were amplified & distorted.

I navigated by chart & compass as best I could while my 2 crew members shined lights into the haze in a mostly futile attempt to stimulate reflective tape on the channel buoys.

Recognizing the need to reassure my crew with a brave face, I recollected the telling of a tale of a Captain of an 3-masted privateer, who when he heard from the crow’s nest that an enemy ship had been sited off the starboard quarter, said to the cabin boy “Bring me my red shirt.”

The young man was perplexed, but fetched the bright red garment.

After the captain brilliantly directed his men to victory, he was asked by the boy why he wore a red shirt.

The captain replied: “If I were wounded in battle, my blood would not show, & the crew would continue to fight.”

While in reality, I was attired totally in Coast Guard blue & black, in my mind that cold night I was wearing scarlet!

On nights such as this, it was standard procedure to use the radar scope to negotiate the buoy-marked course.

Not that night though…The upper right quadrant of the round screen was totally blank!

It had been non-functional for a couple of weeks as we waited for the Navy to send a technician to make the necessary electronic repairs.

Realizing the danger of cruising into the unknown, I periodically bought the boat to a halt, and spun it around slowly so that whatever existed in front of us & to the right (from 12 o’clock to 3 o’clock if imagine a clock face) was now revealed in a working section of the circular scope

That stationary feat, while necessary for navigational precision & safety, also placed us at risk for sucked up gathering ice chunks into the tubes that brought water to the jacket that surrounded our engines & kept them cool. If the tubes became blocked, no water would reach the cooling jackets.

A “diesel runaway” was then a definite possibility… An uncontrollable escalation of engine RPM’s until the darn thing blows up.

Motivated by self preservation, my crew diligently pushed the ice chunks away as best they could with the boat hooks.

Anyway, unbeknownst to us at that moment, the remaining ¾ of the damaged radar screen was showing small buoys as being large, resembling the blips indicating tanker ships; & large objects as being small, like marker buoys.

Distances were also inaccurately calibrated.

We adjusted our course to what we thought was the next buoy, & crawled along with a crewman sitting on the bow.

He alternated between placing a wet newspaper page over a hand-held search light in order to create a yellowish glow that cut the fog better than the white light that got reflected back into our eyes, & exposing that white light in an attempt to excite the buoys’ reflective tape.

As we neared the marker buoy, my right ear received my radar man’s terrified shout: “Holy sh…COW! It’s coming at us. It’s not the buoy. It’s the ferry!”

He was not referring to Tinkerbell…

Nor was he speaking of my fairy Godmother whose wings must have frosted up, or maybe she got lost in the haze… because she wasn’t with me that night at that moment.

He was referring to the imminent arrival into our port bow of the massive, car carrying Long Island to New London Ferry.

There’s a 2nd part to the story about the captain who wore the red shirt...

A few days later, upon hearing from the crow’s nest that 20 enemy ships had been sighted off the starboard quarter, the cabin boy rushed to the captain’s side anticipating the order to fetch the red shirt.

Instead, he received a new command:........

“Bring me my Brown pants.”

Reacting to the imminent danger, I yelled to my bow-mounted crewman to “Hold on!”, pulled the wheel hard to starboard, & gunned the engines.

We looked back to witness the New London Ferry, enormous in it’s presence, traversing the spot where our boat sat just a few moments earlier.

It then vaporized into the night as quickly as it had materialized.

Wobbling wildly on the Ferry’s wake, we closed our gaping mouths & unfixed our wide-eyed stares from that still churning spot.

I turned to the crewman next to me, & we shared a befuddled & bewildered exchange of glances.

Meanwhile, the fella hanging onto the bow rails was yelling into the darkness…cursing- Several government agencies,- Ferry boat radar operators, …- & Himself… for joining up with the Guard!

Anyway, we contacted the ferry’s wheelhouse via short wave radio, & after a

rather interesting opening to our static-ridden conversation, they used their radar to give us approximate coordinates & distance to the lighthouse.

This sharing of knowledge was a not-so-apparent-at-the-time example of interagency cooperation to reach one’s goal after experiencing a near catastrophe.

New London Ledge LightNew London Ledge Light

• Light pattern:Light pattern: – Three white flashes Three white flashes (followed by)(followed by)

– One red flashOne red flash– Repeating every 30 secondsRepeating every 30 seconds

• Fog horn:Fog horn:– Two blasts every 20 secondsTwo blasts every 20 seconds

• To make a long story short (Too late?):

• We located the lighthouse, off-loaded our cargo to a couple of life-vested, rope-secured fellow Coasties whenever our boat rose to the top of one of the swells that rushed over the low, thin catwalk upon which they stood as best they could.

• The lunging, lurching rise & fall of our bow, slightly out of sync with the swells, sent frigid waves rushing back over the deck toward us, soaking our heavy cotton clothes.

• Later, the ice-encrusted lashes of our eyes would lift to see the quickly circulating streams of light approach & brightly flash to our stern before leaving us.

• Our frost-nipped ears heard the periodic double belch of the fog horn drown out the chugging of our twin diesels.


• Hypothermic & emotionally exhausted, we arrived back at our berth after coming within feet of running headlong into a dock at the sub base

• (I wonder what it costs to reimburse the Navy for scratching & denting one of their nuclear-powered attack vessels).

• Although untrained & unprepared for the hazards that presented themselves that day, we did what needed to be done in the face of fear.

• Mission accomplished: Partly due to• - bravery,• - skill,• -& quick thinking…

• Partly due to dumb luck.

• Success was also partly due to cooperation with another group of professionals who operated in the same waters as us.

• We recounted our story to the Officer of the Watch,& later to a panel of safety officers sent to investigate the incident.

• Our report to superiors resulted in positive changes locally & nationwide:• - To standard procedures;• - To our craft• - To our training;• - To crew comfort & safety,• - To cooperation with other agencies concerned with the same issues as us.

• It’s rewarding to think that our close encounter with catastrophe was a stimulus for positive changes.

While the comparisons might be strained at times, a summary glance back at the events of that winter night… & nearly all school incidents… reveal several of the same characteristics & implications.

Both involved skilled professionals operating in familiar waters, but without the preparation & resources necessary for optimal response in a frightening & unexpected situation.

Both point out the need for:- Better systems to handle those possible episodes,- Designated standard procedures- Greater communication with other agencies,- The necessary equipment to safeguard those in “the boat”,- & Better training & treatment for the “crew”.

Weston High School in Cazenovia, to their credit, had already made progress in that direction.

According to news reports, “Code Blue” was called over the speakers.

Teachers looked at their code sheets & responded by locking doors & hiding the pupils.

FINALLY… a valid use of school speakers during class time,…

not just office staff taking it upon themselves to summon lost administrators & announce the lunch menu during my World History class.

• And if we should ever find ourselves enveloped in the errie & disconcerting world of an educational “thermal inversion”,we’ve got 2 choices:

• Get through it or Rise above it.

• Then use our experience & newfound clarity to reset our course.

• That is where we find ourselves now.

• Both my nautical situation & your 2 episodes point to the need to prepare for the worst case scenario, …while still enjoying the calmness (interrupted by few ripples

& swells) of a typical school day.

• Since the occurrence of your two events, I understand that many well-intentioned changes have been suggested…some more viable & thoughtful than others.

• Some suggestions, mostly school security measures, have been implemented.

• Many of you have studied up on the issues. However, many of us still operate in an informational fog when it comes to assaults on schools.

• Our thinking, & therefore, out planning are often clouded by:

• - Mixed & intense emotions,• - Inaccurate perceptions,• - & Non-validated conclusions.

• Misconceptions abound about the various aspects of school shootings:• - The shooters,• - Their home life,• - The warning signals,• - The prevalence,• - & How to best protect our kids.

• Today, in the remainder of this keynote, I’d like to help dissipate the haze of misinformation surrounding the school-based events.

• Acquiring accurate information allows us to engage in productive discussions & leads to better prevention & reaction strategies.

• Clear sight can also give us clarity of insight.

• It can help us avoid running aground on the misinformation shoals while we navigate directly to our destination of creating safe & welcoming schools.

• Yes… Opinions on these matters are spouted everywhere.Yes… Opinions on these matters are spouted everywhere.• Surprisingly, they sometimes differ from my own.Surprisingly, they sometimes differ from my own.• That’s OK.That’s OK.• It’s America, & Constitution grants them the right to voice their opinion… It’s America, & Constitution grants them the right to voice their opinion… • - even when it is opposed to mine! - even when it is opposed to mine! • As an upstanding citizen of this great country, I respect that right!As an upstanding citizen of this great country, I respect that right!• They have the right…They have the right…• To be To be wrongwrong!!•• E Pluribus Unum!E Pluribus Unum!

• Just kidding, of course…I haven’t been elected President yet…Just kidding, of course…I haven’t been elected President yet…

• although I’ll be announcing my candidacy from this podium later today…although I’ll be announcing my candidacy from this podium later today…

• Just in time for the Wisconsin primary.Just in time for the Wisconsin primary.• • • Certainly, we’re entitled to our views, but we also have an obligation to Certainly, we’re entitled to our views, but we also have an obligation to

make them informed opinions.make them informed opinions.

• Let’s take a look at what we know.Let’s take a look at what we know... ..

Apparitions in the Fog: Real or Apparitions in the Fog: Real or Imagined?Imagined?

• Often heard claims:Often heard claims:• School attacks are increasing in number and ferocity.School attacks are increasing in number and ferocity.• In its 2002 report, the Secret Service In its 2002 report, the Secret Service (in conjunction with (in conjunction with

the USDOE)the USDOE) created a typical profile of shooters. created a typical profile of shooters.• They’re evil, crazy, They’re evil, crazy, OROR normal kids who just “snapped.” normal kids who just “snapped.”• Most school attacks occur without warning. Usually Most school attacks occur without warning. Usually

nobody knew that it was going happen.nobody knew that it was going happen.• ““Zero tolerance”, metal detectors, and security Zero tolerance”, metal detectors, and security

guards are necessary parts of today’s educational guards are necessary parts of today’s educational experience. There’s not much else experience. There’s not much else schools can do to schools can do to protect those insideprotect those inside..

• So…True or FalseSo…True or False??

T-F:T-F: School attacks are increasing School attacks are increasingin number and ferocityin number and ferocity..

• School violence School violence (murder, robbery, rape, assault) (murder, robbery, rape, assault) decreased during the 1990decreased during the 1990s.s. (Defoe, et. al. 2002)(Defoe, et. al. 2002)

• Violent crime in schools is now ½ of the 1994 rates.Violent crime in schools is now ½ of the 1994 rates.• School Crime is now equivalent to 1980 rates.School Crime is now equivalent to 1980 rates.

(Snyder, 2004).(Snyder, 2004).

• Given domestic violence rates, students are safer in Given domestic violence rates, students are safer in school than at than at home. (Cornell, 2006). (Cornell, 2006).

• 12-20 deaths per year since 2000 in school violence12-20 deaths per year since 2000 in school violence• 30 deaths per year30 deaths per year (average)(average) in the 1990in the 1990ss

• An educator can expect a shooting at his/her An educator can expect a shooting at his/her school school once every 12,804 yearsonce every 12,804 years.. (National (National School Safety Council, 2002)School Safety Council, 2002)

Speaker notes for “School attacks are Speaker notes for “School attacks are

increasing in number” slideincreasing in number” slide (previous to that slide)(previous to that slide)

• - School shootings are significant, but - School shootings are significant, but extremely rareextremely rare happenings. happenings.• - Despite hyperbolic reporting in the media, there is - Despite hyperbolic reporting in the media, there is no epidemicno epidemic..• -I certainly am cognizant-I certainly am cognizant• that the deaths of 12-20 students & educators a yearthat the deaths of 12-20 students & educators a year• are worthy of note,are worthy of note,• but I mention the statistic to show that our but I mention the statistic to show that our

perceptionperception of the number of shootings may be of the number of shootings may be inaccurate.inaccurate.

• I suspect some thought the # was less, but…I suspect some thought the # was less, but…

• Less than 1%Less than 1% of child homicides occur from when the student of child homicides occur from when the student leaves leaves home for school to when he or she returns home.home for school to when he or she returns home.

• McIntyre, maybe it’s not so much the numbers…McIntyre, maybe it’s not so much the numbers…• as it is the nature of the as it is the nature of the


T-F:T-F: Forget the rates, it’s the randomness and Forget the rates, it’s the randomness and unpredictability of the acts that are scary. Rarely unpredictability of the acts that are scary. Rarely does someone know that a school attack is about does someone know that a school attack is about

to occurto occur..• In Bethel, AK, a crowd of students gathered in the library In Bethel, AK, a crowd of students gathered in the library

to watch another carry out his threat to kill himself. to watch another carry out his threat to kill himself. When the event was over, one adult and one student When the event was over, one adult and one student (not (not the shooter)the shooter) were dead. were dead.

• In Cazenovia, WI, Erik Hainstock told a friend that the In Cazenovia, WI, Erik Hainstock told a friend that the principal would notprincipal would not “Make it through homecoming.” “Make it through homecoming.”

• "I think some kids might have known what was going on,""I think some kids might have known what was going on," he he said.said. "I'd heard things up at school. There were a lot of "I'd heard things up at school. There were a lot of rumors.“rumors.“

James Nowak, Eric Hainstock’s special education James Nowak, Eric Hainstock’s special education teacherteacher As reported in the As reported in the Wisconsin State JournalWisconsin State Journal 3/18/073/18/07

• In Green Bay, WI, a student prevented an imminent In Green Bay, WI, a student prevented an imminent attack by telling school officialsattack by telling school officials..

Notes accompanying previous slideNotes accompanying previous slide- Secret Service Report (2002):- Secret Service Report (2002): Previous to 3/4 of shootings other students had specific Previous to 3/4 of shootings other students had specific

information or valid suspicions that a shooting was going to happen.information or valid suspicions that a shooting was going to happen.  - Before vast majority of attacks someone else knew- Before vast majority of attacks someone else knew

……almost always other kids:almost always other kids:- friends- friends- schoolmates- schoolmates- siblings- siblings

- Given often-found - Given often-found code of silencecode of silence among adolescents, info rarely reached adults: among adolescents, info rarely reached adults: - parents- parents- school personnel- school personnel- law enforcement- law enforcement

- If we could convince kids to report what they know or suspect,- If we could convince kids to report what they know or suspect, perhaps most school shootings could be prevented…perhaps most school shootings could be prevented…

as was the case in last point on the was the case in last point on the slide.

Here’s the Newspaper Report:Here’s the Newspaper Report: “Thursday, September 14, 2006 - Matt Atkinson, a 17-year-old “Thursday, September 14, 2006 - Matt Atkinson, a 17-year-old senior, told an associate principal at Green Bay East High School on the day after the senior, told an associate principal at Green Bay East High School on the day after the Montreal college shooting that a Columbine-like plot was being planned by two teens.Montreal college shooting that a Columbine-like plot was being planned by two teens.It was said to be a "suicide-by-cop" plot. Police arrested the boys and then found sawed-off It was said to be a "suicide-by-cop" plot. Police arrested the boys and then found sawed-off shotguns, automatic weapons, pistols, ammunition, several bombs, bomb-making shotguns, automatic weapons, pistols, ammunition, several bombs, bomb-making materials, camouflage clothing, helmets, gas masks, and suicide notes. Brown County materials, camouflage clothing, helmets, gas masks, and suicide notes. Brown County District Attorney John Zakowski said: "This was a Columbine waiting to happenDistrict Attorney John Zakowski said: "This was a Columbine waiting to happen..""

OK… Then it’s the assailants that are OK… Then it’s the assailants that are unpredictable. These kids are eitherunpredictable. These kids are either




• - Let’s look at the latter- Let’s look at the latter……

They’re They’re EvilEvil

• Whether we believe that human beings are Whether we believe that human beings are “born evil”, “born good”, or “tabla rosa”, “born evil”, “born good”, or “tabla rosa”, we then become products of our environment.we then become products of our environment.

• The home life of shooters is The home life of shooters is invariablyinvariably disordered: disordered: All All shootersshooters..

Notes to accompany previous slide Notes to accompany previous slide (“Evil”)(“Evil”)

• When we arrive on this granite planet:When we arrive on this granite planet:• - Evil:- Evil: As per original sin in Bible, & philosophy of Hobbs & Freud As per original sin in Bible, & philosophy of Hobbs & Freud• - Good:- Good: As per the teachings from the Koran/Qur'an As per the teachings from the Koran/Qur'an• - Blank slate:- Blank slate: As per the philosophy of Locke, Berkeley, & Hume As per the philosophy of Locke, Berkeley, & Hume• - - NONENONE of the shooters was without troubles in family relationships. of the shooters was without troubles in family relationships. • - Life may look superficially normal in the homes of shooters,- Life may look superficially normal in the homes of shooters,• but one doesn't have to scratch very far below the surfacebut one doesn't have to scratch very far below the surface• to find significant problems with the families…to find significant problems with the families…• - severe marital discord- severe marital discord• - lack of supervision,- lack of supervision,• && - ineffective,- ineffective,• - distorted, - distorted, • - &/or hostile child rearing practices - &/or hostile child rearing practices

(including physical & sexual abuse).(including physical & sexual abuse).• - Shooters have voiced feelings of being disregarded/socially neglected at home.- Shooters have voiced feelings of being disregarded/socially neglected at home.• - They were not valued & welcomed in their own families!- They were not valued & welcomed in their own families!• - They were not given warmth in life’s incubator- They were not given warmth in life’s incubator..

He Was “He Was “CrazyCrazy””

From the 2002 USSS/USDOE report:From the 2002 USSS/USDOE report:

• 1/3 of attackers had been seen by a mental health 1/3 of attackers had been seen by a mental health professional.professional.

• 1/5 of attackers had been diagnosed with a 1/5 of attackers had been diagnosed with a psychological condition.psychological condition.

• Substance abuse was not prevalentSubstance abuse was not prevalent ..

• Previous to the event, shooters demonstrated a Previous to the event, shooters demonstrated a need for mental health assistance,need for mental health assistance, showing showing some history of:some history of:

– Extreme depression.Extreme depression.– Pronounced desperation, despondencyPronounced desperation, despondency

& loss of hope. & loss of hope.– Suicidal ideation and/or attemptsSuicidal ideation and/or attempts..

Notes to accompany previous slide Notes to accompany previous slide (“Crazy”)(“Crazy”)

• - Pejorative term for M.I.- Pejorative term for M.I.

• - DSM American Psychiatric Association - DSM American Psychiatric Association Diagnostic CriteriaDiagnostic Criteria

• - The words of Sigmund Freud seem - The words of Sigmund Freud seem apropo here:apropo here:

““Homicide is suicideHomicide is suicideturned inside out.”turned inside out.”

Excerpts from Excerpts from Wisconsin State JournalWisconsin State Journal 3/18/073/18/07

• Officials had been concerned about Hainstock since Officials had been concerned about Hainstock since preschool, interviews and documents revealed.preschool, interviews and documents revealed.

• In a criminal child abuse complaint against Shawn In a criminal child abuse complaint against Shawn Hainstock, Eric's father, filed five years ago, Sauk Hainstock, Eric's father, filed five years ago, Sauk County prosecutors said the boy County prosecutors said the boy "has a medical condition "has a medical condition affecting (his) behavior and that the child's family can no affecting (his) behavior and that the child's family can no longer afford the medication or counseling (he) needs for his longer afford the medication or counseling (he) needs for his condition."condition." As part of a deferred prosecution agreement, As part of a deferred prosecution agreement, Shawn Hainstock pleaded no contest to a lesser charge Shawn Hainstock pleaded no contest to a lesser charge of battery.of battery.

• Years ago, Nowak said, the boy's preschool teacher and Years ago, Nowak said, the boy's preschool teacher and a Reedsburg elementary school teacher had been a Reedsburg elementary school teacher had been worried about him. worried about him. "They had concerns way back then""They had concerns way back then" about drawings Hainstock made and other things, about drawings Hainstock made and other things, Nowak said.Nowak said.– Note:Note: James Nowak was Eric Hainstock’s special education teacher James Nowak was Eric Hainstock’s special education teacher..

Notes to accompany previous slideNotes to accompany previous slide (“Excerpts”)(“Excerpts”)- Erin Hainstock, long-known for his “acting out” behavior,- Erin Hainstock, long-known for his “acting out” behavior,

was an exception to that rule, in that he was receiving services…was an exception to that rule, in that he was receiving services…for a while…for a while…

until his family couldn’t afford the pharmaceuticals & counseling anymore.until his family couldn’t afford the pharmaceuticals & counseling anymore.

- We tend to see depression in kids presenting itself in either - We tend to see depression in kids presenting itself in either - the withdrawn clinical form- the withdrawn clinical form- an acting out / risky behavior manifestation- an acting out / risky behavior manifestation

- Psychologists typically view the introverted, reclusive youngsters- Psychologists typically view the introverted, reclusive youngstersto be more emotionally disabled than those who have conduct be more emotionally disabled than those who have conduct disorders.

- The belief is that acting out is an The belief is that acting out is an attempt (however inadequate & attempt (however inadequate & distorted) distorted) to handle internal handle internal stress.

- It serves as a pressure relief valve, letting off some of the emotionally It serves as a pressure relief valve, letting off some of the emotionally overheated steam.overheated steam.

- But in Eric Hanstock’s case,the valve was inadequate for the job, & the top - But in Eric Hanstock’s case,the valve was inadequate for the job, & the top blew off.blew off.

T-F:T-F: Whatever the reason, these kids Whatever the reason, these kids

‘‘SnapSnap’.’. In the blink of an eye, they “In the blink of an eye, they “freak outfreak out””..

• ““Snapping” is rarely an impulsive & sudden actSnapping” is rarely an impulsive & sudden act• Typical:Typical:

– Idea formsIdea forms– Plan developsPlan develops– Plan changesPlan changes– Weapons located and procuredWeapons located and procured

• (Regarding school shootings)(Regarding school shootings) "People snap when their "People snap when their ability to cope is overwhelmed."ability to cope is overwhelmed." Dr. Robert Trestman, Dr. Robert Trestman, director of the Center for Correctional Mental Health Services director of the Center for Correctional Mental Health Services Research at the University of Connecticut Health CenterResearch at the University of Connecticut Health Center..

Notes to accompany previous slideNotes to accompany previous slide (“Snap”)(“Snap”)

- Secret Service (2002) report:- Secret Service (2002) report: Almost 95% of school shooting events were planned fromAlmost 95% of school shooting events were planned from

a few days up to a full year in advance.a few days up to a full year in advance.  - Overwhelmed by the rejection issues in their lives,- Overwhelmed by the rejection issues in their lives,

school shooters didn’t have sufficient coping shooters didn’t have sufficient coping skills.- Sad…It’s something that we know how to teach.Sad…It’s something that we know how to teach.

- These youngsters, suffering without adequate support:- These youngsters, suffering without adequate support:- “- “snappedsnapped”… slowly”… slowly- then struck out against the stressors…- then struck out against the stressors…

-other kids-other kids-often educators.-often educators.

- But where do these kids get these weapons…- But where do these kids get these weapons…

especially the firearmsespecially the firearms??

Where would a kid get a gunWhere would a kid get a gun??

• Nearly all had easy access to a gunNearly all had easy access to a gun– Most acquired them from their homesMost acquired them from their homes

• Cazenovia: Pried open the safe containing the Cazenovia: Pried open the safe containing the shotgun with a screw driver & used a key to open shotgun with a screw driver & used a key to open the father’s locked bedroom to obtain the hand the father’s locked bedroom to obtain the hand gun.gun.

• Nearly all had used them beforeNearly all had used them before..

• EquationEquation:: Exposure to violence Exposure to violence (real & media)(real & media)

++ being bullied being bullied

++ easy access to weapons easy access to weapons

==  Tragedy  Tragedy

Notes to accompany previous slideNotes to accompany previous slide (“Where get gun?”)(“Where get gun?”)- There seems to be a formula for disaster here.- There seems to be a formula for disaster here.- FBI profilers report - FBI profilers report media violencemedia violence as a factor for some people…not me or you. as a factor for some people…not me or you.

-What we find entertaining is an instigator to negative action for others.-What we find entertaining is an instigator to negative action for others.- - HeckHeck, some people are moved to violence against others, some people are moved to violence against others

by their interpretation of their by their interpretation of their holy booksholy books..- As for - As for BullyingBullying, the different & the weak are often targeted., the different & the weak are often targeted.

- An - An emotionally crushingemotionally crushing experience when it happens periodically… experience when it happens periodically…- Think of the times it - Think of the times it happened to youhappened to you in your childhood & adolescence. in your childhood & adolescence.

- When the bullying is - When the bullying is persistent & never-endingpersistent & never-ending, it is destructively traumatizing., it is destructively traumatizing.**(Bullied Girl Video Clip on NPR IF time)(Bullied Girl Video Clip on NPR IF time)

- - Nationwide, 2/3Nationwide, 2/3 of shooters interviewed by the Secret Service of shooters interviewed by the Secret Service- felt persecuted or attacked by others,- felt persecuted or attacked by others,- making it their motivation for violent revenge- making it their motivation for violent revenge

- In the - In the pastpast, bullied youngsters , bullied youngsters coweredcowered in the presence of their tormentors.  in the presence of their tormentors.  - - TodayToday, with easier access to weapons, the victimized can strike back…, with easier access to weapons, the victimized can strike back…

in in deadly waysdeadly ways. . - - ImagineImagine……

- Kids being able to make bombs ! !- Kids being able to make bombs ! !- Couldn’t do in my day…- Couldn’t do in my day…- Maybe while looking in the Army-Navy Surplus Store for canteen- Maybe while looking in the Army-Navy Surplus Store for canteen

for Boy Scout camping trip, I’d see some military manuals, for Boy Scout camping trip, I’d see some military manuals, but finding one on improvised munitions was unlikely.but finding one on improvised munitions was unlikely.

- - NowNow its front & center with a quick GOOGLE search. its front & center with a quick GOOGLE search.- - Mixed perceptionsMixed perceptions regarding whether bullying was addressed well at Weston HS regarding whether bullying was addressed well at Weston HS--Some say “Some say “yesyes” while others ” while others countercounter that claim that claim..

Wisconsin State JournalWisconsin State Journal 3/18/073/18/07• He He (Eric Hainstock)(Eric Hainstock) told police he was also upset because told police he was also upset because

he felt teachers didn't stop students who harassed him, he felt teachers didn't stop students who harassed him, the complaint said.the complaint said.

• But Nowak But Nowak (Hainstock’s special education teacher)(Hainstock’s special education teacher) said the said the youth was unlikely to have been the butt of jokes. youth was unlikely to have been the butt of jokes. "He "He wasn't picked on,"wasn't picked on," he said. he said. "He was the one who would have "He was the one who would have picked on people."picked on people."

• The description of Hainstock as victimized is The description of Hainstock as victimized is "a total "a total joke,"joke," he said. he said. "We stand up for these kids "We stand up for these kids (special education (special education students)students) as much as possible. We are advocates for the kids. If as much as possible. We are advocates for the kids. If they are being picked on, we try to stop it.“they are being picked on, we try to stop it.“

• Schneider Schneider (classmate)(classmate) said that Hainstock got picked on a said that Hainstock got picked on a lot, but also picked on kids and would push and fight lot, but also picked on kids and would push and fight with other children.with other children.

• "Eric dished it out and went after other people,""Eric dished it out and went after other people," Schneider said.Schneider said.

**Identifiers written in Identifiers written in orangeorange and placed in and placed in (parentheses)(parentheses) were added by Tom McIntyre were added by Tom McIntyre

Speaker NotesSpeaker Notes- While schools - While schools can't control 2can't control 2 of the major components of school shootings, of the major components of school shootings,

we we can eliminate onecan eliminate one of the necessary ingredients: of the necessary ingredients: Bullying.Bullying.

- This - This requiresrequires bully-prevention programs. bully-prevention programs.- - Tough penaltiesTough penalties for taunting, mocking, beating, & intimidating others. for taunting, mocking, beating, & intimidating others.- Accompanied by - Accompanied by enrollment of all partiesenrollment of all parties::

- Aggressors- Aggressors- Victims- Victims- Witnesses- Witnesses

in coursework that promotes personal coursework that promotes personal change.

- ConnecticutConnecticut and Illinois have taken the lead in this area, and Illinois have taken the lead in this area, requiring that all requiring that all schoolsschools have have comprehensivecomprehensive bullying prevention plan that includes bullying prevention plan that includes education education for for allall students. students.

- - All kids need toAll kids need to- Hear- Hear- Understand- Understand- & Come to believe- & Come to believe the the meaning meaning of the statement of the recently deceased former of the statement of the recently deceased former Lieutenant Lieutenant Governor of Missouri, Governor of Missouri, Harriet WoodsHarriet Woods…one …one politicianpolitician who seems to have had who seems to have had her her head on straighthead on straight::

- “You can stand tall without standing on someone.- “You can stand tall without standing on someone.- You can be a victor without having victims- You can be a victor without having victims..””

Speaker Notes (continued)Speaker Notes (continued)• - - As for the part of the equation pertaining to firearmsAs for the part of the equation pertaining to firearms, , • - I’m making - I’m making no pronouncement no pronouncement for or against gun ownership… for or against gun ownership…• - - Not my placeNot my place to do so. to do so.• - As - As Sgt. FridaySgt. Friday would say on would say on DragnetDragnet when someone started to offer opinion when someone started to offer opinionss??????

– (“Just the facts ma’m.”)(“Just the facts ma’m.”) (Don’t call me ma’m!) (Don’t call me ma’m!)• - - Federal estimatesFederal estimates suggest there is a gun in ½ the homes in America. suggest there is a gun in ½ the homes in America.• - - That meansThat means that kids are likely to have a firearm in their home, that kids are likely to have a firearm in their home,• OR enter a home that has one.OR enter a home that has one.•• - - ConsiderConsider that: that:• - Most firearms are not secured with any sort of lock.- Most firearms are not secured with any sort of lock.• - Almost all kids in gun-owning homes- Almost all kids in gun-owning homes• - know where the gun is located- know where the gun is located• && - can get to it.- can get to it.• - - 20/2020/20 illustrated this point: illustrated this point:• - Asked 10 kids whose parents said wouldn’t know where gun stored.- Asked 10 kids whose parents said wouldn’t know where gun stored.• - All 10 took the reporter to the hiding place.- All 10 took the reporter to the hiding place.• - - If lockedIf locked up in a room, drawer, or safe,… or trigger-locked, up in a room, drawer, or safe,… or trigger-locked,• 9 also knew where to find the key.9 also knew where to find the key.

• - - My pointMy point is that obtaining a firearm is is that obtaining a firearm is not an onerous tasknot an onerous task for kids for kids

• - - But, evenBut, even if a kid can get a hold of a gun… if a kid can get a hold of a gun…•• WhyWhy would they emulate would they emulate Kinkel, Harris, KleboldKinkel, Harris, Klebold, & others, & others??

Everyone hates these shooters, so why Everyone hates these shooters, so why would any other kid emulate themwould any other kid emulate them??

• Many kids can identify with the feelings that led to the shootings.Many kids can identify with the feelings that led to the shootings.

• BERLIN:BERLIN: A German teen who stormed his former school with guns A German teen who stormed his former school with guns and bombs had venerated as "God" one of the gunmen in the 1999 and bombs had venerated as "God" one of the gunmen in the 1999 Columbine shooting in the U.S, according to excerpts from his diary Columbine shooting in the U.S, according to excerpts from his diary published Wednesday… published Wednesday… It is terrible how similar Eric It is terrible how similar Eric (Harris)(Harris) was to was to me. I am the further development" of Harris, Bosse said. "I have learned me. I am the further development" of Harris, Bosse said. "I have learned from his mistakes, the bombs.“ from his mistakes, the bombs.“ On the eve of the attack, he wrote that On the eve of the attack, he wrote that he hoped that other he hoped that other "outsiders""outsiders" would would "be like me: a Goddamn hero.""be like me: a Goddamn hero."

International Herald Tribune, 11/ 22/06International Herald Tribune, 11/ 22/06

• "You wanna know why there has only been three school shootings in "You wanna know why there has only been three school shootings in Quebec? It's because the people here don't have the balls to do it, as much as Quebec? It's because the people here don't have the balls to do it, as much as they want to ... as much as they plan it all ... make `hit lists' and just wish they want to ... as much as they plan it all ... make `hit lists' and just wish they had the guts that Eric and Dylan had ... you know ... the real victims of they had the guts that Eric and Dylan had ... you know ... the real victims of Columbine! They are looked up to by many bullied high school students ... Columbine! They are looked up to by many bullied high school students ... and many believe that the bullies got what they deserved on April 20th, 1999. and many believe that the bullies got what they deserved on April 20th, 1999. Kimveer will be greatly missed by the people who actually understood Kimveer will be greatly missed by the people who actually understood him ... the people who don't have their heads up their asses.“him ... the people who don't have their heads up their asses.“

Excerpt from Toronto Star article found at Excerpt from Toronto Star article found at

Notes to accompany previous slideNotes to accompany previous slide (“Everyone hates”)(“Everyone hates”)- Many - Many ostracized & bullied kids identifyostracized & bullied kids identify with with tortured livestortured lives of shooters of shooters- They - They know what it is likeknow what it is like to be emotionally injured to such an extent that they want to be emotionally injured to such an extent that they want

to to send the same hurtsend the same hurt to their tormentors to their tormentors- - AndAnd send a solid, unquestionable message to all who bully: send a solid, unquestionable message to all who bully: Cease & Desist!Cease & Desist!

- - In a strange twist In a strange twist on this phenomenon: on this phenomenon: Evan Ramsey Evan Ramsey (Bethel, Alaska) (Bethel, Alaska) wanted his classmates to wanted his classmates to watch himwatch him shoot shoot

himself so that his death would be himself so that his death would be forever etchedforever etched in their memories. in their memories....Payback for incessant anguish & agony they inflicted on him over years....Payback for incessant anguish & agony they inflicted on him over years. - In his words:- In his words: ““I was picked on 7 hours a day, everyday, & teachers didn’t do anything to I was picked on 7 hours a day, everyday, & teachers didn’t do anything to

help me.”help me.”

- Instead, he shot another student & principal who rushed to intervene.Instead, he shot another student & principal who rushed to intervene.

- In his - In his jail celljail cell, shared with a reporter , shared with a reporter HundredsHundreds of letters from adolescents who of letters from adolescents who found themselves in the same situation as he had been. found themselves in the same situation as he had been.

- They wrote of - They wrote of desperately seekingdesperately seeking help from adults & being help from adults & being turned awayturned away..- They wrote of - They wrote of how they understoodhow they understood why he would want to do such a thing. why he would want to do such a thing.- We’ll returnWe’ll return to the psychological mindset of these youngsters soon. to the psychological mindset of these youngsters soon.

- But - But returning to the characteristicsreturning to the characteristics of school shooters of school shooters::

(As presented in its 2002 summary report)(As presented in its 2002 summary report)

T-F:T-F: The U.S. Secret Service has The U.S. Secret Service has developed a fairly accurate profile for developed a fairly accurate profile for

identification of likely assailantsidentification of likely assailants..

• Studied 37 attacksStudied 37 attacks• Interviewed 10Interviewed 10• One characteristic applied to One characteristic applied to nearlynearly all shooters. all shooters.

It is…It is…??• GenderGender• Only one characteristic applies to 100% of Only one characteristic applies to 100% of

school shooters. It is…school shooters. It is…??• Disordered home life (not explained further)Disordered home life (not explained further)• Eric Hainstock’s father had child abuse reports Eric Hainstock’s father had child abuse reports

filed against himfiled against him..

Notes to accompany previous slideNotes to accompany previous slide (“Everyone hates”)(“Everyone hates”)- Any - Any other traits?other traits?

-Enrollment in a school in a semi-rural community is very common.-Enrollment in a school in a semi-rural community is very common.- - We often imagineWe often imagine the names of German Death-Rock bandsemblazoned on T- the names of German Death-Rock bandsemblazoned on T-

shirts worn under black leather trench coats donned by teens with Goth makeupshirts worn under black leather trench coats donned by teens with Goth makeup


- Teen-aged boys outfitted in camouflage fatigues.Teen-aged boys outfitted in camouflage fatigues.

- However, getting back to the - However, getting back to the True-FalseTrue-False Question Question::- - No accurate or useful profileNo accurate or useful profile for identifying potential attackers for identifying potential attackers- Any profiles become - Any profiles become large netslarge nets that catch many would not even consider that catch many would not even consider engaging in such acts. engaging in such acts. - - Fail to I.DFail to I.D. many who would do so.. many who would do so.

- - Assailants were ofAssailants were of::- Many ages- Many ages- All school behavioral & academic histories at school- All school behavioral & academic histories at school

- Varied personalities- Varied personalities&& - Every social standing- Every social standing

- So it’s notSo it’s not personal characteristics that are of primary importance… personal characteristics that are of primary importance…

- - Rather,Rather, it’s the behavior patterns in which they engage it’s the behavior patterns in which they engage..


• ““Rather than trying to determine the ‘Rather than trying to determine the ‘typetype’ of ’ of student who may engage in targeted school violence, student who may engage in targeted school violence, an inquiry should an inquiry should focus instead on a student’sfocus instead on a student’s behaviors and communicationsbehaviors and communications to determine if that to determine if that student appears to be planning or preparing for an student appears to be planning or preparing for an attackattack. Rather than asking whether a particular . Rather than asking whether a particular student ‘student ‘looks likelooks like’ those who have launched school-’ those who have launched school-based attacks before, it is more productive to ask based attacks before, it is more productive to ask whether the student is engaging in behaviors that whether the student is engaging in behaviors that suggest preparations for an attack, if so how fast the suggest preparations for an attack, if so how fast the student is moving toward attack, and where student is moving toward attack, and where intervention may be possible.”intervention may be possible.”

(USSS/USDOE (USSS/USDOE report, 2002)report, 2002)..

Speaker NotesSpeaker Notes

• - Nearly all attackers demonstrated some - Nearly all attackers demonstrated some actions previous to the shooting that were actions previous to the shooting that were noticed by othersnoticed by others

• & should have caused great concern.& should have caused great concern.

Pertinent Questions for Guiding Our Pertinent Questions for Guiding Our Prevention EffortsPrevention Efforts

• The 2002 report recommended against The 2002 report recommended against profiling.profiling.

• It recommended that teachers and parents ask:It recommended that teachers and parents ask:• What patterns of behavior might beWhat patterns of behavior might be

of concern? of concern?• Threats of imminent harm to othersThreats of imminent harm to others• The making of plans for attackThe making of plans for attack• The gathering of weaponsThe gathering of weapons

• What should someone do if s/he noticesWhat should someone do if s/he noticessuch behavior?such behavior?

• What should we do if such behaviorWhat should we do if such behavior

is reported?is reported?

Speaker NotesSpeaker Notes

• - Certainly, these would be on the list- Certainly, these would be on the list• - Where do I go with my observations?- Where do I go with my observations?• - Systematic procedures.- Systematic procedures.• - Find info on each in handouts- Find info on each in handouts• &• (along with other internet sites)(along with other internet sites)•• - Some guidelines derived from The Report - Some guidelines derived from The Report

might includemight include::

Extending the Recommendations of Extending the Recommendations of the USSS/USDOE Reportthe USSS/USDOE Report

– The importance of reporting is emphasized to The importance of reporting is emphasized to students, as they are most likely to be aware.students, as they are most likely to be aware.

– A reporting system is set up, including an A reporting system is set up, including an anonymous tip line.anonymous tip line.

– A system for reacting to reports is developed.A system for reacting to reports is developed.

– Confidentiality of reporters maintained by trusted Confidentiality of reporters maintained by trusted educators known for being able to keep secrets.educators known for being able to keep secrets.

– Set up a network with students from different social Set up a network with students from different social groups who have their “groups who have their “ear to the groundear to the ground” with ” with regard to what is happening in the schoolregard to what is happening in the school..

– The success of our efforts depends on educators The success of our efforts depends on educators respecting and valuing respecting and valuing allall students. students.

– (More later on the importance & development of this part(More later on the importance & development of this part))..

Speaker NotesSpeaker Notes

• - Outcome depends on how students view - Outcome depends on how students view

• - First though, let’s look at some of the - First though, let’s look at some of the other report suggestionsother report suggestions::

Also recommended:Also recommended:

• Develop connections to the police and other Develop connections to the police and other first responders as well as mental health first responders as well as mental health departments and community groups.departments and community groups.

• Develop crisis plans that focus on Develop crisis plans that focus on preventionprevention and reactionand reaction..

• Respond promptly and efficiently to bullying, Respond promptly and efficiently to bullying, which is a motive behind the attacks.which is a motive behind the attacks. “Many “Many attackers felt bullied, persecuted or injured by others attackers felt bullied, persecuted or injured by others prior to the attack”prior to the attack” (USSS/USDOE, 2002)(USSS/USDOE, 2002) and said that and said that they had sought, without success, educator they had sought, without success, educator interventionintervention..

Speaker NotesSpeaker Notes

• - And the recurring recommendation…- And the recurring recommendation…

• - There’s that pesky bullying thing again.- There’s that pesky bullying thing again.• - So much evidence that schools need to - So much evidence that schools need to

address it, but so little done nationwide.address it, but so little done nationwide.

• - Perhaps instead of profiling students, we - Perhaps instead of profiling students, we ought to profile their schools.ought to profile their schools.

• - We could identify schools that are at greater - We could identify schools that are at greater risk than othersrisk than others..

Does your school fit “the profile”?Does your school fit “the profile”?• While profiles are inaccurate in identifying kids at risk for While profiles are inaccurate in identifying kids at risk for

school assault, might they be more accurate for school school assault, might they be more accurate for school environments that are at risk?environments that are at risk?

• Some of the characteristics:Some of the characteristics:• -Bullying unaddressed -Bullying unaddressed (No comprehensive plan or training)(No comprehensive plan or training)

• -Absence of peer mediation or conflict resolution-Absence of peer mediation or conflict resolution• -Failure to teach tolerance & socially skilled interaction -Failure to teach tolerance & socially skilled interaction

behaviorbehavior• -Feeble attempts at building a sense of community & -Feeble attempts at building a sense of community &

esprit de corpesprit de corp• -Failure to seek out troubled kids & provide them with -Failure to seek out troubled kids & provide them with

supports supports (as per the checklist in your handout)(as per the checklist in your handout)• -Staff allowed to be negative with kids & verbally bully -Staff allowed to be negative with kids & verbally bully

themthem• Strategies for addressing each can be found at Strategies for addressing each can be found at & & elsewhere..

Speaker NotesSpeaker Notes--Oh, how farOh, how far they’ve fallen from those pre-teaching days when swore they’d they’ve fallen from those pre-teaching days when swore they’d NEVERNEVER do do

anything like this to kids.anything like this to kids.--ProblemProblem: Didn’t get good training in : Didn’t get good training in positivepositive behavior management & behavior management & turned to the turned to the

dark sidedark side, Luke., Luke.-Many teachers end up -Many teachers end up doing thingsdoing things would cause them to file a would cause them to file a Union grievanceUnion grievance if if

done to them.done to them.--These toxic teachersThese toxic teachers, who seem to , who seem to pride themselves pride themselves in their in their ability to hurtability to hurt those those

that they serve when they “that they serve when they “Let that kid know who’s bossLet that kid know who’s boss.” make our schools .” make our schools less less safesafe..

- When When teachers yell at & berate kids, it teachers yell at & berate kids, it creates a disconnectcreates a disconnect between us & those between us & those students. It’s students. It’s not somethingnot something to be admired & emulated. to be admired & emulated.

-It -It indicates inadequateindicates inadequate training, something that training, something that we can remedy we can remedy so that they don’t so that they don’t place the rest of us in place the rest of us in harm’s wayharm’s way when angry kid returns with revenge on his mind. when angry kid returns with revenge on his mind.

- Come to - Come to to giving you to giving you

- free,- free,- step-by-step,- step-by-step,- - how to do ithow to do it positivepositive behavior management strategies behavior management strategies-My -My personal missionpersonal mission to help teachers & kids work better together to help teachers & kids work better together

-Has become #1 on the planet-Has become #1 on the planet-Teachers from 111 different countries-Teachers from 111 different countries

That’s the end of our commercial messages.That’s the end of our commercial messages. We now return you to our program We now return you to our program….….

T-F:T-F: We need more SWAT teams We need more SWAT teams& Metal Detectors& Metal Detectors..

• Hardening the target helps.Hardening the target helps.

• It is not sufficientIt is not sufficient..

Speaker NotesSpeaker Notes- Making schools less vulnerable, security-wise, is an important aspect of providing - Making schools less vulnerable, security-wise, is an important aspect of providing

safety to those within school to those within school grounds.- However, in isolation it is insufficient to fully protect us & our However, in isolation it is insufficient to fully protect us & our charges.charges.

- Metal detectors are of - Metal detectors are of little concern to kid bentlittle concern to kid bent on killing self & others. on killing self & others.- Secret Service interviewed Pearl, Miss. shooter. - Secret Service interviewed Pearl, Miss. shooter. Asked himAsked him what would have what would have

done if encountered metal detector. The response? He said would have “…done if encountered metal detector. The response? He said would have “…walked right through it”.walked right through it”.

- Security guards next to them?- Security guards next to them?- Shooter in Red Lake, MN shot security guard as walked by metal detector.Shooter in Red Lake, MN shot security guard as walked by metal detector.

- And are metal detectors or even security guards with wands And are metal detectors or even security guards with wands feasiblefeasible in in rural/small town areas like Cazenovia with 129 students in high school?rural/small town areas like Cazenovia with 129 students in high school?

- - How effectiveHow effective is “ is “threat evaluationthreat evaluation” software when most shooters don’t make a ” software when most shooters don’t make a threat known to those who use the software?threat known to those who use the software?

- - Quick responseQuick response Law Enforcement Teams, Law Enforcement Teams, however promptlyhowever promptly they arrive on the they arrive on the scene, are scene, are too latetoo late at most shooting incidents that typically last only minutes. at most shooting incidents that typically last only minutes.

- Certainly, enhanced securityCertainly, enhanced security measures certainly are needed, but we can’t rely measures certainly are needed, but we can’t rely solely upon them.solely upon them.

- - One rather controversial- One rather controversial security suggestion has been forwarded security suggestion has been forwarded::

Gun totin’ teachers:Gun totin’ teachers:Should we be “Should we be “packin’ heatpackin’ heat”?”?

• Excerpted from the web site of Wisconsin State LegislatorExcerpted from the web site of Wisconsin State LegislatorFrank Lassee Frank Lassee (R - 2(R - 2ndnd district: Green Bay): district: Green Bay):

• ““Last week, in the wake of several school shootings including Last week, in the wake of several school shootings including one in rural Wisconsin, I proposed legislation to give Wisconsin one in rural Wisconsin, I proposed legislation to give Wisconsin teachers and other school staff, who complete a background teachers and other school staff, who complete a background check and a rigorous gun safety course, the option to defend check and a rigorous gun safety course, the option to defend themselves and our children with weapons.”themselves and our children with weapons.”

“To clarify, this is how I described my proposal to my 10 year “To clarify, this is how I described my proposal to my 10 year old daughter when she asked me over the weekend why so old daughter when she asked me over the weekend why so many people with cameras wanted to talk to me. I told her that many people with cameras wanted to talk to me. I told her that somewhere in her school there will be a locked box somewhere in her school there will be a locked box (safe?)(safe?) with with a gun in it. And that if a bad person with a gun came into her a gun in it. And that if a bad person with a gun came into her school that wanted to hurt her or her classmates a school school that wanted to hurt her or her classmates a school official who is trained to use it, would go to the box official who is trained to use it, would go to the box (safe?)(safe?) and and use the gun to protect them from harm. She looked at me, use the gun to protect them from harm. She looked at me, smiled and said, “That makes sense to me daddy,” and went smiled and said, “That makes sense to me daddy,” and went back to playingback to playing..””

Next year in Wisconsin?Next year in Wisconsin?

• Three states already allow teachers to carry Three states already allow teachers to carry handguns in school handguns in school (with a valid conceal and carry (with a valid conceal and carry

permit)permit): Utah, Oregon & New Hampshire. : Utah, Oregon & New Hampshire. Representative Lassee’s proposal would require Representative Lassee’s proposal would require that the guns to be placed in a that the guns to be placed in a “locked box/safe in a “locked box/safe in a secure location”.secure location”.

• Cartoon by M. Stevens in New Yorker Magazine.Cartoon by M. Stevens in New Yorker Magazine.

T-F:T-F: We gotta get tough with the We gotta get tough with thetrouble makers. Zero tolerancetrouble makers. Zero tolerance!!

• Shooters already had belonging problems at home. Shooters already had belonging problems at home. Their rejection by students and teachers meant that Their rejection by students and teachers meant that they were not valued in either of the two most they were not valued in either of the two most significant settings in their world. That’s an significant settings in their world. That’s an overwhelming hurt.overwhelming hurt.

• Punishment without caring, support, and the teaching of Punishment without caring, support, and the teaching of replacement behaviors, builds resentment. It replacement behaviors, builds resentment. It

destroys a feeling of being emotionally connected. destroys a feeling of being emotionally connected. It is difficult to like those who hurt us. It is difficult to like those who hurt us.

• ““Getting toughGetting tough” in order to “” in order to “Teach ‘em a Teach ‘em a lessonlesson”… ”… doesn’tdoesn’t..

• Teachers and administrators were targeted in more than Teachers and administrators were targeted in more than 1/2 of the incidents1/2 of the incidents..

Speaker NotesSpeaker Notes- Which kidsWhich kids?? No profile No profile!!

- I’m all for standing firm, but I’ve found that typically…- I’m all for standing firm, but I’ve found that typically…- Zero tolerance = Zero thinking.- Zero tolerance = Zero thinking.- Most often, it’s a - Most often, it’s a Brain FartBrain Fart..

- Yes, I want my child protected & I want those who threaten her safety to face consequences.Yes, I want my child protected & I want those who threaten her safety to face consequences.- However,…people resent & dislike those who punish them without However,…people resent & dislike those who punish them without alsoalso showing concern & showing concern &


-They become immune to any behavior change effects,except for the lingering resentment & -They become immune to any behavior change effects,except for the lingering resentment & feelings of alienation caused by it. feelings of alienation caused by it.

- Many strike back.Many strike back.

- I don’t want angry & alienated kids coming back armed to my kids’ school.I don’t want angry & alienated kids coming back armed to my kids’ school.

- ALIENATION:ALIENATION: A common psychological trait among school shootersA common psychological trait among school shooters

I’m not talking now about kids who I’m not talking now about kids who have beenhave been shooters. shooters. I’m talkingI’m talking about kids at risk for life about kids at risk for life failure.failure.

- - Yes, I want punishmentYes, I want punishment to fit the crime…but with to fit the crime…but with RehabilitationRehabilitation directed by a wise & directed by a wise & respected mentor who continues to support the youngster & work on personal changerespected mentor who continues to support the youngster & work on personal change..

Speaker NotesSpeaker Notes- I haveI have a great deal of experience with, & a great deal of experience with, & some modicumsome modicum of knowledgeof knowledge about about

troubled & troubling kids. I obtained degrees in teaching them. I taught them. I troubled & troubling kids. I obtained degrees in teaching them. I taught them. I teach others about them. They are my life’s work.teach others about them. They are my life’s work.

- I’ve foundI’ve found that as with all kids, I care about these misguided and detached ones that as with all kids, I care about these misguided and detached ones too.too.

- They are - They are young humansyoung humans, , however erranthowever errant at the moment, who need to be given at the moment, who need to be given - Knowledge- Knowledge

- Skills- Skills&& - Supportive hand extended- Supportive hand extended

to help them to help them climb offclimb off society’s human trash heap. society’s human trash heap.

- - They may be “They may be “BadBad”,”, so to speak, at present… so to speak, at present…butbut it is due to it is due to what societywhat society has done to has done to


- - Therefore,Therefore, it is society’s obligation to it is society’s obligation to- Reclaim them- Reclaim them- & Bring them back into the fold- & Bring them back into the fold

……BEFOREBEFORE they strike out. they strike out.

- - I find my preachingI find my preaching to be in good company to be in good company::

Father Flanagan, “Boys Town” Founder Father Flanagan, “Boys Town” Founder (Now “Boys & Girls Town”)(Now “Boys & Girls Town”)

• ““There are no bad boys. There is only bad environment,There are no bad boys. There is only bad environment, bad training, bad example, bad thinking.” bad training, bad example, bad thinking.”

• ““I have yet to find a single boy who wants to be bad.”I have yet to find a single boy who wants to be bad.”• ““A boy or girl given the proper guidance and direction—kept busy and A boy or girl given the proper guidance and direction—kept busy and

constructively occupied during their leisure or free time—will prove my constructively occupied during their leisure or free time—will prove my statement that there is no such thing as a bad boy or girl.”statement that there is no such thing as a bad boy or girl.”

• ““There is nothing the matter with our growing boys that love, proper There is nothing the matter with our growing boys that love, proper training and guidance will not remedy.”training and guidance will not remedy.”

• ““When parents fail to do their job, when they allow their children to run When parents fail to do their job, when they allow their children to run the streets and keep bad company, when they fail to provide them with the streets and keep bad company, when they fail to provide them with good examples in the home, then the parents and not the children are good examples in the home, then the parents and not the children are delinquent.”delinquent.”

• ““Rehabilitation needs greater emphasis, punishment less.”Rehabilitation needs greater emphasis, punishment less.”• ““I do not believe that a child can be reformed by lock and key and bars, I do not believe that a child can be reformed by lock and key and bars,

or that fear can ever develop a child’s character.”or that fear can ever develop a child’s character.”

• ““No race that does not take care of its young can hope to surviveNo race that does not take care of its young can hope to survive— or deserves to survive— or deserves to survive..””

Speaker NotesSpeaker Notes--Whenever I hearWhenever I hear the news of another life that met an the news of another life that met an untimely end untimely end from being shot by a gun-from being shot by a gun-

wielding student, my wielding student, my heart risesheart rises into my throat before sinking. into my throat before sinking.

- But I also see victimsBut I also see victims at another level: Those at another level: Those created by societycreated by society before being before being rejectedrejected by by it. it.

- YES…I hateYES…I hate what those armed youngsters did. what those armed youngsters did.

- I hate whoI hate who they were at that moment in time. they were at that moment in time.

- I hate whatI hate what they became when they planned the act. they became when they planned the act.

- - However,However, I also mourn for the loss of the good kids that they could have…should have become. I also mourn for the loss of the good kids that they could have…should have become.

- I want our - I want our society to take the responsibilitysociety to take the responsibility of helping of helping ALLALL of its children.of its children.- I want our I want our kids & our futurekids & our future to be given to be given priority statuspriority status..

I I don’t want schoolsdon’t want schools to have to say: to have to say: “ “We can’t do that because we don’t have the staff & the fundingWe can’t do that because we don’t have the staff & the funding .”.”

Other professionsOther professions that require our level of that require our level of education & trainingeducation & trainingget the get the dollars & supportdollars & support to do their jobs… to do their jobs…

most most not nearlynot nearly as important as the one we’ve undertaken. as important as the one we’ve undertaken.

- Let’s get back to school security issues.Let’s get back to school security issues.

- Right now, monies - Right now, monies areare being made available to some extent, primarily for security measures, being made available to some extent, primarily for security measures, one very important part of guarding our kidsone very important part of guarding our kids. .

Tighten School Security.Tighten School Security.

Speaker NotesSpeaker Notes- Our conundrum: It’s difficult to find the balance point between Our conundrum: It’s difficult to find the balance point between

security & & friendliness.

- Excessive physical security can harm emotional security.- Excessive physical security can harm emotional security.- - In the words of William Modzeleski, Director of the Safe & Drug-Free In the words of William Modzeleski, Director of the Safe & Drug-Free

Schools Program for the USDOE:Schools Program for the USDOE: “ “Metal detectors do keep out some type of guns, but I think it’s a balancing Metal detectors do keep out some type of guns, but I think it’s a balancing

act. Some schools with a weapons problem can benefit from them. But act. Some schools with a weapons problem can benefit from them. But they can send a wrong message and have an adverse effect on the they can send a wrong message and have an adverse effect on the climate of the school. It also sends a message that if you have a metal climate of the school. It also sends a message that if you have a metal detector, you’re safe. And I’m not sure that’s so. It can also result in detector, you’re safe. And I’m not sure that’s so. It can also result in greater feelings of alienation from one’s schools on the part of all greater feelings of alienation from one’s schools on the part of all students.”students.”

- There’s that There’s that Alienation-Belonging thingAlienation-Belonging thing again. again.

- Once the lookoutsOnce the lookouts are atop the masts, & the are atop the masts, & the hulls are armoredhulls are armored, it’s , it’s timetime to address the to address the psychological safetypsychological safety of those inside our of those inside our educational vesseleducational vessel..

- Psychologists tell us that our - Psychologists tell us that our greatest human needgreatest human need is to belong. is to belong. ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~

Speaker NotesSpeaker Notes- Remember how important it was to "- Remember how important it was to "fit infit in" when you were a teenager?" when you were a teenager?

- To which group- To which group(s)(s) did you belong did you belong (or wish to belong)?(or wish to belong)?- Jocks- Jocks- Band- Band- Actors- Actors- Academic high achievers- Academic high achievers- Freaks- Freaks- Outsiders?- Outsiders?

- Did you associate mostly with kids from your own racial or cultural group?- Did you associate mostly with kids from your own racial or cultural group?    - - Remember howRemember how ridicule & rejection by others hurt so much? ridicule & rejection by others hurt so much?

- We were - We were brutally remindedbrutally reminded that we did not “ that we did not “BelongBelong”.”.

- Rudolph Dreikur’s, among others, wrote on this greatest of human needs- Rudolph Dreikur’s, among others, wrote on this greatest of human needs& developed a model to explain how lack of it affects our actions.& developed a model to explain how lack of it affects our actions.

- Oddly, it faded in popularity after the 80’s… just like Disco, although ~ ~ - Oddly, it faded in popularity after the 80’s… just like Disco, although ~ ~ ~(joke)~(joke)

Rudolf Dreikurs’ ModelRudolf Dreikurs’ Model• If we don’t feel accepted and valued in anIf we don’t feel accepted and valued in an

important life setting, we react negatively… important life setting, we react negatively… progressively so, if issues remain unresolved.progressively so, if issues remain unresolved.

• When kids don’t feel valued by teachers and peers When kids don’t feel valued by teachers and peers at school, they engage in at school, they engage in ““Mistaken GoalsMistaken Goals” ” (misguided reactions to feeling disconnected)(misguided reactions to feeling disconnected)

– Seeking Seeking ATTENTIONATTENTION (If not getting enough to feel (If not getting enough to feel accepted and accepted and


– Seeking Seeking POWERPOWER (Resentment results in the(Resentment results in the mandating mandating

of attention)of attention)

– Seeking Seeking REVENGEREVENGE (Anger from losing the struggle (Anger from losing the struggle spurs vengeance)spurs vengeance)

– Displaying Displaying INADEQUACYINADEQUACY (Total lack of effort and (Total lack of effort and cooperation while cooperation while

in the in the abusive or non-abusive or non-accepting accepting setting)setting)..

Speaker NotesSpeaker Notes- You’ll find more elaboration on - You’ll find more elaboration on - This - This progressively disabling sequenceprogressively disabling sequence happens happens

anyplace where kids feel anyplace where kids feel devalued & rejecteddevalued & rejected..- - The Revenge partThe Revenge part applies to the: applies to the:

-Fighters-Fighters-Vandals-Vandals-Graffitti scrawlers-Graffitti scrawlers-Those who damage teachers’ cars-Those who damage teachers’ cars

… ….& School Shooters.& School Shooters

- In school and peer-related situations,- In school and peer-related situations, Belonging for adolescents involves 3 thingsBelonging for adolescents involves 3 things::

Three “Belonging” concernsThree “Belonging” concernsfor adolescents for adolescents

• Being invisible.Being invisible.

• ReceivingReceiving CriticismCriticism– Especially public humiliation.Especially public humiliation.

• Being excludedBeing excluded..

Speaker NotesSpeaker Notes- Un-noticed, unimportant for consideration.- Un-noticed, unimportant for consideration.- Being shamed for one’s mistakes or inadequacies.- Being shamed for one’s mistakes or inadequacies.- Being rejected or shunned.Being rejected or shunned.

- The study conducted by Secret Service & USDOE found that The study conducted by Secret Service & USDOE found that 2/32/3 of of school shootersschool shooters felt persecuted by others. felt persecuted by others. They sought revengeThey sought revenge against those who feel small.against those who feel small.

- - So many youngstersSo many youngsters have been have been denied entrydenied entry to a safe port… to a safe port…Left to flounder & struggleLeft to flounder & struggle in stormy emotional seas. in stormy emotional seas.

But But most schoolsmost schools either: either:

- - Don’t see the needDon’t see the need to do something to do something- Or, - Or, Don’t believeDon’t believe in it. in it.

Don’t believe in itDon’t believe in it?!?!

That’s like falling off That’s like falling off a cliffa cliff & trying not to believe in gravity & trying not to believe in gravity!!

I hear the often spoken I hear the often spoken false-front statementsfalse-front statements, like, like……

““We gave those kids lots of chances and We gave those kids lots of chances and did everything we could to help them.did everything we could to help them.

Some kids just can’t be reachedSome kids just can’t be reached..””

• High quality, cutting edge schools create positive High quality, cutting edge schools create positive school climates that promote:school climates that promote:

• Respect for all members of the school community.Respect for all members of the school community.

• A safe & welcoming climate for all.A safe & welcoming climate for all.

• The teaching of what each student needs to knowThe teaching of what each student needs to know (in all realms…including behavior)(in all realms…including behavior)..

Speaker NotesSpeaker Notes- - Now I’ll accept those statements Now I’ll accept those statements IFIF I see evidence of I see evidence of

socio-emotional & behavioral curricula taught by socio-emotional & behavioral curricula taught by teachers skilled in instruction & relating with kids.teachers skilled in instruction & relating with kids.

- Typically, it’s a cover for saying, we don’t have the:- Typically, it’s a cover for saying, we don’t have the:-staff-staff-money-money-or the desire to help these kids.-or the desire to help these kids.

- Somehow, other schools make strong inroadsSomehow, other schools make strong inroads..

--These institutionsThese institutions of learning maintain a of learning maintain a focus onfocus on- creating a sense of community- creating a sense of community- & interpersonal connection- & interpersonal connection

throughout the facility.throughout the facility.

- Here’s the - Here’s the Cliff’s notesCliff’s notes for how to do it for how to do it……

National Consortium ofNational Consortium ofSchool Violence Prevention School Violence Prevention

Researchers and Practitioners Researchers and Practitioners (2006)(2006)

• Support programs should operate at 3 levelsSupport programs should operate at 3 levels::

•Intensive (For chronicallyIntensive (For chronically & intensely at-risk pupils)& intensely at-risk pupils)

•Targeted (At-risk students)Targeted (At-risk students)

•Universal (School-wide)Universal (School-wide)

Speaker NotesSpeaker Notes

Universal reaches 80-90%Universal reaches 80-90% of kids of kids

More focused instruction More focused instruction for 5-10%for 5-10%

Laser-precise direct interventions for Laser-precise direct interventions for 1-5%1-5%

- Popular model nowadays, similar to- Popular model nowadays, similar to: :

- - Primary, Secondary, Tertiary of USOE & PBISPrimary, Secondary, Tertiary of USOE & PBIS

- - All, Some, None, The model of Sopris West All, Some, None, The model of Sopris West behavior trainersbehavior trainers (Of which I am one)(Of which I am one)

- How might this play out, operationally - How might this play out, operationally speaking?speaking?......

How do we reclaim errant youthHow do we reclaim errant youth& prevent disaster?& prevent disaster?

What can educators do?What can educators do?• Treat students with concern & respect Treat students with concern & respect (Universal)(Universal)

• Anti-bullying policies and education Anti-bullying policies and education (Universal)(Universal)

• Peer mediation/Conflict resolution procedures Peer mediation/Conflict resolution procedures (Universal)(Universal)..

• Character education Character education (Targeted & Intensive)(Targeted & Intensive)

• Cognitive behavioral strategies Cognitive behavioral strategies (Targeted & Intensive)(Targeted & Intensive)

• Social skills training Social skills training (Targeted & Intensive)(Targeted & Intensive)

• Anger management training Anger management training (Targeted & Intensive)(Targeted & Intensive)

• Problem solving Problem solving (Targeted and Intensive)(Targeted and Intensive)

• Interpersonal connection activities Interpersonal connection activities (Targeted & Intensive)(Targeted & Intensive)

• Provision of mentors - adults & older kids Provision of mentors - adults & older kids (Targeted & Intensive)(Targeted & Intensive)..

• Counseling Counseling (Intensive)(Intensive)

• Psychological evaluation & treatmentPsychological evaluation & treatment (Intensive) (Intensive)

• Interagency cooperation Interagency cooperation (Intensive)(Intensive)..

Speaker NotesSpeaker Notes- We’re educators. Educate!- We’re educators. Educate!- Last 5 or 6 in my book for kids- Last 5 or 6 in my book for kids- - We want We want allall kids kids to have positive connections to to have positive connections to allall their teachers, & their teachers, & be investedbe invested in the in the

welfare of others.welfare of others.

- The The National ConsortiumNational Consortium wrote wrote in it’s in it’s Fall 2006 School Shootings Position StatementFall 2006 School Shootings Position Statement: : “Students need to feel that they belong at their school and the school staff and the “Students need to feel that they belong at their school and the school staff and the school community as a whole care for them….Research indicates that those students school community as a whole care for them….Research indicates that those students most at risk for delinquency and violence are those who are most alienated from the most at risk for delinquency and violence are those who are most alienated from the school community. Schools need to reach out to build positive connections to school community. Schools need to reach out to build positive connections to marginalized students, showing concern for them, and fostering avenues of marginalized students, showing concern for them, and fostering avenues of meaningful involvement.”meaningful involvement.”

--Unaddressed bullyingUnaddressed bullying & & ignored inter-group conflictignored inter-group conflict creates resentment toward the people creates resentment toward the people who do not protect them… who do not protect them… US!US!

- Each mean-naturedEach mean-natured, ill-tempered, & rejecting teacher who , ill-tempered, & rejecting teacher who “Doesn’t put up with any crap “Doesn’t put up with any crap from that kid”from that kid” places the rest of us at risk. places the rest of us at risk.

- - What thenWhat then is an educator to do within one’s is an educator to do within one’s own room?own room?- - That’s ourThat’s our focus for the follow-up session at 11. focus for the follow-up session at 11.- - Slightly differentSlightly different than the catalog description that “ than the catalog description that “Promised you the worldPromised you the world””

-Instead -Instead I’m giving you… New JerseyI’m giving you… New Jersey..- - Hey New Jersey is niceHey New Jersey is nice!!

… …Parts of itParts of it..

Speaker NotesSpeaker Notes- What I - What I mean to saymean to say is: is:

- Given the material in your handout- Given the material in your handout- & &

that that focus on schoolfocus on school-wide efforts,-wide efforts,- - In the followupIn the followup session, I’d like to address what we teachers can do in our classrooms to session, I’d like to address what we teachers can do in our classrooms to

maintain anmaintain an efficiently runningefficiently running classroom while classroom while creatingcreating- a positive- a positive-& accepting interpersonal climate.-& accepting interpersonal climate.

- - Kids need to feelKids need to feel connected to us connected to us & comfortable& comfortable bringing safety concerns to us. bringing safety concerns to us. Comprehensive analyses by:Comprehensive analyses by:- Researchers- Researchers- Secret Service- Secret Service- & FBI - & FBI concludeconclude that our that our best protectionbest protection lies in: lies in:- Improving - Improving communication & trustcommunication & trust with students & others in the community so that threats with students & others in the community so that threats & recent threatening patterns of behavior & recent threatening patterns of behavior are reportedare reported so that they can be so that they can be investigated & investigated & addressedaddressed::

- Legally- Legally- Educationally- Educationally- Psychologically.- Psychologically.

- T- The tips he tips that I pick up as the that I pick up as the subtextsubtext in these reports in these reports& other research literature is: & other research literature is:

- Be alert.- Be alert.- Be informed.- Be informed.

- Be caring.- Be caring.- Be all that- Be all that you you, a great teacher, can be., a great teacher, can be.

-Seek & attain the -Seek & attain the idealideal..

Principles for Prudent PracticePrinciples for Prudent Practice (To be addressed in the follow-up session)(To be addressed in the follow-up session)

• Build interpersonal bonds with students.Build interpersonal bonds with students.• Correct student actions in ways that don’t Correct student actions in ways that don’t

come across as being ostracized.come across as being ostracized.• Build a sense of esprit de corps in your Build a sense of esprit de corps in your

classroom and the school at-large.classroom and the school at-large.• Guarantee everyone safety from bullying.Guarantee everyone safety from bullying.

– PhysicalPhysical– OralOral

• PsychologicalPsychological• IntellectualIntellectual

– Non-physical, Non-oralNon-physical, Non-oral• ShunningShunning• CyberCyber..

What can I do to decrease my chances of  being a What can I do to decrease my chances of  being a school shooting victim?school shooting victim?    

• The motive for these attacks is REVENGE.  Shooters are striking back at those who The motive for these attacks is REVENGE.  Shooters are striking back at those who have made their lives miserable.  Don't be one of those people. have made their lives miserable.  Don't be one of those people. 

• • Treat all students with respect.  Listen to all kids.  Talk Treat all students with respect.  Listen to all kids.  Talk TOTO them, not them, not ATAT


• Be patient and tolerant.  Be sure they get more positive comments in your Be patient and tolerant.  Be sure they get more positive comments in your classroom than negative ones (at least a 3 to 1 ratio).  Give them the time of day.  classroom than negative ones (at least a 3 to 1 ratio).  Give them the time of day.  Greet them at the door with a welcoming comment.  Use "we" and "us" messages, Greet them at the door with a welcoming comment.  Use "we" and "us" messages, and respectful communication (see the home page link at and respectful communication (see the home page link at titled "Nice ways to build self discipline in kids").titled "Nice ways to build self discipline in kids").

• Help them to succeed and catch them being good.Help them to succeed and catch them being good.

• Promote a positive supportive peer culture within your classroom (see the home Promote a positive supportive peer culture within your classroom (see the home page links at titled "Promoting positive peer pressure" page links at titled "Promoting positive peer pressure" and "Ways to catch em being good").and "Ways to catch em being good").

• When you must punish them, make them aware that it was done because you care When you must punish them, make them aware that it was done because you care about them or because you know what they are capable of doing if they apply about them or because you know what they are capable of doing if they apply themselves.  When a youngster says "Why did you punish me/call my parents?", the themselves.  When a youngster says "Why did you punish me/call my parents?", the answer should be "Because I care about you and want to see you succeed here at answer should be "Because I care about you and want to see you succeed here at school…and in life.“school…and in life.“

• • NEVERNEVER be mean or condescending.  Control your temper be mean or condescending.  Control your temper..

Speaker NotesSpeaker Notes-Society created the shooters it now disclaims.-Society created the shooters it now disclaims.--Society must workSociety must work to change the conditions that to change the conditions that hurt & hurt &

excludedexcluded these children to such an extent that they these children to such an extent that they strike strike out at usout at us in revenge. in revenge.

--Our assigned missionOur assigned mission is to protect all of our kids is to protect all of our kids while while helpinghelping alienated & antisocial youngsters turn back toward a alienated & antisocial youngsters turn back toward a prosocial outlook & lifestyle. prosocial outlook & lifestyle.

--The memoriesThe memories of those who have died must lead us to: of those who have died must lead us to:-Develop -Develop safer & more welcomingsafer & more welcoming school environments school environments

&& --Implement methodsImplement methods for reaching those who don't presently for reaching those who don't presently fit into the societal puzzlefit into the societal puzzle..

Speaker NotesSpeaker Notes--When it comesWhen it comes to safe & welcoming educational to safe & welcoming educational

environments, we environments, we can’t affordcan’t afford to take the advice of to take the advice of Ed NortonEd Norton, the , the sidekicksidekick to Jackie Gleason’s to Jackie Gleason’s Ralph Ralph CramdenCramden, in the old , in the old HoneymoonerHoneymooner episodes from episodes from 1960s…1960s…

““When the tides of life turn against you, & the waves When the tides of life turn against you, & the waves upset your boat; Don’t think of the things that might upset your boat; Don’t think of the things that might have been. Just lay on your back & float.”have been. Just lay on your back & float.”

- In casesIn cases such as these we must: such as these we must:- -Get a -Get a better boatbetter boat- -Train the crew well for -Train the crew well for rough weatherrough weather &&- -Make the -Make the passengerspassengers feel comfortable & feel comfortable &

valued. valued.

Speaker NotesSpeaker Notes

- I’m not talking about the - I’m not talking about the Love BoatLove Boat……just the just the Like BoatLike Boat..

- Not - Not kisses & hugskisses & hugs……just just smiles & patssmiles & pats on the on the

back.back.Not Not hand-holdinghand-holding……

just just hand-shakinghand-shaking..

I’m goingI’m going to use my hand now to to use my hand now to wavewave a fond farewell a fond farewell as as you you set sailset sail for informative & entertaining e for informative & entertaining educational ducational ports ports

Then I wave it Then I wave it the other way the other way (arm over & then underhand sweep (arm over & then underhand sweep to my spot)to my spot) to beckonto beckon our conference captains back to the our conference captains back to the helmhelm..

Thank youThank you so much. so much.

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