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School Performance Plan  

School NameBecker, Ernest MS

Address (City, State, Zip Code, Telephone):9151 Pinewood Hills Dr

Las Vegas, NV  89134-6086, 7027994460

Superintendent/Region Superintendent: Jesus Jara / Grant Hanevold

For Implementation During The Following Years: 2019-2020 

The Following MUST Be Completed:

Title I Status: Served

Designation: NA

Grade Level Served: Middle School

Classification: 3 Star

NCCAT-S: Not Required

*1 and 2 Star Schools Only:Please ensure that the following

documents will be available upon request ☐ Use of Core Instructional Materials ☐ Scheduling ☐ Model School Visits

Members of Planning Team * ALL Title I schools must have a parent on their planning team that is NOT a district employee.

Name of Member Position Name of Member PositionMegan Galli Parent Alanna Robinson Parent

Julie Vigil Parent Ashley Watson ParentKathleen Bandhauer Teacher Kathleen Dunaway Support Staff

Amy Smith Principal Rebecca Peplinski Assistant PrincipalTammy Hanlon Teacher Greg Siqueiros Assistant PrincipalLinda Dungee Teacher

Nevada Department of Education Becker, Ernest MS  2019-2020Clark County School District

Last Date Review/Revised By Planning Team - 11/05/2019 Page 1 Nevada Department of Education - June 2017



Based on your schools NSPF results, identify what additional data have been reviewed and analyzed in development of the SPP.

School Data For General Education Including FRL English Language Learner (ELL) Data Special Education Data

Summative Assessments Achievement Gap Data Nevada School Performance Framework (NSPF)Teacher/Administrator Observation Data ELL Program Policies and Procedures Service Delivery ModelsFormative Assessments Practice Service Delivery Models Teacher/Administrator Observation DataStakeholder Survey Information Teacher/Administrator Observation Data Special Education Procedures - Whole SchoolNevada School Performance Framework (NSPF) Time in ELL Program/Projected Time to Proficiency Availability of Curriculum for IEP StudentsOther: Instructional Rounds Other: ALEKS Other: Instructional RoundsOther: Operation Respect/Welcoming School Survey Data Other: ELL Professional Development Other: Reading Plus

Summary Statement: Please provide a brief description for how the analyzed data will impact your Inquiry and Action Planning process.For the 2019-2020 school year, Becker Middle School’s demographics are (2014-15, 2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18, and 2018-19)Asian 6.45% (5.6%, 5.92%, 5.95%, 5.76%, 5.4%)African American 16.2% (15.1%, 14.37%, 17.13%, 16.62%, 18.08%)Caucasian 30.54% (35.5%, 32.15%, 32.22%, 32.43%, 30.6%)Hispanic 35.91% (33.4%, 34.03%, 34.33%, 34.48%, 35.95%)Multiracial 8.17% (7.9%, 8.02%, 8.06%, 8.24%, 7.85%)American Indian .36% (N/A)Pacific Islander 3.37% (2.2%, 2.31%, 2.32%, 2.48%, 2.45%)

Special populations’ demographics:Limited English Proficient (LEP) 8.02% (7.3%, 10.04%, 8.60%, 8.86%, 10.48%); Individualized Education Plan (IEP) 12.69% (10.8%, 12.21%, 12.21%, 13.35%, 13.3%); Free or Reduced Lunch (FRL) 60.81% (52.5%, 54%, 59.68%, 53.12%, 61.8%); and Section 504 Plans 2.22% (.9%, 2.17%, 2.17%, 2.32%, N/A ).

Overall, on the Spring 2019 Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBAC), in English Language Arts (ELA) 61.47% (2018 - 64.04%; 2017 - 63.6%) of Becker Middle School’s students were proficient and, in math, 37.62% (2018 - 37.94%; 2017 - 34.3%) were proficient. In 6th grade, 54.59% (2018 - 60.82%; 2017 - 56.99%) were proficient in ELA and 33.3% (2018 - 31.98%; 2017 - 32.46%) were proficient in math. In 7th grade, 65.71% (2018 - 59.05%; 2017 - 69.03%) were proficient in ELA and 39.02% (2018 - 37.72%; 2017 - 40.79%) were proficient in math. In 8th grade, 63.85% (2018 - 71.99%; 2017 - 64%) were proficient in ELA and 40.38% (2018 - 43.84%; 2017 - 28.57%) were proficient in math (SBAC). Cohort Scores (This shows the proficiency trend of the same student cohort over the past 2-3 years)ELA 6th grade 2017 - 56.99%7th grade 2018 – 59.05%8th grade 2019 – 63.85%Math 6th grade 2017 – 34.3%7th grade 2018 – 37.72%8th Grade 2019 – 40.38%ELA 6th Grade 2018 – 60.82%

Nevada Department of Education Becker, Ernest MS  2019-2020Clark County School District

Last Date Review/Revised By Planning Team - 11/05/2019 Page 2 Nevada Department of Education - June 2017

7th Grade 2019 - 65.71%Math 6th grade 2018 – 31.98%7th grade 2019 – 40.38%In ELA, the Asian student subgroup scored the highest at 77.46% (2018 - 82.9%; 2017 - 88.9%) proficient. The African American subgroup was the lowest at 41.31% (2018 - 46.81%; 2017 - 44.04%) proficient. In ELA, females had a higher proficiency of 64.91% (2018 - 67.83%; 2017 - 67.36%) than males with 58.28% (2018 - 60.26%; 2017- 59.87%) proficiency. In ELA, IEP students’ proficiency was 12.84% (2018 - 12.68%; 2017 - 8.76%) compared to 67.71% (2018 - 70.49%; 2017 - 70.37%) non-IEP, and LEP students’ proficiency was 12.73% (2018 - 17.93%; 2017 - 24%) compared to non-LEP which was 65.97% (2018 - 68.29%; 2017 - 67.07%).

In ELA the Adequate Growth Percentile (AGP) overall as a school is 63.4% (2018 - 69.1%). The 2019 District average is 48.2%. By ethnicities: Asian 79.69% (2018 - 84.51%), Black 45.05% (2018 - 50.28%), Caucasian 74.42% (2018 - 77.78%), Hispanic 57.33% (2018 - 64.29%), Multiracial 74.44% (2018 - 76.34%), Native American 100% (2018 - 33.3%), Pacific Islander 69.70% (2018 - 77.42%) as measured on the 2019 SBAC.

In ELA Median Growth Percentile (MGP) overall as a school is 62% (2018 - 64%). The 2019 District Average is 49%. By ethnicities: Asian 61.5% (2018 - 69%), Black 60.0% (2018 - 57%), Caucasian 63.0% (2018 - 66%), Hispanic 63.5% (2018 - 65%), Multiracial 63.5% (2018 - 71%), Native American 93.0% (2018 - 76%), and Pacific Islander 57.0% (2018 - 61%).

In math, the highest subgroup was Asian at 67.61% (2018 - 59.21%; 2017 - 59.42%) proficient. The lowest group in math was the African American subgroup with 17.92% (2018 - 21.27%; 2017 - 20.22%) proficient. In math, males had a higher proficiency at 38.43% (2018 - 38.95%; 2017 - 36.35%) than females with 36.74% (2018 - 36.94%; 2017 - 32.47%). IEP students’ proficiency was 6.08% (2018 - 2.11%; 2017 - 5.11%) compared to 41.67% (2018 - 42.51%; 2017 - 38.36%) non-IEP proficiency, and LEP students’ proficiency was 6.42% (2018 - 2.83%; 2017 - 6.12%) compared to non-LEP at 40.47% (2018 - 41.18%; 2017 - 37.04%).

In math the Adequate Growth Percentile (AGP) overall as a school was 39.6% (2018 - 41%). The 2019 District average is 31.5%. By ethnicities: Asian 67.19% (2018 - 57.75%), Black 20.9% (2018 - 25.14%), Caucasian 50.0% (2018 - 53.83%), Hispanic 37.4% (2018 - 31.19%), Multiracial 50.0% (2018 - 48.39%), Native American 100% (2018 - 33.33%), Pacific Islander 53.13% (2018 - 41.94%) as measured on the 2019 SBAC.

In math Median Growth Percentile (MGP) overall as a school was 61.0% (2018 - 62%). The 2019 District average is 49%. By ethnicities: Asian 71.0% (2018 - 69%), Black 59.0% (2018 - 62%), Caucasian 59.5% (2018 - 64%), Hispanic 61% (2018 - 60%), Multiracial 59% (2018 - 57%), Native American 43% (2018 - 63%), and Pacific Islander 69.5% (2018 - 57%).

18-19 Reading Plus assessment scores compared (benchmark to final assessment): • at or above grade-level from 44% - 59% (2018 - 46% to 58%); • one grade level below current grade from 10% - 10% (2018 - 10% to 8%); • two grade levels below current grade from 8% -7% (2018 - 11% to 7%); • three or more grade levels below current grade from 10% - 7% (2018 - 32% to 26%). Overall a reduction of students below grade level and an overall 59% (2018 - 58%) of students made gains.

Becker Middle School parent responses on CCSD 2019 survey."I feel welcome at my child’s school." 93.6%) strongly agree or agree"At this school, the teachers really care about my child." 93.5% strongly agree or agree"My child feels safe in school." 89.9% strongly agree or agree"I know what goes on inside my child’s school." 89.9% strongly agree or agree"I am informed about the current curriculum for my child’s grade level." 90.8% strongly agree or agreeThe Pledge of Achievement Goal #4 (Engagement) - 89.5% answered strongly agree and agree, Goal #5 (Happy with School) - 89.2% answered strongly agree and agree, and (Student Safety) - 86.50% answered strongly agree and agree.

Based on changes to the WIDA assessment, WIDA results for the 2018-19 school year: 1 students (.9%) was Level 5 (17-18 – 9 students 7.44%; 16-17 - 1 student .85%), 35 students (31.53%) were Level 4 (17-18 – 42 students 34.71%; 16-17 - 34 students - 30.91%), 49 students (44.14%) were Level 3 (17-18 – 50 students 41.32%; 16-17 - 56 students 50.91%), 20 students (18.02%) were Level 2 (17-18 – 14 students 11.57%; 16-17 - 14 students - 12.73%), and 6 students (5.41%) were Level 1 ((17-18 – 1 student 4.96%; 16-17 - 5 students 4.55%). The percentage of ELL students meeting AGP was 33.6% (17-18 – 47.9%). The District average was 22.8%

Nevada Department of Education Becker, Ernest MS  2019-2020Clark County School District

Last Date Review/Revised By Planning Team - 11/05/2019 Page 3 Nevada Department of Education - June 2017

HOPE 2 Intervention  

Focus of Intervention:Social & Emotional Learning/Week of Respect kick-off assembly September 30, 2019 . Bi-monthly SEL lessons in the classroom. School-wide campaign "Do the Right Think" & Becker Bes, Full-time behavior interventionist is an additional student support along with counselors, social worker, teachers, support staff & administration. Hope 2 money covers an additional extra campus security monitor and our in-school suspension aide. In addition, Hope 2 covers activity pay for our behavior interventionist for the BELA after-school program.

 Monitoring Plan:Monthly - Pull behavior data from IC

 Evaluation Plan:Data pulled from IC

Nevada Department of Education Becker, Ernest MS  2019-2020Clark County School District

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COMPONENT II: Inquiry Process & Action Plan Design- Priority Need/Goal 1  

Based on the CNA, identify all that apply:☑ General Education ☑ FRL ☑ ELL ☑ IEP ☐ Other

Priority Need/Goal 1:Increase the overall reading proficiency from 60.3% to 63.3% and increase the median growth percentile from 62% to 65% as measured on the Spring 2020 SBAC.

 Root Causes:Teachers need to incorporate rigorous texts, activities, and assignments with high cognitive demand, including multicultural texts (both fiction and nonfiction). Teachers need to increase use of academic vocabulary to include complexity, multiple meanings, and to use words and roots in a variety of contexts. Teachers need to have instruction at students grade-level, as well as at their learning level (differentiation and targeted reading instruction) and employ metacognitive strategies to increase ownership of learning. Teachers also need to create balanced assessments including all levels of DOK and high cognitive demand. Teachers also need to ensure students are exposed to practice SBAC questions utilizing the SBAC digital library and interim assessments.

 Measurable Objective 1:Decrease the percentage of non-proficient students utilizing mid-year data as measured by Reading Plus, MAPS Growth scores, and teacher assessment data.


Monitoring Status



Action Step(please only list one action step per box)

Resources and Amount

Needed for Implementation(people, time, materials, funding


List Artifacts/Evidence of Progress:Information (Data) that will verify the

action step is in progress or has occurred.

List Timeline, Benchmarks, and

Position Responsible



1.1 Professional Development (Required) Continuation From Last Year: Yes NCCAT-S Indicators: RTI - Reading Plus progress and assessment analysis for all RTI students. Focus on developing tasks with high cognitive demand, meta-cognitive activities, and SBAC - balanced assessments and performance tasks (all Wednesdays of full school weeks and RPDP trainings). Reading Plus progress and assessment analysis w/ ELA dept, differentiated instruction and strengthening Tier 1 instruction, high cognitive demand instruction. Developing balanced assessments and activities and assignments with high-cognitive demand.

ELA - Reading Plus - School budget. G. Siqueiros - ELA Supervisor. R. Peplinski - RTI & Sped Supervisor. RPDP & CPD resources. J. Ayala - ELL Resources

ELA supervisor - classroom observations and feedback. Common assessments using SBAC-like items and questioning - Monthly. Assessments and performance task practice. Instructional Rounds

Metacognition and High Cognitive Demand Instruction - PD from admin/CPD/RPDP. Metacognition and High Cognitive Demand observations - Administration RTI monitoring and log training - Assistant Principal.



Nevada Department of Education Becker, Ernest MS  2019-2020Clark County School District

Last Date Review/Revised By Planning Team - 11/05/2019 Page 5 Nevada Department of Education - June 2017

SBAC - Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium; RTI - Response to Instruction; ELA - English/Language Arts; NEPF - Nevada Education Performance Framework 

Action StepResources and Amount

NeededList Artifacts/Evidence

Timeline and Position




1.2 Family Engagement (Required) Continuation From Last Year: Yes NCCAT-S Indicators: A link on the school website to Reading Plus. Monthly PAC meetings. PAC meeting agendas posted on the school website for parents that cannot attend. Family Engagement Night, November, 2019. PAC meeting information on curriculum and changes in instructional program. Reading Plus, High Cognitive Demand, Metacognition, and Response to Intervention. Reading Plus Summary of Performance for each student sent home to parents. Email to parents about Reading Plus program and expectations. MAP Growth family report send home/emailed info to parents. RTI progress reports sent home to parents.

Practice SBAC tests on the school website. How to interpret SBAC score on website in English and Spanish. PAC meeting agendas posted on the school website.

A. Smith - PAC meeting agendas monthly. R. Peplinski - Family Engagement Night November, 2019 - program and attendance records. A. Smith - PAC meetings monthly attendance.R. Peplinski- RTI letters.

PAC meeting agendas - monthly - Principal. Family Engagement Night. PAC meetings - monthly - Principal. ELA items on website - ELA supervisor. RTI letters monthly - Asst. Principal


Comments:SBAC - Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium; RTI - Response to Instruction; ELA - English/Language Arts


1.3 Curriculum/Instruction/Assessment (Required)Continuation From Last Year:

YesNCCAT-S Indicators:

Implement Greek and Latin roots vocabulary weekly following the NVACS and benchmarks. Development of tasks that have high cognitive demand and mirror the SBAC performance tasks and assessment. Incorporation of meta-cognitive activities within each unit of study (i.e. test corrections, goal setting, writing reflections). RTI - individual and small group instruction. Differentiated instruction and Tier 1 instruction - Instructional Coach. ELA tutoring 4 days weekly. LEP strategies utilized in classrooms. Reading Plus required for every student weekly. RTI Pull-outs. ELL Class. Balanced Assessments (NEPF Standard 5). Activities and assignments with high cognitive demand (NEPF Standard2).

Reading Plus - all students - School budget. MyAccess for 7th grade - School budget. Computer labs for tutoring. RTI logs - Google Docs. ELL Classes (funded through Title III) & Achieve 3000, RTI Pull-outs - Asst. Principal/CTTs, Balanced Assessments & SBAC like questions - Department Supervisors.

Tutoring logs - Weekly - Assistant Principal. Monitoring of RTI logs - monthly - Assistant Principal. Classroom observation - weekly - ELA Supervisor. Instructional Rounds and Instructional Round data analysis - All Administration. Time on Reading Plus - ELA Supervisor

Tutoring logs - Assistant Principal. RTI logs - Assistant Principal. Classroom observation and Instructional Round - ELA Supervisor and other administration. Common Assessment results - ELA Supervisor. Reading Plus - ELA supervisor


Comments:SBAC - Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium; RTI - Response to Instruction; ELA - English/Language Arts; NEPF - Nevada Educator Performance Framework


1.4 Other (Optional) Continuation From Last Year: NCCAT-S Indicators: N/A

Nevada Department of Education Becker, Ernest MS  2019-2020Clark County School District

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Nevada Department of Education Becker, Ernest MS  2019-2020Clark County School District

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COMPONENT II: Inquiry Process & Action Plan Design- Priority Need/Goal 2  

Based on the CNA, identify all that apply:☑ General Education ☑ FRL ☑ ELL ☑ IEP ☐ Other

Priority Need/Goal 2:Increase the overall math proficiency from 37.2% to 42.2% and overall median growth percentile from 61% to 65% as measured by the Spring 2020 SBAC assessment.

 Root Causes:Develop tasks with high cognitive demand that progressively develop the student's cognitive ability mirroring the type of questions and responses asked on the SBAC assessment. Incorporates a meta-cognitive activity within each unit in order to develop student's ability to self-analyze and monitor their learning progress and goals. Teachers need to incorporate more common vocabulary into instruction in order for students to better understand mathematical concepts and proper mathematical notation. Students need to have learning gaps filled in order to understand grade-level curriculum. Students need to be exposed to and practice SBAC like questions provided by teachers utilizing the digital library and materials from RPDP.

 Measurable Objective 1:Decrease the percentage of non-proficient students utilizing mid-year data as measured by grade distributions, classroom summative assessments, and MAPs growth data.


Monitoring Status



Action Step(please only list one action step per box)

Resources and Amount

Needed for

Implementation(people, time, materials,

funding sources)

List Artifacts/Evidence of

Progress:Information (Data) that will verify the action step is in progress or

has occurred.

List Timeline,

Benchmarks, and

Position Responsible



2.1 Professional Development (Required)Continuation From Last Year:

YesNCCAT-S Indicators:

Nevada Department of Education Becker, Ernest MS  2019-2020Clark County School District

Last Date Review/Revised By Planning Team - 11/05/2019 Page 8 Nevada Department of Education - June 2017

Analyze assessment and progress for all RTI students. Focus on developing tasks with high cognitive demand and meta-cognitive activities. Differentiate instruction and strengthen Tier 1 instruction in mathematics. Utilize the math assistants to re-teach concepts & work with students in small groups. Utilize material from RPDP training (SBAC, Data, & Curriculum alignment). Develop balanced assessments and activities and assignments with high-cognitive demand & high correlation to SBAC (NEPF Standard 3 and 5).

Title I funding for Math Instructional Assistants.

Classroom observations - Weekly - Math Supervisor. RTI & Sp Ed monitoring - Assistant Principal.

Principal - submitted 2/18 to CPD purchase of ALEKs for special education


Comments:SBAC - Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium; NEPF - Nevada Educators Performance Framework.


Action StepResources and

Amount NeededList Artifacts/Evidence Timeline and Position Responsible



2.2 Family Engagement (Required) Continuation From Last Year: Yes NCCAT-S Indicators: Link on the school website to SBAC practice tests. PAC meeting agendas posted on the school website for parents that cannot attend. Family Engagement Night November, 2019. PAC meeting information on curriculum, changes in instructional program, high-cognitive demand, metacognition, and Response to Intervention. PAC meeting information on math program.

Title I funding for Family Engagement & Curriculum Night

PAC meeting agendas monthly. Family Engagement Night - program and attendance records. PAC meetings monthly attendance.

PAC meeting agendas - monthly - Principal. Family Engagement Night - program and attendance records - November, 2019 - Department Supervisors. PAC meetings monthly attendance - Principal.


Comments:SBAC - Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium


2.3 Curriculum/Instruction/Assessment (Required)Continuation From Last

Year: YesNCCAT-S Indicators:

Utilize math vocabulary and proper mathematical notation daily following the NVACS and benchmarks, in math notebooks. Development of tasks that have high cognitive demand and mirror the SBAC performance tasks and assessment. Incorporation of metacognitive activities within each unit of study (i.e. test corrections, error analysis, goal setting). RTI - individual and small group instruction with teacher/math assistants (Tier II) and CTTs (Tier III) Modify RPDP practice/unit tests to incorporate SBAC type question. Math tutoring 4 days weekly. Incorporating ELL strategies and best practices into classroom. RTI Pull-outs and Fundamentals of Numeracy and Literacy classes (Title I funded). ELL classes. Balanced assessments (NEPF Standard 5). Activities and assignments with high cognitive demand (NEPF Standard 2).

Title Funded: CTT's (Tier III math), Instructional Assistants (4) in math classrooms Khan Academy

Tutoring logs - weekly - Assistant Principal. Monitoring of RTI logs - monthly - Assistant Principal. Classroom Observation - weekly - Math Supervisor.

Tutoring logs daily - Assistant Principal. Monitoring of RTI logs monthly review - Assistant Principal. Classroom Observation - weekly - Math Supervisor. Common Assessment results and analysis - Math Supervisor. Fundamentals Class - Math Supervisor. RTI pull-outs - Assistant Principal.


Comments:SBAC - Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium; NEPF - Nevada Educators Performance Framework.


2.4 Other (Optional) Continuation From Last Year: NCCAT-S Indicators:

Nevada Department of Education Becker, Ernest MS  2019-2020Clark County School District

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Nevada Department of Education Becker, Ernest MS  2019-2020Clark County School District

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COMPONENT II: Inquiry Process & Action Plan Design- Priority Need/Goal 3  

Based on the CNA, identify all that apply:☑ General Education ☑ FRL ☑ ELL ☑ IEP ☐ Other

Priority Need/Goal 3:Reduce the percentage of chronically absent students from 8.5% to 5.5% by 2020 as measured by Infinite Campus/Nevada School Performance Framework and and increase positive school climate as measured by school survey results.

 Root Causes:Students are chronically absent due to family circumstances out of their control; taking care of siblings, medical issues.

 Measurable Objective 1:Decrease the amount of students absent, specifically those with 10 days or more UNV absences during the school year.

 Measurable Objective 2:Decrease the amount of students absent, specifically those with 10 days or more CIR absences during the school year.

 Measurable Objective 3:Decrease the amount of students absent, specifically those with 5 days or more TRU absences during the school year.


Monitoring Status



Action Step(please only list one action step per box)

Resources and Amount Needed

for Implementation(people, time, materials, funding


List Artifacts/Evidence of

Progress:Information (Data) that will verify

the action step is in progress or has occurred.

List Timeline, Benchmarks, and

Position Responsible



3.1 Professional Development (Required) Continuation From Last Year: No NCCAT-S Indicators:

Nevada Department of Education Becker, Ernest MS  2019-2020Clark County School District

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Attendance Tracking Sheet - Attendance Clerk. Students flagged and referral made to social worker. Phone calls home by attendance clerk to students with 5 absences and a meeting with counselor and/or social worker and/or behavior interventionist. Truancy letters 3,6,9 sent home weekly. 5th truancy - Truancy officer/admin phone call, 9th UNV - SB269 meeting. 10 absences - truancy citation, log in IC behavior referral. Attendance punch cards for chronically absent students through social worker check-in

Attendance clerk Admin/counselor Social worker - state grant funded Behavior interventionist/strategist w/students - Title I funded

Attendance tracking sheet - Attendance Clerk. IC documentation; Weekly/monthly attendance & behavior data. Chronic absenteeism data and social worker check-in data.

Weekly & monthly attendance report - Administration and Attendance Clerk Monthly behavior referrals report - Behavior Interventionist/social worker/counselors. Monthly chronic absenteeism report- Administration and Attendance Clerk



Action Step Resources and Amount Needed List Artifacts/Evidence Timeline and Position ResponsibleMonitoring


3.2 Family Engagement (Required)Continuation From Last Year:

YesNCCAT-S Indicators:

Increase parent participation in school events and connect parents with resources. Conduct home visits to encourage student attendance at school.

Parent Instructional Materials - Title I funded Snacks/refreshments to serve - Title I funded

sheets at parent meetings/evening curriculum events

Administration/Counselors/Social Worker/Behavior Interventionist



3.3 Curriculum/Instruction/Assessment (Required) Continuation From Last Year: NCCAT-S Indicators: N/A N/A


3.4 Other (Optional) Continuation From Last Year: NCCAT-S Indicators: N/A


Nevada Department of Education Becker, Ernest MS  2019-2020Clark County School District

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Nevada Department of Education Becker, Ernest MS  2019-2020Clark County School District

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COMPONENT III: Budget Plan  

COORDINATION OF FUNDS TO SUPPORT THE PLAN WITH OTHER PROGRAMS: Provide the sources of funds your school is currently receiving and identify the purposes for which those funds are

spent. Sources of funds may include General Budget, Title I , Title II, Title III, Migrant, Immigrant, Neglected & Delinquent, 21st Century After School Programs, Gear Up, IDEA, McKinney-Vento/Homeless, Head Start, state-funded Pre-Kindergarten, Teacher Incentive Fund, Striving Readers, and other state/federal funds.

Source of Funds applicable

to Priority Need/Goal

Amount Received for

this School Year

Purposes for which funds are used (include targeted audience, specific activities, intended

outcomes, etc.)Applicable Goal(s)

State Grant 60,000 Social Worker in schools Goal 3Title III 20,000 Prep Buys for two teachers for an ELL new comer class and a class for LTELLs. Achieve 3000 Goals 1 and 2

Title I 283,140Behavior Interventionist (licensed staff) CTTs (2) for RTI Tier III pullout Instructional Assistants (4) for math classrooms (Tier II) Prep Buys (to reduce class size) After school tutoring/homework help in ELA & math 4 times/week Technology/supplies as needed

Goals 1, 2 and 3

General Fund 120,000 Prep Buys for teachers to reduce class sizes. Goals 1, 2 and 3

Nevada Department of Education Becker, Ernest MS  2019-2020Clark County School District

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Title I Schools operating a Schoolwide Program must complete Items 1 through 5 on this page. 

1. Describe the school's strategies to attract effective, highly-qualified teachers to your school.Becker Middle School focuses on professional development for all staff. We have a good reputation for attracting and keeping quality teachers. Our existing staff is outstanding. During the 2019-20 school year, three new teachers were hired (2 experienced, 1 first year). Numerous teachers were recognized at the Heart of Education Awards at the Smith Center.

 2. Describe the school's strategies to increase family engagement in accordance with Section 1116 of ESSA (see resource link), such as family literacy services and the provision to parents on how the school will share academic information in a language they understand.During the 2019-20 school year Family Engagement Night will be held on November 14th . Other family nights events include Back-to-School Kick-off (August 8th), Open House (Aug 29th); Fine Arts Concerts in the fall, winter, and spring; and Awards Night. There are PAC and SOT meetings every month open to all parents. Minutes of those meetings are posted on the school's website. The Accountability Report/SBAC/NSPF rating reviewed during PAC meetings. Information about the education program, special events, social and emotional learning, and programs utilized at Becker Middle School are all showcased during parent meetings. Website contains pertinent information as well. Several teachers utilize Edmodo, Remind 101, Google Classroom, and email through IC to communicate information to parents on a regular basis. Parent/Teacher Conferences are set up for parents of students who are in danger of retention or who are high-risk for academic struggles in order to inform parents about their academic progress. Emails are sent home to all students in danger of retention. The Safe School Professional/Social Worker and counselors (3) work with students and parents to encourage good academics, positive behavior, and good attendance. They also communicate with families about community resources and assistance.

 3. Describe the school's plans for transition and articulation between school programs (ie: assisting preschool children from early childhood programs such as Head Start, Even Start, or a state-run preschool program to elementary school, elementary school to middle school, and middle to high school, etc.).Feeder principals speak at PAC meetings. Information at the PAC meetings about programs at feeder high schools. Both feeder high schools have field trips to the schools for an assembly and campus tour, highlighting their electives, programs, and academics. Both feeder high schools invite our band students to participate in a Middle School night and have pre-festival concerts at the high schools. Our cheerleaders host a Baby Bighorn cheer clinic and have the Baby Bighorns perform at a basketball game. Our counselors have also presented at the elementary feeder schools on coping and transitioning to middle school. Fifth graders attend an assembly highlighting programs offered at Becker and participate in a campus tour. Parents of fifth graders are invited to an Orientation Assembly in the evening as well.

 4. Identify the measures that include teachers in decisions regarding the use of academic assessments.Teachers create classroom tests, including mid-term and final exams, as grade-level departments. Teachers work in grade-level departments to select the amount and type of assessments given to their students. Reading Plus is required weekly of all students. Students in an additional ELA class for ELL utilize Acheive 3000. The SBAC digital library, interims, MAPs assessment data, and materials from RPDP are also given to gauge the students abilities prior to the SBAC administration and to guide instruction. Other programs utilized by our staff are MyAccess, Open Up Resources/Illustrative Math, and Khan Academy.

 5. Provide assurance that federal, state, and local services are coordinated and integrated into the school improvement effortsTwo CTTs (funded by Title I) works with over 120 students (small group instruction) who scored in the emergent range on the 2019 SBAC and/or have low reading or math skills based on the initial assessments in MAPS and Reading Plus. The Title I funds pay for after school tutoring four days weekly for math and ELA. Title I also funds four Instructional Assistants to utilize in the math classrooms. In addition, Title I funds our teacher behavioral interventionist to decrease the amount of students suspended from school. Our social worker (state funded) is an additional support for our students and families to outside resources.

Nevada Department of Education Becker, Ernest MS  2019-2020Clark County School District

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Plan for improving the school climate  

Goal:Our goal for the 19-20 school year is to decrease school suspensions by 10%.

 Action Plan: How will this plan improve the school climate?Providing positive behavior supports through our behavior interventionist, counselors, social worker, teachers, support staff and administrators, students will be more successful in behaving properly while at school.

 Monitoring Plan: How will you track the implementation of this plan?Data collection from IC on a monthly basis, teacher referrals, behavior interventionist log, PD with teachers and staff on positive behavior and intervention supports.

 Evaluation Plan: What data will you use to determine if the climate of the school has been improved through the implementation of this plan?IC Discipline data, School survey data

Nevada Department of Education Becker, Ernest MS  2019-2020Clark County School District

Last Date Review/Revised By Planning Team - 11/05/2019 Page 16 Nevada Department of Education - June 2017

APPENDIX A - Professional Development Plan  

1.1RTI - Reading Plus progress and assessment analysis for all RTI students. Focus on developing tasks with high cognitive demand, meta-cognitive activities, and SBAC - balanced assessments and performance tasks (all Wednesdays of full school weeks and RPDP trainings). Reading Plus progress and assessment analysis w/ ELA dept, differentiated instruction and strengthening Tier 1 instruction, high cognitive demand instruction. Developing balanced assessments and activities and assignments with high-cognitive demand.


Goal 1 Additional PD Action Step (Optional)  

2.1Analyze assessment and progress for all RTI students. Focus on developing tasks with high cognitive demand and meta-cognitive activities. Differentiate instruction and strengthen Tier 1 instruction in mathematics. Utilize the math assistants to re-teach concepts & work with students in small groups. Utilize material from RPDP training (SBAC, Data, & Curriculum alignment). Develop balanced assessments and activities and assignments with high-cognitive demand & high correlation to SBAC (NEPF Standard 3 and 5).


Goal 2 Additional PD Action Step (Optional)  

3.1Attendance Tracking Sheet - Attendance Clerk. Students flagged and referral made to social worker. Phone calls home by attendance clerk to students with 5 absences and a meeting with counselor and/or social worker and/or behavior interventionist. Truancy letters 3,6,9 sent home weekly. 5th truancy - Truancy officer/admin phone call, 9th UNV - SB269 meeting. 10 absences - truancy citation, log in IC behavior referral. Attendance punch cards for chronically absent students through social worker check-in


Goal 3 Additional PD Action Step (Optional)

Nevada Department of Education Becker, Ernest MS  2019-2020Clark County School District

Last Date Review/Revised By Planning Team - 11/05/2019 Page 17 Nevada Department of Education - June 2017

APPENDIX B - Family Engagement Plan  

1.2A link on the school website to Reading Plus. Monthly PAC meetings. PAC meeting agendas posted on the school website for parents that cannot attend. Family Engagement Night, November, 2019. PAC meeting information on curriculum and changes in instructional program. Reading Plus, High Cognitive Demand, Metacognition, and Response to Intervention. Reading Plus Summary of Performance for each student sent home to parents. Email to parents about Reading Plus program and expectations. MAP Growth family report send home/emailed info to parents. RTI progress reports sent home to parents.


Goal 1 Additional Family Engagement Action Step (Optional)  

2.2Link on the school website to SBAC practice tests. PAC meeting agendas posted on the school website for parents that cannot attend. Family Engagement Night November, 2019. PAC meeting information on curriculum, changes in instructional program, high-cognitive demand, metacognition, and Response to Intervention. PAC meeting information on math program.


Goal 2 Additional Family Engagement Action Step (Optional)  

3.2Increase parent participation in school events and connect parents with resources. Conduct home visits to encourage student attendance at school.


Goal 3 Additional Family Engagement Action Step (Optional)

Nevada Department of Education Becker, Ernest MS  2019-2020Clark County School District

Last Date Review/Revised By Planning Team - 11/05/2019 Page 18 Nevada Department of Education - June 2017

APPENDIX C - Monitoring/Evaluation  

Priority Need/Goal 1Priority Need/Goal 1:Increase the overall reading proficiency from 60.3% to 63.3% and increase the median growth percentile from 62% to 65% as measured on the Spring 2020 SBAC.

 Measurable Objective(s):

Decrease the percentage of non-proficient students utilizing mid-year data as measured by Reading Plus, MAPS Growth scores, and teacher assessment data. 



1.1 Professional Development: SBAC - Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium; RTI - Response to Instruction; ELA - English/Language Arts; NEPF - Nevada Education Performance Framework1.2 Family Engagement: SBAC - Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium; RTI - Response to Instruction; ELA - English/Language Arts1.3 Curriculum/Instruction/Assessment: SBAC - Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium; RTI - Response to Instruction; ELA - English/Language Arts; NEPF - Nevada Educator Performance Framework1.4 Other:


Mid-Year End-of-Year


RTI - Reading Plus progress and assessment analysis for all RTI students. Focus on developing tasks with high cognitive demand, meta-cognitive activities, and SBAC - balanced assessments and performance tasks (all Wednesdays of full school weeks and RPDP trainings). Reading Plus progress and assessment analysis w/ ELA dept, differentiated instruction and strengthening Tier 1 instruction, high cognitive demand instruction. Developing balanced assessments and activities and assignments with high-cognitive demand.




Next Steps


A link on the school website to Reading Plus. Monthly PAC meetings. PAC meeting agendas posted on the school website for parents that cannot attend. Family Engagement Night, November, 2019. PAC meeting information on curriculum and changes in instructional program. Reading Plus, High Cognitive Demand, Metacognition, and Response to Intervention. Reading Plus Summary of Performance for each student sent home to parents. Email to parents about Reading Plus program and expectations. MAP Growth family report send home/emailed info to parents. RTI progress reports sent home to parents.


Nevada Department of Education Becker, Ernest MS  2019-2020Clark County School District

Last Date Review/Revised By Planning Team - 11/05/2019 Page 19 Nevada Department of Education - June 2017


BarriersNext Steps


Implement Greek and Latin roots vocabulary weekly following the NVACS and benchmarks. Development of tasks that have high cognitive demand and mirror the SBAC performance tasks and assessment. Incorporation of meta-cognitive activities within each unit of study (i.e. test corrections, goal setting, writing reflections). RTI - individual and small group instruction. Differentiated instruction and Tier 1 instruction - Instructional Coach. ELA tutoring 4 days weekly. LEP strategies utilized in classrooms. Reading Plus required for every student weekly. RTI Pull-outs. ELL Class. Balanced Assessments (NEPF Standard 5). Activities and assignments with high cognitive demand (NEPF Standard2).




Next Steps

1.4 N/A



Next Steps

Nevada Department of Education Becker, Ernest MS  2019-2020Clark County School District

Last Date Review/Revised By Planning Team - 11/05/2019 Page 20 Nevada Department of Education - June 2017

APPENDIX C - Monitoring/Evaluation  

Priority Need/Goal 2Priority Need/Goal 2:Increase the overall math proficiency from 37.2% to 42.2% and overall median growth percentile from 61% to 65% as measured by the Spring 2020 SBAC assessment.

 Measurable Objective(s):

Decrease the percentage of non-proficient students utilizing mid-year data as measured by grade distributions, classroom summative assessments, and MAPs growth data. 



2.1 Professional Development: SBAC - Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium; NEPF - Nevada Educators Performance Framework.2.2 Family Engagement: SBAC - Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium2.3 Curriculum/Instruction/Assessment: SBAC - Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium; NEPF - Nevada Educators Performance Framework.2.4 Other:


Mid-Year End-of-Year


Analyze assessment and progress for all RTI students. Focus on developing tasks with high cognitive demand and meta-cognitive activities. Differentiate instruction and strengthen Tier 1 instruction in mathematics. Utilize the math assistants to re-teach concepts & work with students in small groups. Utilize material from RPDP training (SBAC, Data, & Curriculum alignment). Develop balanced assessments and activities and assignments with high-cognitive demand & high correlation to SBAC (NEPF Standard 3 and 5).




Next Steps

2.2Link on the school website to SBAC practice tests. PAC meeting agendas posted on the school website for parents that cannot attend. Family Engagement Night November, 2019. PAC meeting information on curriculum, changes in instructional program, high-cognitive demand, metacognition, and Response to Intervention. PAC meeting information on math program.



Nevada Department of Education Becker, Ernest MS  2019-2020Clark County School District

Last Date Review/Revised By Planning Team - 11/05/2019 Page 21 Nevada Department of Education - June 2017


Next Steps


Utilize math vocabulary and proper mathematical notation daily following the NVACS and benchmarks, in math notebooks. Development of tasks that have high cognitive demand and mirror the SBAC performance tasks and assessment. Incorporation of metacognitive activities within each unit of study (i.e. test corrections, error analysis, goal setting). RTI - individual and small group instruction with teacher/math assistants (Tier II) and CTTs (Tier III) Modify RPDP practice/unit tests to incorporate SBAC type question. Math tutoring 4 days weekly. Incorporating ELL strategies and best practices into classroom. RTI Pull-outs and Fundamentals of Numeracy and Literacy classes (Title I funded). ELL classes. Balanced assessments (NEPF Standard 5). Activities and assignments with high cognitive demand (NEPF Standard 2).




Next Steps

2.4 N/A



Next Steps

Nevada Department of Education Becker, Ernest MS  2019-2020Clark County School District

Last Date Review/Revised By Planning Team - 11/05/2019 Page 22 Nevada Department of Education - June 2017

APPENDIX C - Monitoring/Evaluation  

Priority Need/Goal 3Priority Need/Goal 3:Reduce the percentage of chronically absent students from 8.5% to 5.5% by 2020 as measured by Infinite Campus/Nevada School Performance Framework and and increase positive school climate as measured by school survey results.

 Measurable Objective(s):

Decrease the amount of students absent, specifically those with 10 days or more UNV absences during the school year.Decrease the amount of students absent, specifically those with 10 days or more CIR absences during the school year.Decrease the amount of students absent, specifically those with 5 days or more TRU absences during the school year.




3.1 Professional Development:3.2 Family Engagement:3.3 Curriculum/Instruction/Assessment:3.4 Other:


Mid-Year End-of-Year


Attendance Tracking Sheet - Attendance Clerk. Students flagged and referral made to social worker. Phone calls home by attendance clerk to students with 5 absences and a meeting with counselor and/or social worker and/or behavior interventionist. Truancy letters 3,6,9 sent home weekly. 5th truancy - Truancy officer/admin phone call, 9th UNV - SB269 meeting. 10 absences - truancy citation, log in IC behavior referral. Attendance punch cards for chronically absent students through social worker check-in




Next Steps

3.2 Increase parent participation in school events and connect parents with resources. Conduct home visits to encourage student attendance at school. N/A

Nevada Department of Education Becker, Ernest MS  2019-2020Clark County School District

Last Date Review/Revised By Planning Team - 11/05/2019 Page 23 Nevada Department of Education - June 2017


BarriersNext Steps

3.3 N/A N/A



Next Steps

3.4 N/A



Next Steps

Nevada Department of Education Becker, Ernest MS  2019-2020Clark County School District

Last Date Review/Revised By Planning Team - 11/05/2019 Page 24 Nevada Department of Education - June 2017

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