schedules, costs, delivery, correctionsall of the … author account manager created date 4/27/2009...

Post on 30-Apr-2018






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Schedules, Costs, Delivery, Corrections...All of the Bad

Words in Online and Print Magazine.

Katie Pugh, account manager, GCF

Brenda Foster, partner, GCF



• Everything has a deadline.


• Everything has a deadline.

• Outline everyone’s tasks including yours.


• Everything has a deadline.

• Outline everyone’s tasks including yours.

• Share the schedule with everyone involved in the project.


• Everything has a deadline.

• Outline everyone’s tasks including yours.

• Share the schedule with everyone involved in the project.

• If one date moves, the rest move.

Staying Organized

“Don’t agonize. Organize.”

- Florynce Kennedy

Staying Organized

• Organize the files on your computer.

Staying Organized

• Organize the files on your computer.

• File naming: feature_story_f.doc

Staying Organized

• Organize the files on your computer.

• File naming: feature_story_f.doc

• Start a job folder and use a job number.

Staying Organized

• Organize the files on your computer.

• File naming: feature_story_f.doc

• Start a job folder and use a job number.

• Follow your schedule.

Corrections, Corrections, Corrections

“We never let go. Ever. Even with punctuation. It’s

frightening. I can’t see anyone from any record company

ever writing an email to Neil and not getting it back,

with corrections.”

-Chris Lowe

Corrections, Corrections, Corrections

• Keep a copy of your corrections.

Corrections, Corrections, Corrections

• Keep a copy of your corrections.

• Date and label page proofs.

Corrections, Corrections, Corrections

• Keep a copy of your corrections.

• Date and label page proofs.

• Avoid bits and pieces by sending corrections all at once.

Corrections, Corrections, Corrections

• Keep a copy of your corrections.

• Date and label page proofs.

• Avoid bits and pieces by sending corrections all at once.

• Keep a written record of the work flow.

Corrections, Corrections, Corrections

• Keep a copy of your corrections.

• Date and label page proofs.

• Avoid bits and pieces by sending corrections all at once.

• Keep a written record of the work flow.

• Meet at the end to review the process.

Avoiding Errors While on Press

Avoiding Errors While on Press

• Make sure all colors are correct.

Avoiding Errors While on Press

• Make sure all colors are correct.

• Check photo resolution and color model.

Avoiding Errors While on Press

• Make sure all colors are correct.

• Check photo resolution and color model.

• Clean up your file.

Avoiding Errors While on Press

• Make sure all colors are correct.

• Check photo resolution and color model.

• Clean up your file.

• Check double word spaces, apostrophes, and quote marks.

Avoiding Errors While on Press

• Make sure all colors are correct.

• Check photo resolution and color model.

• Clean up your file.

• Check double word spaces, apostrophes, and quote marks.

• Check bleeds.

Avoiding Errors While on Press

• Make sure all colors are correct.

• Check photo resolution and color model.

• Clean up your file.

• Check double word spaces, apostrophes, and quote marks.

• Check bleeds.

• Check table of contents and folios.

Being Diplomatic/Negotiations

Being Diplomatic/Negotiations

• Printers fees.

Being Diplomatic/Negotiations

• Printers fees.

• Photography and illustration fees.

Being Diplomatic/Negotiations

• Printers fees.

• Photography and illustration fees.

• Listen carefully before reacting.

Q: How many editors does it take to change a light bulb?

Q: How many editors does it take to change a light bulb?

A: It was supposed to be in place last week!

Q: How many marketing directors does it take to

change a light bulb?

Q: How many marketing directors does it take to

change a light bulb?

A: It isn’t too late to make it neon, is it?

Q: How many proofreaders does it take to change

a light bulb?

Q: How many proofreaders does it take to change

a light bulb?

A: The last time this question was asked it involved

Art Directors. Is the difference intentional? It

seems inconsistent.

Q: How many designers does it take to change a light bulb?

Q: How many designers does it take to change a light bulb?

A: Does it have to be a light bulb?

Being Diplomatic/Negotiations

• Printers fees.

• Photographers fees.

• Listen carefully before reacting.

• Something went wrong…now what?

Think. Smart.

Online Magazines: To be or not to be…

Why produce a magazine?

Why produce a magazine?

Do you want to keep in touch with them or do you want them

to keep in touch with you?

Why produce an online magazine?

What is an online magazine?

Electronic magazine, ezine, cyberzine, hyperzine, online


What is an online magazine?

Is it a blog or a magazine?

Online Magazine Techniques

Online Magazine Techniques

Should you have to log into the magazine? Indiana University

Online Magazine Techniques

Open new window to view article: Wesleyan Magazine

Online Magazine Techniques

Dog Ears: Clemson University

Online Magazine Techniques

That about covers it… Oberlin


Online Magazine Techniques

Choose it or lose it: University of Oregon


Flipping out: Gonzaga



Should your goal be to eliminate print?

Should your goal be to eliminate print?

Expense vs Value

Beautiful, four color, glossy magazines with real substance

aren’t cheap.

Should your goal be to eliminate print?

Expense vs Value

Typically, the three major expenses when publishing a

magazine are:

1. Printing

2. Postage

3. Marketing

Should your goal be to eliminate print?

Always consider your audience first.

What is the profile of your readership?

Under 35, over 35?

Local or all over the country?

Two income family?

Access to computer for relaxation?

Potential major donor?

Major donor?

American Libraries Blog: November 2008

Eliminating Print Won’t Solve the Problem

AL received an email from an angry subscriber asking

to please eliminate print and save the environment and

her money.

So far reader surveys (and the last one was done in 2006),

have never indicated that readers in large numbers want us

to do away with print. And general membership surveys

consistently reveal that the vast majority of members

view AL as their single most valued tangible link to

the Association.

Audience reaction:

Of 28 responses 15 voted for print, 4 online, 7 the

opportunity to opt out of print and 2 off topic.

That’s 53% wanting print, 14% online, 25% wanting

an option and 7% just confused.

I found their comments interesting…

“I vote for print. I don’t have time to read newsletters on

the computer and don’t want to. I usually delete them. I

would rather sit in a comfortable chair at home, and read

a magazine. I’m too busy to sit in front of the computer

all day.”

“I read my husband’s association’s journal because it comes

to our house. If I never saw it, I’d know much less about his


“My vote would be to do away with it, I read my division

pubs but rarely American Libraries, rarely does it have much

of interest to me.”

“I vote for print, because I read AL while I’m away from

my computer, or while computers are down. If it came

electronically, it would be one of many, many computer

activities I’m already juggling, and I probably wouldn’t

keep up with AL.”

“I vote for electronic. By the time the print version reaches

me, I have read the whole journal. An opt-out would save

postage as well as landfill.”

“Thank you for pointing out that paper is much more eco

friendly than are PC’s. It is one of the reasons I prefer AL to

come in paper rather than non-biodegragable PC’s or PDA’s.”

“I like receiving the print edition, and taking the

time to peruse it at my leisure. I do not have time

to fully read the journal online, at my office.”

“I love to read in print! However, I agree that members

should be able to opt-out.”

LinkedIn Groups: York College of Pennsylvania Alumni

Subject: Alumni Magazines—online or print? Which do

you like better?

“I’m an online person long as everything is easy

to find/navigate. I really dislike online magazines and

newsletters that make it a scavenger hunt to find everything.”

“I like print for alumni and other magazines such as Golf

Digest. When it comes to other things such as newspapers

or professional journals I prefer online.”

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