scale up bitch

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Scale Up – Bitch!July 3, 2015 @ 4:53 pm by Mr Phil Newton in Blog Comments are off for this post.

Scaling your business activity – I think – means slightly different things to different people.

I also see a lot of people trying to scale or think they are scaling their project up when all they are doing is throwing money at something hoping to see

better results.

In an ironic twist I believe that results come first as you test out your idea and prove the concept – refine and fine tune your process. THEN you can think

about upping the anti with a check raise move (poker reference for those pulling the wtf face)

I was explaining this to a client earlier in the week saying that its only when you know your numbers that you can start to really turn the heat up.

If, for example, you know that you put $1 in your business and you get $3 out – that surely is the time to scale, but its also a numbers game.

Businesses seem to get an idea out their and see that a few people like it and are buying what they have – without knowing if the numbers work for

them – then pump several thousands in sending people to their offering only to see frustrating results at best.

Does hiring 30 sales people make sense, just because thats how you think you need to scale…?

Does pumping $20,000 in traffic to s digital sales funnel make sense…?

Does increasing position size without a successful strategy in place make sense…?

Personally I think I would want to test things out – kick the tyres as it were – before going all in on an idea.

What are your thoughts…?

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Vinnie Fisher writes some interesting thoughts on a transformational business development

you can read it here

Mr Phil Newton

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