scada components

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  • 7/31/2019 Scada Components




    Prepared By:-

    Animesh Ghosh

    Roll no- 4


  • 7/31/2019 Scada Components



    ONSupervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) is a system that allows an operator at a

    master facility to monitor and control processes that are distributed among various remote sites.

    A properly designed SCADA system saves time and money by eliminating the need for service

    personnel to visit each site for inspection, data collection/logging or make adjustments. Real-timemonitoring, system modifications, troubleshooting, increased equipment life, automatic report

    generating . . . these are just a few of the benefits that come with todays SCADA system.

    Other benefits SCADA Systems provide:

    Reduces operational costs

    Provides immediate knowledge of system performance

    Improves system efficiency and performance

    Increases equipment life

    Reduces costly repairs

    Reduces number of man-hours (labor costs) required for troubleshooting or service

    Frees up personnel for other important tasks Facilitates compliance with regulatory agencies through automated report generating

    SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) has been around as long as there

    have been control systems. The first SCADA systems utilized data acquisition by means

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    of panels of meters, lights and strip chart recorders. The operator manually operating

    various control knobs exercised supervisory control. These devices were and still are used

    to do supervisory control and data acquisition on plants, factories and power generating

    facilities. The following figure shows a sensor to panel system.

    The disadvantages of a direct panel to sensor system are:

    The amount of wire becomes unmanageable after the

    installation of hundreds

    of sensors

    The quantity and type of data are minimal and rudimentary

    Installation of additional sensors becomes progressively harder

    as the system


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    Re-configuration of the system becomes extremely difficult

    Simulation using real data is not possible

    Storage of data is minimal and difficult to manage

    No off site monitoring of data or alarms

    Someone has to watch the dials and meters 24 hours a day

    The main components of a SCADA system are:-

    Remote Terminal Unit (RTU)

    Master Terminal Unit (MTU)

    Communication Equipment & Software



    (RTU)The Remote Terminal Unit is usually defined as a communication satellite

    within the SCADA system and is located at the remote site. The RTU gathers

    data from field devices (pumps, valves, alarms, etc.) in memory until the MTU

    initiates a send command. Some RTUs are designed with microcomputers and

    programmable logic controllers (PLCs) that can perform functions at the

    remote site without any direction from the MTU. In addition, PLCs can be

    modular and expandable for the purpose of monitoring and controlling

    additional field devices. Within the RTU is the central processing unit (CPU) that

    receives a data stream from the protocol that the communication equipment

    uses. The protocol can be open like Modbus, Transmission Control Protocol and

    Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) or a proprietary closed protocol. When the RTU sees

    its node address embedded in the protocol, data is interpreted and the CPU

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    directs the specified action to take. A remote terminal unit (RTU) is a

    microprocessor-controlled electronic device that interfaces objects in the

    physical world to a distributed control system or SCADA (supervisory control

    and data acquisition system) by transmitting telemetry data to the system

    and/or altering the state of connected objects based on control messages

    received from the system. Another term that may be used for RTU is remotetelemetry unit, the common usage term varies with the application area


    A short discussion follows on the individual hardware


    Typical RTU hardware modules include:

    Control processor and associated memory

    Analog inputs

    Analog outputs

    Counter inputs

    Digital inputs

    Digital outputs

    Communication interface

    Power supply

    RTU rack and enclosure

    Control processor (or CPU):

    This is generally microprocessor based (16 or 32 bit) e.g. 68302

    or 80386. Total memory capacity of 256 kByte (expandable to 4

    Mbytes) broken into three types:

    1 EPROM (or battery backed RAM) 256 kByte
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    2 RAM 640 kByte

    3 Electrically erasable memory (flash or EEPROM) 128 kByte

    A mathematical processor is a useful addition for any complex


    calculations. This is sometimes referred to as a coprocessor.

    Communication ports typically two or three ports either RS-

    232/RS-422/RS-485 for:

    Interface to diagnostics terminal

    Interface to operator station

    Communications link to central site (e.g. by modem)

    Diagnostic LEDs provided on the control unit ease

    troubleshooting and diagnosis of problems (such as CPU

    failure/failure of I/O module etc).

    Another component, which is provided with varying levels of

    accuracy, is a real-time clock with full calendar (including leap

    year support). The clock should be updated even during power off

    periods. The real-time clock is useful for accurate time stamping

    of events. A watchdog timer is also required to provide a check

    that the RTU program is regularly executing. The RTU program

    regularly resets the watchdog time. If this is not done within a

    certain time-out period the watchdog timer flags an error

    condition (and can reset the CPU).

    Analog input modules:

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    There are five main components making up an analog input

    module. They are:

    The input multiplexer

    The input signal amplifier

    The sample and hold circuit

    The A/D converter

    The bus interface and board timing system

    A block diagram of a typical analog input module is shown in the

    following figure .

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    Analog input modules

    These have various numbers of inputs. Typically there are:

    8 or 16 analog inputs

    Resolution of 8 or 12 bits

    Range of 420 mA (other possibilities are 020 mA/10 volts/0

    10 volts)

    Input resistance typically 240 k to 1 M

    Conversion rates typically 10 microseconds to 30 milliseconds

    Inputs are generally single ended (but also differential modesprovided)

    For reasons of cost and minimization of data transferred over a

    radio link, a common configuration is eight single ended 8-bit

    points reading 010 volts with a conversion rate of 30

    milliseconds per analog point.

    An important but often neglected issue with analog input boards

    is the need for sampling of a signal at the correct frequency. The

    Nyquist criterion states that a signal must be sampled at a

    minimum of two times its highest component frequency. Hence

    the analog to digital system must be capable of sampling at a

    sufficiently high rate to be well outside the maximum frequency

    of the input signal. Otherwise filtering must be employed to

    reduce the input frequency components to an acceptable level.

    This issue is often neglected due to the increased cost of

    installing filtering with erroneous results in the measured values.

    It should be realized the software filtering is not a substitute for

    an inadequate hardware filtering or sampling rate. This may

    smooth the signal but it does not reproduce the analog signal

    faithfully in a digital format.

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    Analog outputs

    Typically the analogue output module has the following features:

    8 analogue outputs

    Resolution of 8 or 12 bits

    Conversion rate from 10 seconds to 30 milliseconds

    Outputs ranging from 420 mA/ 10 volts/0 to 10 volts

    Care has to be taken here on ensuring the load resistance is not

    lower than specified (typically 50 k ) or the voltage drop will be

    excessive. Analog output module designs generally prefer to

    provide voltage outputs rather than current output (unless poweris provided externally), as this places lower power requirements

    on the backplane.

    Digital inputs

    It is important with alarm logic that the RTU should be able to

    distinguish the first

    alarm from the subsequent spurious alarms that will occur.

    Most digital input boards provide groups of 8, 16 or 32 inputs per

    board. Multiple

    boards may need to be installed to cope with numerous digital

    points (where the count of a given board is exceeded).

    The standard, normally open or normally closed converter may be

    used for alarm. In general, normally closed alarm digital inputs

    are used where the circuit is to indicate an alarm condition.

    The input power supply must be appropriately rated for the

    particular convention used, normally open or normally closed. For

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    the normally open convention, it is possible to de-rate the digital

    input power supply.

    Digital output module

    A digital output module drives an output voltage at each of the

    appropriate output

    channels with three approaches possible:

    Triac switching

    Reed relay switching

    TTL voltage outputs

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    The TRIAC is commonly used for AC switching. A varistor is often

    connected across

    the output of the TRIAC to reduce the damaging effect of

    electrical transients.Three practical issues should also be observed:

    A TRIAC output switching device does not completely switch on

    and off but

    has low and high resistance values. Hence although the TRIAC is

    switched off

    it still has some leakage current at the output. Surge currents should be of short duration (half a cycle). Any

    longer will

    damage the module.

    The manufacturers continuous current rating should be

    adhered to. This often

    refers to individual channels and to the number of channels.

    There are situations

    where all the output channels of the module can be used at full

    rated current

    capacity. This can exceed the maximum allowable power

    dissipation for the

    whole module.

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    Communication interfaces

    The modern RTU should be flexible enough to handle multiple

    communication media such as:


    Dialup telephone lines/dedicated landlines



    X.25 packet protocols

    Radio via trunked/VHF/UHF/900 MHz

    Interestingly enough, the more challenging design for RTUs is the

    radio communication interface. The landline interface is

    considered to be an easier design problem. These standards will

    be discussed in a later section.

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    Power supply module for RTU

    The RTU should be able to operate from 110/240 V AC 10% 50

    Hz or 12/24/48 V DC 10% typically. Batteries that should be

    provided are lead acid or nickel cadmium. Typical requirementshere are for 20-hour standby operation and a recharging time of

    12 hours for a fully discharged battery at 25C. The power supply,

    battery and associated charger are normally contained in the RTU


    Other important monitoring parameters, which should be

    transmitted back to the central site/master station, are:

    Analog battery reading

    Alarm for battery voltage outside normal range

    Cabinets for batteries are normally rated to IP 52 for internal

    mounting and IP 56 for external mounting.

    PLCs used as RTUs

    A PLC or programmable logic controller is a computer based solidstate device that controls industrial equipment and processes. It

    was initially designed to perform the logic functions executed by

    relays, drum switches and mechanical timer/counters. Analog

    control is now a standard part of the PLC operation as well.

    The advantage of a PLC over the RTU offerings from various

    manufacturers is that it can be used in a general-purpose role and

    can easily be set up for a variety of different functions.

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    UNIT (MTU)The Master Terminal Unit is usually defined as the master or heart

    of a SCADA system and is located at the operators central control

    facility. The MTU initiates virtually all communication with remote

    sites and interfaces with an operator. Data from remote field

    devices (pumps, valves, alarms, etc.) is sent to the MTU to beprocessed, stored and/or sent to other systems. For example, the

    MTU may send the data to the operators display console, store

    the information, and then send an operators initiate command to

    a field pumps RTU.

    The central site/master station can be pictured as having one or

    more operator station(tied together with a local area network)

    connected to a communication system consistinof modem and

    radio receiver/transmitter. It is possible for a landline system tobe used iplace of the radio system, in this case the modem will

    interface directly to the landline.

    Normally there are no input/output modules connected directly to

    the master stationalthough there may be an RTU located in close

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    proximity to the master control room. The features that should be

    available are:

    Operator interface to display status of the RTUs and enable

    operator control Logging of the data from the RTUs

    Alarming of data from the RTU

    As discussed earlier, a master station has two main functions:

    Obtain field data periodically from RTUs and submaster stations

    Control remote devices through the operator station

    It may also be necessary to set up a submaster station. This is to

    control sites within a specific region. The submaster station has

    the following functions:

    Acquire data from RTUs within the region

    Log and display this data on a local operator station

    Pass data back to the master station

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    Pass on control requests from the master station to the RTUs in

    its region

    The master station has the following typical functions:

    Establishment of communications

    Configure each RTU

    Initialize each RTU with input/output parameters

    Download control and data acquisition programs to the RTU

    Operation of the communications link

    If a master slave arrangement, poll each RTU for data and write

    to RTU

    Log alarms and events to hard disk (and operator display if


    Link inputs and outputs at different RTUs automaticallyDiagnostics

    Provide accurate diagnostic information on failure of RTU and



    Predict potential problems such as data overloads

    General interfaces:

    Operator interfaces, or human machine interface (HMI) for SCADA

    systems provide the functions of status indication, alarm

    reporting, operator intervention in control action, and data

    storage and programming. Several levels or layers of operator

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    interfaces are required to provide a reliable and maintainable

    system: equipment level, controller level, and supervisory level.

    At the controller and supervisory level, HMI may also provide

    capability to modify the controller program.

    Master station software:

    There are three components to the master station software:

    The operating system software

    The system SCADA software (suitably configured)

    The SCADA application software

    There is also the necessary firmware (such as BIOS) which actsas an interface between the operating system and the computer

    system hardware. The operating system software will not be

    discussed further here. Good examples of this are DOS, Windows,

    Windows NT and the various UNIX systems.

    System SCADA software:

    This refers to the software put together by the particular SCADA

    system vendor and then configured by a particular user.

    Generally, it consists of four main modules:

    Data acquisition


    Archiving or database storage

    The man machine interface (MMI)

    This software is discussed in more detail in the next chapter. As

    discussed earlier, a successful SCADA system design implies

    considerable emphasis on the central site structure. Hence, this

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    will be assessed under the next section. However, one of the

    features of a central site is the use of LANs.


    Communication networks may be used in SCADA systems to

    pass data between field devices and PLCs, between different

    PLCs, or between PLCs and personal computers used for

    operator interface, data proc-essing and storage, or

    management information. Although a communications

    circuit can involve only two pieces of equipment with a

    circuit between them, the term network typically refers to

    connecting many devices together to permit sharing of data

    between devices over a single (or redundant) circuits. Data

    is transmitted over a network using serial communication, in

    which words of data called bytes consisting of individual

    logical zeros and ones (bits) are transmitted sequentially

    from one device to another. The col-lection of data in a

    single transmission is often called a packet. The rate at

    which data can be transmitted over a network is defined in

    bits-per-second or bps, but typically expressed in thousands

    (Kbps) or millions (Mbps).

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    In large SCADA systems, there is usually a

    communications network of some type connecting the

    individual PLCs to the operator interface equipment at

    the central control room. There may also be networks

    used at lower levels in the control system architecture,for communications between different PLCs in the same

    subsystem or facility, as well as for communications

    between field devices and individual PLCs. The

    following Figure shows the various levels of network

    communications in a typical large SCADA system.

    b. Although not widely applied to SCADA systems, two

    terms that are commonly used with respect to

    management information systems communication are

    local area network (LAN) and wide area network (WAN).

    A LAN consists of all of the devices, typically PCs and

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    servers within a particular facility or site. A WAN is

    created by providing a connection between LANs,

    typically over a long geographic distance using

    telecommunications facilities. Large SCADA systems

    may be required to interface to LANs or WANs toprovide data transfer to management information

    systems or to permit internet access to SCADA system


    The two main components of SCADA communication





    Fieldbus is a standard for digital field instrumentation enabling

    field instruments to not only communicate with each other

    digitally, but also to execute all continuous control algorithms

    (such as PID , ratio control, cascade control, feedfor -ward control,

    etc.) traditionally implemented in dedicated control devices . Inessence, Fieldbus extends the general concept of a distributed

    control system(D CS) all the way to the field devices themselves .

    In this way, Fieldbus sets itself apart as more than just another

    digital communication bus for industry it truly represents a

    new way to implement measurement and control systems .

    Its main advantages are:-

    The star configuration of individual lines is replaced by a

    digital bus known as the fieldbus. It is cabled to the

    various field devices and transmits digitized data via

    digital interfaces.

    Such a bus connects some tens of field devices among

    themsclves and to a plant computer. If the devices are

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    close together, the cost of cabling is substantially less

    than for individual cabling.

    The growing intelligence of field devices calls for the

    transmission not only of process measurements and controlinformation but also of digital status and control data

    between field devices and control computers. The additional

    cabling that used to bc required for his purpose can be

    omitted when the fieldbus is employed.

    The conversion of analog signals to digital locally, that

    is, at the connection to the fieldbus, prevents interference

    to the signal on route to the control computer. The

    redundancy of digital codes also makes it possible toreconstruct erroneous data.

    The standardization of field bus protocols permits

    standard information interfaces between field devices and

    a wide variety of control computers, so that open

    communication results at the field level. This is not possible

    at present with the wide range of information

    transmission media at the field level

    Diverse media can be used for digital data transmission

    (e.g., copper twisted pair, coaxial cable, optical fiber, radio

    waves), so that economic and technical optimization is

    possible (transmission rate, noise immunity, energy

    expenditure/intrinsic safety. electrical isolation, etc.).



    An alternative topology is the bus layout, where short spur

    cables connect instruments to a longer trunk cable.

    Terminal blocks or even quick-disconnect couplings

    within each junction box provide a convenient means of

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    disconnecting individual devices from the segment without

    interrupting data communication with the other devices.

    The ideal arrangement for a bus network is to minimize

    the length of each spur cable, so as to minimize the delay of

    reflected signals off the unterminated ends of the drops .

    Remember that only two termination resistors are allowed in

    any electrically continuous network segment, and so thisrule for bids the addition of terminator s to the end of each

    spur cable.


    Yet another alternative topology for H1 networks is the so

    called tree or chicken-foot arrangement, where a long trunkcable terminates at a multi-point junction along with s ever

    al field devices and their spur cables.

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    Most Fieldbus systems resemble a combination of bus and chicken-foot topologies , where multiple junction

    devices serve as connection points for two or more field

    instruments per junction.

    Daisy Chain

    The simplest way to connect Fieldbus H1 devices together is

    the so-called dais y-chain method, where each instrumentconnects to two cable lengths , forming an uninterrupted

    chain network from one end of the segment to the other.

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    As simple as this topology is , it suffers from a major

    disadvantage: it is impossible to disconnect any device in

    the segment without interrupting the networks continuity.

    Disconnecting (and reconnecting for that matter ) any device

    necessarily results in all downstream devices losing

    signal,if only for a brief time. This is an unacceptable state of

    affairs for most applications .

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    During the mid-seventies, Xerox Corporation (Palo Alto)

    developed the Ethernet network concept, based on work done byresearchers at the University of Hawaii. The Universitys ALOHA

    network was set up using radio broadcasts to connect sites on the

    islands. This was colloquially known as their Ethernet since it

    used the ether as the transmission medium and created a

    network between the sites. The philosophy was straightforward.

    Any station wanting to broadcast would do so immediately. The

    receiving station then had a responsibility to acknowledge the

    message, advising the original transmitting station of a successfulreception of the original message. This primitive system did not

    rely on any detection of collisions (two radio stations transmitting

    at the same time) but depended on an acknowledgment within a

    predefined time. The initial Xerox system was so successful that it

    was soon applied to other sites, typically connecting office

    equipment to shared resources such as printers and large

    computers acting as repositories of large databases.

    In 1980, the Ethernet Consortium consisting of Xerox, Digital

    Equipment Corporation and Intel (a.k.a. the DIX consortium)

    issued a joint specification, based on the Ethernet concepts,

    known as the Ethernet Blue Book 1 specification. This was later

    superseded by the Ethernet Blue Book 2 (Ethernet V2)

    specification, which was offered to the IEEE for ratification as a

    standard. In 1983, the IEEE issued the IEEE 802.3 standard for

    carrier sense multiple access/collision detect (CSMA/CD) LANs

    based on the DIX Ethernet standard.

    An engineer named Bob Metcalfe conceived the idea of Ethernet

    in 1973, while working for the Xerox research center in Palo Alto,

    California. His fundamental invention was the CSMA/CD method of

    channel arbitration, allowing multiple devices to share a common

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    channel of communication while recovering gracefully from

    inevitable collisions . I n Metcalfes vision, all of the network

    intelligence would b e built directly into controller devices

    situated between the DTE devices (computers , terminals ,

    printers , etc.) and a completely passive coaxial cable network.Unlike some other networks in operation at the time, Metcalfes

    did not rely on additional devices to help coordinate

    communications between DTE devices . The coaxial cable linking

    DTE devices together would b e completely passive and dumb,

    performing no task but the conduction of broadcast signals

    between all devices . In that sense, it served the same purpose as

    the luminiferous ether once believed to fill empty space:

    conducting electromagnetic waves between separated points .

    Metcalfes original network design operated at a data rate of 2.94

    Mbps , impressive for its time. By 1980, the three American

    computer companies DEC (Digital Equipment Corporation), Intel,

    and Xerox had collaborated to revise the Ethernet design to a

    speed of 10 Mbps , and released a standard called the DIX

    Ethernet standard (the acronym DIX representing the first letter

    of each companys name). Later , the IEEE Local and Metropolitan

    Networks Standards Committee codified the DIX Ethernet

    standard under the numeric lab el 802.3. At the present time

    there exist many supplemental standards underneath the basic

    802.3 definition, a few of them listed here:

    802.3a-1985 1 0 BASE 2 t hin Ethernet

    802.3d-1987 FOIRL fiber -optic link

    802.3i-199010 BASE T twisted -pair cable Ethernet

    802.3u-1995100 BASE -T Fa st Ethernet and Auto


    802.3x-1997 Ful l -Duplex standard

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    802.3ab-19991000 BASE -T Gigabit Ethernet over twisted

    -pair cable

    The IEEE 802.3 standard is limited to layers 1 and 2 of the OSI

    Reference Model: the Physical and Data link layers . I n thephysical layer (1), the various supplements describ e all the

    different ways in which bits are electrically or optically

    represented, as well as permissible cable and connector types . In

    the data link layer (2), the IEEE standard describes how devices

    are addressed (each one with a unique identifier known as a MAC

    address, consisting of a 48-bit binary number usually divided into

    six bytes , each byte written as a two-character hexadecimal

    number), and also how data frames are organized for Ethernet

    transmissions .


    ONUsing the above components, we can build up an efficient

    and reliable SCADA system for supervisory control of field


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    Practical SCADA for industry- Bailey/Wright (Newnes)

    Lessons in Industrial Instrumentation- Tony R. Kuphaldt

    Advanced Industrial Control Technology- Peng Zhang


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