sc full 10

Post on 24-Feb-2016






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SC CFull 10


Chapter 1:“The Eye of History”

Moonlight reflected on a huge pond and ghostlike wisps hovered

around the streets. Leaves flew to the ground as the cool autumn air blew

them off the trees.

A tall hooded man walked quietly through the cobblestone pavement

holding a dark leather bag. He entered a dark gray tunnel and felt cold air on

his face. All the torches inside were dead and the tunnel was pitch black.

As the man continued to walk, he thought he heard some footsteps.

He turned around and scanned his surroundings. Nothing.

I must be imagining things. he thought.

The man made his way out of the cold tunnel. An enormous tree was

centered in the middle of various tall towers and buildings. The tree snored

loudly while its branches rustled in the wind.

“Looks like Bartleby is ripe for the picking.” he whispered.

The man walked over to a small purple building. Another tree was fast

asleep next to it. It was a smaller but its snoring was just as loud. Water

dripped from its leaves like rain.

He reached the door of the purple building and tried to open it. It was

locked tightly.

The man grunted. Smashing it open would cause too much noise.

The man waved his hand over the door handle and his eyes flashed with

white light.

“Tor dna yortsed1.” He whispered.

The door's handles fell off and melted on the ground. The wood rotted

into dust. In a matter of seconds, the door became a pile of foul smelling


As the man stepped into the dark building, the strong scent of coffee

invaded his nose.

It must be in here somewhere. The old toad usually kept his things in

the back.

He walked quietly around the purple desks and made his way to the

back of the room. A silver chest caught his eye.

The man opened the chest and several glowing knives laid inside.

Perfect. The man took a knife and held it tightly. Just what I need.

“Are you sure that's the right one?” A voice asked.

The hooded man turned around. Cold sweat poured down his face.

“Huh?” The man said, “Show yourself.”

“Open your eyes.” The voice replied.

“I don't want to play your stupid game. Show yourself!”

“Alright. Alright”

A snap of fingers was heard. Torches in the room were lit up with

purple flames. A frog wearing a purple robe hopped on a desk. His eyes

looked drowsy.

“Oh it's just you,” the man shouted. “Why are you here so late at


“I forgot something and went back to get it. But the real question is,

1 Tor-Den-Nah-Yort-Said

who are you?”

“That is none of your concern. Leave at once toad or your classroom

will be your final resting place.”

The man clenched his fist. A flash of white light appeared in his eye.

“S'htaed Dnah!1” he cried.

A blast of black energy escaped from the man's hand and was aimed at

the frog.

The frog immediately hopped off the desk. His top hat fell off his head.

“You haven't changed much Balestrom. You're still the same annoying,

gullible frog.” The man sneered. “Why don't you stand still so I don't have to

leave a mess?”

Balestrom picked up his hat and put it back on.

The man took off his hood and his face was revealed. He had droopy

eyes and had a long mustache that pointed at the floor.

“M-M-Malistaire?” Balestrom's eyes widened.

“It doesn't matter that you know who I am. You wouldn't understand

what I want to accomplish.”

“I had a hunch that you would return, but I doubt you're here for a

friendly visit.”

Balestrom snapped his fingers. A small purple staff appeared and he

grabbed hold of it. “I don't know what you want here, but the headmaster

doesn't want you back.”

Purple light flashed in Balestrom's eyes while he waved his staff

1 Es-Ty-Ed-Deh-Nah

around. “Gninthgil Tlob1!” he yelled. A symbol resembling a thunderbolt

materialized in the air. Clouds formed inside the classroom and lightning

came crashing down.

Malistaire vanished just before the lightning bolt hit him. The bolt left

a huge hole in where Malistaire was standing. The floor was left full of static

and smelled of burnt wood.

Malistaire reappeared at the entrance and glared at Balestrom. “I

thought we were friends Balestrom. Why the sudden hostility?” he laughed

and ran toward the big tree outside.

Balestrom snapped his fingers. A purple carpet appeared and he

hopped on it. It rose up and Balestrom sped through the air trying to catch up

to Malistaire.

Malistaire looked back and saw Balestrom flying on his carpet. He

pointed his hand at him and fired several dark blasts. Balestrom dodged each


Malistaire gave up after a few more shots. He continued running

toward the giant tree.

Malistaire's eyes flash with white light. He slowly rose above the

ground. He hovered above the fence that surrounded the tree and headed

straight to its face.

“Dniw Pals2!” Balestrom cried.

A gush of air knocked Malistaire out of balance and he almost dropped the

glowing knife.

“Grrr,” Malistaire grunted.

1 Nin-Thig-Gill-Tell-Lob2 Din-Ew-Pals

Malistaire fired another blast of dark energy.

The dark stream of energy hit Balestrom directly in the face. He fell from his

carpet with a thud.

Ow my back. Balestrom groaned in pain.

Malistaire hovered to the giant tree's face.

“Finally.” Malistaire grinned and he took out the glowing knife.

“Rehtafdnarg Eert Eye Llahs Eb Enim1!” he whispered as he reached inside

one of the tree's eye sockets and carved out an eye.

The eye glowed with blue light and was the size of a grapefruit.

Malistaire stored the eye in the leather bag he carried.

Malistaire looked at Balestrom, shaking with pain.

“Perhaps we'll meet again my old friend.” he laughed. “But for now I'll

take my leave of this wretched place.”

Malistaire vanished into the darkness.

1 Reh-Ta-Den-Nah-Erg Ert Eye Las-Eb-Eh-Nim

Chapter 2:“Earthly Problems”

“Settle down class!” yelled Ms. Serbie.

Crumpled paper balls flew everywhere. Girls pulled on each others hair

and other students hit each other with backpacks.

Ms. Serbie's blue eyes looked like they were about to pop. “Alright!

Whoever doesn't calm down within five seconds will be sent to Ms. Johnson's


The whole class instantly became quiet and still. Bits of paper and

strands of hair was scattered throughout the classroom floor.

“That's what I thought.” Ms. Serbie sneered.

She walked over to her desk and picked up some papers. “By the way,” she

said. “We're having a pop quiz for giving me a hard time.”

Ms. Serbie pushed her purple glasses back and handed out the quiz.

Oh great, another stupid quiz. Rainee rolled her eyes.

Rainee stared at the quiz. She had no clue what the answers were. She ran her

hand through her dark brown hair.

She can't do this. Rainee scanned the classroom. Ms. Serbie was

drinking a mug of coffee. The red fire alarm was next to the whiteboard.

“Is there something wrong Miss Rivera?” Ms. Serbie asked.

“No. I was checking the time.” Rainee replied.

“Alright. Take your time. You can stay in during lunch if you'd like.” she


Ms. Serbie went back to drinking coffee and typing on her laptop.

Stupid old lady won't know what hit her. Rainee smiled.

She stared hard on the fire alarm.

“Erif Mrala Nrut No1.” She whispered. Her eyes glowed with red light.

Rainee felt a jolt of fire in her head and the light faded.. Oh no. I fizzled


Professor Falmea's words echoed in Rainee's head. Fizzling will have

unwanted side effects.

I hope nothing goes wrong. Rainee took a couple of deep breathes.

Rainee glanced around the room. The whiteboard markers were dissolved

into goo.

Well, that's not too bad. Rainee thought. No one will notice.

Rainee stared hard at the fire alarm again. This time she was ready.

“Erif Mrala Nrut No.” She whispered again. Her eyes started to glow


The fire alarm's handle slowly turned. Yes! Its working!

The red handle was finally pushed down.

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! The alarm rang.

“Oh my god!” Ms. Serbie screamed. She dropped her mug of coffee on

her laptop's keyboard. “Ugh. I bet Ms. Carmody burned another eggroll!”

The crowd of students starting laughing and murmuring.

“SHUT UP!” Ms. Serbie screamed. “I did not give you permission to


Everyone immediately hushed down and stood still.

Rainee let out a sigh of relief. I did magic right this time. Yes!

1 Eh-Reef Me-Rah-Law Nert No

“Everyone out!” Ms. Serbie pulled on her hair as she ran out.

Chapter 3:“Rain of Ill-Omen”

Jacob walked through the loud streets of the shopping district. Shouts

of people selling flew through the air. “Get your pixie dust here!”, “Try some

of my troll repellant!”

A girl was swallowing scarlet liquid from a bottle while a small crowd

circled around her. She breathed out a long trail of flames into the air. It

morphed into the shape of a dragon and faded.

“Cassandra.” Jacob said. “Do you ever get bored of doing that?”

“Why would I?” she smiled. “What are you up to today?”

“Me? Oh just delivering some spell books to the library. I'm kind of a

little late. I hope Mr. Argleston doesn't get mad.”

“Haha.” Cassandra said. She put on a red hat on her silver hair. “I'll

catch you later at the library. Professor Falmea gave me a report to do on fire


“Aight cya!” Jacob ran through the street. The wind blew through his

messy black hair.

Wait a minute. I can still make it on time.

Jacob's eyes glowed with a faint orange light. “Tsaf Teef Yrrac Em1.”

His shoes suddenly felt light as air. He ran as fast as a rat on his way to the

library without anyone noticing.

Jacob reached the library door and stepped inside. Piles of books laid on

the front desk. Mr. Argleston was handing out books to a boy with brown

1 Teh-Saf Teef Yer-Rack Em


“I should be heading back now.” He said.

“Return that book on Friday.” Mr. Argleston replied. “Have a nice day.”

The boy put the book in his backpack and turned around.

“Oh look its the new WIC officer.” He grinned. “I hope that the job isn't

to hard for you.”

“Beat it William. The commitee chose me for a reason.”

“Whatever.” William's eyes suddenly flashed with red light.

Jacob's pendant was triggered. It glowed with a blueish light and

stopped William's spell.

Mr. Argleston was startled. “What are you boys doing over there?

There is no fighting to be held in my library.”

William gave Jacob an angry look.

“You're lucky that your stupid pendant protected you this time.”

William stepped out the library and slammed the door behind him.

“What was that about?” Mr. Argleston asked.

“Its nothing much. He just can't accept that I won the new WIC

position. Anyways, I brought the books you asked for.”

Jacob placed a pile of How to Get Rid of Garden Imps on a table.

“He's new isn't he?” Mr. Argleston said.

“Yeah. He's not used to his powers yet. Even on Earth he can't

discipline himself during school. I had to erase at least three witnesses'


Mr. Argleston frowned. “Just keep up the good work Jacob, the

committee was certainly wise to ask you in.”

“I have to go back to Earth now. I'll be late for my math class.”

“Alright Jacob. Thanks for the help.”

Mr. Argleston looked out the window. His eyes grew with surprise.

The sky grew dark and heavy rain pelted the roof of the library.

“Rain?” Mr. Argleston frowned. “This has never happened here before

in my entire life.”

Jacob laughed. “It rains all the time where I live. It'll be fine.”

“Well I guess you're right.”

A scream of a girl was heard outside. “HELP ME PLEASE!”

“Jacob, you better check outside.” Mr. Argleston said. “Hurry up. I will

be locking up the library.”

Jacob ran out the library and looked around. The rain showed no signs

of stopping.

Jacob whispered a spell. “Laerehte Allerbmu.1”

An glass-like umbrella materialized above Jacob's head. It moved

around to follow his movements.

Jacob stepped into the wet grass. He saw a small group of people

crowding around a silver haired girl. Jacob recognized her instantly.

“Cassandra!” Jacob yelled.

As he got close he noticed that Cassandra's eyes were pitch white.

“Someone help her!” Someone yelled. “She was attacked.”

It was Kevin. Jacob's classmate in the ice school. Kevin's face looked


“Kevin.” Jacob said. “She was attacked by what?”

1 Lay-Reh-Teh All-Erb-Muh

“I'm not sure. It was loud and had a loud scream. Whatever it was, it's

still out there.”

Fog began to appear everywhere in the commons.

“Hurry. We gotta take her somewhere safe. We have to teleport her to

the life school.” Jacob said.

Kevin took out his blue wand. “Alright everyone. Help me out.”

Jacob and two other people took out their wands.

“Tropelet Efil Loohcs.1” They chanted in unison.

With a flash of light they disappeared. The rain got harder and the fog

continued to get thicker. A faint screech could be heard in the distance.

1 Trop-Ellet Eff-Ill Looks

Chapter 4:“Back to the Spiral”

Ms. Serbie lead her class out to the football field. All the other teachers

were also leading their classes out. Ms. Serbie was shaking with anger as she

took attendance.

“I know one of you idiots was responsible for this.” She stared at the

students and clenched her teeth. “I just don't know how to prove it!”

A loud voice was heard, apparently from a megaphone. “EVERYONE


It was the principal, Ms. Scarlet Slindeth. She had a pen tucked next to

her right ear. Her purple hair reflected the bright sunlight.

“I NEED TO SPEAK TO RAINEE RIVERA.” She said through a


Uh oh. Here we go again. Rainee sighed.

All the teachers and students marched back to their classrooms as if

nothing happened. Ms. Serbie was pulling out hair and ranting about random


When the lunch bell rang, Rainee walked fast through the crowded

halls. Ms. Slindeth's office was far away from Ms. Serbie's class.

She reached the office and entered the principal's room.

“Hi. Ms. Deathslinger.” Rainee smiled.

“Welcome.” Ms. Slindeth, or Ms. Deathslinger, replied.

Ms. Deathslinger waved her hand while looking at the door.

It closed behind Rainee and it was locked with a click. Rainee looked


“Now, sit down Ms. Rosespirit.” Ms. Deathslinger said.

Rainee sat down on a green chair next to the principal's table.

“Why did you want me here?” Rainee asked. “The fire alarm spell?”

“No. It's something... more.” Ms. Deathslinger frowned. “I'm afraid its

about your sister.”

“Cassandra? What happened? Tell me. Tell me.” Rainee's eyes filled

with worry.

“She's been stricken with the Fallonitis curse.” The principal


“What the heck is that?”

“The curse puts the victim to sleep for a hundred years.”

Tears ran down Rainee's cheek. “I have to see her immediately. I must

cure her.”

“Professor Wu is trying a potion.” Ms. Deathslinger said. “I'm afraid...”

“Afraid? Why?”

“...that one of the potion's ingredients are very rare.”

Rainee closed her eyes. Tears continued to flow. “I must find whatever

it is. No matter what it costs. She is my only family left.”

Ms. Deathslinger stood up from her chair. “You must go to Wizard City

and speak to Professor Wu.”

Rainee stood up and walked over next to Ms. Deathslinger. Ms.

Deathslinger's eyes glowed a purple light. “Rood Fo Eht Larips Nepo1.”

A portion of the office wall turned transparent. Rainee could see a

wooden door being revealed.

“Now for the key.” The principal said.

Ms. Deathslinger walked over to the door and took out her cell phone.

“Oops. I forgot to charge it.” She laughed.

She held the phone with both of her palms. Ms. Deathslinger's hands

sparked with electricity and the phone was charged to full power.

Ms. Deathslinger held the phone next to the door knob. The door knob

was unlocked upon contact.

“Rainee. I'd like you to take this.” Ms. Deathslinger said.

She handed Rainee a small pendant with a ruby shaped like a

snowflake. “That should protect you in case something happens. Be careful.

Ambrose told me that strange weather has been happening.”

Rainee wiped the tears from her face and put on the pendant. “I'll be

right back. Whoever did that to my sister will pay.”

Rainee opened the door and stepped in and disappeared from Ms.

Deathslinger's sight.

She was instantly engulfed in cold energy. What's going on?

Why is it so cold? It wasn't like this before!”

It felt like a year before the process stopped. Rainee was transported to

a dark alley. Where am I?

She stood up and walked to the sidewalks. So quiet. So empty. This

1 Rude Foe Et Lah-Reeps Neh-Poe

isn't the Wizard City I know.

“I've been expecting you.” A deep voice said.

Rainee looked around. “Huh? Who's out there? Please help me.”

A boy wearing dark purple robes approached her and pointed his wand

at her.

“Yes. It is definitely you. My master will be thrilled.” He said blankly.

Rainee saw his face and remembered who he was, although it was dead

looking. There was a blank expression on his face.

“Stephen?!” Rainee said. “Hey!”

The boy waved his wand and formed a symbol that looked like a skull.

His eyes glowed white.

“Yortsed Rainee Krad Setirps1” He muttered.

A swarm of fairies with purple and black wings were summoned.

“My master will be thrilled for your capture.” He repeated.

Rainee's eyes filled with surprise. Noooo!

Her heart started beating really fast. She instinctively ran from the

swarm of dark fairies.

“Running is useless, Rosespirit. My master will see you dead and I'll be

rewarded.” Stephen laughed.

The swarm of dark fairies were swiftly gaining up to Rainee.

Rainee couldn't see where she was going and a rock tripped her. She

fell hard on the floor. The fairies circled around her, forming orbs of dark

energy in their hands.

Rainee screamed as the orbs were fired at her.

1 Yort-Said Rainee Krad Set-Earps

“NOOOOOOOOOOOO!” Rainee screamed. Her eyes blazed with fire.

As the orbs of dark energy came closer, a shockwave of flames burned the

fairies to death. The dark orbs then disappeared.

What was that? Rainee thought as she stood up from the ground.

Rainee ran aimlessly through the dark streets, unaware that her

pendant was crackling with energy.

Chapter 5:“False Hope”

“Will she be all right professor?” Jacob asked.

Kevin looked worried at Cassandra. Her ghostlike eyes made her

appear dead.

“Fortunately, I have one piece of dryad's root left.” Professor Wu

replied. “She will be fine.”

Professor Wu was not human like most wizards. She was a cow

originating from a different world of the spiral. She wore a green kimono.

The professor carried a flask of a green potion in her right hand and a

fan in the other.

“Dayrd Sselb Yht Noitop1.” Professor Wu encanted.

The potion bubbled while it turned brown, then turned green. It went

back and forth from those colors until it finally stayed as a yellow potion.

Rain continued to fall outside as Professor Wu continued preparing

the potion.

Kevin looked out the window. “What's everyone doing behind


There was a huge crowd of students gathering behind the big tree.

“I'll be right back guys.” Kevin said. “This looks interesting.”

Kevin went out the door and walked to where the crowd was forming.

“Holy cow! What happened to it?” Someone shouted.

1 Dared Selb Yit Noy-Top

“I bet it's a trick.” Someone else shouted.

As Kevin got closer to the crowd, he saw what they were talking about.

A building was ripped out of the campus grounds. A huge gap was left where

it used to stand. Giant roots were visible at the edges.

Oh no. Kevin thought. The death school is gone.

A gust of wind suddenly pushed everyone back.

“That's enough. Go back to your dorms or whatever.” A grumpy voice


A bald man wearing yellow stepped up to where the gap was. He put

his wand back in his pocket.

The bald man looked back. The students continued to stare.

“Shoo! I said leave!” The bald man grunted.

A woman wearing a red dress stepped up to the bald man. She had a

yellow umbrella.

“Oh be quiet Cyrus.” she said. “They deserve to know. After all, they

are students here.”

The bald man suddenly quieted down.

“Alright Dalia. Whatever you say.” Cyrus sighed.

The students walked closer to the gap again, wondering at how the

building disappeared.

“I'll inform the headmaster while you fools stay here.” Cyrus said.

Cyrus spotted Kevin in the crowd. “Hey you! Battleblood person!”

Kevin was startled but he walked over to the bald man.

“Yes Professor Drake?” Kevin asked, looking a bit annoyed.

“Get one of your WIC officer friends to come see me at the

headmaster's house.” Professor Drake said. “Hurry boy, I don't have all day.”

Kevin ran over to the life school building.

Professor Wu was doing the final steps for the healing potion. She

looked at it and smiled.

“It is ready.” she said.

“Alright.” Jacob said. “Hang in there Cassandra.”

Professor Wu opened Cassandra's mouth and gave her a spoonful of

of the healing potion.

Everyone looked at Cassandra. Her eyes twitched a little. She suddenly

sat upright.

Cassandra glared at Professor Wu. “You and the other fools are to late.

They will destroy your precious city!”

Cassandra gave everyone an ice cold look. “My master will have all of

your souls!”

Professor Wu was speechless. Her hands trembled with fear.

Cassandra stood up and pointed both her hands at the professor.

“Krad Esor Seniv Yortsed Moolinda1.” She whispered. Black vines began

to sprout from her hands.

Jacob yelled. “Professor, watch out!”

He reached for his wand and aimed at Cassandra. “Tirips Esuffid!2.”

Jacob's wand crackled with orange light. It made a loud cracking sound

and sent Jacob flying across the room.

1 Krad Es-Sore Sen-Eve Yort-Said Moolinda2 Tear-Eeps Es-Sue-Fid

“Fizzling? You're such a fail.” Cassandra said.

The black vines that grew from Cassandra's hand grabbed Professor Wu

by her neck.

“What are you doing dear!” Moolinda said as her eyes grew with

surprise. The vines tightened their grip.

“Let her go Cassandra!” Jacob yelled. He was on the ground, unable to

move from pain.

“Or what?” Cassandra said blankly.

Looks like I have no choice. Jacob thought.

Professor Wu's energy was being drained through the vines. She looked

like she was about to pass out.

“A-A-gairt Gnis-s-selb1.” Professor Wu whispered as she gasped for air.

The black vines around the professor's neck melted away and


“Ahhhh!” Cassandra yelled. She backed away to the green wall of the

classroom. She was saving energy for another spell.

Professor Wu was struggling to catch her breath. “Jacob do something! “

Jacob got up from the ground. He pointed his wand at Cassandra.

“Time's up Cassandra.” Jacob said.

Just as Jacob began to encant a spell, the door opened.

Kevin saw Jacob's pointed wand at Cassandra.

“Jacob, what are you doing?!” Kevin shouted.

“Kevin, that's not Cassandra! Something's controlling her!”

Kevin looked at Cassandra. Her face had a blank expression and her

1 Ah-Gair-Te Gen-Selb

ghostly eyes appeared to pierce through everyone.

Kevin took out his blue wand. “Cassandra.” He began.

“I am no longer you who call Cassandra. I serve only the Master, for he

will soon rule this place.” Cassandra replied.

“She's been enchanted, but I don't know how.” Professor Wu's voice was

shaking. “Do what you can to release her!”

“What is going on in there!” A voice outside shouted.

Professor Drake came inside and saw Cassandra.

“Oh good. More childish charades?” Cyrus asked.

“Shut up old man. Your soul shall be mine!”

Cassandra's eye's went completely white. Black vines grew from her

hands, aimed at Professor Drake.

Kevin's eyes flashed with blue light. “Nooo!”

“Ezeerf Cassandra Eci Tabs1!” Kevin shouted.

Kevin waved his wand to form a snowflake symbol. The air became cold

and the it seemed to envelop around everyone. A blue cloud appeared at the

top of the room. White bats flew out of the center.

“Ahhhh!” Cassandra hissed.

The bats circled around Cassandra and blew icy cold air from their

mouths. Cassandra became frozen solid in a block of ice. The black vines from

her hands stayed still.

“Wow. It worked!” Kevin took a deep breath.

Professor Wu put a hand over her mouth. “Oh my goodness.”

Professor Drake was speechless. He looked at Cassandra with great

1 Ez-Ert Cassandra Ehs-See Tabs


“I'll have her placed in the vaults at Colossus Boulevard.” Professor

Drake said. “You are both wizard identification officers are you?” Professor

Drake glanced at Jacob and Kevin.

“Yes Professor.” Jacob replied.

Kevin nodded.

“Tell the headmaster that we must enforce a curfew on all the students.”

Professor Drake said. “Something dangerous is at work here.”

Cyrus Drake closed his eyes and teleported Cassandra and himself out

of the classroom.

“Oh dear.” Professor Wu whispered. “My classroom is a mess.”

Jacob looked around. Desks were scattered around and black vines laid

on the floor. Black ooze was leaking from the vines.

“Allow me Professor.” Jacob said as he waved his wand.

Jacob eye's glowed with orange light. A faint symbol that looked like a

scale was embedded in the light.

The desks were rearranged and the floor was covered in magic. Slowly

the classroom was fixed and everything was repaired. The floor became


Professor Wu smiled. “Thank you dear. I would give you a cookie if I

had any left but...”

“Thanks Professor but we really have to get moving.” Jacob replied.

“I'll see you later Professor.” Kevin said.

The two wizards stepped out of the classroom. The rain continued to


“Follow me.” Kevin said.

Jacob followed Kevin behind the classroom building.

“We will tell no one of this incident until we find out what's going on. I

don't wanna start a panic attack.” Kevin said.

“Alright. We'll need to meet with the committee.” Jacob said. “Let's let

the headmaster know.”

The two wizards summoned their brooms using their wands.

“Here is what invisibility potion I have left.” Kevin said, holding two

vials of clear liquid.

They both drank the bottles and gradually disappeared from sight.

“Lets move.” Kevin said.

They mounted on their brooms and flew up to the rainy sky, heading for

the headmaster's house.

A hooded boy wearing blue robes was hiding on top of a tree, spying on

them the whole time.

“The Master will not be pleased...” The boy whispered.

He removed his hood, revealing his frostbitten face. Do not worry

Master Nightshade, they will all soon be one of us.

Chapter 6:“Grim Harvest”

Rainee ran through the cracked cobblestone ground. Her red shirt were

covered in debris. The smell of rotting flesh pierced through her nose.

I have to get out of her. I can feel my sister suffering...

Rainee looked ahead. Abandoned houses were everywhere. Windows

were broken. Broken brooms and wands lay on the streets.

A sign labeled Triton Avenue was torn in half.

I feel death. So much suffering.

“Hoi?” Something whispered..

What was that? Rainee froze.

Something moved around in her backpack, squirming to get out.

“Oh!” Rainee exclaimed. “I remember!”

Rainee hid behind a dead tree. She reached behind and took out her

backpack. She opened the zipper. Pieces of cracked eggshells were everywhere.

“Tick tick tick tick.” A red lizard cooed.

It had sharp teeth and claws. Warmth seemed to emanate from it.

“My hotzilla!” Rainee whispered.

The lizard yawned and curled into a sleeping position.

“Aw.” Rainee said. “He's finally hatched. I wonder what I should name


A loud crash was heard coming from a house nearby.

Rainee picked up her baby hotzilla in her arms and walked toward the


A pink haired girl with dark robes was being held by a tall hooded boy

with dark silver hair.

“Let me go! Let me go now!” The girl yelled.

“The Master would like you to join us, young lady.” The boy said.

“I have no need of your stupid hospitality!” The girl yelled. “I want my

brother back!”

“You mean Steve? He has joined us. And now, you shall too.”

The boy pointed a finger at the girl's face.

“NEVER!” The girl screamed. “Krad Wolb1!”

A blast of dark energy shot out of the girl's eyes and hit the boy's hand.

“Gah! You'll pay for that!” The boy took out his wand.

The girl released herself from the boy's grip.

“Now, tell me where Steve is or I'll destroy you.” The girl whispered and

pointed at the boy.

The boy stayed silent. Not moving at all.

Rainee walked up to them and saw the horrible sight.

The girl turned her face around and saw Rainee.

“Nooo! Not another one!” She said.

The girl saw Rainee's face and let out a sigh of relief. “Yes! You're not

one of them!”

Rainee stared at the boy. This is just like what happened with Stephen.

“What's going on? Who are you?” Rainee whispered.

1 Krad Wall-B

“I'm Leesha.” The girl replied. “That wizard over there. He's been cursed

by who knows what!”

The boy looked at Rainee. “You!”

Oh no. Rainee thought. She took out her wand from her secret sleeve


“The Master requests that you die.” The boy said. A faint smile formed

on his face. “And I shall be rewarded.”

“What!? You're crazy!” Rainee screamed.

The boy's eyes began to glow. “Relax. This will only hurt for a second.”

Rainee's heart pulsed like a car engine. She waved her wand and

shouted random incantations.

“No! Don't do that!” Leesha shouted. “It will only...”

To late. Rainee fizzled her spell and her skin felt like it was burning. She

dropped to the floor. Her hotzilla was crying loudly.

“AHHHHH! HELP ME!” Rainee yelled.

“Foolish novice wizardess.” The boy said. “I don't know why the Master

feels threatened by your presence, but I will do what I must.”

He put his wand away in his robes and took out a silver dagger. He

approached Rainee, preparing to stab her.

“No!” Leesha cried. “Kaolc1!”

Leesha disappeared from the boy's sight.

“Huh?” The boy muttered.

Leesha got behind him. “Krad Wolb!” She shot dark energy and hit the

boy's back.

1 Calc

The boy almost fell while he turned around. “You cannot interfere with

the Master's orders.”

Rainee's skin felt normal again. She stood up and pointed her wand at

the boy.

“Tick tick tick!” The hotzilla cried. He snarled at the boy.

Leesha's cloak charm wore off. Rainee and Leesha pointed both their

wands at the boy. He stopped moving.

“Now, you will tell us everything.” Leesha said.

“Your brother...” The boy put his dagger back in his pocket. “Is with the

Harvest Lord. Soon he will be one of the Soulless Ones. The undead will rule

Wizard City.”

Leesha's hand was trembling in anger and fear. “Tell us where he is or

we will destroy you.”

The boy took off his hood. “No... I AM your BROTHER!”

Leesha gasped. “NOOOOOOOO!”

“Good boy. Good boy.” A raspy voice whispered.

Orange and red leaves spun through the air in a circle.

I wanna go home. Rainee thought.

A scarecrow materialized in front of them. Fire could be seen through its

rotting pumpkin head.

“Ah. Its good to see you Rosespirit.” The scarecrow said. “I am the

Harvest Lord. The Master's assistant.”

The Harvest Lord approached Rainee. “You don't look like the one as

described in the prophecy.” The Harvest Lord laughed.

This thing's getting on my nerves. Rainee pointed her wand at the

Harvest Lord.

“Watch where you point that thing, Rosespirit.” The Harvest Lord


The Harvest Lord turned around and blasted Leesha with from from his

eyes. Her skin was scorched and her clothes were covered in black dust.

“Now you will come with me, or watch your friend die.” The Harvest

Lord laughed.

Chapter 7:“The Evil Inside her”

Thick fog covered the buildings around the streets. With the invisibility

potion still in effect, Jacob and Kevin spotted the headmaster's house and

slowly flew down.

Jacob looked around to see if anyone was watching. “The coast is clear.

Say the password.”

“Ne Sugam Son Sedif1.” Kevin whispered.

A symbol of a scale appeared on the headmaster's doorknob. Jacob

opened the door and stepped inside. Kevin followed while looking back to

check for followers and closed the door.

The doorknob outside instantly changed back to normal and the potion

wore off.

In the inside of the building was a round table with eight chairs. Each

chair was encrusted with a unique jewel representing a school of magic. A

statuette of Bartleby the tree was in the center of the table. Shelves filled with

various spell books filled the walls.

“Sup Jacob.” A dark haired boy said. He wore robes that showed pride

in the practice of fire magic.

“Hey Chris. Did Professor Drake and the headmaster told you the

news?” Jacob said as he sat down.

Kevin sighed. “Is the headmaster coming over?” He also sat down.

1 Nay Sue-Gahm Son Said-if

Bright green light suddenly engulfed the room.

A girl with long dark brown hair appeared. She wore green robes,

signifying she practiced the life arts. An orange sprite sat on her shoulder.

“Sorry for popping in like this.” She smiled and looked around. “Where

are the others?”

Chris looked at the girl. “Marissa...” He started. “Stephen, Sarai,

Heather, and Hannah have gone missing.”

“Kevin. Since you're our president, I think you outta know where they

are.” Chris said with a smirk.

“Unfortunately, I don't have any clue. I didn't hear about their

disappearances either.” Kevin replied, looking a bit annoyed. “I fear that those

disappearances have something to do with what happened to Cassandra.”

Another flash of bright light appeared. An old bearded man wearing

robes with stars entered the room. His forehead showed signs of deep thought.

“Headmaster Ambrose.” Kevin said. “Welcome sir.”

The headmaster walked slowly to his chair. “Hello, WIC officers.”

“I have terrible news.” He coughed. “Lots of students have been

reported missing.”

“Sir, some of the WIC officers have gone missing as well.” Kevin added.

“Indeed. We must get to the root of this problem as soon as possible.”

Ambrose said. “I have instructed Professor Drake to enforce a mandatory

curfew to protect our students.”

Ambrose's eyes glowed with orange light as he stared into the statuette

of Bartleby in the center of the round table.

“Bartleby, we need answers.” Ambrose asked.

The small figure became animated and soon Bartleby's voice could be

heard from it. “Hello, Headmaster.”Bartleby's voice seemed tired and weak.

“Bartleby, what is going on with the city?” Ambrose asked.

Everyone scooted their chair closer to hear what Bartleby was saying.

“My eye, it has been stolen. I cannot see the cause of this problem.”

Bartleby sighed. “But, my other eye can reveal the future.”

“What do you see my old friend.” Ambrose asked.

Bartleby yawned. “I see... flames... a girl... and... a wraith. Now... I must


The statuette of Bartleby became still and lifeless.

Ambrose stood up. “I will ponder on this matter later.”

The headmaster approached Jacob. “I'll need you to go to Earth and

explain to parents that we don't know why their kids disappeared yet.”

“Yes sir.” Jacob replied. “I will leave immediately.”

“And you three...” The headmaster glanced at Kevin, Marissa, and Chris.

“ shall patrol the streets.”

“I'm on it.” Marissa smiled.

“On second thought...” Ambrose said. “Kevin. Marissa. Head for Triton

Avenue. Professor Drake informed me that the place has lost its power. Chris,

keep and eye on Bartleby.”

“Jacob follow me.” The headmaster snapped his fingers. He and Jacob

disappeared in a flash of light.

Jacob was teleported to the center of Bartleby's heart, where the spiral

door was located. The headmaster stood next to him.

“Good luck young wizard.” Ambrose said.

Jacob tried using his key to Earth, but it wouldn't work.

“Sir, It's not working.” He said.

The headmaster forehead folded. “What?”

Ambrose took the key from Jacob and tried opening the door.

“Interesting...” He whispered.

“Don't worry Jacob, I have a spare key. It will send you to Lincoln High

school, but not at Ms. Deathslinger's office. I wonder what happened to her


Ambrose handed Jacob a different key, he used it and the door


“May the elements be with you.” Ambrose said.

Jacob walked through the wooden door. After a few minutes of spacing

out inside, Jacob was finally able to get to his destination. He opened a door

and found himself inside a janitor's storeroom, where the spiral door was

disguised as a old rusty mirror.

Now to get to business. Jacob thought. He checked his watch.

“12:10.” It read.

Weird. Isn't it supposed to be noisy when its lunchtime?

Jacob waved his wand and transformed his sorcerer robes into a black

shirt and jeans.

Jacob walked out of the storeroom and was surprised at the sight he

saw. Everyone was asleep, not a single student or teacher was awake.

Holy Ra... Jacob frowned.

“What? How'd you get in here!?” someone shouted.

Jacob looked up. “Ms. Deathslinger?!”

Ms. Deathslinger was riding on a purple flying carpet, spreading a weird

white powder everywhere. She smirked. “What in blazes? I thought I had

cursed the spiral door!”

“Whoever you are, you're not getting away.” Ms. Deathslinger said.

She raised both her hands and fired dark lightning bolts at Jacob.

Jacob raised an orange glowing sword and blocked the vile bolts. “Ms.

Deathslinger, don't you recognize me?”

Ms. Deathslinger replied. “I haven't a clue fool. I just need you out of the

way of the Master's plans.”

The Master? Cassandra mentioned him too! Ms. Deathslinger has been


“I don't want to hurt you, surrender now and tell me who you really

are!” Jacob yelled.

“NEVER!” Ms. Deathslinger cried. She opened her mouth and


“Ahhhh!” Jacob yelled and covered his ears.

“Do not meddle with the affairs of the undead, boy!”

Ms. Deathslinger raised her hands again and fired more dark lightning.

Ar Pmuj1. Jacob thought. He jumped out of the spell's way and leaped

on top of a building.

Ms. Deathslinger unsummoned her flying carpet and landed on the

same building.

“It ends here kid. Don't take it personal. Business is business.” Her eyes

crackled in purple light as she prepared to shoot another blast of dark

1 Arr Pe-mudge


Jacob withdrew his sword and brought out his wand and concentrated

on improvising a rhyme verse spell. It's worth a shot. Jacob thought.

Jacob's eyes flashed with orange light as he waved his wand to drew a

symbol that looked like a balance scale.

“To cease the storm.

To end the fear.

Reveal to me the person,

that is impersonated here!” Jacob encanted.

Jacob's wand burst with orange light that engulfed Ms. Deathslinger.

“WHAT?! OH NO!” Her scream pierced through Jacob's ears.

Mist came out of Ms. Deathslinger's mouth. It materialized into a ghost

with chains stuck on its body.

“Yes it worked!” Jacob yelled.

Ms. Deathslinger was dazed. Oh dear. Where am I?

She stood up and saw Jacob. “Jacob! Is that you?”

“THIS AIN'T OVER MORTALS!” The ghost yelled. She screamed loudly

and knocked out Jacob from consciousness.

Ms. Deathslinger wasn't affected. She snapped her fingers. Her Earth

clothes changed into her purple wizard robes. She brought out her pure

amethyst wand and pointed at the ghost.

“Bastilla Gravewynd!” Ms. Deathslinger said. “I thought they had you

locked up. So you were the one who attacked me in my sleep. I'm gonna tear

you apart.”

“Think again mortal! HAHAHAHA.” She cackled.

Ms. Deathslinger waved her wand and formed a lightning bolt symbol in

the air.

“Enasni Tlob1.” She muttered. “I hate banshees!”

Dark clouds formed above and a surge of lightning hit the ghost directly

in her face.

Bastilla screamed. “The Master's plans will still happen without my

help! You mortals will pay!” She melted into nothingness.

Students around the school started waking up, as if freed from a spell.

Ms. Deathslinger waved her wand and teleported herself and Jacob

from the roof. I must tell everyone what happened. She thought.

1 En-Sanny Til-ob

Chapter 8:“The Master's Prophecy”

The Harvest Lord lead Rainee and Leesha through a huge pumpkin

patch on a steep hill. The rotting smell was almost unbearable. Flies and other

insects flew around like living bullets.

An old house was at the top of the hill. Its windows were shattered. The

door was severely cracked and damaged.

“Rainee. I can't feel my arms.” Leesha whispered. Her arm was still

scorched from the Harvest Lord's blast.

“Don't worry. We'll somehow get out of here.” Rainee replied.

Rainee's hotzilla whimpered.

Rainee frowned. “I have to get some food for him.”

“Rosespirit, go inside.” The Harvest Lord said. “The Master would like

to see you.”

Who the heck does he think he is? Rainee clenched her fist.

“The other girl can stay here... In case you plan to pull any monkey

business.” The Harvest Lord sneered. The flame in his head burned brightly.

Rainee walked up into the old house and stepped inside. She looked

around. I can't see anything.

“Come closer Rosespirit.” A hoarse voice whispered.

Rainee's heart pounded like crazy. She gripped her wand tightly.

Where's Jacob when you need him? I'm such a fail at this magic thing.

“Don't be afraid.” The voice laughed.

Candles suddenly lit open. Broken furniture and cobwebs became


“Climb up the stairs girl.” The voice said again.

Rainee reluctantly climbed up the rotting stairs. Each step she took

made a creaking sound.

When she reached the top, she saw the two boys she had encountered

earlier. Stephen Spiritcaller, the death senior officer; Steven Stardust,

Leesha's brother. The both had their wands out.

A dark figure was sitting in an antique throne turned backwards.

“Alas, we meet in person Rosespirit.” The figure stayed motionless.

“Who are you!?” Rainee yelled. She shivered in fear.

“I am Lord Nightshade, known to my henchmen as the Master.” The

figure yelled. “You'll soon learn to respect your future king.”

The dark figure turned his chair around and faced Rainee. He had thin

bony hands and wore a hood. His face looked cold and lifeless. He tapped his

fingers on the throne's arms.

“So you're the little witch that the wizard warned me about.” The dark

figure said. “He said that you have the power to stop me.”

“Whatever. Now let me out of here.” Rainee slowly started to retreat.

The figure stood up and approached Rainee. “Why so early? You should

stay awhile. Hehehe.”

“I don't want to take advantage of your hospitality.” Rainee said weakly.

Rainee slowly backed away and went down the stairs. She almost

tripped but quickly regained her balance.

“Don't be afraid.” The figure said. “You'll soon be with us, and serve in

my undead army.”

Rainee held her little hotzilla tightly and ran out, stricken with sudden


“You cannot cheat death Rosespirit.” The figure yelled. “I will get what I


The two boys fired dark blasts at Rainee but missed. Vases and furniture

were broken and burned with deathly energy.

“GET HER!” Lord Nightshade screamed.

The two boys ran down the stairs and followed Rainee. Rainee slammed

the door and knocked them both unconscious on the floor.

The Harvest Lord's flames ignited as he saw Rainee running out the old


“You're not getting away from me!” He screamed and fired blazing

blasts from his eyes. Rainee dodged each one.

“Leesha!” Rainee screamed. “Let's get out of here! We'll save your

brother some other time!”

Leesha ran away from the Harvest Lord while he was distracted.

I'm gonna have to use my defective broom, but I have no choice. Rainee


“ARRRGGGHHH!” The Harvest Lord screamed.

Rainee snapped her fingers and conjured her red broom. She mounted

herself on it. “Come on work!” She yelled.

Leesha waved her wand and formed the death symbol in the air.

“Eliugeb Eht Drol1.” She muttered. Grey light enveloped the Harvest Lord and

glowing red hearts covered his entire body.

“Must. Help. Leesha.” The Harvest Lord said in a daze.

The two boys broke through the door and spotted Rainee and Leesha.

They pointed their wands at them.

The Harvest Lord's eyes widened and blasted the two boys with fire.

They fell down on their backs.

“Yes!” Leesha exclaimed. She then summoned her own broom and

mounted it.

Leesha and Rainee kicked off the ground and flew out of the dark

streets, safe at last and holding a terrible secret.

Without her noticing anything, Rainee's “protective” pendant shattered

to bits.

1 El-Loo-Geb Et Drol

Chapter 9:“Cleared Doubts”

Ms. Deathslinger whispered a spell and waved her glowing hands to

straighten her bright purple hair.

She had taken Jacob to the nurse's office earlier and was now waiting

for him to return.

Ms. Deathslinger sighed and sat down on her large purple desk chair

and opened a small purple spell book. Then she closed it again after a few


I hope Jacob is ok. Then we'll go to Wizard City immediately.

A soft knock was heard at her office door.

“Who is it?” Ms. Deathslinger asked.

“Ms. Slindeth. I have a question about the school.” A voice said. It

sounded like an old man.

Ms. Deathslinger sighed again. “Come in and we'll talk.”

Ms. Deathslinger hid her tiny spell book into a bigger decoy book

labeled School Rules. She then pointed her finger at the door. It unlocked

with a click.

An old man wearing an old fashioned suit and a top hat. A black eye

patch covered his right eye.

“Afternoon... Ms. Deathslinger.” He said.

Oh he's a wizard. Ms. Deathslinger smiled.

The old man snapped his fingers and the door behind him closed.

“What brings you here wizard?” Ms. Deathslinger asked.

The old man had a grim look on his face. “Jacob contacted me about

the incident.” He sat down on a chair.

The old man closed his tired eyes. His whole body flashed with light.

His “modern” clothes were replaced with robes with stars and his top hat was

replaced with a pointy hat, which also had stars.

Ms. Deathslinger gasped. “Headmaster Ambrose!”

Ambrose laughed quietly. “Its been a long time since I've been on


“Headmaster, did Jacob tell you about what happened to me and the

school?” Ms. Deathslinger asked.

“Yes he has. But I must asked you about what you know.” Ambrose

said. “Did the banshee mention anything about a master while you were


Ms. Deathslinger's eyes widened. “Yes! That's exactly what she

threatened me about.”

The Headmaster closed his eyes. It is as I feared.

“What's wrong sir?” Ms. Deathslinger said.

“Your incident is linked with what's going on at Wizard City.”

“What exactly is going on?”

“Students are disappearing and something has been enchanting or

possessing them into a semi-undead state. All who have been enchanted have

mentioned a master of some sort.”

“I'll warn parents not to send their kids to Ravenwood until we find a

way out of this mess.”

“I have sent most of the remaining students home. The WIC officers

have volunteered to stay and investigate. Some of them have gone missing as


“Any clues on where we should start the investigation?”

“I haven't a clue yet.” The headmaster stood up and walked closer to

Ms. Deathslinger's desk. “Professor Balestrom might be of help.

Unfortunately, he's been paralyzed and can't speak.”

“Professor Wu's magic should help. Right?”

“She's been trying all sorts of remedies. Most have failed. Bartleby has

told me that Balestrom will be cured in time, but he doesn't know when.”

A knock was heard at the door again.

“Come in Jacob.” Ambrose said with a grin.

Jacob entered the door looking a bit surprised. How did he know?

“Ms. Deathslinger, Headmaster.” Jacob said as he walked in. “Good


“Sit down Jacob.” Ms. Deathslinger pointed to a chair.

Jacob sat down and looked at the Headmaster.

“Are you feeling better?” Ambrose asked.

“Yup. I'm fully refreshed.” Jacob replied.

Ms. Deathslinger smiled. “My sister, Diana, is a master at healing. I'm

glad she took the position of nurse. I'm so glad that you're well again.”

Ambrose nodded. “Jacob, we must hurry back to Wizard City. The lives

of my students are at stake.”

The headmaster looked at Ms. Deathslinger. “And Scarlet, you're

coming with us.”

“Me?” Ms. Deathslinger was surprised. “Then who's going to act as

principal of this school?”

“Ah, don't worry about that. Your vice principal will handle it.”

A weird combination of icy warm fog filled the room. A tall woman

with blue hair appeared. “Hi everyone!” She said in a melodic voice.

“Vice Principal Alyssa Score, otherwise known as wizardess Cassandra

Hexthorn, at your service.”

“But she's still an apprentice Ambrose.” Ms. Deathslinger argued.

“She's more than capable of handling your students.” Ambrose replied.

Alyssa waved her wand and encanted a spell. “Ekam Em Kool Ekil


Alyssa's body started to morph. Her blue hair became purple like Ms.

Deathslinger's and in a few moments, they looked exactly alike.”

Alyssa giggled. “Don't worry about it Ms. Deathslinger. I got it


Ms. Deathslinger laughed. “I guess it could've been worse. Good luck.”

Ambrose pulled out a key from his pocket. “We'd best be going now.

Jacob. Scarlet.”

“Ambrose, I had the key renovated to fit modern looks.” Ms.

Deathslinger said. She pulled out her cellphone and used a spell to reveal the

spiral door.

“By Bartleby... what is that?” Ambrose asked Ms. Deathslinger.

“Its what mortals use to communicate with each other.” She replied.

1 Eh-Kam Ehm Cool Eh-Kill Reh-Nil-Sheh-Taid

Ambrose scratched his head. “Interesting.”

The door was unlocked upon contact with Ms. Deathslinger's glowing


“Wait a minute.” Ambrose said. His eyes flashed with white light as he

blasted the door with white energy from his hands.

“That door was cursed. Probably while you were possessed.” He said.

Ms. Deathslinger looked surprised. “I had no idea.” She looked as if

trying to remember a lost dream.

“Well its all fixed now.” Ambrose said.

Jacob and Ms. Deathslinger followed Ambrose as he stepped into the

spiral door.

“May the power be with you.” Alyssa smiled.

A purple sticky note materialized in her hand.

Don't leave the school with a big mess

that I have to clean up Alyssa. I don't know

what got into Ambrose's old brain for you to sub

for me. Just kidding. :P

- Scarlet Deathslinger

“Don't worry Ms. Deathslinger. I won't let you down.” Alyssa

whispered and sat down on Ms. Deathslinger's comfy chair. She summoned

a bottle of fruit punch and a submarine sandwich.

“Life's good as principal.” Alyssa giggled.

Chapter 10:“The Beginning of the end”

“Will Leesha be all right?” Rainee asked.

The strong smell of herbs and cinnamon filled the classroom. Professor

Wu looked at Leesha's scorched arm with great concern.

“This dark infection should only take a couple hours to cure.” Professor

Wu said softly. “You have to hurry back home. The Headmaster issued a


“Curfew?” Rainee said. “But I have to know where my sister is.”

“Yes dear. I expect you to be get back to Earth immediately.” Professor

Wu said as she wrapped Leesha's burnt arm with a glowing cast. Leesha's face

relaxed and she took in a deep breath.

“Thanks Professor.” Leesha smiled.

“Anytime dear.” Professor Wu replied.

Rainee packed her stuff and started walking to the door. “I must find

my sister, she's usually playing with the fairies in Unicorn Way.”

Professor Wu suddenly stood up. “Wait dear.”

Rainee stopped. “What is it Professor?”

“Before you leave, speak to the headmaster.” Professor Wu said. “It is

about your sister, Cassandra.”

Rainee's eyes widened. “I was told that she was cursed into a hundred

year sleep, the Fallonitis curse.”

“What? There is no such thing as the Fallonitis curse.” Professor Wu

exclaimed. “Who told you this?”

“That's what Ms. Deathslinger told me.” Rainee whispered.

“Ms. Deathslinger!?” Professor Wu almost yelled out. “But she was

possessed by a banshee!”

A grim realization went storming through Rainee's mind. I was


Rainee tried to brighten her thoughts. “I have to go and speak to the

Headmaster.” She ran out into the dark Ravenwood campus.

It would be best if Ambrose talks to her about what happened. I can't

bear to be the one that breaks the awful news to her. Professor Wu sat down

on her chair and started mixing up more medicine for Leesha's wound.

Rainee reached the Headmaster's office and knocked on the door. She

was filled with fear and anxiety. If this continues to happen. I'm gonna have

to stop using magic and drop out of Ravenwood.

The door slowly opened. When it finally opened all the way, Rainee

was speechless.

“Rainee? Why are you still here?” Said a woman with bright purple


“M-m-m-Ms. Deathslinger?” Rainee spitted out.

Ms. Deathslinger looked surprised. “What's the matter Rainee?”

Rainee looked into the room and saw Jacob and Marissa. They each

looked like they were about to drop dead from fatigue.

“Rainee, you're turning pale.” Ms. Deathslinger said. “Come inside.”

The headmaster was sitting behind his desk, he was busy scanning

through a tall stack of books.

Rainee looked at Ms. Deathslinger very suspiciously.

Ambrose noticed Rainee's presence. “Rainee. You must get home right


“No sir. I have to tell you something... about Ms. Deathslinger.”

Ambrose looked stunned. “What is it?”

“Professor Wu told me that Ms. Deathslinger was possessed by a

banshee. Well, probably while she was possessed, she sent me to a terrible

place through her spiral gate.”

Rainee closed her eyes, as if trying to remember a lost dream. “I was

captured by a dark monster who calls himself the Master.”

Ambrose was astonished. “What?! We've been investigating that for


Ms. Deathslinger and Ambrose exchanged glances. “What did he tell


“He said that a wizard told him that I was destined to destroy him.”

Ambrose closed his eyes. “This is exactly what Bartleby has foretold.

You are the girl that he spoke about. Please Rainee, tell us where this dark

figure is.”

“He calls himself Lord Nightshade, and he is currently hiding in an old

house on Triton Avenue.”

“Triton Avenue... it all makes sense now.” Ambrose whispered.

“Rainee. Go with Jacob and Marissa and put an end to this dark figure's


Ms. Deathslinger gasped. “Lord Nightshade? I've read myths about

him. They say that he was a necromancer that had gone made trying to create

an undead army.”

“This is a dire situation indeed.” Ambrose said, frowning.

“Has anyone heard from Kevin yet?” Marissa asked.

Jacob nodded. “Nothing. He left for an errand but never came back.”

The door opened and a dark haired boy wearing blue robes entered.

“Hi guys.” He said.

“Hi Alex.” Ms. Deathslinger said. “What are you doing here so late?”

“I needed to copy Kevin's notes about my Snow Angel essay. Have you

seen him?”

Loud screams were heard from outside, the sound of people running

filled the air.

“What is that?” Rainee said, trembling a bit.

“What in Bartleby's name is going on?” Ambrose walked out the door

and gasped.

“Everyone get outside now!” Ambrose ordered.

Everybody rushed to get outside. Fear seeped into all their minds as

they saw a horrible sight.

Student wizards were walking like zombies, they appeared to be in a

deep trance. They were headed for the tall tower behind the headmaster's


In the sky, a boy was flying on a broom. His eyes were pitch white and


He held on a tall glowing blue staff.

“Missed me?” He asked.

Ms. Deathslinger gasped. “Kevin! He's been enchanted!”

Alex looked up. “Kevin. What the heck are you doing?”

“I am serving the Master. He will soon rule Wizard City... and everyone

who lives here.” He laughed. “These foolish students will soon become one of

the sleeping dead.”

He jumped off his broom and landed softly on the ground on his feet.

“Now you will join me or die.” His staff started to glow brightly.

“Tsorfelab!1” He uttered. His eye's flashed with blue light.

A shock wave of cold air was emitted from his staff. The surroundings

became covered in snow. Cold wind blew in every direction.

Alex stepped forward. “I'll handle this. I'm more than capable of

beating Kevin.”

Kevin laughed and pointed his staff at Alex. He fired a shot of cold

magic and it hit Alex directly in the face.

Alex fell to the ground and couldn't move.

“You were saying?” Kevin sneered.

Marissa pulled out her diamond lollipop wand. “Rojam Gnisselb!2” She

screamed and blasted Alex with healing energy.

Alex's body glowed with green light quickly got back up on his feet.

Ms. Deathslinger put on some purple gloves encrusted with Amethysts.

She aimed her hands and blasted Kevin with a strong surge of electricity.

Kevin flinched a bit, but looked as if he was barely phased. “Nice try

stormy one. You cannot stop the Master from doing the mass ritual in the

1 Teh-Soar-Fell-Lab2 Row-Jam Knee-Selb

Golem Tower!”

Ms. Deathslinger screamed. “We'll hold him off! Ambrose. Take Jacob

and Rainee to the Golem Tower and stop Nightshade!”

Ambrose summoned several flying carpets and ordered Rainee and

Jacob to get on them. “Hurry young wizards! We haven't much time!”

They flew past the trail of beguiled students and spotted the Golem

Tower. Ambrose fired golden blasts of energy from his staff and broke the

windows of the top floor. They all jumped off the carpets and into the window


The place smelled of rotten blood and dirt. Bones lay everywhere and

pieces of books were on the floor.

“What!?” A man yelled. He turned around and saw Ambrose with the

two young wizards.

Ambrose was astounded. “MALISTAIRE?”

The man wiped off some dirt from his mustache and sneered.


“You are no longer welcome here! Why have you returned?!” Ambrose


“I'm here to resolve some unfinished business. Are those your latest

students? My henchmen will see to your little friends.”

Malistaire snapped his fingers and two draconians appeared. “You

fools handle these idiots while I complete the ritual. Then Nightshade will

give me what I bargained for.”

The draconians had dry red scales and looked like a human-like lizard

with wings. Each time they hissed, smoke came out of their noses.

Rainee backed away in fear and brought out her wand. Jacob

summoned an orange glowing sword to his hand.

“Jacob. Take drink these health potions and deal with those creatures

while I tend to Malistaire himself.” Ambrose threw two plastic bottles of a

purple potion to Jacob.

“Don't be so sure of yourself, old man.” Malistaire whispered as he

encanted words of power. His staff burned brightly in blue light.

Jacob handed Rainee a bottle and they both chugged it down. They

were completely refreshed and ready to fight.

Malistaire whispered to the draconians. “Make sure to kill that girl

first. She is dangerous and you can't let her live.”

At least that's what I told Nightshade. He'll believe any nonsense.

What can I say? Villain partners always double cross each other. His key to

the desert world will be mine. Malistaire chuckled to himself.

The draconians spit out rocks of fire from their mouths and threw

them at Rainee.

Jacob whispered a spell and enclosed Rainee in a protective aura.

The rocks barely affected her.

Rainee let out a deep sigh of relief and started charging energy for a


Ambrose walked over to Malistaire and blasted him with bright light

from his wand.

“Ugh!” Malistaire shouted. “You'll pay for that!”

Malistaire's eyes flashed with white light. The rug that Ambrose was

standing on was pulled. The headmaster slipped on fell on his back and

couldn't move a muscle.

“That'll teach you, old man.” Malistaire cracked. He went back to the


Rainee aimed at a draconian and fired red lasers from her wand.

“HISSSSS!!!” A draconian screamed in pain as it got hit. It fell to the

floor and died.

Jacob cut off the wings of the other draconian with his sword. It hissed

loudly and scorched Jacob with a powerful blast of fire breath.

Jacob fell to the ground. “Rainee! Finish it!”

“Jacob, I just got lucky killing the smaller one. That monster is a lot

bigger than the one I defeated! I can't do it!” Rainee trembled in fear.

Malistaire laughed. “Of course. Now get yourselves out of here before I

decide to kill all of you.”

Its now or never. Jacob drew a symbol of a scale in the air with his

fingers. “Edalbecnalab Rainee!1” He yelled and pointed at Rainee.

A stream of orange light was emitted from Jacob's finger and engulfed


“Rainee. I've given you a boost. Now try to kill it!” Jacob said.

Hope began to fill inside Rainee, she waved her wand around and drew

a fire symbol in the air.

“What!?” Malistaire shouted.

Rainee encanted words of power. “Etalommi Nainocard!2”

Rainee's wand burst with flames. The draconian melted before her


1 Ed-All-Beck-Nal-Lab2 Et-Tall-Oh-Me Nay-No-Card

Ambrose and Jacob got up from the ground and rushed to get where

Rainee was.

“Rainee! I knew you could do it.” Jacob hugged Rainee.

Malistaire laughed. “It is to late Ambrose. I have completed the spell.”

The tower began to crumble in flames.

“Now I will take my leave of this wretched place.” Malistaire laughed

and teleported out of the dying tower.”

Ambrose closed his eyes and teleported himself and the two students

out of the tower just in time.

When the teleportation magic wore off, the three wizards' faces filled

with horror and fear at the sight they saw.

All the students who were in a trance have been transformed into

undead-like beings.

“The Master will rule all.” They chanted in unison. Dark clouds formed

in the sky and raindrops fell like ice cold bullets.

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