sba arrangements for 2021, 2022 & 2023 exam

Post on 02-Feb-2022






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SBA Arrangements for 2021, 2022 & 2023 Exam

Technology and Living (Food Science and Technology)


Downloading the Moderation Reports for 2020 Exam

• Circular: DSE/SBA/GEN 20/1 (dated: 9 Sept 2020) ( brary/Circulars/HKDSE/2021HKDS E-SBA-Schedule-200909.pdf)

Available starting from 25 September 2020


2021 Exam- SBA CANCELLED ( ised_Exam_Timetable_and_Assessment_Frameworks_2021HKDSE_E.pdf)


SBA Requirements for 2022 ExamsTask No. of assessment Weighting

Prescribed task 1 10% Project / Design Folio • Proposal • Realisation and evaluation

1 20%

Task Assessment Areas

Assessment Criteria Mark Total Mark

Prescribed task

Experimental work ‧ conducting of experiment and recording of observations

10 20

Report writing ‧ interpretation of data and report writing 10

Project / Design Folio

Proposal ‧ development of the project outline / design brief and study item / design specification


40 ‧ development of study items /design ideas 10

Realisation and evaluation

‧ realisation of the study item /design idea 15 ‧ communication and presentation 5


2022 and 2023: (E) (C)


SBA for 2022 & 2023 Exams

Assessment Planning

• Completed Assessment Planning Form should be emailed to the DC on or before 15 Dec 2020

• Make a practical assessment plan for submitting the marks in January 2022 – Preferably all assessment completed by end of Oct 2021

– All marking of prescribed task and project completed by end of Nov 2021



Foam stability 2 Feb 2021

2 May 2021 1 June 2021 12 Oct 2021 31 Oct 2021


Foam stability 2 Feb 2021

2 May 2021 1 June 2021 12 Oct 2021 31 Oct 2021

Assessment Planning


• Progress in assessment (Prescribed Task and Proposal) to be reported by email to DCs in June 2021






• No. of schools = 16 • No. of students = 160

Moderation results:

‘within the expected range’ 93.8%

‘higher than expected’ 6.2%

The vast majority of the teachers have a good understanding of the SBA requirements and the marking standards are appropriate.


Full Prescribed Task (PT) marks = 20

Mean raw PT marks (range) 12.6 (4.0 – 20.0)

Mean SD of raw PT marks (range) 2.4 (0.8 – 4.5)

Full Project Proposal (P) marks = 20

Mean raw P marks (range) 13.3 (2.0 – 20.0)

Mean SD of raw P marks (range) 2.8 (1.7 – 5.9)

Full Project Realisation (RE) marks = 20

Mean raw RE marks (range) 12.9 (1.0 – 20.0)

Mean SD of raw RE marks (range) 2.8 (1.3 – 5.7)

The tasks chosen were generally able to differentiate the required abilities of the students


General Observations

Smooth and effective assessment process on the whole• SBA marks were submitted on time • Projects chosen for assessment fulfilled the assessment requirements of SBA

• Moderation of marking was smoothly conducted


Prescribed Tasks Observations

Task No. of schools used 1 薑汁撞奶 —薑汁和奶的比例 2 2 Factors Affecting the Rising of Bread Dough - Temperature 影響麵包粉糰脹起的因素 - 溫度


3 Factors Affecting the Rising of Bread Dough - Ingredient 影響麵包粉糰脹起的因素 - 材料


4 探究不同添加物對蛋白泡沫穩定性的影響 Effects of additives on foam stability


5 探究防止酶促褐變的方法 Investigating Ways to Prevent Enzymatic Browning


All schools used the sample prescribed tasks developed for SBA assessment .


Prescribed Tasks – Observations at the higher end

Performance at the higher end was very good on the whole, with

• scientific principles behind the experiments well illustrated,

• application of experiment findings thoroughly discussed and interpreted Presentation of report in an organized manner, and

• clearly stipulated conclusions.


Prescribed Tasks – Observations at the medium and the lower end

and suggestions for future improvement

Common weaknesses found at the data interpretation aspect :

• Students’ work revealed a rather superficial understanding of the science of food preparation processes.

• Discussion of the results was found to be either brief or superficial, and not well supported with relevant or accurate scientific concepts.

• In some cases, there was no discussion of the results at all.14

Prescribed Tasks – Observations at the medium and the lower end

and suggestions for future improvement

Common weaknesses found in the data interpretation aspect :

• When the results obtained in an experiment were not as expected, students should have tried to explain the results with a view to state the reasons behind the failure, citing food scientific principles.

• Suggestions could be made on how to improve the resultswith an appropriate choice of experimental conditions.


Prescribed Tasks – Observations at the medium and the lower end

and suggestions for future improvement

Common weaknesses found in the application aspect :

• Students were generally weak at applying findings in the experiments in food preparation.

• In some cases, the application was not well defined and in other cases, an illustrative dish for application was not properly chosen.

• Some students find it difficult to suggest further investigations for similar investigations, others were not able to write a brief outline of the procedures for the suggested investigations.


Prescribed Tasks – Observations at the medium and the lower end

and suggestions for future improvement

Common weaknesses found in the conclusion aspect :

• Students were found to be rather weak at writing up conclusions.

• In many cases the conclusions were ambiguous or lengthy but not to the point.


Project Proposal – Observations at the medium and the lower end

and suggestions for future improvement

The literature review and idea generation aspect :

• Students in general were able to provide evidences in reading some relevant literature and generating ideas to work out a proposal,

• Yet more could have been attempted by students to extend the scope of their reading in order to acquire a wider perspective on the theme to support the generation of sufficient and relevant ideas.


Project Proposal – Observations at the medium and the lower end

and suggestions for future improvement

The formulation of specifications aspect :

• Some students were weak at formulating specifications with reference to outcomes from their literature review.

• A clearly defined list of specifications which complies with the theme selected is imperative to inform students in generating ideas and working out a final product.


Project Proposal – Observations at the medium and the lower end

and suggestions for future improvement The recipe modification aspect :

• Some students were not able to highlight characteristics of the selected food culture, and others lacked creativity in modifying traditional recipes.

• To be in line with the goals of the project, students should try to modify recipes references pertaining to the selected food culture and application contexts in the progress of proposal development.


Realisation and Evaluation of the Study Item – Observations at the medium and the lower end and

suggestions for future improvement

The procedural and sensory evaluation aspect :

• Procedural and sensory evaluation were often superficiallyconducted or sometimes omitted.

• Yet such evaluation processes are important in the realisation process for the successful production of a final product.


Realisation and Evaluation of the Study Item – Observations at the medium and the lower end and

suggestions for future improvement

The presentation of the production procedures aspect :

• More efforts were needed in the presentation of theproduction procedures.

• These should comprise a tidily written ingredient list and aclear description on the steps completed with photoillustrations, not just contents directly lifted from webreferences.


Let’s work hand in hand to make SBA a worthy learning experience for the students!


Thank you for your hard work!It is not easy,

but it’ll be worth it!

Thank you for your hard work! It is not easy,

but it’ll be worth it!

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