satellite geophysics. topography, lec_day_10_1

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Satellite geophysics. Topography, lec_day_10_1.ppt . Altitude of land areas Depth of lakes Altitude and depth of ice and sea areas. Changes of these altitudes/depths. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Satellite geophysics. Topography, lec_day_10_1.ppt

C.C.Tscherning, University of Copenhagen, 2013-12-15 1

• Altitude of land areas• Depth of lakes

• Altitude and depth of ice and sea areas.

• Changes of these altitudes/depths.

Satellite geophysics. Topography.

C.C.Tscherning, University of Copenhagen, 2013-12-15 2

Satellite geophysics. Topografi.

C.C.Tscherning, University of Copenhagen, 2013-12-15 3

• Satellittes: •

.aspx• Instruments•

ble.aspx• Data sources•


Satellite geophysics. Satelitter I, USA.

C.C.Tscherning, University of Copenhagen, 2013-12-15 4

• SRTM, - Space Shuttle• TPX – Radar altimetry and SAR• ICESAT – Laser altimetry• ASTER• Landsat 5 og 7• NMP EO-1

Satellite geophysics. Satelittes II, EU/CDN

C.C.Tscherning, University of Copenhagen, 2013-12-15 5

• ENVISAT, (ESA)• RADARSAT, (CDN)• CryoSat2 (ESA) • SPOT-4,5, (CNES)• RapidEye (DLR)• TanDEM-X (DLR)• TerraSAR-X (DLR)

Satellite geophysics. Satelittes III, Rus mm.

C.C.Tscherning, University of Copenhagen, 2013-12-15 6

• Monitor-E Rus)• Resurs DK 1 (Rus)• THEOS (Tailand)

Satellite geophysics. Instruments, I.

C.C.Tscherning, University of Copenhagen, 2013-12-15 7

• Radar and Laser altimeters• Interferometrisk altimetri• MSS – Multispectral scanner (80 m res.)• TM , ETM+. Thematic mapper (30 m res.)• ALI, optical imager (10 m res.)• Hyperion, Hyperspectral imager (30 m res.)• LEISA AC – correction for atmosphere

Satellite geophysics. Instruments, II.

C.C.Tscherning, University of Copenhagen, 2013-12-15 8

• HRVIR (Visible, infrared), (10 m res., styrbar !)• X-band SAR (1.2 – 1.4 m res.)• PAN (GISTDA), High Res. Optical (2m res.)• PSA (Pancromatic Imag. System), (8 m res.)• GEOTON – optical (1 m res.)• ARINA – electromagnetic field variations

Satellite geophysics. Generelt.

C.C.Tscherning, University of Copenhagen, 2013-12-15 9

• Some instruments only look ”down”• Some instruments may be turned around one

axis• There is large differences in resolution and

coverage.• Most are sun-syncroneous• Repeat cycle varies a lot: From 1 day (with 5


Satellite geophysics. Dephts.

C.C.Tscherning, University of Copenhagen, 2013-12-15 10

• From sea-surface height minus sea-surface topography (approximately the geoid) gravity may be computed due to the validity of the Laplace equation.

• Then inverse problem is solved, and dephts are obtained using density of sea-water and a bottom with constant density..

Satellite geophysics. Land is-tykkelse.

C.C.Tscherning, University of Copenhagen, 2013-12-15 11

From airplane or truck:

Satellite geophysics. Ice thicknesses.

C.C.Tscherning, University of Copenhagen, 2013-12-15 12

Satellite geophysics. SRTM.

C.C.Tscherning, University of Copenhagen, 2013-12-15 13

The Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) obtained elevation data on a near-global scale to generate the most complete high-resolution digital topographic database of Earth. SRTM consisted of a specially modified radar system that flew onboard the Space Shuttle Endeavour during an 11-day mission in February of 2000.

Satellite geophysics. SRTM.

C.C.Tscherning, University of Copenhagen, 2013-12-15 14

Satellite geophysics. SRTM.

C.C.Tscherning, University of Copenhagen, 2013-12-15 15

Satellite geophysics. .SRTM - UCPH

C.C.Tscherning, University of Copenhagen, 2013-12-15 16

Satellite geophysics. ASTER

C.C.Tscherning, University of Copenhagen, 2013-12-15 17

Flying on ”TERRA”Covers up to 81 gr.

Satellite geophysics. ASTER.

C.C.Tscherning, University of Copenhagen, 2013-12-15 18

Maule Volcanic Field,


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